Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 198 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (34)

Five hours.

Do it for five hours.

The dream chaser was confused, while Yu Hehui was silent. Countless complex emotions surged into his heart, and Yu Hehui took a deep breath - the most important thing was that he had to go to the door.

For a moment, Yu Hehui felt like an ancient eunuch.

"Hehui, thank you for your hard work."

But when they heard Wei Xun sincerely say: "With your help, I can rest assured." Yu Hehui felt relieved. That's right, besides him, who else can Wei Xun trust?

"Don't say that. With Dream Chaser and Nezha Ling here, you will be fine."

Even fearing that Wei Xun's words would make Dream Chaser and Nezha Ling unhappy, Yu Hehui even helped him to make amends.

"People can't, at least they shouldn't..."

Dream Chaser murmured and took a deep breath: "I'm going to keep an eye on the Black Widow and the Puppet Master."

After that, Dream Chaser Xiaolong disappeared. If he stayed here any longer, he might not be able to help but want to preach.

Mental relief is mental relief, how can you use the word ‘do’!

Five hours, is that too much? ?

He believed Captain An would be able to control himself and refuse the unreasonable demands of Bing 250's addiction. At least he should do it for a shorter time!

But subconsciously, the dream chaser is afraid that Captain An will not be able to refuse. To be honest, who can refuse Bing250. Not to mention anything else or background, such a talented young tour guide only has you in his eyes and heart, and he only wants to have a spiritual connection with you. What tourist can control this?

Especially if you are the one who makes others addicted, you must not be irresponsible!

Thinking about it from his perspective, the dream chaser felt that he couldn't help it. He couldn't stay any longer, otherwise he was afraid that he would think of Captain An as a French coffee maker.

"My younger brother is older. It would be offensive if my elder brother doesn't stay here."

Nezha Ling was rarely sensible. He smiled and winked at Wei Xun, then turned his head and glanced to the right meaningfully, emphasizing: "A good brother should know when to avoid."

After saying that, Nezha Ling turned into a ball of red light and disappeared. Yu Hehui noticed Nezha Ling's glance and looked over there, but saw nothing. Wei Xun was taking off his mask at this time.

Taking off the mask, the whole world seemed to light up. Although the tour guide's mask doesn't weigh much and feels like another layer of skin, Wei Xun doesn't like any restraint and always feels a little stuffy when wearing it.

"Hey you!"

Yu Hehui was shocked when he saw this, and subconsciously wanted to stop him.

"Don't worry, the live broadcast is blocked."

Wei Xun took off his hood, shook his slightly long hair, and tied it together casually to make it look more refreshing. He wears a necklace and crown, and the false king is the first layer of shielding. He put on the invisibility cloak again, which was a second layer of shielding.

Yu Hehui was still very anxious: "No, I mean -"

"he knows."

Wei Xun looked at his naked skin in the mirror, checking if there were any mottled mud spots. If there were any, he would bake them with fire. But thinking that he might be sweating and crying, and there would be water anyway, he took a deep breath and simply gave up.

"Although this is the case, you should always cover it up."

Yu Hehui spoke sincerely. Although Captain An most likely knew that Wei Xun was Bing 250, didn't he just pretend not to notice and wanted to leave a way out for Wei Xun?

There has to be a fig leaf!

"you're right."

Wei Xun thought about it for a moment, but then put on the life-haunting man's scarlet cloak outside. Although he trusts Yu Hehui, if there is an accident that he cannot prevent, the life-seeking cloak can always withstand the fatal blow for him.

Yu Hehui was speechless, that's not what he meant!

But seeing that Wei Xun didn't care, Yu Hehui reluctantly endured it and said no more. Just seeing Wei Xun put on his hood again like Little Red Riding Hood, with his face exposed and wearing a tour guide's cloak, he couldn't help it anymore—— In the public mind, tour guides are mysterious and weird, and never reveal their true colors. The way Wei Xun showed his face at the moment, it was as if he was naked and wearing a cloak!

He is still wearing the cloak of a life-seeking man!

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

After enduring it again and again, Yu Hehui finally persuaded him tactfully.

Although it's just mental relief, being the life-haunting man's younger brother on the life-haunting man's, it's spiritual communication. Yu and Hui felt like they were getting weak just thinking about it - how could they concentrate on this? How could they be so suspicious and fearful of being killed on the spot?

"It's quite suitable."

Wei Xun wasted no time. He placed the clay pot with corn shoots in a dark corner of the room and let the little worms grow freely. After taking stock of the demonic insects on his body, he released Xiaojin, the most concealed demonic mosquito, to search for information. He also released a dozen demonic bees, letting them fly in various corridors outside his room.

