Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 640: Icelandic Horror (169)

Bingyi was puzzled and couldn't figure out what Wei Xun was. He made a mental note for him and then stopped thinking about it. He continued to consider choosing other powers under his control.

After the corn shoots, Bingyi chose the flame by trial and became the master of the flame. This time he did not see any memory fragments. Bingyi guessed that this was because Huo Yan was not conscious. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he had been promoted to the strongest and fully controlled extraordinary power, and he did not receive much resistance when he mastered it. Bingyi's body gained resistance to flames from the flames, but this was not his biggest gain. Bingyi was happy to find that those believers who surrendered to him were those who were burned to death by the flames, and those salmons were still fanatically calling 'Fire God! The little fires of Vulcan had absolutely no intention of resisting him.

They are his followers, and he is their Lord. Naturally, this is the relationship between the Lord and his followers. Although the number of these believers is not large enough to make Bingyi stronger when praying, there are enough when they are adopted as the master's possessions, even if they are just a symbol representing faith on Bingyi's cloak, and Unification only increases Bing's sensitivity to prayer, allowing him to gather the 'power of faith' for his use. But Bingyi vaguely felt that the power of the ‘Lord’ had increased.

It's as if the Overlord is not the strongest. There is a deeper and unfathomable extraordinary power above this series of ultimate powers. It is just that it is still far away from what Bingyi currently possesses, but it is enough to Bingyi felt a sense of anticipation and excitement in his heart.

Faster, faster.

Bing thought that the time when the cold-blooded person was promoted to domination was the best opportunity for him to classify the power he controlled into the scope of domination, and the strong emotions brought by returning to zero were the best nourishment to maintain this advancement. Once you miss it, if you try to add something to the domination range, you will encounter several times or even ten times the danger.

Without further ado, inspired by the believers, Bingyi immediately brought Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, Xiao Cui and other alternative believers who had eaten the grapes of his Lost Paradise into the scope of his dominance. When Yu Hehui and Tong Hege were included, Bingyi had a vague feeling, as if he had seen their lives, only starting from their resurrection from the dead. Just as Yu Hehui and Tong Hege said, he saved them and gave them new life. Their lives and souls have been closely connected with him, and they will never betray them even if they have not eaten grapes.

Bingyi's heart moved. Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, who were supposed to be left on the ground to protect Miao Fangfei and others, immediately appeared beside him. This was the power he had after becoming their master. Needless to say, the tiny fox immediately curled up and nestled on the scarlet monster's arm, constantly sending the pure spiritual energy of the sky fox to him to prevent the demon's chaotic power from completely getting out of control. Tong Hege turned into a wooden bud, using the power of the Nordic World Tree to support him in a small space in the sea of ​​blood.

With their help, Bingyi's deformed body can last longer in this poisonous blood river, until he has fully mastered the power he controls. Compared with Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, Bingyi suffered backlash from Xiaocui. It's not that Xiaocui is not loyal enough. The part of her that is a demon insect is completely loyal to Bingyi. It is a matter of Hela's death authority.

Xiao Cui's power of death comes from the evolution of the death energy of the Death Knight, and it takes time and effort to completely become Xiao Cui's own. It was this power of death that fiercely resisted when Bingyi dominated Xiaocui, and the uncontrollable thick gray death air spread. Fortunately, the death knight's head had been thrown out by Bingyi long ago and was not in the Lost Paradise, otherwise something big would have happened. .

Apart from the cold sweat on his back, Bingyi became even more cautious from then on. In Xiaocui, he gained the power to control the demonic insects and turn them into believers. His demonic insects would be as loyal to him as they were loyal to the insect mother, so Bingyi began to classify all kinds of demonic insects as his own. Within the scope, except Dieda. It was so special that it reminded Bingyi of the butterfly living in his chest, and he decided to finally get rid of it.

From Wei Xun, corn shoots, followers of the God of Fire, followers of Paradise Lost, various demonic insects, and all the extraordinary powers possessed by Bingyi. Some can be chosen to dominate possessions, some cannot. Some were docile and submissive, but some had terrible backlash against Bingyi because he had not yet completely gained control.

