Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 190 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (28)

"Do you smell anything?"

Late at night, at Deqingban B\u0026B, the heavy rain turned into continuous drizzle, and the whole antique building seemed particularly quiet in the rustling sound of the rain.

But in fact, the B\u0026B was undercurrent, and no one could sleep tonight.

"I smelled it too, it's really fragrant."

Augustus sat by the window and heard two squirrels whispering outside the window. His wolf ears moved, and he crossed his arms impatiently, and his breath was restrained, so he didn't even alarm the two squirrels.

His eyes fell on the window of the opposite room.

The entire inner courtyard of Deqingban B\u0026B is a "mouth"-shaped building. The tourists and tour guides live opposite, separated by a patio. Augustus was looking at the window of the devil merchant.

Mia was the first to discover that the devil merchant had an illusion. She said she saw a translucent little girl sleeping on the window of the devil merchant, and it disappeared when she looked closely. Augustus originally thought it was some ghost thing raised by the devil merchant, and didn't pay much attention to it.

But then the devil merchant came over seriously, and Augustus realized that this was actually an illusion of the devil merchant!

"Naive, huh."

Augustus complained and snorted, and immediately scared away the two squirrels. If they werewolves hadn't wanted to recruit the devil merchant, he wouldn't have given the devil merchant face and would have crushed the illusion girl to death long ago.

However, although he promised not to act on the illusion immediately, Augustus also kept an eye on the devil merchant's room. If there was any strange vision tonight, he would not show mercy.

Although this level of illusion could not affect him, Mia and the others were still quite weak after all, and Augustus had to take some responsibility.

Of course, Augustus also had his own little thoughts for not killing the illusion. If the negative state of sleep is used well... it is very useful.

"Hey Mia, is there anything to eat?"

Augustus sniffed, the two squirrels were right, it was indeed very fragrant. The fragrance was actually very faint and faint, but the werewolf had a keen sense of smell, and Augustus was hungry after smelling it.

However, the scent was more like some kind of plant. Augustus was a pure carnivore and was not too interested. Instead, he became alert and called Mia and Orlean over and ordered:

"Put on your gas mask. If you suddenly smell the scent in the middle of the night, there must be something wrong."


"Could it be the black cat?"

Orlean put on a gas mask specially made for werewolves and spoke in a muffled voice.

"There are too many mutant beasts here, and some are very powerful. I can vaguely sense them."

Oleana's combat power is average, but he has good perception. I heard that he had a great chance to join the subordinate brigade of the astrologer's brigade before, but he became a werewolf by accident.

The major brigades and tour guide alliances in the West District reject werewolves. After all, werewolves have blood poison and will be seriously affected by the upper werewolves. Just like the Werewolf Alliance, almost all werewolf tour guides obey the blood wolf Rex.

And werewolves pay attention to the tribe. Whether they are werewolf travelers or tour guides, they will eventually prefer to live together. Therefore, in the West District, the werewolf travelers' caravan and the werewolf alliance have a close relationship, more like a united wolf pack that is united against the outside world. This is why the Blood Wolf Rex is not an S-level tour guide, but his subordinates can rank at the forefront.

"Can you explain it more clearly?"


Olena shook her head: "I can't resonate with the moon, I can't sense more detailed information."

"Oh, this damn rain."

Augustus complained: "It is said that this city is very dry in autumn, how can there be so much rain."

From the beginning of the journey to now, there has not been a sunny day.

"We may be classified as monsters."

Mia said calmly: "After all, we are werewolves. In the classification in the East, we are considered wolf monsters. If it is Mekel who takes action, then the camp may be divided tonight."


Augustus did not comment, he did not reveal his identity as a 'monster'. After all, veteran travelers know that the hotel's favorite thing is to break up the original alliance and make them out of their comfort zone.

Among the three wolves in the West District, it is impossible that they are all monsters, there must be 'humans'. Now Augustus has confirmed that the only 'demon' is Mekkel.

* *

"Tsk tsk, how can a cat like Mekkel suppress so many old monsters in the deep mountains?"

The Taoist monk with a half-life was mumbling and sighing: "The ginseng incense is rising, and the monsters are restless. It's difficult."

"Deputy captain, is this smell ginseng incense?"

"But why would ginseng incense come out at this time?"

Bai Xiaotian looked out the window. The rain was getting heavier. Through the rain curtain, Bai Xiaotian saw a woman wearing a bamboo hat, like a knight, holding an umbrella, standing in the corner of the patio like a shadow.

