Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 421 So delicious

"What did you say? Where to go??"

Did Wei Xun just say he was going to the battlefield? Did he hear it correctly? Even a Taoist who is as confident as half a life begins to doubt his own ears. This, this, this, this, he has to go to the battlefield before the Gregorian calendar year has passed. Is this really a good thing that he can encounter?

For a moment, Taoist Ban Ming had the urge to join the Mutual Aid Alliance and work for Wei Xun - Wei Xun gave him too much, so much that he couldn't even afford to pay it back. He had to take Team Chen and the others to work together to pay it off. To what extent.

"Going to the battlefield now...the risk is still too great."

The half-life Taoist suppressed his brainstorming and said rationally: "And if I go there, I may not be able to come back. At the end of ten years, there will be changes in the battlefield. If I go there, I will most likely lose my hotel status."

Although the butterfly eye contacts the battlefield, and they have the back-up force left by the magic mirror in the past, they have a high success rate in opening the passage to the undead bunker through the butterfly eye, but they can get out, but there is no guarantee whether they can come back!

The devil merchant can come back from the battlefield because he belongs to the tour guide for the next ten years. Each ten-year cycle is the real end. People who belong to this cycle will be 'removed' from the hotel after going to the battlefield. The rules of the hotel are no longer in effect, so the tour guide will reveal his true identity, and a series of props purchased in the hotel cannot be used - —Similar to the environment of Thirty Degrees North Latitude, only titles and titles derived from one’s own potential or exclusive items/props derived from personal extension can be used.

So theoretically speaking, going to the battlefield at the end of ten years is an opportunity. As long as you can come out of the battlefield alive, it is equivalent to "leaving the hotel", but no one has ever succeeded. Brigades or guide alliances that have mastered the journey to 30 degrees north latitude can last longer on the battlefield and have more opportunities. It is not wrong that '30 degrees north latitude' is the way home.

It is now very close to the end of the decade. An Xuefeng and Ban Ming are people in this cycle, and they are very likely to be left behind if they go to the battlefield now. Wei Xun is also very dangerous. Although he has just entered the hotel not long ago, the "Thriller" corresponding to his ultimate title belongs to this cycle. If he really goes to the battlefield, he may not be able to come back.

‘Get out of here quickly’

An Xuefeng's tone became even tighter. The little gecko looked around vigilantly, and his eyes fell on the dark blue in front of him. He suddenly flicked his tail, no longer caring to hide himself, and his tail turned into an invisible chain to wrap around Wei Xun, completely Hidden his breath.

‘Can’t leave for now’

Wei Xun whispered, the place where the phantom of the parliament took them to was a vast space. Looking around, there was no wall or ceiling to be seen. The air was a thick deep blue, like the coldness of the depths of the ocean. The water vapor is extremely real, except that breathing is still smooth, it is like sinking into the deep sea.

And in the endless "deep sea", there are large and small light spots, flickering bright and dark, sometimes far and sometimes near. Wei Xun hooked his fingers, and the phantom of the parliament docilely came close to his fingertips, just like light spots. Incredibly, the countless light spots floating in this dark blue space are all the shadow of the Parliament. In other words, this place is full of energy/pollution that makes up the shadow of the Parliament!

After arriving here, the phantom of the parliament that had been leading the way merged into the dark blue, making people wonder if there was someone behind it deliberately leading them here. Wei Xun opened the little red book and found that it was all blank, and there was no way to escape from the prison by teleporting. The collar chain that tied the devil merchant's neck also returned to Wei Xun's hands, and could no longer trap his soul, just like an ordinary collar.

Dark blue... The hotel gave the speaker and deputy speaker color codes. The energy that makes up the shadow of the parliament is a special kind of pollution originating from the parliament. Able to control the entire parliamentary phantom, able to suppress the power of ‘Deputy Speaker Hong’...

This piece of blue probably represents the power of a certain ‘speaker’!