It had only been ten minutes since Bingyi fell into the blood river, and his monster-like body was already riddled with holes. The devil's wings were broken because Bingyi's body almost collapsed when he dominated the power of the Lost One. His deformation was biased towards the devil and it was difficult for him to coexist with the angels. His back became scorched black, as if burned by a fierce fire. This was the terrible backlash Bingyi suffered when he tried to dominate the power of the sun. The aging and decaying sun was not something he could completely control.

In addition, there are many backlashes. At this moment, Bingyi's body is as tattered as if it has been through a fierce battle. Even the powerful regeneration ability of corn shoots cannot heal the cruel wounds, and even the power obtained by domination cannot make up for the backlash damage suffered. But Bingyi didn't stop. He was excited to discover that the more things he controlled and the wider the scope, the more unfathomable the feeling the title of 'Lord' gave him.

At first, only those who had completely surrendered could be completely dominated, such as those believers, Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, corn shoots, and some demonic insects. Later, the power that he did not completely master could be temporarily listed as within the control range. What will this power become when he dominates enough? If he dominates enough, if this trend continues, will he be able to dominate things that he has no control over at all?

Bingyi is greedy and bold, fanatical and rational. Whether it is good or bad, light or dark, or contradictory of the same kind, he tries to dominate one by one according to the degree of control from high to low, and all abilities or characters that may be dominated He tried them all over and over, which left him covered in bruises, but also made his eyes shine. There were more and more symbols on his cloak representing the objects being dominated. The various colors merged together like a chaotic black, but there were also flickering lights in it. Many kinds of light. In fact, it is difficult for any title to be reflected on the tour guide's cloak, but Bingyi, who has lost his memory, does not know this.

He tried his best to dominate more things, but he regretted not stopping until he found it difficult to gather his thoughts and his physical injuries were approaching the limit. He has too much and dominates too much, just like devouring dates wholeheartedly. He only cares about quantity but not complete control, which makes the backlash he suffers even worse and more terrifying. But Bingyi didn't care, he was just regretful, feeling that he might have lost a lot of memories, and that there were many abilities and things that his followers had forgotten, and he was unable to completely dominate them.

But he can't get it all at once, which is too boring. The scarlet demon's expression moved slightly, and a butterfly flew gracefully on his fingertips. This was the butterfly. His mind and body were already on the verge of reaching their limits and he could not bear any more. And before the end, Bingyi planned to take a big gamble.

The butterfly fragment on the chest, Ah Feng. These are the two entities he most wants to dominate and want to find out the truth about.

They are not under his control. Even though Bingyi has dominated many things and his conditions have been relaxed, he is not sure. Dominating them would probably cause him to suffer the most terrible backlash, death or even complete madness. But he really wanted to give it a try and take this rare opportunity to give it a try. The weird and dark desire for exclusivity and aggression is so strong that even the 'Master' cannot absorb it all.

This is his. Bingyi doesn't know where this idea came from. He is paranoid but natural. This is his, this is his—

So, which master should I choose? The soft and beautiful white butterfly is not polluted by the poisonous blood of the giant, and the warmth falls on its fingertips. Bingyi is not crazy. If it is true that he is completely unable to bear it and can only be ignorant of death, he is not crazy enough to seek death. You can die if you hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening. That is just hearing the Tao. Death of ignorance is the most stupid thing.

Before testing the Butterfly Shard, he will first try to dominate the Butterfly. This risk is lower. Bingyi thinks that Dieda may have some connection with these butterfly fragments and can use it to test. Just as when the crazy idea of ​​dominating A Feng came up, Bingyi first tried to dominate Wei Xun.

However, the master Wei Xun was so smooth that he did not allow Bingyi to get the information he wanted. Even A Feng turned into a dangerous and fascinating fog, making it impossible for him to estimate how much danger it contained.

Dominate the butterfly fragments, or dominate Ah Feng.

The bloody monster whose body was almost in tatters was quietly suspended in the poisonous blood. He felt as if he was sinking. This crack in the ice shouldn't be so deep, and the endless fall is very weird. He also wanted to return to the ice sheet and didn't have much time to make a careful decision.

He could also use Die Da to test the butterfly fragments, but there was no way to test Ah Feng.

