Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 631: Icelandic Horror (163)

‘I will cooperate with you later’

There was no need for Wei Xun to say anything. An Xuefeng knew what he was planning after just a moment's thought. He showed a somewhat naughty smile at the corner of his mouth, saying meaningfully: 'After all, this is the kind of person Odin is.'

Odin values ​​his power very seriously, even though Bingyi has been invaded by his mind and has not really gained the power to decipher the rune letters. But if he can obtain this stone, and if the White Lotus layman does not die, can Bingyi really realize the power of the rune letters from it? If you steal the chicken, you will lose the rice?

No matter how arrogant Odin is, he will not give Bingyi the slightest chance of encroaching on his authority. Of course, the most stingy way is to break the rune stone by surprise before Bingyi can get the complete stone after Bingyi deciphers the rune letters and Bailian layman removes the blood food.

In this way, Bingyi will get nothing. Of course, this will also have a high probability that the Famine Knight will arrive early. Before the blood food in the croissant cup is completely solved, Thor will be in danger of being attacked from both sides.

'Perhaps Odin and Thor have reached some agreement, and they have no intention of doing this, and want to take care of the overall situation for the time being.'

Bingyi chuckled, with a hint of sarcasm in his deliberately long tone: "But even if he wants to give me the stone temporarily, it still depends on whether I want it or not."

They didn't even need to say anything explicitly. They just used one or two words of inducement after breaking the stone. Will the God of Thunder automatically become suspicious of Odin?

There have been conflicts between them before, and the possibility of Thor becoming furious is extremely high if the situation is exacerbated. As long as he was furious and did not cooperate closely with Odin, Na Bingyi would be sure to completely wake up the Frost Giant, sacrifice his blood, and then escape unscathed.

‘It’s a bit risky, so I can take advantage of him’

Wei Xun was obviously more experienced, and in a few words he perfected Bingyi's plan and also used the unknown coach.

‘Then do this? ’

‘Then do it’

Without much time for secret talks, the two birds quickly discussed cooperation. An Xuefeng was about to leave when he heard Bingyi say slowly again: 'Are you sure you want to do this? ’

'Um? ’

An Xuefeng heard the hidden meaning in his words and stopped subconsciously. He quickly rewinded in his mind to recall what he had just said and Wei Xun's various tones. Finally, he cocked his feathers and pretended not to understand. Okay. The temper said doubtfully: 'What else? ’

'I want to break the runes...'

Bingyi couldn't tell how he felt, so he just repeated one sentence.

From the very beginning when he made the suggestion, Bingyi had been prepared that Wei Xun would oppose his plan. Wei Xun is a good man with a strong sense of justice at heart and a captain with a strong sense of responsibility. When b1 is besieged, he will come to the rescue. How many times someone in the two brigades is in danger, he will take action without hesitation regardless of safety.

Practitioner Bailian was in his team and had a good relationship with Yu Xiangyang and the others, and he had already taken the risk to end the sacrifice. How could they stab Practitioner Bailian in the back? Go break the rocks and not give him a way to survive?

Although Bing had planned this early on, and Master Bai Lian would have even greater gains after the plan was successful, it was also extremely dangerous. Wei Xun would not agree to his plan, Bingyi thought calmly. In fact, the safest thing is not to communicate with Wei Xun. He can act privately on his own to avoid unnecessary complications.

But Bingyi thought a lot and finally chose to tell Wei Xun. Even Bingyi himself couldn't fully understand his mood at the moment when he said it. Is it a test? No, it's not the cheap "try who's more important in your heart" test. Is it complete trust? No, not complete trust either. Even Bingyi didn't know what kind of answer he expected Wei Xun to give him.

Wei Xun is a smart man, and he must have thought of this when he said about breaking the runes. But he didn't say anything, he just continued to echo and even improve his plan.

This attitude made Bingyi feel a little anxious. The unspoken tacit and unspoken rules among adults were broken by him himself. Bingyi wanted to be direct and forced Wei Xun to tell him what he thought about this matter.

