Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 420 White Dog

The devil businessman sometimes feels that his time flow rate is different from other people's.

Look, other people have worked hard and fought hard in the hotel for several years to gain a position of strength, but he had it not long after he entered the hotel. This kind of opportunity, luck, vision and talent are not something ordinary people can have. Although the Devil Merchant pursues freedom and wants to escape from the shackles of the Werewolf Alliance and the Black Widow, the 'bondage' that troubles the Devil Merchant is already the end of life's struggle for others.

But every time he sees Xiaocui, the devil businessman always wonders about life. It seems like the past ten days have passed, but has it actually been several years? !

You have the strength, you have the background, you have the organization, you have the status, and now you even have a family? By the time the year-end celebration warms up for the competition, Xiaocui won’t even have a name for her child!

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry that I missed your wedding, Xiaocui."

The devil businessman barely maintained his dignity as a gentleman, but his tone was so vague and gloomy that he could hardly hold himself steady. He still had the last bit of luck in his heart. Could this really be an illusion? Let Xiaocui, who is already a wife, no, a husband, make his mind fluctuate and completely control his soul?

But this possibility is really low. Even if Xiao Cui changes his appearance and voice, the devil merchant's eyes are still deeply attracted to him and cannot be transferred. The big devil and the undead monarch in his eyes are also staring at Xiao Cui. Look, my eyes are almost popping out. The Devil Merchant could understand the language of demons and the undead. He heard the big devil salivating and praising: 'He is a born devil. Satan, why didn't he set up the summoning formation at that time! To be honest, if he appeared in front of me at the same time as you, I would not look at you. Ugh, the stench of the undead really makes me sick.'

Indeed, Xiaocui's demonic transformation was indeed powerful, and the devil merchant still remembered it. However, now that his soul has merged with the Great Demon and the Undead Lord, he will most likely have two alienated states.

But compared to the great demon's purely greedy 'appreciation', the undead monarch's reaction was a bit too intense.

‘That’s him, that’s who he was back then! ’

The voice of the undead monarch was filled with hatred and gloom, and there was also an unconcealable fear and panic. He completely lost his pretense of being a noble. Even when he was fighting with the big devil and being tricked by the devil merchant, he had never been so out of his mind. He returned to the Undead Bunker, regained some of his strength, and got rid of the seal of the magic mirror. Many of the memories that had been sealed deep were recalled by the Undead Lord!

For a time, old and new hatreds surged into his heart, but the undead monarch's first reaction was to tell the devil merchant to run! The magic mirror was damaged, and the devil merchant is now equivalent to the magic mirror. If this vicious oriental man wants to get the magic mirror back, he can only extract the soul of the devil merchant and refine it.

But now he is also in the soul of the devil merchant!

‘Run quickly, he will draw out your soul and you will die without a burial place! ’

The Undead Monarch didn't want to bet on whether this person would kill him or not. The psychological shadow this person left on him was too deep. So much so that he didn't care about freedom or freedom, and contacted the big devil to jointly open the passage to the undead bunker and escape back to his hometown, which was full of pollution and death.

But as soon as they made any move, the red collar around the devil merchant's neck suddenly tightened. Wei Xun, who was secretly chatting with the Taoist Half Life about the magic mirror, stared at him in surprise. Just at that moment, the collar in his hand moved. Prisoner B125 tried to escape. 'The information appeared directly in Wei Xun's mind. This must not let him run away. With a thought, Wei Xun saw that the iron chain in his hand was divided into three, and the two extra ones penetrated directly into the devil merchant's eyes like an illusion. In an instant, the figures of the big devil and the undead monarch appeared in his eyes. There was also a red collar around his neck!

Wei Xun had just received the red collar and red booklet, and he was not yet familiar with its various uses. After all, the nameplate of his deputy speaker was not connected to the hotel, and there were no hints about the functions of the props given by the hotel, so he had to figure it out on his own.

It seems that this red collar can tie multiple prisoners, and it has a special chain shape that can bind the soul!

"What's going on with the magic mirror? It has now been integrated into my soul. The Undead Lord and the Great Demon just wanted to use it to escape."

