Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 645: Icelandic Horror (174)

Although all the top travelers present secretly complained about George's insistence on recruiting angels, they did not slack off at all, and their faces became solemn.

Creation and destruction have always been the most terrifying events among mythological powers. Even if a peak traveler is involved, life and death will be in danger.

In particular, the Doomsday Judgment may trigger the Twilight of the Nordic Gods. If the two mythological systems are doomed at the same time, no one present will be able to escape.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to let the angels descend, but also to make the Nordic gods, giants and angels suffer losses, and to weaken the strength of the three parties as much as possible without actually causing the doomsday to come early. This requires the most precise control, and it is also the tacit plan of the peak passengers.

Regardless of their stance, if they can really dominate the overall situation, they will have an advantage in the next confrontation! After finally recovering his memory, no one wants to stop there.


There was a roar of thunder, but the furious God of Thunder no longer struck lightning and no longer consumed his power in vain. However, the calmer the expression on his face, the more resolute and determined fighting spirit he revealed.

The hammer of Thor, flashing with bright lightning, returned to the hand of Thor, and the lightning kept rushing towards the incarnation of his divine power. The originally illusory incarnation of divine power solidified again, and the God of Thunder was like a silver-white giant in the lightning, exuding a terrifying and destructive power.

Thor indeed has a back-up plan! At the same time, the black raven on his shoulder spread its wings and flew up. The divine power was shrouded and turned into a tall and strong figure. A black cloth covered one eye, and the one-eyed gaze revealed was cold and cold. Odin's divine power was completely transformed. When they arrive, the thick gray clouds behind the God of Thunder and Odin are faintly glowing with golden light, and tall figures are looming, it is the Nordic gods who are coming!

[Go down, it will no longer be safe here]

Miao Fangfei and the others were breathless under the terrible stagnant divine power, and their faces were covered with blood. At this moment, lightning struck their shoulders, and the numbness dispelled the oppression of the divine power.

A huge thundergoat carried them to the ground, and the calmness of the thundergod's voice contained infinite power. He will definitely use the chariot in the fierce battle that follows, and it is no longer safe here. Thor kept his promise and sent Miao Fangfei and others back to the ground.

However, the ground is by no means safe at this moment. The ice sheet on the earth seems to have been exposed to a terrible war. There are cracks and crevices everywhere, and sharp ice spikes like cones are tens of meters high, shining with a faint blue light.

The corrosive snow contaminated by volcanic ash solidifies on the ice spikes. If an ordinary person touches it, it will be corroded and melted in pain.

But a giant blue-gray hand grasped the ice thorn, and with a click, the hard and extremely cold ice thorn was uprooted. The tens of meters long ice thorn was nothing more than a weapon in the hands of the tall and strong giant.

"Loki, you are such an embarrassment to the frost giants."

A thick and rough voice sounded, making people's brains buzz. The dark blue ice cracked and shattered. The huge palm picked up the ice cube as big as a giant millstone, as easily as pinching a stone.

Another extremely tall body struggled out from under the ice, his gray-blue body still covered with thick black mist. This is not the blood of the Frost Giant, but actually the power pollution of the primitive abyss.

Just now, the primeval abyss of the Jinlunga Gap appeared, just as Ragnarok was approaching. Not only were the Nordic gods palpitating, but the frost giants who had been imprisoned in the glacier and had not yet fully recovered were also seriously affected!

It's just that for the gods, the impact of the approaching dusk on them is mostly negative, but the impact on the frost giants is positive.

As the myth says, the disaster of Ragnarok is inevitable, and the Nordic gods cannot prevent it even if they have predicted it in advance.

When dusk came and the giants descended, no one could hear Heimdall's warning horn. When the cracks in the primeval abyss appeared briefly just now, the sealing power of the gods in Vatnajökull was reduced to a minimum, and dozens more frost giants escaped.

They don't have to devour blood to restore their strength. The restless breath of the primitive abyss is the best tonic for them when Ragnarok is approaching. They don't have the artifacts made by the dark elves, but the hard ice spikes and poisons of the eternal cold are still there. The ice cubes of Frost Giant corpses floating on the blood river are the best weapons for them.

