Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 196 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (33)


The high-frequency ultrasonic waves emitted by bats cannot be heard by human ears, but there are no normal people in the brigade. Nearly a hundred bat spirits outside the underground palace screamed in unison, and the surrounding rock walls and rocks began to fall downwards in excitement!

"What happened?!"

The half-life Taoist who had just entered the side hall of the underground palace and had not yet been placed was screaming in surprise. Zhou Xiyang had already rushed out in one stride. Just when he saw a black shadow flying past the outside of the underground palace, behind him was a fishy black cloud - —All the angry bat spirits!

If an ordinary person were in this situation, they would definitely be in danger. If they were not careful, they would be sucked out of blood by the bat spirits and die without a burial place. However, the person being chased was laughing heartily. Whenever the bat swarm was about to catch up with him, he would suddenly rise up and fly out of the cave.

There was lightning and thunder outside, and heavy rain poured down. The bat spirits did not dare to go out, so they could only chase them to the entrance of the cave.

But without paying attention, the man folded his wings and fell rapidly, carrying the rain. As he fell, his light blue cloak flew up like another pair of wings. A flash of fire flashed at the tip of his finger, and the phoenix fire caused the photophobic bat spirits to scream and retreat, allowing the man to fly into the cave again and lead the bat spirits in a circle again!

It's very exciting, and it's also very raunchy.

His heartbeat was beating wildly, and Zhou Xiyang, who was about to save people and kill bats, said:...

Hearing the curses from the bat spirits getting more and more violent, and the whole cave echoing with the curses of the bats, Zhou Xiyang took a deep breath, not knowing what to say.

"Xiao Cui is learning to fly."

The white fox jumped down from the hole gently and skillfully, and turned into a human form next to Zhou Xiyang. Yu Hehui's tone was very calm.

"Oh, I see."

Zhou Xiyang felt that his tone was a bit dry, so he added: "It turns out that I am learning to fly."


Yu Hehui said briskly: "He's flying much better now."

"It's pretty good."

Zhou Xiyang calmed down somehow and suddenly felt that it was no big deal.

That's right, it's so important for Director C to learn to fly, so what's the point of using a group of bat spirits as sparring partners.

If we are on the way home, why don't Team An and Wan Xiangchun practice together? Everyone on the way home is shouting cheers? If this is to be placed in the Butchers Alliance, then it must be taught by the life-seeking person himself? The Yin-Yang Butterfly doesn't even have the qualifications to fly with it.

Small scenes are just small scenes.

"What's going on, what's going on?!"

Taoist Bansheng hurried out after him, with a solemn expression on his face: "I heard the bat spirits making a lot of noise. What's going on? Could it be that the fairies are testing us?"

Before he could understand the situation, he started to curse: "Damn, I knew those monster brats had bad intentions!"

They talk about living in peace, how is that possible! They are the camp that is hostile to the demons. This group of demons can at most be counted on Mekel's side. Moreover, all of them are cunning and cunning, and none of them are fuel-efficient.

Hearing the quarrels of the bat spirits outside, Taoist Ban Ming's first reaction was that the old monsters were responsible!

"It is not……"

It's Cui Dao who is learning to fly.

Zhou Xiyang coughed lightly and was about to explain, but Yu Hehui took over the topic.

"Director Cui disturbs the bat spirits and tests the old fairies in the underground palace."

Yu Hehui said calmly: "If they never stop it, they must have a deeper conspiracy."

The bat spirits outside the cave were disturbed like this, and their screams affected the entire underground palace. If the old fairies didn't come out to stop them, it meant that they didn't want to conflict with the brigade at all.

The stoats and Liushu in Yangshou Town dared to fuck Bing250 and Tianhu, how could these old demons still be timid?

"So that's it."

Taoist Ban Ming suddenly realized: "I just said something is wrong, these old demons are too talkative."

If you say you want the deputy palace to come out, then immediately let the deputy palace out? Not even fighting? Even with the threat of thunder, this is too much. To be honest, the difficulty of the team leader's assessment was increased, the underground palace appeared, and all the passengers were ready for a fierce battle. But now it's like a punch to the cotton.

"Xiao Cui is always thoughtful."

The devil merchant also said, holding the guide flag and chasing the figure flying in the rain.


