Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 632: Icelandic Horror (164)

[The explorer’s Odin voice is calling Odin’s name to ask him for help? ? ? 】

Bing's words caused several new posts to pop up on the front page of the hotel forum. Many people said that this is the master who has enlightened him, but many more people did not believe it at all.

[Impossible, absolutely impossible! The explorer said before that Odin is five parts angry, three parts hateful and two parts black. It is absolutely impossible to ask Odin for help! 】

[The above is spoken in human terms...but the explorer's tone was indeed very cold, and he didn't hear the slightest hint of asking for help]

[And didn’t he immediately tell the new coach George that the Norse gods originally wanted to lure out the Knights of the Apocalypse? What he said was that Odin suspected that the stone was broken by Odin and deliberately lured out the Knights of the Apocalypse, right? 】

【yes! That’s what I thought at the time, and I thought that it was indeed something Odin could do]

[How could you be asking Odin for help? That is not the tone of asking for help at all! 】

[But to be honest, he really only called Odin at that time, and then he didn’t say anything else clearly... Oh my god, isn’t this the ability to move forward and retreat freely? No matter how you explain it, you are truly worthy of Bingyi! 】

[Director C is so handsome that I’m going crazy. The scene where he summons the Frost Giant is enough to be a cover poster. I want Director C’s poster now! Just lick it with your tongue! ! 】

[So handsome, so crazy, my mom, even if I had known that Director B was bold, I would still want to ask, how dare he do it! ! 】

[Quia, he is so good at quibbles! But I believed everything Director B said, wow, wow, I am a big fool, who can not be fooled by him, anyway, I can’t]

[Wow, wow, that smile he just made was so astringent, like a bad guy, so astringent. This kind of bad-tempered beauty is best suited to being beeped and beeped (blocked) until he loses consciousness and cries for mercy! 】

[I just wanted to be a hero in a fairy tale. The sisters above are so brave! He should have been blocked by the system and not allowed to speak]

The thread went awry during the discussion, not only in this discussion thread, but also in other posts. There were so many skewed posts that people couldn’t help but say, "Go to the live broadcast room and post a barrage if you are crazy!" Don't mess around in serious discussion threads! 】 But his words were quickly washed away by the rapidly increasing number of floors. Some people said helplessly, "Hey, the barrage in the live broadcast room is crazy. You can't see any barrage..."

At this moment, countless barrages in the Icelandic live broadcast room are flooding the screen, as dense as a blizzard. Both the tourists from the east and the west are watching with excitement at this moment. Under the triple pressure of Thor, Frost Giant and Apocalypse Knight, Bingyi can still be so arrogant and wanton, looking down on the gods, which is the most exciting point in the hearts of all tour guides and even tourists!

After entering the hotel, how many people were overwhelmed by the danger and struggled to make ends meet every day. Faced with the various aboriginal NPC bosses on the journey, they could only nod and pretend to be grandsons. Their lives were more painful than social animals all day long, especially when there was no hope for the future. This kind of hopeless pain Many people have become increasingly depressed, and now the fierce scene in the Icelandic live broadcast room is like an explosive bomb, instantly igniting the entire audience. This was even more exciting than yesterday's horse racing and the confrontation between the Tree of Life and Odin's incarnation on the Great Fissure in Silfra the day before yesterday.

This is like the resurgence of tens of thousands of frost giants in the world's cataclysm Ragnarok, which is extremely majestic and shocking. The four knights of the apocalypse gather together like the doomsday judgment is approaching, fighting to the death with the furious thunder god. It is terrifying and exciting, and adrenaline rushes to the scalp. It was numb, but it was Director B who caused all this to happen!

He looks like a seraph, but has frost giants on his feet. With the Frost Giant as the seat, the Death Knight as the mouth, chatting and laughing with Thor (Thor:?), being so crazy and extremely calm, being at the heart of the most dangerous storm but still being light and easy, this contradictory charm is really fascinating. Crazy, intoxicated and possessed!

But the audience in the live broadcast room applauded crazily for Director C. Those experienced travelers and tour guides who had more experience and were more rational were keenly aware of the explorer's plight at this moment.

"He is seeking skin from a tiger."

Someone raised their eyebrows, with a hint of concern in their tone: "The Frost Giant is not under his control..."