Once someone comes or a demon bee loses contact, Wei Xun can detect it immediately.

Not to mention that he also planted the second batch of a thousand mutated evil ghost insects in the underground palace. You must know that evil ghost insects can not only eat soil, but they also like to eat stones. At this moment, these evil insects have already chewed through the blue bricks of the underground palace, and they are all lurking in the brick layer of the underground palace.

The small hole was in the corner of Wei Xun's room, tightly blocked by a clay pot.

When everything was ready, Wei Xun sat on the sleeping bag and looked up at Yu Hehui. Yu Hehui held his breath, turned around and walked outside. As he moved, snow-white fox fur grew out, and he transformed into a fox state, guarding the door for Wei Xun.

After Yu and Hui went out, Wei Xun lowered his head and looked in the mirror. He moved the hair from his forehead and stared at the bright red dots formed by An Xuefeng's blood and Samadhi True Fire. He took off his mask this time just to better observe the changes in the red dots on his forehead and heart. It would be best if he had enough communication this time and pocketed the true fire of Samadhi.

"I believe you can hear that I must contain this flame."

Taking out the flaming red phoenix feather and swiping it across his forehead, Wei Xun said slowly and softly: "Spiritual communication, let me be infected with your breath. I really need this ray of flame, otherwise the next scenic spot will be dangerous."

He was providing An Xuefeng with psychological training from a distance. Otherwise, based on An Xuefeng's character, if Wei Xun really wanted to undergo five hours of mental relief, he might really refuse!

But Wei Xun has good reasons, and the situation is different.

"Do you think five hours is too long?"

Wei Xun chuckled, closed his eyes and placed the feather at the end of his nose, taking a deep breath of the hot smell on it.

"Then you have to work harder and show no mercy."

When the breath is infected, when the spiritual communication ends, this is what Wei Xun means!

Want a quick fix?

Then show your true skills.

After a brief silence, a ray of firelight shone outside his eyelids, hot and bright, and Wei Xun's eyes turned orange. He tried to open his eyes, but he felt as if his eyelids were pressed by something and he couldn't open them. The other party seemed to be a little cold and angry, the force suppressing him was stronger than before, and his movements were also a little rough.

Wei Xun felt the wet moisture, and his eyelids were wet and cold, but he was careful to isolate the heat so that Wei Xun's eyeballs would not be burned.

This feels like a * * * tentacle. If normal, Wei Xun might comfort him * * * by the way. But the drop of blood on his forehead belonged to An Xuefeng, and what Wei Xun needed at the moment was An Xuefeng, the phoenix bird, and he had no time to pay attention.

Thinking about the fact that he is now a clay figure, and what kind of tragedy it would be if his wet tentacles were stuck in front of his eyes, Wei Xun...

Wei Xun didn't have the courage to move anymore. It was rare for him to lie quietly. He just wanted to cover his eyes with * * * tentacles and not move anywhere else. With * * * tentacles blocking his eyes, his mental perception is even sharper.

Wei Xun seemed to 'see' the golden-red figure, who was looking at him condescendingly, as if he was making a difficult decision. He stretched out his hand to Wei Xun, but his action was rarely decisive, and instead he hesitated.

But Wei Xun didn't like this posture. In the spiritual world, he directly grabbed An Xuefeng's hand and pulled it down hard - but it didn't move. An Xuefeng stood very stable. He seemed to realize that Wei Xun didn't like being looked down upon, so he squatted down so that his eyes were as level as possible with him.

"Quick victory."

Wei Xun saw that An Xuefeng seemed to want to open his mouth to speak, so he directly covered his mouth and laughed softly: "Don't you want some mental relief?"

“Deepening the spiritual connection is good for you and me.”

But it shouldn't be like this!

An Xuefeng doesn't like this kind of pure transaction, where everyone gets what they need. He frowned and held Wei Xun's hand. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes fell on Wei Xun's face, but he was startled by the smile in his eyes and turned his head subconsciously.

Tour guides have masks to hide their faces, and tourists can never and should not explore the tour guide’s true identity and true appearance. Even if there is a tourist guide married in the hotel, the tourist will probably die without knowing the true appearance of the tour guide.

What tourists are most familiar with is the various masks of tour guides, rather than their true faces. This is the rule and mutual respect.

Wei Xun found it interesting. He held An Xuefeng's face and forced him to turn his head. Seeing that An Xuefeng didn't turn around, Wei Xun said deliberately: "Why, you don't dare to look at me?"

