Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 635 Nutrient Solution 214 added

Rocky is the most powerful frost giant city lord and the first frost giant to wake up from under the glacier. He once defeated Thor, the God of Thunder, several times in mythical competitions through his machinations. This relationship between victory and defeat subtly affected the gods and giants. Just as the God of Thunder was initially unable to exert his full power in the sacrifice centered on the croissant cup, the glacier incarnated by Thor's daughter Srud did not seal and coerce Rocky as much as it did the other giants.

He woke up first, but stayed still, waiting for more of his kind to regain their consciousness as Ragnarok approached. The blood food in the ice ditch was secretly eaten and licked by Rocky. Bingyi used milk to lure out the frost giants, and Bingyi evilly sucked the blood of the dead frost giants. All these deeds were well known to Rocky.

He didn't want to give Bingyi any more treasures. After all, the place where the frost giants lived was already barren and desolate. As the lord of a city, Rocky didn't have many treasures, and there was always no shortage of blood from the Frost Giants. The lives of those frost giants who have not yet been resurrected are worth less than treasures to him. Since Bingyi needs blood, Rocky might as well give it to him.

The blood volume of a living Frost Giant is much greater than that of a dead Frost Giant. A large pile of poisonous black blood spurted towards Bingyi like a flood, quickly drowning him. The terrifying and mellow giant's power rises into the sky, wrapped in contradictory and terrifying power, like the collision of ice and fire.

This much blood can definitely revive Bingyi, Rocky thought anxiously. The Knights of the Apocalypse were more difficult than he thought, especially the Knights of War. He was covered in blood and was holding a big knife. He slashed at Rocky's body and saw blood. His horse had long been shattered by Thor's hammer, but it turned into a sea of ​​blood around him. The war knight rode the red horse. This red is the color of blood, and blood is killing.

Instead of thinking about defense and escape all the time, he only focused on killing and defeating the enemy, which allowed the War Knight to fully unleash his power. The blood mist on his body became more and more courageous as he fought, almost desperately fighting. However, Rocky, who had not yet fully recovered his strength, did not want to fight hard and focused on defense, completely losing the battle.

"Loki, Loki?!"

Why isn't it better yet? Rocky became more and more anxious, and the majestic blood that represented killing reached the sky, making Thor, the God of Thunder, sitting in the chariot above the sky, couldn't help but look solemn and ugly. Unlike many gods in mythology who are immortal, the gods and giants in Nordic mythology are mortal. They died in the crazy killing wars. The power of the war knights corresponds to that of Northern Europe, and they can play more powerful roles here than other knights. Strong combat effectiveness.

Seeing him holding down the blood-red sword and slashing Rocky, the fighting God of Thunder was ready to make a move, but then he smiled bitterly. He retreated not only because of his anger, but also because the divine power he had left here had been basically exhausted, and he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

The Frost Giant Rocky has not completely recovered his strength, but the God of Thunder is not much better. The divine power from the Snaefell volcano can no longer be mobilized here. The riots of the ancestor giant Ymir are becoming more and more frequent as Ragnarok approaches. Once The power of the Nordic gods cannot suppress him, causing the volcano to erupt again and spray more minced meat in all directions. Then Northern Europe may be completely plunged into war, and Ragnarok will come early.

No matter how unwilling you are, you can only retreat, and Thor, the god of thunder, must be wary of whether the frost giant will completely revive. To what level has the strength of the frost giant city lord Rocky recovered? What is more important than the invasion of the alien gods or the old enemy? The God of Thunder tried his best to cut off the head of a knight. As long as the Apocalypse Knights did not gather four, the harm to Northern Europe would be much less.

Now that he has the head of the Famine Knight in hand, Thor has more options to choose from. Of course he wanted to continue the war, kill all the other three Knights of the Apocalypse, and chop off their heads and place them in the God's Domain to shock the outside gods. But unless Bingyi can wake up completely and continue to interfere with the death knight steadily, there is no chance whether he or Rocky wants to keep all three apocalypse knights.

When he saw that Rocky was stingy and refused to give Bingyi more good things, but instead used the blood of giants to deal with him, the God of Thunder angrily crushed the armrests of the chariot and looked at the black water flowing in the cracks of the ice sheet, drowning Bingyi. The giant's blood flowed, and in addition to anger, there was also a little expectation in his heart.

Bingyi is indeed different from ordinary people, maybe the blood of giants will be useful to him?

However, as time passed, the expressions of Thor and Rocky changed. Bingyi never got up after being submerged in the giant's blood!

The car overturned, and this time I was really going to be in a coma.

Bingyi, who was drowned in the blood of the giant, thought. He was indeed seriously injured, but he was never afraid of being injured. People who don't feel pain are always insensitive to the torture they suffer. Bingyi believes that the power of Thor, Rocky and the Knights of the Apocalypse has not been worn down enough, and he can 'comatose' and 'wake up' again and again, just like the most sophisticated master mixologist, carefully mixing various drinks. Proportion.

