Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 194 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (32)

‘Master, there is a special power in this land’

Last night, when Wei Xun explored the soil for the first time and wanted to bury bugs in it, Xiaocui reminded him: 'I'm afraid it will be difficult for ordinary devil bug eggs to survive here. ’

Xiaocui said that the special power was actually somewhat similar to the aura on Wei Xun's death token, so Wei Xun temporarily called it dragon aura. Xiaotangshan is the end point of the dragon vein of the Eight-Armed Nezha City. This sentence is indeed true. Spirit Shen chose to transform here, probably because she also wanted to use the dragon energy to hide herself.

As long as the dragon energy is present, those monsters will also be suppressed and unable to act arbitrarily.

But Wei Xun didn't panic at all, he just chuckled and said casually: 'It's difficult for ordinary devil insect eggs to survive... Could the eggs you lay, Xiaocui, still be ordinary devil insect eggs? ’

Wei Xun understood Xiao Cui's little trick. Wei Xun had used the magic bees many times since the beginning of the journey. The queen bee who controlled the magic bee swarm received a lot of praise, but Xiao Cui had never used it even once. Xiaocui was anxious.

It's rare that Wei Xun wants to use him, so Xiaocui must actively show off. Wei Xun complimented him casually, and Xiao Cui was overjoyed beyond expectations. That's right, the master was praising that he was not an ordinary demon insect!

Of course, after receiving this compliment, you must be able to produce results. Xiaocui immediately presented Wei Xun with a batch of eggs produced by her new mutation.

‘Master, these are the mutated eggs of the Evil Ghost Insect and the Poisonous Scorpion King! ’

The butcher tour guide who had joined the mutual aid association paid the membership fee and donated a batch of Scorpion King eggs. Theoretically speaking, these eggs are useless eggs that cannot hatch out the Scorpion King, but with Xiao Cui here, Xiao Cui can give birth as long as the original aura of the poisonous Scorpion King can be extracted. Just like the third generation of a gourd.

Wei Xun provides him with delicious food and drinks, and Xiao Cui has been working hard. After being silent for so many days, of course he wants to become a blockbuster!

‘The devil scorpions like the Horse Poison are too independent, have a long growth cycle, and are unruly and unruly. They can only tolerate some scorpion-like devil insects and are not suitable for forming an insect swarm. ’

Xiaocui analyzed: 'So I merged it with the evil ghost insect. ’

Wei Xun obviously wants to follow the insect swarm trend, and the demonic insects are just his means and tools. The poisonous scorpion king is strong, but Wei Xun has many demonic insects on his body, and each has its own effect. In order to defeat the Poisonous Scorpion King and give up other demonic insects, I also knew that Wei Xun would never agree.

Xiaocui was in a dilemma at the time. He had eaten so many good things, so he couldn't give birth to a scorpion that was not popular with his master! A good subordinate should not just complete what the master orders, but should take one step at a time and never make things difficult for the master!

So Xiaocui studied carefully and tried many kinds of demonic insect energy. Finally, she tried to fuse some of the poisonous scorpion king and the evil ghost insect, and conceived a large number of mutated eggs. He was still a little nervous when he told Wei Xun about it. After all, it was his own decision.

Fortunately, Wei Xun still admired Xiao Cui's research spirit, and after just knocking it for a while, he became interested in asking about this mutated evil insect.

In Wei Xun's mind, the evil ghost bugs are a very good swarm. They can live together in units of tens of thousands. They have their own division of labor and evolutionary direction. They are united and do not fight among themselves. They burrow very quickly and lurk completely silently. , it matches perfectly with [You are a born concealer].

The only problem is that the evil insect is not a demon insect. It is not powerful enough to deal with tourists and tour guides, and its evolutionary prospects are limited. Wei Xun can only regret leaving the insect swarm in northern Tibet.

The mutated evil ghost eggs presented by Xiaocui not only have the characteristics of the original evil ghost insects to swarm, unite, dig in the ground and eat stones, but also have some of the toxicity and concealment of the horse-riding scorpion, which makes Wei Xun very satisfied. .

The only drawback is that if these insect eggs are not catalyzed by the radiation black stone when they hatch, they will only give birth to the lowest level of weak soldier insects. But the radioactive black stone Wei Xun is almost used up, and there is no stock on hand.

It seems that I will have to go to northern Tibet to dig out radioactive black stones, or see if there are any other alternative materials.

Wei Xun thought about it and accepted the first batch of one thousand insect eggs that Xiao Cui gave him. If they were just weak soldier bugs, they would naturally hatch in the soil and rocks. Compared with ordinary magic bugs, they would be much easier to feed.

