Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 634 Nutrient Solution 213 added

Bingyi's body was like broken glass, and his pale skin was covered with blood streaks. His descendants were under great pressure. Fenrir wolf whined and was covered in blood and gritted his teeth to hold on. Xiao Cui's face turned pale green and his death power was greatly reduced. He could only withstand part of the lightning and frost, and the corn shoots were tightly surrounded. Bingyi was covered with a huge bright yellow insect whose body was covered with various scars from freezing electric shocks. The corn snake and Wangcai were trying hard to swallow the pollution, but could not wake up Bingyi.

The Thunder Goat and Frost Crown were anxiously hovering beside Bingyi but did not dare to get close. Bingyi's body was already extremely fragile, and even the pressure they overflowed could not be withstood.

[Loki, Loki, wake up quickly——! ! 】

Thor roared anxiously and tried his best to bombard the space around the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with Mjolnir, causing space fluctuations to prevent their retreat. While calling Loki with deafening thunder, he roared and poured all his anger into the Frost Giant Loki: [Damn it, put him down quickly! Stupid giant, he's dying! 】

The giant city lord Rocky's giant face carved from ice looked particularly ugly when Thor scolded him like that, but he could only take Bingyi off his head with a dark face. In fact, Bingyi and his descendants have been imprisoned on top of his head. As long as the city lord Rocky is willing, he can snatch him away at any time and devour the minced meat and milk of his ancestor giant Ymir to completely restore his strength.

However, Bingyi disturbed the death knight, and Thor attacked the four knights of the apocalypse with all his strength, which made him greedy.

After this day, it will be extremely difficult to lure out all the four knights of the Apocalypse before Ragnarok. Even if Bingyi is snatched away, at most the death knight's head can be obtained from him. How can it compare to destroying the Apocalypse? knight! In particular, the four of them gathered their divine power to the point where there was a vague aura of Ragnarok power, which made the Frost Giant Rocky tremble all over. If they could deprive them of their power and control and drive this power, then on the battlefield of Ragnarok, the giants would probably Can rise again!

But the premise is that Bingyi must not die. Whether it is to contain the four knights of the apocalypse or the head of the death knight under his control, there must be no loss. If Bingyi hadn't been so weak now, and the Frost Giant's breath was a terrible contamination to him, Rocky would never have been willing to put him down and let him out of his control.


Sure enough, after being put down by the frost giant Rocky, the strong-willed Bing Yi quickly woke up as if he was sitting up from a dying illness. His body was shaking and blood was constantly flowing out, and his expression was in pain and confusion before he could fully recover. But even so, like a conditioned reflex, he continued to control the death knight's head and restrain the four knights of the apocalypse, as if he would continue even if he lost consciousness. A fighting warrior, this kind of perseverance impressed Rocky, and then he showed a cold and teasing smile.

Rocky deliberately used tricks when putting down the unconscious Loki. He placed Loki on a relatively flat piece of ice. When they left his side, the divine power of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse suddenly fell. Even if it was hindered by frost, it fell on Bingyi one after another. The slightest difference could crush him. Ordinary people would never be able to bear this kind of horror of hanging on by a thread, so Rocky was always ready for Bingyi to take the initiative to seek asylum from him.

If Bingyi takes the initiative to return to the giant race, even Thor, the God of Thunder, won't be able to say anything more!

But no, what Rocky expected didn't happen. Even though Bingyi was extremely weak, already shaky like a candle in the wind, like a willow catkin that could be torn to pieces by the strong wind at any time, he still did not fall, but gritted his teeth and continued to contain the Apocalypse Knight. The thunder goat kept a safe distance from Bingyi and guarded him, bleating worriedly to defend him from the attacks of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

However, even though Thor blocked most of the attack on Bingyi, and Rocky deliberately released the water here, a lot of thick fog with the divine power of the Apocalypse Knight still fell on Bingyi.

"I can't hold on much longer. Come on, Thor - think of a way!"

Bing coughed up blood word by word, just like a dying person, but he didn't mention what he said before about forming a contract with Thor or joining the Frost Giant camp, and even if Thor and Rocky wanted to completely tie him to their war Che also regretted that he could not mention it again. After this fainting, Bingyi was in terrible condition. He gritted his teeth and ignited the Loki flame to resist the overflowing power of the Apocalypse Knight. However, the flame was extremely weak, as if it would be blown away by a gust of wind. scattered.

This shows that his body is extremely broken and weak and cannot bear the power of Thor or even Rocky. Even the gaze of God is a huge pressure on him. The power wrapped in the gaze is destroying his body like pollution. Body, in order to allow Bingyi to last longer, Thor and Rocky didn't even dare to look at him.

[You must hold on, Loki! 】

The God of Thunder roared, and a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and fell directly into Bingyi's hand. It was like being carved from gold, the golden light was bright but lifelike, even the leaves on the fruit stem were extremely vivid. Thor actually threw him a real, complete golden apple! The golden apple that can keep the gods young contains infinite vitality, and even the giant Loki is moved.

But in the next second, C, one, three, five and two, ate up all the golden apples, even the core. He then continued to cough up blood and his face remained pale.

"It's not enough. I can't last long with just a golden apple!"

