Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 192 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (30)

"Oh my God, God's punishment, God's punishment!!"

The bucket-sized electric light penetrated the earth, making the entire Deqingban B\u0026B so bright that it was almost blinding! But at this moment, not many people had time to pay attention to Wei Xun.

Because most of the ‘people’ in this Deqingban B\u0026B were struck by lightning!

The half-life Taoist screamed and threw himself desperately on Hong Zhan. He was suddenly electrocuted and black smoke erupted, and he was trembling all over. The red and stiff skin was even more cracked and charred, and his blank eyes were filled with fear. It cringed and squatted down, holding its head. Taoist Taoist Half Life shook his arms and blocked Hong Zheng's body like an old hen nestling in his nest. His voice changed with fear:

"Disperse, disperse quickly!"

Different from the first time Bing 250 was punished by heaven, there are too many ‘people’ here who deserve to be punished by heaven at this moment! At least they belonged to the hotel before, so there was no big problem. But now the passengers have revealed that Taoist Ban Ming belongs to the Taoist camp, but he has raised Hongzhi with the bloodline of the mutated Drought Demon. Of course he will be punished by heaven!

But he was pretty good here. The lightning that fell on his head was only as thick as his arm. It was even worse over there with the Three Wolves in the West District. A thigh-thick bolt of lightning struck Augustus directly. Not only that, there were countless long snake-like lightnings that passed over the three wolves and struck at the devil merchant's room where the phantom Eve and the shadow puppets were!


Augustus transformed into a wolf in an instant and bravely ran into the lightning. His scalp was immediately numb and his whole body was charred, and the exploded wolf fur was covered with arcs of electricity.

"You—quick, go—"

He was so shocked that he spoke intermittently and growled anxiously.

Go to the devil merchant quickly! Don't let him be hacked to death——


For a moment, Augustus' eyes turned pale, as if the whole world had turned into light. He watched helplessly as an earth-shattering lightning struck down, and the whole courtyard was filled with crackling electric light. The night seemed to turn into day, and the light shone like a midnight disco.

The demonic figures who were fighting fiercely were all engulfed by the lightning, and everything was covered in white, making it impossible to see anything clearly.


The red werewolf raised his ears in fear and instinctively shivered, feeling terrified for the first time.

It was too terrifying. The thunder from the east was so terrifying that Augustus felt that he was completely suppressed and just wanted to crouch on the ground and tremble.

Fortunately I didn't rush over!

At this moment, Augustus felt nothing but fear and luck. It seemed that he was still on the edge of heavenly punishment. If he stood in the middle——

After being hacked like this, could anyone really survive? !


The ferret let out a scream, and was shaken by the electric shock. In fact, it held back the first blow from Heaven's Punishment and tried desperately to avoid it. But when the second blow came, it really couldn't bear the pain. Living. The long hair on its back was erected and turned black, and the entire mink turned into a sable.

"Let me go, do you want to die?"

Seeing that the thick clouds in the sky had not dispersed, the power of the heavenly punishment was still there, and it was obviously brewing for the third time. The ferret screamed angrily and strangled Wei Xun's neck - but did not dare to strangle him to death.

The thunder is still striking, and he dares to kill people in front of heavenly punishment, unless he doesn't want to die anymore!

"The punishment from heaven is coming for me. If you follow me again, you will be hacked to death!"

Fart, this heavenly punishment is not directed at him. The ferret knew very well that this heavenly punishment was probably coming after the Sky Fox Spirit Ginseng. The bat spirit would also be affected and would die sooner or later.

It was their misfortune that they were still there when the Heaven Punishment struck them, but the thief God noticed them all, and they were all struck down together.

The ferret was so angry that it was so angry that it felt frightened and frightened. The most conspicuous one was hit the hardest. The big willow tree spirit was the tallest, and all the branches that had been chopped fell. The second tallest one was the bat spirit, but the stoat was still squatting on top of the bat spirit. Increase the height, and the one who gets chopped will be miserable.

Otherwise, how could a small man like him, a ferret, with a hidden aura of magic weapon be chopped into pieces like this!

"What did you say?!"

