Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 647: Icelandic Horror (176)

The brilliant divine light dyed the wings of Archangel Uriel into gold. This is the light of God and is the exclusive honor of the four angels standing in front of the throne of God.

I saw Uriel loosening his hand, and the golden horn disappeared from his fingertips. The archangel held the book in his left hand and the flaming holy sword in his right hand. The sun disk and the astrolabe lingered between his wings, and the flame and holy light of God were there. His wings were burning, and the gold and red intertwined like majestic and bright sunlight. @Unlimited good articles, all in @


Bingyi's heart beat suddenly, and little bits of flame jumped back to his side, burning on his fingertips.

Just at that moment Bingyi felt a terrible suction force, and all his flames were almost taken away!

Not only was the flame visible, Bingyi felt that his head was unbearably sore, and the bones all over his body were experiencing uncontrollable soreness and numbness. Judging from Bingyi's understanding of his own body, he was afraid that a terrible pain had just hit his body. If it was A normal person would probably be killed to death in an instant.

Because this is not a pain that ordinary people can endure, as if someone wants to strip his flesh and blood alive and deprive him of his extraordinary power.

Bingyi opened his eyes forcibly and looked directly at the dazzling holy light. Uncontrollable magic patterns appeared vaguely on his cheeks. The devil has always had a violent temper. Now he is like a beast that has been invaded. He will surely face the provocation of the intruder. , stand up and defend your authority with fangs and claws!


【Damn! 】

At this moment - the sharp crow of the raven was heard, and Odin roared angrily. His mind felt hot and then cold. He felt like something was being stripped away, but his thoughts suddenly became much clearer.

Something was hot, and Bingyi's heart moved, and strange letter patterns appeared on the cloak.

This is the power of runes! Compared to before, it was extremely dimmer, but it seemed as if it was no longer suspended, but had truly fallen on Bingyi's body.

At this moment, Bingyi vaguely realized that the hands and feet that Odin had moved on him before, and the rune power poured into him by 'Odin's thinking', were stripped away from him.

~~Calm down, calm down~~

When his thoughts were clear, Bingyi felt Wei Tao in his arms holding his hand tightly, and the connected spirit calmed his increasingly frantic nerves. Wei Tao remained extremely calm at all times. This calmness gradually infected Bingyi, and his rationality returned. , the devil closed his eyes and shed two lines of bloody tears.

If he looked straight at it for a little longer, he would probably go blind, but two faint golden lights could be vaguely seen on his eyelids. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

The demon who has looked directly at the Holy Light and Divine Fire can keep his eyes. When the injury heals, his eyes will gradually transform until he is no longer afraid of the Holy Light and Divine Fire.

After closing his eyes tightly, Bingyi's perception became more acute. He could feel a cold and cold gaze, like something terrifying and powerful was staring at him. Once he lost control of his emotions and exposed his flaws, the consequences would be disastrous.

Why did Archangel Uriel target him and Xiao Cui when he appeared? After calming down, Bingyi thought quickly, yes, it was not only him who was disturbed, but also Xiaocui.

‘It hurts, it hurts——’

Xiao Cui screamed in his mind. Demonic insects are not sensitive to pain. Xiao Cui has never been so out of control in his memory. Xiao Cui can also feel this terrifying gaze. There is a destructive power that is hidden and unyielding. If not She was probably seriously injured in the Demonic Insect Ball and would become depressed.

‘Master, be careful, he is robbing me of my authority! ’

‘Take charge of the kingdom of Hades! ’

Xiaocui's reminder of the pain made Bingyi suddenly have an idea in his mind, seize power? That's right, Archangel Uriel is robbing them of their authority!

C—I understood something instantly.

‘Archangel Uriel is the Lord of the Sun, the ruler of hell, in charge of the flame of God, the ruler of wisdom, art and poetry, and the angel of salvation’

Seeing that he had already figured it out, An Xuefeng spoke to him quickly in his mind.

There are no two masters in the sky, and the authority holders between different myths will definitely be divided. As soon as Uriel arrives, he will defeat the gods and humans with equal authority on the Nordic continent and crush this land.

When Bingyi upgraded to the title of Dominator, he did not dominate the aging sun. He was also looking forward to changes in this solar energy. As Wei Tao said, eating more flame crystals from the Land of Fire would regenerate the Nordic sun.

But Bingyi dominates all flames, Xiaocui is in charge of the kingdom of the underworld, Odin is the god of wisdom, and Uriel is in charge of the flames of God, hell, and wisdom, so they are so oppressed.

This is an invisible confrontation of power, even more dangerous than a battle with real swords and guns. This is the method of aggression and confrontation among myths!

Bingyi and Xiaocui managed to survive. Not to mention victory, at least they didn't lose.

Even Bingyi can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. All the foreshadowing that Odin laid in his wisdom and authority was taken away by Uriel, and when he took away these wisdoms that belonged to Odin, he was equivalent to taking away a small part of Odin's authority. He suffered a lot of hidden losses.

However, it's good to be able to survive it. Once defeated in the confrontation of authority, at least the authority will be taken away, and at worst -


A soft sound came from behind the chaotic battlefield. Tang Xiang's face changed slightly. There were drops of flesh and blood on his hard turtle shell. Phillip's body exploded and turned into a pool of flesh and blood. In an instant, he lost his breath. A wisp of words Waves of light flew out of his flesh and blood, and the power of poetry that Philip had mastered was deprived of him by Uriel. He was the first person to die after the arrival of the archangel Uriel.

