Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 199 Supplementary Update Three

Old Mrs. Bai is entrenched on the third floor of the underground palace. This is the news Bai Lu told Wei Xun and the others.

"The pangolin detected the information and conveyed it to me, but its whereabouts were exposed and was caught by Mrs. Bai and the others."

The white deer wept with sorrow, and its cry sounded like weeping blood.

"They wanted to lure me over with a pangolin, capture me and then search the mountain."

The pangolin is just a kind-hearted monster on Xiaotang Mountain who prefers the mountain god. Unlike the white deer, which has followed the mountain god for countless years, it has a deeper understanding of the mountain and can explore the sky, the mountain and the underground with just a stamp of its hoof.

"And if you wear my skin, you won't be targeted by thunder."

The white deer is a spiritual creature in the mountains. Unlike demons, heaven's punishment will not kill it.

It is for this reason that the monsters want to catch the white deer.

"Now that they see you throwing yourself into a trap, they should be very happy."

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xiaoxue. Xiaoxue immediately became excited and quickly reported: "I am reporting to the master that there are no other demonic scents around.

Regardless of whether there is a white deer or not, those old demons will definitely not remain indifferent when the white deer is here.

"The underground palace has three floors?"

"There are more than three floors."

After talking more, the white deer became more courageous and stopped trembling. It recalled: "The pangolin said that this underground palace has five floors in total, but the old demons dare not go down. It is said that there is a dragon under the underground palace."

"Legend? You don't know if there are dragons in this underground palace."

Wei Xun asked Bai Lu in return, but Bai Lu shook his head helplessly: "I can't come in."

It sighed softly: "This used to be the residence of Lord Mountain God. Even when Lord Mountain God was still here, he would not let us get close to this place. Because this is where the dragon veins are."

When talking about this matter, Bailu was a little sad: "Hundreds of years ago, the earth shook, the dragon veins were turbulent, the vitality collapsed, and there was a scene of death and silence everywhere. The mountain god asked us to appease the mountains and forests, and went to the underground palace and the dragon vein place, but sir He never returned. After the forest returned to life, White Snake went to the underground palace to look for the adults, but never came back."

Over time, this place became a forbidden area.

According to Bailu, the mountain gods are extremely powerful, and their divine power shrouds the Yanshan Mountains and Taihang Mountains, and there are spiritual creatures and beasts everywhere. However, after the death of the mountain god, its divine power has also been decreasing year by year. Until now, only Xiaotang Mountain and Tianshou Mountain still have remnants of divine power, which can support the survival of spiritual beasts and creatures.

Yu Hehui asked: "Don't you old demons know that there are dragon veins underneath?"

"Even if you know, you still dare to come."

Bai Weat Xiaoxue felt the same way about this: "I haven't seen a dragon in the mountains and rivers for many years. The so-called dragon vein land only has some aura left."

"Besides, what if there is a real dragon?"

Its tone is a bit self-deprecating: "Swallow spiritual ginseng and fly to immortality in the daytime, so as not to become a wet-born egg-transformed person after decades of practice, a disciple with hair and horns... Ahem, of course, so old monsters hide He has been cultivating underground in the mountains without seeing the sun and the moon for many years. Although he is powerful, he is still like a frog in a well and only sticks to the same old rules. He is definitely no match for his master. "

The real monsters who have adapted to the times have long been mixed with humans. Those who still want to become spirits by eating spiritual ginseng are many old monsters who cannot let go of their old glory and are unwilling to let go of their posture. Even the little demons in the clan were led astray.

The ferret's method of flattering was a bit unfamiliar. After all, it was his first time and he was inexperienced. Within the clan, he was the ancestor of the yellow robe and the one being photographed.

But it quickly became proficient and even offered to help spy on intelligence.

Not only to submit a certificate to Wei Xun, but more importantly -

The ferret won’t be able to bear being surrounded by bugs any longer!

The white deer was obviously what Wei Xun paid close attention to. When he thought about the bugs crawling into every brick in the house... Xiaoxue felt itchy all over.

"The white deer still needs you to take care of it."

Wei Xun glanced at Xiaoxue with a half-smile but said casually: "Besides, I also have other arrangements."

"Am I the one Director Cui mentioned about the arrangement?"

After leaving the next door and returning to his room, Wei Xun casually glanced at the stable and safe clay pot in the corner. He wanted to see the growth of the corn shoots, but Mekel was already waiting in the room.

