Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 181 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (22)

The first generation of devil bugs could not be conquered. After the devil bugs gave birth to offspring eggs in the living corpse of the lama, Wei Xun, with the help of Yu Hehui, made an emotional bomb between the devil bugs and the zombie of the lama.

Concentrated, it is this ruby ​​red ball. The quality of the living corpse of the Lama was so good that it perfectly blocked the aura of the demon-like insects. The texture of the shell is even closer to diamond, and no one can discover that this is a bomb containing countless joys.

How much joy is contained in a whole worm?

Anyway, the Emotional Demon Bug can produce offspring eggs, at least in adulthood. And it is more mature than the Responsibility Demon Bug, which has just entered adulthood.

"What are you saying that is treasonous?"

Nezha Ling snorted coldly, not taking Wei Xun's words to heart at all, and said in a complicated tone: "Hey, listen, don't you want my blood?"

"Complete this mission and it's yours."

[You have accepted the commission from Nezha Spirit in Eight-Armed Nezha City]

【——Cleaning up dirt】

There is also no specific description of the task, but this time the task rewards are listed.


[The mission of ‘Finding sweet water’ is completed]

[A drop of Nezha spirit purifies heart blood]

Nezha Ling also makes the best use of everything, and wants to make a commission play its maximum role. The commissioned task of finding sweet water was easily handled.

Of course, Wei Xun's task of finding sweet water was handled incidentally, and the Devil Merchant's task was of course not completed.

‘Listen, I gave you three drops of my heart’s blood. These three drops of blood are the purest. ’

Nezha Ling spoke quickly: ‘Think of a way to throw two of them to the end of Leigu Alley. ’

Used to attract those mental pollution turned into negative emotions.

They have been integrated with the Eight-Armed Nezha City for hundreds of years, and have long been accustomed to being attracted by the blood of Nezha Spirit.

'The last drop...if your people have a way, you can stay. If you can't solve it, just stop and attract those things. ’

Nezha Ling was silent for a moment and said sincerely: "This is very dangerous, brother, I'm begging you." ’

Wei Xun clicked his tongue after hearing this. He knew that Nezha Ling's request to him to pretend to be three drops of his heart's blood was definitely not in vain. It was to allow the funeral procession to leave the city smoothly, leaving behind a back-up.

But using the blood here seemed to Wei Xun to be a waste. Wei Xun didn't say much to Nezha Ling and walked straight to the front of the team.

"Xiao Cui!"

The devil merchant strode anxiously to Wei Xun, whispered a few words to him, and told him about the danger outside Donghua Gate.

"Director Cui."

Zhou Xiyang nodded at him. Before he could say anything more, Zhou Xiyang was confirming with Bai Xiaotian how many monsters were chasing him.



The door outside Donghua Gate was constantly hit violently, making harsh noises. Thick black liquid seeped in from the crack in the door, lingering with a disturbing stench. Zhou Xiyang's hand left a blood mark on the Donghua door when he closed the door just now. Now the blood mark has been covered with thick black paste.

These monsters will be attracted to the blood of Nezha Ling.

Everyone's expressions were solemn. Everyone in the alley, including the coffin, had been soaked in blood just now.

The monster outside Donghua Gate must be dealt with, otherwise the coffin cannot leave the city safely!

"Oleina, Yuntianhe, Half Life, the three of you come with me to the outside of Donghua Gate."

They now have a wolf in front of them and a tiger behind them. Not only must they eliminate the danger outside Donghua Gate, but they must also always be on guard against the enemies in the rear. At the critical moment, Zhou Xiyang's mind turned quickly and he allocated his manpower.

October 10th and Augustus carried the coffin. As Mia was the leader of the gang, these three people could not move.

Zhou Xiyang said without any doubt: "Bai Xiaotian, Yun Lianghan, you two stay behind."

Yun Lianghan's cheeks twitched. Although there were monsters outside Donghua Gate and it was very dangerous, there were four strong men secretly watching him. Yun Lianghan didn't want to be alone!

He said in a muffled voice: "I too——"

"Don't worry, Director Cui."

Zhou Xiyang ignored him at all, but looked at Bing250 and softened his tone: "We will be back within three minutes."