Zhou Xiyang pondered and thought that this was indeed a good test method. It's not a conflict, there's no fighting, there's no bloodshed, it's just a little bit noisy by the bat spirits at best. What's more, Bing250's Demon Wings can be considered bat spirits, so this can be seen as an internal battle for power among the bat spirits...

its not right.

Zhou Xiyang reacted and looked at Yu Hehui dumbfounded.

Didn't he just say that this was just Director Cui learning to fly? Why are you talking nonsense about temptation now?

Yu Hehui's face didn't change, and his expression was well managed. It looked as if what he just said was the truth.

In fact, watching Wei Xun fly amid lightning and thunder, Yu and Hui were so anxious that they wanted to grow wings and catch up!

What if I get struck by lightning? !

Seeing Wei Xun flying higher, Yu Hehui stopped talking and just followed the black shadow flying in the sky. Gradually, he noticed subtle differences.


The half-life Taoist also stretched his neck and stared at the sky. He clicked his tongue and said to Bai Xiaotian with great interest: "Xiaotian, do you think this smells like Lei Zhenzi?"

Indeed, heavy rain and lightning should have been a resistance to flying, but in fact Bing250 was flying in the wind, rain and thunder. The silver lines on the devil's wings shone brightly, reflecting the lightning. I wonder if it was an illusion. He flew at the same speed during the heavy rain and lightning. It seems a bit faster!

"Your wings should be split a few more times."

High in the sky, the strange bird transformed by Nezha's spirit also flew beside Wei Xun, observing his devil wings at close range and making suggestions: "The patterns on your wings are a bit interesting."

"This is a magic pattern."

Wei Xun said, he was bathed in the heavy rain and shuttled between thunder and lightning. This flight was not a whim, but he felt the unparalleled attraction of thunder and lightning to him when he opened his demon wings.

When a demon is born, he will have natural magic marks on his body, which is the power derived from his bloodline. From childhood to adulthood, the devil gradually absorbs the energy in these magic patterns to strengthen itself. When the natural magic patterns are absorbed, it will enter adulthood.

When Wei Xun first fused the Abyss Node, he used most of his energy to absorb the magic patterns on the Devil's Wings, so that while his body had not yet matured, the Devil's Wings behind him were ripened in advance.

Later, he absorbed too much spiritual pollution energy in the Eight-Armed Nezha City, which completely matured these demon wings, so he can now fly freely. But after the Devil's Wings fully matured and were struck by Heaven's Punishment seven times, and after being severely torn and re-healed seven times, Wei Xun discovered that new silver magic patterns related to thunder and lightning were outlined on his Devil's Wings. .

Wei Xun really didn't have much knowledge about demonic patterns. What Yu Hehui knows is limited. At present, Wei Xun is trying to figure out on his own that he is faster when flying in thunderstorm weather.

"Well, brother..."

"Do you think this thunder and lightning in the sky is really caused by the male thunder and lightning female?"

Wei Xun interrupted Nezha Ling's words in the violent wind and heavy rain.

"Who knows, I've never been to heaven."

Nezha Ling said indifferently, then hesitantly said: "Brother, what about..."

"Are you friends with Lei Zhenzi?"

Wei Xun asked again. It would be helpful for him to know more characters related to mythology. After meeting the 'Nine-Colored Deer', Wei Xun had a vague premonition of this. If he can get in close contact with more mythical characters, he is very likely to activate title tasks related to mythology!

"Lei Zhenzi? I don't know him!"

Nezha Ling said dissatisfied: "Why would my brother think that he is my friend? Is anyone qualified to be my friend?"

"Maybe it's because you two have a good relationship in the cartoon."

It seems that Nezha Ling really doesn't know Lei Zhenzi.

Wei Xun felt a little regretful and said, "Is that stone monkey you mentioned before—"

"younger brother!"

Nezha Ling finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Wei Xun forcefully: "You are about to melt!"

Wei Xun:......

After being washed away by the violent wind and rain for so long, Wei Xun completely turned into a soft mud man. In fact, Wei Xun regretted it the moment he flew into the wind and rain, but before he landed, Zhou Xiyang immediately called the police and stood down to watch!

Why is Zhou Xiyang so fast!

Later, Taoist Taoist Half Life also came out, standing down one by one and pointing like they were watching fireworks. Wei Xun couldn't afford to lose this person, so he blocked the live broadcast and flew higher and higher, trying to prevent the people below from watching at all. clear.

"I want to stimulate the true fire of samadhi in my body."

