Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 638: Icelandic Horror (167)

"There's something wrong with the Devil Merchant's Zero."

Bai Xiaosheng said solemnly: "The devil businessman's position will not be affected by pollution. He returned to zero without any warning and suddenly changed from a human to a ghost. And he did not lose his mind after returning to zero..." He quickly moved around There was some data recorded on the parchment, and his eyes were fixed on the live broadcast screen. Now everyone on the way home basically has the same look as him, wanting to stare right through the live broadcast room.

At this moment, no one on the way home was thinking about the judging anymore. Everyone stood up and stared closely at the live broadcast, but not at the devil businessman. Lu Shucheng opened and closed his sharp claws to draw white marks in the palm of his hand, and his wolf ears turned anxiously on his head; Wang Pengpai couldn't help but pace around and muttered something, Man Yuanyuan's face was covered with sweat; Wang Pengpai couldn't help but pacing, mumbling something, Man Yuanyuan's face was covered with sweat; Yushu folded his arms, tapping his fingers unconsciously; Mao Xiaole stood upright with his sword in his back, but the little paper figures were running around on his shoulders as if out of control; Wan Xiangchun looked the calmest, but his eyes were blank and burning. There were circles of fire like the golden-winged roc.

These are all small subconscious actions when one is highly nervous. People who have gone through hardships and dangers and would not be so nervous even if they are going to the battlefield are extremely nervous when Bingyi returns to zero. It is unbelievable to say it. A group of top passengers looked like expectant fathers waiting anxiously outside the door of the delivery room. They were worried about their wives' safety and at the same time worried about what they could give birth to.

At this time, Bai Xiaosheng, who was still saying, "There's something wrong with the devil businessman," seemed to be out of tune with everyone, just like Lao Wang next door.

"Who cares whether the devil merchant is right or not?"

Wang Pengpai couldn't help but muttered, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his fat hand, feeling uneasy: "My dear, this is Director Cui's first time to return to zero."

As early as when Cui Dao was near death many times, everyone on the way home was ready for Cui Dao to return to zero. The life and death of the tour guide is related to the safety of the entire brigade, but there is very little information on the impact of the tour guide's return to zero on the passengers. Any tour guide who can join a brigade and get along well with the tourists is simply the treasure of the group. Coupled with the special nature of the tour guides, the tour guides are in danger of destroying the group. When encountering danger, they are always rough-skinned and thick-skinned tourists. Go first.

When the tour guide really returns to zero, unless he encounters a dangerous situation where there is no life or death, as long as there is a passenger who can still move and has the strength to take action, it is absolutely impossible for the tour guide to go to zero and fight for his life. Therefore, when the tour guide returned to zero, all the passengers in the group were seriously injured and on the verge of death and fainted. They lost consciousness and could not feel anything more. Naturally, they could not remember what they felt at that time.

And unless the group is destroyed, the tour guides have no chance of returning to zero, which is different from the solo tour guides in the Tour Guide Alliance. Solo tour guides will have a higher frequency of zeroing, especially those crazy butcher tour guides. They will reset to zero almost every trip, and the group will be wiped out every time, which has no reference value.

All the preparations for the return trip came from Zhang Xingzang. He said some of his feelings when the dream chaser returned to zero.

‘When the tour guide returns to zero, tourists and tour guides complement each other’

Zhang Xingzang said that this should have been a secret, but Bingyi and Guitu had saved his life and Dream Chaser. Now that they have joined Director Cui's Mutual Aid Alliance, they are considered Director Cui's people, so there is nothing to hide.

‘Each tour guide’s state of alienation is different, and the impact on tourists when returning to zero is also different... Let’s put it this way, when Dream Chaser returns to Zero, I feel particularly awake, and my dream has been taken away by Dream Chaser’

What he said was very mysterious and a little difficult to understand. Fortunately, Zhang Xingzang didn't hide anything and explained in detail: 'In other words, what was taken away was my ability to dream, and all my dreams condensed into one incarnation.'

