Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 626: Icelandic Horror (158)

'I? ’

An Xuefeng smiled and did not answer. The next moment, he and Wei Xun looked at Di Feiyu at the same time. The few people who originally took Kun Dan to observe the ice ditch up close turned back within a few minutes!

"There are letters on the eggshell! My God, there are letters on that stone shell!"

Roger said incoherently. He was obviously so frightened that he muttered these words directly. He obviously didn't believe what the Lizard Duke said before. The tooth hunter's eyes narrowed, but he was not interested in arguing with him for the time being. Everyone gathered around Di Feiyu's Kun egg and looked at the letters shining on the eggshell.

This letter has two vertical lines on the left and right with two slashes in the middle. It looks a bit like a capital h, and its corresponding English letter is exactly h.


An Xuefeng said: "Charlie corresponds to the character h."

"How could it be this?"

Miao Fangfei was puzzled: "Isn't the original meaning of the h character hail?"

They all memorized the runes before setting off, and at least they could remember the original meaning of each character. Miao Fangfei originally thought that Charlie corresponded to the letter k, because it represented flame. Charlie was burned to death by the flames.

The original meaning of the letter h is hail, and Charlie was not killed by hail, so why does it correspond to this?

* *

“When interpreting runes, you cannot just look at the original meaning.”

At the door of the live broadcast room in Iceland, the special guest astrologer said that he had twenty-five stones engraved with runes in his hand. The astrologer was very proficient in various divination methods. Even Bai Xiaosheng could not compare with him. attainments in this area.

"Heigl represents collapse. An invisible force is dominating him. It is the ups and downs of the two poles of ice and fire. Its beginning is sudden and unpredictable*"

Charlie didn't just die from the flames, his dream incarnation almost died from the steam from the Land of Mist. The Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire are just like the polar opposites of ice and fire.

"And the K character belongs to Freya Aite. All the difficulties Charlie encountered cannot be a gift from God."

* *

"What Charlie suffered is not like a gift from God, and it is natural that his character is not K."

The speaker was Heydrich. As a detective who was extremely interested in the occult, he also had some knowledge of runes.

"It is said that when Odin, the father of the gods, created the rune script, these twenty-four letters were combined with each other to spell out three words, namely Frey, Haggar and Tyr, so these twenty-four letters also It is divided into three groups, each group has eight letters, and is called 'Etter' (?ttir, original meaning "8")"

Among them, Freya is the god of harvest and wealth. The eight letters in Freyaet represent man's innate potential, God's unique favor to man, and God's gift to mankind*.

Haggar is the god of misfortune and difficulty, and some say this is another name for Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Some disasters are inevitable, just like when Ragnarok falls and the giants attack, no matter how loud Heimdall's warning horn blows, the gods still cannot hear the sound of the horn. The eight letters in Heimdall'et represent external difficulties and disasters.

Tyr is the God of War, that is, after winning the Night Gate Duel on the first day, Bingyi received the "Attention of the God of War Tyr". In order to protect the safety of the gods, he locked up the demon wolf Fenrir and sacrificed one of his arms. The eight letters in Tieret represent the human nature born from the combination of the attention of the gods and external difficulties. It is a nature that is inherent in human beings and needs to be awakened*

"The K character belongs to Hageet. The external difficulties and disasters...that's it."

Miao Fangfei suddenly realized that other passengers also showed such expressions. From the time they were selected for the pre-match match to the time they set off, they didn't have a long time to prepare. Just training and adjusting the state with tacit understanding takes up most of the time gate, and memorizing various relevant materials is even more rote. There is no time gate that allows them to practice it themselves. It is not easy to combine information with reality when encountering it.

"Wait a minute, there are three groups of eight Etes in each group... doesn't this almost correspond to the number of people in the group in our old dream!"

Lisa suddenly exclaimed, and the passengers were shocked and realized this problem.

"Does it mean that each group of us corresponds to a group of Etes? This -"

"There's no evidence yet, so don't make wild guesses! It makes me dizzy just hearing all the twists and turns!"

When everyone was lost in thought, Roger was the first to sternly retort. He was like an angry bull, with a loud voice: "What the hell, how can this sacrifice be solved? This is what we should be thinking about now!"

Even though Betty pulled him behind and whispered to persuade him, Roger was still very excited and his neck turned red. But everyone also knows why he is like this - if Charlie and his group really belong to Hageet according to the rune alphabet, wouldn't they be shrouded in the shadow of disaster and difficulty? Charlie is dead. His death was sudden. Could Betty and the others not be able to escape their destined death?

Although it was said before that Charlie and his group of dream incarnations are still alive, they develop in dreams when they die in reality. Heydrich and Di Feiyu even voluntarily died in reality. But there is a difference between a death that can be decided by oneself and a sign of destined death, which hangs over the hearts of travelers like a shadow.

"Roger is right. What we should consider now is to solve the problem of sacrifice."

Yu Xiangyang said in a deep voice and looked at Wei Xun.