He had no intention of letting go of the Knights of the Apocalypse, nor did he want to join either the Frost Giants or Thor. He is like walking a tightrope, trying to make both parties want something from him but unable to restrain him. He is a greedy gambler who wants everything. When the three forces of Thor, Frost Giant and Apocalypse Knight were all weakened in the fierce battle, it was time for Wei Xun and the others to appear. Bingyi's power will also be weakened to the extreme during the three-party confrontation, and he will be unable to seize the final benefits, but Wei Xun said that they can do it, and his passengers can do it.

Then let's take a gamble. Bailian can really survive and complete the plan perfectly. This makes Bingyi full of confidence for the tourists. But Bingyi really didn’t expect that Frost Giant Rocky could be so stingy! When the pure giant blood full of rich pollution drowned him, Bingyi was surprised, but he immediately released Dieda and let Diedai prosper and eat the polluted buffet.

Who would have thought that this is where the trouble lies. Bingyi was injured too much before and was already on the verge of death. And he stood on the head of the Frost Giant Rocky for too long, and the extreme cold erosion brought his cold-blooded extraordinary power to the point of transformation. Under the dual effects of the giant's blood, which was full of poison and had a hint of the original abyss, Bingyi was submerged. Before Bingyi could react, his sanity value returned to zero.

According to b1, returning the san value to zero is like dying once, and the whole person no longer looks like himself. But Bingyi didn't feel this way, he was still awake, as if he was isolated from the whole world. It may be because the power of the cold-blooded person is transforming to a higher level. All his negative emotions, murderous intentions and even all kinds of ambitions seemed to be sucked into him. Going the same way, Bingyi was extremely calm and didn't want to do anything. He lay quietly in the giant's blood and fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, An Xuefeng was the first to notice that something was wrong with him!

The passengers were not affected by the terrible fierce battle. The place where the thunderstorm first appeared was like a dividing line. On the other side of Bingyi was a terrifying and terrifying battlefield, but on their side it was calm, and not even the little snow zombies appeared. This kind of strange situation is actually rare. An Xuefeng knew that this was because the hotel failed to intervene in this battle - just like the Ming Tombs failed to set up fixed attractions, when the hotel communicated with the aborigines There will always be various concessions, just like this clearly defined battlefield now.

Except for Bingyi, there is almost no opportunity for any passengers to intervene. There were even thick clouds covering the sky and the sun, and a terrible blizzard swept across the world. An Xuefeng and the others could not even see clearly what was happening on the battlefield.

But the hotel must be hoping that the tourists can reach a further agreement with the aborigines, and it will secretly add fuel to the flames. An Xuefeng knew that what they had to do now was to wait for the opportunity, and the veins on the back of An Xuefeng's hand holding the knife tensed up as he waited. He could feel every time Wei Xun was injured. Most of the terrible pain and devastation of pollution were shared by the clay puppets, but he did not act rashly.

Wei Xun had already set up a secret code with him. Wei Xun thought that when the time came for the passengers to take action, he would send a message asking An Xuefeng and the others to participate in the battle and win the final victory. However, An Xuefeng waited until the moment when Wei Xun's sanity suddenly returned to zero. My heart seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. There is no way forward, but there is a subtle sense of relief.

It was like a big rock that had been hanging had finally fallen. It was hard to tell whether he was more nervous or more relaxed. An Xuefeng knew that this day would come sooner or later. No matter what the future holds, he must rush to Wei Xun now.

[Do you want to intervene in the battle with the outer gods? 】

Thor hesitated, but seeing Bingyi fainting in the giant's blood for a long time, seeing that Rocky could not gain more advantages in the battle, his remaining divine power was too weak to launch new attacks. The remaining three knights of the Apocalypse were injured and disabled, but they became more and more brave as they fought. He hesitated for a moment, then finally relaxed.

[You are the heroes and hero reserves selected by the King of Gods and me. What lies ahead is a deadly battle between the Nordic and the outer gods]

The God of Thunder said majestically and kindly: [I will protect you, but after all, you have not been trained in the Heroic Spirit Pool, and it is difficult to resist the divine power...]

【Do your best】

Thor wants to use the power of the passengers to weaken the War Knight, and it is best to cripple the War Knight with all his strength. In this way, the three knights of the apocalypse are disabled, and if he takes action again, he will have the slightest chance of annihilating them all. Although these travelers have a very slim chance of crippling the war knights, and may even be annihilated, if they can capture all the alien invaders, it will still be worth it.

They were afraid that they would be wiped out as soon as they entered the battlefield.

Thor thought worriedly and used thunder goats to send the passengers who were preparing to join the war into the battlefield one by one.

He hoped that at least one or two of these passengers would have the tenacious vitality of Loki, who could at least consume more of the war knight's divine power. But there are no more travelers in the brigade who are favored by the Norse gods. How could there be anyone stronger than Loki? The traveler who calls himself Bai Lian is not bad, but he is still a human being.

If there are one or two such powerful people in the brigade, two or three are enough, and there may be more. What's more, Thor has the arrogance of a god. Bingyi became so powerful after gaining Loki's authority. Thor doesn't believe that anyone can be more powerful than God. At least the divine power mist of the Apocalypse Knight cannot be easily resolved by humans.

However, Thor soon discovered that things were gradually getting out of control.

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