"Put your head back, be careful of being eaten by monsters!" The Taoist Banming scolded, and when he saw Bai Xiaotian honestly shrink his head, he answered his previous question: "Ginseng spirit is a thing that gathers vitality, growing in deep mountains and old forests, cliffs and desperate places. It is definitely not far from becoming a spirit if it comes out now." "Spiritual ginseng is cunning, and pure and spiritual, and can see a trace of heaven's secrets. Maybe it can see our arrival and change its current dangerous situation." "So while we are in the same homestay with the monsters, release ginseng incense to lure the monsters to riot. By then, the big monsters will definitely search everywhere. If there is a conflict with us, we can use our hands to get rid of the monsters... huh?" The Taoist Banming was originally giving instructions, but suddenly frowned and his nose moved. "Huh? This is..." "No, no."

Taoist Ban Ming couldn't help but stand up and pace around the room, counting with his right hand.

"This ginseng fragrance...isn't right."

* *

"Sir, it's ginseng incense, this is ginseng incense!"

In Mekel's room, a group of small and medium-sized demons were chattering and extremely excited.

"What's the fuss about?"

The six-tailed civet cat meowed impatiently, and the little demons headed by Qing Qi immediately fell silent.

Ever since they saw the six-tailed raccoon spirit entering Tianhu's territory and still coming out alive, Mekel's image has been infinitely higher in their hearts, and the weight of his words has increased. Qing Qi made up his mind to follow him on the spot, and said that there were familiar demons he knew on Xiaotang Mountain, and if Mekel wanted to go to Xiaotang Mountain, he could help introduce them.

But no matter what, Xiaotangshan is tomorrow. Who would have thought that ginseng would come out tonight? Qing Qi was so excited that he hissed:

"Sir, this opportunity must not be missed, it will never come back again!"

"Yes, sir, when the ginseng comes out, the other adults will definitely take action tonight. We have to seize the opportunity first!"

"Spiritual ginseng is the best at hiding. There is definitely a purpose behind distributing the ginseng fragrance. Adults should be more careful!"

"Okay, what are you in a hurry for?"

Mekel meowed, pretending to be proud: "Don't you think there's something weird about this ginseng fragrance?"


The little demons looked at each other and sniffed hard, but they didn't find anything weird about the ginseng fragrance.

"This ginseng...cannot heal wounds."

Only Qing Qi hissed gloomily.

His eyes were burned by the Samadhi True Fire. It seemed that the injury was not serious, but it was very difficult to completely cure it, and a miraculous medicine was needed.

He was also very excited when he first smelled the scent of ginseng. Legend has it that ginseng can bring the dead to life, remove their flesh and bones, and detoxify them. Even just a whiff of ginseng fragrance can heal people's injuries - but his eyes have not healed after smelling ginseng fragrance for so long!

Master Li Huajing said that the ginseng fragrance is weird. Could it be related to this?

"That's right."

Mekel gave him an approving look.

"Is the ginseng incense fake?"

The other little monsters were immediately disappointed. I thought I couldn't see the ginseng, but I could smell the aroma, but was the aroma also fake?


Mekel whipped out the little demon who had just spoken with his tail, and scolded: "Can ginseng incense be fake? Can you show me the fake thing?"

"Or you? Can you fake it?"

The little demon who was pulled out rolled over and covered his face in fear. The other little demons also said something about "Sir, please calm down" in panic, which at least calmed Mekel down.

"Everyone is so stupid, Qing Qi, tell me."

Qing Qi, who was named again, actually knew something in his mind just now, but he didn't dare to say it. It is not good for a demon to act too smart. But now that he was called out, he could no longer pretend to be stupid and considered:

"As the adults said, this ginseng incense is real. But there is no energy in the ginseng incense. Maybe it was absorbed by someone? My knowledge is shallow, so I wonder if this is possible."

Hearing what Qing Qi said, the other fairies secretly laughed. How can there be a reason why the ginseng fragrance is still there but the energy has been absorbed?

This Bamboo Leaf Green will definitely be slapped in the face by the civet spirit later——

"You're right."

Mekel nodded and looked at the snake spirit with a smile. He's quite smart, and the key is that he can answer calls. Mekel is quite satisfied with him.

He said meaningfully: "A single whisker of spiritual ginseng... can make flesh and white bones."