‘My dream avatar will follow Dream Chaser and fight, turning into a little dragon or something like that. But in reality, I will be abnormally awake because my dreams are taken away. All kinds of pollution, nonsense, and things that can make people faint and lose consciousness have no effect on me.'

‘So if the tour guides of the brigade return to zero, the strength of the tourists and tour guides will be greatly improved. ’

This is obviously a good thing. After their strength reaches their peak level, any improvement can affect the outcome, to the point of turning the world upside down. However, Zhang Xingzang's strange expression when he said this is still deeply remembered by everyone on the way home.

'But to be honest, even if the tourists die, they will not want to be connected to the tour guide. This feeling is indescribable, and it is difficult for those who have not experienced it to understand. ’

Although Zhang Xingzang was sighing helplessly at the time, his words "It's hard to understand for those who haven't experienced it" were vaguely understood by everyone as showing off, leaving everyone expressionless and patiently not asking further questions. There were so many people present that Zhang Xingzang felt a little regretful that he didn't get satisfactory feedback, but he still didn't continue to sell off.

"The tour guide and the brigade are connected. If the tour guide is injured, the tour guide is in pain, and the tour guide's spirit is polluted, it is basically the same for every passenger. Only the captain will bear more."

‘But returning to zero is different’

‘Everyone also knows that the alienated state of the tour guide is closely connected with the abyss. In a sense, the tour guide’s return to zero is to become an abyssal creature’

Zhang Xingzang said meaningfully: "Abyssal creatures and humans are different. The tour guide lost his mind and became an abyssal creature, but after contacting the tour guide of the brigade, his sanity after returning to zero is the sanity of the team members who are still awake."

It’s a good thing to have a tour guide who doesn’t lose his mind when he gets back to zero.

‘But what happens to the travelers who connect with it? ’

Zhang Xingzang asked back, and then talked to himself. This is equivalent to the connection between abyssal creatures and humans. It is the most direct pollution of the abyss, and it is an invasion from within.

The tourists are completely defenseless. The pollution of the abyss will gradually erase their humanity from the spirit and soul connected with the tour guide, and assimilate them into monsters in the abyss. As he just said, they will return to zero. The tour guide will assimilate the tourists. When the dream chaser returns to zero, Zhang Xingzang's dream incarnation will also have the properties of the dream chaser. When the dream chaser returns to normal, Zhang Xingzang's dream incarnation will not return to normal.

The tour guide has a death countdown and a sanity value. When the death countdown is increased, once the sanity value is restored, he can get rid of the alienated state and return to normal. But the passengers did not. The mental pollution was difficult to eliminate and could only become deeper and deeper again and again. In the end, it will even backfire on passengers.

'Of course, with deep connection, tour guides can also influence tourists to a certain extent. Just like what I just said, even if the pursuit of dreams does not return to zero, my dreams can turn into little dragons. This is the influence of Dream Chaser’s control. Although it is not as strong as when he returned to zero, it is still a not weak increase.’

Zhang Xingzang said with a smile: 'In short, tour guides with a brigade rarely return to zero, which is safer. If it really returns to zero, it will be a time when the life and death of the brigade is at stake, and we have to fight at all costs. but……'

Cui Dao is not a person who likes to be restrained. He prefers to participate in thrilling adventures by himself and feel the thrill of life and death that makes people feel numb. Even if he joins the journey home, he will not stop. An Xuefeng would not use this to restrain Bingyi.

‘So, travelers with tour guides who frequently return to zero should be prepared in advance’

Zhang Xingzang directly transitioned to imparting experience. When he spoke, he did not ignore every returnee. Seeing their expressions, they took it for granted, as if it was normal for Director Cui to return to zero frequently. Lu Shucheng even took a notebook and started to take notes seriously.

Each tour guide's alienation state is different, and the bias that affects tourists when returning to zero is also different. For example, when the ghostly alienated tour guide returns to zero, it will most likely cause the souls of the passengers to become alienated. When the dream chaser returns to zero, it will affect Zhang Xingzang's dream body.