The bat spirit underneath him was also severely chopped, and it shook into pieces with the ferret. Amidst the lightning and thunder, the stoat seemed to hear what he said. It trembled and looked down, hearing the bat spirit whispering:

"It feels so good."

Ferret:? ? ?

The ferret's little head was full of doubts, but Wei Xun was really happy. The sky thunder was blocked by someone before and did not hit him, but this time he really experienced it. It didn't hurt. Wei Xun still didn't feel any pain. He only felt lightning piercing through his body, and his whole body was numb, as if he was trying to kill a chicken. The tip of Wei Xun's comfortable tail was slightly raised, and the bone spurs exploded. It was very comfortable.

But once the heavenly punishment fell, the countdown to his death almost reached zero, which showed that this heavenly punishment still caused great harm to the body. If it weren't for the ferret hat and the kind-hearted people who dispersed together, Wei Xun would have been hacked to pieces.

As expected, there is strength in numbers!

The points were exchanged for free and the countdown to death was rapidly decreasing. The long-awaited divine punishment fell again. This time, even Zhou Xiyang, who was watching nervously, screamed: "Why are you still here?!"

Standing on the second floor, he could see the situation in the patio most clearly. The huge lightning that penetrates the sky and the earth is like a huge silver-white broom, sweeping away all the dirty things.

The three wolves of the West District, Taoist Ban Ming and some little demons were on the edge, and the impact was small. At best, they were dusted off by a feather duster. But in the middle of the courtyard, the big demons such as Yu Hehui, Wei Xun and others who had just meleeed were all affected by this. The 'big broom' goes back and forth, sweeping with a face full of anger!

"It's just nonsense!"

An anxious scolding sounded in Zhou Xiyang's ears. When he saw the red bird with a human face and tentacles landing silently on his shoulder, Zhou Xiyang almost threw the coffin out.

Fortunately, he recognized the voice of Nezha Ling!

"What a nonsense, the punishment of heaven has become like this, let's see how he ends!"

"Too many monsters gathered, attracting too many punishments of heaven."

Dream Chaser Xiaolong said solemnly, he did not fly beside Bing 250, after all, Bing 250 wanted to lure the big monster. If there is a monster with sharp intuition, the dream chaser may not take the bait if the dream chaser follows him.

But even the dream chaser did not expect such a scene.

"The punishment of heaven should have been struck once, but-"

Those monsters dared to come, either they were not good enough like Qingqi Lynx Spirit, who was too lazy to be seen by the punishment of heaven, or they were old monsters like Baiwei Liushu, who must have items to conceal the secrets of heaven.

But Bing 250 directly led to the Heavenly Punishment. Even the old demon had to expose his demonic energy to resist the Heavenly Punishment, otherwise he would be directly chopped into ashes.

Once the demonic energy was exposed, it was completely exposed. This was just like seeing a cockroach (Director Cui) just about to kill it, but it ended up exploding a cockroach nest!

The Heavenly Punishment went wild!

This didn't seem like a Heavenly Punishment, but more like a terrifying thunderstorm!

"How can it be stopped? Is there any way?"

Zhou Xiyang almost had a myocardial infarction, but seeing that the Dream Chaser and Nezha Ling were not too anxious and nervous, he reluctantly relaxed - Bing 250 should be fine.

"The Heavenly Punishment will not last too long, after all, there is a lot of anger here. When the demonic energy is almost chopped off, it will be covered by anger."

The Heavenly Punishment will naturally stop if it can't find a target.

But how long will it take to disperse the demonic energy?

"You are still alive now, let me go."

The weasel wanted to cry but had no tears. It had been completely numb from being chopped off. Just now, he thought it was the last Heavenly Punishment, and he ruthlessly used his magic weapon to withstand it, but he didn't expect that the thick clouds in the sky were still there. And it found a problem, that is, the punishment from heaven is especially targeted at them!

If the punishment from heaven strikes the willow spirit and the catfish spirit once, it will strike them twice! Even the fox from heaven is not struck as often as them!

Could it be that the real one struck by the punishment from heaven is not the fox from heaven, but the bat spirit?

The ferret was in a bad mood, he finally knew why the bat spirit had put him on his head.