Without hesitation, Bingyi made his choice.

Ah Feng.

[You choose to be the master of Ah Feng? 】

That's right.

The scarlet demon opened his mouth and showed a smile. The choice is not that difficult, and Bingyi's already chaotic thinking is on the verge of collapse, making it impossible for Bingyi to think too much and weigh too many things. The butterfly fragment resides in his chest. Dieda is his loyal devil insect. He obtained the butterfly's cocoon shell in his old dream. All of this can be traced and there are many clues that can be explored.

However, Ah Feng is a mystery.

Bingyi was nowhere to be touched and could not be touched. Even his master Wei Xun did not get any information related to A Feng. He didn't know how long he could live or whether he could survive this journey. Letting Ah Feng become a mystery forever is really unacceptable, so much so that even if he dies, he may not be able to close his eyes.

[You choose to be the master of Ah Feng? 】


It's strange that I asked twice. This was completely different from before. Maybe this was a chance for him to save himself. The backlash from Master Ah Feng's failure might make him die, but Bingyi did not hesitate and did not change his mind at all. Bing thought that maybe he was born with a yearning for the unknown, a desire for adventure, and an uneasiness in a stable life. At this moment, there was only excitement and expectation in his heart, looking forward to what kind of fruits his all-in bet would bear.

This moment of waiting was extremely long, as if it was just a moment or hundreds of years. Even the prompts in my mind became fuzzy and intermittent, as if they were interfered by some extremely powerful force. Bingyi vaguely seemed to see a beam of light. The dim yellow light was like the afterglow of the old dusk, and like the light of a cold knife, it split open the poisonous and thick black blood river and slashed towards him.


Is this backlash? Somewhat helpless, but also relieved. Even though the scarlet demon was on the verge of death, he still struggled to resist, but he could not avoid the terrifying orange-yellow sword light that seemed to pass through the torrent of time and space. He could only let it fall on his body - on his fingers, which was indestructible. When the terrifying sword light hit him, it suddenly became soft, like a beam of soft light that circled the scarlet demon's ring finger and turned into an orange-yellow ring.

[You have become An Xuefeng’s master! 】Bingyi was puzzled and couldn't figure out what Wei Xun was. He made a mental note for him and then stopped thinking about it. He continued to consider choosing other powers under his control.

After the corn shoots, Bingyi chose the flame by trial and became the master of the flame. This time he did not see any memory fragments. Bingyi guessed that this was because Huo Yan was not conscious. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he had been promoted to the strongest and fully controlled extraordinary power, and he did not receive much resistance when he mastered it. Bingyi's body gained resistance to flames from the flames, but this was not his biggest gain. Bingyi was happy to find that those believers who surrendered to him were those who were burned to death by the flames. Those salmons were still fanatically calling 'Fire God! The little fires of Vulcan had absolutely no intention of resisting him.

They are his followers, and he is their Lord. Naturally, this is the relationship between the Lord and his followers. Although the number of these believers is not large enough to make Bingyi stronger when praying, there are enough when they are adopted as the master's possessions, even if they are just a symbol representing faith on Bingyi's cloak, and Unification only increases Bing's sensitivity to prayer, allowing him to gather the 'power of faith' for his use. But Bingyi vaguely felt that the power of the ‘Lord’ had increased.

It's as if the Overlord is not the strongest. There is a deeper and unfathomable extraordinary power above this series of ultimate powers. It is just that it is still far away from what Bingyi currently possesses, but it is enough to Bingyi felt a sense of anticipation and excitement in his heart.

Faster, faster.

Bing thought that the time when the cold-blooded person was promoted to domination was the best opportunity for him to classify the power he controlled into the scope of domination, and the strong emotions brought by returning to zero were the best nourishment to maintain this advancement. Once you miss it, if you try to add something to the domination range, you will encounter several times or even ten times the danger.

Without further ado, inspired by the believers, Bingyi immediately brought Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, Xiao Cui and other alternative believers who had eaten the grapes of his Lost Paradise into the scope of his dominance. When Yu Hehui and Tong Hege were included, Bingyi had a vague feeling, as if he had seen their lives, only starting from their resurrection from the dead. Just as Yu Hehui and Tong Hege said, he saved them and gave them new life. Their lives and souls have been closely connected with him, and they will never betray them even if they have not eaten grapes.

