Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 200 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (35)

Zhou Xiyang carefully inspected every inch of the ground, but found no trace of any excavation.

"It's said that you practice a lot of paper making on weekdays. You respond well every time, but in the end you are still a two-dimensional paper making overlord!"

Over there, Taoist Ban Ming was lecturing Bai Xiaotian. Hearing Yun Lianghan say that the monster that emerged from the ground swallowed up Bai Xiaotian, the half-life Taoist was so frightened that he lost his soul and took care of Bai Xiaotian several times. Angry and anxious.

What if Bai Xiaozhen dies!

Although many relatives and friends died during the journey, I only had half a life. But Taoist Ban Ming cannot be so broad-minded and cannot bear to see people die.

"Half life, come and see this."

Bai Xiaotian had just survived a life-and-death crisis and was scolded indiscriminately. His body was still wet and he looked very pitiful. But Zhou Xiyang had no time to think too much. He walked to the location pointed out by Yun Lianghan and used his baton to draw a circle about two meters in diameter on the ground.

"It's a total of seven seconds from the sunset stone reaction to when we get here."

In seven seconds, the monster emerged from the ground and attacked, swallowed Bai Xiaotian, spit him out, and then filled it with soil and bricks as it slipped away.

What a speed.

If it hadn't been for Yun Lianghan's correction, no one would have thought that a monster had emerged from under the seemingly smooth and stable green bricks and earth.

Moreover, the monster's hiding place was right behind Bai Xiaotian, which meant that it could detect the position of people on the ground while it was underground, but Yun Lianghan and Bai Xiaotian did not notice it.

Yun Lianghan was extremely frightened when he thought of this. You must know that he was standing where Bai Xiaotian was standing just now, and he was the one who was almost swallowed.

He may not have Bai Xiaotian's good luck!

"Xiaotian, what does it look like?"

Although Zhou Xiyang had already interrogated Yun Lianghan once, and Yun Lianghan was cooperative, he believed Bai Xiaotian's statement more.

Bai Xiaotian, who had been trained by the half-life expert for a long time, looked a little numb. He looked at Zhou Xiyang steadily, as if taking a deep breath.


"What's cold? Tell me clearly."

Taoist Ban Ming shouted and slapped Bai Xiaotian on the back. This time he knew what it was like to be cold.

The slippery mucus on Bai Xiaotian's body was extremely cold, as if it had been frozen in a freezer!


Zhou Xiyang frowned and thought deeply, but Taoist Taoist Half Life breathed a sigh of relief and said to Bai Xiaotian: "Quickly thank Captain Zhou, otherwise your life would be over!"

The monster's mouth is cold, so it must be of cold nature. Generally speaking, they are afraid of heat and fire. After swallowing Bai Xiaotian and then spitting it out, Taoist Ban Ming's first reaction was Zhou Xiyang's Sunset Stone.

The sunset stone's alarm state emits a large amount of light and heat, forming a protective shield. The monster was most likely stimulated by the Sunset Stone, so it spat Bai Xiaotian out of its mouth.

Half-life Taoist here pressed Bai Xiaotian to express his thanks, while Yun Lianghan was startled over there.


He remembered that the temperature of the entire space seemed to have increased when the monster appeared?

However, the situation was too chaotic at that time, and Yun Lianghan was filled with fear and panic, so he didn't pay much attention to it. And Bai Xiaotian, who had entered the monster's mouth, had more say - there was no way he could lie to Zhou Xiyang and the others.

Zhou Xiyang asked him first and then Bai Xiaotian, obviously not trusting him.

Yun Lianghan curled his lips and did not speak, but he was more wary in his heart - this monster is very likely to cause cognitive confusion, or have the ability to create illusions.

Otherwise, why would he feel hot even though he was cold?

Zhou Xiyang narrowed his eyes slightly. When he asked Bai Xiaotian, he did not forget to observe Yun Lianghan and noticed the subtle changes in Yun Lianghan's expression.

We'll interrogate him again later. This kid definitely has something he hasn't said yet.

"Team Zhou, what kind of monster do you think this could be?"

The half-life Taoist who had just concluded that the monster deep in the underground palace was most likely Old Lady Bai was no longer sure.

"It can't really be hiding a snake, dragon, or dragon, right? The monster is golden."