Zhou Xiyang's eyes fell on Yu Hehui. Bai Xiaotian and Yun Lianghan were too weak, and Yu Hehui was the strong one he truly trusted. Now that we don’t have enough manpower, we can only arrange it this way.

Time was running out and there was no time to say anything. The half-life Taoist's ugly expression forced Hong Zhan to push open the Donghua Gate. Zhou Xiyang took the lead, and the four of them rushed out like lightning.


Seeing that the Donghua Gate was about to close again, Wei Xun threw out the tour guide flag at the critical moment. He heard a clang and the tour guide flagpole bent, but did not break. Instead, it got stuck between the Donghua Gate!

Fortunately, the monsters outside Donghua Gate were attracted by Zhou Xiyang and the others, so they were still safe for the time being.

"You are still thinking carefully."

The Devil Merchant's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood Xiao Cui's intention - the strong men had gone out, what if the Donghua Gate could only be opened from their side, by the strong men? At that time, it will take a lot of effort to open the door, and maybe someone will die in this minute and a half of delay.


"You shouldn't throw the guide flag out."

The devil merchant said solemnly. The situation is extremely dangerous now. At least the guide flag can protect ourselves!

"Director Cui..."

Yu Hehui also hesitated to speak. Of course he thought of the Ximo Bug bomb that could reverse the situation, but why didn't Wei Xun tell Zhou Xiyang?

"Time is too tight, it's too late."

Wei Xun understated that Zhou Xiyang was a person of his own opinion, and they had not established that kind of absolute trust before. If you want to convince him, you have to at least analyze the pollution of the Nezha spirit, analyze the nature of the monster, and talk about the magic insect bombs, etc. There is no time at all.

It's better to just do it.

"Please lure the monster behind you away."

Wei Xun secretly handed the bottle containing Nezha Ling's heart blood to Yu Hehui and winked at him.

The corners of Yu Hehui's eyes twitched.

Wei Xun said it was to lure them away, but what he really meant was to lure them over! The magic bug bomb explosion has an impact area. He wants to gather all the monsters in front of Donghua Gate and deal with them together!

"I see."

Yu Hehui nodded solemnly, and then disappeared in a flash.

‘The danger behind is not that urgent yet, He Hui should stay to protect you. ’

Dream Chaser Xiaolong said worriedly. When Dream Chaser left Wei Xun's side, some people's eyes changed subtly.

Take action? Not taking action? This is a problem.

Yun Lianghan was entangled to death. Zhou Xiyang and the others were away, and the strong men had all left. This was the best opportunity.

They could not take action on October 10 or Augustus' coffin carrying. Among the remaining people, Mia and Bai Xiaotian are both Special Level 1.

He Yun Lianghan is now the strongest person in this team!

The only question is whether Dream Chaser will take action. But Black Widow is also here, and she can contain Dream Chaser...

Yun Lianghan is ready to make a move!

As long as he can kill Bing250 within three minutes, this token of 30 degrees north latitude will be his!

"Get out of here, you idiot!"

But the next moment he suddenly turned into a shadow and let out a roar of anger. Then a black shadow appeared silently like an assassin, rushing straight towards Yun Lianghan - it was the evil black cat demon coming to attack the funeral team!

The Devil Merchant felt nervous at first, but then he felt relieved when he saw Mekel just staring at Yun Lianghan. Let the East District passengers fight among themselves. The two-star super star Yun Lianghan and Mekel hiding in the dark are fighting together. It is beneficial to him and the West District tourists.

Although Yun Lianghan seems to have always wanted to kill Xiao Cui, like a bomb hidden among the tourists in the East District. But the devil businessman doesn't believe it - the people in the East District are the most cunning and deceptive, and Xiao Cui can pretend to be a girl. Couldn't Yun Lianghan pretend to want to kill Bing 250 to relax their vigilance in the West District?

Someone who really wants to kill Xiao Cui can get along so well with Yun Tianhe, a Cui Chui?

No one believes in the devil businessman.



The thunderous roar became louder and louder, and the whole earth trembled. Even the devil merchant can see the dark red blood line approaching from behind and those terrifying monsters. Damn it, they came faster than expected!