After being pointed out by Nezha Ling, Wei Xun still said calmly: "There is a ray of brother Hun Tianling's true fire of samadhi left in the blood of my forehead, but I can't stimulate it. I was thinking that if there is too much water vapor in my body, Will-"

"Of course you can't inspire it."

Nezha Ling looked at him strangely and said of course, "That's not your blood."

Yes, that's An Xuefeng's blood.

But they both signed a contract and were connected. Isn't An Xuefeng's blood his blood?

"Please ask my brother to teach me."

Wei Xun's attitude is very correct.

"Isn't that simple?"

Although Nezha Ling was doubtful of Wei Xun's words, seeing that Wei Xun's entire clay figurine was so soft that it was deformed, he was still anxious and wanted to get rid of his dangerous idea of ​​"using moisture to stimulate the true fire of samadhi", so he casually said:

"I see that you quite like that person. He is quite powerful. Why don't you two become Taoist companions?"

After becoming a Taoist companion recognized by the world and connected by blood, it will naturally be much more convenient to use flames independently.

"I have no idea of ​​getting married yet."

Wei Xun didn't respond. Getting married was not in Wei Xun's plan at all. Was it because the journey wasn't fun or because the monster wasn't exciting enough?

"Then you should have more spiritual communication. If you have enough contact with each other's aura, you can trick the flames out."

Nezha Ling continued to make bad ideas, and then said anxiously: "Good brother, go down quickly, look at you, you are so thin, you can even plant lotus roots!"

When Wei Xun finally agreed to go down, he was wearing a light blue cloak behind him and a scarlet cloak in front of him. He was dripping wet, and every step made mud marks.

Seeing his appearance, Yu Hehui immediately understood. The Big Sky Fox transformed into a boy to block Wei Xun, and followed him all the way to the resting place in the underground palace.

This underground palace is like a mausoleum. The underground building area is really not small. The corridors inside are as complicated as a spider web, and there are many collapsed and blocked places. It is easy to get lost. Xiaotangshan used to be the emperor's palace, and it was expanded during the Qing Dynasty. Wei Xun does not carry the title of 'archaeological expert', and this is not included in the relics he excavated, so it is difficult to tell which dynasty this underground palace is from.

"This is a building from the Ming Dynasty."

But Yu Hehui could recognize it: "It's not a mausoleum."

Xiaotangshan is very close to the Eight-Armed Nezha City. This underground palace was definitely not built as a mausoleum. What's more, no emperor would build a mausoleum and a palace together.

"It's quite warm."

Wei Xun commented that the underground palace was not cold and humid, and the temperature was even higher than the rainy ground. The clay figures were very comfortable while baking.

"There are hot springs underground."

Yu Hehui frowned. Wei Xun was covered in mud and felt uncomfortable. Seeing that Wei Xun was not feeling well, he also became worried: "It seems that the rain will not stop, but fortunately, there is no need to leave the underground palace for the time being."

The spirit will be suspended for three days, and it will be in the underground palace today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"The attraction mission should be announced after noon, but there is a devil merchant here."

Yu Hehui said: "Captain Zhou and the others have their own sense of proportion, so you don't have to worry too much."

Mature travelers should let tour guides worry less. Zhou Xiyang and the others are not newbies either. Although some tour guides like to train and teach newcomers, I have to say that experienced tourists who are familiar with it are the most comfortable to use it.

For example, now, no one bothers Wei Xun without looking at him.

"You won't turn into a clay figure after zero o'clock."


Wei Xun shook his head: "I still want to be this clay figurine."

Although mysophobia is difficult to overcome, I have to say that the clay figures are surprisingly useful in this attraction.

"I borrowed a lotus seed from Nezha Ling."

Wei Xun took out a lovely lotus seed from Jade Snow and threw it to Yu Hehui.

"Planting it on my body will keep me in the shape of a clay figure."

This was Wei Xun's sudden inspiration when he heard Nezha Ling say, "You can plant lotus roots even if you are thin." Indeed, lotus roots grow in the soft mud of ponds. Nezha Ling is the body recreated by lotus roots. He should be more familiar with this.

After Wei Xun asked Nezha Ling, he dug out a lotus seed from his leg and lent it to Wei Xun.

"This lotus seed has great vitality."

Yu Hehui examined it carefully and frowned slightly: "If it is planted in your body, if it really grows into a lotus root, it may be difficult to get rid of it."

