Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 633: Icelandic Horror (165)


The sound of thunder and thunder resounded across the sky and the earth, smashing the thick gray clouds above the sky. Terrible thunder and lightning were like pillars reaching across the sky and the earth. Instead of the ice peak prison of the frost giant, dozens of terrifying thunder pillars as ferocious as long snakes formed their own prisons. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are trapped, whose bodies are constantly changing between illusion and reality. But this prison is not strong and may collapse at any time.

If Bingyi hadn't kept disturbing the Death Knight's head, Thor would have been unable to stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from leaving. If the other three Knights of the Apocalypse abandon the Death Knight heads and evacuate, there is a high probability that Thor will not be able to keep them behind. Or maybe before Thor kills one of the Apocalypse Knights, Bingyi is killed by the four of them together, then everything will be in vain.

But now there is no need for the Knights of the Apocalypse to take action personally. Just by forcibly activating the death knight's head before the arrival of the three knights and activating the power of Lost Paradise, the terrible divine pressure that this requires has already made Bingyi's mouth bleed, and there are faint signs on his skin. There were cracks in his face, and his face became increasingly pale and weak.

He can't last long if this continues! The Knights of the Apocalypse have long discovered the key and no longer try to attack Thor or escape. The Famine Knight hugs the Death Knight's head to suppress its power, and competes with Bingyi for its control. The Plague Knight and the War Knight condense in two-color mist. , like a blood-stained guillotine that is white with red in it, slashing down from the sky towards Bingyi without hesitation.

Bingyi is gritting his teeth and trying his best to control Lost Paradise and prevent the Death Knight's head from being completely taken away by the Famine Knight. He had no time to worry about the guillotine that fell from his head, he was about to die on the spot.

[Damn bugs, your enemy is me, the God of Thunder, Thor——! ! 】

At the critical moment, the thunder god roared above the thick clouds, and the curling purple-white thunder snakes intertwined and turned into a huge goat head. Behind it was a chain made of thunder and lightning, pulling a chariot filled with terrifying divine power. This is the chariot used by Thor to patrol the world!

The thunder and lightning from the sky fell into the chariot and vaguely transformed into a human form. The lightning-filled eyes revealed extremely terrifying power. The God of Thunder actually descended the incarnation of his divine power in the human world! When this incarnation appeared, the originally overflowing thunder and lightning power condensed instantly, doubling its terrifying power. The rushing electric snake was like a thunder and lightning net covering the sky, swallowing up most of the Apocalypse Knight's attack towards Bingyi.

But the remaining half of the white-red mist is still terrifying, like a beheading butcher's knife falling towards Bingyi. In the crisis of life and death, Bing repeatedly showed no reservations. Corn shoots, Xiao Cui, corn snakes, Fenrir wolves and Wangcai all appeared beside him. The kingdom of death unfolded and the sons of Loki gathered together to resist the plague knight. A joint attack with the war knights!

But before the onlookers could breathe a sigh of relief, the next second they saw a jet-black death light suddenly burst out from the defeated and dissipated mist. Like a poisonous sharp blade, it attacked Bingyi viciously and tried to cut off his head. The Famine Knight unexpectedly There is a hint of murderous intent hidden in this thick fog! The moment it burst out, it was approaching Bingyi's neck, with nowhere to hide. It seemed that the huge head was about to fall to the ground, but at this moment, an extremely cold air hit him, and turned into dozens of hard ice picks to repel the black light and protect Bingyi.

"Dare to take action against the giants? Is this the arrogance of the outer gods? Do you think that we, the giants, are weak and can be bullied!"

A deep and deep voice rang out from under Bingyi. The Frost Giant who was closest to him and had the deepest energy from the ancestral giant Ymir's minced meat and milk spilled over completely regained his strength and woke up. It was carved like an iceberg, and its body was so huge and powerful that it made people fearful. The extremely cold temperature turned the air around him into frost and snow, and it was so powerful and terrifying that it made people tremble with fear.

It was the Frost Giant who took the blow for Bingyi, and it was he who spoke! The roaring words were like the cracking of a glacier, and the energy contained in it was so rich that it was like pollution. The torrent of ice poured down, mixed with the anger of the frost giants: "In this case, we, the frost giants, will fight with you until death."


The deafening roar was like an avalanche. Countless frost giants roared loudly, venting their resentment and anger of being sealed and despised. Looking at the ice field, it seemed as if it had been lifted up a layer out of thin air, and there were countless more ice peaks. It was a A frost giant rose up from under the ice field, like a keel protruding and standing like ice peaks. A terrible cold swept the world, and large tracts of snowflakes fell, as if the air was about to freeze.

Although the power of the Frost Giant and the power of the Thunder God are still in conflict with each other, You Bingyi keeps pulling on the death knight's head, making it impossible for the four knights of the Apocalypse to merge. The power of the Doomsday Judgment Ragnarok is stronger than before. Much weaker! The situation of the Knights of the Apocalypse immediately became dangerous. As long as Bingyi could hold on, Bingyi's body shook, his face turned pale and he began to bleed from his orifices. With the triple pressure of Thor, the Knights of the Apocalypse and the Frost Giant, Bingyi would not be able to hold on anymore. !

