Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 630: Icelandic Horror (162)


The storm and thunder carried thick and sticky black mist and broken ice and snow, raging like a terrifying tornado across the world. Thor, the God of Thunder, fought against the Famine Knights. No one could participate in this battle between gods. It seemed that the only deafening thunder and the loud neighing of the Famine Knight's black horse could be heard in the world.

But Bingyi could still hear other sounds. He was holding a broken stone with runes engraved on it in his left hand, and a horn cup filled with blood food in his right hand. Even though the stone had been broken, the power of the harvest still lingered around the stone, reminding Bingyi of the sound of murmuring. No power can cover it up, for this is wisdom in its purest form.

'Odin will never allow me to get this rune stone'

After understanding the meaning of runes from hanging upside down in Tong Hege's tree, when the charred bird and the little phoenix were alone, Kungfu Bingyi secretly communicated with Wei Xun. After drinking the small bottle of the Fountain of Wisdom, he hung upside down on the arm of Tong Hege, who was not the real tree of the world at all. Within nine days and nine nights, he only needed nine minutes and nine seconds to see the meaning of this rune letter. This is definitely unusual.

The mystery of the universe, the power of runes, the divine power of runes, this is the most important core power of the authority of the God of Wisdom! It is all the secrets of the universe in the Nordic pantheon. It should be extremely difficult to master, but Bingyi found it very 'easy' when he understood it. In addition to almost getting lost in the unknown mysteries of the universe, as long as he is less curious and thirsty for knowledge, this kind of It might not even happen. There is a high probability that Bingyi will be able to figure out how to interpret these letters directly.

This is by no means just the effect that a little fountain of wisdom can have, but more like someone in Northern Europe adding fuel to the fire. In particular, Ah Feng said that if Bingyi really understood the rune letters by himself, he would definitely get a reminder in his mind (the hotel's prompt tone). This can already be regarded as a kind of extraordinary power.

The absence of any beep can also be regarded as a secret reminder from the hotel.

In fact, Bingyi didn't really gain the power of the rune letters, something was wrong.

Who is it?

Who would do such a thing.

Who can do such a thing.

Bingyi looked at the broken rune stone in his hand, listening to the whisper lingering in his ears, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Only Odin, as the god of wisdom, holds the power of wisdom and is familiar with the power of runes, can do this. Eliminate all possibilities and the most incredible option left is the answer.

Why would he do this? According to normal logic, it is impossible for Odin to do this. Bingyi is growing rapidly. If he fully masters the power of Rune in time, he will truly begin to compete with Odin for the authority of the God of Wisdom. Odin and Thor could tolerate him pretending to be Odin last night because it was Loki's own deception, but when he truly begins to understand how to use the power of the Fountain of Wisdom, it will completely break the already precarious peace.

This is a struggle for authority, and no one can give in. The God of Thunder seemed to be so easy to talk to, so he gave the Valkyrie's brooch to the White Lotus layman. It contained more information: because he corresponded to the rune letter, he did not die immediately when the letter was broken, so he was taken to the Hall of Valor to strictly check whether he had obtained it. Letters correspond to powers.

So why would Odin do this?

Unless it's for the greater good.

'They have already decided to attack you'

Bingyi recalled his exchange with Wei Xun...A Feng, and his calm voice rang in Xiaoniao's mind: 'You have seen it clearly'

Yes, from last night to now, after he took away the death knight's head, Odin and Thor didn't show anything too drastic, which made Bingyi suspicious. The death knight's head is extremely important, and it is a trophy for killing the powerful outer gods. How could the Nordic gods let it go?

'The mastermind behind this journey must have made some kind of agreement with the Norse gods'

Yu Hehui analyzed this: 'You have completed the corresponding, most difficult task. According to the rules, this death knight's head is his reward. Even the gods have to pinch their noses and temporarily admit defeat.'

'And... this may involve a subsequent chain mission, because the death knight did not die. ’

The Death Knight is not a real 'god' in the narrow sense, but is the product of countless believers' beliefs and cognitions over thousands of years. The Death Knight who invaded Northern Europe 'died', but he can still be 'resurrected' in the faith zone. It's just that you will lose a lot of power.