This space is very calm, just like the breezy sea, with blue light flowing over it like a tide. This light seems to contain some kind of information, some kind of energy, which makes people want to think deeply and explore——

Can't see, can't hear, can't think.

The devil businessman relaxed his mind for a moment, but it felt as if he had been hit hard. He had a splitting headache and his eyesight turned black. He stumbled and almost fell. It’s like looking directly at pollution! He closed his eyes. No, no, it would be more appropriate to say that the big devil and the undead monarch had closed their own eyes. Even without the chains, they had no intention of escaping.

Can't run away!

‘Use the access certificate immediately! ’

An Xuefeng made a decision in an instant, and of course he could think of what Wei Xun thought of. This is definitely a place very close to the core of the parliament, and the level of pollution is comparable to that of a single butterfly fragment in the state of pollution source! One must not stay here for a long time. Deputy Speaker Wei Xun Hong's authority has been suppressed. There are wolves in front of him and tigers in the back. Even if the devil merchant's battlefield aura is discovered by the hotel, there is nothing that can be done. The worst is to extract his soul.

‘Wei Xun come to me, I’m going to use butterfly eyes! ’

Almost at the same time, Taoist Ban Ming shouted harshly, grabbed Wei Xun and carried him on his back. He also realized that something was wrong here, and it was important to protect Wei Xun's safety.


The little fingernails stained red by the ghost's resentment trembled slightly. Wei Xun's heart moved and he stopped. At the same time, he opened the oil-paper umbrella in his hand. The moment he held the umbrella, a pale red light filled the space covered by the umbrella, and the blue light that was constantly coming to dye them blue was gently isolated to the outside.

Wei Xun confirmed the information that just flashed through his mind. This is the function of the red oil-paper umbrella. The place where the red light shines is the authority he controls and will not be noticed by other beings. As long as there is no red light, he can move freely here! But at the same time, Wei Xun's back arched, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He felt as if the oil-paper umbrella was carrying a huge mountain, and the seemingly light blue light was like a huge weight, even if Wei Xun had a killer whale (surnamed An) on his back. Orca) experience almost failed to hold on.

At the same time, Taoist Ban Ming's legs went weak, and his bones made a sound of being overwhelmed. He felt as if his scalp was numb as if he was carrying three mountains. If he hadn't regained his strength, he really wouldn't have been able to hold on.

Especially after getting the devil businessman over, the oil-paper umbrella was not too big and could block two people holding each other's arms. Taoist Ban Ming put his arm around the Devil Merchant's waist and held him under his arm like a sack. He suddenly felt like he was carrying another mountain on his back. His face was pale, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and even the red light of the oil-paper umbrella They all seem a little weak. I'm afraid even its maker has never thought that this umbrella can acrobatically block four people!

‘No, the more people there are, the more difficult it will be’

The half-life Taoist gritted his teeth and walked with trembling steps. It would be better if the arms dealer and others come in for a while and then meet again. Half Life walked through the area where the blue light was light. The deeper he went, the thicker the blue light and the heavier the pollution, and the greater the pressure he endured. He did not dare to go further inside.

‘Is the booklet ready for use?’


‘There’s something wrong with red’

An Xuefeng said solemnly. Normally, how could the deputy speaker's authority withstand the suspected energy pollution of the speaker? If this is Hong's special oil-paper umbrella, it means that she has already planned it. With the oil-paper umbrella in hand, she can enter the core area of ​​​​the parliament, and the red leather booklet can be used, which means that Hong can evacuate at any time.

'Don't go back to her office and see if you can go to the Abyss Node. ’

Most of them were contaminated with blue light. It was not easy to go back to the hotel or reality in this state. It was safest for Wei Xun to directly use the abyss node to go to the abyss.

‘I can still hold on for five minutes’

Wei Xun sensed it for a while and confirmed that he could go to the abyss node under the red light. At the same time, Wei Xun thought that if he could return to the abyss attraction, does that mean that Hong was also a tour guide with an abyss node? Since he can evacuate here at any time, Wei Xun is not in a hurry to leave.