But the scariest thing is not the rear. The Devil Merchant can feel O'Lion's mental state - in just one minute, after he left the Donghua Gate to fight, his spirit was already shaky and on the verge of collapse!

Are the monsters outside Donghua Gate terrifyingly powerful, or are Zhou Xiyang and others starting to attack the Western District?

"Mia, get the team together."

The devil merchant remained calm. The funeral procession that was originally several hundred meters long was now shortened to a hundred meters. Some paper figures died in the blood mist. The remaining Zhizhao people shrank into formation and guarded beside the coffin.

"Stay back."

Stay away from Donghuamen!

The Donghua Gate is still open. Once Zhou Xiyang and the others are unable to completely clear out the monsters outside and let some of them slip through, getting too close is seeking death.

But where can we retreat to?

The roaring sound is getting closer and closer, the red and black blood flow is coming in an instant, and the earth is covered with a layer of smelly black and red. The Devil Merchant was anxious and had countless chaotic thoughts. How could the enemy behind him come so quickly? Could it be that even Yu and Hui couldn't stop them? !

The devil businessman couldn't hold himself back and took the risk to walk to Donghua Gate to check the situation outside. But Wei Xun was one step faster than him.

"No, don't back away."

Wei Xun stood in front of Donghua Gate, pretending to look outside: "Move forward, get closer to Donghua Gate."

He even had the courage to reach out and test it - in fact, before the devil merchant came, Wei Xun secretly cut off a piece of his own flesh and blood and dedicated it to the gambler's dice.

Wei Xun had comforted Zhou Xiyang and could vaguely sense his condition. At this moment, Zhou Xiyang's mental state was extremely bad and getting worse. It was obvious that the situation outside Donghua Gate was extremely serious.

How many monsters are there in the entire Eight-Armed Nezha City? Is one magic bug bomb enough?

After all the words were released, Wei Xun felt a little unsure.

Six times is enough.

And he had to find a way to gather them all together, and he had to do it as soon as possible. Zhou Xiyang and the others killed so many monsters outside that Wei Xun felt heartbroken.

Wei Xun glanced at the funeral team and secretly confessed to Yu Hehui.

Yu Hehui, who was luring the monsters with blood, gathering them in circles, and then leading them to the funeral procession, staggered and couldn't believe his ears.

How could Wei Xun be so bad!

Yu Hehui was a little suffocated.

"If he becomes a butcher tour guide... his speed of destroying the team will definitely be top-notch!"

Yu Hehui gritted his teeth.

This guy Wei Xun is simply evil and leaking pus!

After leaving the brigade and unable to see him through the live broadcast cameras, Yu Hehui cursed several times.




While cursing, he hurried to the entrance of the alley of Zhijia Courtyard. Yu Hehui still believed in Wei Xun, and he carried out Wei Xun's order - Yu Hehui pointed their fingers at the same time like knives, mercilessly slashing at the twisted Zhijia which was already full of cracks and crumbling. The courtyard!


Yu Hehui slashed thirteen times, and the Zhi Family Courtyard, which could have lasted three minutes, was completely chopped into pieces by him. The deafening rumble was so harsh that it was terrifying, and the shattered Zhi Family Courtyard could no longer stop the surging torrent of pus and blood!

"What's wrong? Could it be——"

On the other side, the devil businessman who walked to Donghua Gate took a look outside and calmed down a little. The situation outside the door was better than he imagined. It seemed that Zhou Xiyang and the others were better than imagined.

The devil businessman calculated the time. There should be three minutes before the big wave is made. If everything goes well, Zhou Xiyang and the others will come back in one minute, so the funeral procession will have two minutes to go out——

However, in the next second, earth-shaking violent vibrations made everyone lose their cool!

【The big wave has arrived ahead of schedule! 】

【The big wave has arrived ahead of schedule! 】

The hotel's prompt sounded in the minds of all the tourist guides, and this cheerful and enthusiastic tone directly broke everyone's guard!


Zhou Xiyang, who was struggling to kill monsters outside Donghua Gate, suddenly turned around. Olena, who had transformed into a white werewolf, was stunned and failed to block the incoming monster, and was directly knocked down by it. You must not fall down on this battlefield. Countless black and red pus and blood on the ground extend out sticky threads and stick to Olena's back. Once he falls down for only a few seconds, he will be completely contaminated by endless monsters!