The monster has a golden appearance, is elongated, and has bone protrusions like horns on its body. This is the clue provided by Yun Lianghan.

"The dragons transformed from dragon veins, and the snakes that devour dragon veins are both golden dragons and golden snakes."

It's just the correspondence that makes half-life Taoists so afraid. If there really is a traitor to the ancestors and a golden python that swallows the dragon's veins is underground, the situation will be really tricky. The enemy's target is most likely the White Snake Ancestor, and they will definitely attack this "White Snake" performance!


Zhou Xiyang pondered, he squatted down, pulled out the saber from his waist, and knocked on the ground.

The saber, as sharp as iron, could easily cut cracks in the nearby floor tiles, but it could not leave any scars on the blue bricks within the two-meter-diameter circle where the monster was restored.

The hardness is much higher.

"Half-life, do you still remember the year-end celebration five years ago?"

"You mean the time when the home game was in the abyss node of the West End?"

Taoist Ban Ming subconsciously made a bored expression: "God, that is really a disaster."

Too many people died at that year-end celebration. It was obviously not a juncture of the decade, but it was just like a general cleaning. In the final analysis, it was the people in the West District who were playing tricks. Seeing that the points could not be compared, they simply attracted the terrifying monsters in the abyss and wanted to hunt down the high-point passengers.

As a result, this trick failed, and the king of monsters was accidentally introduced. All organizations involved in the year-end celebration were severely hit. Although the Mingming people did not participate in the year-end celebration that year, An Xuefeng and Guitu were at least in charge of the Eastern District. It's miserable over there in the West End.

The S1 tour guide Extraman, who claims to never be hurt or die, was actually devoured by the king of monsters.

Although the year-end celebration ended later, when the competition between Lizard Duke and Black Widow for S1 was in full swing, S1 unexpectedly returned. But at that time, not only did he change the color of his cloak, but his title also became 'The Devourer'. Some people say that he fought and killed the powerful monster king at the abyss node, and finally devoured the opponent.

But the Devourer has changed too much. The former extraditer was a ghostly alien, but the Devourer is not. The Devourer claims to have forgotten many things. He was born from death and everything is a new beginning. The hotel still recognized him as a tour guide, but the time he joined the hotel was recalculated, just like the resurrection.

Is the Devourer resurrected, or is the monster wearing human skin?

Not only were others suspicious, but the organization he had previously established, ‘Dead Extradition’, also openly questioned it. They firmly believed that the one who returned was not the former leader, but a monster.

However, this eventually became an unsolved mystery. The Association of Guides for the Extradition of the Dead was disbanded, and most of the people in it were missing. The 'Extradition Man' has also become a name that is kept secret by the hotel's top management. All information about him disappears, leaving only the current 'new' S1 Devourer.

"This kind of thing will emerge from the ground, puddles, and rocks, attack and devour its prey silently, and then wipe out all traces after getting back in. At first glance, it looks like a monster that has disappeared mysteriously..."

Zhou Xiyang and Banming Taoist looked at each other, and both could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.


In fact, abyss worms also have the same characteristics as above, except that worms can only drill through sand and gravel soil, unlike slimes that can drill through anything.

However, all worms in the abyss are primitive species with extremely strong territorial awareness and will not come out easily. Unless they are tamed since childhood, they will be difficult to tame.

Zhou Xiyang thought a lot in that moment. He even thought absurdly that Bing250 might have raised a worm - impossible.

Abyss worms can only be found in the abyss, and the worm eggs are all in the worm nests in the deepest part of the territory. Even the security team does not have such things!

Yes, even if Bing250 really existed, it would at least be after the Drunken Beauty of Xiangxi. It's only been about a month since now.

How could the worm grow enough to swallow Bai Xiaotian in one month? It was at least five or six meters long, definitely not an infant.

The growth rate of worms is relatively slow compared to other demonic insects, especially in the juvenile period from shell breaking to rapid development. They are ridiculously small, not much larger than earthworms.

In the original state, this period of infancy can last for several years, even more than ten years. The infancy period of worms that are conquered by tourists and brought back to the hotel will be shortened, but they will last for at least a year.