The six-tailed civet cat was still in its cat state, licking its paws out of boredom. Wei Xun noticed that he had many wounds on his body, some of his hair fell off, and he was soaked in bloody evil spirit. He had obviously gone through a lot of battles.

Compared with Yangshou Town, it is not easy for Mekel to establish his power here. Without saying much, Wei Xun and Meikel waited for a few minutes, and then someone else came to the door.

It was Augustus, the werewolf who came quietly and concealed his whereabouts.

As the 'monster' camp, their scenic spot tasks are assigned by Bing250, who is in charge of tourists from the monster camp.

"Why so late."

Augustus complained that although he followed the brigade and listened to the scenic spot missions given by the devil merchant, they were from the 'Taoist camp'. He had been waiting for the news of Bing250, but he didn't expect to wait until now.

It’s almost half past six!


Yu Hehui sneered.

Night? Six-thirty is too early, what a blessing!

You know, Wei Xun originally planned to do it at eight o'clock! Thanks to Team An for your awesome efforts.

When Yu Hehui spoke up, Augustus's expression changed, his eyes became more fearful, but he didn't say anything more.

"The purpose of the hostel is to give everyone more time to move freely and a richer journey experience."

Wei Xun didn't care, and chuckled: "My fellow passengers must be very curious about tonight's itinerary, so let me tell you."

"Before that, let me tell you a story. It is said that thousands of years ago, there was a white snake demon in Xiaotang Mountain who had cultivated into a spirit and was about to transform into a spirit——"

* *

"This "The Legend of White Snake" is not Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian's version."

It was Bai Xiaotian and Yun Lianghan's turn to guard the coffin. Zhou Xiyang was finally freed to discuss the evening performance with Taoist Ban Ming.

Bai Xiaotian and Yun Lianghan were average in strength. Zhou Xiyang was not very reassured, but many details had to be seen with his own eyes. Zhou Xiyang decisively left a sunset stone and walked to the west side of the underground palace with Taoist Ban Ming.

There are many murals on the walls of the side hall, but most of them were damaged by moisture and water vapor. Most of the statue in the middle was also destroyed, and the material could only be vaguely seen to be white stone and white jade.

"This is not man-made damage, it is the collapse of the 'god statue' that lost faith."

The half-life Taoist did not bring Hongzhi this time. He was holding the Three Mao Token in his hand, and his thin body was faintly shrouded in divine light. When he walked to the statue, a dim yellow light curtain appeared, vaguely showing a white jade divine deer with nine colors on its body.

When the halo of the token dissipated, the figure of the sacred deer also disappeared, just like a dream.

"That white deer next to Director Cui?"

Zhou Xiyang narrowed his eyes.


The half-life Taoist rarely frowned: "I'm talking about Captain Zhou, I'm afraid it's taboo for us to stop the spirit here."

"This is probably the former residence of the mountain god."

The land of the mountain gods all lives where the earth veins are located. In the mountain system where the dragon veins run through, the dragon veins are more important than the earth veins. It is normal that the mountain god once had his residence here.

"Most of the buildings here are from the Ming Dynasty."

Zhou Xiyang's eyes were venomous. He took an instrument and prop and 'dropped' it on the statue and the surrounding sacrificial jades. The statue showed an 'unknown' age, but the sacrificial jades were from the 'Ming Dynasty'.

"Perhaps someone discovered this underground palace in the Ming Dynasty and repaired it."

Ban Ming Taoist said, Xiaotang Mountain is not far from the Eight-Armed Nezha City, and there is an emperor's palace on this mountain, so everything must have been carefully inspected.

"You have seen the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace on the ground. It looks more like a temple."


Zhou Xiyang said.

After the underground palace appeared, the 'Yangshou Town Funeral Palace' on the surface collapsed. Only Zhou Xiyang and the werewolf Orion had seen the true appearance of the funeral palace.

"It's very likely that it was once a 'mountain temple' built in the Ming Dynasty and was converted into a funeral palace by later generations."

Most of the mountain temples are small temples, built in the mountains and forests. The purpose of building a mountain temple in such an inappropriate place halfway up Xiaotang Mountain is to worship the underground palace of the mountain god.

"The mountain temple will not only enshrine the mountain gods, but also enshrine some mountain and wild spiritual creatures. For example, the four great immortals of Hu, Huang, White and Willow, these old monsters who hide in the underground palace to avoid thunder, are definitely led by one of these few."

Although the five great immortals of "Fox, Yellow, White and Willow Gray" are widely circulated among the people, the Gray Immortal "Rat" is mainly worshiped as the God of Warehouse and Wealth. However, in the mountains and forests, wild rats are the common prey of the other four "Great Immortals" , naturally it is inferior.

