Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 646: Icelandic Horror (175)

When the disaster has been blocked, the first angel blowing the trumpet finally arrives!

From the moment he appeared, the unknown language and the flame of holy light resounded throughout the sky.


This sentence means ‘The Lord is my light! ’, is exactly what the name Uriel means.

Bingyi listened attentively, but suddenly he felt a warning sign. The devil's wings closed subconsciously, and the wingtips blocked the ears of Wei Hai in his arms.

Can't listen! The angel's voice is elegant and ethereal, but it contains terrifying power comparable to pollution. This power will not cause physical distortion, but will cause mental distortion.

When people hear its words and begin to think, "The Lord is my light," they will fall into fanatical worship of God until they become devout fanatics!

But demons will not become believers in the Lord, and this kind of spiritual pollution has almost no effect on Bingyi and the crimson demon Lisa.

It would only arouse the anger of the Nordic gods and frost giants, but they only roared angrily, overwhelming the angel's enthusiastic gospel with roars like thunder and avalanches, but did not take action.

Because Uriel had not really come to the world yet, he raised the golden horn in his hand that was carved like a fragment of the sun, and was about to blow the trumpet again.

The disaster caused by the trumpet blowing after the angel appears is far greater than before. Only by resisting this disaster can Uriel come completely and destroy the enemies who are blocking the disaster.


The horn sounded again, more passionately than before. The entire sky was illuminated by holy light and flames, and the world that had always been dark seemed to usher in daylight.

Thick leaden clouds were reflected into brilliant gold. The clouds changed shape like sheep. The next moment, blood fell from the clouds. This was the blood of the lamb, like the majestic hail and fire all over the sky. Then the rain fell, and the hail and the fire were stained with blood.

Upon seeing this, the Nordic gods immediately went to stop them, but the blood-stained hailstones penetrated their hands, and the flames fell through their bodies. The gods were not injured, but they did not cause much hindrance to them. Their expressions suddenly changed. Change!

Even though they tried their best to exert their divine power, the Nordic divine light barely blocked the blood-stained fire and hail, but the blood was not consumed at all and was still falling.

"That is the blood of the lamb. When disaster strikes, Uriel will check whether the lintel of each house is smeared with the blood of the lamb. The general will hold the key to hell on the day of the middle stage of time, which will be opened at the final judgment. Gate of Hell——" @Infinitely good articles, all in @

In Tang Xiang's hard giant turtle shell, Philip was mumbling. Although Miao Fangfei and others all covered their ears the moment the angel's voice sounded, and the turtle shell also has a certain shielding function, they were more or less affected. Influence, the one who is most affected is Philip! At this moment, his name became more and more out of control, and he walked to the edge of the turtle shell in a daze, staring nervously at the blood red falling from the sky, with a thin red on his pale and tall cheekbones, like an out-of-control fanaticism.

"The blood of the Lamb, we shall bear the blood of the Lamb..."

"Don't go out looking for death!"

Miranda and Roger forcibly suppressed Phillip, but Roger didn't think much of it, but Miranda's heart moved and she looked at Miao Fangfei. Miao Fangfei was also thoughtful. When she saw Tang Xiang standing outside the turtle shell, frowning and staring at the sky. His body was already stained with blood. Miao Fangfei's heart moved. Even if she asked loudly in the chaotic noise, she looked like a mosquito. It was buzzing, but peak passengers had sensitive hearing. Miao Fangfei shouted once and it made Tang Xiang turn around.

"Tang Tuan, we will go out now, so we won't disturb Director Bing and the others!"

Miao Fangfei's question was clever. When such a natural disaster struck, chaos and danger were extremely high, she didn't ask whether she would die after leaving, but only whether it would interfere with Director Bing's plan. This showed that she had seen the clues and asked Tang Xiang Raising his eyebrows and showing appreciation in his eyes, he said simply: "No."

After a pause, he added a rare sentence: "It will be helpful, and you will also participate in this doomsday judgment."