'Master, there is one more thing...'

After handing over the insect eggs, Xiaocui hesitated and took out another insect egg: 'Well, this is my newly fused insect egg, but I can't find out its characteristics yet...'

'oh? ’

Wei Xun became interested and took the half-gold and half-white insect egg in his hand, and felt for a moment: 'Integrated with the original aura of the golden circle? ’

In order to befriend Nezha Lingtao, Wei Xun gave the responsible insect the name "Golden Circle" before, and now he can just call it that. After all, if you call it the 'Responsibility Demon Insect', its function will be exposed in a minute. Calling it a name like 'Golden Circle' will confuse others even more.

With the Nezha spirit here, who would have thought that the 'Golden Circle' has nothing to do with the Qiankun Circle, but can actually affect responsibilities.

'Yes, only responsibility...the aura of the golden circle can blend with it'

‘What’s the other one? ’

Wei Xun felt the breath carefully, it was a bit unfamiliar, very deep and restrained. Not considered active. Unlike the egg of the mutated evil ghost insect, Wei Xun could not sense much vitality from this egg. If Xiaocui hadn't said it, this egg was actually more like a more beautiful stone.

‘I just assigned this today. Actually, I’m not particularly sure about it either. ’

Xiaocui was a little embarrassed. Wei Xun gave Xiaocui the privilege of using all the magical insects provided by members of the mutual aid association. Xiaocui had the right to use any magical insect that he thought had good genes and was suitable for the insect swarm. He could mate with any magical insect he wanted. .

Wei Xun understood after hearing Xiaocui's explanation that the demonic insect was just offered as an offering. He saw that it didn't have much energy, but the hidden aura was very ancient, and it should be the cub of some ancient demonic insect.

At that time, Wei Xun was instructing the magic bees to trim his horns and wings. Xiaocui saw this and felt a little anxious. She wanted to get some results quickly, so she merged with the aura of the magic bees.

But the demonic insect was too young and had not yet matured. Xiaocui neutralized it with the aura of the mature demonic insect. After selecting it, he found that the other party only accepted the responsible demonic insect.

The auras of the two fused quite successfully, and together with Xiao Cui herself, they were able to create this egg. Xiao Cui almost collapsed when she gave birth to it, and almost all the energy she had accumulated before was exhausted.

But this also made Xiao Cui ecstatic, which showed that the ancient demon insect had extremely strong potential, even surpassing the emotional demon insect! Xiaocui is now at the third level and it is difficult for the Mirala female insect to give birth to her. You can only imagine how much potential the other party has!

Especially after Xiao Cui Egg was born, he still couldn't identify the origin of the other party. He originally wanted to think it over carefully and then offer it to Wei Xun, so as to avoid some disorderly evil insects who would kill the Lord. But now after being beaten by Wei Xun, he didn't dare to hide it anymore.

One o'clock? The juvenile form of ancient demonic insects?

On the way to Xiaotangshan, Wei Xun was still thinking about the insect egg. He buried the mutated evil ghost's eggs in the soil and returned to Yu Hehui's back. There was a red oil paper umbrella blocking his back, a sky fox's fluffy long tail wrapped around his waist (for fixation) blocking his front, and Wei Xun sitting leisurely. , studying insect eggs in hands.

If you look closely, the upper part is amber-like honey gold, moist and shiny, a little elastic, and a little gentle to the touch. But the lower part is a cold bone white, extremely hard, with crack-like patterns. At first glance, it looks a bit like a chicken with the lower half still being an eggshell.

The entire egg is as big as half a chicken egg, but it doesn't feel like it's falling in your hand. Instead, it's a bit light. Like an empty shell. If it weren't for the egg that Xiaocui had just laid not long ago, and Wei Xun felt a trace of life, it would have been more like a dead egg.

Through the honey-gold skin of the upper part of the egg, Wei Xun could vaguely see the long white larvae coiled in the egg like wool.

Abyss worm?

Xiao Cui didn't know the origin of the demonic insects, but Wei Xun only needed to find out who had submitted evidence to the mutual aid meeting between midnight and one o'clock in the morning.

At 0:25 in the morning, Taoist Bee offered half of the abyss worm and a bunch of bee pupae, bee eggs, honey and royal jelly, which were directly sold to the senior councillor.

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that Taoist Feng did not hesitate to squander most of his family wealth, which was definitely related to Bing 250's exposure of the life-haunting man's scarlet cloak.