He was full of bad intentions and pretended to suddenly realize: "Or are you saying that my cloak is an eyesore?"

After saying that, Wei Xun looked displeased and wanted to get up, but was stunned for a moment when Wei Xun grabbed the scarlet cloak. He actually felt that the cloak was slightly hot! Different from the burning sensation of flames, this dry heat is more like the sun at noon, emitting light and heat overbearingly, causing the earth to crack and the rivers to dry up.

The warmth of the cloak was more like some kind of induction. Wei Xun's heart moved slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to look to his right.

But this time it was his face that was blocked by An Xuefeng.

Wei Xun's face suddenly turned cold, and he struggled without making a sound. An Xuefeng sighed: "You little wolf cub, you are so quick to fall out."

"You can't look, you know?"

Seeing that Wei Xun showed no signs of cooperation at all, he even began to attack his spiritual world without any guidance. An Xuefeng clicked his tongue, frowned and turned around: "Leave quickly, do you want him to go crazy?"

"The real body hasn't come out yet, so stay calm. Do you want to--"

Wei Xun couldn't hear the rest of the words, as if someone had blocked his hearing. He fell into a vast darkness, unable to see or hear, but this made Wei Xun even more calm. He thought about An Xuefeng's words over and over again. He couldn't bear to look at it and went crazy. In other words, the person who came to order was not the real body, but a person in charge similar to * * *.

The real body has not yet come out, and the life-seeking people are still trapped in the Inca Sun Gate. But in his mental state, Wei Xun could 'see' the person in charge of the fate. In other words, the other party was most likely to be traveling to the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, just like ***.

He had two examiners.

Wei Xun figured everything out.

At the same time, Yu Hehui, who was guarding the door, also encountered problems.

"Mr. Devourer, you shouldn't be here."

The three-tailed fox stood up alertly, staring seriously at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, who looked like an English aristocrat, and said calmly: "The devil merchant is not here, you must have gone to the wrong place."

Just as Yu Hehui had just been guarding the door, the Devourer arrived quietly.

"I didn't go wrong."

The Devourer said lightly, leaning on his cane, standing three meters away from Yu Hehui. His dark green eyes were still as cold as ice, and the vortex-shaped mithril mask covered his face, making it impossible to figure out his intentions through his expression.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Waiting for someone? Waiting for whom?

Yu Hehui was more wary of the Devourer. When he died, the Devourer had not risen at all. Yu Hehui didn't know much about him, only that his orange title seemed to be related to the golden slime.

The one who can beat the two old and powerful tour guides, Duke Lizard and Black Widow, and sit firmly in the high position of S1 in the West District must not be underestimated.

"There is no one you are waiting for here."

Yu Hehui showed a completely unwelcome attitude, full of unkindness and vigilance. He informed the dream chaser as soon as the Devourer appeared. If the Devourer had any unusual signs, Yu Hehui would attack without hesitation.

But just as the Devourer said, he seemed to be waiting for someone. He just waited quietly in the same place without moving forward. The moment the dream chaser arrived, the Devourer moved. Yu Hehui was about to take action, but felt a scorching hot wind blowing past him.

In a trance, Yu Hehui seemed to see a cold and thin figure. He was wearing a black robe with star and moon patterns. He was as cold as the lonely night sky, but as hot as magma. The black robe was like solidified and cooled lava. The dazzling spots that formed the star and moon patterns were not like starlight and moonlight, but more like flowing magma.

Yu Hehui felt a tingling pain in his head and his eyes went black after just one look. The other party seemed to glance at Yu Hehui. Although he could not see his face clearly, Yu Hehui sensed the other party's cold anger. As if being locked by the hunter, Yu Hehui's heart beat like a drum. It was not until the man and the devourer disappeared that he came to his senses.

"It's him."

When Yu Hehui came to his senses, the dream chaser had rushed to his side. The dream chaser Xiaolong turned into a human form with a cold expression.

"The person in charge."

Yu Hehui's face was ugly, and there was even more doubt and contemplation.

He was the person in charge, and he was also the examiner of Wei Xun.

The slice incarnation that Xi Mingren had been hiding.

But how could it be him?

"Who is it?"

Yu Hehui didn't remember the person in charge wearing the black robe of stars and moons, which means that the other party was not active in the first ten years.

"Can't be sure."

The dream chaser obviously recognized it, but still shook his head: "Too deliberate."

Wearing the black robe of stars and moons with such obvious directionality is almost like intentional. If it is really because of this, it would be stupid to easily confirm the identity of the person in charge of Xi Mingren.

"I'm going to leave for a while."