Juvenile worms cannot grow in size no matter what they eat. Worms will grow rapidly only after entering the rapid development period. As long as there is enough energy, it may even grow from noodle thickness to more than ten meters long in half a day. But it would take countless years to grow to a behemoth that is hundreds of meters or even nearly a thousand meters long.

Unless there is a big boss from the abyss system who spares no effort in nurturing him with his original energy, it will never be possible to shorten his infancy. And this boss must be a real boss, at least at the level of * * *——

Zhou Xiyang suddenly paused in his thoughts and his expression was a little subtle.

* * *, Bing 250, do not hesitate to feed the original energy.

The combination of these three things was very strange, but it made Zhou Xiyang have uneasy suspicions inexplicably.

No way?

"Hmph, I knew the Devourer had to take action."

The half-life Taoist sneered: "The Devil Merchant leads the team for the assessment. This is the best time for him to take action. Wouldn't just saying 'increase the difficulty of the scenic spot' be the best excuse?"

This is the authority of the examiners, who have macro-control over the entire assessment. Although the scenic spot task itself is more difficult due to the tour guide assessment, if the examiner determines that the strength of the tour guide and tourists still exceeds the scenic spot task and cannot serve the purpose of 'assessment', he can also increase the difficulty privately.

"Golden color, the slime on his shoulders must be golden color. It's really blatant, ugh."

Taoist Ban Ming cursed again, and the monster attacked Bai Xiaotian. Ban Ming was really angry.

Slime can be deformed at will, and it can be stretched into a spherical shape without any problem. Taoist Half-Life is right, the Devourer is more likely to take action.

Zhou Xiyang suppressed the uneasy speculation in his heart, his gentle eyes fell on Bai Xiaotian, and he said a few words of comfort, but there was scrutiny deep in his eyes.

If Devourer really took action, why would he choose Bai Xiaotian first? And it seemed that Taoist Ban Ming didn’t know anything about it.

Could it be that--

Is he actually someone who hides his strength and uses Bai Xiaotian's identity to enter the brigade?

"Gather the travelers together and tell them this."

Zhou Xiyang calmly looked away and ordered: "Monsters will attack us and others. Be careful during tonight's performance."

Those who go to the show should be careful, and those who stay to guard the coffin should also be careful.

The travelers quickly gathered in the side hall where the coffin lay. When Zhou Xiyang told the story, everyone had different expressions on their faces. But the next moment, October 10th spoke coldly, saying that she was almost swallowed too.

Her words caused an uproar among everyone. October 10th was a special three-star, which was considered very powerful in the brigade. If she is also swallowed, then everyone in the brigade will be in danger!

For a moment, everyone in the East District looked at the people in the West District with unkind eyes.

On October 10th and Bai Xiaotian, one strong and one weak, were both attacked by underground monsters. Their only characteristic is that they are all from the East End!

It's just a sneak attack by monsters, but you also focus on people from the East End for sneak attacks?

"Thank you, Team Zhou, for informing us of this news."

At this moment, Mia stood up and said sincerely: "We also have reciprocal news to report to everyone."

"I met a multi-treasure toad demon at the entrance from the first floor to the second floor of the underground palace. This demon mistakenly thought that I was a little wolf demon. It happened that this toad had a good relationship with the wolf demon, and I got a intelligence."

It was actually a mission. It was about Duobao Toad going to the third floor of the underground palace to attend a meeting with Old Lady Bai. Before leaving, he temporarily raised the children (tadpole demons) in a cornucopia. But when he came back, Duobao Toad was shocked and angry to find that his cornucopia was still there, but all the children had disappeared mysteriously!

Even the rootless water it contained in the basin was drank completely!

What's even more annoying is that the attacker didn't leave any information at all. Before leaving, Duobao Toad deliberately sealed the hole tightly with mucus. At this moment, the mucus at the hole is still intact, and the children are gone!

It was a coincidence that Mia was able to receive this task. There was interference from the dragon's veins in this underground palace, and the multi-treasure toads could not contact the children through normal channels, and they did not even know their life or death. The Toad promised that if she could find information about the attacker and recover its children, it would introduce Mia to the old lady Bai.

This is equivalent to choosing a camp. Of course, Mia didn't tell everything, she just talked about the mysterious disappearance of the Toad child.

"It seems that the attackers are not only targeting us, they are also unfriendly to the monsters in the underground palace."