‘Yes, you want to break the runes’

An Xuefeng was still pretending to be stupid: "Why, are you worried that Tong Hege can't be beaten?" Don’t worry, he’s not that useless’

'what are you thinking'

Bingyi was calm but aggressive, not giving Wei Xun any chance to escape.

‘What do I think is wrong? ’

An Xuefeng first replied slowly and with evil intentions. He originally wanted to pretend to be stupid and tease his lover, but he felt Wei Xun's mood had changed subtly. He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely get rid of someone, and he would definitely be unhappy. Finally, he coughed twice and became serious, and said straightforwardly:

‘Don’t worry, Layman Bailian will not die’

The most dangerous person in this plan, besides Wei Xun, who wants to completely surrender to the giant camp and break up with the Nordic gods, is the White Lotus layman. The runes on this stone correspond to him. If the stone is destroyed by the power of Odin's Spear, no one can tell what terrible things will happen to White Lotus.

Maybe like Charlie, he died instantly because of the runes.

But An Xuefeng knew that Bai Lian's San value had dropped to twelve due to the influence of the runes. When exposed to high-concentration blood food, White Lotus Master will definitely return his sanity to zero and regain his memory and strength.

Once he regains his strength, White Lotus Master can be said to be one of the most difficult peak travelers to kill. His difficulty is comparable to Xiang Yang, a dead zombie. He has a series of orange titles, Vajra White Lotus can improve his defense and attack power, but the most important title that makes White Lotus immortal is the orange title Padmasambhava.

Padmasambhava is an extremely important role in Buddhism. Even people who are not familiar with Buddhist scriptures have probably heard of his name. There is a classic saying: "One hundred and twelve years after I have passed away, there will be someone who is more excellent than me, named Padmasambhava." This means that one hundred and twelve years after the Buddha's passing away, there will be someone who will surpass Sakyamuni. When a person of Jia Buddha comes to the world, he is Padmasambhava. He is the collective manifestation of all the Buddhas in the world. He has boundless magic power, incredible merits, and combines wisdom, compassion and the power to defeat evil*

Especially in the Age of Ending Dharma, Padmasambhava is even more important, and all major undertakings are inseparable from his blessing* This is a very heaven-defying title, comparable to Ksitigarbha in Parliament, and even worse than Ksitigarbha in some cases. Be stronger.

For example, the current scene.

Wisdom - the rune letters can be regarded as an extension of wisdom and authority.

Ragnarok/Doomsday Judgment - Corresponding to the end of the Dharma era, the power of Padmasambhava will be the most powerful blessing.

Even the blood food that White Lotus is about to deal with can be related to Padmasambhava - Padmasambhava once practiced in the corpse forest, using corpses as seats, sacrifices as food, and shrouds as clothes, and finally overcome All difficulties, cultivated into the Wrathful Vajra*

The endless blood food in this ram's horn cup is like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. As a result, Layman White Lotus reset his sanity level to zero and regained his memory. The recovery would be like that of a Wrathful Vajra, and it would be easy to break a ram's horn cup with his hands and break stones with runes in his hand.

Of course, the most important thing is that titles such as Padmasambhava are related to cause and effect, involving abandoning the old skin and gaining a new life. This kind of title taken to the extreme is actually very restrained from old dreams. As long as layman Bailian wants to, he can abandon the past at any time and temporarily cut off the connection with old dreams. Although the cutting is not as severe as An Xuefeng's Returning Sword, which can cut off the past of several people, the White Lotus layman can only cut off himself, which is incredible.

There is no need to worry about being dragged into the old dream, and there is no need to completely break up with the hotel. If you do it so absolutely, delaying for a while will definitely not be a problem.

Even if it is the most improbable scenario, if the White Lotus Master is so polluted that his sanity cannot be reduced to zero, and the useless title really dies, he will become a Buddha at the moment of his 'death' and leave behind the 'old skin' of amnesia. Recall the powerful 'true self' that has various titles, and then go through the process as above.