From a visual perspective alone, the Frost Giants are more terrifying than the Nordic gods. Their tall bodies are like ice peaks, casting a terrifying shadow of coldness.

The temperature around the Frost Giants was extremely low, and blizzards, hail and strong winds descended upon them as they revived, turning into terrifying snow tornadoes surrounding them.

Except for the extremely heavy Frost Giants, everyone else in this storm area will be completely torn apart. Even the top travelers have to avoid the edge for a while and withdraw from the area of ​​​​the blood river.

There was no Frost Giant to stop them. Even Tang Xiang, Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich, who had defeated Rocky and almost killed him, were not stopped. The Frost Giants looked at them with extremely cold eyes, but they were not only hostile. .

The giants are all very arrogant and arrogant. They despise humans, but they have instinctive awe and fighting spirit for humans who can defeat Rocky, the strongest outer city lord. If it weren't for the invasion of the outer gods, there might have been frost giants. A life and death challenge is about to be launched against them.

"You go far away..."

"Let them stay here."

After retreating from a safe distance, Yin Qiaoqiao originally planned to send Miao Fangfei and others on the Thunder Goat farther away. A melee ensued between the three parties. At present, this distance is still too dangerous for them.

However, Tang Xiang shook his head and stopped, "The end is coming. The whole of Northern Europe will not be safe, let alone this ice sheet."

"It's relatively safe around us."

Hearing what he said, Yin Qiaoqiao's eyes became darker and she nodded silently. Her pupils had completely turned into ghostly black, and even the whites of her eyes had turned dark and ghostly.

Her soul leaves her body and travels on a ghost mission. This is her strongest fighting state. But Yin Qiaoqiao did not hesitate to return to the human body, and the human body opened its eyes and woke up.

"Become human."

She said lightly, her eyes swept over Heydrich, and she saw Heydrich, the undead hunter who looked like a down-and-out nobleman. He saluted lazily. All the translucent ghost beasts around him disappeared, and they were obviously restrained. The power of ghosts is not leaked at all.

"The Angel's Doomsday Judgment, the Holy Light will cause devastating damage to dark creatures."

Yu Xiangyang whispered with Bing. At this moment, Bingyi was no longer flying in the air, but fell to the ground. The demon in Gui Ling was extremely tall. He listened carefully to the experience taught by Yu Xiangyang, but all his eyes fell on the person in his arms.

The white-haired passenger was lazily held in the devil's arms, and a hint of helplessness could be seen on his handsome face.

"A devil like me is not a serious target of angels?"

"That's too bad. I can't change back now."

The devil chuckled and asked the person imprisoned in his arms like a doting one: "Are you afraid? How about I send you to Tang Xiang and the others? It's too dangerous to stay with me."

It seemed like a well-intentioned suggestion, but in fact the devil's pale and strong fingers wrapped around his waist, and the sharp black nails overlapped. It seemed careless, but the power contained in it was like a hidden threat, making people give up the unrealistic idea of ​​​​escape.

What's more, the white-haired passenger never thought of escaping.

"Of course I'll be there for you."

An Xuefeng sighed, knowing that Wei Tao said that on purpose.

This series of intimate actions was just "revenge" for the sudden appearance and disappearance of An Xuefeng and *** and their perverted behavior, venting a little bit of resentment on the puppet.

Thinking of the bastard thing that happened when he couldn't help but hold Wei Tao in his arms, even An Xuefeng secretly cursed himself as a pervert. Wei Tao was still losing his memory. There was still a river of blood filled with the power of the abyss. It was not a clean bed. He was not even his true body. The arrival is just the incarnation of the simulation of power, and the emotions are a bit out of control, which is really not decent.

Therefore, Wei Tao's "making things difficult" seemed extremely cute to him, and he wanted to indulge him.

The demon who is over two meters tall holds the 1.7-meter-plus "Wei Tao" in his arms. This visual height difference can be understood by ordinary people. Objects, standing together may feel oppressive.

If An Xuefeng were to be normal, he would have to struggle to keep "Wei Tao" and Bingyi innocent, but now he feels a little guilty and Bingyi can do whatever he likes. Anyway, sooner or later, he will lose his vest.

What's more, when a disaster is approaching, the closer the connected tour guides and tourists are, the more they can share their power. An Xuefeng glanced around, his fingers intertwined with the devil's fingers, and the light seemed to be entangled between their ring fingers, shining brightly.