Bingyi's heart moved. Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, who were supposed to be left on the ground to protect Miao Fangfei and others, immediately appeared beside him. This was the power he had after becoming their master. Needless to say, the tiny fox immediately curled up and nestled on the scarlet monster's arm, constantly feeding the pure spiritual energy of the sky fox to him to prevent the demon's chaotic power from completely getting out of control. Tong Hege turned into a wooden bud, using the power of the Nordic World Tree to support him in a small space in the sea of ​​blood.

With their help, Bingyi's deformed body can last longer in this poisonous blood river, until he has fully mastered the power he controls. Compared with Yu Hehui and Tong Hege, Bingyi suffered backlash from Xiaocui. It's not that Xiaocui is not loyal enough. The part of her that is a demon insect is completely loyal to Bingyi. It is a matter of Hela's death authority.

Xiao Cui's power of death comes from the evolution of the death energy of the Death Knight, and it takes time and effort to completely become Xiao Cui's own. It was this power of death that fiercely resisted when Bingyi dominated Xiaocui, and the uncontrollable thick gray death air spread. Fortunately, the death knight's head had been thrown out by Bingyi long ago and was not in the Lost Paradise, otherwise something big would have happened. .

Apart from the cold sweat on his back, Bingyi became even more cautious from then on. In Xiaocui, he gained the power to control demonic insects and turn them into believers. His demonic insects would be as loyal to him as they were loyal to the insect mother, so Bingyi began to classify various demonic insects as his own. Within the scope, except Dieda. It was so special that it reminded Bingyi of the butterfly living in his chest, and he decided to finally get rid of it.

From Wei Xun, corn shoots, followers of the God of Fire, followers of Paradise Lost, various demonic insects, and all the extraordinary powers possessed by Bingyi. Some can be chosen to dominate possessions, some cannot. Some were docile and submissive, but some had terrible backlash against Bingyi because he had not yet completely gained control.

It had only been ten minutes since Bingyi fell into the blood river, and his monster-like body was already riddled with holes. The devil's wings were broken because Bingyi's body almost collapsed when he dominated the power of the Lost One. His deformation was biased towards the devil, making it difficult for him to coexist with the angels. His back became scorched black, as if burned by a fierce fire. This was the terrible backlash Bingyi suffered when he tried to dominate the power of the sun. The aging and decaying sun was not something he could completely control.

In addition, there are many backlashes. At this moment, Bingyi's body is as tattered as if it has been through a fierce battle. Even the powerful regeneration ability of corn shoots cannot heal the cruel wounds, and even the power obtained by domination cannot make up for the backlash damage suffered. But Bingyi didn't stop. He was excited to discover that the more things he controlled and the wider the scope, the more unfathomable the feeling the title of 'Lord' gave him.

At first, only those who had completely surrendered could be completely dominated, such as those believers, Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, corn shoots, and some demonic insects. Later, the power that he did not completely master could be temporarily listed as within the control range. What will this power become when he dominates enough? If he dominates enough, if this trend continues, will he be able to dominate things that he has no control over at all?

Bingyi was greedy and bold, fanatical and rational. No matter good or bad, bright or dark, the same or contradictory, he tried to dominate one by one according to the degree of control from high to low, and tried all the abilities or characters that might be dominated. This made him bruised and battered, but also made his eyes glow. There were more and more symbols on his cloak representing the dominated objects, and various colors converged together like a chaotic black, but there were many kinds of light flashing in it. In fact, it is difficult for any title to be reflected on the guide cloak, but Bingyi, who had lost his memory, did not know this.

He tried his best to dominate more things, until he felt that his thoughts were difficult to gather and his physical injuries were on the verge of limit, and then he regretted to stop. He had too much, dominated too much, like a wolf swallowing a whole, only seeking quantity instead of complete control, which made the backlash he suffered even worse and more terrible. But Bingyi didn't care, he just regretted that he might have lost a lot of memories, and there were many abilities and believers who were forgotten by him and could not be completely dominated.

