Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 624: Icelandic Horror (156)

The stickiness of the meat strips on the back of his hand made Wei Xun suffocate for a moment. He immediately shook off the meat strips and fished out the phantom cat from the eggshell, and then used the phantom cat's claws to pull out the meat strips. After emptying the lizard eggshell, Bingyi looked inside and found that the little lizard and the spider silk had really disappeared.

Amidst the crunching sound of crampons piercing the ice, Bing turned around and looked to where he came from. The snowy ice field was a vast white scene, and he could vaguely see the place where they temporarily camped during their lunch break. Now that the team has not gone far, they can still go back to look for it, but Bingyi knows that the little lizard may have dived into the vast magma river long ago, and it is futile to go back to look for it.

When did they disappear? Most likely it was after Bingyi woke up from his old dream and the little lizard saw the piece of ice he brought back. Bingyi guessed that it was definitely very interested in the Jin Lunga Gap and was bound to get the legendary butterfly and cocoon shell. The ice he brought out from his old dream represents a certain possibility. As Wei Xun said, the primitive abyss that disappeared in the past may reappear in the world at Ragnarok.

The little lizard cannot enter the old dream and cannot act directly from the dream. It should have left the brigade in order to better search for the Jinlunga Chasm. The volcanic lava lizards wandering in the magma river deep in the cracks to collect flame crystals are most likely to be its subordinates.

The place where the flame crystals of the Fire Country collide with the river ice of the Mist Country is the Jinlunga Gap. If you find these two items, you may be able to sense the location of the gap. Even though the Chasm is not currently alive, there are likely to be items from the Chasm on this ice sheet, just like the piece of ice that Bingyi obtained.

The brigade in the old dream was in the same area as them. In the dream, they could find items related to the gap on this ice sheet. In reality, there are definitely deep secrets hidden deep in this ice sheet.

'It's not simple'

Yu Hehui warned: ‘It’s not just a journey’

Yes, Bingyi also knew it well. The little lizard knew too many things. It was not like a newly hatched lizard, but like an experienced traveler or tour guide who knew the journey well. Bingyi has been wary of it ever since it took the initiative to communicate with his spirit. Now that the little lizard is missing and the enemy is in darkness, Bingyi feels much more relaxed.

It has to stay dormant in the egg to make it difficult to attack. Now that the little lizard is missing, it has revealed quite a few clues. Neither the sleeping phantom cat nor Yu Hehui could notice it, so it just disappeared out of thin air from the eggshell. This made Bingyi suspect that it might have more than one entity.

‘Tell me, do hunters also have a mental state?’

Bingyi glanced at the fang hunter who was leading the way. The relationship between the fang hunter and various flame lizards made Bingyi think deeply. He believed that he could get first-hand information about the Jinlunga Gap in his old dream. The little lizard was so cunning that even if he decided to leave the team to find an opportunity, he would not be able to completely let go of the team's information.

It can simply disappear and leave, unless it leaves a back-up in the team who can know the news here at any time.

This made Bingyi think of himself and the phantom cat.

The phantom cat can also transform in the physical illusion, and because of its mental state, the phantom cat can teleport back to Bingyi at any time no matter how far it travels.

Is it possible that this little lizard is also the illusion of a tooth hunter?

‘Hunters can also have mental states’

Yu Hehui answered cautiously, his heart beating rapidly. Did Wei Xun discover the problem with the tooth hunter? You can see that there are differences among hunters. There are also guides among the hunters?

However, he really didn't expect how unrestrained Wei Xun's thinking was. Hearing what Yu Hehui said, Bingyi immediately knew what he was thinking. But what he was most concerned about at the moment was not the little lizard tooth hunter.

Can one’s mental state actually speak?

Then why did the phantom cat never talk to him!

Bingyi picked up the phantom cat and rubbed its face while holding back his breath. He thought the phantom cat couldn't speak human language, but now it seemed like it didn't want to talk to him? Whether in reality or in dreams, it never made a sound. This was really, really true - Bingyi almost laughed in anger. The phantom cat fell into a deep sleep and never woke up. However, the gray-purple flesh strip still hanging on the phantom cat's paw couldn't stand the tossing, and jumped onto Bingyi's hand again.