Mia's words seemed to be reporting important information, but in fact she was explaining to the West District. Of course she knew what Zhou Xiyang and the others were suspecting at this moment. But - if Lord Devourer really took action, he wouldn't be able to send the Slime King to steal the Tadpole Demon.

If you don't want the cornucopia, don't fight with the multi-treasure toad, just steal the tadpole demon, and drink rootless water?

This is too vulgar and too obscene, definitely not something a Devourer would do.

"Who knows if he has any special hobbies? Maybe he even secretly learned hundreds of sun hymns."

The half-life Taoist muttered in a low voice, but both he and the others took Mia's words to heart. If Mia was not lying, the Devourer should not have done such a harmful thing as stealing human tadpoles and drinking human water.

It seems like it was made by Bing250.

While others were thinking about Devourer, Zhou Xiyang was thinking about Bing250. It was clear that Cui Director Ansheng was doing nothing wrong by staying in the room, but he always felt that Cui Director's shadow was everywhere.

It is indeed PTSD.

But if Cui Duo took action, he shouldn't have taken action against Bai Xiaotian and October 10th.

So it shouldn't be him.

"There's still one hour until eight o'clock. Let's first decide who will be the vigil for the coffin."

Zhou Xiyang waved away his distracting thoughts and said solemnly.

The coffin requires a round-the-clock vigil, and two people will definitely not go to the show this time. But guarding the coffin does not mean that it is safe. The underground monster incident is a wake-up call for everyone.

"Who wants to-"

"I come."

The first one to speak was Augustus!

* *

"Ha, Augustus may have to be exposed this time."

Mekel turned into a six-tailed civet cat and walked briskly in the depths of the underground palace. The attraction tasks they received from Director Cui were different from those of tourists from the other camp.

Half Life Taoist and the others were watching the performance, but Mekel and Augustus were participating in the shadow puppet show. They will appear at nine o'clock in the second half of the show, hide behind white cloth, pretend to be shadow puppets, and attack tourists.

Some monsters in the underground palace will join them in the attack, but the goal is to capture the white deer. It is said that the white snake in the "Legend of the White Snake" is the spiritual snake that lived under the throne of the mountain god hundreds of years ago. It died in the underground palace, and its spirit bones were stolen by the old monsters who took over the underground palace first.

This "Legend of the White Snake" was directed and performed by the old demons. After hearing the news about the White Snake's spiritual bones, the pure and kind-hearted Bai Lu would not sit idly by and let the White Snake's spiritual bones be tainted by monsters. As long as Bai Lu comes forward, the old demons are bound to win.

"Catch a white deer? What a beautiful idea."

Mekel sneered. Bai Lu has now taken refuge in Bing 250. The old demons want Bai Lu just for the sake of beauty. In Mekel's view, they might even have to pay for the scholar and soldiers, and even give away the white snake's spiritual bones.

"Augustus should be competing for the burial place."

Mekel said to himself that only in this way could he be separated from the large group of passengers.

However, there should be at least two people keeping watch. It is impossible for Zhou Xiyang to send two people from the West District to keep watch. Augustus' partner will most likely be assigned to watch on October 10th. Therefore, if Augustus wants to leave, October will definitely know. His involvement in the monster camp will be exposed tonight.

"This attraction will be completely divided into camps."

Mekel sighed, there are only two people in the monster camp now, which is really too few. Yes, this is indeed the best opportunity. To be fair, Mekel thinks that the three wolves in the West District are most likely to be classified as monsters. By then he, Mekel, would be alone.

Fortunately, he was the first to be separated and still had time to organize his own forces.

Meikeer speeded up, he was going to take Zhuyeqing with him tonight. After all, they are all snakes. When meeting your ancestors, Dai Qingqi may have unexpected effects——

"What's this?"

The civet cat suddenly stopped and tilted its head suspiciously.

On the ground in front of him, there was a pile of bright yellow bananas.

The 'cave' that Mekel built with his strength is on the second floor of the underground palace, relatively close to the entrance to the third floor. The monsters at the bottom are stronger. In fact, Mekel can go further, but there is the old lady Bai and many big monsters on the third floor, so Mekel is afraid and does not want to go.