"Little devil, come to me."

Lisa suddenly said, the 1.9-meter-long beauty turned into a crimson demon and her height reached 2 meters. She walked to Bingyi, and two tall demons stood together - making Yu Xiangyang next to her look dwarfed. .

"We demons stand together and watch the show."

She raised the corners of her red lips and looked at Bingyi holding Wei Tao's fingertips and couldn't help but rub them, but unfortunately she couldn't smoke in this situation.

After suppressing the heavy and itching craving for cigarettes, Lisa nodded to Yu Xiangyang and said, "Yu Xiangyang, you'd better recover your body."

Yu Xiangyang is still in the state of drought charm, and his indestructible body can exert his strongest strength, which will help protect Bingyi in the disaster.

However, the Holy Light is very harmful to creatures like him. The most important thing is that his title has nothing to do with these two pantheons.

Demons transformed by Lisa and Bingyi are also restrained by the Holy Light.

However, in the environment of the Doomsday Judgment, as evil spirits, they will actually exert more powerful power. After all, demons do not belong to Northern Europe. Of course, they are not as good as those in the native environment of the Doomsday Judgment.

Therefore, it is best for Yin Qiaoqiao, Heydrich and the devil merchant who are related to the undead to return to their human form, but Bingyi and Lisa can take advantage of the opportunity and gain some opportunities.

Just like when facing the invasion of the outer gods, the Nordic gods and giants who are mortal enemies of each other will join forces. When invading foreign lands to spread their faith, angels and demons will not engage in internal strife.

"What do you think?"

Yu Xiangyang glanced at Lisa, not making the decision, but looking at Bingyi.

"Of course I trust my team members."

Bingyi smiled, looked at Lisa with interest, and took the initiative to stand beside her. On the contrary, when Lisa saw the big demon with a strong sense of sight approaching, her whole body tensed up reflexively, and the long tail of the crimson demon was a little thorny.

Before she could say anything, Bingyishi took a step back, smiled and extended his hand to her: "I'm not a little devil."

"Oh, you are such a little rascal."

Lisa complained, but she laughed, bumped fists with him, and her expression softened, making her look brighter and more beautiful.

Hearing what she said, Bingyi's smile deepened. Lisa and the others have become different from before. This change is just like the change of Wei Tao. He can't say whether it's good or bad, but he doesn't feel any hostility from Lisa. Her conversation with Yu Xiangyang reveals that Familiar.

Is this also one of A Feng’s group of relatives and friends? Bingyi thought secretly, but what concerned him more was the shocked and alert expressions on Lisa and others' faces when they saw his demonic state.

This was not only because of his demonic state, but also because someone had left a cruel and profound impression on them. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

"The angel hasn't come yet?"

But Bingyi didn't ask immediately, but looked into the distance. It had been about five or six minutes since he exited the battlefield, but the situation was still deadlocked, with no new major changes.

Although the tall body of the Frost Giant blocked the battlefield where Dan Lin and Coach George were, the ethereal sacred chants continued to resound throughout the world, and a thin white smoke lingered between the sky and the earth, even if the terrifying snow tornado around the Frost Giant Unable to tear apart this lingering smoke.

C—Sniffed it subconsciously, then covered his nose with devil wings in disgust. The disgust smelled like rotten fish, and the stench made him nauseous.

"There are some things you shouldn't smell randomly. If this were on the battlefield between us and the angels, you would be gutted by the smell."

Lisa laughed mercilessly, but did not hesitate to tell Bingyi more knowledge about demons.

"The arrival of angels? It's early. There are always various rules for the arrival of those birdmen. In their words, it's called, ah, a sense of ritual."

Lisa sneered loudly, attracting a cold glance from Maria not far away.

"Why doesn't she go over there?"

C-asked, Maria was obviously on the same side as Dan Lin, but why didn’t she go to Dan Lin’s side to protect him, but instead withdrew from the Blood River area with them?

"The Book of Revelation is a very important classic, and the reenactment of the events of the Doomsday Judgment in it is a very significant opportunity for travelers like them."

Lisa said, with a hint of seriousness in her eyes: "If Dan Lin can take over it on his own, the benefits and opportunities he will gain are unimaginable.