The dream chaser said. To be honest, the fact that the leader of the Hipster, Slice, left with the Devourer was more concerning to the Dreamer than finally realizing who the leader of the Hipster was.

Slice and the Devourer left, and the Dreamer left too. Only Yu Hehui was left in front of Wei Xun's door. The Sky Fox turned around twice, with its nose touching the door, and its ears pressed against the door, listening to the movement in the room.

Slice came out of the room, which made Yu Hehui very worried about Wei Xun's safety. However, after carefully sensing through the contract between the two and confirming that Wei Xun was fine, Yu Hehui did not push the door to disturb him after all.

The Sky Fox sat cross-legged in front of the door, with three tails like lotus petals without a single flaw surrounding it. Yu Hehui closed his eyes slightly, alerting all directions while operating the broken Sky Fox Inner Pill to absorb the power from it.

This incident alerted Yu Hehui. He didn't have as much time as he thought. It was ridiculous. He was now a special four-star passenger, much stronger than Wei Xun, but the danger Wei Xun faced was even more advanced.

Like the Devourer, or some of the leaders who went a step further, Yu Hehui's current strength could not stop them.

He had to recover his original strength as soon as possible.

"Do you still need mental relief?"

Wei Xun could not perceive the conflict outside the door. Soon, his five senses recovered. But the scarlet cloak in his hand lost its temperature.

The person related to the scarlet cloak had left. Wei Xun tightened his grip on the cloak and then released it. He opened his eyes in the spiritual world, and his calm eyes met An Xuefeng's eyes.

An Xuefeng's eyes, attracted by the phoenix feathers, were golden red, like two pools of magma. This time, he did not avoid his gaze, but looked directly at Wei Xun's face, taking in all the expressions on his face and eyes. There were many emotions in his heart, but An Xuefeng's eyes were very calm.

He let go of Wei Xun's hand and stepped back. If Wei Xun wanted to break the mental connection, he would not refuse. But at the moment of letting go, Wei Xun held his hand in reverse, moved his upper body closer, pressed An Xuefeng, and looked like he was sitting on An Xuefeng's legs.

"Do it."

You must become strong enough, Wei Xun is extremely calm and rational.

But when their spirits began to entangle and their breaths were infiltrated with each other, Wei Xun took advantage of An Xuefeng's relaxation and bit his neck, and heard An Xuefeng groan.

Although he was rational and calm... he was still very angry.

An Xuefeng did not let go, nor did he push him away, but let Wei Xun vent his anger. He bit An Xuefeng's neck. The mental trauma was more painful than the physical injury, but it also made them more closely connected.

The breaths infiltrated each other through the close contact wounds, and unbearable pain and pleasure coursed through Wei Xun's body. Tears fell from his eyes. He raised his neck and opened his mouth to scream silently. Obviously he wanted to stay away, but his body longed for the intense pain and pleasure, and instead he got closer to An Xuefeng.

An Xuefeng stared at Wei Xun's neck, which was close at hand. His jaw stretched like a hard line, and the fire in his eyes became darker and darker, until it was almost dark red, like the embers after a flame burned out. The rationality of human nature is hidden in the embers, vaguely revealing the animalistic desire for exclusivity hidden deep in the heart.

He endured it again and again, and finally bit Wei Xun's Adam's apple.

That's where * * * the demon species is.

The hot breath was imprinted there, like a mark. However, it aroused the cold dissatisfaction of the other party. Wei Xun was immersed in the spiritual world and suddenly felt that he could not breathe smoothly, as if he was tightly bound by a giant python. It was the ***** tentacles in the real world that wrapped around his body.

The clay figurine's body becomes softer than usual when exposed to moisture, and it can easily make any movements. As the tentacles wrapped around him, he intentionally condensed his breath into liquid droplets, blending into the clay figure's body.

The wet mud was filled with liquid full of * * * scent. It was dried by the hot phoenix feathers again and again, and wetted again and again by the tentacles. Repeatedly, his own scent finally spread all over Wei Xun's body and remained in his body. deep.

——Wei Xun's spirit was tainted with An Xuefeng's aura, but the clay figure's body was fused with * * * liquid.

This is much more than the connection between a serious tour guide and tourists. But I want him to be dirtier, I want him to lose control, I want him to be covered with his own breath. As the aura deepened, the red blood drops on Wei Xun's forehead gradually faded and disappeared.

This means that this drop of blood is gradually controlled by him and merges with Wei Xun, no longer distinct. However, it also vaguely seems that the gonggongsha, which represents chastity, has disappeared into nothingness because the subject has lost his virginity.