The force closest to the entrance to the third floor is a group of cave spider monkey spirits. This kind of monkey is tall and thin, with slender limbs, and looks very human-like when standing upright. The back of the ‘wild man in the forest’ photographed by some explorers is actually a spider monkey.

The cave spider monkey is not as timid and gentle as its brothers in the forest, but has a bad temper. When the Mekel forces came in, this group of monkey spirits roared at them like dogs in an intimidating manner, and threw feces at them very savagely.

If Mekel hadn't beaten the Spider Monkeys so hard, their camp would have been flooded with excrement. But Mekel left some room for action. After all, behind these cave spider monkeys was the old lady Bai.

The spider monkey is just a knife of the old lady Bai. The provocation is just for testing. There is no need to tangle with them.


The appearance of bananas in the underground palace was so strange that Mekel immediately thought it was a trap set by the cave spider monkey looking for trouble, so he took a detour. Sure enough, before Mekel returned to the house, those spider-like black monkey spirits appeared again.


The leader monkey barked at Mekel indiscriminately, and the other monkey spirits were also eager to try, as if they were about to throw feces. But it looked like they had just returned from the three-story white old lady's place. They were all very clean and did not bring any feces with them. Mekel was too lazy to pay attention to them, and simply jumped on a tall stone sculpture, lying there leisurely and watching the fun——

Because Mekel noticed something was wrong. It seems that the bananas were not set by the cave spider monkey spirits. This group of monkey spirits with low IQs made no secret of their greed and ecstasy for bananas. After the leader threatened and shouted at Mei Ke, he immediately sent his cronies to get the bananas in a big way.

If that impatience was disguised, they wouldn't be so barbaric as to attack with feces. They truly believe that in the underground palace controlled by Old Lady Bai, with Old Lady Bai as their back, no one can do anything to them.

If it wasn't a trap set by cave spider monkeys, then who could it be?

Mekel had an unknown premonition in his heart.

There were too many bananas on the ground, and each of the seven or eight spider monkeys grabbed a handful of bananas and pulled them out with all their strength - but they couldn't pull them up.

The spider monkey spirits used various methods, roared and exerted force, but they could not pull the 'banana' out of the ground, and they roared angrily. The other monkey spirits who were watching and waiting to eat the banana couldn't sit still. They all rushed forward. The leader of the spider monkey roared and rushed to the front. He pushed away his cronies and plucked the banana himself.

Suddenly, it seemed to sense that something was wrong. Why couldn't the banana be pulled out? But it's too late now.

The ground sank suddenly without warning, and Mekel stood up suddenly. His cat eyes widened, his hair exploded, and he saw an extremely terrifying scene - these bright yellow bananas turned out to be the tentacles of a terrifying monster. The sunken ground is its bloody mouth!

Spider monkeys have a characteristic that they are reluctant to let go of what they have grabbed, even when they are in danger. But they can never let go of those bananas. In just a few seconds, dozens of spider monkey spirits were quietly swallowed and disappeared. The most chilling thing was that when the monster left, the ground was completely restored to the original state!

It was as if the spider monkey spirits had disappeared out of thin air.

Mekel's pupils shrank into a vertical line, the whole cat pressed tightly against the wall behind her, and her heartbeat was so fast that it wanted to burst her chest. If he hadn't been on the stone sculpture and not on the ground, would he have been swallowed by the monster? ?

What frightened Mekel the most was that he was completely unaware that there was a monster hidden deep in the earth! And this monster obviously has a certain IQ, and the 'banana' is its bait.

How dare it swallow the spider monkey spirit under Old Lady Bai!

What is the origin of this monster? Mekel saw its abyssal mouth. It is bright yellow and can use its tentacles to disguise bananas to trap prey. Mekel first ruled out abyss worms - most of these underground bugs are black, white and gray, and there will never be such a beautiful yellow.

Besides, there can be no abyss worms here!

"It's going to be chaos."

Mekel murmured that he didn't even touch the ground all the way back to his own territory, and he jumped back by stepping on various statues and sacrificial jars.

The entire underground palace is about to be in chaos. There is the breath of dragon veins below and thunder rolling above. The monsters' perception has been reduced to a minimum. Normally, if the spider monkey spirits disappear out of thin air, the old demons in the entire underground palace will definitely know it immediately, but now they disappear quietly.

