Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 639: Icelandic Horror (168)

Just as the comments in the live broadcast room said, the enemies were completely suppressed by the top travelers, and the situation on the ice field where the battle had ended suddenly changed. The thick lead-gray clouds cracked from the middle, and the rolling clouds seemed to be torn apart by swords. Outside the clouds was not a clear sky, but a thick and sticky scarlet blood light that seemed to have substance!

At the same time, the blood river that had been calm suddenly turned into a stormy wave. The corpses of the frost giants on the poisonous blood collided and shattered like icebergs. The harsh sound of ice cracking disturbed people dizzy and numb all over. The poisonous waves rolled up like Moses parting the sea and rushed to both sides. Yu Xiangyang and the other two who were originally preparing to go into the water by the river retreated quickly. They retreated more than ten meters to avoid the range of the poisonous fog and poisonous waves. They saw that the center of the blood river sank deeply and cracked into a terrible gap. This gap was extremely deep and unfathomable. It was the purest dark black, as if it was connected to the abyss of hell.

When this deep crack appeared, the ice field rumbled, and the sky seemed to be torn apart by the blood light, as if the end of the world and the twilight of the gods were approaching, and the sky would collapse and split in the next second. However, at this moment, all the peak passengers who had recovered their memories suddenly changed their faces. They stared at the dark crack in the blood river, and even the calmest Heydrich could not hide his astonishment.

[The crack in the Jinlunga chasm? ! How could it be! ]

Thor's astonished and unbelievable voice sounded, and the next moment, only Miao Fangfei and others exclaimed, and saw Yu Xiangyang and the other two who were closest to the blood river jumped into the crack of the blood river without hesitation, followed by a figure falling from the sky at a very fast speed. He took the initiative to jump out of Thor's chariot and jumped into the crack of the blood river without fear of death. The fast people could hardly see his face clearly, and the people still on the chariot screamed after realizing that the person who jumped down was actually the Lizard Duke!

Didn't the hunter not recover his memory? Why did the Lizard Duke, who was still a tooth hunter, jump into the blood river? ! But his action was like turning on a button. The three top travelers who had originally clamped the frost giant Loki or harvested the head of the Apocalypse Knight also decisively abandoned their spoils and jumped into the crack deep in the blood river. It was as if there was something extremely important in the crack of the blood river, something that even the top travelers would risk their lives to get.

What is that? Is it the Jinlunga Chasm that Thor mentioned? But Miao Fangfei didn't care about this. She clenched her fists and hated herself for being powerless. She didn't care what was in the deep crack of the blood river. She just hoped that Director Bing was still okay. I hope Director Bing can survive.

Something that even the top travelers are so out of control is definitely not something that can be dealt with. Can Director Bing come back alive in such a dangerous situation? Miao Fangfei didn't know. She could only hold the golden silkworm Gu tightly and pray, hoping that Director Bing could create a miracle again. However, as the captain, Miao Fangfei couldn't have too much luck. She could vaguely feel that Director Bing was in a very bad state at the moment!

* *

Bingyi felt like he was back to the time when he was hanging upside down in Tong Hege's arms and comprehending the rune letters. The boundless, thick and terrible power was like pollution, invading his body, mind and even soul. He could clearly feel that his body was collapsing and losing control. Hard black scales and sharp bone spurs extended from the human body, like a monster.

This seemed like reality, but also like a dream. Bingyi seemed to have had such a bizarre dream. The clock in the dream was ticking, and the moment it returned to zero, he was enveloped by intense pain. In the dream, he saw his skin being peeled off, his bones breaking and blood gushing out. Even if his heart slipped from his chest, it was still beating. The tenacious and terrifying vitality was the dividing line between monsters and humans.

He looked at the dream strangely. In the dream, he turned into a terrible monster like a demon, with spiral horns on his head, scarlet muscles exposed, terrible bone wings extending from his spine, and his feet and hands turned into sharp claws like monsters. He was like a skinned demon, bloody and scary but with a strange and elegant calmness, as if he was free from the world, watching everything happen with a cold and playful look.

Bingyi had a vague understanding that this was not a dream, but his current appearance. The dream shone into reality, and he was reset to zero the moment he was drowned by the giant's poisonous blood, just as b1 reset to zero and completely turned into a bloodthirsty and murderous ghost, and he was no longer a human after he reset to zero.

However, he keenly felt something was wrong, it shouldn't be like this, the monster he turned into after he reset to zero should be fanatical and warlike, cruel and bloodthirsty, and shouldn't have such a calm look. He subconsciously touched his chest, but his terrible and sharp claws couldn't control the strength, and he dug open the chest muscles like in the dream, trying to dig out the bright red beating heart.

But Bingyi didn't dig out the heart. The creepy and terrible monster lowered his head slightly and looked at his claws stained with sticky blood. In the deformed claws like a murder weapon, there was a handful of blue and purple butterflies.

What was beating in his chest was not a heart, but a group of fluttering butterflies.