The ghost's remnant soul is like an animal that only has its instincts left. It responds with something new after being stimulated by blue light. In addition to how to use the red oil-paper umbrella, Wei Xun seemed to also see a gray, huge stone eye. But it was different from the half-open and half-closed stone eye he saw in the stone door, with red liquid flowing.

This huge gray stone eye is tightly closed.

Wei Xun suspected that all the speakers in the parliament were in a 'sleep' state, or in some kind of immobile state. The first was that no higher-level force had caught him from the time he came in until now, and the second was the dark blue polluting energy. Very calm, free and unhurried as if under no one's control.

Wei Xun tried to hook his fingers. After he held up the oil-paper umbrella and the red light authority reappeared, another phantom of the parliament that originally did not obey his command flew over obediently, just like the one he controlled when he first came in. The phantom of the parliament shone with a faint red light. The phantom of the parliament that flew back flashed with a faint blue light. After entering under the oil paper umbrella, the light turned to red.

The red light represents the power of the deputy speaker of the House of Lords, and the blue light probably represents the power of the sleeping speaker.

I want to eat.

Wei Xun's Adam's apple moved. He was so hungry. In fact, when he first came in, his stomach was burning with a strong sense of hunger. The fragments of Maria's butterflies deep in his heart became completely active. There seemed to be ten thousand butterflies dancing and teasing on the top of his heart, eager. Wanting Wei Xun to swallow more pollution. After finally entering the parliament, he really wanted to get some of this core pollution energy back, even though he came here.

But containers are needed to carry pollution. Things like those at Thirty Degrees North Latitude can carry pollution from the Thirty Degrees North Latitude. The butterfly fragments are all filled with abyss pollution. How can you pretend that the Speaker is polluting...huh?

A bold idea suddenly came to Wei Xun's mind. He hooked his fingers, and another phantom of the parliament glowing with blue light was called over by him. Before the phantom of the parliament slipped under the oil-paper umbrella and the light turned red, Wei Xun threw a paper man.

It was Mao Xiaole who gave him the paper figurine specially used to collect the Council's phantom!

The next second, the phantom of the parliament, glowing with blue light, was caught in the paper figurine.

It works! The shadow of the parliament contaminated by a little bit of Speaker pollution can be collected into the paper figurines!

Wei Xun's eyes lit up and he began to look at the shadows one by one. Mao Xiaole made a bunch of paper figures for him. Even if each paper figure could withstand at most one phantom of the Speaker's Council, it would only cause this little pollution, and it would be worth it if it were accumulated.

In the next five minutes, Wei Xun didn't waste a single minute. While carefully stealing the deep blue pollution, Wei Xun had been thinking about what exactly was the pollution suppressed by the parliament?

Hotel, host and council, tour guide and tourists, three levels from top to bottom, plus a special one in the middle, the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

The tour guide corresponds to the tourists, and the small amount of abyss pollution absorbed by the tour guide corresponds to the various pollutions existing in the world. Passengers clearing the customs journey and completing the test are equivalent to purifying some pollution again and again.

And those pollutions that are too powerful, such as the pollution of the corpses of mountain gods in the Ming Tombs Mountains, need to be resolved by the person in charge. Those powerful beings cooperated with the hotel through the principal, and threw the excessive pollution into the abyss. Wei Xun also did something, and the mountain god's pollution is still in his abyss node.

In addition, * * * are basically equivalent to abyssal creatures, so Wei Xun guesses that the existence of the person in charge is most likely related to suppressing most of the abyss pollution.

The Parliament is an equal existence to the person in charge. In other words, the pollution caused by the Parliament's suppression most likely corresponds to an existence similar to the abyss, which is another space full of pollution.

Are there any other particularly polluted spaces?

Wei Xun suddenly thought of the pioneer of the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

It can be said that developers are the most special existence in hotels, whether tourists or tour guides. The most serious pollution in the world is the unsolvable pollution in the journey to 30 degrees north latitude. The purest abyss pollution in the world is the Maria Butterfly Fragment, and the pioneers possess/suppress both types of pollution at the same time.