[Damn giants, cunning mice! 】

The God of Thunder roared angrily but could not free his hands to drive away the giant. He yelled anxiously at Bingyi.

[Quickly recite my true name and make a contract with me. Use me to send you a goat and come to my chariot. I will protect you with the power of thunder, lightning and war! 】

The God of Thunder said anxiously, once Bingyi fell and there was no one to restrain the death knight, the situation that had just stabilized would be in chaos again. During the fierce battle, he gritted his teeth and threw down a ball of white and purple lightning that crashed and fell towards Bingyi. In the blink of an eye, the lightning was like mercury. It fell and regrouped, turning into a thunder goat beside him!

The goat was emitting brilliant electric light all over its body. Its hoof stepped on the frost giant and instantly broke his body into dozens of spider-web-like cracks. This was the power of Thor. However, the frost giant was not to be outdone. He snorted coldly, and the cold air instantly gushed out, freezing the cracks again.

"Say my name, I am Loki, the lord of the Outland City. I will lend you the crown temporarily, and all the frost giants will protect you!"

The frost giant was not to be outdone. He roared loudly, overwhelming the voice of Thor. His name shocked the audience outside the live broadcast room. This was the frost giant lord who had bet against Thor and made Thor fail three times. This goat horn cup was his wine glass, and Bingyi was on top of the ice peak crown on his head.

In such a chaotic battle, both sides wanted Bingyi to join their camp. As long as he could get the protection of one side, the pressure on him would be greatly reduced! But Ragnarok is approaching, and Thor and the Frost Giants have their own thoughts. Hearing that the Frost Giants shamelessly want to rely on Bingyi to get a share of the pie, Thor was furious, and his lightning hammer smashed the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse like a vent of anger.

[Loki - You have a blood contract with Odin, and you are a member of my Aesir! ]

"Loki, you are born a giant, and we will fight side by side in Ragnarok!

And the Frost Giant City Lord Loki was not to be outdone. The huge cold crown on his head shrank rapidly from the size of a hill until it became a palm-sized crown as gorgeous as a crystal diamond, and then fell on Bingyi's head. The terrible pressure shocked the lightning goat and bleated, and the lightning on his body seemed to be frozen.


Blood kept flowing from the corner of his mouth, and Bingyi showed an expression of desire. He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to choose the crown or the goat, but before his hand fell, Bing suddenly vomited blood, and his whole breath was weak to the extreme.

"Puff! ”

His body was so weak that he couldn't even bear the residual power of the Thundergoat and the Frost Crown. Bingyi, who staggered and fell, was supported by the corn shoots in time. His wings had lost their luster and his whole body was weak. It was obvious that he had suffered a serious backlash of power!

Without his involvement, the Death Knight's head immediately filled with a thick death aura, which merged with the other three-color mists. The sky suddenly became bright and the dim light came again. The breath of Ragnarok made Thor roar and curse the Frost Giant, but he could only do his best to restrain his power to prevent Ragnarok from really coming, while anxiously calling Bingyi. Bingyi was indeed extremely tenacious. After a short dizziness, he gritted his teeth and opened his eyes again. He vomited blood and trembled while controlling the Death Knight's head, disrupting the pace of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

"I can... I can hold on. Don't worry, kill the three of them quickly."

[You are a real warrior!]

"This is the indomitable giant tribe! "

Thor and the Frost Giants both roared and immediately launched a fierce attack without wasting the time that Bingyi had bought for them. Under the long-term fierce attack of Thor's hammer, the horses of the Apocalypse Knights were all turned into powder, and the knights were all injured. Their divine power was almost frozen by the extreme cold. The thick fog that could bring famine, war, plague and death was difficult to attack Thor and the Frost Giants. After all, the final judgment judged humans, not gods.

Seeing that they could not leave immediately, the Apocalypse Knights took out their weapons without hesitation and began to fight back with war knights and spears. The terrible power turned into thick clouds that covered the sky, making it difficult to see how terrible the battle was in the sky. People could only peek at it from the thunder and the increasingly urgent snow. However, once they did not defend with all their strength, they would reveal their flaws. Thor was the fearless and bravest warrior. He was not afraid of the siege of the Apocalypse Knights and went up to meet the gods. He threw Thor's hammer despite his own injuries and smashed half of the Famine Knight's. Head.

The Frost Giant City Lord Loki was not to be outdone. He pulled up an ice peak as a weapon and swept across the sky, forcing the Apocalypse Knights who were fighting in groups to separate from them. The Apocalypse Knights who could not fight together and charge immediately fell into a quagmire and could no longer make sufficiently deterrent attacks. After all, this was not their home battlefield, and they could not exert their full strength. Thor and the Frost Giants fought more and more bravely, as if they were trying to end the battle as soon as possible.


[Damn it, damn it, damn it!! ]

Bingyi couldn't hold on and vomited blood and fainted. Without his clamp, the Death Knight lost control again. The four-color mist condensed and brought the breath of the doomsday dusk. Thor and the Frost Knight City Lord could only be forced to separate and interrupt the encirclement, allowing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to reunite. The failure of the success almost made Thor mad, and the Frost Giant Loki also roared unwillingly, but they all knew that Bingyi could not be blamed. He had tried his best. And this time he was even worse than before.

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