Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 195 Update 1

The group of bat spirits in the cave in front of us clearly shows that this road is blocked. There must be a mechanism leading to the underground palace in the above-ground part of the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace. The travelers discussed that Zhou Xiyang would take O'Lion to explore the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, while the others stayed outside to find other ways to get down to the underground palace.

Zhou Xiyang and O'Lion left, but there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the team outside. Everyone's eyes seemed to glance at the devil merchant, and even Augustus looked at him with something wrong.

How could the examiner of the Devil Merchant be the S1 Devourer?

The half-life Taoist stared at the devil merchant, counting with his fingers and mumbling something. Yun Lianghan and others also looked suspiciously.

The person in charge of Bing250, whether he is a security guard or a life-threatening person, has a reason. On one side are the brigade captains and on the other are blood relatives, so it is normal to come to escort them.

But what are the virtues and abilities of the devil businessman?

Is he also a blood relative of the Devourer? No, Devourer is not a ghost state alienation.

Even though it was a cross-level team leader assessment and it was an extremely dangerous journey, it was unreasonable for S1 to be the examiner. Unless the top management of the West District attaches great importance to this matter, so that Devourer personally takes action - there are not many things that the S1 tour guide can take seriously.

Taoist Ban Ming's eyes swept back and forth between Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant, gradually becoming weird.

"One in the east and the other in the west, both are Xinxing guides, entering the same journey, double guides... Immeasurable God, that's not the case."

he murmured.

"The examiner is S1, the guardian is S3, and we are werewolves to escort him. Ghost is really a social butterfly."

Augustus's voice came from behind, and Taoist Half Life covered his face in pain: "No way, why am I as stupid as a dog?"

As long as you take a closer look at these two tour guides, they are full of doubts! What blinded everyone's eyes?

It’s a token of 30 degrees north latitude! Almost all the people who make this journey come here for the token of 30 degrees north latitude!

And they have no time to think about the double tour guide assessment, Mr. Qianjia Paper Peeling, Nezha Lingxi Bomb, Bing 250 and the relationship between Xi Mingren and An Xuefeng, the Heavenly Punishment Gambling - Oh my god, who would have thought This happened within three days, four days at most!

Such high-intensity torture stunned the veteran passengers, not to mention...

Seeing Bing 250 and the Devil Merchant getting together again to stick to each other, the Taoist Taoist Half Life took a deep breath and grasped his heart in pain.

Why do you two look so good together?

It’s not a boast, but just look at the devil businessman’s initial attitude towards Bing 250. It’s almost the same as pursuit!

"Hey Mia, did you see it? It's S1! The examiner of this guy Ghost is S1!"

Augustus over there became serious after being surprised, his face full of solemnity. Mia thought he wanted to express some high opinion, but who knew——

"This kid is too wild-minded."

Augustus' eyes showed a fierce look, and a dissatisfied growl came from his throat. The Devil Merchant has so many backers, and he doesn't even know that he can't join the Werewolf Alliance with peace of mind. Thanks to the werewolves who had spent so much effort to squeeze in three people to protect him, Augustus became angry and his wolf eyes became colder and colder.

"He is playing tricks on us werewolves. This kid should be taught a lesson."

Augustus lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear. He grinned menacingly, revealing a pair of white wolf teeth.

As long as he bites the devil businessman and turns him into a werewolf, he will have no choice but to join the Werewolf Alliance.


Why are you still thinking about this now!

Mia took a deep breath, endured it, and finally suppressed the word. She just said coldly: "I have something to tell you later."

Not only her, but others also tacitly refrained from bringing up that word. But judging from the formation, the passengers from the East District had a different look, blocking the path of the two people from the West District from all directions. Who put the coffin bearer in the middle of the funeral procession?

"What does a person named A1 look like?"

On the other side, the tour guides paid no attention to the turbulent undercurrent on the tourists' side. The devil merchant stood in front of the cave, looking at the big wings of the bat spirits and chatting with Xiao Cui:

"Does it look like you?"