"Want to die?!"

Sad music suddenly sounded, immediately attracting the monster to the side. The half-life Taoist threw away the mourning talisman as if it was hot. He watched it be torn into pieces and devoured by the endless monsters in less than half a second, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Oleina, half life, you go to the door of Donghua to meet us!"

"Okay, take care of yourself, you guy!"

With no time to communicate, Taoist Ban Ming was so worried that he asked Hong Zhan to help the exhausted white wolf Olena and quickly rush to Donghua Gate.

"Stay away from me and protect yourself."

Zhou Xiyang took a deep breath, the situation had changed and he could no longer keep it. His red eyes gradually turned black again, but this black was made up of layers of dark red. His temperament quietly changed, and his upright face became a little more sinister.

The moment the sun sets completely is the beginning of darkness and chaos. "Huainanzi Tianwenxun" says: "When the sun reaches Yuyuan, it is called dusk."

"Han Shu·Yang Xiong's Biography" even says: "The evil world is Yuyuan, Hongmeng is confused."

Sunset Yu Yuan is Zhou Xiyang’s orange title! The titles given to the most powerful travelers by the hotel are Higurashi, Higurashi, and Sunset. Titles of this type are all extremely powerful. But at sunset, there is a way back, but Yu Yuan only has an evil world. People who use too many titles will eventually collapse.

That's why An Xuefeng didn't recruit Zhou Xiyang into the Return Journey. Even though he had such a powerful title, he let him serve as the leader of the Sunset Brigade as if he were a pensioner, just to make him use the title less often.

But now that it has to be used, Zhou Xiyang realizes that these monsters crave negative emotions and yearn for darkness, but negative evil cannot transcend them and will only make them crazier and more terrifying. But I can't care about that now.

Zhou Xiyang wanted to use himself as bait to lure the monsters away and buy time for the funeral procession to leave the city!

"The title of Team Zhou is awesome."

Yuntianhe next to him praised sincerely. He holds a cross in his hand and is glowing with holy light. He is taking the path of using truth, goodness and beauty to influence monsters. Although the effect is average, these monsters with negative emotions generally hate this kind of preaching truth, goodness and beauty, and they all go around him. In this way, Coming to Yuntianhe is a better way to protect one's own safety.

That's why Zhou Xiyang kept him.

I heard Yun Tianhe say with envy: "When all the monsters are gathered together, you can bring them to Director Cui."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Zhou Xiyang's temper became extremely bad when he used this title. Originally, he would not pay attention to Yun Tianhe. He was filled with evil energy and stared at Yun Tianhe fiercely: "If you want to kill Director Cui, I'll kill you first."

Bring all the monsters to Director Cui and let him die!

"How could I possibly want to kill Director Cui."

Yun Tianhe stared at him in confusion: "Don't you think your procrastination is too inefficient?"

"If we just rely on delay, it will take at least a day, until the funeral procession leaves the city. And there is also the risk of you losing control or the monster losing control. Wouldn't it be better to bring it all to Director Cui and let him solve it directly?"

Yuntianhe said with determination and enthusiasm: "Director Cui is the most perfect tour guide, and he will definitely find a way! Don't be self-righteous and hold Director Cui back."

Regarding Yun Tianhe's words, Zhou Xiyang said concisely and concisely: "Idiot."

[Holy shit, is he an idiot? ! 】

In the live broadcast room, the audience who were originally anxious about the crisis were speechless after hearing Yuntianhe's words.

[Bring all the monsters to Director Cui? What kind of brain can come up with such a perverted method! 】

[I think Yuntianhe is actually from the Butcher Alliance. Brothers, do you think my guess is correct? 】

【Absolutely so! I finally figured it out. On the surface, he was licking so much, but actually he really wanted Bing250 to die! 】

[Praise to kill, this is praise to kill! If Bing250 is even the slightest bit arrogant, he will be beaten to death by Yun Tianhe sooner or later! 】

[That’s right, how can a normal person get along so well with Yun Lianghan! He is definitely a spy of the Butcher Alliance! 】

[I think he is from the West End Butchers Alliance, he looks like a foreign devil! 】

[Damn it, this is the alliance of butchers from the east and west districts joining forces to kill Bing 250! 】

[He even made a statement, and the whole room burst into laughter, but no one believed it at all! 】

Just before, the Yin Yang Butterfly of the Butcher Alliance issued a statement on the forum, to the effect that the Butcher Alliance had absolutely no intention of taking action against Bing250, and Yun Lianghan’s personal behavior did not represent the Butcher Alliance.