Mr. Feng is really good at investing time and loves gambling. The other butchers and tour guides in the mutual aid association haven't done anything yet, so he just put all his wealth into it.

Abyss Worm... Wei Xun is really not familiar with this demonic insect, but judging from Xiao Cui's inability to identify its characteristics, this worm should be very good at hiding.

And prefers dirt.

When Xiao Cui first took it out, three-quarters of the egg was inorganic and bone-white, and it really looked like a dead egg. The current appearance was changed after being interrogated by Wei Xun all night.

Wei Xun didn't do anything special. The biggest difference between him and Xiao Cui is that he is currently a clay figure. Wei Xun passed the egg close to the feathers of Nezha Ling and Fengniao. It turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye and was about to lose its vitality in an instant.

It likes coolness, moisture and soil, which are the characteristics of worms.

Wei Xun raised his eyes and looked into the distance. Continuous raindrops were floating in the lush green mountain trees. The soil underfoot was soft and moist, with puddles one after another.

From Yangshou Town to here, Wei Xun buried a total of 700 evil ghost eggs. These insect eggs can hatch half an hour after being buried in the ground. Of the 700 eggs, except for the 150 eggs that Wei Xun just buried that have not yet hatched, a total of 489 evil ghost eggs have hatched. Insects, the hatching rate is amazing.

But Wei Xun was still not very satisfied.

Xiaocui entered the ball of demonic insects, which gave her the characteristics of a 'reproducer'. With the blessing of the characteristics, the hatching rate of the evil ghost insects is not 100%. It is too humid here and is not the most perfect place for the evil ghost insects to survive.

In fact, Xiaotang Mountain at this moment is most suitable for the growth of abyss worms.

Wei Xun lowered the oil-paper umbrella and hugged Feng Yu tightly. The entire clay figurine shrank and hid in Yu Hehui's fox fur, struggling to stay dry in the sudden heavy rain.

But the overly humid air still made his body soften.

To be fair, except for abyss worms, Xiaotangshan is not suitable for any living creatures to survive now, especially paper men and clay men!

It was a light drizzle when we set out at five o'clock, but it turned into a downpour at six o'clock, mixed with lightning and thunder. This made it extremely difficult for the paper people to walk, and dozens more paper people were turned into confetti. Below, it merges with the dirty mud in the mountains and forests.

The entire team was moving slowly, not just because of the paper figures - the passengers took an average of two steps before looking back at the Bing250 on Tianhu's back. The constant thunder in the sky frightened all the passengers who had experienced last night's thunderstorm. , I'm afraid that Bing250 is playing a gambling game again to engage in divine punishment.

Especially Taoist Ban Ming and Zhou Xiyang who were leading the group were the ones who turned around most frequently. Augustus, who was carrying the coffin, was so scared that his wolf ears came out and his whole body was trembling slightly. All the leading coffin carriers were like this. Do you think this team can be fast?

But Wei Xun can’t be blamed for this! His next heavenly punishment will have to wait thirty-six hours, that is, three days before he comes again!

"Brother, I caught something fun for you!"

Nezha Ling, who was going to have fun somewhere, flew over happily. Not only did his legs become lotus roots, but his entire body from the lower abdomen to the chest also turned lotus root color. One by one, it looked like the plastron of an insect at first glance. , there is a circle of green feathers like lotus leaves on the tail feathers of the tentacles. The whole bird just stands there and makes people swoon.

Wei Xun just likes weird things, and he even wonders how weird Nezha Ling can become. Every time Nezha Ling appears, he gets Wei Xun's full attention, which further encourages his evil tendencies.

Especially Nezha Ling's whole bird has become bigger now, looking like an eagle, and it has become more eye-catching. Wei Xun heard that even Yu and Hui took a breath of air - such a big monster was flying towards them, and it really made people want to punch it away.

"What's this?"

Wei Xun put away the worm eggs and looked at the thing caught in Nezha Ling's claws with great interest. It turned out to be a rare white deer!

Its fur is like snow, its hooves are like jade, its horns are like ice crystals, and its pair of deer eyes are so pitiful that it really makes people feel sad to see it.

"Don't you like white ones? I'll catch them for you to ride on. This deer is quite clean and not weak. It's barely worthy of you."

Nezha Ling threw the white deer next to Wei Xun and said with a smile: "It's really hard to find white wild animals. If the mountains weren't full of goblins, it wouldn't be easy to find such a white deer."

