Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 651 The Horror of Iceland (179)

【Why do this? ? you--】

The divine light spear was blocked by Yu Xiangyang. Odin was angry and confused. Isn't this person Loki's partner? Doesn't he know the danger of the angel's broken spirit body? But before there was any time to say anything, the last trace of divine power that came to the world was exhausted, and Odin's figure disappeared from the sky.

Yu Xiangyang's eyes were firmly fixed on Bingyi at this moment. Of course he knew the danger of the angel's broken spirit body. He had even experienced it personally. But Yu Xiangyang strangely did not notice any crazy 'pious' emotions from this group of spirits, and Bingyi did not dodge or ask him to take action... In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiangyang chose to listen to his intuition and stopped Odin. The spear of light was also the last blow of the Nordic gods on this battlefield.

"Angels won't come again anytime soon. "

I felt that the eyes of the Nordic gods, the Frost Giants, and the travelers in the West were all directly or implicitly falling on Bingyi, and the demon Bingyi closed his eyes slightly, and fell into the trap after accepting the broken spirit body of Uriel. It is similar to a state of deep sleep. If it continues, there will probably be chaos if someone is instigating it. Yu Xiangyang said directly:

"Then let's talk about remuneration now." @Infinitely good articles, all in @

As soon as he said these words, the silence was immediately broken. On the high-altitude chariot, Thor's cheek muscles twitched.

In order to kill Uriel before the arrival of the second angel, the Nordic gods and the Frost Giants promised various benefits to these strong human beings, and then they reached a cooperative relationship.

I thought that this would be an opportunity to win over them, and at the same time, I could get the final spoils without any effort. Who would have thought that Uriel was actually killed by Bingyi in the end. Both the angel body and the spirit body belonged to him. The gods and giants were simply trying to get nothing!

From the confrontation with the Frost Giants to the siege of the Apocalypse Knights, to the resistance to the doomsday disaster and the Holy Light and Divine Fire, the Nordic gods who came here with their divine power have exhausted their power, and the same is true for the Frost Giants, even if they are facing the Angel Uriel again The angel body and his broken spirit body had thoughts, but they were suppressed by force. The self-comfort was at least in the hands of Loki. No matter how you say it, Loki is one of their own Nordic people.

I felt a lot better after comforting myself like this, but the trouble was still to come. Even the proud gods and the arrogant Frost Giants had to admit that these travelers were in trouble during the battle against the Knights of the Apocalypse and the Archangel Uriel. The decisive role, especially when dealing with Uriel, was that in order for these strong men to fight with all their strength, the Nordic gods and frost giants promised too many benefits.

If humans don't say anything, then the gods and giants who are thick-skinned enough may still pretend that this is not the case, or only pay limited rewards, but now they have to pinch their noses to fulfill their previous promises. After all, these humans have fully proven their strength in the battle with angels. If nothing goes wrong, six more angels will come one after another. Now that the Frost Giants have not yet fully recovered and the main force of the Nordic gods are contained at the Snaefell volcano, they will most likely need their help in the next battle against the Angels.

[Young man, don’t worry]

Thor finally spoke, and his usually serious tone became as kind as possible: [The Nordic gods will definitely keep their promises, but... @Infinitely good articles, all in @

"I know what you are worried about, but don't worry. Although he was the king of the gods, everyone can understand that Odin is very busy."

Tang Xiang smiled and took over the conversation: "If you ask me, today is Thursday, and it is also your day, Thor, the God of Thunder. It is understandable that you come to negotiate with us about remuneration."

"We are busy at the volcano, so we won't bother the King of Gods for now."

Thor's 'just' words were all pushed back without even a single word coming out, and he couldn't help but secretly take a deep breath. Yes, he wanted to delay. It’s not that they don’t want to win over these strong human beings and plan to default on their debts. The God of Thunder is not stupid. Just now, Odin agreed to the conditions in the name of the King of Gods. He was given the title, but now he is asked to pay for it as the God of Thunder. How could he do such a thing?

With Thor's character, he probably wouldn't have cared so much before, but since Odin took the initiative to destroy the stone slab, causing the Frost Giant sacrifice to attract the Knights of the Apocalypse before it was resolved, Thor had a lot of objections to Odin. Thinking again, it was obvious that asking Loki and others to take action was beneficial to all the Nordic gods, but in the end, it was he God of Thunder who brought out goats, golden apples, and used chariots to protect travelers, all of which were paid for by him!

An honest person can't be bullied like this, and besides, Thor is not an honest person either. He just didn't care before, but now that he cares about it, his mood suddenly becomes more gloomy. He even suspected that the incarnation of Odin's divine power shot out this spear of light, causing the divine power to be exhausted and disappeared, just to avoid 'payment'!

