Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 628: Icelandic Horror (160)


The lightning was so shocking that even passengers who were some distance away from the tooth hunter felt a tingling current on their faces, which turned into a stinging pain like needles. Some people had long paid attention to the Danlin side, but the lightning was not struck by the "Thunder God's Blessed" Danlin. Instead, it fell directly from the sky, which made people's hearts sink.

Today is the day of the God of Thunder, and this glacier was transformed by Slud, the daughter of the God of Thunder. He dared to talk about liberating the frost giants and letting them eat blood. Even Director B, who was thinking so in his heart, did not say it directly. Only the fang hunter dared to charge hard.

"Have a chance to kill me if you can."

The dazzling electric light hunter with middle teeth was still laughing, and his voice sounded quite energetic. But An Xuefeng sniffed and smelled a burnt smell. The violent temper of the god of thunder meets the violent temper of the fang hunter. I am afraid that the temper will become more and more intense at any time. His heart moved slightly, and the sun giant Xiao Sha followed his order and vomited out a large ball of blood food full of pollution.


The sound of thunder, accompanied by the sizzling sound of electric current penetrating the air, the fierce hunter's lightning struck the mass of flesh and blood in a threatening manner, splitting it into burnt black powder in an instant, leaving traces on the ice-covered ground. There were several dark marks, and then the thunder finally subsided, but in the deafening thunder just now, most of the ice wall next to it collapsed, and all the nails that the passengers had worked so hard to hammer were buried in the ice. In pieces of debris.

This was Thor, the god of thunder, warning them through his anger that they must deal with the contaminated sacrifice ice trench, and no other way would work. The air was filled with a special ionized smell, and the scene was silent. After a while, a burnt black figure sneered coldly and said with a smile:

"This strength is not enough to scratch the scales on my body."

It was the fang hunter who spoke. All his clothes and equipment were chopped into charcoal, and he fell down when the wind blew. The charred skin rolled up to reveal scarlet wounds, but they were not deep and not fatal.

"Okay, stop talking."

Bing said expressionlessly, smelling the smell of roasted lizards coming from the fang hunter, he felt a little hungry again: "Go to the tent and change into spare clothes, I'll freeze you to death in a while."

"I'm not as afraid of the cold as some people."

The tooth hunter is very tough on the mouth, but his body is still honest. When the cold wind blew the charred crumbs of his clothes off again and he was really running around naked, he still wanted to be embarrassed and went to the tent to change clothes.

"A favor."

When he passed by Bingyi, Bingyi heard a whisper. He looked at the fang hunter calmly, but the fang hunter looked normal, thinking that these words were not his.

‘What are you doing with the tooth hunter coming out? ’

Almost at the same time, Wei Xun's voice sounded in Bingyi's mind as if he and Ya Hunter had a tacit understanding. He complained: "Yu Xiangyang can also be attacked, I have already told him."

That's right, the brigade has two camps to choose from from beginning to end, the camp of the Nordic gods and the camp of the Frost Giants. If one path doesn't work, you can try the other. Since Ragnarok is inevitable and there is no absolute winner in this twilight, there is actually not much difference between giants and Norse gods to travelers.

But with the God of Thunder watching, on the glacier transformed by Slud, there will definitely be a high price to pay for blatantly surrendering to the giants. The passengers were not that stupid, and it was not acting at all in the beginning. But if it really comes down to the decision of whether humans should eat blood food or giants should eat blood food, everyone will still let the giants eat.

Especially since the rune corresponds to the layman White Lotus. Asking this layman to eat flesh and blood will most likely force him to death... The word "forced to death" when applied to the layman White Lotus is outrageous.

Therefore, except for Roger and other straight-minded people, the other passengers were thinking about how to join forces on both sides. It would be best to fake an accident and get the Frost Giant out. Before that, we must first see how much Thor pays attention to them, whether he only uses Dan Lin's eyes or other means, and whether he can make small moves after making Dan Lin unconscious.

This requires one person to come out and speak nonsense - ah, just like the tooth hunter did just now.

Now they know the result.

First, the God of Thunder is paying close attention to this place, not only through Dan Lin’s eyes, he is also watching this ice sheet from ‘the sky’.

Second, the lethality of Thor's lightning is less than expected, as if it has been weakened. It was clear that there were dozens of lightning bolts striking at the same time in the sky, but only two or three struck the fang hunter.

‘...Who knows if it’s because the Tooth Hunter was the chosen hero that Thor showed mercy? Just say that Yu Xiangyang is more suitable than him and ask him to muddy the waters. ’

An Xuefeng said bluntly that Yu Xiangyang's zombie horse performed poorly in the horse racing and was not rated as a 'hero'. It was appropriate to use him to test the power that Thor could exert here.