Mekel's words were vague, but all the little demons, including Qing Qi, vaguely understood something.

Qing Qi suddenly understood and understood. Spiritual ginseng, ginseng fragrance, the energy is absorbed by someone, the ginseng must be able to make flesh and bones - the six-tailed raccoon flower essence is definitely the sky fox! Otherwise, how could Li Huajing know so clearly about such a secret matter?

If he could come back alive from Tianhu, he might have a good relationship with Tianhu. The fox was seriously injured that day. If it caught Lingshen - no, not necessarily. Lingshen is best at hiding, and the seriously injured Tianhu might not be able to find it.

Qing Qi frowned, thinking hard, and suddenly his heart moved.

So, does that mean that it is possible -

* *

"You mean, that Spirit Ginseng showed up on his own initiative and wanted to join forces with Tianhu?"

In a remote room at Deqingban B\u0026B, Xiao Hu San was lying on the ground shivering, his red hair messy. He was caught while spreading the news... Well, this was actually expected. It was normal to be caught. After all, their goal was to lure out the big monsters.

Xiao Hu San believed that as long as his ancestors were around, he would not die. Of course, the most important thing is that he is also a candidate for Mr. Hu San. He has connections with humans. Those old monsters usually won't kill monsters like him.

But under the pressure of the opponent's evil spirit, Xiao Hu San couldn't stand up at all.

"Yes, yes, spiritual ginseng can heal our ancestors' injuries."

Red Fox reluctantly raised his head and threatened: "The power of our ancestors is boundless, you'd better retreat quickly——"


Red Fox's mouth was tied up with a piece of emerald green rattan and he was beaten severely.


The man said casually, thoughtfully, and said hoarsely: "That's right, Tianhu is different from us, and can also be regarded as a purely spiritual creature. If Lingshen really needs someone to cooperate, he will indeed go to him."

"If Tianhu really recovers his strength, we should just go back home."

Another voice said strangely.

"Don't worry, I haven't recovered my strength yet."

The man said slowly and calmly: "If you want to completely cure the injured Tianhu, this moment of effort is not enough. Judging from the ginseng fragrance, I'm afraid this spiritual ginseng only uses one ginseng whisker."

It was impossible for Xiao Hu San to know about things at this level. This person was not asking him, but was talking to himself to sort out his thoughts:

"Lingshen heals Tianhu's wounds, but it releases its fragrance in such a big way. I'm afraid it also wants to scare us away."

"Brother Huang is right. If Lingshen can cure Tianhu and they join forces, we will never be able to do it again."


A cold female voice spoke.

"Tonight, a quick victory."

"This red fox is not easy to kill. After all, it is related to the human race."

The man chuckled lightly and picked up the back of the red fox's neck: "Why don't you take it to the battlefield and give you a chance to see the style of your ancestors up close?"

* *


Zhou Xiyang opened his eyes, and a dark fire flickered in his black eyes.

Mekel 'rebelled', and only Zhou Xiyang was left in their family. At this moment, he was sitting in the room, holding a gun in his hanging left hand, and holding a long baton in his right hand casually resting on his knee.

Behind Zhou Xiyang is a coffin covered with a layer of white paper. There was no light on in the room, and it was completely dark. Only the light from outside occasionally shone in, making the tattered gray-white paper flow down the coffin, making it particularly permeable.


The cold wind and rain blew into the house, bringing a refreshing fragrance. This aroma is neither sweet nor greasy, and is extremely refreshing, like the purest herbal fragrance. It makes people feel refreshed and clear-headed as soon as they smell it.

The sunset fire in Yuyuan flashed by, but the fragrance did not dissipate. This fragrance was not an illusion, and there was no danger.

In the darkness, Zhou Xiyang quietly sniffed the fragrance, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. How long ago it was, the past events seemed to be buried by time, but at this moment, they all surged forward like a wave, and the past events came to mind one after another, even Zhou Xiyang lost his mind for a moment.

Then he immediately became alert.

Da Tong has been dead for almost ten years, and the only people who can still use this fragrance are the returnees, and they have to be the old returnees, Yu Hehui's generation. Yes, this ginseng fragrance was most likely created by Yu Hehui!

Zhou Xiyang became anxious.

The incense of ginseng will definitely cause monster riots in the B\u0026B, and even the old monsters who are standing still will be attracted out! Yu Hehui, no, Bing250, what on earth does he want to do? !


