Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 648: Icelandic Horror (177)

The situation reversed in an instant. The five peak travelers were so powerful that they could kill any angel when they joined forces, even if they were not from the same brigade, or even belonged to the east and west districts. When fighting side by side, they were more wary of each other than tacit understanding, even if the angels were in the dark. Li'er is still flying high in the sky, making it even more difficult for peak travelers like Tang Xiang who don't have wings to get hold of it.

But the angel Uriel, who is visible to the naked eye, has gradually fallen into defeat. The crimson demon Lisa fluttered her wings and flew high. With a crazy and bloodthirsty smile on her face, the bloody butcher knife opened and closed to slash at Uriel, with great power. The Flame Holy Sword trembled slightly and sparks flew out every time. The pungent smell of sulfur filled the air with the cold wind, and the holy light burned black holes one after another on Lisa's demon wings, but the crimson demon didn't care.

She pressed down on Uriel and slashed with great force. She wanted to chop him from the sky to the ground! Of course, Uriel was aware of this and wanted to fly high. However, the Nordic gods were unable to confront Uriel head-on. They released their remaining divine power and turned it into thick clouds, oppressing Uriel and unable to fly high. But it can be done.

In just ten seconds, they hit from the extremely high sky to a distance of nearly 100 meters from the ground. 100 meters is still very high, but the Frost Giant can reach out and touch it. At one time, dozens of gray-blue thick arms that were as frozen as ice quickly grabbed the sky, as if they were trying to catch a golden-winged bird flying in the sky. Uriel was fighting fiercely with Lisa and couldn't dodge. Seeing those thick five fingers trying to catch him, a bright golden light suddenly lit up from behind his wings, emitting boundless heat!


The Frost Giants roared in pain, and wherever the golden light ball hit, the Frost Giants' fingers and arms began to melt rapidly! It turns out that the shining golden light is the sun disk behind Uriel's wings. He is the sun monarch, and frost and snow can't compare to the scorching sunlight.

Seeing that the Frost Giants' arms were melting and unable to stop them, even the crimson demon Lisa was forced back a little by the hot sunlight. Uriel flapped his golden wings and held the flaming holy sword, and turned his attack to kill Lisa fiercely. Keep going back to high altitude. The frost giants are no longer able to stop them. This dense cloud formed by the power of the Nordic gods cannot come down. Without external interference, it is a great opportunity for Uriel to fight back!

The golden sun disk emits more light and heat, and God's flame burns blazingly on the flame holy sword. With each chop of Uriel, terrifying fire marks are drawn in the air, and the horror is beneath the fire marks. The high temperature melted the surface of the ice sheet, melting it into rift valleys. The melted ice turned into rapid water flow, the sound was like thunder, and even Lisa's devil wings had a burning smell.

Uriel is not a pure and kind angel as people imagine. Uriel is extremely good at fighting. He once destroyed the army of Assyrian King Sennacherib. He is considered a heavenly master who "watches over thunder and terror". He is depicted in the "Revelation of Peter" He was even described as being forced to be a devil and even more ruthless. When Uriel truly fights without mercy, it can be seen that he was even merciful to Lisa just now. After all, Lisa is a demon, not a Nordic god or a giant. Angels and demons are both intruders during the invasion, not to mention The Crimson Demon is not like other demons.

But now Uriel no longer held back, Lisa's crimson armor was scorched black by the sunlight and the flaming holy sword. In just a few dozen moves, she began to decline, and even the devil's horn was cut off in half. But Lisa didn't back down at all. Regardless of her injuries, she slashed at Uriel even more crazily with a bloody butcher knife, entangling him alive.

At this moment, two black shadows leapt up one after another along the frost giant's gradually melting arms, seizing the opportunity created by Lisa and crossing the blazing fire to kill Uriel. For a moment, Uriel felt something and the sword turned around like a poisonous snake and stabbed fiercely. If he was really stabbed by the flaming holy sword, he would probably be burned to ashes on the spot.


However, the Holy Flame Sword was blocked by a jet-black bone knife. It was Yu Xiangyang and Tang Xiang who jumped up from the arm of the Frost Giant. It turned into a phantom and broke Uriel's wings!