The most urgent thing is to leave him as soon as possible!

"You win this bet, I admit defeat, let's end it!"

The ferret was charred and shattered, he was stunned by the bet before, at this critical moment of life and death, he thought about what the bat spirit said when the punishment from heaven just struck. What bet, what life and death.

He can't separate from the bat spirit, is it because of this bet? !

Now the bat spirit is still alive, if he wins, the bet will end!

Sure enough, after the ferret shouted this sentence, he felt relaxed all over, as if some invisible confinement had been released. This is the power of rules! He was startled, he originally wanted to kill the bat spirit, but now he was afraid and didn't want to attack him again. As the next punishment was about to fall, the weasel was about to flee, but the next second it heard a voice——

"Take a risk."

Weasel:? !

The weasel, which had jumped away from the bat spirit and flew eight feet away, instantly returned to the top of the bat spirit's head, and inexplicably held its tail and coiled up.

[The risk was successful! You have a weasel hat! ]

"Cough cough cough."

Wei Xun coughed up a lot of blood, and under the cover of the devil's wings, a lucky charm turned into ashes at his fingertips. But unlike the risk against An Xuefeng and * * *, this time Wei Xun clearly saw how long the 'weasel hat' would last.

It was only a short one and a half seconds!

But this time was enough for him!

"Let's start the bet again, bet——whether the punishment from heaven will strike again!"

The weasel, which had just removed the weasel hat, stuck to Wei Xun again. Wei Xun laughed in the thunder and lightning, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth in small streams, flowing on his pale skin, like a vampire.

[Doomsday Carnival is on, you can't stop gambling until the end of the world! ]

[There are still three more gamblings before the end of the world! ]

You can't stop gambling, otherwise Wei Xun will be attacked by the gambler's dice! Forcing people to gamble, Wei Xun will pay double the price of flesh and blood each time. Only if you win the bet can your flesh and blood return to him, but if you win all the bets, then when the gambling is over, he will face the most severe "end of the world"!

But, what does it matter?

"I bet the punishment from heaven will strike down."

Wei Xun smiled and raised his head, the devil's wings stretched out, and they were struck too many times. Every silver line on the wings belonging to the devil seemed to be soaked with lightning.

"Are you crazy?!"

The ferret screamed, completely unable to bear it: "I'm going to kill you--"


The thunder and lightning fell faster than the ferret's attack. At this moment, most of the punishments from heaven in other places stopped, but they were particularly conspicuous.



The ferret screamed in pain, and the smell of barbecue filled his body. He had a simple little mirror on his forehead, and at this moment the mirror was completely shattered, and this magic weapon was useless.

"I will kill you, I will kill you--"

"I won the last bet, let's start the bet again, bet--whether the punishment from heaven will strike again!"

Fuck your mother again? !

"I bet the punishment from heaven will come again."

"I also bet the punishment from heaven will come again!"

The ferret understood this time and cried out in pain on the spot. This bat spirit is so weird, it seems like there are rules when it comes to this gambling game, and even he has to abide by the rules. But he can bet on items and chips. The more he bets, the worse the bat spirit will suffer after losing the bet.

But their bets were the same this time, and the ferret made no bets. Sure enough, a few seconds later, Heavenly Punishment landed again!


The bright electric light once again illuminated the Deqingban B\u0026B. At this moment, the B\u0026B was in ruins. Everyone and the monsters who could run had already run away. Those who couldn't were so frightened that their legs were weak and they were still standing in the ruins. They were horrified to witness the lightning strike again. Down.

"Will he die? Will Xiao Cui die?"

The devil businessman, who was in a state of embarrassment, held the little illusion in his arms. He and the illusion in his arms trembled every time the lightning flashed. In the darkness, it was not clear at first glance how many figures there were, because everyone was affected directly or indirectly, and their faces were all scorched, completely blending into the night.

"This split should be the end, right? Right?!"

Zhou Xiyang was so anxious that he wanted to rush into the lightning. When the lightning dissipated, he quickly looked inside——

"Not dead! Bing250 is still alive!"