After hearing this, Miao Fangfei and Miranda made an instant decision. The other passengers were either thoughtful or not yet thinking about it, but they all gathered around Miao Fangfei and Miranda reflexively.

"Captain, is it time for us to sacrifice ourselves!"

Yin Guangyuan waved his fist and said with gleaming eyes: "Anyway, the old dream is still there. If we die, we will die. I am not afraid of death!"

"Are you going to commit suicide?"

Di Feiyu whispered and took out a handful of feathers from his arms. The edges of the feathers were as sharp as knives and were stained with paralyzing feather powder: "It won't hurt if you use this."

"As lambs, will our death be the answer to the final judgment?"

Shao Yuan frowned: "And is it too risky to destroy the group now?"

Everyone at Miranda's side also had a similar argument. Yin Guangyuan in Miao Fangfei's side was just doing whatever the captain said, but Di Feiyu and Shao Yuan had both thought about it and vaguely figured out the key to the matter.

The angels’ last judgment will judge the ‘Lamb’, that is, human beings. They also need believers during the judgment. George’s prayer alone is too weak. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

And the only humans on this ice sheet are travelers! To some extent, they will affect the success of the Doomsday Judgment. As Shao Yuan said, if the 'Lambs' all committed suicide before the trial, this would undoubtedly be a serious violation of the rules of the trial. Without the existence of 'Lambs', the trial would not be successful. will be meaningless.

"No, I don't think Captain Miao meant that."

Yao Jinghe said solemnly, she was born in the Lotus Brigade and her knowledge is very broad, especially in various religious myths: "I remember the seven angels blowing trumpets in the Book of Revelation, and the first four angels brought about natural disasters. Like the sea turning to blood, the sun, moon and stars burning, the spring water turning bitter, and so on."

"The fifth angel will blow his trumpet, and a bottomless pit will appear in the world. Locusts will fly out of the pit and gain power from the Lord. They will torture those who do not have the mark of God on their foreheads, making them miserable but unable to die. Until the sixth An angel blows his trumpet, which is when people die in the last judgment.”

"Ragnarok is coming, and the Nordic gods and giants will woo us."

Miao Fangfei listened carefully to Yao Jinghe's words. She didn't know as much as Yao Jinghe in this regard, but she had her own unique insights: "But this does not mean that we are locked in Northern Europe. The invasion of the alien gods is also an opportunity for us tourists. I think they might try to win over us as well.”

In a way, travelers are like mercenaries, with no absolute position.

Just because the tourist attraction is in Northern Europe, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it must help the Nordic side. When necessary, they can even assume multiple identities and belong to multiple camps.

Let the aboriginals in each camp seek help from them, just like Director B did.

"When we go out and the blood falls on us, there is a high probability that we will obtain the status of 'Lamb', and even two-thirds of us will obtain the seal of God."

Miranda had already convinced Roger and others and said quickly after hearing the words.

'Three' is a very important number. In the Doomsday Judgment in the Book of Revelation, one-third of everything was destroyed. For example, one-third of the sea turned into blood, one-third of the sun was darkened, etc. In the end, people The number of deaths is also one-third.

As the only human group on this ice sheet, there is a high probability that two-thirds will receive the mark of God, and one-third will not. This is the death indicator in the final judgment.

This is an adventure and an opportunity for them. And it can—kill two birds with one stone.

The Nordic gods and even the giants cannot stop the blood of the lamb, but if they come forward and the blood is absorbed by them, without the influence of the blood, the hail and fire can be stopped!

"That's it."

They spoke very fast, and the discussion during the battle only lasted four or five minutes. Everyone left except for the unstable Walker and Phillip whose title was out of control.

In the dim tortoise shell, the passengers could see each other's eyes shining brightly. There was no fear at all, they were all excited and ambitious. After a few days of preliminaries for the competition, they had already transformed. Just now, they could only watch on the Thor Chariot. They are increasingly unable to suppress the restlessness in their hearts. No one wants to stay under the protection. They all want to give it a go and pursue their own future.

