Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 191 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (29)

Before Yu Hehui advanced to the Sky Fox level, he could only be regarded as a fox demon. He was heavily influenced by the demonic nature and sometimes became a greedy person. Only the scent of ginseng can comfort him.

Yu Hehui didn't want to talk about the past, but said that although the ginseng incense was fake, it just had no healing effect. It’s absolutely fine for detoxification and meditation, and the scent is exactly the same as real ginseng.

"In this way, they may think that I have joined forces with Ling Shen."

Yu Hehui said casually: "The Tianhu in the state of complete victory is too strong, they will not let the spiritual ginseng 'cure me'."

So tonight, even if those guys are still doubtful, they will definitely be lured out. Yu Hehui knew it was safe when Xiao Hu San was quietly taken away.

Xiao Hu San has his hair on his body, so Yu Hehui can keep an eye on him at all times. Capturing Xiao Hu San under Tianhu's attention was an absolute provocation, but Tianhu didn't react at all - it was more like the treatment had reached a critical moment and he couldn't take action.

Yu Hehui had a good grasp of his psychology, and he also knew that Wei Xun probably didn't have the heart to care about these trivial matters at the moment.

"This ginseng smells quite good."

Wei Xun yawned lazily, spreading his demon wings. He controlled his SAN value to around 35, and now his whole body is alienated. The newly grown devil horns pushed up the hood again, revealing a head of snow-white hair.

The atmosphere was obviously getting more and more tense. Yu Hehui could sense that there were many monsters hiding around them. Almost everyone staying at the Deqingban B\u0026B was paying attention to them, but Wei Xun was not nervous at all. Chatting like:

"Are everyone else in the same situation as you?"


Yu Hehui was on guard, and his replies were short. He saw October 10th guarding the corner of the patio, and the two nodded. He also saw Zhou Xiyang break open the window wall, and he actually carried the coffin on his back! Obviously if something goes wrong, he will immediately support Bing250.

You don’t have to complete the scenic spots on the journey, but Bing250 will never die!

"Tianhu, if you are willing to give me some blood, I can help you protect the law."

Taoist Ban Ming walked down, winking at Yu and Hui, and pushing Bai Xiaotian into the room who had followed them out. Yu Hehui ignored him, knowing that Taoist Ban Ming was here to mess up the situation.

The old demons are all smart. There are too many people here, and the old demons may not come out.

Yu Hehui sneered: "Why, if I don't give you blood, you will kill me?"

"With a spiritual ginseng whisker, no one can hurt you tonight."

October 10th, who was standing next to him, said coldly.

Everyone started acting.

"Human beings are insatiable. Who knows what bad water you have in your belly."

Yu Hehui laughed: "It's impossible to want spiritual ginseng!"

He was showing that he would never hand over the spiritual ginseng, so that the hidden old monsters would not take chances.

"Yeah, how can humans be as trustworthy as us spirits?"

A raccoon cat jumped out, its six tails swinging flexibly, followed by several powerful monsters: "Let me, the civet spirit, help you!"

"Wow, your majestic celestial fox is mixed up with an evil monster!"

The half-life Taoist exaggerated and bluffed: "Hey, Taoist Master will kill you today!"

"Half-life Taoist, please don't worry."

A gentle female voice sounded, and it was the three wolves of the West District who came out. Augustus stood at the front in a fierce manner, Orion stood on the left and rear on guard, and Mia stood on the right, her thoughtful eyes falling on Yu Hehui, and she said softly:

"What is spiritual ginseng, I also want to know."

What is ginseng? Yu Hehui wants to heal his injuries? Are the East End travelers really fighting among themselves, or are they acting to deceive someone?

Or is he using this to delay time, seemingly confronting but actually protecting, so that Yu Hehui can recover?

Do they want to take advantage of tonight to deal with the devil businessman? !

The three wolves in the West District stood up and stood in front of the devil merchant's room. They never thought that Yu and Hui were taking ginseng incense to attract monsters - who knew that Bing 250 would be punished by heaven in the early hours of tonight!

On the surface, only Wei Xun, Yu Hehui, Dream Chaser and Nezha Ling knew about this!