He was pleasantly surprised, but the next moment he heard Bing250 coughing and laughing:

"There is no winner this time. Let's start the gambling game again. Bet on whether the punishment from heaven will strike again!"

"Stop betting, why are you still betting?"

Mekel screamed: "I'm going to kill the cat!"

The wolf is about to be killed!

The charred Augustus didn't say anything and stood silently in front of Orion and Mia. At this moment, he had a strong hostility and disgust towards gambling and gamblers.

If anyone dares to gamble in front of him in the future, he will definitely bite that person's throat out!

"I bet the punishment from heaven will come again."

"I also bet that the punishment from heaven will come again!"

There was a cry in the voice of the ferret as he was dying. It was so tragic, it was so miserable. Although this heavenly punishment was not caused by gambling, the ferret now hated the bat spirit first, and the second thing he hated was gambling!

And he was sure that it was this bat spirit that was struck down by Heavenly Punishment! At this moment, the majestic heavy rain turned into light rain, and half of the thick clouds in the night sky had dispersed. The evil spirit in the field was almost gone, and even the willow tree spirits were no longer being hacked - only they were still being hacked! Just smelling the lingering breath of heaven's punishment made the ferret want to die.


Heaven's Punishment falls again, this time although the power is much smaller than before, it is even more heart-wrenching. Yu Hehui, whose body was charred, was restless and wanted to rush in to help Wei Xun bear the punishment from heaven. He knew clearly that even with a ferret on his head and monsters sharing the burden, Wei Xun would be at the end of his strength after being struck so many times.

He was hacked a full six times!

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room is full of grief.

[Brothers, I dare not look at it. Are Bing250 people still alive? 】

[Stop gambling, I beg you, don’t gamble. Seriously, this is life-threatening! 】

[Shit, can’t this gambling stop? I have bet several times! 】

[Brother, haven’t you noticed? This heavenly punishment is not due to gambling! I think this gambling is more like the effect of some kind of prop! 】

[Bing250 relied on gambling to tie himself to the ferret spirit, so he could withstand so many divine punishments]

[Without the gambling effect, if the stoat spirit ran away long ago, who would be attacked next time? 】

[The brother above understands...but why do I feel that Bing250 is so happy every time he bets! 】

[No way, no way, no one really likes to be punished by heaven! 】

[Betting on dogs will lead to death - but Bing250 cannot die. 】

[Please, I support Bing250’s gambling, continue to lock up the ferret spirit and let him carry the electricity! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room is divided into two camps. One side does not want to see anything related to gambling anymore. They don't want a quick-fix pill, they just want stable happiness. The other side believes that natural punishment is inevitable, and it is normal to use gambling to tie up ferrets to help get criticized - this is not real gambling, it is just the effect of props!

But within a few seconds, the latter's mind completely changed.

"There is no winner this time. Let's start the gambling game again. Bet on whether the punishment from heaven will come down again!"

When the gambling game resumed, Wei Xun drank a mouthful of the nectar produced by the White Jade Scorpion. His body was completely numb, but his SAN value was slashed to 50 by heaven's punishment - the sky thunder destroyed all evil, even mental pollution was included. Wei Xun didn't have to worry about the SAN value at all, but just as Yu Hehui was worried, his body had reached its limit.

How can a demon who is not fully grown up endure so many punishments from heaven? Even though Wei Xun was not in pain, he was still exhausted and weak. The cloak was still intact, but the body under the cloak was completely charred. The demon's bone spurs, exoskeletons, and scales were all chopped into charcoal, and fell down with every movement, revealing the The tender meat was covered with horrific dark red scars caused by lightning strikes.

He retracted his wings as if in exhaustion, and his body swayed, as if it was difficult to stand still. This was his last gamble. After gambling, the carnival will end and the gambler will meet his end.

"There is no more divine punishment."

Nezha Ling, who didn't know the details, breathed a sigh of relief. The red bird flapped its wings and flew towards Wei Xun. Although the light rain has not stopped and the thick clouds have not dispersed, the terrifying and desolate atmosphere brought by the punishment of heaven has gradually dissipated. After being hacked six times, normal people have long since disappeared. Wei Xun is just playing with fire.

