Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 636: Icelandic Horror (166)

The battlefield between the Frost Giants and the Knights of the Apocalypse was so cruel that it seemed like a different world from where the travelers were just now. The frozen land was no longer as flat as before. It was like the violent sea in a hurricane and tsunami, and the trapezoidal icicles tilting upward were like ocean waves. It suddenly froze, and there were terrifyingly sharp ice cones pointing to the sky like the ribs of a giant beast, standing on the chaotic ice field with intertwined teeth.

The entire land looks like land that has been plowed by artillery fire. It is full of glacial trenches tearing the earth and undulating ice sheets. The other frost giants that have not yet fully recovered, with only their heads or upper bodies exposed, are like ice peaks and towers, and they also look like myths. The statue that has been left over from the past looks coldly at the travelers who are carried in by the thunder goat.

How can humans participate in the battlefield of the gods? Without the Thunder Goat, they wouldn't even be able to cross the ice crack more than ten meters wide, and this crack was just opened by the overflowing sword energy of the war knight's killing knife. What's even more terrifying is that this space is filled with the residual power of the God of Thunder, the power of the Frost Giant City Lord Rocky and the terrifying power of the Apocalypse Knights, almost tearing the world apart. Thick fog of plague, blood fog of killing, poisonous fog of famine and black fog of death enveloped the earth. In order to kill Bing, the knights of the Apocalypse have fallen from the sky to the ground.

The ice field completely turned into a battlefield. Even if the powerful frost giant city lord Rocky roared angrily and swept across the land with ice peaks as weapons, he could not hurt the extremely flexible and united three knights of the apocalypse. On the contrary, since almost all the Frost Giants have not yet recovered their strength, and most of their bodies are still locked in the ice field, turning the ground into a battlefield is the most disadvantageous to them. Already, more than a dozen Frost Giants were accidentally injured and killed by the city lord Rocky, and several others were affected and died tragically in the fierce battle between the war knights and Rocky.

Their highly poisonous blood flows into the deepest cracks in the ice, and even the deepest cracks are filled with the blood of the black giants, like a magnificent black Styx, with large chunks of dark blue floating on the surface of the extremely cold river. The solid ice is the remains of the giant, and the cold and poisonous mist fills the river, making even the Knights of the Apocalypse unable to get close. Even gods could not resist the poison of the giant's blood, and Bingyi sank in the deepest part of this blood river.

The frost giant city lord Rocky could not kill them, and the Apocalypse Knight could not enter the blood river to find Bingyi, but they would not leave. The plague knight's head was taken away by Thor, but the connection between the death knight's head and Bingyi has not been broken. If the Apocalypse Knights leave now, only the War Knights and Famine Knights will be able to leave. This is a shame and failure that is not allowed to happen to them. If they leave like this, it will be difficult for them to save their companions.

The situation was at a stalemate for a while. The frost giant Rocky roared anxiously and attacked the war knight more and more crazily. He even deliberately killed the frost giant near him and contaminated him with the poisonous giant blood. But the war knight began to avoid the battle and no longer confronted him head-on, as if waiting for something.

Loki knew what he was waiting for. The War Knight was waiting for Loki's death! Even though Loki is also a giant, when he fell into the blood of giants, Loki clearly felt that his life breath completely disappeared. Loki was dead! However, perhaps because his daughter is the Lord of the Underworld, Loki's soul has not yet left, and the connection between him and the death knight's head has not been severed.

But the highly toxic giant's blood can certainly poison the soul, and Loki won't be able to hold on for long. The war knight doesn't have to take any risks. As long as Loki's soul dies, the connection between him and the death knight's head will be severed! Unlike those contracts between ordinary souls and masters and servants, Loki's death will only bring a large increase in power to the Death Knight, and even allow him to return to a state close to peak strength.

Loki is a very important member of the Nordic mythology. His soul-destroying death will definitely weaken the overall power of the Nordic side and increase the power of the invaders from the outer gods. Even though Rocky is still roaring and chasing after the War Knight, he is powerful and powerful, but he is frustrated and solemn and unable to kill the Apocalypse Knight. Then Rocky has only one way to go - he is already preparing to escape.

Once Loki's soul dies and the Death Knight escapes, the three knights of the Apocalypse will definitely kill him with their combined strength!

So when he saw the Thunder God Goat appearing on the battlefield and sending something in, Loki was wary and expectant. If there was help, they would still have a chance to kill the Knight of the Apocalypse before Loki's soul died, but this was sent in. If Odin's helper was Odin, then Rocky would run away immediately without hesitation.

But when he saw that tiny ant-like figure on the Thunder Mountain, Rocky couldn't hold back any longer. Is Thor crazy? ! ! Did he send something, a little bed bug? ? If the frost giants had regained their strength, they would have begun to laugh loudly, and their malicious and sarcastic eyes fell on the first human who came in riding a thunder goat.

He was a very short little man in the eyes of a giant. He was as thin as a bug and would break into pieces if pinched with his fingernails. As soon as he arrived on the battlefield, his skin was covered with a thin layer of extremely cold ice, and his whole figure was like a hood. Covered with a dark blue ice crust. For the giant, this was much more pleasing to the eye than the disgusting white skin of humans, and he actually resisted the erosion of the Apocalypse Knight's mist, and his whole body was filled with a somewhat familiar aura of zombies.