This is actually an injustice to Odin. As the king of the Nordic gods, Odin has vast wealth and is not stingy in this regard. However, with all kinds of 'coincidences' connected together, it is inevitable for Thor to be angry. Especially when he discovered that not even the incarnation of divine power had arrived, but that the phantom Nordic gods disappeared one by one. He said that the Snaefell volcano was abnormal and urgently needed to return to defense, and left all this troublesome matter to him, Queen Thor, Thor's tone remained calm, but the lightning flashing in his eyes became colder and harsher.

"Speaking of which, Thunder God is more famous than any other god in our area."

Crimson Demon Lisa smiled and said, talking about movies and TV series related to Thor, with a familiar tone in her tone, which successfully made Thor's face look much more relaxed, as if he had made some decision in his heart.

If Odin only wants fame and wants him, the god of thunder, to work hard to save money and help, then that’s too much. In the past, the name of Thor among the Nordic gods was on par with Odin, or even surpassed Odin. There are still statues of Thor enshrined in many churches. Odin is known as the King of the Gods, and he, the God of Thunder, is also the strongest god of the Asir clan. He lived in the largest palace in Asgard and was a benefactor to peasants, poor people and slaves.

Even if we don’t talk about other things, just talk about Ragnarok, the old enemies of Odin and Thor are the sons of Loki. Thor finally died together with the mortal python Jörmungandr, but Odin was killed by the demon wolf Fenrir. His son killed the demon wolf again to avenge his father. Judging from this, he, the God of Thunder, really has nothing to fear.

Thinking of this, Thor's expression became calmer. He has worked hard and made great achievements, and no one can take away the reputation that belongs to him. Soon Thor used thunder and justice to talk to the passengers about the rewards on behalf of the Nordic gods. When it came to the rewards for participating in the war, Heydrich also moved his eyes away from Bingyi. Anyway, people can't run away here, and they are negotiating now. More important.

Negotiation is an art form, unlike the fixed reward for completing hotel tasks. There is a lot of room for movement, and it all depends on their words and the decisions of the indigenous people.

This is God's reward, and all the top travelers will be moved by it. What's more, they are the leaders of a large tour group, and they have so many people to support, so they have to be far more diligent and thrifty than those tour guides who can live and drink by paying tribute. Especially since there are still six angels to fight in the future, if we talk about more rewards here, we can follow this plan and there will be fewer disputes, and it is best to pay off the rewards in advance.

After all, no one knows when other angels will come. If they are all saved until Ragnarok, then I am afraid there will be no time to ask for rewards from the gods and giants - whether these Nordic aborigines will be dead or alive by then Can't tell clearly.

So the five leaders, Yu Xiangyang, Tang Xiang, Lisa, Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich, all threw themselves into the negotiations, not only with Thor, but also with the Frost Giant Ufa. Like the disappeared Nordic gods, the resurrected frost giants all used the excuse that their bodies were burned by the flames of the outer gods and needed to sneak into the glacier to heal their injuries. They all entered the big ice crack and left the negotiation of compensation to them. After Rocky failed, Ufa, who stepped forward to command the giants to fight, did even more thoroughly.

Everyone knows that the Frost Giants are very poor anyway. Since Ufa took the lead in asking travelers to help, it is reasonable for him to pay the reward. After all, the giants all knew why he was dancing so much. He just wanted to be the leader. The ancestral giant Ymir's minced meat was scattered across the ice field, and he became the temporary leader of the Frost Giants, instructing them to plunder and devour the minced meat before Ymir awakened. This was definitely a temptation that every Frost Giant could not resist.

Rocky took action like this, and Ufa naturally did the same. Since you want benefits, you must also pay something. There is no free pie in the world. So Ufa gritted his teeth, joined the negotiation without any prevarication. The Frost Giant is thicker-skinned, Thor also cares about his image, and Ufa can save everything when it comes to remuneration. But the top passengers were unambiguous and took this opportunity to compete with each other, which made the God of Thunder speechless.

And their down-to-earth performance made the audience in the live broadcast room feel like they were dreaming. It turns out that the top leader and the Nordic God would also talk about remuneration so straightforwardly? The increasingly louder voices and demands made Lei Shen and Ufa look pale. The huge remuneration was unacceptable. It made people hallucinate that some small traders went to the wholesale market to purchase goods and had to bargain. Originally, the top bosses were mysterious in their hearts. The powerful image of Che was suddenly shattered to pieces.

[It feels weird for a top boss to care about these things...]