Didn’t you see that the white weasel above his head turned into a scorched weasel? If heaven punishes the scorched weasel again, Wei Xun will be in trouble.

After listening to Nezha Ling's words, Zhou Xiyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the audience in the live broadcast room also relaxed at the same time, all sweating. But the next moment they heard Bing250’s hoarse voice again——

"I bet - God's punishment will come again."

【Is he crazy? Why will the punishment of gambling come again? ! 】

[Didn’t this little red bird say it wouldn’t come? It’s impossible for it to come again! 】

[But Bing250 doesn’t know about this. Maybe he thinks that heaven’s punishment will come again? 】

The audience couldn't understand it, and everyone at the scene was also puzzled. Even though the thick clouds have not dispersed, but the thunder has disappeared, Bing250 must have felt that the punishment from heaven will not come. He was targeted by Heaven's Punishment, so his perception should be the sharpest.

Could it be that--

"Hiss—I'm afraid he made the wrong bet on purpose."

Taoist Ban Ming kept calculating, his charred forehead was covered with cold sweat: "It's broken, it's broken, his gambling prop is most likely the type that the more he wins, the greater the backlash!"

Otherwise, why would Bing250 deliberately bet wrong?

But you can’t bet wrong! This gamble also involves——

"I bet the punishment from heaven will not come."

The ferret's voice was very soft, and his tone was sinister: "You risk my life."

"you dare!"

Yu Hehui was so shocked and angry that he rushed over, but was too late to kill the ferret. The bet was established!

"Hmph, hahaha."

Others also realized something, but no one could ruin the bet. The ferret laughed hoarsely, and the laughter was full of hatred. It hated, hated that this heavenly punishment had shattered its magic weapon, and hated that these six heavenly punishments had at least chopped off its sixty years of Taoism!

This bat spirit had tricked him so hard that he wanted to escape unscathed? That's impossible!

The clay figurine also has a certain amount of anger, not to mention that he himself is not a good person. This bat spirit deliberately made a wrong bet, just to give him a chance!

"I want him dead."

The ferret laughed and looked at Tianhu provocatively: "These are the rules of the game, even you can't protect him!"

Ferret bets his life. If he wins and Wei Xun loses, Wei Xun will be deprived of double the bet - he will definitely die!

Previously, it was the rules of the gambling game that Bai Weat was bound to Wei Xun. Now Bai Weat bets his life to let Wei Xun die. This is also the rule of the gambling game!

"Damn it!"

Zhou Xiyang went crazy and threw down the coffin to protect Bing 250 at all costs. Mei Keer was shocked and his beard fell off. Taoist Ban Ming's face was full of sorrow. Bai Xiaotian's face became serious and his eyes were cold. He stared at the ferret with a faint golden light in his eyes. A shadow flashed past, and October 10th actually appeared behind Bing250, pressing Bing250's shoulders with his warm and soft palms.

The stoat shuddered, suddenly sensing the danger of death. But it has no regrets. The ferret will definitely take revenge. If this kind of revenge is not avenged, it will never forget it!

"Do you really want to risk your life?"

In the solemn and tense atmosphere, only Wei Xun remained leisurely. He coughed twice weakly and asked in surprise.

"What, are you scared?"

The ferret sneered and said sarcastically: "It's useless even if you are afraid!"

"I'm afraid not, I'm just a little embarrassed."

Wei Xun smiled and slowly took out something. Seeing him take out this thing, Yu Hehui's expression suddenly became a little strange. It's like worry, but also like being speechless.

What Wei Xun took out was the Token of Death. Not only that, he also took out the dark red official robe and put it on himself.

"I am the tombkeeper of this generation's Ming Tomb."

Wei Xun's voice echoed in the dark night and echoed on the ruins of Deqing Ban.

"Brother! Don't be ridiculous!"

Nezha Ling seemed to have thought of something and was shocked, but Wei Xun didn't listen at all and continued talking.

"I swear that I will take the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty back to the Ming Tombs."


As soon as these words came out, the thunder started again, and the power of heaven's punishment that had not dissipated actually tended to condense again! Wei Xun was punished by heaven in the first place precisely because of his tendency to help evil dragons. At this moment, the punishment from heaven has not yet ended. He made such a promise, which is simply to stimulate God!