That's right, Thor can't show his full strength here.

‘The Lizard Duke is testing the power of Thor, right?’

No one dared to discuss this openly anymore, everyone had their own private chats. Shao Yuan and Miao Fangfei chatted secretly through spiritual heart Gu. The Lizard Duke is by no means a reckless person, and he certainly has a purpose in doing so.

‘Are you testing what stage Ragnarok has reached? How much more power can Thor, God of Thunder, have to share? ’

‘Maybe it’s because of this croissant cup’

Miao Fangfei secretly thought: 'In the Nordic mythology, the God of Thunder lost the match with the frost giant. ’

From the communication between the devil merchant and Slud, about the croissant cup with unlimited capacity that could be connected to the sea hidden by the frost giant under the ice ditch, Miranda and others had some vague guesses. Seeing that Thunder God's lightning was weakened when it struck down, I felt even more confident.

There is a very classic story in Norse mythology, recorded in the Prose Edda, in which Thor and Loki went on an adventure to Jotunheim. Jotunheim is the home of the Mountain Giants and Frost Giants of the Nine Worlds. During the adventure, a giant frequently stole their food. Thor was so hungry that he tried to kill it but failed. Later, he found out that this giant was actually the lord of the outer castle, the frost giant Utgar Lodge.

They challenged the frost giant, but all failed. Utgar Loki challenged Thor to drain a glass of wine, wrestle with a giant old woman, and lift a cat.

Thor, the god of thunder, failed to win in the three games because the horn cup holding the wine was connected to the sea and could not be drunk dry; the old woman was the embodiment of aging (all the gods in Norse mythology will age, and only the goddess of youth can be eaten regularly) Only the golden apple can stay young), aging cannot be shaken; and the cat is the transformation of the earthly python Jörmungandr, it can surround the world, even though the God of Thunder has divine power, he can only lift one cat's foot*

‘…The corn snake already looks a bit like Jörmungandr. When it smells the flesh and blood, it feels the power of the horn cup, and that’s why it says that even if the God of Thunder comes, it won’t be able to finish it.’

Bingyi told the story to the corn snake who was still a little confused. Compared with the progress of Fenrir Little Wolf and Xiao Cui, Corn Snake's progress in gaining authority and recognition is still a little behind.

‘Thor’s power will be limited in areas that have failed. ’

An Xuefeng said, so since arriving at Binggou, the God of Thunder has taken action twice, not only in anger, but also in a deterrent manner. He wanted to scare them with his divine power and make them fearful and awe, so that they would not dare to play evil tricks.

‘Thor attaches great importance to this place’

Bingyi was thoughtful, is it because the Binggou Blood Food is related to the resurrection of the Frost Giant, or is there another reason?

"Come and see, these dark scorch marks are the messages left by the God of Thunder!"

At this moment, Dan Lin, who had been staying at the place where Thunder God's lightning chopped the meat, checking the scorch marks left on the ice field and snow, made a new discovery.

"'As long as you can take away the croissant cup under the ice ditch and light up the runes, Thor will appear and destroy all the blood food' - that's probably what it means."

Dan Lin said that at first glance, the scorch marks on the ice sheet were just scorched black. Except for him, who was a follower of the God of Thunder, no one could tell that there was such a message hidden in it.

"Take the croissant cup? How do you take it? It contains all the blood and food. Don't you have to eat all the flesh and blood?"

"Light up the rune letters? How to light them up? We don't have anyone who specializes in this."

Everyone is talking about it. From this message, it can be seen that the weakening of Thor's power in this area is probably related to the croissant cup that once failed him. But it itself is a container for blood food, and it is not easy to take it out alone.

"The person who ties the bell needs to untie the bell."

White Lotus layman said: "I should go to light up the rune letters. The golden apple juice we got before and the corn snake in Director Bing's hand may be the key to taking out the croissant cup."

Just like the mythical story repeating itself, the challenge of the White Lotus layman to finish an ice ditch (a ram's horn cup) of blood food is no different from the ancient myth of Thor, the god of thunder, trying to drink up a ram's horn cup of wine. But the current situation is different from before. Thor once failed in various challenges, but now the Jörmungandr represented by the corn snake is incomplete and weak. Back then, they obtained golden apple juice, which clearly stated, 'Drink it when you are awake and you will return. Youth', this is simply clear.

Thor has lost three times in three battles, but if the White Lotus Master can lift a corn snake and drink golden apple juice to resist aging with youth, will these two victories also allow him to usher in a third victory and successfully eat an ice ditch? Eat blood and still survive?