This was the most serious injury Uriel had suffered since his appearance. His body tilted and fell more than ten meters from the air before he stopped. A large pile of golden feathers flew away, like golden rain all over the sky, and was wrapped in a storm like a golden rain. A tornado, but the swirling feathers are as sharp as razors, and any creature caught in it will be minced into a pulp.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Tang Xiang turned into a turtle and retracted into his shell and fell. He was unable to fly and it was difficult to dodge in the air, but Yu Xiangyang was different. A red wind lingered around him. The Drought Demon could ascend to the sky and enter the earth with extraordinary flexibility. He opened his fingers slightly and the foehn wind swept away. There was no flame but the temperature was much higher than the flame, and it could actually burn the feathers of angels.

Uriel fell tens of meters into the air, and a pair of wings had been bent, but he had several pairs of wings that would not fall to the ground. Yu Xiangyang and Lisa joined forces to fight with Uriel in a tacit understanding. From time to time, there were attacks from Tang Xiang meteor hammers, which put Uriel at a disadvantage again. Another pair of wings was broken, and he fell to more than ten meters in the air. Even Miao Fangfei and others could clearly see his figure on the ground.

However, even with all the advantages, Yu Xiangyang's expression remained solemn. Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich did not send any signal, indicating that they had not yet been able to find Uriel's spirit body.

Creatures like angels are extremely difficult to deal with, and it is especially difficult to actually kill them. The arrival of the Knights of the Apocalypse is an arrival, and they can chop off their heads and imprison them with seals, but that is not the case with angels. They are strange spiritual creatures. Even if they kill angels, as long as their spiritual bodies are not found, their bodies will only turn into a mist and dissipate, leaving nothing behind.

Although Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich both have deep research on souls and ghosts, the spirit body is different from the soul and is not within the scope of their expertise. Coupled with the fact that Maria, Danlin and George are disrupting the situation, it is really difficult to find Uriel's spirit body. Once Uriel is let go this time, I'm afraid it won't just be an angel blowing the trumpet next time, which will make things difficult.

At the same time, Yin Qiaoqiao, who had just left her body on the ice field, also frowned. She had not found Uriel's spirit body yet. The spirit body of an angel is the brightest and most holy, and is fundamentally different from a ghost. Even the soul-calling bell cannot determine its location. As for the people who are best at finding angel spirits, one is people with titles related to the Holy See and the Bible, and the other is the most evil big devil.

"Dan Lin gave me a hint."

Yin Qiaoqiao couldn't help but think of what Heydrich's soul had just said to her. Dan Lin had the spirit of a gambler and didn't want to stick to the classics. He had previously restrained the Knights of the Apocalypse, but now he was exposing the location of Uriel's spirit body, which was also a normal operation. Heydrich couldn't handle it alone, so it was understandable that he told her the news.

However, Yin Qiaoqiao has always been very cautious and unwilling to be gullible. Dealing with angelic spirits will cause devastating damage to her soul if she is not careful. Once Heydrich and Dan Lin team up to set a trap for her, once successful, there will be one less peak passenger from the East Area in the preliminaries. Not defensive. Under the premise that Master Bai Lian is "dead", Yin Qiaoqiao must take risks carefully.

In the final analysis, I still don't believe the people from the West District. Thinking of this Yin Qiaoqiao, I couldn't help but sigh, and my eyes scanned the surroundings subconsciously looking for Bingyi's figure. Bingyi, who has returned to zero, can definitely be called a great devil, and he might react to the spirit body. But as soon as the fierce battle began, Bingyi disappeared, and even Wei Xun was put down by him, which was really worrying.

I don’t know where Bingyi went.

But the next second, Yin Qiaoqiao felt horrified and couldn't think about it anymore. The situation on the field suddenly changed. Uriel, who had been fighting with Yu Xiangyang and Lisa, had his last pair of wings cut off and fell from the air. He fell extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he was far away from Yu Xiangyang and Lisa. Then an unbelievable scene happened. A ray of light fell, and the wings behind Uriel were reborn quickly. His wings With one shot, it returned to the sky like an arrow from the string!

"No! The second angel is coming out!"

Amidst the exclamations, the expressions of the Nordic gods and peak travelers suddenly changed. Heydrich once again conveyed a strong consciousness in his soul. If Yin Qiaoqiao did not decide, he would take action alone. At this point, Yin Qiaoqiao gritted her teeth and hesitated no longer. She returned her soul and sacrificed a simple bronze mirror. The bronze mirror seemed to have not been polished for a long time and was dull. However, when it shined at Archangel Uriel, Uriel's bones and blood were clearly reflected in the mirror.

