Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 180 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (21)

The slap came too quickly, without any warning. Although the Devil Merchant hid by reflex, he failed to dodge at all and was slapped hard.


He often takes risks and always protects himself as much as possible. The Devil Merchant first flew out without any resistance, then adjusted his posture and landed suddenly. Then he stared at the small blood pit with vigilance.


He seemed to hear a sarcastic 'Ha! ’, when he looked over again, he saw that the blood puddle was still the same, with no change at all, as if the two slaps he just received were a complete illusion. Xiaocui also stood up and looked towards him.

"Just now--"

The devil businessman's face was hot and swollen from the beating. But apart from swelling, there were no other injuries, as if the other party just wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Too risky."

The black widow spider puppet that suddenly disappeared just now reappeared, hanging on a thread and hanging on the devil merchant's shoulder again.

It's not a life and death crisis, so she won't take action.

The Devil Merchant quickly regained his composure. In order to obtain greater benefits from the adventure, he suffered many injuries. The most serious one was when his health points directly returned to zero to trigger alienation. It was just a swollen face, which was nothing to him. If you can get it, you'll make a profit. If you can't get it, it's not a big loss as long as you don't die.

But, why is Xiaocui okay?

"It's useless, this is an illusion."

Wei Xun wrote lightly, shaking the vial in his hand at the devil merchant - the vial originally filled with pus and blood turned out to be empty within a few seconds.

"That's right, this is not a real corpse after all."

The Devil Merchant echoed, just looking at the miserable appearance of the funeral procession, they were all soaked in blood, with blood all over their hair and faces, and they all turned red, but in fact, if you look closely, you can see that those blood beads are falling Finally, it disappeared out of thin air before landing.

But even if this is an illusion, there must be related treasures.

The Devil Merchant was convinced that it was actually because of visions like this. He once heard a tour guide from the Werewolf Alliance say that it was a trip to the Church of Bones in Prague.

At that time, as soon as the brigade entered the scenic spot, countless rats carrying the Black Death virus crawled out of various bones and skeletons, and crawled all over the entire church. They had no choice but to hide in the basement.

Some people suggested killing rats, while others thought of various other methods. But these rats are really contagious when they bite people, but they disappear directly after being captured and killed.

The bishop in the team at that time said that this was not a real mouse. There were more than 10,000 human bones in the church, all of which died of the Black Death. Their resentment condensed and turned into something like mental pollution, these inexhaustible Black Death rats. If you want to crack it, you must find the source.

Normally, these human bones would not condense into spiritual pollution if they were suppressed in the church. There must be some inducement factor in them. They finally found the 'Rat King' among the rats, and followed him to find a skeleton embedded in the wall.

The skeleton looked normal on the outside, but in the abdomen, there was a pure black skeleton of a baby with a rat head and human body, which was strange and terrifying. They sacrificed several lives to deal with the baby's skeleton before finally sealing it. It is said that this skeleton is currently in the hands of an A4 infected person. After it is completely unblocked, it will be a top-level terrifying prop.


The devil merchant felt a little sorry. This scenic spot can "artificially create waves" and create such a surging and powerful blood flow. There are definitely treasures hidden inside. Either it's Nezha's real blood, or it's Nezha's spirit's heart.

But the difficulty of the journey is too high to cause unnecessary problems.

The devil merchant glanced at Xiao Cui thoughtfully. He recognized Nezha Ling as his brother, and he had a greater chance of benefiting from this journey.

Has all the blood collected by Xiaocui really disappeared?

Wei Xun completely ignored the devil merchant's scrutiny. He looked at his nose and heart, communicating with Nezha Ling in his heart.

‘Brother, you are too stingy’

Wei Xun complained: ‘It’s just a little bit of blood’

"You asked for a little bit, and I gave you a little bit. Why, it's not enough?" ’

Nezha Ling scolded: "Greedy children will be captured by weasels."

What Wei Xun told the devil merchant was not entirely a lie. Most of the pus and blood did disappear after being bottled. Only three drops survived.

[Name: Nezhaling’s heart essence and blood (contaminated)]

[Quality: Legend]

【Function:? ? 】

[Note: Nezha Spirit temporarily lends you the heart essence and blood. If you cannot complete the corresponding task, you cannot take it out of the journey]

‘Okay, then give it to me. ’

Wei Xun complained: "I didn't even ask for any gifts, is my brother so stingy?" Are you unwilling to give me even a few drops of blood? ’

‘Tsk, if it’s ordinary blood, can I still be stingy? ’

After being knocked down by Wei Xun, Nezha Ling said impatiently: 'Brother, if you want the blood of this legend, you have to pay a corresponding price. What's more, this is not a rule set by me. ’

After all, he still takes care of Wei Xun. Like the devil businessman, he doesn't even have a chance to get blood from completing tasks.