The devil merchant's pupils shrank suddenly, but he did not dodge. What the Undead Lord said just now, "Take out the soul and die without a burial place" has not happened yet, but just now the Undead Lord and the Great Demon have indeed forcibly invaded and controlled his soul, trying to open a passage, but he was unable to take back the initiative for a while. right!

The Devil Merchant had not completely conquered and suppressed them. He originally thought that after returning to the hotel, he would be suppressed by the hotel and the rules of the Mutual Aid Alliance. In addition, their mutual hostility would restrict each other and slowly erode and digest their soul power. I didn't expect them to still hide this.

If Xiaocui hadn't used chains to restrain them, if this accident hadn't suddenly exposed them, and if they had waited until they were dormant and then suddenly exploded, that would have been terrible! The Devil Merchant immediately stated that 'escape' was never his intention. But at this moment, Wei Xun didn't care to listen to him.

‘Get out of here! ’

An Xuefeng's tone was solemn: "The aura of the battlefield that he showed just now will alarm the prison, and the interrogator will arrive soon."

‘The connection between Butterfly Eye and the battlefield is on him! ’

Taoist Ban Ming also said urgently: 'We can't send him out directly, the aura of the battlefield will alert the hotel. Let’s quickly change places and take him with us! ’

Although Wei Xun's identity as the deputy speaker prevents him from being exposed in front of the members, there are too many mysterious and treacherous rules in the parliament prison, and staying here is too risky. They don't need to remind Wei Xun of the popular parliament, and the three of them He disappeared into the prison in an instant.

And just five seconds after they disappeared, three figures in gray robes appeared outside the prison door.

"Hey, it seems a little mouse has sneaked in."

The tallest man crossed his arms and sneered. His deep facial features had a bit of mixed-race charm, but the scar across his eyebrows made him look sinister and terrifying. There were three green marks on his gray robe as a council member, which showed that he was Candidate for Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons recognized by the hotel! A golden Gatling rod was held on the ground by him like a scepter.

"The person who can sneak into the prison at the bottom is not an ordinary little rat, an arms dealer."

A female voice sounded. If you didn't look at her purely Western appearance and just listened to her voice, her pure Mandarin could easily lead to her being mistaken for nationality. The woman was holding a stack of playing cards in her hands and looking into the depths of the prison with interest. If Wei Xun could definitely recognize her here, this woman was the dealer!

"Hell's ears heard the whispers of devils and undead. There was more than one prisoner here."

Finally, the person whispered, she spoke English, her accent was not pure, her voice was old, like an old man in her fifties or sixties, she was holding a huge white dog in her hand, as tall as a person, with a strong body . It's just that my abdomen is swollen, as if I'm pregnant.

At this moment, the white dog is leaning over with his ears on the ground, listening carefully to something.

"Devils and undead? Could it be B125? Jizo, please let it listen carefully."

The dealer said with great interest: "If Taoist Taoist Half Life hadn't suddenly come over today, I would have been the one to interrogate him. This little tour guide is quite interesting."

"Half Life Taoist is mentally ill. If it weren't for him - hum!"

Hearing what she said, the arms dealer's face darkened. If Taoist Half Life hadn't caused so many things, he would have been on vacation and wouldn't have had to go back to this hellish place to work overtime. And even if he came in on his own, now he starts playing and disappears again, which is really annoying.

"This deepest prison is full of old garbage. Those who can be locked up don't need to be locked in, and those who can be locked in can escape."

Impatient, he went straight into the prison and put on a self-made detector that was as black as goggles. In an instant, countless red lines crossed over on the goggles. The arms dealer stood exactly where the Half-Life Taoist once stood, and then He took a step forward and stood exactly where the devil merchant had been. After a pause, the arms dealer took another step, but it was at the center of the two positions where he had just stood.

"found it."

The arms dealer said coldly.

This is exactly where Wei Xun was standing just now!

The arms dealer can enter the prison to directly inspect the scene, but the dealer and Ksitigarbha cannot enter. This deepest prison can only be entered by the deputy speaker of the parliament or above. The arms dealer is a candidate for deputy speaker. But they are not.

However, how could the situation of arms dealers be any better than theirs?