[Speechless, I can’t watch anymore]

I couldn't help but comment on the barrage, especially the audiences in the east and west districts were watching it. From time to time, the barrage would provoke laughter and ridicule. Even watching this intense scene of bargaining with my own audience felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

[Image, big bosses, pay attention to your image, wow, people in the West District are still looking at it]

[It’s almost good, they are all big guys, and they don’t lack anything... they can’t do it so well]

[The God of Thunder seems to be blue in the face. Is this allowed to be said? 】

However, many people can't stand these barrages and retort, "You want an image?" Killing the Knight of the Apocalypse and beating the Archangel Uriel is the image! 】

[They are not politicians or businessmen, they are all struggling to survive in hotels! Strength is image! How to become stronger without resources? If you don’t survive, who will tell you about your image?]

[Is there something wrong with some people? The big guys are working hard to obtain resources and benefits for themselves, but you are forced to do nothing? ? 】

【Absolutely? I don't think this is awesome enough. It’s a good thing that the big guys didn’t clear out all the good stuff from the Norse gods and frost giants! 】

[Come on, this is killing angels. What they are talking about is killing at least six angels in Northern Europe next! It’s definitely not too much to ask for such a small benefit! 】

There are people in the east and west districts talking to the big guys in their own districts. At the same time, there are also many tourists from these major brigade groups in the live broadcast room barrage, especially the tourists from Laoshan, who are used to washing up when they have nothing to do.

[Peak travelers are human beings too, don’t deify them]

[What’s the point? Isn’t it very down-to-earth? I feel like Yu Tuan looks closer]

[Yes, that’s right, what’s the fuss about? Wouldn’t it be nice to watch the Drought Demon, the giant turtle, the devil, two ghosts, gods and giants bargaining! 】【Laughing to death, it is a bit outrageous to say that Yin Tuan and Heydrich are two ghosts! 】

[I mean, it’s just bargaining. I’m really speechless. I thought the top boss made some principled mistake. As for that] [You are noble and don’t care about resources. Then I suggest you donate all your prop points, dear. 】

Yu Tuan has been a top traveler for so many years, but rarely broadcasts his journey live. The less frequently he appears in front of the public, the more mysterious he becomes. It is easy for people to make various speculations and has strict requirements on the moral qualities of big travelers.

This is indeed a bit of a double standard. If the tour guides are slightly better, they will be praised by countless enthusiastic fans, but if the big tourists are not good enough, some people will say that we tourists are going to die. After all, in a hotel, you are walking around in danger of life and death all day long. Everyone is under great pressure, and negative emotions must be vented. The harder the tour guide oppresses the tourists, the more mentally distorted the tourists become. They dare not mention anything wrong with the tour guide, but instead vent all their malice on the tourists.

This kind of person is pathetic but also disgusting. Although most of the people above are too lazy to pay attention to it, it is annoying to watch the noisy live broadcast room and forum. Most of the major tour groups have rhythmic travelers who are responsible for keeping this situation from getting out of control.

However, although many big travelers have been talked about, there are some people that no one dares to say anything about. For example, An Xuefeng, the first Return Captain in ten thousand years, has unrivaled strength, hunts down butcher guides, terrifying power, and the legendary cruel punishments within the Return Line. All these factors make people instinctively dare not provoke him.

Even though everyone now knows that An Xuefeng is suspected of eating out of the bowl and occupying the pot, and engaging in improper relations within Huilu, not many people dare to say anything about him in public.

Just thinking of An Xuefeng, the audience's eyes couldn't help but fall on Wei Hai and Bingyi. Director Bing was still sleeping, and Wei Tao stood quietly on the broken ice field and looked up at the sky. There was a trace of blood on his forehead, and his face was a little pale. The audience can see Wei Tao holding the Ice Crown and the Croissant Cup in his arms, which were the rewards given to Bing Yi by the Frost Giant Rocky when he suppressed the Knights of the Apocalypse. Later, he had no place to collect them and had to abandon them, but now they are all taken away by Wei Tao. The sea picked it up.

Not only that, he also had a few feathers in his hand, which should have been dropped by Uriel; three heads of the Apocalypse Knights, I don’t know when he picked them up in his arms, and in addition there was a frost core, Suspected to be the heart of the frost giant Rocky... The many things Wei Tao held in his arms were as big as a mountain, and Maria couldn't help but look at him.