"It'll be fine after three days of planting,"

Wei Xun said, while his body was still wet, he dug out a ball of mud from each of his left and right arms, pulled off his tail, kneaded the mud balls together, and then took out the worm eggs and gestured - Can even wrap worm eggs.

"In this scenic spot, I mainly look for ginseng spirits and explore mythological titles."

Wei Xun directed Yu Hehui to find a pottery pot at random. Everything in this underground palace should be antiques from the Ming Dynasty, but Wei Xun used antique clay pots as flower pots. Put some moist underground soil on the bottom, add worm eggs, and then cover it with your own mud.

"You are free to move."

Wei Xun knew exactly what he wanted. After the third scenic spot, the final fourth scenic spot is his team leader assessment, which involves the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum and the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty who turned dragons into dragons. It is very likely that they will encounter heavenly punishment and will also be the end point of the east-west district confrontation mission.

There are more uncertainties in the already difficult tourist attractions. Before that, Wei Xun must use every means to improve his strength and focus on the big ones and let go of the small ones. Only for the most precious treasures.

Even though this scenic spot mission may involve shadow puppets, as well as some special items and titles, with the Devil Merchant here, these props are more likely to be related to him, and others may have to work hard to snatch them.

For Wei Xun, these things are not as important as the benefits involved in a series of characters such as Ginseng Jing, White Deer, and Mountain Ginseng.


Yu Hehui understood him and understood that Wei Xun's decision was correct. But when they thought that Wei Xun had no intention of taking action at this scenic spot, Yu Hehui became serious.

He had to remind Zhou Xiyang and the others to be more careful... huh?

Yu Hehui was stunned.

Why did Wei Xun settle down and stop making random moves, but he felt that Zhou Xiyang and the others were in danger?


Yu Hehui simply felt that his thoughts had been manipulated. He hesitated, then glanced at Wei Xun, who was holding a clay pot planting worm eggs, and lowered his voice: "Are you really not going to participate?"

After a pause, he added: "I think there does seem to be something wrong with Yun Tianhe."

When the devil businessman reminded Wei Xun to pay attention to Yuntianhe, Yu Hehui also heard it. He paid a little more attention and found many doubts.

"I am very busy."

Wei Xun sighed.

He had to grow worms, find ginseng essences, get mythological titles, and have more time to communicate spiritually with An Xuefeng. He was really busy.

Wei Xun couldn't help but smile when he felt that the worm eggs buried in the soil were very happy and full of vitality. After smoothing the dirt on his fingertips, he dried his hands with phoenix feathers, and his hands were pale and flawless again.

From this aspect, it is quite convenient to become a clay figure.

"He is a three-star special traveler. Does he still need my help to solve the problem?"

Wei Xun glanced sideways at Yu Hehui and said with a smile: "Or do you think it's interesting to be a shepherd?"

"I was mistaken."

Yu Hehui understands.

Indeed, Yun Tianhe seemed to be a fan of Wei Xun, but in fact he was just a fan of the shepherd in his heart, as if he wanted to build a throne and push Wei Xun up high.

The throne of God has infinite scenery, but it also has invisible shackles. Wei Xun has always gone his own way, how could he be bound by something like this?

If Yuntianhe wants to join the mutual aid association and abide by his rules, then Wei Xun welcomes him. If Yuntianhe wanted Wei Xun to join some new shepherd organization, according to the rules of the 'shepherd', Wei Xun would only treat him as a joke.

The rest of the morning was spent exploring the surroundings and gathering information. Wei Xun rarely stayed in the underground palace, watching white deer spread eggs and raise worms, playing with feathers and engaging in spiritual communication in his spare time.

After lunch, the tourists gathered in the side hall where the coffin lay. Grandpa Zhi's coffin is the most important item in this funeral, and there are many monsters living in this underground palace. So the passengers worked in pairs and took turns guarding the coffin continuously.

When Wei Xun appeared in the side hall holding a clay pot, most of the passengers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time!

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, my heart has been hanging on me every day."

Taoist Ban Ming complained to Zhou Xiyang: "Even the bat spirits stopped screaming. I always feel that something is wrong."

It's really strange. When I usually go on a trip, I hope that the tour guide will be less evil. But this trip turned out to be better. It was quiet at Bing250, and none of the passengers could adapt to it.

"Let's prepare for the next attraction."

Zhou Xiyang said: "It would be better if this scenic spot retains some of its strength."

