Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 419 Director Cui is a family man

‘Wei Xun? ’

Taoist Ban Ming couldn't help but take a step forward. If it weren't for the feeling of pulling the thread, he wouldn't have recognized that the woman in front of him was Wei Xun!

Look at this figure, this makeup, this aura, this outfit, is this neither Chinese nor Western? He is holding an oriental oil-paper umbrella, but wearing a Western-style magic hat and robe - hey, Wei I think this outfit would be more suitable if paired with a bright red phoenix crown and harem.

Taoist Ban Ming briefly imagined Wei Xun's appearance. Not to mention, good-looking people should look good in whatever they wear. However, Wei Xun didn't have a fetish for cross-dressing. He must have gained some kind of parliamentary status by disguising like this. Taoist Ban Ming looked at him a few more times and felt horrified.

Wei Xun's outfit is definitely not that of an ordinary member of parliament. In fact, he looks a bit like the deputy speaker of the House of Commons who An Xuefeng killed back then! However, the deputy speaker was wearing green and looked more like a man. It is said that after his death, the arms dealer who the hotel was optimistic about as the successor to the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons arrogantly rejected the hotel again and again on the grounds that "I don't want to be a cuckold."

Arms dealers are indeed a bit special, being able to successfully reject offers again and again. But he is a member of the parliament after all, and as the end of the decade approaches, I am afraid he will have no choice but to act accordingly.

At least we have met the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, but the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords has been mysteriously missing... Could it be that Wei Xun has obtained the status of Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords?

Even though he had long thought that Wei Xun had a possibility, Taoist Ban Ming was shocked in his heart, but then he thought that Wei Xun was a tour guide, a tourist, and a person in charge. It would be abnormal if he didn't have some adventures in the parliament. He was about to enter the tightest prison in the world, but Qian Wei Xun was inside, and Bao Buqi was poaching the council. It felt like "Wei Xun secretly spied on the council and bought it for zero yuan, trying to turn it upside down."

Taoist Ban Ming felt relieved. It was a coincidence that he had arrived just in time for Wei Xun to cause trouble. The council had a lot of good things! Thinking of this, Ban Ming took a step forward to say something private to Wei Xun, but Wei Xun took another step back - Taoist Ban Ming would trample the devil businessman to death if he stepped forward again!

‘Half life, why did you come in? ’

Wei Xun asked, pulling a thread to convey the emotions of the half-life Taoist. Just now, he deliberately showed his figure in front of Banming after pulling the thread, just because he wanted to find out through his emotional changes whether Banming recognized 'Red'.

Unfortunately, except for some normal emotions such as surprise, happiness, trust, relief, excitement and a little regret (Wei Xun: Why is there regret?), Taoist Ban Ming's emotions basically don't have big fluctuations, and he doesn't even have many emotions. Doubtful, as if it was natural for Wei Xun to appear here with this face.

Why do half-life Taoists take it for granted? Did he tell his fortune?

‘As long as Taoist Ban Ming comes in, other people who are implicated in taking action for him and who are going to be interrogated by the council will be released.’

An Xuefeng sighed, he was mentally connected with Wei Xun, and he could hear the voice of Half Life if Wei Xun allowed it. An Xuefeng didn't say anything to expose himself. He and Wei Xun were working together as a trump card.

Seeing Cen Qin's high-spirited and regained strength, An Xuefeng couldn't help but think of the past, and the golden little gecko had complicated eyes. Although they clearly disobeyed the council to prevent Cen Qin from coming here, he was half-conscious and not fully awake at that time. If he had been awake at the time, he would never have allowed friends such as Xuanxue and Guilu to do such a thing.

She is responsible for her own affairs. Cen Qin has always had this kind of confidence and pride. But after becoming Half-Life, he hid this arrogance and kept a low profile, not wanting to cause too much trouble to his friends. But with her strength restored, this kind of Cen Qin is back again. An Xuefeng is not surprised to see Half Life coming to the council calmly and replacing others. Because the Cen Qin he knew back then was such a person.

'Cen Qin has always been a very responsible person——'

‘Of course it’s because you are here! ’

An Xuefeng:?

The half-life Taoist who didn't know that he was in trouble was courteous, reserved and sincere: "Part of the energy of Butterfly Eye has gone to you. It has some self-awareness and a sense of rules. Now it is connected to reality, 30 degrees north latitude, The hotel, the abyss, the battlefield, only the parliament has not yet been connected, and you will definitely be connected to the parliament.'