He will definitely not die anyway.

An Xuefeng never considered that Practitioner Bai Lian would die. Putting aside everything else, Practitioner Bai Lian was not a member of his team. He, An Xuefeng, was not an idiot. When it came time to make a decision, Tie Weixun was more important. We are all adults who have been fighting in the hotel for many years. It is impossible for anyone to be selfish. An Xuefeng is very open and honest about this, and there is nothing much to say.

‘You are quite confident in him’

However, his words seemed to be misunderstood by Wei Xun. This meaningful tone made An Xuefeng's heart skip a beat, and he felt the subtle sourness in it. Oops, the only bad thing about amnesia is that my wife would be jealous of the bald head (Bai Lian layman: I am not bald), but An Xuefeng thought it was quite interesting, and it sounded very pleasant to me. It’s just that what he said was not stupid: ‘I know you must have considered it’

An Xuefeng smiled and his tone was extremely gentle. He knew that Wei Xun was not a tour guide who would treat his teammates' lives as trivial. It was true that he liked taking risks and would not stop taking risks and becoming stronger just because his teammates were weak and couldn't keep up. But Bingyi would always secretly plan a way out for them. , even if this road to life is full of thorns and extremely dangerous.

But this is enough. Now that you have entered the hotel and want to become stronger, who can do it without danger?

'If nothing goes wrong, last night's heroes have been divided up. The Nordic gods also have their own forces and sides’

Those words may seem perfunctory and false to others, but the words "I know you must have considered it" were spoken by Wei Xun, but they were somehow very sincere and reliable, as if he really trusted you and could deliver everything. . Bingyi, who originally didn't bother to explain more, was slightly moved and said more.

‘Last night eight Valkyrie came out to choose a hero, only Slud didn’t show up’

Although Srud transformed into a glacier, it was understandable that he could not appear. But she is a Valkyrie, and as a Valkyrie, she has the right to choose heroes. And as the daughter of the God of Thunder, the hero she chose was naturally from the Thunder God camp. On top of the Vatnajökull glacier, Odin voluntarily backed down from looking at everything here, which must have been a kind of concession.

‘Do you want him to give the Valkyrie brooch to White Lotus? ’

'That's right'

This is a way to survive, and the probability of success is extremely high. When 'Odin' smashes the rune stones for his own selfish desires and indirectly leads to the death of the White Lotus layman, in order to restore the crumbling image of the Nordic gods and to restore the hearts of the heroes, the God of Thunder will surely stand up at this time. He must do this, and he can only do this, give the Valkyrie brooch to the White Lotus layman so that he will not die. Even though the White Lotus layman was not the person he originally planned to win over.

The White Lotus layman was not the hero selected last night and did not receive the Valkyrie brooch. This was a great opportunity. Even if the benefit of 'resurrection' will be used on the spot, being able to go to the Heroic Spirit Pool to be baptized will give him extraordinary benefits.

What's more, you can first obtain information, obtain tasks and even titles, such as whether there are other 'heroes' in the Heroic Spirit Pool, the special identities and secrets of the two hunter teams, which step in Ragnarok is progressing, etc., An Xuefeng After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that this was indeed a good move.

As long as he breaks the rune stone, and the White Lotus layman is about to die, he makes a few strange words from the Thunder God, and arouses the resentment of other passengers, then the step of giving the brooch by the God of Thunder will be very stable.

'not only that'

Bingyi pondered, suddenly as if talking to himself: "Yao Jinghe told me that titles related to Buddhism like theirs usually have several incarnations, many disguises, and even so-called past, present, and future bodies." Something like that'

He also approached Wei Xun: 'Since you believe so much that Master Bai Lian can survive, he must also be a powerful person. After all, he is someone Ah Feng knows...'

‘Okay baby, talk nicely’

An Xuefeng couldn't even laugh or cry, so he just had to tell Wei Xun "talking like a human being". Time was running out, so Bingyi didn't make any more detours, and said directly: "You said let the layman Bai Lian do it, what do you think?"

