Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 637 Nutrient Solution 215 added

After a brief period of confusion, Rocky suddenly realized that his guess was completely unfounded, because he saw with his own eyes that the war was actually happening next to the blood river, fighting fiercely with a black figure. There is no excuse, this turtle man is attacking him, the great frost giant city lord Rocky! Rocky was furious in an instant. He was deeply offended and furious, and his eyes were about to burst.

"Damn, damn bugs!"

"How dare you attack me, how dare you take action against me, Rocky!"

Rocky roared angrily and swung his hand. The air flow rolled up by the terrifying power almost caused a storm. However, this damn human being was as agile as a monkey. He followed the meteor hammer chain and swung from mid-air to Rocky's huge and cold body. On the body, it fell on his back where the muscles were as bulging as ice stone, and without hesitation, he hit his back with another hammer, which made Rocky crazy, and his huge hands scratched his back frantically.

However, although this man's movements are not the fastest and most flexible, he is very bold. Whenever Rocky's giant hand grabs him, he turns into a turtle and falls rapidly. After avoiding the attack, he transforms into a human form in seconds and throws the meteor hammer into the frost giant's body. Like climbing an iceberg, it jumped onto him again. In just a blink of an eye, Rocky's back had many dents, large and small, making him more and more furious but unable to do anything. He could only roar angrily, while his heart was beating with fear.

Is Thor preparing to attack him?

The reason why he was able to maintain a delicate balance before was because Thor spent so much divine power to defeat the Knights of the Apocalypse that the incarnation of divine power could hardly take action again. But things are different now. This strange man was able to withstand the attack of the War Knight. And the mixed-race man with the strange smell was not hacked to death by a knife. Now he is fighting fiercely with the War Knight!

Although his movements are not particularly flexible, his body is also extremely hard and can withstand the actual murderous blood knives of war! This fact made Rocky calm down in his rage. He seriously suspected that this human being was a hero selected into the Hall of Valor and was the back-up man of Thor, the God of Thunder. Thor wanted to kill the Apocalypse Knight with a sneak attack and kill him, Rocky!

Such an insidious plot, worthy of the cunning gods. Loki wanted to give up. On the surface, he became more and more furious. He insulted the God of Thunder and the Asa clan as if he was driven mad, while frantically killing this human being:

"Thunder God, the insidious and cunning god! At present, the great enemy of the outer gods, do you want to start the war between the gods and the giants and make Ragnarok come early!"

"This is a provocation to our frost giant clan. After today, we will fight to the death, fight to the death!"

However, Rocky has actually begun to take this opportunity to gradually move away from the War Knight and prepare for a tactical retreat.

"Maybe you have some misunderstandings about Thor."

But at this moment, Rocky's brain buzzed, and his soul, which was already as cold as ice, felt another extremely strong coldness. This was not just cold, but like the soul was being pulled out of the body. , the moment he came into contact with the real world, there was that terrifying coldness that belonged to the underworld. This coldness made Rocky's body shudder. When he felt something was wrong, he immediately came back to his senses with anger, but he heard the faint ringing.

Ding bell——ding bell——

The woman who was newly carried in by the Thunder Goat shook an ancient golden bell. The safety helmet on her head came off at some point, revealing long, satin-like black hair. The hair was extremely black and long, hanging down from her shoulders like ghost hair, and the end was submerged in the poisonous blood river. A piece of black hair was wrapped around her fingertips, with drops of thick black liquid dripping from it.

Is this the blood of a giant? Luo Qi couldn't see clearly, but he suddenly felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. He no longer cared about the entangled human being and immediately turned around and prepared to escape, but in the next second, heartbreaking pain came from his heart and quickly swept through his body. The pain made Rocky scream and stagger to his knees, and the huge ice hand died. He clutched his chest, as if he was about to tear it apart, and his screams of pain and agony, like wild beasts, made people's scalp numb and frightening.