Bingyi used the blood food in the horn cup, Ymir's ancestor giant minced meat and the first milk to revive the frost giants who were sealed and sleeping under the glacier, but he did not control them. Loki is not the king of the Frost Giants, he is not even a Frost Giant at all. These awakened giants are greedily devouring the blood food on the earth. When they regain some strength, their greedy eyes will fall on the minced meat and milk of the ancestor giant in Bingyi's hand!

Bingyi has obtained many Loki powers, and can basically be said to have obtained the ultimate title of Fire God Loki. Usually such mythical titles are naturally conflict-avoiding. For example, Bingyi cannot be Loki and Thor at the same time. Loki is the god of fire, and his chances of being given the title of Frost Giant are slim.

If he couldn't become the ancestor of giants, then Bing would be just a piece of fragrant soft meat to the greedy and cruel frost giants. The terrifying giant lifted him up and let him stand on top of him. This was not a surrender to Loki, but a prisoner of Loki! If the situation was not really critical now, and dealing with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was more important, I am afraid that Bing would have been robbed early in the morning.

Thor was misled by Bingyi, thinking that he and the Frost Giants had an agreement. Only by being so arrogant and arrogant could Byeiyi frighten the God of Thunder, and he faced the confrontation with the God of Thunder without flinching. He mentioned "calling the true name of Odin, the King of Gods" while holding the rune stone fragments tightly in his hands. But it was the fox's false pretense that made the newly awakened Frost Giants mistakenly think that he had an agreement with Odin and Thor, so they did not dare to attack Bingyi easily.

Bingyi is robbing the tiger’s beard! He controlled such a fragile balance like walking a tightrope, strategizing around and around, and his exquisite methods were really impressive! But what’s fake is still fake after all. If we can’t find a way out before the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are eliminated, then when the enemies of the outer gods are gone, Bingyi will become the target of public criticism!

"There are upper, middle and lower strategies."

Bai Xiaosheng whispered, his eyes burning as he looked at the epic chaotic scene in the live broadcast room, but his voice was not simultaneously transmitted into the commentary. The so-called chaos is like a clear road in his eyes, and he can easily find the breaking point. In a flash of his mind, he has several ways to solve Bingyi's current predicament, and even lists the best, middle, and worst strategies.

"The next step is to take back the death knight's head and let the apocalypse knights go."

As long as the external enemies of the outer gods are still watching, it is impossible for the Nordic God Fang and the Giant Fang to kill Bingyi. As long as the head is in hand, he will still be the most important bait, and survival will definitely not be a problem.

But just alive. Bingyi has no choice whether to become a puppet controlled by the gods or be controlled by the frost giants. The body and life will be controlled by others, and the possibility of resurrecting from dormancy is slim.


The thunder in the live broadcast was deafening, and the frost giants who gradually recovered from devouring blood began to regain their strength. The dozen or so strongest frost giants pulled out ice peaks and turned them into ice peak spears like giant pillars reaching the sky and the earth, using all their strength. Throwing all the strength around the four Knights of the Apocalypse, they plunged deep into the leaden gray clouds. At this moment, the sky seemed to have an entity. Dozens of ice peak spears hung upside down from the clouds. The cold air that could freeze the soul lingered in the ice peaks, trapping the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse like an upside-down prison, preventing them from leaving easily.

However, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are powerful and terrifying, and they are by no means an existence that can be easily controlled. Especially since they represent the coming of the Doomsday Judgment, they have a similar aura to the Nordic Ragnarok. They can be seen in the lightning storm, Thor's Hammer, and the Frost Giant's icicles blocking the world. Below, the white, red, black and gray mist suddenly filled the air. They entangled and merged together, and actually emitted a ray of golden light in the thick clouds. It was like the last ray of light swallowed up before the devastating storm, filling the air with a hint of terror. The breath of doom.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse actually evoked a hint of Ragnarok! There was just a cracking sound, and terrifying cracks appeared simultaneously on the dozens of extremely hard and permanently frozen ice peaks that originally trapped them. This crack was not caused by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The faint lightning bursting from the edge of the crack showed that they actually It is being destroyed by the terrifying power of Thor's hammer and will gradually collapse. At the same time, the speed of Mjolnir, which was constantly bombarding the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, began to slow down. A layer of ice formed on the surface of the terrifying thunder and lightning, which was disturbed by the power of the Frost Giant.

Nordic Ragnarok is the battle between gods and giants. Under the influence of the aura of Ragnarok, gods and giants will be judged as enemies, and their powers will confront each other first, and the confrontation of forces will further accelerate the arrival of Ragnarok. If Thor and the Frost Giants had held their noses and deliberately cooperated to kill the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse before, then they were overwhelmed this time.

