Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 625: Icelandic Horror (157)

"What is this? Meat paste?!"

It wasn't just Bingyi, everyone in the brigade smelled the smell of rotting meat. The vigilant passengers held their breath for the first time, but the smell of meat seemed to have a magical nature. lingering on everyone's nose. It wasn't until Layman Bailian said "Amitabha" that the faint fragrance of lotus temporarily covered up the smell of meat.


Deafening thunder suddenly exploded, and a bolt of lightning struck out of thin air. The dazzling light burst out and made people dizzy. When the lightning dimmed, everyone was stunned. All the meat in the ice ditch was turned into coke by lightning. ! However, within just a second or two, the depths of the earth trembled slightly, like a sign of an impending earthquake, and then an evil and terrifying scene appeared.

Piles and piles of minced meat surged out of the ice ditch again, and within a few seconds the ice ditch was filled again! The demonic smell of rotting meat struck again. At this moment, no one in the two brigades hesitated. They all retreated for more than a hundred meters. They finally stopped until they could no longer smell the smell of meat. Everyone was nervous and wary. What kind of existence is the ice ditch filled with meat paste in front? Many people looked at Dan Lin. The lightning just now was obviously the power of the God of Thunder.

Maybe Thor knows what it is.

"Dan Lin?"

"Thor is angry."

Dan Lin said solemnly, extending his right index finger. That finger had become scorched black, which was the price for using the power of the God of Thunder...and the lightning was not controlled by him. The God of Thunder was so angry that he wanted to use his body to cast spells.

"The meat paste in the ice trench was sacrificed to the frost giants."

Dan Lin said: "If you are closer to it, you will most likely be able to receive the mission."

With that said, Dan Lin told the rest of the team about the mission he had received without any reservation.

[Limited time mission: Destroy the sacrifice to the Frost Giant]

[Task level:? 】

[Task description: In ancient times, the dangers encountered when fishing and hunting in the ice and snow, and the pain endured in the long winter made the Icelanders believe that ice, frost and snow are evil and powerful existences in nature*, and humans cannot resist the cold. of infringement. Therefore, before the arrival of the dark season, the wizards among the ancient Icelanders would go into the depths of the glacier to offer sacrifices, hoping to feed the giants with the sacrifices so that the cold would no longer attack their livestock, cattle and sheep]

[After the Frost Giants were sealed under Vatnajökull, they will never harm humans again. Although there are still traces of ancient sacrifices deep in the Vatnajökull glacier, no more frost giants will come to devour the sacrifices - that's how it should be! But now there is frost on the sacrifice, which is the trace left by the giant's lick! A frost giant escaped from the suppression seal and secretly devoured the sacrifices! 】

[Thunder God Thor is furious and will personally send his followers to hunt down the hateful Frost Giants. The blood food of the sacrifice will help the Frost Giants regain their strength. Thor, the God of Thunder, hopes that you can destroy this place and end this sacrifice! 】

"A frost giant has revived?"

The information revealed by Dan Lin made all the passengers feel numb, and they felt like there was a pair of evil eyes staring at them from behind. However, the passengers were not too nervous when they thought of the Frost Giant corpse in the cracked ice, and of the giant who was almost summoned out after being given a bottle of milk by B in the first place.

The resurgence of the frost giants is probably a warning sign before the arrival of Ragnarok. It must be revived sooner or later. There is no point in being nervous and scared now. It is better to think about the task at hand.

"No wonder there's an ice crust on the corrosive snow here."

Yin Guangyuan said that according to the mission, this was the ice shell formed by the cold air after the resurrected Frost Giant burped when he secretly ate sacrificial blood food.

"We all received the mission prompt."

Bingyi, An Xuefeng, and Yu Xiangyang ventured close to the ice ditch filled with meat paste after Dan Lin's words, stayed for a while fifty meters away from the ice ditch, and then returned. Dan Lin was right. There is no limit on the number of people involved in this mission. As long as you approach the ice ditch, you will receive a mission prompt. This shows that Thor is eager to destroy the sacrifice.

"But everyone must carefully consider whether to accept this task."

Yu Xiangyang said seriously: "Not even the Thunder God's lightning can destroy the sacrifice."

Dan Lin smiled bitterly when he heard this, and the passengers also looked at each other. Indeed, the lightning just now split all the meat paste in the ice ditch into coke, but then more meat paste came up.

"What a dwarf corridor? If this ice ditch were a giant's cauldron, all the previous tourists would skate in the giant's cauldron."