It turned out that no one believed it at all. The following statements were made by passengers @An Xuefeng.

[I can’t stand it anymore. When will Captain An destroy the Butcher Alliance? This is a complete mess! 】

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

At this moment, in front of Donghua Gate, the furious Nezha Ling was riding on Wei Xun's head, eight hands ready to grab Wei Xun's neck, angrily trying to twist his head off.

The viewers in the live broadcast room didn't know it, but did Nezha Ling know that Yu Hehui forcibly destroyed the Zhi Family Courtyard and bled it out in advance?

It was definitely Wei Xun's instigation. At this moment, in Nezha Ling's eyes, Wei Xun was like a shit stirrer!

"Go quickly, please."

Yu Hehui was so frightened by Nezha Ling's murderous intention that his hair stood on end. After Wei Xun ordered him, he almost couldn't wait to rush out of Donghua Gate to find Zhou Xiyang and the others.

"All the blood-stained paper men and drummers will go out first and follow my orders to lure away the monsters."

The huge funeral procession rushed out of Donghua Gate in an orderly manner. Wei Xun was calmly directing from the side, and the tour guide Mai's voice could be heard by everyone.

It's very convenient to hold up Nezha Ling, because no paper man dares to disobey Wei Xun's order. Before the Devil Merchant could react, Xiaocui had "seized power", and he had arranged it three times, five times, five times and two times. The blood flow is not scary. What is scary is that after being stained with blood, it will become the target of monsters' attacks!

"Team Zhou has led away the monster army. We can handle the remaining monsters."

Taoist Ban Ming, who rushed back out of breath, felt that something was wrong with Bing 250's order.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the drum band and blood-stained paper bandages stay at the end of the line to attract the monsters' attention and buy time?

Why did Bing250 do the opposite?

After hearing Bing 250's next words, Taoist Ban Ming was completely stunned.

"I'll lure the monster away. You stay at the entrance of Donghua. It's relatively safe here."

"Are you crazy?!"

On the contrary, Yun Lianghan reacted the fastest and asked in disbelief: "Do you want to die?!"

When Bing 250 just said, "He will take all the people with blood stained paper away," and asked the Devil Merchant to lead the rest of the funeral team to temporarily stay and wait, Yun Lianghan still doubted whether he wanted to abandon the Devil Merchant and run away. After all, The coffin cover was also stained with blood.

He felt that Bing250 was really naive and ridiculous - looking at both the gang leader and the gangster were from the West District, how could they agree to let the devil businessman stay behind while Bing250 led the team to escape?

But he never expected that Bing 250 would ask the old housekeeper to instruct people to stick paper on the coffin cover to cover up all the blood-stained places. He actually wanted to leave the most important coffin outside Donghua Gate!

From this we can definitely see that Bing250 is not trying to escape, but does he really want to be a hero to save the brigade and attract the attention of the monsters?

Yun Lianghan was in disbelief. He held a scream in his mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

What kind of dream chaser behavior is this!

Was Bing250 being fooled by the dream chaser?

What kind of idiot is this for sacrificing himself?

"Chasing Dreams, shut up!"

Yun Lianghan didn't dare to speak, but Taoist Taoist Half Life dared. He was furious now, and confronted the dream chaser out of thin air: "You, you, you, you, do you want to be hated by Sunset and the others on the way home!"

How dare he do this alone? He definitely wouldn't dare, he was definitely led astray by Dream Chaser!

Dream Chaser simply died unjustly.

'You shouldn't do this. ’

No one knew that Dream Chaser was also trying to persuade Wei Xun: 'The mental pollution is too heavy, and your SAN value is very likely to return to zero! ’

The dream chaser said seriously: 'I don't know what Nezha Ling promised you, but Bing250, if your SAN value drops to zero and completely turns into a monster, even An Xuefeng will have a hard time fishing you out! ’

Dreamers know that Bing250 is bold and likes to take risks, and every adventure he takes will bring great benefits.