Speaking of this half-life, he sighed: "Entering the parliament is actually nothing. I'm worried that you are not prepared to let Dieyan take advantage of the loophole and let it secretly connect to the parliament. This will definitely alarm the Speaker, and it will be really dangerous then." In the final analysis, it is still my fault that I failed to completely confine the energy of the butterfly eye when I re-fused the half-life. ’

However, it is fate that only half of Dieyan's energy goes to Wei Xun. Although Wei Xun has been bound to the way home, Dieyan also allows him to have a real connection with their metaphysics. This is fate! An Xuefeng eats meat, so he can still drink some soup for half his life.

Thinking of Dieyan, Wei Xun, and Captain Chen and the others who were suffering on the battlefield, I felt like there was hope for half of my life. Although it was less than half a year since this generation entered the battlefield, it had only been less than two months since Wei Xun entered the hotel. Based on Wei Xun's efficiency, Taoist Taoist Half Life felt that Team Chen and the others were back to celebrate the Chinese New Year this year!

So the last thing he wanted was to become alienated from Wei Xun just because he had regained half his life. Although he has become stronger, more handsome, and has a transcendent temperament now, he doesn't want Wei Xun to have a psychological burden when facing such an outstanding person, and to be connected to him as soon as he comes.

‘And there is a problem with the connection between the butterfly eye and the battlefield. The seal I set before was broken. It’s hard to explain this in a few words, but the items related to the butterfly eye are likely to be on B125. ’

In front of Wei Xun, the half-life Taoist is unreserved. Maybe what he said can be done with the help of Wei Xun’s luck. Just like this devil businessman, where is he, whether he has been captured by the parliament is hard to say, but as long as he lets Wei Xun know the importance of the devil businessman, then maybe the devil businessman is now in Wei Xun’s hands!

Although there seems to be no one else in the prison at the moment, everything is possible!

‘You know, B125, the devil businessman in the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace, your princess. I suspect that he has been locked up in the prison by the parliament. I have to go find him later, otherwise something will definitely happen. ’


Wei Xun felt his scalp tighten. It must be that the little gecko surnamed An was taking the opportunity to bite his hair out of jealousy. Wei Xun found that An Xuefeng's various emotions were very exposed after he turned into an animal. If he was in normal human form, he would at most give a cold glance to the Taoist Banming, and then secretly do something dirty in the future. He would not be so openly jealous.


The Taoist Banming sneezed, and inexplicably felt a little cold all over.

Wei Xun thought that Banming had a premonition of An Xuefeng's dirty tricks, and coaxed the little gecko a few words, but this was really cute, just like being rubbed by fluffy (although An Xuefeng is now hairless) and acting coquettish. Wei Xun's heart softened all of a sudden, and he indulged and coaxed him. When he looked at Banming again, Wei Xun really had a headache.

Not to mention that someone wanted to put Banming in a sack before, even Wei Xun is a little itchy now. Banming's mouth really hasn't changed. And the news he revealed is really important.

‘I can let you leave the parliament’

Wei Xun looked at the devil merchant who had been waiting docilely and quietly. He calmed down quickly after being dragged here and stepped on. He seemed to be sensible and harmless, but Wei Xun knew that with the devil merchant’s character, he must have remembered the grudge. Now he was just forbearing. Survival was more important.

Wei Xun showed up in front of the devil merchant. He didn’t want to reveal his identity in front of the devil merchant, but the matter of battlefield butterfly eyes was very serious. And what Banming Taoist said was right. When he saw the devil merchant for the first time, Wei Xun felt that his eyes were uncontrollably attracted to him, as if he was focusing on something on the devil merchant.

Wei Xun looked carefully and found that he was looking at the devil merchant’s right eye, which had the gray shadow of the ghost monarch.

The butterfly eye-related items are likely to be the devil merchant’s magic mirror.

So when Wei Xun appeared, he used a red appearance and a red female voice. He didn’t trust the devil merchant too much and didn’t want him to get involved in the butterfly eye matter. As long as he got the magic mirror, it would be fine. As the deputy speaker, Wei Xun can completely erase the doubts of the devil merchant from the little red booklet, so that he will not be visited by the parliament in the future, which is a reward.