His voice was extremely low, with strong interest and eagerness to try: 'Is it feasible to let a large part of him go to the Hall of Valor and a small part to go to Old Dreams...? ’

Only Charlie in the old dream was still too thin. If White Lotus layman could take this opportunity to enter a small part... it would be really wonderful. Not only did he completely go in and completely crush Charlie with his strength, but he also had the experience and wisdom of a peak traveler.

'Very adventurous'

An Xuefeng's eyes moved slightly: 'But...'

‘I think Lay Practitioner Bai Lian will agree’

Entering the Old Dream means cultivating the past, entering the Hall of Heroes means leaving behind the past and cultivating the future, and cultivating the past and future at the same time. It is still in the end of the Dharma era when Ragnarok is approaching. This will greatly enhance the White Lotus layman's understanding and control of the title.

The reason why he is only in the White Lotus Brigade and not in the higher-level brigades is because he thinks that he has not practiced enough and needs more experience.

Regardless of whether it is the layman Bailian who has lost his memory or the layman Bailian who has recovered his memory, he will agree.

'Don't worry, I'll let the phantom cat help him'

Bingda said without any shame, and secretly smuggled a few strands of cat hair to Xiaofengniao: 'If he agrees, wearing these cat hairs close to his body can safely protect his fragments from entering the old dream.'

The corners of An Xuefeng's mouth twitched for the first time.


Carry cat hair close to your body.

Illusion Cat Gang White Lotus layman.

'I'll pass it on to him'

An Xuefeng said with toothache. The memory came back, and at this moment, he felt the hair of the phantom cat flowing out from the body of the White Lotus layman. The golden lotus-like spots were swallowed up by the fog of old dreams, and the breath disappeared at the same time, and he felt extremely calm. The stones were broken, the Famine Knight and the God of Thunder came, and gave a rose brooch. The White Lotus layman returned to zero and restored his memory. Most of them went to the Hall of Valor and the other half fell into old dreams - everything went as planned.

But An Xuefeng knew very well what he really wanted to achieve, and it was impossible to just rely on planning without fighting and fighting.

The lightning storm isolated Bingyi from other travelers. At this moment, Bingyi was surrounded only by the corn snake and Wangcai on the ice field. This was no coincidence. Thor's confidence and irritability does not mean that he has no brains. Bingyi's voice of Odin made him suspicious of Odin, and also suspicious of Loki, who is best at lies and deceit.


The sound of the thunderstorm was deafening, still comparable to the roar of the Black Horse of Famine. The God of Thunder and the Knight of Famine, who were unable to come at full strength, were equally powerful, and they could not tell the winner in a short time. But a lightning storm is looming, surrounded by a black mist that represents famine.

If the remaining Knights of the Apocalypse come at the same time, the God of Thunder will not be able to keep them. But the other two knights were not strong enough to come. Only the Famine Knight came first because the broken letters of the harvest runes revealed the strong aura of famine that everything must reverse. However, the world did not really fall into famine. The rootless famine prevents the Famine Knight from drawing more power, and today is Thursday, which belongs to Thor. It is a very important day in the week. Countless Nordic believers will pray today, and the power to support Thor's appearance is endless.

An Xuefeng has seen the ending, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows, and the Famine Knight will eventually fail. If we wait for this war storm to end, Thor will kill the Famine Knight and possess the heads of Danlin and the Famine Knight, but Bingyi's role as a bait will not be so important. I'm afraid that the God of Thunder will directly take away this restless element and imprison him when Ragnarok is approaching.

"Zheng buzz——"

The madman's murderous knife was unsheathed, and the blade buzzed and vibrated, and he could vaguely sense its true owner on the other side of the storm. This is the resonance of the sword, the dance of the strongest blade in the world by God of War Tyrna, and the imprint left on Bingyi's Nordic sword. When he drew the sword, all the swords in the world jumped for joy and cheered, and the evil spirit overflowed.