The blood in the sky is getting heavier and heavier, and there is a thick blood red patch. At this moment, the sky seems to be so low that you can reach it with your hand. This is because the divine light of the Nordic gods is gradually unable to stop the blood of the lamb, and they are about to fall to the ground!

But at this moment, several people emerged from Tang Xiang's turtle shell. Miao Fangfei and others resisted the pressure and walked towards the battlefield step by step but with great tenacity.

【Damn——! 】

There was an angry roar in the sky, and a wisp of blood broke through the divine light of the gods and fell to the earth wrapped in hail! Several frost giants tried their best to stretch out their arms to stop, but they stopped the hail but failed to stop the blood of the lamb.

Seeing that the blood of the lamb was about to fall to the earth and pollute the ice field, but in the next moment the blood suddenly deflected and fell on Miranda's head! Immediately, mysterious blood lines appeared on her forehead. Miranda felt light all over her body. The terrifying pressure of the Doomsday Judgment was no longer a pressure to her. This was the Seal of God!


Miranda was overjoyed, and then she saw several streaks of blood mixed with hail and flames falling from the sky. Without exception, the blood fell on the human travelers, while the hail and flames were stopped by the Frost Giant and Bingyi.

The top passengers all had smiles in their eyes when they saw this. These young people are courageous and wise, and their future is immeasurable. Yu Xiangyang and others, who had recovered their bodies, no longer resisted with strength and allowed the blood to fall on them.

This is indeed the best way to solve the current problem. The first reason why they did not guide the blood to come is to let the Nordic gods and frost giants be on the verge of despair and realize the importance of their passengers. Only then will they get the most help. The second is to see if Miao Fangfei and others can figure it out on their own, and the third is——

"Oops, there's still a lot of blood in the sky!"

Miao Fangfei and other passengers have all received a ray of blood, but the blood light above the clouds has only been reduced by less than half.

Most of the blood is still hanging in the sky, and it is continuing to press down at this moment, and is about to fall to the ground!

[Come, brave warriors]

But at this moment, Odin's voice sounded in the sky, deep and powerful. He held a scepter and passed through the world. The silvery white light swelled like a door of light, and countless tall pale golden figures vaguely appeared behind the door.

[Northern Europe has fallen into disaster. Warriors in the Heroic Spirit Pool, wake up! 】


The golden figures behind the door shouted in unison, their voices filling the air. They walked out of the light door, their bodies as strong as wild beasts. They all wore Valkyrie brooches on their chests. They were the heroes who had been trained in the Hall of Valor. They!

No one knew that Odin had hidden such a skill, and that he could now summon the heroes of the Hall of Valor to come to the world. @Unlimited good articles, all in @


Thor roared, dissatisfaction hidden in his voice.

But Odin ignored it and looked coldly at the earth.

These heroes are also "people". When they walked out of the light gate, the blood in the sky fell on them, but there were few marks on Miao Fangfei's forehead. Instead, it was like blood thorns entangled the arms of the heroes.

If they really come to the final judgment, they will be "sinners" who will be killed. Without saying a word, Odin waved his hand, and these heroes who received the blood returned to the Heroic Spirit Pool from the light gate again. As long as they cleanse this blood, they can still fight in Ragnarok.

But it will take some time. At least these heroes can't participate in the battle with the angels later.

What a pity.

Odin's face became more and more gloomy. His back hand was broken in advance, which made the king of the gods feel indescribably aggrieved, as if everything had gone wrong since the eruption of the Snæfell volcano.

When the last ray of blood fell on the hero who came out of the light gate last, there was finally no blood in the thick clouds. The hail and fire were all intercepted and absorbed by the frost giants and Bing Yi. This disaster was once again completely blocked.

I don't know when the trumpet sound stopped, and the figure of Archangel Uriel became clearer and clearer. A long sword burning with flames appeared in his hand, and then he took a step forward. The originally illusory figure finally became completely solid. Archangel Uriel finally came to the world!

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