The things that happen next will be discussed after we go back if we are destined to meet again.

‘Give me the magic mirror’

When an arrogant and cold female voice sounded in his mind, the devil merchant thought of ‘finally coming’ and raised his head calmly. But when he saw the figure in front of him, the devil merchant was shocked.

He felt that he was insane. How could he think of Xiao Cui when he saw white hair and white skin? Obviously, this person was not wearing a green cloak, but a magic hat from the West District on his fiery red head. But that cold voice, that arrogant tone with a bit of stubbornness, that thin jawline, and her fair and slender fingers were wrapped with a chain tied to the collar around his neck.

That kind of arrogant and unique temperament really made the devil merchant a little hallucinatory.

Especially this red oil-paper umbrella. The devil merchant clearly remembered that the red oil-paper umbrella was used by Lu Shucheng, who hid his strength in the journey in the funeral palace outside Beijing. It was too similar. This person is related to the return journey, and is very similar to Xiao Cui. Moreover, judging from the thin waist and posture, it must be a woman, not a man.

Could it be that this is some kind of interrogation method of the parliament? Seeing through the weak points of his mind and spirit, he saw the illusion of the ideal Xiao Cui, and then let him reveal the truth?

The devil merchant understood! But why did the parliament want his magic mirror? His magic mirror has been completely shattered, and all the seals on it have been swallowed by him. It can be said that he is now the magic mirror.

The situation is a bit bad, but the devil merchant has experienced great storms and remained calm. His only advantage now is that he does not feel confused and can still think clearly and calmly-is it because his soul has merged into the big devil, and he will not be confused by any illusion?

Thinking quickly, the devil merchant decided to conceal himself, pretend to be confused, and wait for an opportunity. He grabbed the hand of the person in front of him, pretending to be confused, and said in a familiar tone: "Oh my Xiao Cui, it's great to see you here!'

Wei Xun:??

No, Wei Xun rarely doubts his life. It's okay to be confidently pulled by the Half-Life Taoist, why did the Devil Merchant recognize him directly?

Tsk, it seems that he is really not good at women's clothing, or Yu Hehui is good at it.

"Okay, this is not the place for small talk. I want your magic mirror to be useful, and I'll talk about it in detail after returning."

Now that he was recognized, Wei Xun stopped acting. He solved the devil merchant's 'disappearance' torture and went straight to the point. Seeing that she "stopped acting", the devil businessman followed the good example and got more into the act. He boldly grabbed this person's hand and pressed it on his chest. He expressed melancholy: "Say this, it seems that we are unfamiliar with each other. I won't give you anything you want." You? It's just a prop, you can take it all. But unfortunately, there was an accident and the magic mirror was completely broken and integrated into my soul."

"But if you really need it, what does it matter if I dedicate my soul to you!"

The devil merchant is making a dangerous move. He combines the soul of the seal, the great devil and the undead monarch as his final trump card. He could only give it a try and risk his life when this man stole his soul! If the person interrogating him could really take away his soul and suppress everything, then he would have no choice but to die.

With the determination to die, the devil merchant got closer and closer to the illusion. He lowered his head, as if he wanted to greet him with a daily kiss on the cheek - the devil's horn is the sharpest dagger, and the head is where the soul is. If he can put it The devil's ram's horns pierce into the head of the illusion, and the chance of winning may be a little better!

Wei Xun was thinking about the magic mirror merging into the devil merchant's soul, so he moved a little slower, but before the devil merchant could get closer, he was shocked when 'B125 really appeared, and was actually held by Wei Xun! The half-life Taoist swept the dust and consciously swept the devil merchant away. He said with disdain: "We don't deal with your Western gifts. You also recognize your identity. Director Cui is a family man. You Use less hands and feet.”

An Xuefeng felt comfortable hearing this, but the devil businessman felt like he was struck by lightning.

No, isn't this really Director Cui?


"How could Xiao Cui have a family?!"

The devil merchant lost his voice and couldn't believe it.

It’s only been a few days since the end of the Jingjiao Funeral Palace? Of course, it's normal for someone to pursue Xiaocui's excellence, but didn't the ghost monarch at the funeral palace say that Xiaocui didn't love anyone? How come you have a family now?

Aren’t Orientals the most reserved?

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