His scrutinizing eyes fell on the devil businessman. The devil businessman seemed to be in good condition, but the illusion appeared next to him again. The gray-white girl slept on the devil merchant's shoulder, trembling all over as if she was uneasy. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the girl's body was glowing with an unknown red light.

"Now roll call."

The devil businessman calmly called the names and then announced the arrangements for the three days. In addition to the daily wake, burning incense, crying and burning paper, there are special activities during these three days.

Tonight is to watch the intangible cultural heritage theater perform excerpts from the shadow puppet play "The Legend of White Snake", tomorrow is to make intangible cultural heritage handicrafts - human shadow puppets, and on the last day, passengers will perform on stage with their own shadow puppets.

After getting the tickets to watch the performance, except for the two people who were guarding the coffin, the tourists went to the stage to watch it together. There was no light in this underground palace, and it was frighteningly dark. Fortunately, the tourists were well prepared. Some people wore searchlights on their heads, and what looked like bracelets on someone's wrists were actually miniature flashlights.

The stage is in a side hall on the east side of the underground palace. Several bright rays of light shine through, making the place as bright as day.

"The layout of this stage is very similar to the stage at Deqingban B\u0026B."

Mia said.

Not only are they very similar, they are exactly the same, as if they copied and pasted the stage from Deqingban B\u0026B. This shadow puppet stage is different from other stages. In the past, shadow puppet performers mostly walked through the streets and alleys, going from one village to another, setting up a stage right where they were.

This stage does not have to be very big, and it is not as open and bright as an opera stage. After all, the shadow puppets 'performing' on the stage are not very big. A roll of gauze, cotton or even white sheets can be used as a screen. Then two square tables, put up wooden sticks, and tie them with fine linen ropes to form a stand. *

But the shadow puppet stage in the East Side Hall is exquisitely built, with carved wooden pillars setting up the stage, which is very spacious. The center was covered with a white cloth as tall as two people. Not to mention shadow puppets, even the performances performed by people hiding behind white cloth are high enough.

However, the white cloth has long been rotten and tattered, and it is covered with mildew spots. It seems that the underground palace has started to vibrate underground. A lot of wet soil has fallen on the stage, and two pillars have collapsed. It will take a lot of effort to clean it up.

"What the hell is that?!"

Augustus suddenly growled, his wolf ears alert. Wherever the flashlight shined, behind the cracks in the white cloth covered with mildew spots, there were several children standing vaguely!

The moment he spoke, everyone present, whether their flashlights or spotlights, suddenly went out! The whole space suddenly fell into darkness, and the silence was terrifying. When the light was gone, the children could no longer be seen, which made people even more heartbroken. But the veteran passengers did not panic at all, and soon the light came on again, but it was not the light of a flashlight, but a slightly dim firelight.

The half-life Taoist holds a lighted oil lamp. A dark wind came from nowhere and the lights swayed, but they did not go out again.

Some ruins can use electric lights, but some places can only use fire lamps such as oil lamps. Experienced tourists usually make preparations for both. Half Life Taoist even has fire excerpts here. After all, the title slots are limited, and even if there is a title like ‘Night Vision’, there may not necessarily be an empty slot.

What's more, most of the experienced passengers' titles are in complete sets, and there is no room to switch to 'night vision'.

"Click, click, click."


Augustus repeatedly pressed the flashlight switch, but could not get it to light up again. Augustus simply put away the flashlight angrily, his eyes turned into wolf eyes, and he was able to see the surrounding scenery clearly again.

That's right, behind the tear in the rotten and tattered white cloth, there were four gray-faced children looking at them.

"Living person? Dead person? Devil businessman illusion?"

He muttered, not rushing forward to explore, but paying attention to the movements of the East Enders.

From the moment Banming Taoist took out the oil lamp, he knew that he must know something.

"In the old days, shadow puppets were also called lantern shadows, lantern shadows, lantern shadows. Shadow puppets are very important, and so are the lanterns."

Taoist Taoist Ban Ming was explaining to Bai Xiaotian here. He didn't hide it from the people from the West District who were eavesdropping, and acted generously - it was something they would all know sooner or later anyway.

"Most shadow puppet shows now use electric lights, but the old-fashioned shadow puppet shows using clear oil lamps are the most authentic."

The brightness of the electric light remains unchanged. Even if the brightness can be adjusted, it looks too 'regular' and unnatural. When it comes to performance effects, we must also count the oil lamps.