Yu Hehui ignored them completely. At this moment, there were three forces confronting each other in the small courtyard. It was unclear whether they were friends or foes. Yu Hehui transformed into a huge original body like a demonstration, with three fox tails raised in a threatening manner, and its long silver hair floated The mysterious and bright light dust made the whole fox look like it had stepped out of a mythical dream. It was noble and majestic, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience!

No one paid attention to Bing250. It was Yu Hehui who was talking to others from beginning to end. Especially when he grew bigger, he completely blocked Bing250's figure, which made Bing250 seem invisible!

But there are also people who are anxious for him.

Yun Lianghan turned into a shadow and lurked at the door of the devil merchant. He had been secretly observing Director Cui along the way, and he even spent a lot of time observing the devil businessman.

He was the first to guess that the devil merchant had an illusion!

Yun Lianghan originally wandered here because he wanted to remind Bing250, who lived closest to the devil merchant. But who knew that Yun Lianghan actually saw a dozen shadow figures sneaking into the devil merchant's room.

Good guy, it’s actually the team leader’s assessment monster that attacks in advance!

Anyway, Bing250 was not in the room, so Yun Lianghan changed his attention and simply watched the excitement. Before arriving at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, this shadow puppet monster would only find the devil merchant and would not affect the tourists. It would be great if the Devil Merchant dies. The leading tour guide is where Bing250 should be.

Who dares to let the blood relative of the life-haunting boss take second place as assistant director!

In the end, we just watched the show for a while. Who would have thought that something would happen on the patio again!

Yun Lianghan was so annoyed. He wanted to go out in a hurry, but he knew that he was not strong enough and could not play a big role. It would be better to stay here. Once the situation is really critical, he will hold the devil merchant hostage, which will always make the three Western wolves more cautious!


Hmm? !

Yun Lianghan felt something was wrong. Why did the shadow puppets in the devil merchant's house suddenly stop moving?

"Rock a bye baby..."


The tender and sad singing echoed in the Deqingban B\u0026B at some point. The singing was not very beautiful, but it was extremely gentle, like a lullaby sung to a cherished person.

Augustus's face changed suddenly. Just as he was about to turn around, the wolf hair on the back of his neck stood up in an instant.


The deafening thunder tore through the tranquility of the night, heavy rain poured down, thick clouds rolled, mixed with the intermittent singing of girls, and countless sounds mixed together. The experienced travelers were refreshed and not affected too much. But Yu Hehui became anxious, Wei Xun had already yawned three times beside him!

Even the devil's wings showed signs of folding, like a bat wrapping its wings around its body when it is asleep.

Heavenly punishment is coming, so you can't sleep!


The fox's tail swept across, and suddenly pulled back the attacking long whip. Taking advantage of Yu Hehui's distraction, the other party actually attacked directly! The 'long whip' was broken by the fox's tail, but hundreds of tough 'long whips' were pulled out from the ground and wrapped around Yu Hehui!

The earth rumbled, and the entire Deqingban B\u0026B was shaking. No one expected that the big willow tree growing in the middle of the patio would rise from the ground, and the 'long whips' that came out from the ground were all her roots!

"I'm sorry."

A cold female voice sounded, and the big willow tree shook its treetops, and the flying leaves shot in all directions like knives. Thousands of willow branches quickly swept towards Yu Hehui, and they were about to completely entangle him!


Yu Hehui roared and spit out a mouthful of dark blue fox fire, burning the willow branches and making them curl and scream. But the next moment, a red shadow flew towards Yu Hehui's face. It was the captured Xiao Hu San! Yu Hehui swept Xiao Hu San away with his fox tail, but the fox fire in his mouth was also interrupted. The big willow tree took the opportunity to transform into a human form. The cold woman's hair exuded a burnt smell and stared at him coldly.

"Sky Fox, hand over the spiritual ginseng!"

"Good things should be shared by everyone."

The person who threw Xiao Hu San was a short and fat old man. He stroked his beard with a smile: "We can talk it out..."


Yu Hehui rushed up directly, without wasting any time - it was almost midnight, and he had to entangle these two old monsters!

"Brother Sky Fox, I'll help you!"

Mekel, who was playing soy sauce next to him, saw that he couldn't wait any longer and rushed up directly. The fierce battle between the two sides was so powerful that the Deqingban B\u0026B rumbled and collapsed halfway due to the battle!