These monsters are all pollution from Nezha Ling. Bing250 is willing to take risks to gather them together. It is definitely because Nezha Ling has promised him some benefits that he cannot refuse!

‘Hey, this is too dangerous! ’

No one knew that Nezha Ling was also trying to persuade Wei Xun: ‘Are you trying to protect your team? ’

Wei Xun lures all the monsters out, who is most beneficial?

Of course it is most beneficial to the passengers carrying the coffin and the devil merchant!

Although Nezha Ling still didn't understand why Wei Xun wanted to destroy the Zhi Family Courtyard in advance, Nezha Ling's attention was no longer on it.

"You don't have to put yourself in danger like this!"

According to what he thought, Wei Xun only had to send the fast fox to throw the two drops of his heart's blood into the end of the alley to attract the monster, so that the funeral procession could quickly pass through the Drumming Avenue.

Of course, the fox will definitely be in danger and may even die, but this is the least sacrificial way.

Moreover, there is too much hidden pollution in the city, which has already penetrated into Nezha Ling's blood and bones. Even if it is attracted by two drops of blood, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net and attack the funeral procession.

Does Wei Xun want to get over it once and for all? But it’s too risky!

But Wei Xun had no time to care about their mood. After gathering all the blood-stained paper people and drum corps, Wei Xun thought for a moment and summoned Qianjia Paper.


The giant paper figure appeared out of thin air. As soon as it roared in protest, Wei Xun ordered it to become smaller, and then Wei Xun gave it a suona.

The coffin is too attractive and there are too many monsters. It is difficult to attract all their attention with blood-stained paper people and drum groups, but it will be no problem if there are thousands of paper people playing mourning music.

It’s over, Bing250, this is serious!

Seeing the old housekeeper of the Zhi family solemnly saluting Bing 250, obviously moved by his decision to 'sacrifice' himself to save the brigade, everyone felt as if they had eaten a fly.

Wei Xun was not at peace at this moment. Summoning Qianjiazhi caused his SAN value to drop directly to 30. The mental pollution on those monsters caused him to have numerous hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. Whether it was Nezha Ling's persuasion, Half Life Taoist's persuasion, or the dream chaser's worries, they were like mosquitoes buzzing in his ears.

It was so noisy.

After knocking down a ball of magic honey, Wei Xun reluctantly raised his SAN value, but found that the surrounding area was quiet, and everyone was looking at him but stopped talking. Only then did Wei Xun realize that he had said the words 'It's so noisy'.

Seeing everyone's indescribable expressions, and these expressions were all because of him, Wei Xun felt a little happy and a little funny. He opened his mouth, his voice slightly hoarse and low.

"Why do you think-"

Do you think the decisions I make are influenced by others?


I just do it because I want to. It has nothing to do with Dream Chaser, Nezha Ling, or anyone else.

But Wei Xun's words were covered up by the sound of Qianjia paper playing the suona.

When the monsters came within a hundred meters, Qianjiazhi would play suona and mournful music. This was Wei Xun's previous order.

In an instant, the monsters rioted, and they rushed towards Wei Xun, even faster than the blood flow. No, it wasn't fast enough. Wei Xun opened the bottle containing Nezha Ling's heart blood against the surging blood river monsters, which made them completely crazy. Even the last monster was freed from the pus and blood, charging desperately with twisted desire.

Wei Xun's purpose is to separate the monsters from the blood flow!

The mental pollution caused by countless negative emotions flooded into him. In an instant, Wei Xun saw countless illusions, and sharp and terrifying roars rang in his ears. The dark monsters seemed to gather together and turned into a huge monster to engulf him.

The sudden drop in SAN value also caused his death countdown to plummet. Wei Xun's scarlet eyes were filled with bloodthirsty madness. His rational defense line collapsed. Destruction and crazy murderous intent swept over him, making him crazily eager to fight!