There was a gunshot, and the fire went out. The white smoke from the gun in Zhou Xiyang's hand had not dispersed, and a shadow figure as thin as cicada wings fell limply behind the coffin. No one noticed when the shadow figure appeared, and similarly, no one could see clearly when Zhou Xiyang turned around and raised his hand to shoot.

His shooting skills were extremely accurate, and this shot penetrated the shadow puppet man's head!

But the brightly colored shadow puppet head did not burn, but melted like wax when exposed to heat! The air was suddenly filled with stale, sweet and colorful smoke, which was similar to miasma and contained highly poisonous gas!

But before the smoke drifted away, it was dispersed by the ginseng incense.

The fragrance of ginseng can detoxify and remove evil spirits from entering the body, which is exactly what it helps. But Zhou Xiyang's face was still solemn.

There were shadow puppets appearing, and the situation was more serious than he imagined!

"Devil Merchant——"

Zhou Xiyang gritted his teeth. It would be okay if only monsters attacked him secretly. After all, Mekel was among them. Zhou Xiyang asked Taoist Taoist Half Life to take care of the coffin temporarily, while he went to be ready to help Bing 250 at any time.

But now the shadow puppets appear, which means that even before they arrive at the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, the Devil Merchant's leader has already started to take the assessment!

He must guard this coffin!

With a slight movement in his heart, Zhou Xiyang suddenly stood up and swept the baton, completely destroying the window and wall facing the patio. Half of the wall was gone, and the cold wind blew in with heavy rain. The rain outside became even heavier, and the strong wind blew up white rain curtains.

Without this wall, Zhou Xiyang could clearly see the scene in the patio. It was a little spiritual connection with Bing250 that made him aware of it!

In the heavy rain, one person and one fox stood in the middle of the patio.


Thunder pierced the sky, and bright lightning pierced the sky like a long snake, reflecting the pale earth!

The pale center Wei Xun turned around keenly and saw a small gray face printed on the window of the devil merchant's room. His closed eyes were slightly opened, as if he was looking at him.


Wei Xun was still in the mood to say hello to her.


That's right, there was not only this little gray face behind the window, but Wei Xun also saw countless yellow-brown humanoid shadow puppets squeezing and sticking to each other behind the window, blood-like red seeping down, making it scary and strange.

"Something happened to the devil merchant."

Wei Xun was very interested: "Interesting, his little illusion seems to be about to riot."

Judging from the way the devil businessman defended 'Eve', we knew that they must have had a good relationship during his lifetime. Now that the Devil Merchant is surrounded by shadow puppets for some unknown reason, Phantom Eve will most likely come to 'help'.


Wei Xun yawned, feeling a little sleepy, and said to himself: "The wider your eyes open, the more sleepy you will feel?"

When Eve closed her eyes completely before, Wei Xun felt nothing. Now that she opened her eyes slightly, Wei Xun felt sleepy.


Yu Hehui, whose whole body was exuding the scent of ginseng and carefully observing his surroundings, warned: "You can't fall asleep."

After a while, the punishment from heaven came, and it would be the end if Wei Xun fell asleep.

"rest assured."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "I am a hundred times more energetic."

[Point Seven: Focus]

[Before a gambler loses his last penny, he will always focus on the game and will never be disturbed by the outside world! 】

The newly opened points of the Gambler's Die range from seven to ten, and each point has a special function. But it was extremely difficult to throw. Wei Xun tried many times and spent a lot of flesh and blood, but most of them could only get one to six points.

Throwing this seven o'clock, he not only put on the necklace that turned into luck, but also used a lucky charm of Mao Xiaole.

‘But how long can your ginseng fragrance last? ’

‘At least it can last for an hour. ’

Yu Hehui and Wei Xun chatted secretly: "After all, this bottle of fake ginseng incense has been stored for ten years, so it's good to think it's still working." ’

Wei Xun told Mekel before that he should find a way to lure out all the old monsters. But it was Yu Hehui who came up with a solution. These old monsters from the mountains all come here for the spiritual ginseng. If you want to lure them out, you must have something related to the spiritual ginseng.

Yu Hehui happened to have a bottle of ginseng incense.

This was considered his 'relic', and he helped Yu Hehui keep it as a souvenir on the way home. Now that Yu Hehui is alive, he gave all these things to him on his way back.

"Tong Hege is from the Northeast, and his ancestors were ginseng pickers. This ginseng fragrance is used to lure spiritual ginseng, and it can also appease my demonic nature."

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