No man would not be excited to see such a scene, and the tentacles wrapped around Wei Xun's body even more fiercely. The dark love and desire were like the beasts hidden deep in the heart that had been removed from their shackles. This beast also affected An Xuefeng - they were the same person after all.

——Five hours is really a long time.

* *

"Why are you back now?"

Zhang Xingzang, who was eating potato chips and watching the live broadcast with relish, did not expect that the dream chaser would suddenly come back, and subconsciously hid the high-calorie junk food behind his back. But the dream chaser had no time to pay attention to him, and simply said briefly: "Go to the home station and follow me."

The dream chaser had the authority over Homecoming and successfully took Zhang Xingzang to Homecoming's reception room. Wang Pengpai was already waiting for them at the door.

"what happen?"

Dream Chaser will suddenly bring Zhang Xingzang to visit, and there is definitely something important.

"Are Captain An free?"

"Ah, haha."

Wang Pengpai was a little embarrassed, laughed dryly, and coughed: "Well, Captain An just took a break."

"Team An, is he in such a bad state now?"

Zhang Xingzang said strangely: "I remember that he was very energetic at that time and stayed up all night. No one could survive him."

"Is Bai Xiaosheng here?"

Dream Chaser calmly stepped on Zhang Xingzang to shut him up and skipped this embarrassing topic for Wang Pengpai.

"Well, Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Shucheng went back to reality to meet their parents."

Wang Pengpai was talking nonsense, but he felt that the tone of Dream Chaser was wrong, so he became serious: "What's wrong?"

"If you have anything, just tell me."

"Are you still in contact with the astrologers?"

Dream Chaser asked directly.

There are walls between the east and west districts, but the astrologer is the captain of the second-ranked brigade ‘Oulti□□ (Occultism)’ in the west district. On the way back, we didn’t have a close relationship with the First Whitechapel Brigade in the West District. After all, Whitechapel as a whole was too exclusive and had zero tolerance for ‘pollution’ and ‘devils’.

The relationship with the Second Occult School was not bad. When An Xuefeng went to Raleye, there was the Grand Mage of the Occult School's deputy team on board. An astrologer even made a prediction for An Xuefeng that "only enough Maria butterfly fragments can alleviate An Xuefeng's strange disease."

It can be seen how close the relationship between the two parties is.

"Fortunately, the astrologers are still the same."

Dream Chaser asked: "He still hasn't been able to reconcile with his principal?"

"Yeah, it still doesn't work."

Wang Pengpeng shrugged: "And he doesn't really want to reconcile. After all, the 'ideas' are different."

People in the occult have eccentricities. It is said that an astrologer made a major prediction about the hotel ten years ago, but no one knows the specific content of the prediction. From then on, Astrologer lived in seclusion, until he caused a big fuss when Slice became the principal - Astrologer actually got into a fight with Slice, his principal!

It wasn't a fake fight, it was a fight with real swords and guns, almost causing both sides to suffer injuries and fall at the same time! There was such a big fuss that even An Xuefeng rushed to the West District to help separate the astrologer from his slice.

"You also know what the astrologer cut off."

Wang Peng sighed.

Normal tourists or tour guides have separated part of their emotions and souls. In essence, they are still the same individuals.

If you die, there will still be slices of it. Although it will be weakened, it is not completely dead.

But astrologers are unique.

He cut out his pessimistic attitude towards the prophecy!

The prophecy is obscure and difficult to understand, and there are many ways to answer it. Some are positive and clear, while others are naturally negative and pessimistic. The same prophetic astrologer can see "destruction" and "hope", depending on which aspect of the answer.

"So we all guess that the astrologer made a very terrible prediction that year."

Wang Peng said: "It's so scary that he has to cut out his pessimistic attitude in order to stay sane and not go crazy."

Therefore, it is normal for astrologers to treat their own slices as enemies and not want to merge at all. then? ? ? The fierce life-and-death battle with the astrologer is actually an attempt to self-destruct. But after being stopped by An Xuefeng,? ? ? He has disappeared since then.

"??? Are you still alive?"

Dream Chaser asked.

? ? ? It's the code name of the person in charge of Astrologer's Slicing. What will the code name be? ? ? , it is enough to see how pessimistic and confused the other party is about the future.

"Have you seen????"

Faced with Wang Pengpai's question, Dream Chaser nodded: "It's him, but it's not necessarily him."

The other party is wearing it? ? ? The person in charge wears a robe, but the controller inside is most likely a life-seeking person.

"I see."