【What did she do? ! 】

In the thunder chariot above the sky, the God of Thunder looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. At this moment, he completely ignored the majesty of God. He was so shocked that he stood up from the chariot, holding the chariot tightly with his strong hands, almost knocking the chariot over. Crumble edges.

"This is her natural strength."

Miao Fangfei said that the weak passengers who were unable to participate in the battle at the moment were arranged to be with the God of Thunder. The God of Thunder promised to protect them and preserve the seeds of heroes. This was also the agreement between the God of Thunder and Wei Xun. At this moment, Miao Fangfei also looked excitedly towards the battlefield. She had always been calm, her cheeks were red with excitement and her eyes were bright.

She actually saw the pinnacle passenger do it in person at such a close distance!

At this moment, the chaotic battlefield is full of energy pollution. Even the little passengers who get close may be killed. The peak passengers with unstable sanity will directly return to zero and restore their memories after entering the battlefield. So many legendary bosses are fighting against the powerful Apocalypse. Knights and Frost Giants, this scene is so exciting that I can’t wait to join in!

The one who is fighting with the war knights is Laoshan regiment leader Yu Xiangyang. The one who keeps hammering Rocky is the crimson regiment leader Tang Xiang who has recovered his memory. He just disturbed Rocky's soul with the soul-stimulating bell and used the method of overpowering to curse with blood. It was Yin Qiaoqiao, the leader of Youdu.

Except for the White Lotus layman, all the top Eastern District bosses who were assigned to the Devil Merchant Team have recovered their memories and strength, and are fighting with their own hands. How can this scene not make people excited and excited! But - Miao Fangfei's eyes fell on the new woman who joined the battlefield, with the crimson demon wings behind her and her amazing fighting power. The 1.9-meter-tall exotic beauty was also carrying a bloody butcher knife and was fighting with the war knight. In the bloody scarlet, their movements were so fast that it was completely unclear. However, under the combined attack of her and Yu Xiangyang, the War Knight was obviously at a disadvantage.

This person is Lisa, the leader of the Star Brigade! Of course, this fierce battle was not only fought by the top passengers from the East District, but also the top bosses from the West District also participated in the battle and restored their memories one by one. Lisa was fighting fiercely with Yu Xiangyang and the War Knight, while Heydrich replaced Yin Qiaoqiao and cooperated with Tang Xiang to control the frost giant Rocky. The freed Yin Qiaoqiao immediately locked onto the soul of the Famine Knight holding the death knight's head. Sister Maria, the head of the Red Bishops, carried the giant cross on her shoulders. She could not find the previous peace and calm at all, fighting like a berserk warrior. The Famine Knight fought fiercely with half of his body broken.

The Apocalypse Knight and the Frost Giant City Lord are undoubtedly powerful. However, under the premise of being injured/excessive power consumption/not fully restored to strength, there is only one outcome when one person faces two peak travelers, and that is to be beaten. It’s even hard to fight back!

【What's this? ? 】

【What's this? ! 】

Thor, the God of Thunder, could not believe it. He saw the War Knight and Famine Knight, who were extremely difficult to deal with just now, being suppressed and beaten. Rocky, the Lord of the Frost Giant City, was beaten until he was unable to fight back. He had a ridiculous expression on his face, and he almost doubted that he was What a weird dream.

"What it is, of course it's beating someone up."

A rough voice rang out, and the giant wolf growled impatiently. Its scarlet tongue kept licking its snow-white fangs, and it spread its fingers and claws eager to fight. This wolf is the only werewolf mercenary captain who has not participated in the war and has not recovered his memory, Walker the Tearer!

The Eastern District's peak visitors were missing the White Lotus Master, and the Western District only sent three talents to achieve the best balance in this battle. I don’t know what agreement they reached. Maybe it’s because Walker has the most explosive temper and is difficult to control. After recovering his memory, he might become so angry that he would ignore the overall situation and rush into the blood river to kill Bingyi, so it was left behind to protect the weak. Passengers, by the way...