But his head was not crushed, but suppressed in Bingyi's Paradise Lost. Therefore, he cannot be considered completely dead, nor can he give birth to a 'new' death knight.

The other three remaining Apocalypse Knights will definitely take back his head and will definitely attack and kill Bingyi. He is like a fragrant bait.

Odin and Thor also hope that his bait can fish out other Apocalypse Knights.

‘Due to historical reasons, there are actually quite a few Christians in Northern Europe’

Dan Lin had secretly found Bingyi before, whispered to him, and vaguely told him why the Nordic gods were unable to uncover the Apocalypse Knights within the scope of their own beliefs.

'Furthermore... Ragnarok is approaching in Northern Europe, and the Knights of the Apocalypse also represent the destruction of the world and the coming of the final judgment'

The important nodes almost coincided, and the chaos obscured the perception of the Nordic gods. Of course, the Knights of the Apocalypse will not miss the opportunity to regain their faith. After Ragnarok, the power of the Nordic gods and giants has been reduced to the limit. This is the opportunity for them to appear in judgment and plunder the people's faith.

The battle of faith is far more cruel than the territorial war. If they really succeed, the number of believers in the Nordic gods will decrease, and the power provided to them will be insufficient, then it will probably take a longer time for the Nordic gods and giants to return to their original level of power.

Therefore, we must find the other three Knights of the Apocalypse and suppress and kill them all before the arrival of Ragnarok.

'The entities of the Nordic gods are confined to the volcano. If they hold the head of the death knight, the three apocalypse knights may lie dormant until the end of Ragnarok.'

Dan Lin said meaningfully that he came to Bingyi to secretly reveal their intentions to the Nordic gods. These gods were too arrogant to find the Apocalypse Knight directly. It would be a shame for them to use bait.

‘I am also a bait’

Dan Lin pulled off his collar, and the silver-purple thunder pattern surrounded his neck like a chain collar. Once anyone threatened his life, it would burst out to protect Dan Lin. But at the same time, it was like a big hand controlling life, clamping down on Dan Lin's neck.

The Death Knight's desperate protection of Dan Lin last night proved that Dan Lin also has the potential to be used as a bait to attract the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

So Thor turned his attention to him. But compared to Dan Lin, Bingyi is obviously a more direct bait, and after all, he has obtained the identity of Loki, is a member of the Nordic gods, and has cooperated with Thor before. The most important thing is that as the winner of last night's horse race, on today's Day of Thunder God, Thor should have the most legitimate reason to watch Bingyi and send his 'eyes' to his side, just like yesterday he sent a raven to stare at Bingyi. Like Odin.

Why didn't Thor do this? With his self-esteem, he couldn't give up just because Bingyi was difficult to control. Unless someone forces Thor to give in.

The invasion of the outer gods is of vital importance. Not only does the God of Thunder need to have an informant in the brigade, but the King of the Gods also needs to do so.

'Black feathers...Hey, actually your call is a bit like that of a corvid'

Dan Lin seemed to be joking, but Bingyi knew the meaning well.

Why is the bird state he transforms into black?

'The aging sun should not decay unless there is a conflict of powers between pantheons'

Wei Xun agreed with him after seeing his bird state.

Black is not just the color of the scorched sun, but also the color of raven feathers. If Bingyi didn't have the form of a bird by chance, he probably wouldn't have been able to detect Odin's early moves on him.

Because of this, Thor could only endure his anger and make concessions.

Danlin is the bait controlled by Thor, and Bingyi is the bait controlled by Odin - not yet fully controlled. That's why he took the risk to let Bingyi realize the true meaning of the runes - the raven that supervised Bingyi yesterday was Fujin, who represented 'thinking', and was also Odin's hands and feet on Bingyi. It is precisely because of Odin's 'thinking' that Bingyi can understand the meaning of the rune letters so quickly.

This is not his own thinking, but Odin's thinking, so Bingyi has not gained the real power to decipher the rune letters. The more runes Bingyi obtains and the more he uses this power, the more his thinking will be eroded by Odin's thinking, and will eventually be completely controlled by him.

This is forceful oppression that is not revealed on the surface, and it is wisdom as insidious and cunning as a snake. If this continues, Xu and Yu will eventually become completely controlled puppets.