Could it be that this is not a pure human, but a hybrid between a snow zombie and a human? ? This made the frost giant city lord Rocky feel moved. Snow zombies are slaves of the Frost Giants and have been completely contaminated by the power of the giants. They cannot come to this battlefield because it is filled with the terrifying power of the thunder god and will crush them into pieces. Only pure-blooded frost giants can resist it. But unlike the hybrids of humans and snow zombies, humans were created by Odin and are inherently immune to the powers of the Norse gods. At the same time, the snow zombie has the breath of the frost giant and can withstand the power of the terrifying frost giant.

This kind of mixed blood can barely survive on the battlefield, which makes it a good candidate for cannon fodder. War knights always need to use divine power to wield their swords. If there are a large number of this kind of mixed blood, it will definitely consume the power of war knights!

As expected of the Asa Clan, they can come up with such a vicious plan with their insidious minds. Loki separated a ray of his mind and watched the movement over there. After getting off the Thunder Goat, the hybrid was about to jump into the poisonous blood river condensed with the blood of the Frost Giant, as if he was going down to the blood river to find Loki. But before he could jump into the blood river, the blood-red killing knife light struck silently like a red moon, overflowing with murderous intent!

The war knight who had been dodging to preserve his strength really took action! The murderous intent contained in the light of this killing blade made Rocky feel scared. He saw that the body of a frost giant that was affected by the blade was directly broken into pieces. The bulging ice peak on the other side was directly cut off by it, and the huge ice cube fell with a huge roar. There was a loud noise, and the splashing of ice and snow was like a heavy snowfall, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

Rocky did not hesitate to open his big hand and grab the war knight fiercely. Although he escaped again, Rocky was not nervous. From the corner of his eye, he could see the Thunder Goat carrying another person in. As long as the War Knight would take action, these cannon fodder would be able to chip away at his magical power! And the War Knight, who is far away from his homeland and cannot replenish his divine power, uses less power. As long as his strength continues to be weakened, Rocky is sure to defeat him!

As for the hybrid who was slashed by the war knight? In Rocky's mind, he was already dead and there was no way he could survive. Rocky, who completely forgot about him, roared and swept across the war knight with the ice peak in hand. The knight seemed to have noticed something strange and took the initiative before the newcomer approached the blood river.

The blood-red killing blade slashed down, completely cutting off the ice peak that Rocky used as a weapon. Rocky was not surprised and he pulled up another ice peak with a gloomy expression. He never thought he could resist the killing blade of the war knight. It was him. The attack was too fast, and the man hadn't gotten off the Thunder Goat yet. Rocky was worried that the Thunder Goat would be killed and he would not be able to send out new cannon fodder, so he took action boldly. However, seeing the weapon being cut off still made Rocky's face dull and his expression ugly.

He didn't have a weapon in his hand. If he had an artifact like Thor's hammer, how could he not be able to stop the bloody knife? Everything happened in an instant. I heard the thunder goat scream, turned into a ball of lightning and reorganized in the distance. It was much dimmer than before, but it survived. But the man on it was not so lucky. There was a loud bang, and his clothes instantly turned into powder, and his whole person was swallowed up by the killing blood mist, leaving only a round black shadow of a car full of blood. He hit the target and was knocked away after making a loud noise——

Knocked out? ? The frost giant Rocky's huge eyes widened. Wasn't it cut off? ! The war knight also seemed surprised and slashed him with his sword again without hesitation, but this time Rocky's attack came, and the frost giant city lord's hard arms were wrapped in the biting cold wind and ice and snow and clawed at him fiercely.

"Outer God, I caught you——!"

Rocky was stronger than other frost giants. Even the war knights did not want to get into a fight and turned into red mist to avoid the sharp attack. But what Rocky really wanted to catch was not him. The frost giant's huge ice hand grabbed the blown round shell and brought it back to the front. When he found that there was no knife mark on it, he laughed ecstatically.

It is definitely an amazing artifact that can withstand the bloody sword of the War Knight. Once it is sent to the Dark Elves and forged into a shield, it will probably be strong enough to withstand Thor's hammer. This will be Rocky's artifact!

"Big guy, do you like my turtle shell so much?"

However, before Rocky could continue to think proudly, a turtle head suddenly poked out from the front hole of the huge round shell in his hand, and he said with a joking smile. Rocky was shocked, this thing was actually alive? ?

Before Rocky could take a closer look, the green turtle shell became wet and slippery, like it was covered with moss, and fell directly from his giant hand, turning into a human form in mid-air. He saw this man wearing amber light armor, holding a hand in his left hand. Turtle Shield's right hand holds a meteor hammer. He swung the meteor hammer chain in mid-air, and with the roar of the wind, he hit Rocky's wrist with the hammer, creating a terrifying deep crack in his hard ice skin!

Rocky couldn't believe it, and even the giant's brain didn't react at all. Is this turtle man beating him? ? Why are you beating him? It was a war knight sneaking up on him. Did this man miss his aim? ?

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