Roger muttered, not daring to look directly at the tooth hunter, only glancing at him from the corner of his eye. When I think that there are sacrifices to the Frost Giants on the other side of the ice ditch, I can't help but feel happy and feel a chill in my back.

They almost became sacrifices!

"There has never been such a legend in the Dwarf Gallery."

The tooth hunter said coldly, why did this corridor suddenly become a place of sacrifice? It just seemed like he was a very amateur local, as if he was deliberately leading people into the ditch. Although he had never had such an idea, the tooth hunter was so arrogant that he did not bother to explain to others. The person who spoke for him was Bingyi.

"I think the previous dwarf corridor was indeed not a place of sacrifice."

Bing Yi's words were concise and concise: "The volcanic eruption has changed the landscape here."

"The ancient sacrificial place was most likely buried under the glacier, and volcanic activity brought it to the surface."

An Xuefeng added, just like those salamander nests. It is precisely because the depths of this glacier are a place of sacrifice that the special crevice structure with a dwarf corridor appears on the ice. The missing tourists every year in the past may also have something to do with this.

But now the volcanic eruption has destroyed the dwarf corridor, allowing the old sacrificial place to float to the surface, so the scene ahead has changed beyond recognition. It is precisely because of volcanic pollution that the area is covered with large tracts of corrosive snow.

"That makes sense. Sacrifice in ancient times was the most evil and dangerous."

Shao Yuan sighed: "But even if we don't accept the mission, it will be difficult to detour with this ice ditch blocking the way."

The travelers had discussed before that the road leading to the Dwarf Corridor was lined with corrosive snow, and if they wanted to change the route, they would have to turn around and go back the same way. But this is the smoothest road to the ice slope, and there are many dangers on other roads. And if you don't deal with the place of sacrifice and want to pass by it, the demonic smell of rotten meat will be really scary.

Or you can only climb over the ice gully from the side ice wall, but after the test just now, you have to be a hundred meters away to not be affected by the smell of meat. Climbing a hundred-meter ice wall with their current equipment can be considered a desperate effort, not to mention that due to the high temperature of this ice wall due to the influence of volcanic movements, the ice wall is not frozen strong enough. If an accident occurs on the high ice wall, I am afraid that Only those with wings can survive.

"Anyway, it's all about fighting, so let's fight."

Seeing that everyone had been discussing for a long time without any result, Walker said impatiently: "I won't go back anyway. It's more dangerous to go back in a place like this."

"If this place of sacrifice continues, there will still be resurrected frost giants who will steal blood to regain their strength, which will be detrimental to our next journey."

Miranda also said.

"The key is to figure out how to break it."

"I, let me take a look. I had some inspiration just now."

Philip whispered, he had been in a very low mood since Charlie's death, fearful and uneasy, fearing that he would be the next to die, and he was often in a trance. But this state actually helps him to develop his title of "poet" and allows him to create more relevant and mysterious poems.

"Perhaps I could ask Sludd."

B1 muttered that he had been possessed by Slud's divine power before in the Great Crack of Silfra, and established a subtle connection with Slud. Just like Philip can use poetry to communicate mystery, b1 can also use singing to communicate with Slud. However, this communication time is very short, and b1 needs to think about the keywords to ask in advance.

"Director B, help me..."

Philip was escorted by Wei Xun, Yu Xiangyang, Miranda and Werewolf Walker to compose poetry near the ice ditch. B1 found Bingyi and wanted him to help protect the law. When he looked up, he was stunned: "What's wrong with your eyes?! "

I saw that under Bingyi's mask, only his left eye was normal, while his right eye was dim and covered with a layer of gray fog, as if he was blind!

"It's some of my superpowers."

Bingyi didn't explain much, but when b1 hesitated to speak, and finally closed his eyes to communicate with Slud, he reminded him in a low voice: "It's time to ask Slud, add Odin as the keyword."

"Ask her what Odin did here."

"I see."

b1 nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. He hummed an ancient Icelandic song, his eyes slightly closed and lost in communication with Slud. His body glowed with a pearly light, like an ancient undead chant. After experiencing the undead rock music festival, b1's extraordinary power in music became even stronger. And Bingyi's one eye can see things that ordinary people can't see. A silver light shines on B1's body and penetrates into the glacier at his feet. This is the divine power left by Sluder on him, and it is also a contract, through which he and Sluder... Lourdes communication.