Wang Pengpai's mind was spinning quickly: "You mean, the examiner of Bing250 is not the person in charge of Xi Mingren, but???"

"Maybe it's controlled by someone who is desperate???"

The dream chaser said solemnly: "Too pessimistic??? He didn't self-destruct, but lived until now. There is something wrong in the first place."


Wang Peng sighed, finally understanding the purpose of the dream chaser: "It is said that when the astrologer made the prophecy about the hotel, the life-seeker was the only one present. Some people also said that the prophecy was not about the hotel, but about the hotel. Life-loving."

If the astrologer's pessimism is really related to the life-seeking person, then what did he cut out? ? ? It is only natural that after self-destruction fails, one would seek out someone who is trying to kill someone.

Mingxi people have insight into fate and play with fate. Is it related to that prophecy? ? ? Of course I'll find him.

Even with? ? ? Judging from his pessimism and self-destructive tendencies, it is normal for him to give up on himself and become a puppet of someone who is desperate for life.

"It is difficult for a life-loving person to have someone in charge to slice him. If his 'slice' is???, then it would be appropriate."

Wang Pengpai said calmly: "What's more, the Butcher's Alliance is a large organization that spans the East and West districts. With his life-seeking character, we don't believe that his control over the Butcher's Alliance is only in the East District. He must also have arrangements in the West District."

? ? ? As a principal affiliated with the West End, this is fitting.

"Is everything okay over there at the Inca Sun Gate?"

Dream Chaser calmed down and asked: "??? It has contact with the Devourer. I suspect that the Life-seeker wants to come out early."

When he said this, Dream Chaser paused. Thinking that he was already addicted to An Xuefeng, he opened his mouth and said "do it for five hours" Bing250...

Dream Chaser was silent. He suddenly felt that even if Ming Chaser wanted to come out early, it was very reasonable.

Moreover, Bing250 will also be his best successor. The psychic will go to the battlefield with the life-seeking person. It is difficult for Yin-Yang Butterfly to take charge of the overall situation, and his personality does not match. But when Bing250 came in, everything was solved.

The life-loving person will never be able to endure the day of the year-end celebration. He will definitely come out early and teach Bing250 personally.

Dream Chaser chatted with Wang Pengpai for a while, and Zhang Xingzang also joined the conversation. To be honest, I haven't had any rest at all with Bing250 in the past few days. In other words, Dream Chaser hasn’t had a good rest since Zhang Xingzang was rescued——

There was almost no rest time before rescuing Zhang Xingzang.

The tense spirit relaxed slightly, and the dream chaser yawned, feeling extremely sleepy. The cloak on his body began to change in light and dark. Zhang Xingzang and Wang Pengpai lowered their voices when they saw this, and the dream chaser fell into a light sleep.

Sleep is the accumulation of strength for dreamers, the devourer,? ? ? and The Puppet Master both bring a sense of urgency to Dream Chaser. He fell into a deep sleep and woke up suddenly after a while.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Dream Chaser asked subconsciously, but it was not Zhang Xingzang who answered him.

"You slept for three hours."

"An team?"

Dream Chaser looked up and saw An Xuefeng sitting opposite him. An Xuefeng's short hair was still wet, as if he had just taken a shower, and his whole body was covered with the mint fragrance of shower gel. The most eye-catching thing is that there are two band-aids crisscrossed on his neck.

"The sun exploded in the Inca Sun Gate, it's the tenth cycle."

Noticing the gaze of the dream chaser, An Xuefeng subconsciously turned his head and said seriously: "The dream chaser will come out before the year-end celebration. The estimated time is..."


An Xuefeng's words were interrupted by Dream Chaser, who said in surprise: "It's not even five hours yet, why did you—"

It’s less than five hours, why did you come out early?

"What five hours?"

The dream chaser felt something was wrong as soon as he said the words, so he kept silent. Zhang Xingzang didn't even blink and was still asking curiously.

Just ask, just ask!

Didn’t you see that An Xuefeng’s face turned dark?

* *

"It's not five hours yet?"

The moment Wei Xun opened the door, Yu Hehui was as confused as the dreamer.

"It was quite intense, and it was done in three hours."

Wei Xun wrote lightly, Yu Hehui glanced at him, and rationally did not ask "how intense it was."

But seeing the wound on Wei Xun's Adam's apple and the rich, moist aura of another person on his body, Yu Hehui felt a little upset.


Wei Xun called Yu Hehui in, mainly because Yu Hehui brought most of the water and other items. After receiving the water, Yu Hehui saw Wei Xun take off his cloak and clothes, and then poured a whole bottle of water onto himself without hesitation.