"The rune letter in the ice trench is j, which is also among the eight letters of Hageet."

An Xuefeng said: "The letter j represents harvest and harvest, but those blood foods are obviously not a harvest for humans. It is likely to be damaged and out of control."

The out-of-control harvest changed from a human harvest to a giant harvest, which heralded the rise of giants and the approaching dusk of the gods, which was an ominous sign. Di Feiyu and the others could not specifically confirm the damage to the stone. Most of it was buried in the ice and snow, and even with Kun Dan, they could only walk about ten meters close to the ice ravine at most.

If you go further, the strong smell of meat will arouse the deepest hunger in people's souls. If you get closer, they may lose their minds and pounce on the meat in the ice ditch. After a brief discussion between the two brigades, the souls of the Devil Merchant, Heydrich, and Yin Qiaoqiao came out of their bodies. In addition, Director Bing was holding Kun Dan and holding a camera to see if he could record the sacrifice formation and the ritual at close range. The current status of the stone inscribed with runes.

To be honest, when Director Bing took the initiative to say that he wanted to see it, everyone was hesitant to speak. After all, it was already tacitly understood by everyone that Director Bing's recipe was a bit special. The rotten meat in the ice ditch may have a stronger attraction to Director B than to anyone else. If Director B really eats it...after he recovers his memory...

"Tong Hege, come with me."

But no one could stop what Director C decided to do. This group of people set off quickly, and some of the remaining passengers left some people to help them. The rest surveyed the ice wall next to them to see if they could use nails to help them climb. Be prepared with both hands.

"Director B, are you going to hang me?"

The closer you get to the ice ditch, the stronger the rich meaty aroma becomes. The powerful power of the rune letters is mixed with the heavy pollution. Ordinary people will be attracted and physiologically nauseated after smelling it. To a guide, this smell is pure temptation. Noticing that his eyes were slightly narrowed and his Adam's apple moved as if he was swallowing saliva, Tong Hege felt alert and joked to get his attention back.

"That's right."

Tong Hege was joking, but Bingyi responded after he came to his senses. They were now about five meters away from the ice ditch, and they could already feel the rising heat and the smell of meat coming from the ice ditch filled with meat paste. Yin Qiaoqiao, the soul states of Heydrich and B1 have floated over the ice ditch. Even the souls can't resist the smell of meat. Bingyi saw with his own eyes that B1 couldn't help but go fishing for the meat paste in the ice ditch and wanted to eat it. , fortunately the soul cannot scoop up the physical flesh.

Yin Qiaoqiao and Heydrich were more qualitative than B1. They walked around the ice gully to record the length and surrounding landforms, and then looked at the stone with the rune letters engraved on it. But it was a pity that as a ghost, he could not dig out the stones half buried in the ground. Heydrich tried to sneak underground to take a look - after all, ghosts can pass through entities.

But he quickly collapsed, and the power of the runes in the stone circle actually worked on the ghost as well! Heydrich was unable to dive underground, which showed that Miao Fangfei and the others had previously discussed whether they could use corn shoots to dig trenches under the glacier.

Seeing that the ghosts had nothing to do, Bingyi stopped watching. Being close to the ice ditch did make the power of the fountain of wisdom surge in his body. It resonated faintly with the runes in the ice ditch in the distance and the runes on the Kun egg in his arms. He could vaguely feel the energy of the runes. It contains a lot of information.

But after all, after Bingyi drank the Fountain of Wisdom, he did not hang himself on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights like Odin. He had not experienced this process and could not truly understand its meaning.

However, Bing had a plan early on.

"You stand firm - you must be strong enough."

After telling Tong and Song Queen Bingyi to turn him into wood, she turned into a charred bird with a layer of red light on its feathers, and flew down on his shoulder.

It is impossible to find a World Tree now, but Tong Hege has integrated the core power of the World Tree. It has been able to resonate with the Spear of Odin made of the branches of the World before, saying that it has the characteristics of the Nordic World Tree. Also appropriate. But he is not taller than Bingyi, and Bingyi would have to knock his head if he wanted to hang upside down on him, especially since Bingyi currently has too much power from Loki, whether in horse or human form.

If you pretend to be a human and imitate Odin, you will most likely be judged by the Fountain of Wisdom as a fraud instead of true wisdom, so Bingyi simply transforms into a bird and gives it a try!

But they couldn't delay the time gate for nine days and nine nights here, so Bingyi just gave it a try. He knew that normally, even if there were no tour guides involved in these attractions, tourists would have a way to pass the customs.

The simplest thing is to let Charlie's group try it one by one. The letter h corresponds to Charlie, and the letter j must also correspond to a certain passenger. However, if it comes to this, death may no longer be inevitable.

Is there really such a thing as destined death? Is there really going to be an unavoidable tragedy?

He knew that b1 was not willing to take the risk of transforming into a soul state to check the situation of the ice ravine in person. Charlie was in his team, and a person who had lived for so many days died suddenly, and b1 was not willing to accept it. Bingyi doesn't believe in destiny, he must give it a try!