Even though he couldn't see clearly through the thunderstorm, An Xuefeng could still tell that Bingyi and him had drawn their swords at the same time.

The place that can be planned has been perfected, and now it's time to fight for the blood.

【Loki——! ! ! 】

In an instant, the thunder god's furious roar resounded throughout the world, and destructive and terrifying power spewed out, condensing into an extremely terrifying silver thunder hammer. Lightning struck down crazily from the boundless sky, and its residual power was enough to make people's eyes turn black, as if their chests had been hit hard! When the Thor's Hammer crashed down, almost all the light was attracted by it, leaving only endless blackness in the sky and the earth, as if the heaven and earth were broken and the chaos of the universe reappeared.

No one could withstand the terrifying power of this hammer. The black storm caused by the power of Famine was directly torn into pieces. The Famine Black Horse, which had been in a stalemate with Thunder God's Lightning Storm, let out a cry, and the horse's head was smashed to pieces by Thor's hammer. It was terrifying. The fragments were like a spider web covering the Famine Knight on horseback, tearing the knight's body apart, causing his head and upper body to fall backwards like a meteor -

It was no accident. The direction in which the Famine Knight flew down was intentional. That was exactly where Bingyi was, and he had transformed into an angel of happiness. His silver hair was shining like the moon, six snow-white wings were stretched out, and there seemed to be hymns around him. Surrounded by the extremely beautiful and extremely holy angels, they actually held a dark head.

When the Famine Knight received a blow from Thor's Hammer and used its strength to fly toward Bingyi, it was precisely to take the Death Knight's head! He also realized that he had been tricked and was surrounded by dangers at this moment. Only by taking back the Death Knight's head and gathering the power of the two Apocalypse Knights could he block the influence of the Nordic God of Thunder and escape into the void!

"Want it?"

Seeing the head of the Famine Knight flying towards him and the terrifying power of Thor's Hammer, which was followed by lightning and wrapped in lightning, Bingyi could still speak under this terrifying pressure like the end of the world, and his voice was extremely clear. .

"If you want it, I'll give it to you!"

In an instant, he threw the death knight's head without hesitation. No one expected that Bingyi would do this! Even the Famine Knight didn't expect it, but he couldn't let go of the head. In order to catch it, he deviated from the direction and was hit hard by Mjolnir. Amidst the terrible lightning storm and rumbling thunder, the Famine Knight's body was torn into pieces again, but he grabbed the head. The invisible force connected him to the head, and their figures became more and more complex in the lightning. It's thin, and you can faintly see the light of two other colors falling from the sky.

It's the other two knights of the apocalypse who were drawn by the meeting of famine and death to show up and come to meet them! The lightning was like a raging thunder snake with a terrifying aura of destruction, but it could not completely tear them apart. The escape of the Famine Knight who was about to get it would become a foregone conclusion. Thor was completely furious. When his rage reached the limit, his voice was so loud that it almost shook the world.

The glacier collapsed and heavy snow fell, and the terrible avalanche poured down on the two brigades. Angry eyes that seemed to be formed by thunder and lightning looked at Bingyi from the sky, and saw his bird that was similar to the outer god. In human form, Thor was furious when he saw that he actually threw the Death Knight's head to the Famine Knight, which indirectly caused the two knights to flee!

[Loki, do you want to betray? ! 】

[Loki - what are you doing? ! 】

The four knights of the Apocalypse, who were gathering to resist the power of Thor and preparing to disappear and hide, stood between Thor and Byeichi like a barrier, allowing him to still move under this terrible and terrifying pressure. The God of Thunder was already extremely frightened and angry, who knew he could be even more angry - Bingyi actually dumped the horn cup filled with blood onto the ice field! The terrifying and thick bloody gas spurted out, and a large amount of blood dyed the ice surface red, attracting the frost giants who had been sealed and frozen under the glacier for countless years to get ready to move.