The one eye that glimpsed the divine power soon became unbearably sore. Bingyi looked away and looked into the distance again. Just now, when he, Wei Xun, and Yu Xiangyang were exploring the ice ditch at close range, Bingyi felt that his eyeballs suddenly became hot and full of power. He is very familiar with this power. It is the divine power related to the authority of Odin, the God of Wisdom, that he temporarily gained after drinking the Fountain of Wisdom!

At the end of the horse race that night, Bingyi drank the Fountain of Wisdom, disguised himself as Odin, successfully deceived the power of Odin's Spear, and obtained the death knight's head. In order to further complete Loki's authority, Bingyi must obtain the authority of the God of Wisdom, but it is not easy to wrest it from Odin. Pretending to be Odin to deceive Odin's Spear may be closer to deception than wisdom. .

Therefore, after the horse race, the power of the Fountain of Wisdom sneaked into the depths of his body and no longer resurfaced. I'm afraid he will have to find another opportunity. But this time, in front of the ice ditch at the place of sacrifice, this power spontaneously emerged and acted on Bingyi's eyes, allowing him to see the glimmer of light on several ice stones beside the ice ditch.

It's something to do with the Fountain of Wisdom, or maybe it's something to do with Odin! It is precisely because of its existence that Thunder God's lightning loses its effect. Bingyi secretly told Wei Xun the clue, and the other passengers also looked around for clues.

"Ah - ugh hahaha - ow wow -"

After a while, the sound of roaring, laughing and howling came from the distance, which was so sharp that it gave people goosebumps all over their backs. It's Phillip and the others who are back! It was just that his condition was very bad, and the passengers immediately rushed forward anxiously and worriedly. They saw Philip's face full of tears, and his face was twisted and ferocious, looking either smiling or crying, until layman Bai Lian and Yao Jinghe chanted sutras and meditated for him together. After Danlin and Maria prayed for him together, Philip finally recovered from his madness and fell into a hazy trance.

His eyes looked around and suddenly landed on one spot. The passengers followed his gaze and found that Philip was actually looking at Director B!

"Ho...ho ha..."

"Nine nights hanging from a tree swaying in the wind, stabbed by a spear"

In his trembling breath, Philip was still staring at Bingyi. He finally spoke, but his voice was unusually low and hoarse. The voice of reciting the poem was like the neighing of a night owl. Everyone held their breath and concentrated. Except for the sound of wind and snow, the devil merchant was whispering. Apart from the voices humming old nursery rhymes, the only voice was Philip's.

His face turned sickly red, and his voice was sometimes high-pitched and sometimes low-pitched, but without exception it was hoarse, like a decaying old man using up his last bit of strength to sing before his death.

"I was sacrificed to Odin as a sacrifice to myself, on a tree that no one knows about!"

“No bread to satisfy hunger, no drop of water to quench thirst”

"I looked down and picked up the runes"

"While picking it up, I shouted, it fell from the tree*——Ah!!"

Phillip suddenly yelled, rolled his eyes and fainted. He was caught firmly by Yu Xiangyang. Almost everyone was frightened by his yell and their hearts beat wildly. It took a long time to regain their composure.

"What kind of ghost poem is this? It sounds weird."

Roger couldn't help but murmured, reaching out to hold Betty in his arms. Betty's expression was serious: "This is the part of the Nordic mythology where Odin obtained the rune text!"

"That's right!"

Miao Fangfei frowned. What Philip was talking about was the two very famous verses in "The Word of God" ("Poetry of the Sage") where Odin recounted how he obtained the rune script.

In Norse mythology, Odin, the father of the gods, drank the fountain of wisdom at the expense of his right eye in order to gain knowledge and wisdom in the world, and then gained the wisdom of runes. Runa, runa, originally means secret, mystery, that is, all the secrets in the universe. In order to pursue more profound wisdom, Odin once hung himself on the World Tree for nine days and nine nights, pondering the secrets of the universe.

When Odin came down from the tree, he summarized all the secrets of the universe into twenty-four letters, which are runes (also known as runes).

"There are characters carved into the stones near the ice ravine."

An Xuefeng said that he did not carve it on the ice and snow because the rune letters carved on any material would have infinite power. He just traced it in the air with his fingers. After looking at it, the passengers only thought that the character looked like '<' and '>' overlapped up and down, with the less than sign at the top and the greater than sign at the bottom. Two diagonal lines in the same direction were parallel. overlap.

"This rune character... seems to be Jera."

Miao Fangfei mused that runes are an important part of Nordic mythology and are still featured in famous works such as "Harry Potter" and "The Lord of the Rings". Many people use them for divination, and some even think that It is more accurate than tarot cards. Each rune letter has its own unique meaning. The character Wei Xun drew should correspond to the English letter 'j', also known as jera.