But the Nezha spirit on his head kept Wei Xun calm for the last time. Wei Xun stepped into Qianjiazhi's arms and rushed out of Donghua Gate with all the blood-stained paper people and drum band. As he expected, the monsters rushed out immediately, followed by a surging flow of blood.

Although most of the funeral procession that stayed were also stained with blood, the monsters all chased Wei Xun away. It was this subtle time difference that made them temporarily safe!

Taoist Ban Ming wanted to catch up and help, but found that the funeral team was tossed and turned upside down by the big waves, and there were signs of collapse. He had no choice but to stay and stabilize the team, and took them out of Donghua Gate with difficulty and hid in Donghua. Resist blood flow behind the door.

[You have chosen the road of drumming! 】

The hotel prompt sounded in the ears of the passengers, but no one paid attention. Everyone looked at the direction Bing250 left. Qianjiazhi ran very fast. Wei Xun's figure was long gone, but he could still hear it clearly. To the sound of sad and weeping music——

The impact of Qianjiazhi's sad music was really terrifying, almost visible to the naked eye. All the sticky and dark monsters in the sky, on the earth, in all directions were gathering in Wei Xun's direction.

C250, danger!

On the pale Drumming Avenue, there is an unfathomable thick black 'abyss' every certain distance. This 'abyss' is the junction of the spines of Nezha Spirit. They sometimes close and sometimes separate.

Unable to grasp the rhythm while running at high speed, Qianjia Paper jumped over the ditch effortlessly, but a large number of people fell into the abyss. The next moment, the joints closed and there was a loud bang, and the paper opened again. Everyone was crushed into powder by the backlog.

The blood-stained paper bandits and drums brought out by Wei Xun are getting shorter and shorter, but the number of monsters chasing after them is not decreasing! There were even many monsters that were not lured away by Zhou Xiyang and the others, but were attracted by the sorrow and joy, and emerged from the deep bones.

More and more monsters were chasing Wei Xun.

"Do you want to bring them all together?"

Nezha Ling's tone was strange, half moved, half solemn, and a little helpless: "It's too dangerous."

Even he didn't know how much pollution there was in his 'body'.

"Just throw the blood out."

Nezha Ling suggested again: "At least reduce the burden."

But Wei Xun ignored him completely.

Very angry.

While Nezha Ling felt ignored, she also felt subtly happy.

Wei Xun would rather lure the monsters by himself, and even used Qianjiazhi once to repay his kindness, but he was not willing to use Nezha Ling's hard work!

Does he value my blood so much? It is more important than Qianjiazhi's repayment of gratitude, and even more important than his own safety?

This really made Nezha Ling angry and a little indescribably happy.

"I'm just a young man, I haven't seen the world. Isn't it just blood? How can I treat it as a fun thing?"

Nezha Ling said awkwardly: "When the journey is over, I can give you some more. How many do you want..."

"It's so annoying, shut up."

Wei Xun said coldly without raising his head.

How can you talk to your brother like this, no matter how big or small!

But Nezha Ling was so happy that he didn't care about Wei Xun at all. He just reminded: "There is someone in front of you who has contained a lot of pollutants. Don't go any further, or you will run into him."

After finishing speaking, Nezha Ling said to himself: "That person actually attracted most of the pollution in my city. He is quite capable."

He was talking about Zhou Xiyang. It was okay for Wei Xun to lead these monsters in circles, but there were too many monsters in this eight-armed Nezha city. When they gather together, the power they create is probably more terrifying than a thousand pieces of paper!

But after listening to Nezha Ling's words, Wei Xun immediately found the right direction and immediately made Qianjiazhi speed up!

Nezha Ling:?

Not only that, the person in front who was leading a large number of monsters into the distance actually turned around and approached Wei Xun as if he had taken the wrong medicine!

* *

"Team Zhou, you still have to trust Director Cui more!"

At this moment, Zhou Xiyang's whole body was filled with ferocious and twisted black energy, and the strong negative emotions attracted almost all the monsters. Fortunately, it was Yu Hehui who sent the message, otherwise no one else would be able to get close to Zhou Xiyang.

Of course, when Yu Hehuigang spread the news, the emotionally unstable Zhou Xiyang almost killed him as a monster.

Bringing the monster army to join Bing250?

What a bullshit order this is.