"Youyang Zazu" records that "there is a square mirror in the grottoes on the ancient bank of Yanxi. It is more than ten feet in diameter and can illuminate five treasures. It was named Bone Zhaobao during the Qin Dynasty." The mirror in Yin Qiaoqiao's hand is the bone mirror of King Qin. It can not only reflect the bones and blood, but also reflect the energy direction of the meridians in the living body, that is, the flow of power. If you can see the flow of Uriel's power clearly, you can almost determine the approximate location of the spirit body.

Activating the bone mirror made Yin Qiaoqiao turn pale. When he determined that the flow of Uriel's power in King Qin's bone mirror was similar to the location of the spirit body informed by Dan Lin, Yin Qiaoqiao no longer hesitated and was about to take action decisively. At this moment, Uriel has already flown to an altitude of a thousand meters. If he doesn't take action, it will be too late! However, at the moment when the show was closed, Yin Qiaoqiao was startled by the sudden change in the Qin King's bone mirror, and almost left her body.

I saw that King Qin's bone mirror, which originally only reflected Uriel's figure, actually reflected another figure. This figure was very close to Uriel, but Uriel seemed not to notice it, scarlet and deep black. The flow of energy flowed not far above his head, just like the abyss demon spread its wings and enveloped the angel.

Who is this person? !

At this moment, no one except the audience in the live broadcast room could have imagined that Bingyi was actually above a thousand meters in the sky. The demon's eyes looked towards the sky. The scarlet crack in the sky that appeared at the same time as the crack in the original abyss did not disappear, but became darker and darker. Bingyi also flew high into the sky when Lisa took off, but he did not kill Uriel. He felt a subtle pulling sensation from the scarlet crack in the sky.

This feeling is very familiar, similar to a phantom cat but not a phantom cat. When Bingyi was promoted to dominate the power, he tried to dominate the phantom cat, but failed. Perhaps the consciousness of the comatose phantom cat has always been in the old dream. But now the aura of the phantom cat vaguely appeared in the very high sky.

This scarlet color reminds Bingyi of the scarlet power that rises high into the sky hidden in the deep black energy fed back by butterflies. It is close to the abyss, but not quite the same. This makes Bingyi's heart move inexplicably, and an unspeakable guess arises. He even left Uriel behind and Wei Xun for the time being, fluttering his wings and flying high into the sky alone, looking for an answer.

When Yu Xiangyang and Yin Qiaoqiao were fighting with Wu Lier, Bingyi had already flown up to a thousand meters in the air. Scarlet energy was falling like clouds. He did not hide or avoid it, allowing himself to be enveloped by the scarlet energy. The next moment, a A familiar yet unfamiliar deep voice sounded in his mind.

"Kill the angel, don't let the second angel appear."

This voice made Bingyi tremble, as if an electric current was running through his spine. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. He just felt a stream of information coming to his mind. For example, the specific location of Uriel's spirit body.


But Bingyi didn’t respond immediately, so why not let the second angel come? Why end the battle so quickly? Will the arrival of angels affect the scarlet sky? If Uriel is killed...will Tiankai still exist? Will this voice appear again? Thousands of questions surrounded his heart, but in the end he just asked why several times.


As if being annoyed by his question, the voice took a deep breath and said with a hint of sarcasm and a hint of impatience: "The old dream is about to be ruined, tell me why."

Old dream? Bingyi's face was blank. Are you talking about old dreams now? ! But the voice mentioned "old dreams", which made Bingyi's heart beat a little faster, and the devil's wings flapped unconsciously, with a rare sense of urgency and anxiety. He immediately wanted to ask more questions, but at this moment, damn Uriel rushed up!


It seemed that he had not expected that there would be a demon here, especially since he was not aware of it at all. Uriel was stunned for a rare moment. But Bing's face was as cold as frost when he was disturbed at this moment. The Nordic sword in his hand casually swung. The power of this sword was so powerful that Uriel could stop it with a feather.

But at the same time as he swung the sword, he saw a scarlet abyss force falling from the crack in the sky and melting into the blade. In an instant, a bloody sword light was swung out by Bingyi, and the holy light was hundreds of meters away. Hidden away, Uriel's golden body was shattered, with a blood hole penetrating his chest.

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