Walker glanced at the head of the Plague Knight held in Thor's arms without leaving any trace. He shifted his gaze before Thor was keenly aware of it, and shook his tail anxiously: "Damn it, what happened to Director B? What can Wei Xun and B1 do? Can't do it? With their small bodies, can they fish out Director C?"

The Tang Dynasty meteor hammer shattered Rocky's head, Maria's giant cross broke the Famine Knight's head, Lisa's butcher knife and Yu Xiangyang's bone blade were placed front and back on the War Knight's neck, and the six peak travelers participated in the war and ended it as quickly as possible. After the battle, the dust here had settled, but they still did not relax their guard. Their eyes seemed to be absent, but they all fell on the dark and poisonous river of giant blood.

Several more Frost Giants were killed in the melee. Without any guidance, their blood flowed silently into the blood river. The dark 'river surface' became wider, like a real big river, and the river surface was full of Frost Giants. The ice floe with fragments of corpses, and the poisonous thick white cold mist lingered on it. It was extremely calm, but it gave off a creepy feeling.

Without any soul.

Yin Qiaoqiao pinched it secretly, with only ashes left of the talisman between her fingers, her face solemn. Rocky can be affected by the Soul-Calming Bell, which shows that the Frost Giant has a soul. However, she was unable to summon any souls from the corpses of the frost giants who died due to accidental injuries. It was as if their souls all flowed into the blood river and were absorbed by something.


Heydrich tapped his fingers subconsciously on his palms and narrowed his eyes slightly. As a passenger of the Bingyi Brigade, after recovering his memory, he could clearly know that Bingyi's sanity value had been at zero for some time.

Bingyi's alienated state is very similar to that of the Mingxi people. The demonic alienation of their series is based on the Mingxi people. Every time it returns to zero, it is absolutely earth-shattering. They will not stop until the team is destroyed. They are of extremely pure blood. Abyssal demons, the ultimate evil, do not belong to any mythology but can arouse the hostility of decent natives of almost all mythological systems.

The arrival of the Knights of the Apocalypse is just the beginning, and there will definitely be more powerful angels from mythology coming after them. According to Heydrich's estimation, the alienation of C-1 to zero will definitely lead those angels to forcefully descend to Northern Europe and start a new war.

But no, nothing.

The poisonous blood river that submerged Bingyi was extremely calm, without any movement, so calm that even the top travelers couldn't feel anything was wrong. But this feeling made their hearts tighten even more, and they even felt a little creepy.

Something must be wrong.

Lisa stretched out her crimson demon wings, looked at the blood river with a solemn expression, and subconsciously glanced at the sky. Miao Fangfei is the captain of Guide Team B. If Bing Yi has any questions, she should be informed by the hotel. However, Lisa's eyes were completely attracted by the other person in the Thor Chariot. Her pupils first shrank, and then revealed a glimmer of surprise.



In the live broadcast room where the barrage was flooding the screen, most people were intensely discussing the top boss's return to strength and worrying about Director C's situation, and looking forward to his first return to zero. However, a few tourists who were fans of the Devil Merchant couldn't help but ask, The barrages sent out were drowned in piles of barrages.

【What happened? 】

[Why did the Devil Merchant suddenly return to zero? ? 】

Not just them, more big tour guides have noticed this earlier.

The East District Butchers Alliance, the psychic's face was stern, but his slightly trembling hands and the uncontrollable tears at the end of his eyes showed that he was in a very uneasy mood. The psychic remembered the distant past, when he followed the Mingren to fight. The psychic's heart trembled at the moment when the Mingxiong returned to zero in the fierce battle. It was obvious that the sanity level was still stable, and there was obviously a long countdown to death, but there was no sign. The happy people have returned to zero together!

This kind of thing had never happened before. The psychic thought that Lord Xi Ming was the most special. His blind worship and trust made him think nothing of it, but now, the sudden return of the devil merchant brought back his long-standing memories.

This is no coincidence or sudden contamination.

It was Bingyi's return to zero that triggered the devil merchant's return to zero!

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