This time Bingyi wore gloves on his hands and did not shake the meat strip away. He lowered his eyes and looked at it. This thing is related to the black angel, and the spider silk is related to the little witch. Now that the spider silk and the little lizard have disappeared, why is it left behind? What else do you want from him?

Finally it was back in Bingyi's hands, and the meat strips were unambiguous. It secreted puppet filaments around its body, and used the filaments to leave writings on Bingyi's hand. The wind blew them away, and no one saw it except Bingyi, but it made his heart freeze.


Bingben thought that the meat strip was about to tell news about small lizards and spider silk, but he didn't expect that it only left these two words. Then it became shriveled up and swayed by the wind, and returned to the eggshell.

Coach, is he hinting at the close connection between the little lizard and the tooth hunter, suggesting that the disappearance of the little lizard and the spider silk is related to the tooth hunter? But he had already guessed the connection.


Bingyi looked forward, thoughtfully.

In addition to the tooth hunter, there is also a coach on the team. His presence was very weak, and everyone almost ignored him during the glacier hike where conditions were frequent.

But it is undeniable that they have not been able to figure out the identity of this coach until now. Is he a hunter? Are you a native of Iceland? A believer in Thor?

Or is it……

Something else.

"Damn it, the terrain has changed here."

The Fang Hunter couldn't help cursing, hooking the ice surface next to him with an ice pick and pulling himself out of the snow pit.

This was not the first time he had fallen into a snow pit. The ice road here was narrow and difficult to walk, and even he had to pay attention to his feet. The caravan just passed a thin piece of ice. The ice surface looked frozen solid and there was nothing unusual. However, as soon as the crampons stepped on it, the thin ice layer immediately collapsed, and the ice was full of corroded snow pits, as terrifying as a polar swamp! Moreover, the ice surface cracked very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, almost all the passengers in the caravan were swallowed up.

But fortunately, everyone was not afraid of being dirty and covered with the ashes and grease of the salamander, so they didn't die. However, the black grease on the bodies of the passengers who crawled out of the snow pit fell a lot. If this happened again one or two times, it would probably lose its effect.

The Fang Hunter looked very unhappy. This was the road he led astray. However, even if he was cautious and meticulous, the changed terrain still caught people off guard. People naturally wouldn't touch the snow piles on the surface of the ice field, but the corrosive snow under the smooth ice surface caught people off guard! How could there be snow under the ice? The passengers also felt something was wrong.

"The temperature seems to have risen."

Shao Yuan frowned and took off his scarf, exhaled, and looked at the lead-gray sky. The snow did not stop, but the falling snowflakes became smaller, turning into snow grains like salt grains, hitting the jacket with a rustling sound, and soon melted into a pool of water. The temperature is indeed higher than before, and the ice underfoot is no longer so hard, a little sticky. Crampons can penetrate the ice more easily, but if you use too much force, the ice surface will crack directly.

He glanced at the stopwatch. They have been hiking for more than 40 minutes since they set off at noon. In these 40 minutes, except for a few times of falling into corrosive snow, it was relatively calm. They did not encounter frost giants or snow zombies. We walked through several exposed dark basalt surfaces, some with cracks and some without. The cracks were very shallow, but only one or two meters underground. There were no traces of volcanic lava lizards. It was not a strange place. It was too quiet and uneasy. The strangeness in front made people feel relieved.

"What is the landform in front? Where are we?"

Miao Fangfei asked the tooth hunter.

"There is a very strange natural ice crevasse in front, which was once called the 'Dwarf Corridor'"

The tooth hunter also frowned and explained the terrain in front. This is a very special natural ice crevasse. It is more than ten meters long and one meter deep, but it is not directly cracked like an ice crack. Instead, it is capped with a thin layer of ice. Because it is only one meter deep, I am afraid that only dwarves can pass through it, so it is named after this. If people want to visit here, they can only slide through this ice crevasse by lying down like riding a water slide. It is very dangerous but also very interesting.