But if a strong person like Maria intervenes, it will be different. "

Dan Lin is the weakest and youngest traveler in Whitechapel, but no one doubts his talent.

As the strongest newcomer in the Western Region, even though his brilliance was outshone by Bingyi's in this pre-match match, as long as there is an opportunity, he will firmly seize it and struggle to create his own bright future.

And even if Dan Lin’s brilliance is overshadowed by Bing Yi, after all, one of them is a tourist and the other is a tour guide. What’s the comparison between tourists and tour guides? It’s always been tourists compared with tourists. Compared with Dan Lin, Wei Pao, but Dan Lin The title will obviously be greatly improved today. Although Wei Tao has performed well along the way, it seems that he has not yet determined the direction of his main title. Even the core demon insect Xiaocui has been given to Bingyi.

Lisa looked at Wei Tao in Bingyi's arms, thought for a while and said nothing.

Although there are so many experiences to follow on the way back, and An Xuefeng and others must have plans for Wei Hai's future, only travelers who truly make their own journey can be considered truly strong.

"Dan Lin in my team is really good."

Bingyi raised his eyebrows, feeling Lisa's gaze on Wei Tao, but didn't care. Dan Lin and Ah Feng were on two different levels, just like no one would compare whether the fattest Hu Qi was more powerful or the male tiger who was in his prime and dominated the mountains and forests.

But that didn't stop him from teasing Wei Hai with this topic. Bingyi pretended to be serious and said, "Captain of the guard, what do you think of Dan Lin in my team?"

"You are both young travelers, so you should know each other well."

An Xuefeng laughed when he heard this, but said calmly and objectively: "He is very talented."

"But not as good as me."

Not as good as you.

When his words came out, the live broadcast room was in an uproar, and there was a fight between the east and west districts, but there was a sense of confidence and even pride in An Xuefeng's calm tone.

Thinking back to the arrogance and arrogance of killing the scumbag tour guide on his first journey in the brigade, and the madness and wantonness of Wei Tao on his first journey to risk eating the devil alone, even though many years of precipitation and mental pain have long made An Xue The front is as calm as a deep pool, but the arrogance has always been hidden in his bones and has not disappeared.

"The guard captain is very proud."

Bingyi felt his vague arrogance and smiled meaningfully, only finding it interesting.

Even though Ah Feng is old, he still cares about young people like Dan Lin. This makes Bingyi feel that he has seen another side of Ah Feng and is more interested in him.

"Okay, just be quiet and listen."

Vaguely feeling Bingyi's emotions, An Xuefeng coughed lightly and pretended that his legs were numb after standing for too long - he stepped on the devil's toes.

He condemned C - this kind of thinking of "A Feng is a young man", and then stopped before the devil could react, and said seriously:

"Listen, listen to the hymn in the air, it's about to begin."

"Can't understand."

Bingyi confessed that as a demon, he could not understand the content of the hymn at all, and it was as noisy as ten thousand doves chirping again.

But as a human being, Ah Feng could understand it. He whispered with Bing: "It's a sentence from the Book of Revelation. I'll read it to you."

"I saw seven angels standing before God, and seven trumpets were given to them."

“Another angel came and stood by the altar with a golden censer, and much incense was given to him to offer together with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne.”

Wei Tao's voice is very beautiful, especially when he sings poems in a low voice.

Demon Bingyi's pointed ears trembled slightly, and he felt a little numb. An indescribable subtle feeling spread from his spine. For a moment, he wanted to push Wei Tao away, just like throwing away those uncontrollable and unknown desires, but In the end, he hugged Wei Hai tighter and listened quietly. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

Later Bingyi discovered that this strange feeling did not come from Wei Tao's recitation, but from the gradually changing world and the instinctive depressive warning brought to the devil.

"The smoke of incense and the prayers of the saints ascended together from the hands of angels to God—"

There was more smoke between heaven and earth in the distance. It was as thick as a huge fog. In the fog, there was the voice of George praying loudly. He was the only believer here. George's prayer was extremely high-pitched, like a cuckoo crying for blood. Thunder shot straight into the sky.

The scarlet sky crack in the thick clouds is still there, and the thick clouds are rolling around the edge of the bloody crack, faintly leaking a ray of golden light.