"What are you—"

Yu Hehui was speechless as Wei Xun easily healed the wound on his Adam's apple, dug out all the dirt with a * * * smell on his body, and threw it into the clay pot where the corn shoots were grown.

He dug up and threw away so much mud that the pot overflowed and the mud fell into a small heap around it. Wei Xun didn't feel any pain, so he bought a few bottles of growth potion from the hotel, and the missing mud on his body grew back.

After some cleaning, the * * * aura on Wei Xun's body had completely disappeared.

Wei Xun seemed angry.

Yu Hehui hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't hold it back, and frowned in a low voice and asked: "Captain An, did he bully you?"

Wei Xun always likes to have fun, and this is the first time that Yu Hehui sees Wei Xun like this! And it was over in three hours. Did Captain An do something excessive?

"No, it's pretty cool."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "I feel very good now."

"Really, look."

Wei Xun opened his hand, and a blazing red flame burned on his fingertips, which was the true fire of Samadhi. The purpose of his spiritual exchange has been achieved. An Xuefeng's aura is immersed in his spirit, the drop of blood is completely integrated into Wei Xun's body, and the Samadhi True Fire in the blood is used by him.

"Team An is very good."

Wei Xun didn't hesitate to praise him, and he successfully soaked up the breath in three hours, which saved Wei Xun a lot of trouble.

"and you……"

Yu Hehui was still worried and glanced at the pile of mud piled in the corner.

Wei Xun sighed: "Captain An did nothing wrong, it's just that I'm not strong enough."

Looking at his current strength, the person in charge would indeed go crazy, and Wei Xun knew this.

"It's just some anger."

Of course, I understand, but I still have emotions. However, this emotion, including the bite he gave An Xuefeng, actually made no sense. After all, theoretically speaking, there is not much close relationship between them.

Or is it because of the connection between tour guides and tourists and the addictive relationship that there will be more demand.

Not only him, An Xuefeng was also disturbed.

Is their relationship too deep?

During the sage's time, Wei Xun deeply analyzed himself. During this spiritual exchange, he almost did something that went beyond the normal relationship between tourists and tour guides. Fortunately, An Xuefeng was able to hold his own, but it still crossed the line.

The serious relationship between a tour guide and a tourist is different from what Wei Xun originally thought of as a bed partner. Although he doesn't care about this, as long as it feels good enough, he will also wonder, when will the love and possessiveness brought about by adventure dissipate?

It's like the adventure effect is still affecting me, but it's more like it has long since surpassed the effect of the adventure. The definition of their relationship seems to have been blurred.

Wei Xun didn't touch the connection with An Xuefeng, he just cleaned away the traces and aura caused by * * * on his body.

"There happens to be still time, I'll go see the White Deer."

It's just past six o'clock now, which is just the right time.

Knowing that Wei Xun was fine, Yu Hehui felt relieved and walked next door with him. The door closed, and darkness and silence returned to the room. Suddenly, there was a slight vibration from the pottery pot in the corner.

"Russing, rustling, rustling——"

The accumulated soil in the clay pot slowly rotated like a vortex, and within a few seconds began to fall rapidly like an hourglass! The soil rich in abyss energy was crazily sucked in by the corn shoots, and its size also expanded like a balloon. In an instant, all the soil in the clay pot was swallowed up by it, but the corn shoots were still not satisfied!


It seems like there are countless bright yellow ribbons shooting out from the mouth of the clay pot, but these are the tentacles of corn shoots! After devouring the soil, it mutated again. The tentacles greedily explored the soil scattered around, crazily rolling them up and stuffing them into its mouth. In just a few seconds, all the soil was eaten by it.


The clay pot could not withstand the swelling and enlarged corn shoots, and numerous fine cracks appeared around it. However, after hearing the sound, the corn shoots froze.

The Father

Stay in the container and cannot go out, this is the command of the powerful Father.

But it has become so big now that it will definitely burst the little jar. One of its tentacles will be as thick as the original one.

what to do?

The not-so-smart corn shoots were in trouble, and suddenly, they thought of a brilliant idea.


The bottom of the clay pot was bitten off and devoured by it, and the whole worm of the corn shoots slipped freely into the small hole bitten by the evil bugs. Of course, it listened to its father's words and only leaned in with most of its body, and the tail end was still there. It's against the clay pot - but the clay pot is too small, and even the end of it can't fit in.

The clever corn shoot extends a tentacle into the clay pot to disguise its former self. It even cleverly swallowed a lot of soil, refilled the pot, and restored the small mounds around the pot.