‘Does a puppet have a mind of its own? ’

Bingyi remembered that when he was communicating with Xiao Fengniao, his tone was very relaxed, even teasing: 'Does Wei Xun have his own thoughts? ’

‘Of course Wei Xun has his own ideas’

Xiaofengniao smiled helplessly and repeated what he had just said: "You have seen it clearly."

‘What are you going to do? ’

‘It’s time to reach this point’

Bingyi said to himself that there was no other choice. When he obtained Loki's incomplete flame and arrived in Northern Europe on the verge of Ragnarok, everything would be doomed. Bingyi is destined to never be in God’s camp. On the fourth day of the journey, we hiked the Vatnajökull glacier. There were countless frost giants frozen under the glacier, and there was blood food that could restore their strength.

The arrangement of this scenic spot, even the hotel, is adding fuel to the fire. Everything has been arranged in place, urging Bingyi to make a choice. The giant's camp, this is where he should go.

Xiao Fengniao didn't say that much, just said calmly: "I will be with you," her tone was as calm as if she was saying something that was an established fact.

'Maybe it would be better if we separated'

Bingyi smiled and said, there was seriousness in his smile: "Just like Dan Lin"

Dan Linlai secretly reminded him that it was not only the meaning of the Nordic gods, but also represented his own ambition. For Dan Lin, the advantages of temporarily becoming a follower of the God of Thunder outweigh the disadvantages. There is no need for him to express his position immediately. On the contrary, if Bingyi makes that choice, he will be the only bait controlled by the Nordic gods, and maybe he can get more attention, more restrictions, and greater benefits.

And he and Bingyi were on opposite sides, one in the camp of the Nordic gods and the other in the camp of the giants. They formed a secret alliance, which brought more benefits. Of course, this alliance is loose. Once one party is at a complete disadvantage, the other party will not hesitate to swallow up all the benefits. This kind of game makes it impossible for Bingyi to believe all of Dan Lin's information. He needs a reliable person in the camp of the Nordic gods.

‘And if you follow me, you are destined to never get the ultimate reward’

Bingyi's tone was also very calm. Of the two camps, there will definitely be someone in each camp who will get the most rewards, but he is on the Giant side. Being Loki C-1 is simply a dimensionality reduction blow. He is confident that the others cannot get more than him. ‘I heard from Miao Fangfei that Dan Lin and you are both very powerful newcomers. ’

B half-seriously said: "There must be competition between you, right? Dan Lin may get the most benefits over there, so you are willing to do it?" And the only person I can trust is you. ’

‘I am not Danlin’

The little phoenix smiled and looked at him with its golden eyes. The lava-like eyeballs actually felt wet. They looked very soft, but also very hot and firm: "On this journey, I will only be with you." '

Despite the accident of the phantom cat and the test of old dreams, An Xuefeng will never be separated from Wei Xun.

'Clingy like a puppy'

Bingyi chuckled. In fact, even if Wei Xun was on the side of the gods, he would not be able to completely believe the information conveyed by him. Wei Xun said this. This choice made Bingyi feel comfortable and truly included him in his decision-making. He told Wei Xun his plan.

‘I will break into pieces the stone with the harvest symbol engraved on it’

Bingyi said calmly: ‘Use the power of Odin’s Spear’

To summon the Frost Giants, use blood food to restore their power, and sign an alliance with them, first of all, there must be someone who can restrain the God of Thunder. Not even Thor would want to face a Frost Giant and a Famine Knight at the same time.

But before Thor can completely destroy Blood Eater, it will be chaos if the stones of the harvest symbol are shattered and famine comes.

‘Tong Hege’s branch also contains the power of Odin’s Spear. The runes on the stone are broken and the defense is not high. the most important is--'

‘Odin will most likely not be looking at this side today’

It wasn't just the god's pride that made him consider it a shame to have to use his own thinking to understand the runes. Moreover, today is the day of Thor, and because of the previous events, there is a bad relationship between Thor and Odin. Odin's wisdom prevents him from pressing forward step by step. After taking further advantage, he will take a step back to leave room for relaxation.

'And one more thing'

Bingyi smiled and said: ‘I want the God of Thunder to think that it was Odin who broke this stone’

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