[You must hold on - Rocky! Don’t you have any expression? It seems that it is better for Loki to truly belong to our God Clan and stop being a giant! 】

The God of Thunder who threw away the golden apple had no time to think about it. Just now he crushed the head of the Plague Knight! The four knights of the Apocalypse all thought that he was attacking the Famine Knight who was holding the death knight's head. Unexpectedly, the God of Thunder struck east and struck the God of the West, and with one strike, the weakest Plague Knight almost lost his combat effectiveness.

This would be the time to seize the opportunity to pursue the victory. If he failed again, the Thunder God would really go crazy. He deliberately used words to irritate the Frost Giant Rocky. The insulting tone of his words made Rocky tremble all over, wishing he could fight to the death with Thor on the spot. Feeling Bingyi's gaze, feeling the gazes of the frost giants who had not fully recovered from the mountains and plains, Rocky had no choice but to endure it. He had to give Bingyi benefits, and he had to give more than Thor!

"This croissant cup is connected to the sea and can pour out endless seawater to protect itself. Any ingredients put into the cup will be turned into the best sacrificial blood food, which is extremely precious."

Rocky's heart was bleeding when he said this. The ram's horn cup that can be recorded in the myth has been watched and recited by countless people for countless years, and it has extremely high meaning. This is his Rocky's thing. Even if Rocky picks it up and holds it in his hand, Rocky can take it back at any time.

But when he said this, he obviously gave the croissant cup to Loki completely. If he wanted to take it back, he could only take it by force in the future - then take it, Loki must have just woken up, he is so weak. Rocky was very confident in regaining the Shoe Horn Cup in the future, so he didn't care about anything. He urged the God of Thunder to give Bingyi another golden apple, put the golden apple into the horn cup as a sacrifice, and then swallowed it——

Just eating the golden apple directly was a waste of resources. Only by turning it into a sacrifice can he absorb all the power.

Golden apples are so precious that even the God of Thunder hesitates. But before he could hesitate any longer, Bingyi, who had just received the croissant cup, fainted again. He began to cough violently, and the blood he coughed up turned an abnormal color. Bingyi was infected with the plague! At the same time, the muscles in his body began to atrophy, and he soon became thinner and thinner. This was the effect of famine. His body declined so quickly that both Thor and Loki were caught off guard.

But the next second Thor discovered that Rocky was secretly releasing water. The mist of the Apocalypse Knight's divine power was not completely resisted by him, and part of it fell on Bingyi!

Why is Loki soaked in mist? At this moment, Loki also felt very wronged. Ragnarok was the twilight of gods and giants, but the Doomsday Judgment was the judgment of humans. Obviously these fogs had no effect on gods, so how could they affect Loki?

As a newly awakened Frost Giant, he didn't know that Loki's power had now been obtained by humans. When he realized something was wrong, he immediately used ice to protect Bingyi and isolate all the fog. However, it was too late - Bingyi completely passed out! Thor was completely mad. He had just taken away the Plague Knight's head and was pursuing the victory. While the Famine Knight was dealing with Bing Yi, he smashed most of his body and almost snatched the Death Knight's head from his arms, but here In an instant, success failed.

He was so angry that he wanted to eat Rocky alive!

【Rocky! You loser, if you can't protect Loki, then let someone else do it! 】

[You sluggish loser, are you going to seek refuge with the Outer Gods? 】

The God of Thunder was really furious. He had been attacking the four knights of the Apocalypse, but he suddenly stopped and returned to the chariot with the head of the Famine Knight. His aura was indifferent, as if he was about to give up the siege of the Apocalypse Knights, and he aimed the hammer like a threat. Rocky, the frost giant, has a posture that says that if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside.

This made Rocky angry and anxious, for fear of really irritating Thor. No matter that the four knights of the Apocalypse went to war against the giant in advance, and Thor took away the head of the Famine Knight, and the other knights were also severely injured, it was just like that. Rocky was really unwilling to let them retreat. He could only grit his teeth and use ice to protect Bingyi, while bracing himself against the gap left by Thor's retreat.

"Loki, interfere with them quickly and don't let them escape!"

Loki roared that he was an extremely powerful frost giant, and even Thor, the most powerful god of thunder in Norse mythology, could not kill him. However, having been sealed under the glacier for countless years, the newly awakened Rocky could not regain his former peak strength even if he devoured most of his blood. It was extremely difficult to keep the four knights of the Apocalypse behind, especially since these knights had determined that they would not They couldn't leave without peace of mind without Bingyi, so they attacked Bingyi one by one like mad dogs, and even gradually fell to the ground, trying to kill him completely and weaken him!

This forced Rocky to go all out to protect Bingyi, but he was unconscious and unable to move. The implicated Rocky also became an immovable target. In an instant, his body was shattered by frost, his left arm was almost broken, and his head was damaged. After cutting multiple gaps, Loki must wake up and continue to contain the Apocalypse Knight.

Furious, Rocky roared and used all his strength. He struck hard with a palm as huge as a mountain, but it seemed that he had struck in the wrong direction in a hurry. Several Frost Giants who had not yet fully awakened were slapped to death under his palm. The black The blood of the giants gushes out from their heads and rushes toward Bingyi along the ice trenches plowed by the divine power on the ice sheet.

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