"Why, you haven't seen it?"

"Of course."

The Devil Merchant said calmly: "Those big tour guides are so high up that they think they value you if you meet a puppet. But you must have seen the real person of the life-seeking man."


"Yes, curious. Who can't be curious about those great tour guides?"

The devil merchant urged: "Don't worry, you have already seen the Devourer."

The two young tour guides were so bold to talk about the superior tour guides, but the discussion between them felt strangely normal.

"He has a scarlet cloak, he doesn't use a cane, he doesn't grow his hair long, he doesn't dye his hair, he doesn't like pets, and he lives a very regular life."

Wei Xun spoke freely and rejected each one according to the appearance of the Devourer.

"It's also a mask that covers half of your face. Maybe it's a pattern of the sun. Just one look at it will drive you crazy."

Wei Xun hadn't seen Wei Xuechen for many years, and he had never seen a life-seeking person since entering the hotel. He said this casually, but the devil businessman listened seriously and nodded thoughtfully: "So that's it. "

"So, your examiner is not him?"

The devil merchant suddenly asked.

If the examiner Xiaocui is a life-seeking person, then they will definitely meet at the fourth scenic spot. Xiaocui could get over it by just saying, "You'll know when the time comes."

If you're not being arrogant, then Xiaocui's examiner is An Xuefeng? Or someone in charge?

"No matter who it is, it has something to do with me anyway."

Wei Xun openly admitted that he was a related party, and then chuckled: "I just don't know how the relationship between Devourer and you is."

The devil merchant remained silent, understanding what Xiaocui meant.

Veteran passengers are not fools. Even though Dream Chaser and Black Widow did not reveal to them about the East-West Zone confrontation mission, they may have come to their senses now.

If the Devil Merchant was not the Devourer's biological son, how could this S1 tour guide value him so much?

There is only one reason.

"I thought you were going to do something to me last night."

The devil merchant sighed: "You missed a good opportunity."

Last night he was disturbed by shadow puppets and illusions, and he hadn't reached the third attraction yet, so the examiner couldn't take action. Even if Dream Chaser can't take action, Bing250 can use Nezha Ling to temporarily hold back Black Widow and snatch his pendant.

Unlike now, at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, if Xiaocui wants to attack him again, the examiner can stop him on the grounds of "not hindering the team leader's assessment" as long as he is a little shameless.

When it comes to year-end celebrations, both the East and West districts can be shameless.

"A good opportunity? A good opportunity to use heaven's punishment to kill you?"

Wei Xunhun didn't care: "Besides, we are on a journey now."

When does the hotel settle the contest against the winner of the mission? Does winning depend on grabbing the pendant, or does it depend on who has the complete necklace before the end of the journey?

Wei Xun thought of this and was recognized by Yu and Hui at the same time. The reason why most confrontation missions end with the death of one of the participants is because even if you collect the items and get them into your hands, there will be a time limit. Within this time limit, you must hold this item all the time to be considered a winner.

This is also the purpose of the hotel to test the comprehensive strength of both parties. Otherwise, if a participant has the title of thief and steals the token, if the other party finds out immediately, there will be a chance to recover it based on strength.

So if he didn't plan to kill the devil merchant, Wei Xun wouldn't do something stupid like seize the pendant in advance. It is better to wait for the last scenic spot, when you are about to leave the journey, and then compete for it.

After all, for them, the confrontation mission is only a small part of this journey, and it is more about improving their own strength. Rather than getting caught up in internal friction.

"you're right."

I don’t know what the devil merchant was thinking, but his voice softened again. Even with the mask blocking it, you can still feel that his eyes looking at Xiaocui are calm and gentle, as if there is a hint of smile.

"Be careful with Yuntianhe."

In this harmonious atmosphere, Wei Xun heard the devil merchant whispering to him: "The shadow puppets attacked me last night, which is not normal."