Even though everyone knows that they must kill the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse first, the divine power and the power of the giants have been regarded as enemies by each other and begin to internally conflict. This is the opportunity for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to escape! Moreover, if the God of Thunder and the Frost Giant still use all their strength to kill the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, then even if the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse really die, the progress of Ragnarok will be greatly accelerated and it will come earlier!

This is a dilemma. If you hesitate for a moment, the opportunity will be gone in an instant. But in an instant, the terrifying ice peaks that pierced the sky began to collapse and fall one after another. The strength of the frost giants who woke up early was difficult to compete with Thor's hammer, and in Ymir, the ancestor giants' flesh was scattered everywhere, and the blood on the ice sheet was still there. Before they were completely devoured, most of the giants were still sealed and their strength had not yet been restored. The frost giants were even more unwilling to have Ragnarok come early.

[Thor, God of Thunder, we admit that you are amazingly powerful]

An extremely hoarse and unpleasant sound came from the deepest part of the glacier, like a glacier bursting and falling with heavy snow. This was the sound of the Frost Giant who had recovered the fastest. They were openly planning to stop and let Thor deal with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Although seemingly weak, they actually pushed Thor into a situation where he could not hold back. The giants were not cruel fools. They were equally cunning and insidious, and they knew that Thor alone could not stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from leaving.

And now that Bingyi is in their hands, when the Frost Giants recover their strength, they can lure the Knights of the Apocalypse to kill him.

【coward! You shall not die well——! ! 】

[Giant—When Ragnarok comes, I will kill you all! ! 】

Thor roared furiously, and the terrifying Thor's hammer hammered the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse crazily. However, after the power of the giant escaped, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse found an opportunity to escape, and Thor could not stop them alone. Knowing that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were about to escape was a foregone conclusion, but Thor spared no effort. The terrifying lightning storm poured down with an angry roar. He actually didn't care whether he would be attacked by the resurrected Frost Giants, nor did he take advantage of the frost. The giant killed the giant during the fragile period when it had just recovered, and then attacked the knight of the apocalypse with all his strength!

This is the pride of Thor, the god of thunder, and his unshirkable responsibility to guard Northern Europe. At this juncture, there is no conspiracy at all. He just wants to do his best to seriously injure the four knights of the apocalypse and keep them behind, even if he fights alone. Retreat, because he is the strongest warrior of the Asa clan and the patron saint of mortals. It is his duty to protect the divine domain and protect civilians. This is exactly the character of the God of Thunder.

Even if it was a foregone conclusion that he could not keep the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he would still fight until the last moment - but at this moment, the amazing and indestructible mixed divine power between the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse suddenly fluctuated, and a wisp of black death energy drew out. Li, letting the remaining three colors of divine mist disperse and no longer fuse, it was Bingyi who was still standing on the head of the frost giant who took action!

And Thor, a born warrior, immediately seized this opportunity. Thor's hammer dropped suddenly, immediately disrupting the departure of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The three-color divine power mist was blown away, and the originally stable connection was suddenly broken. If the death knight's head was not still tightly held in the arms of the famine knight, this head would probably obey Bingyi's call and leave suddenly.

"Want to escape? It depends on whether I agree or not."

Bingyi's voice sounded in the dark head. Unlike the arrogance before, he was extremely calm. There was a hint of deeper madness in his calmness: "If the King of Gods doesn't come... the giant will have to leave."

During the crazy battle, he actually smiled: "Thor, it seems that today's battle depends on you and me."

As he spoke, Bingyi and Wu opened and closed his fingers, activating the power of Paradise Lost. As the core of power, the death knight's head in the arms of the Famine Knight began to violently struggle, creating opportunities for Thor to attack. And Thor, the god of thunder, actually cooperated with him tacitly. Every time Black Mist shook Thor's hammer, it would hit the four knights of the apocalypse hard.

[Cowards choose to run away, soldiers continue to fight]

Thor madly controls Thor's hammer to hit the four knights of the apocalypse. His booming words are like a bloodthirsty wolf, but there is a hint of pleasure. When the Frost Giant turns his back and fights against the four knights of the apocalypse alone, Bingyi's helping hand makes the relationship between them unexpected. There is a subtle tacit understanding. In an instant, there was lightning and thunder, and the bright lightning ravaged the sky. The God of Thunder used all the power he could bring to the world, making the heaven and earth tremble.

[Let them see who is the strongest warrior! 】

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