This Yu Hehui is fake!

On the contrary, Yun Tianhe believed it without any doubt, and excitedly asked Yu Hehui if he could help him. The irritable Zhou Xiyang almost made a move on him.

In fact, Zhou Xiyang didn't really want to obey the order, because this matter was too dangerous. But it is really difficult for tourists to refuse a tour guide with whom they have connections, even if Bing250 just gives him a slap in the face and does not even have a serious connection with him.

Especially Zhou Xiyang used the title. Now that he is mentally unstable, his survival instinct makes him want to get closer to the tour guide, making him willing to listen to Bing 250.

But even if he turned around and ran towards Bing250 with the monsters from the strange mountains and seas, Zhou Xiyang was still worried.

"These monsters cannot be killed, nor can they be infected with mental pollution. They crave negative emotions, but negative emotions cannot truly eliminate them, they will only make them stronger."

Zhou Xiyang told Yu Hehui everything he discovered, hoping that he could convey it to Bing 250.

"The meeting place... choose the entrance of Leigu Hutong."

Wei Xun passed the news to Zhou Xiyang through Yu Hehui.

The Leigu Hutong attractions have not been settled, indicating that the tasks involved have not been completely completed.

The place where Nezha Lingrang placed his blood is also the deepest part of Leigu Hutong. What is the secret of Leigu Hutong?

"There is--"

Nezha Ling thought Wei Xun was asking him, but Wei Xun was asking and answering himself: "That's the intersection of the Eight-Armed Nezha City and the underworld."

You can tell from the Qi Ye and Ba Ye carved on the door of Leigu Hutong.

"Why is there a meeting point of the underworld in the Eight-Armed Nezha City?"

"Why are those monsters mental pollution composed of negative emotions? Where have their souls gone?"

Nezha Ling opened his mouth but made no sound.

Wei Xun figured it out. Those ghosts who died tragically with resentment, perhaps the Nezha spirit gathered them all there. He might have originally thought to transcend their negative emotions and then reincarnate the ghosts, but the reality was worse than he thought.

Although Nezha Ling peeled off the negative emotions, he was unable to completely eliminate them and was instead infected. And those souls cannot return to the underworld because they are not complete enough.

The black and white impermanence is stationed here, and I am afraid that there is also a reason why the soul is stranded in the world.

So for these monsters, Leigu Hutong is their beginning.

"Just in time to be their destination."

Wei Xun laughed. He was extremely excited at the moment, and his heartbeat was so fast that it seemed to fly out of his chest. He saw Zhou Xiyang approaching from a distance, and also saw the endless monsters behind him.

The influence of long-term mental pollution makes it impossible to increase the SAN value even by purifying magic honey. Now it was time to eat royal jelly, but Wei Xun didn't eat it and just sat back and watched the SAN value drop to 10 points.


The huge demon wings unfolded behind Wei Xun, and the demon wings grew out when he was in a sane state. These were immature demon wings that were in line with Wei Xun's alienation status.

If the health value does not return to zero, it will not be able to completely transform into a monster and possess powerful power. But this kind of complete alienation carries the risk of completely losing control.

How to safely perform high-intensity alienation and gain powerful strength in advance?

That requires the powerful energy influence of countless spiritual pollutions to fill it in.

Wei Xun wanted to gather all the monsters together, not just for the convenience of purification. He also wants to try——

With his SAN value almost at zero, and catalyzed by a large amount of mental pollution, Wei Xun felt that more and more parts of his body were out of control, and this was where he completely transformed into a monster.

However, those places are extremely powerful, far beyond what immature demons can match.

Just like his completely demonized back, his spine has been able to withstand the devil's wings and will no longer be torn apart easily.


The wings of the demon flapped more and more frequently, whipping up strong winds and tearing the air at their tips. Wei Xun stood up and was lifted above his head by Qianjiazhi. At the same time, Qianjiazhi quickly grew taller.

At a height of more than ten meters, Wei Xun looked down at the earth. His demonic horns had grown back, his eyes had completely turned red, and his light blue cloak was floating. At this moment, he looked like a real demon.

The devil laughed silently, and the next moment he jumped, the strong wind passed by his ears, but Wei Xun did not fall.

He flew!

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