It is said that there are many wonderful and magnificent natural patterns on the thin ice capping the top, which cannot be seen on the ice surface, but can only be seen clearly inside the ice crevice. It attracts many tourists every year, and many local Icelandic travel agencies use this place as the end point of glacier hiking, and return after visiting the ice crevice. But it was forced to close less than a few years after it was opened, because tourists disappeared here almost every year.

There is no other exit in the ice crevice, and there are coaches to meet at the entrance and exit. How could people who entered the ice crevice disappear? There are rumors that there are cracks under this ice crevice, and tourists have leaked down, but afterwards someone slid face down through the ice crevice and confirmed that there are indeed many cracks at the bottom of the ice crevice, but the widest crack is only two centimeters, there is no big crack, how can a two-centimeter crack swallow a living person?

Some people say that the crack under this ice crevice leads to the underworld. The death goddess Hela occasionally looks up at the human world. The souls of people seen by her eyes will return to the underworld, and the flesh will fall into the cracks. Later, someone else explored this place, but when he came out, his face was pale. He said that he seemed to see a pale white severed finger in the narrow crack, which caused quite a stir for a while.

But no one dared to go to the ice crevasse again, and no one could confirm it. The ice crevasse is narrow and far from the hiking point, making it difficult for the rescue team to reach it. Soon this famous attraction was banned by the government.

A crack leading to the underworld?

The tourists secretly glanced at Guide C in tacit understanding.

"Why do we have to lead the way here? We are not going to this dwarf corridor!" Roger complained dissatisfiedly, and was glanced at coldly by the Fang Hunter: "Aren't you looking for a weird place?" "What, you think it's not weird enough?" "That's not what Roger meant." Betty tried to smooth things over: "Coach Ya, you are familiar with this place. Is the temperature here a little too high?" "It is a little high, but the volcanic activity has been frequent in recent days, so it's normal." Another coach smiled and tried to smooth things over: "We can skip the ice when we get to the front and just visit the side. Don't you like taking pictures of these strange scenes the most? It would be a pity if you don't go." "The temperature is high, maybe there are volcanic lava lizards nesting here." "Not only that... the terrain here is very strange." There is a thin layer of ice shell on the corroded snow. The most likely thing is that the snow on the top melted into water, and then experienced a sudden drop in temperature and froze into ice. And if there is frequent underground volcanic activity, the corroded blood close to the surface should be dissolved first. Why would it melt the snow on the top layer? Why did it freeze into ice again? After discussing, the travelers decided not to change the route and continued on. The main reason was that they found that the surroundings were all corroded snow with ice shells, and if they wanted to change the route, they could only return the original way. Glacier hiking is inherently dangerous, and everyone was mentally prepared. After resting for five minutes, they each took their weapons and used their titles, and walked forward carefully.

Bingyi paid special attention to the coach when he spoke. The temperature here has risen a bit, and the wind is not as cold as blowing people's skin off. The snow particles falling from the sky are gradually mixed with rain, and the skin on people's bodies. The grease and ashes were mixed together like mud, emitting a strange and unpleasant smell.

But Bingyi could vaguely smell the aroma of meat in this smell. Different from the aroma of flame crystals and giant black liquid, this meaty aroma has the smell of overcooking, as if the rotten meat has been picked up, rinsed, stewed and fried, and heavy-flavored seasonings are used to cover up the smell of rotten meat. But there is still a faint hint of nausea in the aroma.

Bingyi wrinkled his nose, the smell came from under the ice. It was as if there was a layer of flesh buried under the ice they walked over.


A few minutes later, the two brigades arrived at the place where the ice crevice of the 'Dwarf Corridor' was located, but the sight in front of them shocked everyone and made them feel physically nauseous.

"What's this?!"

It can be seen that the thin ice on the top of the ice crevice that is more than ten meters long has completely melted, making it look like a shallow ice trench. However, what is unimaginable is that the ice ditch more than ten meters long is actually filled with meat paste! The red flesh, yellow fat and white bone residue were soaked in blood, half frozen in ice and half like being roasted by flames. The burnt aroma was mixed with the smell of blood, which was disgusting!

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