The charred bird's claws were tightly hooked on Tong Hege's clothes. It stood with its back to the ice ditch and slid down little by little. When it clung to the fabric under Tong Hege's arm, it fell backwards, head down and feet up. Hanging upside down on Tong Hege's arm! The world turned upside down in front of his eyes. Bingyi flapped his wings to keep his balance and looked in the direction of the ice ditch.

The inverted world cast an unusual light in the bird's eyes, and he seemed to see countless forces flowing through nature. The power of wind, the power of snow, and the hottest thing that cannot be ignored is the power of the runes. At this moment, Bingyi was so excited that hanging upside down from the World Tree really worked!

Although there are too many complicated powers filling the gate of the world, which cannot be understood in a moment, the purpose of Bingyi is not to understand the secret of the gate of the universe. What he wanted to decipher was the formation of the sacrifice. He already knew the meaning of the runes, and it would not take him so long to follow the instructions.

Even so, if you want to gain insight into such secret information, you have to pay a price. The secret must not be leaked. Just like many metaphysical figures have five shortcomings and three shortcomings, they will be lonely and helpless throughout their lives. Bing Yiniao stared at the runes and soon felt the biting cold wind cutting through his body like a knife. Even if you can't feel pain, you can still notice that your vagina is full of holes.

Sometimes he was extremely hungry, sometimes extremely thirsty, and the coldness almost froze his body. When his concentration reached the limit, he seemed to feel that his soul had left his body, and his consciousness was about to dissipate into the boundless world. He looked back at 'himself', He only felt that his body was like a cocoon shell and his soul was like a butterfly. He sacrificed himself to himself, sacrificed himself, and gained new life.

The vast power and mysterious and unknown attraction made Bingyi tremble and yearn for it. His parents and brothers have disappeared and died, and he has no worries in the world. Then why not welcome new students? A sour tugging feeling came from his heart. He lowered his head and saw that there seemed to be a golden-red thread on his heart, connected to someone in the past behind him. He turned around and vaguely saw a person at the end of the golden-red thread. A tall, lonely figure.

The golden-red thread connected their hearts, connecting their souls and lives. The man looked at him from a distance. Bing always thought he was Wei Xun, but this man's resolute and handsome face was like Ah Feng in Yu Xiangyang's dream. '.

ha! He guessed that Wei Xun and A Feng were indeed related, and they were probably the same person! Isn't Wei Xun's clay figure's extraordinary power just like a clay figure puppet? Maybe he was controlled by Ah Feng to participate in this journey! He must have never imagined that the connection between him and Wei Xun was directly connected to Ah Feng himself!

When Bingyi's thoughts fell into this pyrotechnic reality, and he was excited to think about Ah Feng instead of thinking about the power of the universe breaking out of the cocoon, his consciousness gradually returned to his body. Only then did Bingyi realize that he was almost lost. The connection between the door and Wei Xun was like an anchor. When Bingyi wanted to leave, the thread was so thin that it seemed like it would break if he pulled it.

But when he wanted to return to him, the thread became very thick again, like a pulsating blood vessel. Bingyi used this to finally make his consciousness return successfully. The charred bird opened its eyes again, and a light flashed in its single eye. , that is a rune letter.

The brief moment when his consciousness returned to the universe has given him the ability to understand the meaning contained in this rune text!

The runes in the sacrificial formation here were weakened when Ragnarok was approaching, and were actually contaminated by the blood of the Frost Giants. The harvest belonging to humans therefore became a harvest of giants, and the blood of giants would continue to emerge. Food. However, some restrictions on the rune text are still there. In order to prevent the sacrifice from being destroyed, it will be restored to its original state if damaged by any external force (such as Thunder God's lightning).

Only by drinking the giant's blood in the ice ditch and eating the contaminated blood food in the ice ditch can this sacrifice be ended!


The soft and familiar chirping of birds came from around him, and Bingyi returned to reality from his deep thoughts. He looked sideways and saw the familiar little golden-red phoenix bird, which was also hanging upside down on Tong Hege's arm to accompany him. Its warm body was pressed against his side, as if it was afraid that he would fly away. .

"Choo Choo Choo--"

Seeing the sparkle in his eyes, the little golden-red phoenix's eyes flashed with joy, and it let out a series of eager and intimate chirps. It was so cute. The golden-red feathers on its head were also hanging down, which reminded Bingyi of the golden-red thread he saw connecting to Wei Xunjian's door when he was almost lost in power.

Wei Xun...A Feng...hum.

Bingyi chuckled in his heart, he discovered Wei Xun's deepest secret. The charred bird deliberately bumped it lightly, but its body, which had been frozen due to the door hanging upside down for a long time, could no longer maintain its balance, and its sour and numb bird's claws were unable to grasp Tong Hege's clothes. Before Bingyi's playful bird chirp of "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa time" was finished, it turned into a panicked cry of "Aaahhhhh!!" as he fell!

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