'Bingyi is a demon-like alienation, and it is a special humanoid demon. When it returns to zero and alienation, your body may transform into a demonic state.'

Zhang Xingzang said unsurely: 'A more powerful body, faster speed, the devil's claws and teeth, and even the devil's wings may all be reflected in you.'

After all, the main purpose of demonic alienation is the transformation of the body.

'Actually, this is better than those involving souls, dreams, consciousness and other intangible things. It is normal for everyone that the body is polluted by the abyss. Just treat it as normal, purify, polish and cut. Ah and so on. ’

Zhang Xingzang waved his hand and murmured in a low voice: 'And I heard that Cui Dao Ting is edible. Cutting off the parts of your body that were contaminated by the abyss might be quite good for him.'

'Director Cui is a normal person, not so abnormal'

Lu Shucheng said with disdain, rejecting Zhang Xingzang's speculation with righteous words. But it was one thing to establish an image for Director Cui in front of outsiders. We discussed it in private and everyone carried a small bone knife with them. These are the ribs obtained by killing the out-of-control tour guide before returning home. Their attributes are a string of garbled characters. The only advantage is that they are extremely sharp, especially because they can completely cut the contaminated body and peel off the contamination along with the flesh and bones.

Although the pollution on the surface of the body can be removed with talismans, magic patterns, and some potions, isn't this possible for Cui Dao? It would be a pity to soak it with potions, so just peel it off.

Many tour guides were killed on their way back, but few could leave anything behind after being mutated. In addition to the leg bone of the tour guide that Wang Pengpai took out in Xiangxi, which can command and instruct the alienated tour guide, this set of rib blades is a very important prop. It is basically found in the return warehouse on weekdays. You can only carry one at most on each mission. Bundle.

After the body is contaminated, as long as you use it to peel off the skin, flesh and bones in time, the pollution will not spread. It is very easy to use. The injury can be cured as soon as you return to the hotel, and everyone on the way home will be regarded as a master of carving meat. But Cui Dao's return to zero is not the pollution of one place or one point. According to Zhang Xingzang, their whole bodies will be contaminated by the abyss demon's pollution.

It would be too slow for one person to cut off the whole body, so everyone brought a knife.

But why is the current situation different from what they imagined and what Zhang Xingzang said? ?

"Fuck, I think something's wrong too."

Wang Yushu couldn't help it any longer, and he uttered a rare curse word: "Fuck him, we haven't mutated our bodies yet, why is the devil businessman going to return to zero?"

It has been about ten minutes since Director Cui returned to zero. They had already taken the knives, but the strange thing is that there is not even a trace of distortion on the body of their returnee!

"Or is it that Director Cui's return to zero is special and will not be reflected in us until the return to zero is over?"

Lu Shucheng guessed: "Perhaps this warm-up competition is special. The tour guide will not die and can recover his memory after one hour. It is not considered a serious reset, so it will not affect us?"

"It's also possible that the connection between Captain and Director Cui is not deep enough."

Mao Xiaole said calmly and rationally: "Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser are deeply connected, and their experiences are not completely applicable to us."

This connection is not deep enough... When he said this, Bai Xiaosheng was watching the live broadcast with an expressionless face. Wang Pengpai raised his head to wipe his sweat and pursed his lips, but it was difficult to explain this phenomenon.

Even for tour guides and tourists who do not have a deep connection, the tour guide's return to zero cannot affect their bodies to be polluted. At least they should feel the same mental madness and physical pain when the tour guide's san value returns to zero.

But now, no one felt anything on the way back.

It's as if Cui Dao has not returned to zero, and Cui Dao does not exist in the world. However, this calmness made them feel even more terrified.

"First, it may be the influence of the special title."

Until this moment, Bai Xiaosheng's voice was still calm, and he was still completely rational. Cui Dao sank into the poisonous blood river of giants and suffered strong pollution attacks. It is not impossible to awaken a new title or advance the original title. Bai Xiaosheng clearly remembers the orange title of "Qi Tu" on Director Cui's poster.