"I want to give it a try."

Lay Buddhist Bai Lian smiled, as calm as ever. He could understand the hidden meaning of Miao Fangfei's words, but it was too risky to wake up the Frost Giant when Thor had been paying close attention to this side.

"Then try it."

The others were hesitant to speak, but Wei Xun said in a very calm tone: "Try it, and if it doesn't work, come back."

An Xuefeng also gave the drop of golden apple juice he got to White Lotus layman. It was obtained at the evening story gathering, and everyone had it. Seeing that he gave it first, Yu Xiangyang gave him his golden apple juice without hesitation, followed by Roger.

"Hey, you have to come back alive."

Roger's tone was rare and solemn. Layman Bailian smiled, clasped his hands and thanked everyone. A drop of golden apple juice is an opportunity to save life, which can be called the delivery of life. But he didn't take everything, only eighteen drops, and then took the corn snake. When picking up the snake, layman Bailian exchanged a look with Bingyi.

"Bring your wealth with you."

An Xuefeng said that he and Wei Xun had discussed it privately. On the surface, it is said that Wangcai is now regarded as the dog of the underworld. If Master Bailian really dies unfortunately, first try to see if Wangcai can bite his soul into the underworld without being directly taken away by the old dream. But secretly An Xuefeng knew that the dog Wangcai came from the parliament and was considered the 'Son of Listening'. It could be considered to be related to Buddhism, so it might be useful if White Lotus layman brought him there.

"We really don't have much time, God willing everything goes well."

Another coach said helplessly that after the tooth hunter left, he started to look at the stopwatch frequently: "I must complete the glacier hike today, at least climb the ice slope."

But Bingyi noticed that he said he was looking at the stopwatch, but in fact, every time he looked at the stopwatch, he glanced at the stone with the rune letters engraved on it. And... God bless?

In a tense and somewhat delicate atmosphere, with everyone watching, the White Lotus layman led the Wealth Dog and the Corn Snake to the ice ditch filled with blood food. As everyone expected, the impact on the white lotus layman who brought the corn snake was less severe than when he approached the ice ditch alone. He only started drinking golden apple juice when he was about 35 meters away from the ice ditch, one drop after another, and he drank it in the blink of an eye. It's almost ten drops, and people watching are anxious.

"Hey, why didn't he bring more? Is this eighteen drops enough?"

"A normal brigade does not count as a tour guide. There are twenty single travelers. It is safest for White Lotus layman to bring twenty drops."

"The omen of eighteen is good, Tuan... Bai Lian Lay Practitioner should be aware of it."

Yao Jinghe whispered, eighteen is a very special number. The Buddha made four wishes, the eighteenth of which was to bring peace to the world.

"Eighteen drops is enough, as long as it can exceed ten drops."

An Xuefeng said, staring at the back of layman Bailian, his eyes getting colder and colder. He knows best how a brigade would do things. One brigade, two camps, evenly divided, dealing with the issue of sacrifices normally, obviously in the camp of the Norse gods. As long as layman Bailian has ten drops of golden apple juice in his hand and half of the people support him, he can succeed.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the White Lotus layman moved forward again after eating the tenth drop of golden apple juice, this time he did not stop until he reached the ice ditch. Along the way, he kept chanting sutras to counteract pollution, and a golden light vaguely appeared behind his head. Not only him, but Wangcai, who had been following Master Bailian, also had a golden glow behind his head. It seemed that the sound of chanting came from outside the sky. Wangcai was supposed to be excluded from the blood food, but it and White Lotus layman moved forward together, but they all came to Binggou.

"Hiss, that stone is lit!"

Some people gasped in surprise, and saw that the moment Master Bai Lian walked to the ice ditch, a half-buried stone in front of the ice ditch shone with a faint light. It was the stone engraved with rune letters. A stone! Is this what Thor said about ‘lighting up’ the runes? It seems that this letter corresponds to the White Lotus layman.

The passengers were all agitated and couldn't tell what their emotions were. Roger held Betty tightly, as if he wanted to embed her into his bones. Everyone's eyes were focused on the white lotus layman beside the ice ditch in the distance. He put down the corn snake he had been holding up along the way, held Wangcai in his arms and meditated for a moment, and then he and Wangcai leaned their ears close to the ice and snow, as if they were listening to something. . Then Leng Buding inserted his hands into the icy ditch of flesh and blood!

"He's trying to pick up the 'croissant cup'!"

Yu Xiangyang's eyes lit up as he had been paying close attention to the distance. They had been discussing how to find the horn cup in the ice ditch. It would be difficult to find it unless the flesh and blood were eaten. But if the mythical story repeats itself, of course "drinking" means drinking from a cup! If White Lotus layman could really do this, then he might not need to eat blood food!