"The possibility of yellow immortals and foreign immortals is very low."

Zhou Xiyang understood.

Yu Hehui is a celestial fox. If the old demon were Hu Xian, he would definitely come out to visit him. What's more, among the people, Hu Xian is "Mr. Hu San" and "Mr. Hu San". But now there are no such two people among the people. Red Fox Xiao Hu San had no intention of going to Xiaotang Mountain before.

This is because I dare not, because I have no backing on Xiaotang Mountain.

In the same way, the chance of being Huang Xian is not high. Otherwise, why would the ferret, which can withstand seven thunders and far surpass the willow tree spirit and wild boar spirit, linger in Yangshou Town and not dare to come up.

"You mean, there is a Liuxian deep in the underground palace?"

Liuxian, Snake Spirit, the shadow puppet show in the evening is "The Legend of White Snake". There are dragon veins under the Xiaotang Mountain. A series of clues are connected together, and the possibility of a Liuxian hidden deep in the underground palace is extremely high!


But the next moment Taoist Ban Ming shook his head: "You didn't go to the East Hall, and you didn't see that there were four 'meat puppets' in this performance."

When they went to explore the East Palace, Zhou Xiyang, as a filial son, was responsible for keeping vigil and worshiping, so he missed key information.

"Making meat puppets damages Yang Qi, so the number will only be a multiple of three. There are three ghosts, four gods and five people, but there are four meat puppets on the stage."

Taoist Ban Ming was very organized: "I originally thought that these children were caused by undercover agents, but there is another possibility."

"That's what these children are playing. They are boys who serve the mountain god."

Divine power can shock everything. Playing the role of a mountain god boy, naturally you don't have to follow the rules of quantity. Their Maoshan sect divides boys into four categories: boys from heaven, boys from temples, boys from past lives and boys with horoscopes of birth*

Among them, the most common ‘boys from the temple’ are ‘boys from the Fire Temple’, ‘boys from the Yama Temple’, ‘boys from the Mountain Temple’, ‘boys from the Earth Temple’ and ‘boys from the Laojun Temple’*

It is common sense that mountain gods always have children around them.

"If those four flesh puppets are playing the role of the mountain temple boys, then the white snake in tonight's play cannot be a monster, but a spiritual creature serving the mountain god, on the same level as the white deer."

"Monsters respect their ancestors the most. Where the white snake spirit suppresses them, the old snake monsters dare not make mistakes. Young snakes are not affected much."

Taoist Ban Ming said sadly: "Looking at it this way, the old demon hidden deep in the underground palace is most likely Bai Daxian."

Bai Daxian, the old lady Bai, is the hedgehog spirit.

Bai Xian is proficient in witchcraft and is best at curing diseases. If the five immortals swallow the ginseng essence, it will gain the greatest benefit. But while he is the best at curing diseases, Bai Xian is also the best at hiding from the ground and the best at dispersing illnesses, making them difficult to prevent.

A funeral involves the underground palace of the mountain god and a group of monsters. No wonder it is a task with the difficulty of the team leader's assessment!

Thinking of this half-life Taoist, he suddenly felt worried. The third scenic spot could not be like this. What should we do when the fourth scenic spot blessed by Bing250 came?

"not good!"

At this moment, Zhou Xiyang's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly ran over: "Bai Xiaotian and the others were attacked!"

Taoist Ban Ming's expression changed drastically when he heard this, and he ran faster than Zhou Xiyang. Their speed was inhuman, and they were back in the room in less than a few seconds. Zhou Xiyang held a gun, and Taoist Taoist Half Life held a talisman in his left hand and a token in his right hand. They were fully armed. However, after rushing in vigilantly, they only saw Yun Lianghan who collapsed on the ground with a look of horror on his face, and Yun Lianghan, who was relatively calm and had a bully on his shoulder. Bai Xiaotian turned out to be wet.

"Where is the enemy?"

Zhou Xiyang's sharp eyes like a falcon scanned the surroundings and moved forward cautiously, but unexpectedly, Coffin, Bai Xiaotian and Yun Lianghan were all fine. At most, they were a little frightened.

...To be able to scare Yun Lianghan and the others like this is definitely a big shock.

"It's underground!"

Yun Lianghan recovered relatively quickly, and murmured in shock: "I didn't feel the slightest breath, it suddenly appeared from the ground. Its mouth was as big as a wheel, and it swallowed Bai Xiaotian directly——"

Then he spat it out again.

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