The original meaning of the word is harvest and harvest.

"It's the rune character."

The Devil Merchant's voice sounded. He looked very tired, and it took a lot of energy to communicate with Slud. And he obtained important clues from Slud through the two keywords of 'sacrifice' and 'Odin'.

"Didn't the mission mention that in ancient times, Icelandic wizards offered sacrifices to the Frost Giants to pray for the safety of the winter tribesmen and livestock?"

Because he was too tired, b1 made a long story short: "But the giants are greedy and evil and will never be satisfied. They took out a croissant cup and said that if humans could fill it with sacrifices, they would not wreak havoc on the world in winter."

"This croissant cup doesn't look big, but it actually connects to the sea. Even if humans sacrifice all their livestock, they can't fill it. In desperation, they can only pray to the gods for help, so Odin comes. He becomes She took the form of an old woman, holding a sheep bone in her hand, and asked the frost giant if he really promised to stop attacking humans as long as he filled the horn cup. "

The frost giants were arrogant and sneered at the old man who only brought a sheep bone. Who would have thought that after Odin put the sheep bones into the ram's horn cup, the cup would actually be filled! It turns out that this bone is engraved with runes representing harvest. Of course, everything can be filled with the harvest of the world.

When the frost giants saw this, they were furious and wanted to break the agreement, but Odin immediately revealed his true face and threatened the frost giants, forcing them to keep their promise. From then on, people in Iceland no longer feared that frost giants would invade the tribe in winter.

"It means that there is a 'rune letter' left by Odin in the ice trench over there. If we remove it, the ice trench will not continuously gush out meat and can be destroyed?"

Yin Guangyuan said excitedly, but then frowned: "Isn't it right? This is the contract between Odin and the frost giant, and it is the characters left by Odin. We have to move the characters, and without the sacrifice, the agreement will not be fulfilled. , can the frost giants wreak havoc on the world again?"

"That's right, it's definitely not as simple as removing the stone with the characters engraved on it."

Everyone was talking about it, and at this moment the fang hunter suddenly said: "Is this strange character a rune character? Then I should have seen it before."

His words were like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and the passengers asked about it one after another. The hunter said impatiently: "I just took a glance, and the character was gone long ago... Why is it gone? Hey, you have to ask him then."

The passengers looked up and were shocked to realize that the person the Lizard Duke was referring to was actually Di Feiyu! Under Director Bing's questioning, the tooth hunter finally revealed more clues.

"There are letters on that stone shell too?"

Miao Fangfei was shocked and looked at Di Feiyu. Di Feiyu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I didn't see it swallowed the stone shell directly."

As he spoke, he took out the Kun egg and showed it to everyone. The surface of the egg was as smooth as ever, without any markings. But everyone was not discouraged, and asked one by one: "How long will it take for Kun to hatch? This may be the key to solving the problem of sacrifice."

"I don't think it's necessary to destroy the runes. Odin's original intention was definitely not to sacrifice anything to the Frost Giants. Now blood food is really pouring out of the ice trench. Maybe the runes are damaged, causing the effect to change. ”

"Yes, maybe we need to repair the runes or something."

"With the other runes around, it should be able to resist the smell of meat."

After some discussion, the passengers took action and took Kun Dan closer to the ice ravine. But when faced with the runes, which are closely related to wisdom, Bingyi hardly didn't rush to the front. He walked to Wei Xun, who was meditating, and said with unclear meaning: "The flames that burst out of the stone shell burned Charlie to death."


An Xuefeng responded, his expression unusually solemn.

"The oldest traditional rune alphabet has twenty-four. When doing divination, a 'blank talisman' must be added, which is twenty-five."

Their two brigades were fully staffed before, with twenty passengers plus two tour guides, plus the phantom cat, the tooth hunter and another coach, which was exactly twenty-five people.

If this is a coincidence...

‘These twenty-four runes represent different meanings, divided into groups of eight’

An Xuefeng did not say these words, but communicated mentally with Wei Xun.

Groups of eight were divided into groups, which basically matched the grouping in their old dreams!

Needless to say, Bingyi understood what Wei Xun meant. Each rune letter most likely represents a person, and if Charlie's death is really related to the meaning of that letter, the meaning of each rune letter may be a harbinger of their death on this journey!


There was a lot of interest in Bingyi's tone, which piqued his interest.

‘Tell me, which letter does it correspond to? ’

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