Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 627: Iceland Shock (159)

"...That's just the way it is."

Tong Hege said, telling the passengers the information interpreted by Director B in a few words. Although the runes in the sacrifice formation were contaminated by the blood of giants, the original formation was still functioning. Unless someone can eat all the blood food in the ice trench and drink all the blood of the giant, the sacrifice will not end.

"Where's Director C?"

His words made the crowd roar, but Miao Fangfei and others were more concerned about Director B than the sacrifice. She hesitated to speak: "I seemed to have heard something just now..."


Tong Hege laughed: "You also know that the rune alphabet was created by Odin. In order to understand it, Director Bing became Odin's raven. He is successful and happy."

Yin Guangyuan hesitated to speak. The panicked screams of 'waaaaaah' they just heard didn't sound like they were happy. But the passengers were all sensible people. Seeing that Tong Hege changed the subject, no one asked any more questions.

"Wow, wow wow!"

At this moment, not far from the ice ravine, about a hundred meters away from the two brigades, the blackened bird was arrogantly stepping on the tail feathers of the golden-red phoenix to lecture, pacing back and forth on its tail feathers, and even jumping Jumped. The feathers on the little phoenix's head were still stained with a little snow, and the little phoenix let it do whatever it wanted with droopy eyes. The moment Bingyi fell down, it also jumped down anxiously, fluttering its wings and holding its wings in an attempt to pull the little black bird back.

As a result, it not only failed to catch the little black bird, but also pulled off its red flight feathers that had just grown out of eating the flame crystals. The two birds fell and rolled into the snow together.

This was caught by Bingyi, who ate the flame crystal and could grow red feathers at any time. However, it used this as an argument, and it really forced Wei Xun to tell the truth and forced him to admit himself. The relationship with 'A Feng'.

‘But I really am not ‘A Feng’’s clay puppet’

Wei Xun still wanted to quibble, but he couldn't explain why Bingyi saw A Feng at the end of the connection with him. Bingyi was speechless, and when pressed, he said bitterly: "You just take it as It's me who's pulling the strings between you and Ah Feng...Grandma, this sounds a bit fucked up'

‘You, lead a red line for me and Ah Feng? ’

Bingyi chuckled, and the charred bird blackened the feathers of the golden-red phoenix bird, and teased: "Wei Xun, do you have a bit of that, ah, cuckold addiction?"

With the spiritual connection, Bingyi could certainly feel Wei Xun's true feelings. Although he didn't make it clear, there was a tacit understanding and tacit understanding of risking his life to save his life. That was already a tacit understanding. They are all adults, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, especially after knowing that Wei Xun is Ah Feng and that he actually looks like Ah Feng, Bing Yi is more pleased with him.

Although Wei Xun is not bad looking, I don't know how to put it. In bed, Bingyi still prefers A Feng's model. He has good physical strength and is very long. After all, Wei Xun was still too thin, and Bingyi felt like he had to work hard on his bed. But he is a sick person. He feels tired even lying down and enjoying himself. He has no strength to charge on his own.

The spiritual connection cannot be faked. If Wei Xun and Afeng are not the same person, and Wei Xun does all this just to lead a red line between him and Afeng, Bingyi himself will laugh out loud.

‘You, alas, I didn’t say these words’

Wei Xun had a strange expression when he heard what he said. He hesitated for a long time before finally surrendering. No longer insisting on clarifying the relationship between himself and ‘A Feng’, he just said seriously that this is what God knows and what you know and what I know, and you must never tell anyone about it. Although the hotel has secretly targeted him, there are still two ways to say whether it is exposed or not. For example, the puppet master has appeared as the Black Angel so far, and the puppet master Black Widow has not revealed it even though they have tacitly said it. Speak up.

This is a tacit understanding. Once they really say it out, the hotel will definitely impose punishments according to regulations. If they start to bite each other, no one will be able to gain anything from this warm-up match.

‘You don’t have to say that’

Bingyi smiled and said, after Li Shangwen plucked a feather from the little phoenix bird, he fluffed the feather and hid it under his wings. Only then did Bingyi and Wei Xun return to the temporary camp. In order to prevent them from transforming from beast form back to human form in the ice and snow, the considerate Yu and Hui had already set up a tent.

After coming out of the tent, Bingyi saw the passengers in groups of three, without Kun Dan, and started walking towards the ice ditch.

"what are they doing?"

"They want to find out who corresponds to the rune."

B1 said, while Bingyi was changing clothes, the passengers from the two brigades had almost tried it out.

"Di Feiyu called a bird to eat meat in the ice ditch. However, when it was about twenty meters away from the ice ditch, the bird stopped listening and flew away screaming. It did not look back until it froze to death."

Yu Hehui whispered and told Bingyi everything that had just happened. Although Bingyi deciphered the information of the runes in the sacrifice formation, it did not mean that all difficulties were solved. The ice trench was filled with blood and was more than one meter deep and more than ten meters long. Even if twenty travelers went to eat meat together, they would not be able to finish it until they died.

Di Feiyu tried it with a bird to see if other creatures would have any problem eating the sacrificial meat, but found that the bird could not approach the ice ditch at all, and it did not have a crazy appetite. The bird's body was picked up, and obvious changes had appeared on it. The bird's feathers had fallen off, its skin and bones had melted, and it was transforming into flesh. It was shocking to see.