With this title, it could suppress the scope of influence of Zero Zero, or there might be a special Zero Zero state that would make sense. This was something new that had never been studied before. Bai Xiaosheng wished he could turn into a paper crane and fly to Director Cui to observe and record it up close.

"Second, Cui Dao's alienated state is special and will not affect passengers when it returns to zero."

“What doesn’t affect passengers??”

His words were like throwing a huge boulder into a calm lake, causing a turbulent wave. Bai Xiaosheng didn't explain too much, but just continued: "Jia Yixi ordered people to return to zero. There are a total of seventy-six recorded times."

Seventy-six times, which is not too much for the Butcher Tour Guide, and it is the total number in the five years before he entered the Sun Gate. But you must know that this was only recorded by Bai Xiaosheng, and most of the data that can be recorded are precious data left behind by returnees or people from the Sunset Brigade who were lucky enough to survive the journey taken by the Mingxi people! The more brigades that were brought to the destruction by the Mingren will leave no records. At the level of strength of the Mingren, the journey will basically not be broadcast live, and there will be no way to record it.

"In the data of No. 48·Indian Corpse Forest, the two guides of the life-seeker and the psychic led the team and returned to zero at the same time."

"I'm familiar with this. Jesus, that was a nightmare."

Wang Pengpeng shook his body and complained with lingering fear. He was the only one who survived the journey to the Indian Corpse Forest. After all, even a life-loving person needs a driver. Speaking of which, besides An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai was the one who had the most dealings with the people on the way back. Wang Pengpeng sometimes wonders whether a great tour guide like Xi Mingren has any right to choose tourists? Otherwise, most of his journeys with Mingxiren would involve sailing, flying, or driving the entire journey.

But to be able to get first-hand information about people who are interested in life, Wang Pengpai, as the deputy captain of the return team, has no shirk. Every time he carries his life on the journey, he has never refused the return privilege.

The journey to the Indian Corpse Forest is extremely dangerous, and even Wang Pengpai almost didn't make it back alive. In the final analysis, the fate-seeking man and the psychic suddenly came to zero together. Wang Pengpai muttered a few words to Lu Shucheng and others who had just joined the brigade in the past five years, and then his expression became solemn.

"You mean..."

"Look again."

When they reviewed the test, Bai Xiaosheng suspected that it was not easy for the psychic to return to zero. Not many people are aware of this. After all, the demonic alienated form of the Life-Happy Man is too powerful and domineering, and the aura of the abyss is strong. It is normal for the tour guide to lose sanity like crazy around him and return to zero, especially the demonic alienated tour guide who has the most number of demonic alienated people in the Butcher Alliance. More deeply affected.

But Bai Xiaosheng pays the most attention to details. He keenly realizes that the psychic is a rare non-demon alienated guide in the Butcher Alliance. His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The characteristics of the psychic also make him difficult to be affected by the pollution of the abyss. . To say that his pollution and san value returned to zero and alienated in seconds after being reset to zero by the Life-seeking Man, then either they seriously underestimated the pollution after the Life-seeking Man returned to zero - but if the pollution was really that heavy, it would be difficult for Wang Pengpai to completely wipe it out. Come back alive.

Or there's something wrong with the reset of the life-seeking person.

Is there a possibility that those butchers and tour guides in the past were not polluted by the zeroing breath of the people who ordered them to return to zero?

Rather, the return to zero of the life-seeking person will itself lead other tour guides to return to zero?

If this is the case...then the hidden meaning is profound.

The guide's return to zero was influenced by the abyss. Could it be said that the life-seeking people have already reached this point?

But Cui Dao had just entered the hotel not long ago, so he shouldn't have reached this point.

That is the special nature of the alienated state - in the final analysis, he and the life-seeking person may have a special blood.


Bai Xiaosheng stopped talking and stared at the live broadcast screen. The split screen of Director Cui's live broadcast was in darkness, and the flow of liquid could be vaguely seen. It was the black poisonous blood of the ancestor giant, without a trace of light, pure darkness. Lines of barrage passed by, but no one could see Bingyi's figure clearly. He seemed to be completely integrated into the darkness, more like a shield than a shield.