As long as normal people know the significance of the speaker and deputy speaker in the parliament - they will not think about being these two things.

"Yeah, if this place is also equipped with the surveillance system invented by you, the arms dealer, then everyone won't have to worry."

The dealer smiled and said: "But you have to wait until you become the deputy speaker before you can reform the deepest prison——"


Gunshots rang out, and no one knew when the arms dealer opened fire or where he hid the gun. The golden Gatling is just a scepter, and the real killing weapon is a homemade gun made by an arms dealer. Dark silver bullets shot toward the croupier's throat like a stream of light. But the croupier was well prepared. Silver light flashed from her fingertips, and the playing card was as sharp as a blade, cutting the bullet in half.

But the dealer's expression suddenly changed the next moment, and he saw that the cut bullets shot up and down towards her forehead and heart respectively. The speed was several times faster, making it impossible to hide. And even if the dealer uses a special title, it won't work if the bullet is placed in other non-lethal parts.


Just then a soft dog barked, and time seemed to slow down several times for an instant, allowing Jizo to speak before the bullet killed the dealer.

"Arms dealer, don't kill her, Hell Ear can't see blood now."


The moment she finished speaking, the flow of time returned to normal. Two bullets shot directly into the dealer's forehead and heart. They exploded the moment they touched her skin. What exploded was sequined confetti like fireworks. Apart from the impact, it had no lethality. .

"Don't mess with me, dealer."

The arms dealer said coldly: "I'm very annoyed right now and want to kill someone."

After that, he disappeared into the prison, apparently to arrest someone.

"Good boy, take a rest."

He locked onto the enemy and naturally no longer had to listen with his hell ears. Jizo gently rubbed Bai Quan's ears and wanted to go with the arms dealer. Before leaving, he saw the croupier leaning against the wall casually and making no move to follow him, so he even tried to persuade her.

"Death is just death, and living is meaningless."

The croupier responded lazily. There was no fear of being almost killed on his face, only boredom and indifference. She casually grabbed the sequins from the ribbon on her face and chest, and said with a smile: "It's best if the arms dealer kills me." , then he has to be the deputy speaker. I really want to see him wearing a cuckold, he will be so cute."

"It has nothing to do with me whether you live or die."

The old man said calmly: "But don't let Hell Ear see it."

"Hasn't it given birth to puppies yet?"

The croupier stood up and touched the soft fur in front of Hell's Ear. The white dog gave her a gentle look. No one could be hard-hearted towards those pure and moist dog eyes. The croupier's expression rarely softened:

"It is a male dog and should not have been pregnant. There is a demon fetus in its belly. If this continues, it will degenerate into an ordinary white dog."

"Gender doesn't matter, Hellear is a mother now."

Jizo stroked the soft fur in front of the white dog, but there was a bit more pity in his tone: "It is almost one with me. If it is allowed to have an abortion, then..."

Jizo sighed softly, and the dealer also understood that her situation was really not good.

Hell's Ear is another name for the legendary psychic beast 'True Ting'. It is a psychic beast lurking under the sutra table of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It can identify all things in the world by listening, and is especially good at listening to people's hearts*

It is said that Tingting was originally a white dog, because Ksitigarbha’s teachings are based on filial piety, and the dog represents loyalty, just like the lion of Manjushri Bodhisattva represents wisdom, the white elephant of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva represents great conduct, and Tingting of Ksitigarbha represents loyalty and perseverance. Two hearts. It gathers the images of beasts into one body, and gathers the graceful appearance of all things into one body. It has a tiger head, a single horn, a dog's ears, a dragon's body, a lion's tail, and a unicorn's feet. It is also called the "nine different images"*

It has now degenerated into its original form, apparently tortured by the demon fetus in its belly. But Jizo couldn't let him have an abortion, otherwise her orange title of 'Jizang' would be seriously affected!

Although most of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statues around the world appear to have male bodies and male faces, according to the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vow Sutra", Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was a Brahmin woman in her previous life, and she was an extremely filial woman.