"Everyone suspects that except for humans and giants, no other creature can eat the flesh and blood of sacrifices."

Tong Hege sighed. The situation was very tricky. The only 'giant' the travelers had was Wei Xun's sun giant Xiaosha. However, it had been turned into a half-zombie. It did not need to eat and could not digest food. The so-called eating was just stored in the stomach. Wei Xun had just tried it. This kind of swallowing was not recognized by the sacrifice. No matter how much meat Xiaosha ate, it would eventually appear in the ice ditch.

So now the travelers were in trouble. They wanted to find out whether this rune symbol really corresponded to someone, and then see if they could find an opportunity from it.

"Xiaosha brought out some blood-eating meat."

"Take me to see it."

Bingyi said briefly, and went to find Wei Xun's giant Xiaosha, and let it spit out some blood-eating meat mud. After the meat mud landed, it began to wriggle towards the direction of the sacrificial formation as if it had life. It was as strange and terrifying as a red worm, but without the strong meat fragrance. Bingyi summoned his pets, such as corn shoots, corn snakes, the demon dog Wangcai, and Fenrir wolf cubs. With their appetite, they could definitely finish the blood food, but they all failed in this small pool of meat mud. Just like Di Feiyu's bird, there were invisible rules that prevented them from eating blood food.

The most diligent ones were the demon dog Wangcai and corn shoots, but Bingyi found after observation that Wangcai liked the pollution he would get after getting close to blood food. He was very enthusiastic about eating pollution, and he was also helpless with blood food. Corn shoots were really greedy and really wanted to eat. Since they couldn't get close to the flesh and blood, they simply stretched their tentacles to more than ten meters long, twisted them into a fake mouth, and swallowed the large piece of snow and ice along with the flesh and blood on it in one gulp.

Then its head exploded, and the loud roar almost caused the ice wall next to it to collapse. Even the corn shoots, which were dull to pain, cried in pain, smacked their lips and savored the taste, and said to Bingyi in a crying voice, "Father! Father!" The bamboo shoots are so spicy that they hurt so much! ’

Cingyi, who was worried about the corn shoots, was also amused and annoyed by it. The corn shoots actually ate the blood food! But there is still a blood food in the ice ditch there. This price is really not something that worms can afford. The corn snake muttered and suddenly said that even if Thor came, he couldn't finish it. Bingyi's expression moved slightly when he heard it, and he seemed to be thinking about it. At this time, the roar here shook, and the passengers all gathered around vigilantly. After knowing that the corn shoots of Director Bing were also defeated, the little luck in their hearts disappeared, and they sighed helplessly.

"We have tried it. These few people can walk to the nearest distance and remain rational."

Yu Xiangyang said, naming several people, all of whom are strong passengers. Those who can resist the temptation and walk to the nearest distance to the ice ditch and remain rational may be super strong, amazing willpower, or have special titles, not necessarily resonating with the rune letters.

"These people are most affected."

Miao Fangfei took over the conversation and also named several people. Surprisingly, besides Philip, who has weak willpower, and Yin Guangyuan, who has weak strength, Bai Lian Jushi was also deeply affected!

Bing Yi and others who lost their memories were not as shocked as Miao Fangfei and others. Bai Lian Jushi was a top-level tourist! Moreover, his title was extremely restraining against all kinds of pollution and evil thoughts. The protective white lotus was invulnerable to all methods. How could he be seriously attracted by the blood and meat fragrance in the ice ditch? !

"Maybe this is fate." Bai Lian Jushi smiled, his expression was calm and free, and his voice was as clear and pleasant as always: "It seems that I am the destined person for this attraction."

Could it be that Bai Lian Jushi corresponds to this rune letter? ! The passengers present had different expressions, but they felt that it was indeed the case. Bai Lian Jushi was in the same group with Charlie in the old dream, and the rune letter j representing the harvest in the middle of the sacrificial formation and the letter h corresponding to Charlie's death were also in the same group. They all belonged to Hag Eda, representing difficulties and disasters!

The passengers in Charlie's old dream group were all shrouded in a shadow. Is the fateful death really unavoidable?

"This is not necessarily for you, I am also deeply affected!"

"Roger! You are crazy!"

Betty scolded, holding Roger's shoulders anxiously. She could feel Roger's muscles tensed and stiff, and his cheeks flushed with anger. He had always been stubborn and refused to believe that the rune characters corresponded to each passenger, and that Haggett, representing disaster, corresponded to Charlie's group, because Betty was also in this group.

Now the White Lotus Monk in the group also corresponds to the characters. Roger gritted his teeth and stood up in a hot head, and no matter what Betty did, she couldn't stop him.

"I say, this is a sacrifice to the giants."

Just as the travelers were arguing with their own thoughts and Bai Lian was preparing to go to the ice ditch alone to deal with the blood food, the Tooth Hunter, who had been frequently looking at his pocket watch and was anxious about not being able to complete the hike on time, finally said impatiently:

"Why not just call the frost giants out to eat!"

As soon as he said this, the scene suddenly became quiet, and many travelers' eyes flickered. Of course, they had thought about this, but they didn't dare to say it. After all -


There was a deafening thunder, and lightning struck, hitting the Tooth Hunter!

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