Nezha Ling felt that Tianhu was guarding Wei Xun as an assassin after all, so it was only right to hide around and protect him. It would be too wasteful to use it as a mount. It's not safe in the event of a fight.

The White Deer is of course a deer demon. After any monster has cultivated to a certain level, its hair will become whiter and whiter, as if it is covered with frost. It's not that he's aging, but that he can absorb moonlight better, just like a ferret.

To be honest, the thunder in the sky really has nothing to do with Wei Xun - well, it still has something to do with it. Yangshou Town is too close to Xiaotang Mountain, and the old goblins on Xiaotang Mountain won't do much good when the divine punishment strikes.

The three great monsters in Yangshou Town either escaped or died, or their cultivation levels were chopped off and they surrendered to humans. But the old demons on Xiaotang Mountain refused to leave - the ginseng spirit hadn't appeared yet, how could they be willing to leave now?

They refused to leave, so the thunder did not leave either. The thunder on Xiaotang Mountain is for the monsters.

Wei Xun smiled and said a few words to Nezha Ling, then turned to look at the deer demon. This white deer was quite obedient. It didn't run away after being dropped by Nezha Ling. Instead, it struggled to stand up and followed Tianhu with small steps and a low eyebrow. When Wei Xun looked over, he saw the white deer's ears twitching nervously and chewing twice.


Wei Xun narrowed his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the deer demon's muzzle and its hooves. The snow jade-like hooves were stained with mud. Although it is normal to get mud when walking in the mountains, but if the mud is mixed with the eggs of evil ghost insects...

Look at the deer demon's mouth again...

Wei Xun took a deep breath, leaned back in disgust, and covered his mouth.

* *

Nezha Ling didn't understand why Wei Xun refused to ride the white deer, so he just tied its neck and let it follow.

Wei Xun went completely behind Lu Yao's back, without even looking at him, and directly asked Jiao Weasel Xiaoxue to interrogate him without any contact.

It is absolutely impossible for him to touch or ride a deer demon that eats bugs alive!

But the fact that the white deer eats the eggs of evil spirits still attracts Wei Xun's attention.

What it eats is insect eggs, the ones Wei Xun just buried. There is a spiral cone-shaped protrusion at the bottom of the egg shell of the evil ghost insect egg. After being buried in the ground, it will automatically sink and hatch in a layer of soil about ten meters underground.

In other words, these eggs were definitely dug out and eaten by the white deer, and could not have been washed out by heavy rain.

That would be weird.

Either the white deer just wants this bite, or the white deer doesn't want the insects to spread in the soil of Xiaotangshan.

Wei Xun has not yet let the evil bugs move. They are still dormant in the ground, and there are less than a thousand bugs, which is very inconspicuous to the entire Xiaotangshan.

Who could know so quickly that there are insects in the soil?

He had been observing the funeral procession, so he was the first to notice something strange about Wei Xun. Or does the other party know the entire land of Xiaotangshan well?

And it happened to be this white deer demon that was captured by Nezha Ling and brought to him... Is this some coincidence?

Wei Xun smiled slightly, laid down the Sky Fox in front of the White Deer Demon, and stuffed a handful of insect eggs into the soil.


The White Deer Demon, who had been silent since being captured, became anxious. His hooves kept digging at the ground, making a roaring sound. Then Xiaoxue blocked her mouth and scolded: "Don't make any noise!"

Wei Xun did not stop Xiaoxue, and now was not the time to communicate with the deer demon. Wei Xun patted Yu Hehui and asked him to go to the front of the line. The third attraction of their trip, the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, was about to arrive.

"how do you feel?"

As soon as he walked to the devil merchant, Wei Xun smelled a vague smell. It tastes like fresh pie.


The Devil Merchant's words were concise and to the point, and his voice was fairly steady. Through the tour guide's cloak, Wei Xun could not see what was going on inside the Devil Merchant.

"Black Widow is gone?"

Wei Xun glanced at the devil merchant's shoulder and didn't see the spider.

"The team leader is conducting the assessment, and the invigilator cannot help."

The devil merchant still spoke briefly, but he was relieved. Nezha Ling was out wandering around just now, and Mr. Peeling's mental pollution made him very stressed. Everything he looked around was scarlet. In his eyes, people were not complete people, but pieces of skin.

Especially the thunder rolling in the sky, thunder can not only suppress monsters, but also target ghosts with strong negative energy like devil merchants. It is conceivable that during the entire team leader mission, his SAN value could not be higher than 50, and he was always in a semi-ghost state. He would always be suppressed and targeted on Xiaotang Mountain.