[Do you choose to be the master of butterflies? ]

The voice that only Bingyi could hear rang out from his mind, causing the scarlet monster's expression to change subtly. It was like a piercing cold water poured over his head, tearing apart countless chaotic and complicated emotions and making Bingyi sober in an instant. He figured it out! His san value did return to zero the moment he fell into the poisonous blood, and his body underwent a terrible alienation.

And his spirit and soul should have been distorted at the same time as his body was alienated, becoming bloodthirsty and fanatical, but the extraordinary power of the cold-blooded man who was already on the verge of transformation at this moment forcibly absorbed all his emotions, allowing him to remain so calm while his body was deformed and mutated. Bingyi tried to contact others as soon as he regained his sanity, but found that he could not transmit any information.

He could only completely control this newly acquired power first.


Bingyi tasted the word between his lips and teeth, and was a little surprised. The advanced power of the cold-blooded man was not a frost giant, but an unrelated 'master'. But at the same time, he was also a little lucky. If he really got the frost giant, Even his extraordinary power may not be able to suppress the deformation of his body at this moment.

But the transformation of the power of the 'Lord' has just begun, as if it has accumulated enough power and is about to accumulate. Bingyi vaguely knows that 'dominance' is not a fixed force. It is the integration, purification and upgrading of power. It is different for everyone. He can become the master of whatever he has obtained and conquered before. Of course , if he has only acquired something, but has not completely conquered it, he needs to undergo a severe test to become its 'master'.

Become the master of butterflies?


The terrifying scarlet monster spoke and spoke a low, incomprehensible language that humans could not understand.

Bingyi could feel that the butterfly residing on his chest was frightening, powerful and strange. Even though this butterfly had a deep temptation for him, the phosphorescence on its wings seemed to echo something under the dark river of blood, and it was filled with earnestness. Calling for his fall. As long as he chooses to be their master, power, wealth, power, everything that people want in the world is at his fingertips.

But Bingyi is extremely calm and rational. He knows that he cannot control them and has no power that can rival them. Trying to become their master would only result in them being manipulated in the opposite direction and completely losing his self-awareness, so he refused without hesitation and roughly stuffed them back into the hole in his chest.

If you are not their master now, you may not be able to be their master in the future.

And Bingyi's future is not just ten or eight years of forbearance. It is not that he can only choose one kind of power/thing to become the master. As long as he controls enough and accumulates enough, when his strength rises and his soul is refined, and he can no longer be easily influenced, he will naturally try to become the master of butterflies.

This exciting desire to conquer the unknown made the scarlet monster's blood boil and its murderous intent stirred up. However, all the strong emotions were drained away by the extraordinary power of the 'Master', making Bingyi once again become desireless, calm and self-controlled. He is the weakest now and must carefully choose what kind of master he wants to be first. As long as the other party has the slightest bit of power that is deceitful and rebellious and cannot be fully grasped, Bingyi will experience a terrible backlash.

However, making the decision was not as time-consuming as Bingyi imagined. A name came to his mind almost immediately.

Wei Xun.

[You have become the master of Wei Xun! 】

When this voice sounded, Bingyi was initially a little stunned. In fact, he hesitated for a moment. Even though Wei Xun formed a soul bond with him and lived and died together, he was Afeng's puppet after all. Making this choice was more of a test than a certainty. Will Ah Feng be attracted by this change? Are Wei Xun's true inner thoughts the same as what he expressed? There were many things Bingyi wanted to test, but all his emotions were shattered when the sound sounded.

Without any obstruction, without any test or influence, he actually became the master of Wei Xun! Bingyi could even feel the symbol representing Wei Xun appearing on his cloak, and he could vaguely feel that Wei Xun was swimming towards him quickly in the dirty blood far above.

How could it go so smoothly? ? It went smoothly as if Wei Xun was himself? ? Bingyi was rarely a little sluggish, but at this moment there was no time for him to think too much. He became the master of Wei Xun, and the extraordinary power of 'master' began to fluctuate, and the manic emotions that were completely suppressed and deprived by it began to rise restlessly. . Although his monster's flesh was extremely hard, it was gradually corroded by the poisonous giant's blood. Becoming the master of Wei Xun did not bring any extra strength to Bingyi. He had to move on.

Bingyi quickly selected a new target.

Corn shoots.

[You have become the master of the abyss worm corn shoots! 】

A faint golden thread appeared on Bingyi's cloak, from the left shoulder to the right corner. It represented corn shoots, but it was also like a dividing line, dividing the cloak into two corners. Becoming the master of the corn shoots also did not hinder Bingyi. He seemed to hear the corn shoots shouting "Father" happily. The poisonous pus blood corroded his body at a slower speed, and the corroded flesh and blood regenerated quickly. This was the strength he gained from the corn shoots after he became its master. At the same time, Bingyi seemed to see how the corn shoots hatched from an egg in the dark underground palace and grew into what they are now.

Too many picture fragments made his brain numb. He vaguely knew that this seemed to be something he should know, but it seemed that he was hindered by something, and he forgot all about it when he thought about it. In the end, Bing was still worried about one thing. Why didn't he see any memory about Wei Xun? No memory of even the puppet being made?

What the hell is Wei Xun? Has he really become Wei Xun's master? Why does he feel so strange!

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