At the same time, the broken rune letters on C-cloak shone brightly, and he was keenly aware of the pulling power.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw clearly that at the moment of Philip's death, a palm-sized stone slab separated from his flesh and blood. A symbol was engraved in the middle of the stone slab, which shone with a mysterious light. The character in the middle of the stone slab was a vertical line. line, the two short diagonal lines connected to it are slanted upward, and in the upper part of the vertical line, it looks like a capital F

"The rune letter Fehu, the corresponding English letter is F." @Infinitely good articles, all in @

The astrologer's explanation sounded from the live broadcast room, triggering a large barrage. This character has definitely never appeared before, and it obviously corresponds to Philip! Before, Charlie and Bai Lianji met the characters first. The meanings represented by the characters hinted at the hardships they would endure and the cause of their death. Unexpectedly, it was different here with Philip.

He died suddenly and suddenly. He had not encountered any rune character prompts before, but instead the rune characters appeared after his death!

"The original meaning of the character F is cow, and the positive direction represents the accumulation of wealth. Its deepest meaning is energy, emotion and spiritual wealth*"

The astrologer said that the audience in the live broadcast room could only hear the voices of the guests, but could not see that the astrologer was playing with several rough stones carved with runes and symbols in the occult station's astrology room.

"Philip's core title has always been related to prophetic poetry. Rich emotions and inspiration correspond to spiritual wealth. But the reverse solution of the character F is 'if you continue to follow the same path, you will encounter failure and setbacks'*"

In the past few days of participating in the competition, Philip, who was extremely sensitive to pollution due to premature exposure to mythical power, was physically and mentally exhausted almost every day, and went crazy because of the prophetic poem.

Without any buffer time, he was unable to develop other titles and devoted all his resources to his core title. So far, his only title of Prophecy Poetry has reached orange.

Therefore, when his mental weakness reached the extreme, he was unable to hold on to the power of 'poetry'. After being deprived of it, he had no other title of equal strength to support him. The backlash caused by the collapse of his power left him with the only ending: death, which corresponds to 'continue to walk the same path. You will encounter failure and setbacks.

Does the rune character correspond to each traveler, and do they design the danger of death for tourists/tour guides, or does the traveler face the rune character, and their death will cause the corresponding rune character to appear in the world?

There were heated discussions in the hotel forum and live broadcast room, but no matter what the outcome, Philip's death was like sounding the clarion call of war. When the stone slab engraved with rune characters appeared in the world, the Holy Light Shining Archangel Uriel wanted to seize the stone slab (it represents part of the wisdom and authority), a fierce battle is about to break out.

Hearing the sonorous sound, Odin's spear blocked the flame holy sword and blocked Uriel's move to seize the stone slab. Odin's single eye was filled with cold anger and he said sternly:

【Kill the intruder! 】

【kill--! ! 】


In an instant, the Nordic gods and the Frost Giants killed the Archangel Uriel at the same time. The shouts of killing were earth-shattering, and the whole world seemed to be shaken! However, no matter how loud and fierce they shouted, they were unable to crush Archangel Uriel.

The angel blows the trumpet and the doomsday judgment comes, which is even more terrifying than the gathering of the four horsemen of the apocalypse before. Ragnarok is triggered by the doomsday, and Snæfellsnes is ready to move.

In order to prevent Ragnarok from coming early, most of the true forms of the Nordic gods are trying their best to suppress the volcano. Thor and Odin, who have drawn the most divine power, have suffered losses in previous battles.

Thor's divine power was almost exhausted when he killed the Knights of the Apocalypse and resisted the disaster. The heroes of the Heroic Spirit Pool were originally the gods' trump card against the outer gods, but now they have to return to the Heroic Spirit Pool to retrain because of bearing the blood of the lamb.

As the King of the Gods, Odin could definitely fight against the archangel with his divine power alone. However, the intelligent thinking hidden in his body was taken away, and a small part of his wisdom and power was incomplete. He was unable to exert more power for a while. .

In addition to expending too much power in fighting the catastrophe, the frost giants were extremely restrained by the scorching and dazzling divine fire and holy light.

Not to mention completely crushing the Killing Angel, even fighting against him would be barely enough.

The key is that the Nordic gods and giants have no time at all. The sound of hymns faintly sounded in the sky, the holy light became more and more dazzling, and Odin's face instantly became extremely solemn.

In the Book of Revelation, there are seven angels blowing trumpets during the last judgment, not just the one in front of you.

We must fight quickly, before the second angel comes!

[In the name of Odin, the King of Gods, and on behalf of the Nordic gods——]

[In the name of the Frost Giants, we represent all the giants in Northern Europe——]

Even with the pride of gods and the arrogance of giants, the Nordic gods and the frost giants immediately reached a consensus and issued tasks to all tourists and tour guides present, promising generous benefits and sufficient rights.

They no longer patronize humans, but instead turn to them for cooperation and help.

This is what the Peak Passengers were waiting for. The moment they received the mission, they all started at the same time to kill the angel!

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