Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 649: Icelandic Horror (178)

The world seemed to have stopped when Archangel Uriel fell from the sky without any warning. Whether it was the Nordic gods who were trying their best to resist the invasion of the second angel, the frost giants on the ice field who were preparing to attack Maria Danlin and others, or the driving force. Foehn Feng chased after Archangel Wu Lier, but Yu Xiangyang was in disbelief.


Yu Xiangyang, who was chasing the closest, saw Archangel Uriel falling, and instinctively thought it was some kind of conspiracy. He swung his sword and slashed at his body without thinking, but when the blade struck the angel's head, it made a clanging sound, like a muffled sound. It hit the hardest stone.

Archangel Uriel's body was completely petrified. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

How can this be! Even Yu Xiangyang's pupils shrank suddenly. Of course he knew what was going on - when the spirit bodies of angels were killed, their bodies would become mineralized or metallized. According to legend, there was one in the hall of the West District Butcher Alliance. Twelve angel statues are rare in the Eastern District. But as the leader of the Laoshan regiment, Yu Xiangyang has seen them before.

But he didn't expect that Uriel, who could not be completely restrained by anyone, would turn into a stone sculpture in an instant, and someone would kill his spirit body in an instant!

who is it? !

After discovering that Uriel's body had become a stone sculpture, Yu Xiangyang did not try to catch him, but stepped aside and let the sleeves fall. He stared upwards at the sky. Just now, Angel Uriel stretched out his wings, and Yu Xiangyang was chasing after him. His sight was blocked by his robe, so he could not find the problem immediately.

Who killed Uriel's spirit body instantly? Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich? But Yu Xiangyang immediately rejected the idea, they couldn't do it.

"...Director B?"

When Uriel fell and his huge wings no longer blocked the sky and blocked Yu Xiangyang's vision, the figure of the demon high in the sky was reflected in his eyes.

Yu Xiangyang held his breath for a moment, and couldn't believe it for a moment. Why is Bingyi here?

Could it be that Bingyi instantly killed Archangel Uriel's spirit body?

But this is even more ridiculous than the fact that Xiu's spirit body was instantly killed by Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich. How is that possible!


This is completely against common sense. With Bingyi's own strength, he will never be able to do this now!

For a moment, Yu Xiangyang seriously doubted whether the demon flying higher was pretending to be him, and whether he had fallen into Uriel's hallucination.

The experienced Yu Xiangyang couldn't help but speak out, but the demon didn't lower his head to look at him, or even give him a look.

Yu Xiangyang couldn't see the devil's expression clearly because he was looking at the sky.

As Uriel died, the pious and ethereal singing and holy light gradually faded away, and the second angel did not appear. Perhaps it was because Uriel's spirit body was instantly killed that they were afraid.

The rolling thick clouds gradually returned to their normal color, and even the scarlet crack in the sky began to become narrower and narrower.

The devil was staring at the scarlet sky. Bloody light fell on his face like a veil. In his hair and on the wings of the devil, Yu Xiangyang glanced hastily and seemed to see the condensed light on the tip of the Nordic hunting knife in his hand. There was a hint of scarlet, as if stained with blood.

But Yu Xiangyang focused more on the devil's dark tour guide cloak. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

The cloak was blown by the strong wind, and the dark inside was exposed as it flew around. The scarlet blood seemed to be pulled down, and a patch of scarlet covered the dark cloak. At first glance, it looked like dry black and red blood, which was eerie and terrifying. , for a moment it looked like a scarlet cloak in extremely dim light!

This set off a storm in Yu Xiangyang's heart, and bad conjectures emerged in his mind. The fierce burning wind lingered around Han Mei, dyeing his hair crimson, but there was an ominous scarlet on the edge. He could only If you come into contact with even a little bit of scarlet blood light, your body will become distorted and polluted!

This is the body of a peak traveler, and it is invincible. There is only one kind of pollution that can do this. Infinitely good articles, all in @

Abyss pollution.


In an instant, the bone knife stretched out like a flame, and strange deep red lines appeared on Yu Xiangyang's face. His two eyes burned like flames. He suddenly entered the most intense fighting state. Han Mei took action with all his strength and could instantly kill the enemy. Burn into mummy!

But Yu Xiangyang did not take action in the end, because the scarlet sky crack deep in the clouds completely disappeared in just a few seconds, and the scarlet blood light that appeared and appeared on the devil's dark cloak also disappeared at the same time. .

"It failed...what a pity."

Bingyi sighed, with undisguised regret on his face. He held the still sleeping Phantom Cat in his left hand. Just now, while the scarlet crack was still there, Bingyi once again tried his best to dominate it, but failed.

In fact, the voice that originated from the scarlet sky crack and sounded in his mind was very similar to the brother in Bingyi's memory. Although it may be an illusion or imitation, Bingyi, as Loki in charge of deception, intuitively believed that this was not Scam, especially Bingyi discovered that there was a faint connection between the scarlet blood light falling from the sky and the phantom cat.

For a moment, Bingyi regretted his swing of the knife, because after the sword was swung, the sound never sounded again, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to him after achieving his goal. No matter how Bingyi called in his heart, he even deliberately phantomed the cat. At the same time, This crack in the sky is still disappearing rapidly.