It's like a different kind of Blizzard Villa.

How many monsters are there in this underground palace that have disappeared so quietly?

Mekel shuddered, eyes worried.

Not only because of the monsters hiding underground, but also because once the disappearance of the monsters is known to the old monsters, if the monsters are not found, they will most likely conflict with the brigade!

Fortunately, I followed Director Cui.

Mekel consoled himself.

The more chaotic the situation, the safer it is to follow Cui Guide. This is almost the truth that tourists have concluded after passing the first two attractions.

"Team Zhou and the others are in trouble."

If they follow the devil businessman or the tour guide who is undergoing the team leader assessment, they will definitely be in trouble.

* *

Conflict arose sooner than Mekel thought.

At 7:30 in the evening, when Zhou Xiyang and his party were preparing to go to the east side hall to watch a performance, they were blocked by a group of monsters.

"The cave spider monkey spirit is missing? This has nothing to do with us."

Zhou Xiyang said calmly: "We in the brigade have always stayed on the first floor of the underground palace and have never gone down. The cave spider monkey spirit you mentioned is on the second floor."

"Except for you, no one in this underground palace dares to touch the little beast raised by grandma!"

The monster, whose face was covered with brown hair and whose original appearance was unrecognizable, roared angrily.

Cave spider monkey spirits have low IQs. Although they call themselves monsters, in the eyes of serious monsters, they are nothing more than beasts. But no matter how beastly he is, he is still a beast raised by Mrs. Bai!

"Yes! Bring my children back quickly!"

A big khaki toad cried out loudly: "Children, my children!"

"The badger leader and his family have also disappeared! (Pig Badger Spirit)"

"The White Fairy has disappeared! (Pigeon Spirit)"

"The yellow-robed young man is also missing! (Roe Deer Spirit)"

The monsters started making a noise, and the passengers, who had originally looked solemn on their faces, realized that the matter was serious, but they couldn't laugh or cry at the same time.

"Please, can we teleport? Kill so many monsters in one afternoon?"

The Devil Merchant was initially frightened by Taoist Taoist Half Life's complaint, but after listening to it for a long time, he felt relieved. This afternoon, he lost consciousness for nearly an hour. When he recovered, he found that he had a completely peeled off spider monkey skin and a long-dead spider monkey. The fatal wound was in his throat. The throat was severed with a knife, but the skin was not damaged.

The spider monkey looks like a human from the back. There is a shadow puppet show tonight, and Mr. Skinny cannot hold back anymore.

If you skin a spider monkey today, you might skin someone else tomorrow, but the Devil Merchant is very calm - because he can't beat any of the travelers in this brigade. Even if the body is controlled by Mr. Skinned, his strength is still insurmountable.

The only one in danger is Xiao Cui, but Xiao Cui is surrounded by imperial energy, so Mr. Skinner is the least likely to hurt him.

Mr. Skinner will soon find that he has nothing to peel, and in the end he can only skin the Devil Merchant himself - but the Devil Merchant is a ghost and has no skin.

To some extent, this team leadership assessment was very easy. As long as the devil merchant leads the tourists to survive the enhanced difficulty attractions, it will be considered a success. As for how much the Devil Merchant can learn from this attraction and Mr. Skinner, and whether he can understand the new title, it all depends on how cruel he is to himself.

Killing the cave spider monkey spirit may arouse the hatred of the old lady Bai, but someone happened to slaughter the cave spider monkey spirit's family at this time, and there were obviously no clues, which made the devil businessman feel that he was quite lucky.

Especially when he was surrounded by monsters, the rescuer came.

"Why are you stuck here?"

When Wei Xun arrived with Tianhu Yu and Hui, White Deer Demon and Huangpao Ancestor Xiaoxue, he attracted the attention of all the demons. They dared to block Zhou Xiyang's path, but they didn't dare to block Wei Xun, even if there was a white deer behind him (I just don't know why the white deer's horns were broken).

Because the flames dancing on Wei Xun's fingertips are the true fire of Samadhi!

Nezha Ling doesn't like to stay underground and is not in the underground palace, but this ray of samadhi true fire is enough to make the monsters fearful. What's more, this person is still vaguely in tune with the underground dragon veins, and has the aura of thunder and lightning of heaven's punishment.