Bingyi glanced at it and immediately lowered his head. Even so, his eyes seemed to have been burned by strong holy light. His eye circles were red and filled with physiological tears, and his vision was blurred and almost blind.

But he did not lose his vision. The spiritual connection was with Wei Tao just like his eyes. He looked at the clouds through Wei Hai's eyes and saw more things. .New~~The golden light floats and lingers, like an aurora and fire.

The next moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit, Bingyi suddenly opened the devil's wings and protected Tao in his arms. At the same time, Tang Xiang threw the turtle shell to cover Miao Fangfei and others, and Lisa opened the crimson devil's wings. , but it bent towards the top of her and Bingyi's heads, like a big dark red umbrella covering their heads. At this moment, the golden light fell from the sky like a meteor, dragging out a gorgeous tail mark, but with Shocking terrifying power!

"The angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar, and poured it down to the ground. Then there were thunderings, loud noises, lightnings, earthquakes—"


Deafening thunder sounded, and golden lightning tore the heaven and earth apart. The terrifying sound made people's livers and gallbladders burst. However, the God of Thunder, who had been holding back and accumulating power when the lightning and thunder appeared, roared and threw Thor's hammer!

【Playing with thunder and lightning? Ridiculous! I am the thunder god of this land! 】

The prayer could not be stopped, but when the thunder and lightning fell, it was smashed down by Thor's hammer. Louder thunder and more dazzling lightning flashed across the world in an instant, overwhelming the thunder and lightning caused by the falling golden light.

"Earthquake? It's such a wishful thinking to think of an earthquake on this ice sheet!"

At the same time, dozens of Frost Giants roared, their huge and powerful feet gripping the ice like tree roots, and the ice spikes in their hands pierced the trembling ice cracks, pulling the ice together like sewing needles.

This is the talent of the frost giants. Dozens of frost giants worked together to prevent the earthquake in the ice field. Thor's hammer flashed in the sky, and the power was weak. However, the shadows of the Nordic gods reached out at the same time and poured power into the god of thunder, suppressing it. Passed the thunder and lightning!

"Continuously destroying the Apocalypse... preventing disaster from happening... is a way to weaken the invading power of the outer gods."

Lisa's voice became vague in the chaos, and even if she wasn't in the middle of the battlefield, just the influence of divine power would be difficult to resist.

The black tour guide's cloak fluttered in the strong wind, and Bingyi used his newly acquired power of dominance. Flames danced around him, accompanied by devout prayers.

He felt the incomparable burning sensation, which was the fire pouring down from the sky. At the same time, he felt the boundless attraction. He controlled the fire, but he was not considered a Vulcan. The type of fire he controlled was not enough, and the golden flame C A sure win!

But now is not the time to take action.

"The angel took the censer and filled the altar with fire, and poured it down to the ground. Then there were thunderings, loud noises, lightnings, and earthquakes——"

The communication between Wei Tao and him also turned into a spiritual connection. He repeated this sentence several times, and Bingyi knew that the Nordic gods and giants outside were still fighting against thunder, lightning and earthquakes.

The thunder god's lightning became more and more powerful, completely overwhelming the external thunder and lightning.

Two of the dozens of frost giants fell down on the ice sheet at the expense of their own bodies, using their hardest bodies to repair the ground and forcibly prevent the earthquake from happening.

In this stalemate, the light in the sky seemed to decide not to be entangled here anymore, and the ethereal divine voice continued to chant downwards.

When he gave up the thunder and earthquake, the golden fire in the sky dimmed a little, but the power contained in the divine voice that followed became more and more terrifying, like destruction.

As Loki and a giant, even if Bingyi is a Zero Demon, he can still feel the solemnity of the Nordic gods and frost giants!

"Seven angels with seven trumpets will sound the trumpets——"

The angel blows the trumpet, completely kicking off the doomsday judgment!


The passionate and distant horn sound sounded, and even C—— heard the horn sound!

The surrounding temperature seems to be rising rapidly. At this moment, they don't feel like they are in an ice field, but like they are in boiling magma. The dazzling fire shines on the sky and the earth. It is no longer pure gold, but stained with scarlet blood, even if the eyes are Close C tightly - I still feel the stinging pain in my eyeballs. This is the hottest flame, the fire from judgment!