But he couldn't get everything at once, it was too boring. The scarlet demon's expression moved slightly, and a butterfly fluttered and landed on his fingertips. This was Die Da. His spirit and body were already on the verge of the limit and could not bear more. Before the end, Bing Yi planned to take a gamble.

The butterfly fragment on his chest, A Feng. These were the two beings he wanted to dominate the most and wanted to find out the truth the most.

They were not under his control. Even though he had dominated many things, Bing Yi, whose conditions had been relaxed, was not sure. Dominating them might cause him to suffer the most terrible backlash, death or even complete madness. But he really wanted to try, and take this extremely rare opportunity to try. The weird and dark desire for exclusivity and aggression was too strong, even the "master" could not absorb it all.

This is his, Bing Yi didn't know where this idea came from, paranoid but reasonable. This is his, this is him——

So, which master should he choose? The soft and beautiful white butterfly was not contaminated by the giant's poisonous blood, and fell gently on his fingertips. Bing Yi was not crazy. If it was really something he could not bear at all at the moment and could only die ignorantly, he was not crazy enough to rush to die. If you hear the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening. That is also hearing the truth. Death without knowledge is the most stupid.

Before testing the butterfly fragments, he will try to dominate the butterfly. This is less risky. Bingyi thinks that the butterfly may have some connection with these butterfly fragments, and he can use it to test. Just as when he came up with the crazy idea of ​​dominating Afeng, Bingyi first tried to dominate Wei Xun.

However, dominating Wei Xun was so smooth that Bingyi did not get the information he wanted. Even Afeng became a dangerous and charming fog, making it impossible for him to estimate how much danger it contained.

Dominating the butterfly fragments, or dominating Afeng.

The bloody monster with a nearly broken body in the poisonous blood river quietly suspended in the poisonous blood, and he felt that he seemed to be sinking. This ice crack should not be so deep, and the endless fall was very strange. He wanted to return to the ice field again, and he didn't have much time to make a careful decision.

He could still use the butterfly to test the butterfly fragments, but he didn't try Afeng again.

Without hesitation, Bingyi made a choice.


[Do you choose to be the master of Afeng? ]

That's right.

The scarlet demon cracked his mouth and showed a smile. The choice was not that difficult. Bingyi's mind, which was already confused and on the verge of collapse, could not think too much or weigh too much. The fragments of the butterfly lived in his chest. The butterfly was his loyal demon insect. He obtained the cocoon of the butterfly in his old dream. All of this can be traced and there are many clues that can be explored.

However, Afeng is a mystery.

Bingyi has nowhere to touch and cannot touch. Even his master Wei Xun has not obtained any information about Afeng. He doesn't know how long he can live or whether he can survive this journey. It is really unacceptable to let Afeng become a mystery forever. He is so unwilling that he may not be able to close his eyes even if he dies.

[Do you choose to be the master of Afeng? ]


It's strange that he asked it twice. This is completely different from before. Maybe this is a chance for him to save himself. The backlash of failing to dominate Afeng may kill him, but Bingyi did not hesitate and did not change his mind at all. Bingyi thought that maybe he was born with a yearning for the unknown, a desire for adventure, and an insatiable desire for a stable life. At this moment, he was only excited and looking forward to what kind of fruit his all-out bet would bear.

The wait at this moment was extremely long, as if it was just a moment, but also seemed like hundreds of years. Even the prompts in his mind became blurred and intermittent, as if disturbed by some extremely powerful force. Bingyi seemed to see a beam of light, a dim yellow light, like the afterglow of the old evening, and like a sharp knife light, splitting the poisonous and thick black blood river and slashing it towards him.

[You... became...]

Is this the backlash? Some helplessness, but also relief. The scarlet demon was still struggling to resist even though he was on the verge of death, but he could not avoid the terrible orange-yellow knife light that seemed to pass through the torrent of time and space. He could only let it fall on his body - falling on his fingers, the indestructible and terrible knife light suddenly became soft on him, like a beam of soft light, circled on the scarlet demon's ring finger, and turned into an orange-yellow ring.

[You have become the master of An Xuefeng! ]

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