Even if he seems to be very weak, the big demons don't dare to mess with him at all.

Can't afford to offend.

"Grandma Bai is here——"

Just when the situation was getting into an embarrassing situation, a Qingyue cry sounded, and a snow-white jade dove spirit flew gracefully, landed on the ground, and turned into a woman in white with a coquettish eyebrow and a charming smile.

But the arrival of the pigeon spirit made the fairies even more embarrassed.

"Fairy Bai, are you okay?"

A certain monster said awkwardly.

It turned out that Fairy Bai was not missing, she was just cooing.

Well, now, they have no reason to block these humans - who knows if the other missing monsters have also gone missing?

"The children are naughty and make the gentleman laugh."

Apart from Fairy Bai's briefing, Old Mrs. Bai did not make any big moves. She looked like a kind-hearted old man. She looked at Wei Xun with eyes full of kindness and joy: "The Third Prince's Samadhi True Fire is indeed very powerful."

"Brother will definitely be happy to hear you praise him so much."

Wei Xun smiled. Hearing him call Nezha Ling his brother, Mrs. Bai smiled a little more kindly and sighed: "It's all a misunderstanding, but it's good for you to know. Something strange happened in this underground palace. It is true that many juniors have disappeared mysteriously. Mr. Pay more attention.”

"Just call me Xiaocui."

Wei Xun nodded and looked at the devil merchant. Knowing that Xiaocui was too lazy to exchange pleasantries, the handy devil merchant stepped forward to negotiate. Wei Xun retreated to the back, distracted and thinking about his own matters.


The slightly anxious white deer didn't dare to push against Wei Xun, so he pushed against the ferret. The ferret pushed its head away impatiently and hesitated - he didn't dare to disturb Wei Xun, so he stood on tiptoe and gently tugged on Yu Hehui's sleeves.

Yu Hehui understood, but he did not disturb the current Wei Xun. But after negotiating with the devil merchant, they and the monsters arrived at the East Side Hall. After sitting down in front of the stage, Yu and Huicai patted the back of Wei Xun's hand.

"Arrived at the location?"

Wei Xun, who had been deep in thought, finally came back to his senses, took out a handful of insect eggs and planted them under the ground of Dongpian Hall.

‘I think White Snake Spirit can still be saved. ’

Yu Hehui and Wei Xun chatted secretly: "The aura of this East Side Hall is very strong." ’

The spiritual energy is very dense and has not dispersed, indicating that the spiritual things still have a chance to condense again. It seems that although the old monsters took away the white snake's spiritual bones, they did not take them out of the Mountain God's Underground Palace, so they must be afraid.

After a pause, Yu Hehui said, "The Lingshen and He Shouwu are probably confirmed, but there is no trace of Tai Sui. It likes the place where spiritual energy gathers the most. It may grow in the white snake's spiritual bones or near the snake bones."

The white deer demon wants to find the spiritual bones for the white snake tonight, and he is willing to use his own deer antlers and newly grown spiritual deer antlers as the price to beg Wei Xun to help him.

Although Wei Xun agreed, Yu Hehui felt that Wei Xun was a little absent-minded. Wei Xun gave all the spiritual deer antlers and deer antlers to Yu Hehui, letting him eat them, but he was always thinking about something.

Just like when Mrs. Bai appeared just now, Wei Xun would never say just two words and be silent after a little intimidation.

'What are you thinking about? '

A sound of singing and playing, lively music sounded, and the stage in the middle of the east side hall was cleaned up at some point. I saw that the white cloth screen reflected by dozens of clear oil lamps was very bright, and there were green pines, cypresses and rocks on both sides of the two-meter-high cloth screen, as if it were real.

The performance started immediately, and the first ten minutes were for warm-up. There were shadow puppets of pigs, cows, sheep, deer, cranes and other animals projected on the white cloth screen in turn. They were the same size as the real thing, and their shadows tumbled and jumped on the cloth screen, sometimes turning into people and sometimes turning into animals. The performance was wonderful, which aroused a burst of applause in the hall. Even Mrs. Bai smiled and applauded.

Is it a shadow puppet or a monster?

The tourists stared at the screen and wrote down every animal that appeared on it.