Xiaocui came to his side, allowing the devil businessman to take a breath, but he couldn't really solve the problem.

Only by passing the team leader assessment can we completely overcome the current difficulties.

"Can you see your examiner now?"

Wei Xun was curious. The devil businessman passed the team leader's assessment first, which was a real case in front of him.

"can not see."

The Devil Merchant shook his head and paused for a moment: "I heard that during the team leader assessment, some can see the examiner, while others can't."

He 'heard' it, of course, from the Black Widow. The devil businessman told the truth because he wanted to exchange information with Xiao Cui.

After passing the team leader assessment on an extremely dangerous journey, he may seem calm on the surface, but he is actually a little nervous and must be well prepared.

"If the person in charge of the hotel is taking the exam, there is a high probability that he won't be able to see it."

Wei Xun pointed out: "If you are a top tour guide or a tourist invigilating the exam, you may be able to see the projection. I just don't know who your examiner is."

Wei Xun thought of the low and elegant male voice with a London accent that sounded next to the devil merchant that night.

Who will be the examiner of Devil Merchant?

"So that's it."

The devil businessman nodded, not hiding anything, and there was no need to hide it: "My examiner is——"

[Hey, everyone has arrived at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace. Next, please take the lead tour guide B125 and assistant tour guide B250 to arrange the funeral arrangements and arrange accommodation for the passengers]

[Tour guide B125 will conduct the team leader assessment at this attraction! The examiner meets the candidates! 】

After turning this mountain road, Yangshou Town Funeral Palace appeared in front of everyone. And at the door of the funeral palace, stood a Western man who was incompatible with the ancient Eastern architecture.

He wore a three-piece suit and a long black windbreaker. Wearing black lambskin gloves on his hands and holding a dark silver snake-head cane, he can make people feel elegant and noble just from his standing posture.

Her long platinum hair, like the moonlight, spread smoothly down, with the ends loosely tied with a dark green hairband, falling on the mithril cloak.

The mithril mask of the same color as the cloak covered half of his face, revealing only a pair of dark green and almost black eyes. These eyes are as cold as ice, making people reluctant to get close to them. The swirling patterns on the mask seemed to be flowing, giving people a strong sense of swallowing, as if the air around him had become thinner.


A sound like swelling of water bubbles came from the man's shoulder, and a golden, jelly-like creature glanced lazily at them. Wei Xun felt that the slime's eyes seemed to be on him, and he couldn't help but look up.

It is pure gold, shining with a mysterious and bright brilliance like gold sand, as if there is a river made of gold hidden in the body. Dazzling.

"Close your eyes."

The dark orange cloak blocked Wei Xun's sight, and the dream chasing dragon turned into a human form. A black-haired tour guide wearing a dark orange cloak and a red-gold dragon mask stood in front of Wei Xun. He was not very tall, but he was not weak at all compared to his opponent.

This is the assessment of the devil businessman. Black Widow cannot come forward, but it is feasible for Dream Chaser to stand in front of Bing250.

The golden slime flowed for a moment and looked like it had closed its eyes. The man glanced at the dreamer lightly, and then disappeared into the rain and fog, like a magic trick.


The devil merchant took a deep breath. He had been holding his breath since the man appeared until now, and he only started breathing now. Thinking of facing that person just now, he was still frightened and murmured:

"My examiner is——"

"S1 Tour Guide, Devourer."

[The team leader assessment mission has officially begun. This attraction is an attraction with enhanced difficulty for the team leader assessment! 】

Hearing a muffled sound from the depths of the earth, the dream chaser turned into a dragon again. Wei Xun took a step back and saw that the earth collapsed in front of him, revealing an unfathomable underground cavity. The rotting cold wind blew up, and you could vaguely see some collapsed stairs and majestic underground buildings that were in disrepair.

The Yangshou Town Funeral Palace on the ground is like the tip of an iceberg, and more incredible and huge buildings are hidden underground.

This is an underground palace!


The sound of thousands of wings flapping came from the depths of the cave. Nearly a hundred pairs of scarlet eyes opened, full of hostility. Wei Xun looked around and saw that all the things hanging on the walls of the cave were huge vampire bats. Each of them is as skinny as a stick, with black skin clinging to their bodies, like skeletons hanging upside down!

A cave-like bat spirit!

Xiaoxue, who abandoned the deer demon and followed Wei Xun step by step, took a look, feeling infinitely surprised.

No wonder his new master dared to go to Xiaotang Mountain even though there were constant lightning and thunder and so many monsters lurking.

He is returning to his old nest!

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