"Can he find the cup there? The blood food has completely submerged the cup."

"The pollution is so heavy that Bai Lian's hands started to melt!"

In the excitement, the passengers became worried, but An Xuefeng knew that Bailian layman could be found. Because there is great wealth and there are sons who listen carefully. It likes to eat all kinds of pollution. The place with the thickest and most concentrated pollution in this pool of flesh and blood is of course where the croissant cup is.

【Success! Lay Practitioner Bai Lian raised the ram's horn cup! 】

The barrage in the Icelandic live broadcast room is also flooding the screen at this moment, and it is almost impossible to see the screen clearly without blocking. I saw that layman Bailian's hands had been contaminated and turned into blood-stained bones. His bony hands were shrouded in Buddha's light, but they could still move normally. The bone hand was holding a huge wine glass, which was filled with flesh and blood. However, where the ice ditch was originally, there was only a bottomless crack, with some sporadic flesh and blood scattered around the edge.

[Does the layman really want to drink this cup of polluted flesh and blood? Will this violate the rules and weaken his title strength? 】

[There is too much pollution in flesh and blood! It will definitely kill you if you eat it! 】

[What is Layman Bailian doing? ? Is he trying to take the croissant cup away? ! 】

That's right, on the screen of the live broadcast room, the layman Bailian who picked up the croissant cup filled with flesh and blood did something that no one expected - he actually picked up the cup and walked away! There is no prescribed place for 'drinking' in mythical stories. Normally, he can certainly take away the wine glass. This was also a bold risk taken after previous exchanges with An Xuefeng, Yu Xiangyang and others.

If they could really take the croissant cup filled with contaminated blood away from the range enveloped by the power of the runes and destroy the already incomplete formation, then the problem would be solved this time. They wouldn't even need Thor to take action. Get this flesh-filled croissant cup and the rune stone!

Normally, it is impossible to break the formation with such brute force, but firstly, the stone carved with rune letters is already incomplete, and secondly, the White Lotus layman is not a tour guide with a weak constitution. He calls himself the White Lotus layman, but his full orange title is 'Vajra White Lotus' is a Dharma Protector Vajra. It is said to be immortal, indestructible and invulnerable to all laws. Its hardness is comparable to that of Yu Xiangyang!

I saw a faint golden Buddha light emerging from his body, his delicate face was extremely resolute, he was carrying a corn snake on his shoulder, and holding a croissant cup in his hand. Every step was extremely heavy, almost so hard that the ice surface trembled, and he was really leaving that piece of ice. The runes are getting further and further away, and as the distance increases, the light on the stones becomes increasingly faint.

Are you going to succeed? Everyone held their breath to pay attention to the movements of Master Bailian, but at this moment, something unexpected happened during the journey. Bingyi, An Xuefeng, Yu Xiangyang and others suddenly took action and forcibly subdued the coach who had not shown up until now! Without giving him any chance to defend himself, Bingyi lifted off the goggles and scarf on his face to reveal the coach's true appearance, while An Xuefeng stepped on his right wrist, forcing the coach to open his fingers in pain and scream. A black bone rolled out of his hand.


Passengers and spectators who saw the coach's facial features distorted by pain all exclaimed that the coach's appearance was very similar to the George and Little George that Director Bing and the others met during their trip a few days ago - perhaps because of the messy beard on his face.

"This bone has the power of famine in it."

Dan Lin stared solemnly at the black bone in An Xuefeng's hand, but his face was not surprised, but had an expression that it was indeed the case. Last night's death of the Death Knight among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was not the end. Thor's extraordinary attention, the coach who had been hiding his identity, and the rune letters representing 'harvest' all made the sharp-thinking travelers smell something unusual. .

The Death Knight is the fourth to appear in the Apocalypse. Before him, the third Apocalypse Knight appears is the Famine Knight riding a black horse! If the harvest is destroyed, famine will usher in! If everything was just speculation before this, but after Dan Lin felt the breath of the 'outer god' and revealed the true face of the coach, all speculations came true.

This is not only a blood-eating sacrifice that can resurrect the Frost Giants, but if it is not handled properly and the damaged rune letters representing the harvest are destroyed, it will immediately become the scene of the divine descent of the Famine Knight! An Xuefeng asked Yu Xiangyang to hold down the struggling coach's hands and feet and began to search him. Sure enough, he found a cross from his clothes, as well as the words "God bless" that he had inadvertently revealed before.

This time George is a believer hidden among the locals in Iceland!

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