During the shadow puppet show, the old artist gently blows the lamp under the lamp, and the shadows tremble when the fire light shakes. The lamp shadow itself is also unstable and easy to erratic and tremble, making each shadow puppet show different, and the shadow puppets on the stage also seem to have different shapes. Life is the same, eye-catching.

This is obviously an old-fashioned shadow puppet show, and the flashlight searchlight will go out, precisely because modern electric lights are not accepted here, and only old-fashioned lights can be used.

"But those four kids don't look like shadow puppets."

Taoist Ban Ming took a closer look at the children behind the moldy white cloth. They were about five or six years old, two boys and two girls, dressed as children, and their faces were abnormally gray.

"Zombies? Not zombies either."

"It can be preserved until now by filling it with mercury."

Yun Lianghan muttered, but as soon as he said this, he was refuted by the people around him.

"No, no mercury."

Yun Tianhe, who had been unusually quiet since the day he arrived in Yangshou Town, spoke with certainty: "They are meat puppets."

Meat puppet?

The passengers present frowned. After all, Yuntianhe once belonged to the Shepherd Alliance, and his boss was a puppet master. He should have seen more puppets. There must be some basis for what he said now.


Augustus cursed, if puppets were added, this attraction would involve too many tests!

"Are you kidding?"

Taoist Ban Ming was the quickest to react. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the four children suspiciously.

"Meat puppetry is a performance method passed down from the Song Dynasty."

Yun Tianhe and Taoist Ban Ming seemed to be playing riddles. Fortunately, Bai Xiaotian was considerate enough and explained briefly.

Meat puppets are commonly known as "playing children", that is, children pretend to be puppets and act. The children do not speak or sing, and the movements are directed by the people below. It is not a puppet but a puppet.

"Something's wrong."

Taoist Ban Ming said: "There are usually three meat puppets in performances, and there is never any talk of four children."

It is actually not auspicious for children to play puppets. Therefore, the theater is very particular about this aspect. Every time a 'meat puppet' is used in a play, the number of children is usually a multiple of three.

Humans are three, ghosts are four, and gods are five.

Choose a multiple of three, which also adds to the popularity of the children playing the role of puppets.

But there were four children on the stage, and their faces were gray and their expressions were stiff.

"It doesn't look like a living person."

As soon as Ban Ming Taoist said these words, the next moment he saw the four children all raised their lips and laughed brightly!


The little boy at the head had slender eyebrows and eyes. When he opened his mouth to speak, his mouth was dark. He seemed to have no teeth, tongue or other things. The hoarse child's voice seemed to come from a cavity somewhere, echoing on the empty stage.

"It' time."

The girl next to him smiled and answered the question with an equally hoarse voice. Upon hearing this, the faces of the passengers changed slightly, and they all exited the east side hall without hesitation.

They retreated extremely quickly, and they were all evacuated within a few seconds. The next moment, there was a deafening roar, like thunder, and like a drum amplified countless times! After the "drums" sounded, the sounds of other musical instruments joined in, as if the stage inside was being carefully rehearsed for the evening performance.

"Time, time, please pay attention carefully."

Banming Taoist patted Bai Xiaotian on the shoulder. Bai Xiaotian glanced at the stage just now, but Banming Taoist forced him out.

Before departure, the tour guide reminded several times to observe the time. Experienced travelers have this sensitivity. As soon as the girl said the word "time", an alarm went off in their minds.

You can’t be late, and naturally you can’t be ‘early’ either.

The most important thing for experienced travelers to survive until now is not to commit suicide when they are not sure.


Taoist Ban Ming's eyes wandered. When he talked about committing suicide, the first thing he thought of was Director Cui.

"Director Cui, are you okay?"

He muttered, feeling like something was wrong.

You don’t even want to do exciting things like watching the theater? Isn't this wrong? It's rare to see such 'peace', but Taoist Ban Ming feels like it's prickling everywhere, as if a small fire has been lit in his heart.

Not only him, but other passengers also found it strange. It's normal for the devil merchant not to participate in the tourists' exploration, but it would be too weird for Bing 250 to come in without any involvement.

Abnormality must lead to demons!

"Director Cui is fine."

Yuntianhe said briskly: "I made an appointment with him and will go see him later."

At this moment, Wei Xun, who was being remembered by everyone, was still nestling in the room, holding a clay pot and looking into the pot with expectation.

The mutant worm is breaking out of its shell!

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