In this way...Father...should not...find out...

The rich abyss atmosphere contained in the soil allowed the corn shoots to survive the most difficult period of infancy. Now it urgently needs to devour a large amount of soil, rock formations and ores to seize the energy for growth.

Grow up and become stronger!

As they passed underground next door, the corn shoots smelled the strong scent of prey.


Next door is...father's prey...cannot eat...

The corn shoots turned around and went to look for food elsewhere. Although the end is against the flower pot, it is not so free. But corn shoots have countless tentacles. Those tentacles help it grab prey, scavenge soil and rocks, and eat these energy-rich foods. The corn shoots grow longer and longer.

"Yo yo yo!"

The white deer demon jumped up and down anxiously, banging its head on the floor tiles like crazy.

"Stop hitting me, you're stupid to begin with."

Koyuki, the stoat who transformed into a white-haired boy, scolded.

This white deer has gone crazy several times, and this is not the first time he hit the floor tiles. When it first hit it, Xiaoxue was curious and dug up the floor tiles, only to see scorpion-like black insects that had just hatched on the ground. The scariest thing is that it's even inside the floor tiles.


Xiaoxue shuddered at the thought of being surrounded by insects. But these insects have the aura of their master, and it is impossible to kill them, not even in this life. Out of sight and out of mind, Xiaoxue put the bricks back again.

When he saw Bailu crashing into the ground again, he was no longer annoyed, and even felt a little pity.

"Let's take the master to find Ginsengjing as soon as possible."

Xiaoxue tried to persuade the White Deer Demon, but he also felt that he was doing a good deed.

It would be too scary to develop to the point where Xiaotang Mountain is full of bugs.

It would be good for everyone to get ginseng essence as soon as possible so that the owner would no longer plant insects.


Seeing Wei Xun open the door and come in, Xiaoxue greeted him enthusiastically. His attitude had changed a lot from the first. The insect swarm under the dense floor tiles made a great contribution.

"Bai Lu, he—hey!"

"Yo yo yo!"

Bailu, who was still hitting the ground just now, rushed over uncharacteristically, knocked Xiaoxue away, his hooves softened, and he knelt down in front of Wei Xun! Yu Hehui frowned and tried to stand between Wei Xun and the White Deer Demon, but Wei Xun waved his hand to stop them.

"You, you are a destined person, the incarnation of the essence of earth. Under your protection, the ginseng essence will be able to successfully transform into a spirit."

This white deer actually spoke human words, and his voice was pitiful. And it was very obedient and put a tall hat on Wei Xun directly.

"Yes, I will protect it."

Wei Xun said. He grabbed the ginseng not to eat it, but to see if it was Tong Hege. If it is the best, if not...

we'll talk about it then.

Hearing Wei Xun's sincerity, the trembling White Deer Demon calmed down a bit. It can tell the truth of people's words and know that what the earth spirit says is true.

Although the method is a bit radical, this local spirit really wants to protect the spiritual ginseng.

"It's not that Ling Shen doesn't want to come to see you. He is trapped and cannot leave the ginseng nest. Now the ginseng nest is completely hidden, even I can't find it."

The White Deer Demon's tone also softened a little, and he tentatively said: "If, if you can rescue the mountain man from Old Lady Bai, you may be able to send a message to the ginseng spirit and let the ginseng nest appear."


Wei Xun asked, but he didn't look at the white deer demon, but looked at Yu Hehui. Just now, he felt Yu Hehui's violent mood swings.


Yu Hehui opened his mouth, but his voice was extremely hoarse and almost inaudible. This was the first time Wei Xun had seen him so excited.

" another name for Polygonum multiflorum."

Although there was always some hope in their hearts, Yu Hehui did not dare to think too much. It's just ginseng essence. It's too early to say it's Tong Hege. This is really not certain.

After all, although Tong Hege's ancestors were ginseng collectors, Tong Hege's orange title has nothing to do with ginseng, but "Mountain Ghost", the mountain ghost in "Chu Ci Nine Songs".

His most commonly used spiritual objects are not ginseng essence, but polygonum multiflorum and Tai Sui.

Tai Sui is a holy medicine for healing and treating mental trauma. And Polygonum multiflorum...cough. Tong Hege's Polygonum multiflorum is really powerful in treating hair loss. Every time it was put on the shelves in hotel malls, it was always snatched up. Tong Hege's Polygonum multiflorum was indispensable for being able to buy a decent hotel so quickly.

Just the appearance of spiritual ginseng is nothing, but if Polygonum multiflorum and spiritual ginseng appear together——

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows: "There's something going on."

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