Thirty degrees north latitude is the way back, which may refer to the journey itself, but so many generations of pioneers have never been able to finally gain freedom, and Chen Cheng, who did not take away the token of the journey, is still alive on the battlefield, indicating that the journey itself may not be the final destination. important.

That most likely refers to the pioneers, the pioneers who also carried the pollution of the abyss and the pollution of the 30th North Latitude.

If Wei Xun thought that these pollutions could eventually compete with each other, then as he thought, what the pioneers would eventually have to face was battlefield pollution.

Wei Xun thought about what he had told him half a life ago. Only the tourists and tour guides of that decade would be left behind when going to the battlefield. The rest of the next generation would just go and experience it and come back. This visit shows that the hotel is definitely not completely incapable of controlling the battlefield. To a certain extent, entering and leaving the battlefield are all under the control of the hotel.

Wei Xun boldly speculated that the ‘battlefield’ can be divided into two parts! The battlefield of World War II is where ten-year-olds like Chen Cheng and others end up. It has the most dangers and pollution, and the hotel cannot control it. The first battlefield is a place that the hotel can control, and tourists and tour guides who enter can still come back.

Think of it this way, a battlefield is a polluted space where the rules of the hotel cannot be enforced, but you can still control it - very similar to the abyss! The rules of the abyss cannot be enforced by the hotel, but because the person in charge merges into the abyss and becomes an abyssal creature, the hotel can indirectly control it.

So does the hotel use the same method to control battlefield one? Is the pollution of the parliament essentially the pollution of the battlefield? Is it because the speakers are sleeping because they, like the principals, are integrated into the battlefield?

The more Wei Xun thought about it, the more likely it seemed that if the situation on a battlefield was similar to that of the Abyss, would there be a "battlefield node" on the battlefield similar to the Abyss Node that would allow the tour guide to safely enter the Abyss and own a territory in the Abyss?

Why can Hong enter the abyss node when the oil-paper umbrella is opened? Did she really enter the abyss node? If you enter the abyss node with the oil-paper umbrella open, will you enter the ‘battlefield node’ due to the distorting influence of the power of the rules?

Five minutes passed quickly. Wei Xun put away all the paper figures and took out the Abyss Node token. The butterfly fragments in the heart stirred. This time, Wei Xun did not need to actively activate the abyss node. The invisible, pure power of the abyss spread out, wrapping Wei Xun and trying to bring him into the abyss node while greedily devouring the deep blue pollution. With Wei Xun's restraint, they only ate a tiny bit.

"Woof woof——"

But just as the power of the abyss filled his body, Wei Xun quietly revealed his alienated state, and the devil's horns and wings appeared under the magic hat and deputy speaker's robe, Wei Xun suddenly heard a childish bark. He paused slightly, as if there was a little fat dog sitting under the corner of his robe, trying to bite the pure power of the abyss emanating from his body, but Wei Xun looked down and saw no sign of the dog.

At the same time, outside this space, the arms dealer who had been tracking the traces of the infiltrators all the way here was stunned.

"I'm waiting for you to come, so I can gather my strength to go in and arrest people."

The arms dealer's voice seemed to be forced out from between his teeth, but the hand holding Bai Quan's abdomen was steady. The phantom production workshop of the Parliament falls within the scope of the Speaker's authority. Even if the arms dealer is basically equivalent to the Deputy Speaker, he cannot enter alone. Two powerful members must enter together.

But Ksitigarbha dealers and the others are simply here to cause trouble!

The white dog lay on the ground, his whole body tense and trembling weakly. Thick black pollution lingered around it, making the white dog weaker and weaker, but it was sensible enough not to yell, but just sobbed quietly, which made Jizo's heartbroken tears fall, and the dealer couldn't bear to turn his back - —Don’t even come to help!

Seeing the two of them like this, the arms dealer finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'm not here to deliver a male dog's birth!"

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