Her mother in one life learned evil practices and fell into the eighteenth level of hell after her death. In order to save her mother, the woman made a great vow in front of the statue of Tathagata: "May I spend all my future kalpas to save all sentient beings from sin and suffering." She sold all her family property, dedicated money to the Buddhist temple and sincerely learned to worship the Buddha. She moved the Buddha with her filial piety and finally saved her mother from hell.

But her mother in the next life loved to eat fish roe, harmed too many living beings, and fell into hell after death. So she spent all her money and sold her property to learn to worship Buddha, and rescued her mother. From then on, the woman understood that she could not wait until someone went to hell to start learning to worship Buddha, and she continued to learn it all her life.

So Sakyamuni Buddha told Manjusri: "The Brahmin woman is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva." This is the origin of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

A mother gives birth to a daughter, a daughter saves her mother, a cycle of kindness and filial piety, and Bai Quan is almost the same as her. If Bai Quan is allowed to have an abortion directly, it will cut off the beginning of the cycle in a sense, and her orange title will be Ksitigarbha' will also be seriously damaged and even lose its function!

What's more, for the white male dog to be pregnant with the devil's fetus, it was not a kind of ordeal for her. The old man touched Bai Quan's belly lovingly, and Bai Quan licked her palm docilely.

This person is very Buddhist, but the croupier has a more violent temper. He said coldly: "I don't have a good temper like you. Since the arms dealer didn't kill me this time, my life should not be cut off. That man I will definitely avenge you for assassinating me. Your hell ear is pregnant with a demon child, and it is inseparable from her conspiracy. She just wants to kill all the women in the parliament!"

The position of Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords has been vacant for a long time. Legend has it that the Deputy Speakers of the House of Lords have been women for generations, and they have left behind unimaginable wealth and power. It is rumored that there is a secret method that can reverse the parliament and regain its new life!

Towards the end of the decade, people were getting more and more crazy. Especially the MPs. At least the tourist guides still have a battlefield, and even if they have little hope, they might be able to survive on the battlefield. But when they enter the parliament, they don't even have the chance to go to the battlefield. In the end, it is just a dead end!

Those people were working like crazy. Obviously the Lords were all tour guides and Ksitigarbha was the tour guide. It was normal for them to be plotted against. But her dealer is a tourist, and those people are so crazy that even their tourist council members started plotting against her!

There is nothing wrong with surviving, but the croupier can't stand it if someone plots against him!

As soon as the words fell, the croupier disappeared and chased the arms dealer. Ksitigarbha also sighed secretly and followed her with his white dog. To be honest, Ksitigarbha always felt that her truth was pregnant, which was actually some kind of sign. White male dogs can get pregnant, so why can’t the deputy speaker of the House of Lords, who is said to be ‘all women’, be a man?

Furthermore, it is unclear whether the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords is dead or not. To be able to secretly take B125 to the deepest prison, and to be able to take him and Taoist Half-Life out again, this kind of strength and authority can only be achieved by the deputy speaker.

Did the arms dealer secretly save half-life Taoist and B125 from leaving, or did the long-missing Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords... finally appear?

In any case, the Parliament is going to be in complete chaos.

* *

‘Not thrown away yet’

In a space deep in the parliament, Wei Xun and others had just arrived two minutes ago. An Xuefeng sounded the alarm again before they had time to settle down. Wei Xun's expression also became slightly serious.

He was using Hong's authority, and the people who could pursue him relentlessly without being concealed were definitely the deputy speaker and above.

"It can't be the Speaker. The Speaker can't come out."

Taoist Ban Ming analyzed calmly: "I think the guy chasing us might be the arms dealer."

The deputy speaker of the House of Commons who was appointed by the hotel is almost, if not completely, appointed.

During the conversation, Wei Xun ordered the parliamentary phantom belonging to Hong to take them to move positions again, but the places where the parliamentary phantom could take them were limited, and they could go to these places, and the arms dealers could also chase them.

If only the devil businessman hadn't left the battlefield aura, they would have left the parliament directly with the access certificate! The half-life Taoist looked at the devil merchant, already considering whether to extract his soul and take him away.

"It's okay, we can go to the battlefield."

But the next moment, Wei Xun's words made Ban Ming no longer have time to pay attention to the devil merchant. He made a suggestion that even Ban Ming Taoist thought was crazy!

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