Little Hu San rolled over like a lazy fox to avoid the falling boulder, but he was almost crushed to death just after he escaped. He was still in shock and lowered his body to move out like a big reddish-brown cockroach. Suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

Why did only two of the three old monsters come out? Where did the strongest one go? !


Just when Little Hu San wanted to remind the ancestor of the Sky Fox, his eyes went straight over there, and he felt dizzy and black in front of his eyes, and almost fainted.

"Little brother, it's dangerous here, don't sleep."

Wei Xun yawned sleepily, lowered his eyes, and found that there was a little boy with a sister's hair, white hair, and a lovely jade-like appearance standing at his feet.

The child looked at Little Hu San, knocked him unconscious, turned around, looked up and smiled at Wei Xun, his eyes moving, making people's brains dizzy, and they wanted to follow him in a daze.

"Come on, follow me. I'll take you to a safe place."

The child stretched out his hand, and Wei Xun took his hand. The two interlocked their fingers and held hands tightly.

"Brother, are you a bat spirit? You're really powerful. Not as weak as me."

The child sighed faintly and led Wei Xun outside. Yu Hehui was too busy to take care of the rear in the melee, but even Banming Daoren and others didn't notice him. This child's strength is above them!

Only October 10th wanted to move, but her ears moved slightly, as if she heard something, and finally stood still.

"But Ling Shen doesn't like bat spirits. He thinks they suck blood. So what if they suck blood? It's not like digging out people's hearts and livers, but Ling Shen is just hypocritical and can't stand this kind of thing. Brother must have been disliked by Ling Shen when he was with him."

The child was angry, as if he was unfair to Wei Xun. Wei Xun nodded slightly, and seemed to be muttering something.

"What is my brother talking about?"

The child was very flexible. He slid along Wei Xun's body and climbed onto his shoulders. His little hands pinched his neck lightly, and he leaned his head to his face to listen.


"Bet on what?"

The child got closer, trying to induce Wei Xun to say more. When Wei Xun reached out to hug him and moved him above his head, the child was slightly alert, but didn't care too much.

He was still pinching the bat spirit's neck, and he could break his head if he was wrong. Even if he got rid of the illusion, what could he do?

The rumbling thunder was endless. Even though the child had practiced for a hundred years, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Fear of thunder was the nature of demons. Something was wrong tonight.

He didn't fight with the Sky Fox like those two fools. Maybe the Sky Fox had brought the Sky Fox. If the spirit ginseng became a spirit, the heaven and earth would definitely punish it. If the Sky Fox cooperated to help him, it was reasonable for the Sky Fox to be struck by the Sky Thunder. Getting close to the Sky Fox was seeking death!

It would be better to catch this bat spirit, he is highly valued by the Sky Fox. The child smelled a faint ginseng fragrance on the bat spirit. If there is really spiritual ginseng, the bat spirit must have seen it.


Thunder sounded again, and the child was frightened. He wanted to leave but was unwilling to do so.

Quick battle and quick decision!

The child simply lay on his head and increased the strength of the illusion. This intensity of interference can control the opponent's soul and turn him into a puppet completely-wait.

The child was shocked.

How can this soul not be controlled? !

"Bet, bet--"

Under the child's illusion, Wei Xun's eyes became clearer, and his sleepiness disappeared. The illusion overwhelmed Eve's mental interference, which was enough to show how strong this child was.


Wei Xun's voice was very light, and it was barely audible in the rumbling thunder. The child had to get very close to hear it.

"Bet tonight, in the end, you die or I live."

[The bet is established! ]


The hotel reminder sounded at the same time as the thunder! The child could only hear the thunder. He shrank into a ball with a start. He was shocked and turned into his original form. A sleek white weasel coiled on Wei Xun's head, with white fur all over its body, trembling, and was about to run away. But he couldn't break free from Wei Xun's hand. Their hands seemed to be stuck together by some rules! [Until the gambling game is over, the two parties cannot separate! ] "Crackle!" The bright lightning was like a sharp arrow shot by the Emperor of Heaven, filled with terrifying power and falling from the sky. The thickest one struck directly on Wei Xun's head - he had the weasel on his head! "Boom!!!"

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