Therefore, when Bing Yicai tried to use the phantom cat to connect with the scarlet power, he tried to dominate it again.

The feeling this time was indeed different from the feeling in the black abyss. Bingyi really felt that some kind of power was attracted by the power of domination, which was very similar to the pollution of the abyss. When the scarlet color fell on his cloak, Bingyi almost thought he had succeeded, but unfortunately before he had time to be happy, this little progress was like a mirror in the water, shattered as the sky cracked completely disappeared.


Bingyi sighed again, his eyes slightly closed, his heart filled with mixed feelings, and he didn't know what to say.

His brother Bingling is probably really dead.

C - I regret thinking about it.

Before, he was lucky enough to think that the existence of phantom cats might be similar to that of Wei Tao. They were some kind of puppets, and their real owners were still alive and controlling the puppets from afar.

But Bingyi also knows that there is an essential difference between the phantom cat and Wei Tao. The first one is his mental illusion, which cannot even appear when Bingyi's SAN value is normal. It is more like his spirit resonates with some kind of power when he is on the verge of madness, and appears. of illusion.

One person is a puppet that can actually exist.

This is actually very abnormal, and when I heard the voice of my brother in this crimson sky crack that resembled the power of the abyss, I really felt the power connected to the phantom cat, and I was convinced that this crimson sky crack was full of pollution, and there was no trace of it. When there was not even the slightest chance of survival, Bingyi sighed in his heart, no longer taking any chances.

My brother should be dead, but he was too strong during his lifetime and died in a special way, so he turned into some kind of special existence.

Bingyi has read countless novels and has a lot of ideas. He guessed that the situation closest to his brother's would be similar to the kind of literature that cultivates immortality to the extreme, takes the initiative or is calculated, and finally leaves the body and becomes a ruthless heaven.

Then the ruthless Tiandao gradually regained his former consciousness and began to work tirelessly to regain his own joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

His brother may have turned into an energy, such as an energy existence similar to the abyss, so he has been missing for many years. The phantom cat is connected to the spirit and can enter special 'spiritual scenes' in old dreams, and can be seen in the scarlet sky. Talk to him in his head when the crack appears.

All this shows that his brother is not like a normal living person. The main reason is that Bingyi already has An Xuefeng as a normal super strong person in his mind, so he is more keenly aware that his brother's situation seems not normal.

Even if he is still alive, he may be in a mental state that is difficult for Bingyi to understand. This is far more difficult than Bingyi imagined.

The few short sentences of dialogue just now were turned over and over by C-, chewed up and analyzed, and he could only grasp a few clues.

My brother attaches great importance to old dreams.

If he had succeeded in dominating just now, he might have been able to find out more secrets. But now I'm afraid I have to find out what happened in my old dream.


The muffled thunder exploded, breaking Bingyi out of his thoughts. He subconsciously looked around and saw several rays of divine light shattering and shattering!

The fall of the statue of Uriel allowed all gods and humans to see the devil high in the sky, shrouded in scarlet blood.

No one could believe that it was Bingyi who killed the angel spirit body in an instant, but there was no one else but him! The contradictory perceptions made everyone feel extremely unfamiliar with the devil, and for a while no one dared to act rashly.

Until the fallen statue of Uriel hung in mid-air a hundred meters away from Bing for a long time, until the scarlet sky crack disappeared and the devil still didn't make any move, the god began to make a move.

Several divine lights intertwined quietly, and a Nordic god secretly tried to take over this precious angel stone sculpture. However, in an instant, these divine lights were completely shattered the moment they touched the angel statue of Uriel!

[The statue transformed from the body of an angel can only be owned by the person who kills his spirit body]

Odin's deep voice sounded, and the King of Gods' one eye was as cold as frost as he watched Uriel's body fall.

A certain Nordic god whose divine light was smashed couldn't help but gasp in pain. Even if the angel's body is petrified, it contains the rules of authority, which is extremely terrifying, especially when the hostility to the Nordic gods still remains. Those divine lights were completely carved by stone carvings. Destroyed, even God couldn't bear the pain.

Whispers were faintly heard, and countless eyes fell on Odin, seeming to wonder why the King of Gods did not take action.

This is a statue of an angel, the best proof of defeating the invasion of the alien gods! There are still doubts about whether Bingyi killed the angel spirit body and how he did it. The Nordic gods believed that they had at least played a role in resisting the invasion of the outer gods, and this statue should also have their share.

You must know that there are still six angels who have not appeared. Obtaining the statue will definitely help you sense them in advance. The Nordic gods were anxious. This statue was extremely important to them. Odin should have thought of this, but why didn't he take action?

[Others cannot plunder, this is the rule]

Of course Odin wants to take away this precious angel body, but he knows more secrets!

When he saw a broken piece of light flying toward Bingyi from below, Odin's face became even more gloomy.

It was the broken spirit body of an angel, and the pulsating light within it was the authority that the angel once had.

It went to Bingyi, completely proving that Bingyi was the one who killed him!

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