Watch the show on the first day, make shadow puppets by hand on the second day, and perform a shadow puppet show by hand on the third day - according to the hotel's practice, this performance is very likely to be a "reproduction".

The monsters that appeared on the shadow puppet screen today may have to be skinned and made into shadow puppets tomorrow.

For this attraction, the team will be completely divided into camps, and everyone has this consensus.

'I'm thinking... some things are too late when I find them. '

'Besides, I don't really want to stop it. '

Wei Xun sighed, and the meaning revealed in his words was very contradictory. Before Yu Hehui could guess further, he heard Wei Xun chatting in private: ‘Think of a way, even if someone gets the remains of corn shoots, they can’t find it on me at all, can you do it? ’

‘This… it is possible. ’

Yu Hehui said: ‘Find the spiritual ginseng and take a piece of its ginseng leaf. When the time comes, you carry the ginseng leaf with you, and no one can find you by any means. ’

But the corn shoots are still young, what does Wei Xun want it to do?

‘The infancy of the abyss worm is long, at least a year…’

‘Alas, it’s too long, it’s too late. ’

Indeed, if Wei Xun wants to use corn shoots for this year-end celebration, it’s indeed a bit too late - but Yu Hehui keenly felt that Wei Xun was not talking about the year-end celebration that was still far away.

It was something that was right in front of him.

Sure enough, he heard Wei Xun say with melancholy: ‘It’s too late to save the spiritual ginseng, is there any way to take effect now… By the way. ’

Yu Hehui heard Wei Xun suddenly perk up and said with great interest: ‘The abyss breath of * * * on the corn shoots is very strong. Do you think there is a way to hide my breath under the abyss breath of * * *? ’

Yu Hehui’s heart almost stopped beating.

How could the corn shoots have the abyss breath of * * *? From Wei Xun’s tone, the breath is quite strong? ?

What did Wei Xun do? ! It can’t be-wait!

Yu Hehui suddenly remembered the pile of soil with * * * breath that Wei Xun dug and threw next to the corn shoot pottery!

No way, no way? !

How much abyss breath did * * * melt into Wei Xun? ? It can make the abyss worm pass the infancy? ? This shouldn’t be! No, no, maybe there is also the abyss breath of Wei Xun himself. After all, the mud dug by Wei Xun is actually his "flesh and blood". If the two are combined, it means-

‘Corn shoots, passed the infancy? ’

Thinking of the ‘disappearance’ of those monsters, Yu Hehui had an ominous premonition in his heart.

‘That’s right. ’

Wei Xun sighed.

This can’t be blamed on Xiao Cui. After all, Xiao Cui started the reproduction mode, and her mind was full of life and death. She didn’t think about anything else except life and eating. She worked hard to give Wei Xun thousands of mutant eggs. It was normal that she didn’t notice the situation of the corn shoots.

Wei Xun really didn’t expect it, and it was too late when he noticed it.

Who would have thought that the corn shoots would secretly become adults in one afternoon? !

‘Got it, I just need to integrate * * *’s breath. ’

Wei Xun suddenly had an idea and thought of a good way. The spirit integrated into An Xuefeng’s breath to indirectly control the Samadhi True Fire. Wei Xun was also familiar with this aspect.

It happened that he stayed by his side as the person in charge, so he could completely integrate another wave of ’s breath into his body. By then, naturally, even if others caught the corn shoots, they would definitely only be able to detect the breath of .

"Thousands of years of cultivation in Xiaotangshan, protecting the sacred mountain year after year, today the ground is sinking and the dragon veins are shaking, be careful and wait for the master to return!"*

After ten minutes of warm-up, the other monsters left one after another, leaving only the white deer and the white snake. The white cloth screen trembled, the lights swayed, and with the urgent music, a scene of mountains shaking and earthquakes, the ground sinking and the sky collapsing was performed in an instant. The "master" they mentioned naturally refers to the mountain god.

Those pine, cypress and mountain rocks were either broken or rolled down. The white deer and the white snake panicked and maintained their calm in the chaos to rescue the creatures in the mountains. But for some reason, the mountain god never returned, and this scene was really worrying.


"Strange." The half-life Taoist muttered in confusion:

"This should be a white snake, why is it yellow?"

I saw the 'white snake' reflected on the white screen, twisting vigorously, and it was actually a bright yellow color!

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