But what really woke them up was the large piece of minced meat of the ancestor giant Ymir in Bingyi's hand, and the milk he was pouring on the minced meat! The cow at the beginning fed the ancestor frost giant Ymir and was the source of all frost giants. The terrifying and majestic power overflowed, suppressing the thunder god's seal, and truly awakened the sealed frost giants under the earth! And Thor is trying his best to attack the four knights of the apocalypse with Thor's hammer to keep them here. He has no power left to stop Bingyi, and he is almost going crazy!

[Loki - I will tear you into pieces! 】

[Loki - traitor, you must die a good death! ! 】

[Damn traitor, you don’t deserve to be called Loki, you are even more despicable than Loki——]

"Stop yelling. If you have time to yell, why not try your best to keep the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?"

The strange voice actually sounded from the death knight's head. It had not been completely taken away, and the connection with the Lost Paradise had not been severed. The voice was still under the control of the Lost Paradise. This is a shame for the Apocalypse Knight. The boundless terrifying power is slashed down, like the guillotine of the sky, to kill Bingyi completely and cut off the connection between him and the death knight's head. But at this moment, amid the dense sound of ice cracking, the terrifying frost giant hands suddenly lifted up, like huge icicle peaks, with countless fingers spread out, for Bingyi to bear the momentum. What a stunning blow!

"What am I doing? Trash, now that I have attracted all the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, what do you think I am doing!"

Seeing that Mjolnir's hammer did not block the trend of this power at all, and was still beating the four knights of the Apocalypse, not caring about Loki's life or death, as if watching the fun, Bingyi said rudely: "Kill the Famine Knight, you Do you think the other two knights will show up? If you don't lure them out at this time, there is no chance of destroying the four knights of the apocalypse! What do you think I am doing, Thor, do you only have this kind of courage!"

【Shut up! 】

The God of Thunder was furious and roared: [I want a golden thread to sew your sweet mouth. Until then, you can't deceive me, damn traitor——]

"Open your eyes and take a good look. See how they wanted to kill me just now? Traitor? Ah ha, traitor looking for death!"

The frost giants kept waking up from the glaciers, and blocked the terrifying power of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse for Bingyi. Their arms were broken and shattered by the pressure, but countless ice crystals were mixed and frozen together, like an arch bridge and a shield, resisting this terrifying force. And under Bing Yi's feet, the ice surface rose upward like a mountain. It was the head of the Frost Giant. It was tamely stepped on by Bing Yi, who was holding the minced meat and milk of the ancestor giant. In the terrible storm, there were countless ribs like Under the protection of icicles that are as raised as the sky, Bingyi still looks elegant, but there is a sense of pride and madness in the elegance.

"Look, they all stayed, not one of them ran away! Do you think I deceived you, you arrogant guy, I deceived the Outer God!"

B opened his arms and laughed like crazy: "The Nordic Ragnarok is complete when gods and giants are together. Without the existence of giants, can you alone stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? What am I doing? I Keep them all here!”

【You——Damn! 】

The God of Thunder roared, still struggling to bombard the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And the electric arc lingering around Thor's hammer completely surrounded them, and the originally thin figure became solid again. But this does not mean that the power he can devote to this battlefield has become stronger. As Bingyi said, the resurrection of the frost giants has made the power of the Nordic mythology system more complete and made the mythical power of this land more closed, which delayed the four events of the Apocalypse. The Knight's Escape.

But to borrow the power of giants, this fact is unacceptable and unacceptable to the arrogant God!

"The giants have been sealed for many years. I admit that their power will indeed be unable to compete with the gods for a while. When Ragnarok comes, they should be accumulating strength underground."

But at this time, Bingyi did not continue to shout wildly, and actually took a step back, his tone became calmer: "If you and Odin came at the same time today, I'm afraid you wouldn't force me to revive the giant in advance. ”

The malicious, silky voice was like a snake, revealing a more cunning provocation in its calmness: "I once called Odin's name and risked my face to ask him for help, but he didn't respond."

Bingyi smiled, with the tip of his tongue touching his teeth, looking evil and innocent: "Since the King of Gods won't come... then we can only let the giant come."

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