“The first angel blew his trumpet, and hail and fire mingled with blood were thrown to the ground. One-third of the earth and one-third of the trees were burned, and all the green grass was burned! 』

The terrifying doomsday disaster is coming, and the fire and hail mixed with blood crash down. It seems that it only involves this ice field. However, once the Nordic gods and frost giants cannot withstand it, it will immediately spread to the whole Nordic country! There was the roar of Thor in the sky. He threw Thor's hammer to break the hail. Odin and other gods took action at the same time to intercept the hail and blood.

There are roars of frost giants on the ground, and they resist the raging fire with their bodies.

There are no trees or grass on the ice field. As long as they don't let the fire and hail burn the earth, then this heavy trumpet blowing will be destroyed by them!

However, no matter how fast Thor's hammer and Odin's spear are, it is impossible to break all the hail. The frost giants can withstand the hail, but are restrained by the sacred flames. Their indestructible bodies unexpectedly collapse when encountering the blood-stained fire. Burned until melted.

Amidst the painful roars, several Frost Giants melted into frozen water, washing away the ice sheet like a great flood, as if doomsday was coming. If you cannot resist the fire falling from the sky, then the disaster caused by this horn cannot be completely avoided! But just when the number of Frost Giants dropped sharply and it was difficult to completely resist all the flames, another kind of flame burned fiercely and blocked the blood fire falling from the sky!

【Loki! Well done! ! ! 】

"Loki! Damn it, you finally took action!"

Thor was ecstatic and the Frost Giant laughed and cursed in surprise. The person who blocked the flames was the very tall demon on the outside of the battlefield!

Raging flames surrounded him, and in each flame there were his devout believers. They were like sparks all over the ice field, not only blocking the blood fire but also devouring them. The terrifying burning sensation caused the demon's pale skin to erupt. White Smoke, however, he is now not only the Fire God Loki, but also controls the fire, and dominates both the fire and the Fire God!

Fire patterns surged on the jet black cloak, just like the legendary fire rat fur that can completely avoid fire. The devil tried his best to resist the flames. Hearing the passionate praise of Thor with complete joy, he curled his lips and had no energy left to speak, but in the devil's arms The passenger told him what was on his mind.

That sentence pattern imitated the words of Thor just now, and there was a hint of pride in the joke.

"Playing with fire? Ridiculous."

"I am the God of Fire of this land!"

With Bingyi able to withstand the flames, the Nordic gods and frost giants concentrated on dealing with the hail falling from the sky and the highly polluted blood. In order to reduce Bingyi's burden, they also took on some flames.

The horn continued to sound, but not a single hailstone, not a single flame, not a single drop of blood fell on the ice field. In the center of the battlefield, George was still praying desperately, while Dan Lin was looking at the sky. The failure of the disaster in Revelation did not discourage him. On the contrary, Danlin had a gleam of ambition in his eyes.

The first angel who blew the trumpet did not come, but when the disaster has been blocked, he will come, just like the death knight who has not been able to kill the little witch and Bingyi who have the mark of death, and thus completely come.

Only by completely descending can one be killed. Dan Lin never thought of following the path of the original myth. Director Bing allowed him to see a new world, jump out of the barriers and overturn the chessboard. Only those with great courage can achieve great gains!

When a ray of golden light came, Dan Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stopped all the things he shouldn't think about in an instant, turned into a holy baby, and prayed devoutly in the burning holy light.

A gap opened in the leaden clouds, golden light filled the sky, red flames bloomed like red lotuses, the disaster was blocked, and the angel finally arrived!

With his wings spread and the holy light lingering, he descended from the light and flames, and his ethereal voice sang his true name.

【He is the Lord of the Sun——】

[He is the flame of God——]

[He stands at the gate of Eden holding a flaming sword——]【Who is Chi——】

【who is he--】

The light and flames grew stronger and stronger, and the angel descended completely into the sky. The holy light and flames reflected the flaming holy sword in his hand, and the sun disk and star disc behind him. The singing became louder and louder, and the believers of God Sing loudly. @Unlimited good articles, all in @

[He is the Archangel, Uriel, the Flame of God! 】

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