How come there are so many shadow puppets coming to attack him before he reaches the third scenic spot? This is by no means just Mr. Skin’s influence!

"There is a passage to the underground palace in the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace."

At this moment, Zhou Xiyang and O'Lion returned from exploring the road. The Devil Merchant and Wei Xun also separated naturally, as if they had not said anything.

"How is it going?"

Taoist Ban Ming and others came forward to greet them, and saw that Zhou Xiyang and O'Lion's expressions were serious.

"There are many monsters in the underground palace."

Zhou Xiyang said solemnly.

Just like the wild beasts hiding in one place in the desert to avoid sandstorms, the monsters who may have had hatred and competition with each other in the past are all hiding in the underground palace because of the thunder, waiting for the ginseng spirit to be born.

"We can go in and stop the spirits, and they will give us the side hall of the underground palace, but we can't do anything."

No wonder I didn’t encounter any fairies on the way to Xiaotang Mountain.

The monsters in the underground palace have obviously reached an agreement. If Zhou Xiyang and others start to clean up the monsters, they will be attacked in groups. After all, the monsters all knew that leaving the underground palace would lead to death, so the monsters joined forces.

This is indeed troublesome, and what is even more difficult is that, together with today, they will have to stay at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace for a total of three days. We only set off for Tianshou Mountain on the 6th.

"Go down first."

Zhou Xiyang said calmly: "At least take shelter from the rain."

If it rains any more, the paper people will die.

The funeral procession began to move to the underground palace, but Wei Xun walked to Bai Lu's side.

As Zhou Xiyang said, all the fairies were hiding in the underground palace, so the appearance of this white deer monster was even more strange.

"Master, it is the nine-color spirit deer under the mountain god's throne here!"

Xiaoxue quickly reported and informed Wei Xun of the clues it found during the interrogation:

"But the mountain god of Xiaotang Mountain disappeared hundreds of years ago. The Nine-Colored Spirit Deer could not leave here, and there were no believers to worship it. The nine colors on its body gradually faded, and eventually it became the White Deer Monster. But it is still different from ordinary spirits."

So don't even think about riding it, this is the mountain god's former mount.

In fact, Xiaoxue really wanted to have fun, but after all, it was working hard and it couldn't hide anything.

"So you're protecting this mountain?"

After Wei Xun was surprised, he touched the white deer lovingly and said, "I've really worked hard on you for so many years."

The white deer lowered its head as meekly as a spirit. Its beautiful deer eyes were wet, its long black eyelashes drooped, and the falling raindrops were like teardrops. It looked really pitiful and cute.

"It's really too much for these guys to come to Xiaotangshan to cause trouble."

Wei Xun spoke righteously and patted the deer's head comfortingly: "Let me help you."

As he spoke, he stuffed another handful of insect eggs into the soil.

Bailu:? ? ?

"no need to thank me."

Bearing Bai Lu's unbelievable accusatory gaze, Wei Xun smiled calmly: "When I help you capture the bad ginseng spirit, these monsters will all be dispersed."

Without ginseng essence, who would come to Xiaotangshan?

"Or, if you want to be more efficient, help me find the ginseng essence together."

The whole funeral procession was not slow and moved to the underground palace, but Wei Xun didn't like to take the usual route. He stood on the edge of the hole and looked down.

It was not as deep as the cave where the evil ghosts and insects gathered in northern Tibet, but he no longer needed the spider silk climbing rope this time.

One second he was still talking to Bai Lu, but the next second Wei Xun jumped down, the light suddenly dimmed, and the hazy sky became farther and farther away from him. The rapid wind blew through his hair, Wei Xun closed his eyes in enjoyment, and at the moment his heartbeat accelerated, he suddenly opened his devil wings!


Countless chaotic flapping sounds sounded, and all the bat spirits hanging upside down on the cave wall were startled by Wei Xun!

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