Even the live broadcast perspective of Wei Xun and Dan Lin who went down the Blood River to find Bingyi was dark, making it impossible to know the true situation deep in the Blood River. More viewers gathered in the live broadcast room of Miao Fangfei and others, looking down at the blood river from their perspective, waiting anxiously and worriedly for some movement.

[I’m so worried. If this wasn’t a warm-up match, I was really worried that Director C would die...]

Bai Xiaosheng didn't turn off the barrage, he just turned it down a bit. There were a lot of worries about Bingyi's barrage, and some people comforted themselves by saying that they would not die. The tour guide would not die in the competition.

Will he really die?

Bai Xiaosheng spoke with data, but he did not hesitate to speculate on the hotel with the worst possible intentions. After all, in the past few days, the hotel's targeting of Bingyi was very obvious.

Can Bingyi really recover his sanity and leave the alienated state after an hour and return to normal?

Or are there going to be some minor 'accidents'?

[Yu Tuan is ready to go down to the river to see it! 】

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room became commotion, and Yu Xiangyang's figure appeared next to the Blood River. Not only him, but also Tang Xiang and Sister Maria.

"This river of blood no longer looks like it is in the human world."

Yu Xiangyang solemnly said, Ragnarok is approaching, and the nine worlds located on the World Tree in Nordic mythology are no longer stable. The human world is located in the middle, and can collide with the worlds above and below, causing cracks in space to appear. channel, or chimerism occurs somewhere.

This long river of giant blood was silent when it first appeared, but now everyone has discovered its abnormality. It no longer just looked like a crack in the ice filled with blood, but like a real river of poisonous blood. Evil, dark, deadly, as if connected to another world.

The realm of the frost giants or the realm of mist.

It would be terrible if it was corroded into a space crack and became a passage between the human world and other worlds. Bingyi might have sunk to the bottom of the river, but now it might leak into another world. If this is the case, Wei Xun and Dan Lin will not be able to get any favors.

After a brief discussion, Yu Xiangyang and Tang Xiang prepared to go down to the river. They had the highest defense. One went to Director Bing and the other to Wei Xun. Maria also decided to go down to the river, but to find Dan Lin. Audiences flocked to the live broadcast room during their discussion, eager to see first-hand information. However, after Bai Xiaosheng briefly scanned their pictures, his eyes fell on Bingyi's live broadcast perspective.

Pure darkness, thick and flowing black poisonous blood, no color except black, as if the entire live broadcast perspective was swallowed up by darkness, and the screen went black. Bai Xiaosheng used the title of observer, his eyes flashed with purple light. He observed carefully, but he still could not find any color except black.

This is very wrong.

Bai Xiaosheng couldn't find the color of tour guide Bingyi's cloak.

The tour guide's cloak is a gift from the hotel to the tour guide and is a symbol of the tour guide's status. No matter how dim and dull the live broadcast viewing angle is, you can more or less see the color of the tour guide's cloak. Unless Bingyi took off his cloak - but when he fell back to zero, Bai Xiaosheng clearly remembered that the blue tour guide's cloak was still flying behind him.

It was rare for Bai Xiaosheng to hold his breath, and a trace of sticky cold sweat ran across his forehead, as if there were insects crawling across it.

Was it because Bingyi deliberately took off the tour guide's cloak after sinking into the blood river, or...

His tour guide cloak changed color?

Became - a black that never appeared before?

How can this be!

But just as Bai Xiaosheng's brain was rapidly thinking and calculating various probabilities, dozens of barrages flew across the live broadcast room as if they were swiping the screen.

[Shit, look! Look at Shao Yuan's perspective, what is that thing in the sky! 】

【The sky is cracked! What's going on? Is it the end of the world? 】

[Stop looking at the fucking sky, look at the blood river, the blood river is also splitting! ! 】

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