[It’s incredible, Wei Tao got the best thing in the whole show? ? 】

[Damn, he really deserves to be Wei Hai, he actually dared to hold the heads of three Apocalypse Knights in his arms in front of Maria, he is really not afraid of death]

[He was not afraid of death to begin with. Haven’t you seen Weitao’s journey to northern Tibet? An old classic, this is Wei Hai! 】

[It must have been given to Director C. He was afraid that Director C would be unconscious for too long and all the good things would be picked up by others, so he drew the line first.]

[Speaking of which, one hour is almost here. Director C will be dizzy after recovering from reset, right? I probably don’t have the heart to deal with this, but Wei Hai is really interested]

[The connection is so good...I also want a traveler who will be devoted to me]

【? ? ? Is that the tour guide? I do not believe! Unless you let me see it! 】

[He is really, I cried to death, how much pressure he has to bear, Maria has been looking at him, oh, I am so worried, come down quickly and protect our guard! 】

However, contrary to what the viewers in the live broadcast room were worried about, until Yu Xiangyang and others returned from negotiations and returned home with a lot of achievements, Maria only occasionally looked at Wei Xun and did not take action against him!

Involving the invasion of the outer gods and the next six angels who brought about the apocalyptic disaster, this time Thor and the Frost Giant Ufa were bleeding profusely. Thor acknowledged that all humans present, strong travelers and weak travelers alike, were brave heroes. Although there are no more Valkyrie badges, and in order to purify the heroes who were contaminated by the blood of the lamb, the Hall of Valor is temporarily closed and cannot take them to the Hall of Valor, but they will receive the treatment that heroes deserve.

Each passenger received a large amount of Dou Shen goat's milk and a large plate of roasted wild boar meat. This was a treatment only given to the warriors who were selected into the Hall of Valor. God's goat's milk can nourish the human soul, and roasted wild boar can make warriors more powerful. In addition, Thor also promised that no matter who wanted to erase the mark of the blood of the lamb on his forehead, he would help.

[The heads of the knights of famine, death and war will also belong to you]

Thunder God said, the Nordic gods have always been eager for the bodies of invaders from the outer gods. It’s okay if they can’t get Archangel Uriel’s body. Thor, God of Thunder, doesn’t even have to fight for the head of the Knight of the Apocalypse. But surprise is surprise, and what should be explained clearly needs to be explained clearly.

"That's two heads, unless you count the Plague Knight."

Heydrich smiled and spoke in a long, aristocratic tone that Thor didn't like: "After all, the death knight's head was originally the trophy of our team leader."

[I need the head of a knight of the apocalypse]

Thor, God of Thunder, did not shirk, and said calmly, "I won't give you the head of the Plague Knight, but we can talk about the rest."

He said 'I', not the Asa Protoss, and everyone knew the meaning. If Thor brings back two heads or more, then Odin can get some heads from him in a high-sounding way, whether it is for monitoring the outer gods or cursing the invaders. But the Plague Knight is different. The sleeve is a powerful enemy of the outer gods killed by the God of Thunder himself, and his head is his trophy. With just this head back, even Odin has no reason to take action.

When the Norse gods showed weakness and had to need human help, the heads of powerful enemies from the outer gods killed by the God of Thunder were like a shot in the arm, allowing him to gain countless prestige and support. At least they can have more say in dealing with the outer gods.

Like today, when the stone suddenly broke and the Plague Knight came, Thor didn't want it to happen again.

[You have three heads, this head is not important to you. In fact it might be better without it]

Thor, God of Thunder, said meaningfully, looking at Bingyi and then at Danlin underground. What he said confused the audience in the live broadcast room. The gathering of four Apocalypse Knights would be complete, right? How could it be better without a head?

"Plague Knights are different from other Apocalypse Knights."

The astrologer explained that he read the exact words of the Book of Revelation:

"'When I saw the Lamb opening the first of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures with a voice like thunder saying, Come. And I looked, and behold, there was a white horse, and the one who sat on it was Nairobi. A bow is given to him, and a crown is given to him. He goes out to conquer and conquer again.”

"'And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, Come. And another horse came out, a red one. And power was given to the horseman to take peace from the earth, Kill each other. And a great sword was given to him.'"

"'When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, Come. And I looked, and behold, a black horse. And the man who sat upon the horse had scales in his hand. And I heard among the four living creatures, it seemed There is a voice saying, One denarius buys one liter of wheat, one denarius buys three liters of barley, and do not waste the oil and the wine.'"

"'When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature say, Come. And I looked, and behold, a gray horse. His name that sat upon the horse was Death, and Hades followed him.'"

“‘And they were given authority to kill a quarter of the people on the face of the earth with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.’”

"The red horse, black horse and gray horse obviously correspond to war, famine and death, so the knight on the white horse is called the plague knight in various interpretations of the Book of Revelation, and he holds the authority of the plague."