"What do you want to do? What are you doing?!"

The ferret was frightened and felt something was wrong. The charred little paw actually wanted to cover Wei Xun's mouth, but it couldn't.

"I swear."

Wei Xun smiled wantonly, even though his voice was hoarse and the corners of his lips were stained with blood, the craziness in it made everyone on the scene feel scared.

"I will definitely help the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty and become a true dragon!"


Thick clouds gather again, and the punishment from heaven suddenly rises. Wei Xun clearly vows to help Nielong. How can he endure this punishment from heaven! Only then did Zhou Xiyang and the others realize that Bing250 was not intending to lose the bet on purpose.

In order to win the bet, he even deliberately swore to force God to punish him! Even if this heavenly punishment will chop him into pieces!

He really likes gambling and winning!

God's punishment fell again, lightning flashed, and everyone went crazy. Wei Xun was not crazy, he quickly put on the scarlet cloak of the life-haunting man, holding An Xuefeng's feathers and the abyss node token of the contract in his left hand. He held the human skin map from the Tusi King's Tomb in his right hand. The moment the thunder fell, he moved very quickly and dug open his heart. The blood from Maria's butterfly tattoo flowed out and dyed the human skin map red.

Wei Xun used all his methods to resist this natural punishment!


This last Heavenly Punishment was not loud, but its power was extremely astonishing. Even when the Heavenly Punishment fell, October 10th threw a red oil-paper umbrella to block it, and the Half-life Taoist threw a red zombie. Zhou Xiyang turned into a phantom of the setting sun and covered Bing. On 250, Yu Hehui and Mei Keer transformed into prototypes at the same time to help share the burden, and some of the power of the natural punishment still hit Wei Xun.

After the bright and dazzling lightning, the power of Heaven's Punishment finally disappeared. Bing250 was still standing on the same spot, unyielding - he was not dead!

"I won't gamble anymore, I won't gamble anymore..."

An extremely weak voice came from the scorch above his head, and Jiao Weasel murmured in pain: "I lost, I will never, never gamble again..."

"Stop betting, seriously, please."

Mekel wanted to grab Bing250's shoulders and shake them. They wouldn't be able to withstand another thunderstorm!

"Stop gambling, ah."

The big fox with a burnt face rubbed against Wei Xun, staring at him eagerly, feeling distressed and numb: "Stop gambling, okay..."

"God, he's so crazy."

Mia, who was watching, murmured, and the three wolves in the West District were also in shock. At this moment, the passengers, the monsters, and the audience in the live broadcast room all reached a consensus at the same time.

We must not let Bing250 gamble again!

Damn, that’s crazy!

"I won the bet."

Wei Xun whispered to himself.

"Yes, yes, you won the bet."

Zhou Xiyang's face looked like he was about to die suddenly. Hearing Bing 250 say the word "bet" was a thrill, and his heart was full of resistance. Gambling is really harmful!

"Stop betting, ah, you've already won."

Wei Xun's eyes were slightly closed, and the corners of his lips were raised. When he said winning the bet, he was not referring to this bet, but——

[The gambling carnival is over and your doomsday punishment is being settled! 】

[Your gambling game successfully made more than 100,000 viewers feel afraid and disgusted with ‘gambling’, and made 58,209 viewers think ‘never gamble’! 】

[Your doomsday punishment this time will be reduced by 90%! 】

In Wei Xun's last bet, he deliberately bet that heaven's punishment would come and forcefully aroused thunder, just to guide the audience's emotions! Moreover, it was in the stage of the confrontation mission, and the audience in the East District did not want him to die. The right time, the right place, and the right people, and the ferret's cleverness and risking his life were actually just an unexpected blessing.

As long as the first gamble sets the tone, and Wei Xun sets up the gamble again, the audience will naturally recall the fear at this moment, and the tone will naturally be set.

What will be the doomsday punishment for only ten percent?

[Doomsday punishment, anything that makes people think ‘my life is over’ is considered the end of the world]

[Your doomsday punishment this time is——]

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