The astrologer said calmly: "But from the original text of Revelation, it does not show that he has authority related to the plague. It only says that 'a crown was given to him, and he conquered after victory.'"

A crown was given to him, indicating that his victory was not innate, but was given to him by God and chose him as king. Therefore, Thor, the god of thunder, is determined to keep this head. What he values ​​​​is not the so-called plague power, but his connection with the outer gods. In the Book of Revelation, the war knights were also given broadswords, but the meanings of the swords and crowns were different.

"Although the Plague Knight is very important, his head is not necessary."

However, after clarifying the importance of the Plague Knight, the astrologer changed his words: "To become a Plague Knight, there are several elements. The first is to ride a white horse, the second is to hold a bow in the hand, the third is to be given a crown, and the fourth is to win. Win again."

When he said this, many people didn't understand. What does it mean to be a plague knight? But those with a big brain understand it.

[Hiss, is the astrologer boss hinting? Riding a white horse, winning after winning, wearing a crown, except holding a bow in hand, everything else seems to fit the bill! 】

[Dan Lin’s title will probably be advanced this time. The crown is ready. Can he give it to me? 】

[Isn’t it easy to want a bow? Just do one, fuck, I’m getting excited, what should I do?]

【What are you talking about? ? Why can’t I understand it? 】

The astrologer didn't say much more. He narrowed his eyes slightly and tapped the armrest of his wheelchair with his knuckles. Even if Bingyi obtained the three heads of the Apocalypse Knights, it would be impossible to completely use them for him. If you can't completely make them surrender, the more heads you have, the worse it will be, because such things usually resonate.

Coupled with the angel statue that has been following him, the matter becomes even more difficult. Unless he changes his identity and becomes one of the Knights of the Apocalypse. Among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the one most likely to be replaced by tour guides or tourists is the Plague Knight. Apart from not being able to use a bow and arrow, Bingyi is actually very suitable - no, the most suitable one should be the bathroom.

After all, Bingyi is Loki and is already a Nordic god. If he wants to become a Knight of the Apocalypse, he may not be able to succeed. Thor took away the Plague Knight's head and brought it to God's Domain, which was equivalent to completely banning him. Three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are missing, and this is Wei Hai's opportunity.

If Wei Tao really succeeds, it will be equivalent to another gap for the Nordic gods to penetrate into the enemy, and they can quietly drive a wedge between Bingyi and Wei Tao. If Wei Tao really becomes a Plague Knight, it is doubtful whether these three heads can still be completely controlled by Bing Yi. Under normal circumstances, Bingyi would be wary of Wei Hai.

However, when thinking about the real relationship between Wei Tao and Bingyi, astrologers only find it particularly interesting. He looked at Wei Hai in the live broadcast room with great interest. Thinking of him becoming a knight on a white horse, he felt happy for some reason.

But the barrage in the live broadcast room was still arguing, and the audience gradually understood. Wei Xunwei fans and Bing Yiwei fans were gradually talking with the smell of gunpowder, West District Danlin fans were stirring up the water, and CP fans were as quiet as chickens when feeding cakes. Dare not say much. It wasn't until a new situation appeared on the remuneration negotiation screen in the live broadcast room that everyone's attention was diverted.

[Wait a minute, the God of Thunder really gave me a bow! 】

[Didn’t I say that I didn’t have a bow before? Now the God of Thunder has really given me a bow! 】


[This is a newly made yew bow and arrow made by the winter god Ullal]

Thor threw an ancient longbow and a pot of arrows to Yu Xiangyang. The bow was a light purple with black marks on it, but the bow head had some young leaves like branches, which looked very lively and beautiful.

[With the Ragnarok approaching, Uller made a new bow and arrow. But he was still used to using the old bow and arrow, so this bow and arrow was put aside. But it was very good, and there were runes on it that Uller asked Odin to carve...]

Thor said a lot, but Yu Xiangyang rarely used Thor's words to further seek benefits. He frowned and stared at the black marks on the longbow. Those marks looked vaguely like patterns, and also like some characters. It was a vertical line with parallel diagonal lines connecting the upper right and lower left. At first glance, it looked like the letter S. @Infinite good articles, all in @

Odin's runes, yew wood...

This is the rune.

He was the first person to receive the wooden bow besides Thor. Is this the rune corresponding to him? Yu Xiangyang took a deep breath and clenched the bow.

The rune letter Aisworth corresponds to the English letter El. The original meaning is yew tree and bow.

But when this character appears, the reverse meaning it represents is: ‘Obvious warning! ’

‘Be careful! ’

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