'You can send me off if you want, but I will have to treat you the same as I treated that ghost throughout the rest of the journey, or even worse. You have to pay the corresponding price for whatever you want. ’

Do you want to get three drops of blood for free, or will there always be opportunities to obtain props in the future?

Any fool knows to choose the latter.

‘I also know that my brother has a younger brother in his heart. ’

Wei Xun accepted it as soon as he got along, but complained at the end: "I'm just a little unhappy. Why do we need any 'rules' to interfere with the relationship between us brothers?"

'snort. ’

Nezha Ling snorted coldly, as if Wei Xun's words had pierced his heart, and his tone was sinister: 'Rules... sooner or later, I want all these rules to obey me. ’

He is so crazy!

Nezha Ling dared to plan to send the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty back to the imperial mausoleum, which shows that the friendship in his heart is far higher than the rules that would restrict them. Wei Xun knew full well that the relationship between him and Nezha Ling was a plastic brotherhood, but even so, Nezha Ling would definitely not be happy if rules interfered with it.

It doesn't matter if Wei Xun doesn't get any benefits, but isn't this challenging his authority as an elder brother?

Nezha Ling will not be able to bear this.

‘If you can’t just give me something, it should be okay to be an intermediary and introduce it. ’

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Brother, if you have a chance, you can introduce that weasel to me."

'weasel? ’

He jumped on the topic too quickly, and Nezha Ling was confused: ‘What weasel? ’

‘That’s what you said, the weasel that captures greedy children’

Wei Xun pretended to be surprised: "Brother, you didn't just threaten me, did you?" ’


Nezha Ling was speechless. He was just threatening. How could a real weasel appear? !

But thinking that Wei Xun had filled several bottles of blood, and only three drops were left in the end, and he had to fulfill his requirements to get it... Nezha Ling felt a little guilty.

He has always been generous and generous to his own people, how could he be stingy!

‘Weasels... huh, I remember there were a few nests over there in Yangshou Town. ’

Nezha Ling finally said in a cold voice: "But you have to survive until then."

After saying that, his breath disappeared completely, obviously he didn't want to talk to Wei Xun anymore.

There are actually weasels.

Wei Xun smiled in his heart, the weasel that could be remembered by Nezha Ling was definitely not a mortal thing. And it happens to be in the third scenic spot, Yangshou Town.

Nezha Ling has been guarding this place for hundreds of years, and he definitely knows all kinds of rare treasures very well. Wei Xun had grasped Nezha Ling's character. He had deliberately caught him in threatening words and asked Weasel just now. In fact, he expected that Nezha Ling would tell him some secrets to make up for it.

I didn't expect there to be weasels.

Compared with other treasures, the spirited weasels are more like their enemies, but this is good news, after all, they know the enemy situation in the third attraction in advance.

It took less than a minute for all this to happen. Wei Xun had no time to take a closer look at the three drops of blood, because Zhou Xiyang and the others had already rushed out of the alley and onto the street.

The funeral procession waiting on the street outside is really spectacular. The funeral procession was lined up hundreds of meters away, with paper figures, paper horses, paper sedans, paper cars, and even paper soldiers holding long guns on horseback to escort them. There was no one to lift them up. Hundreds of paper figures, carriages and horses stood there quietly. At first glance, they looked like Qin terracotta warriors in a tomb pit. At a glance, they could not be seen to the edge.

There was a layer of haze in the dark sky, and the snow-white paper figures and horses turned into a dark gray, which was eerie. In addition, there were blood splatters on their legs, which made it very scary.

Further ahead, there are a dozen paper figures carrying soul-drawing flags, and another thirty or forty paper figures scattering paper money. The moment Zhou Xiyang and the others exited the alley, the statue-like funeral procession began to move. Paper money was scattered all over the sky, fell to the ground, and was quickly soaked in blood.

But soon, more paper money fell down, like a heavy snowfall, and the road the funeral procession was traveling was finally covered with a thick layer of paper money, like a snow-white road without any trace of dirt.

"Quick, leave while you can."

Zhou Xiyang said keenly that while they were throwing paper money, they moved the coffin covered with a coffin cover from the small bar to the large red lacquer bar, and turned the entire coffin around - before going out, the coffin head should face the courtyard. It is to let the deceased take a last look at their homeland.

After taking to the streets, the pole was changed. To make the coffin turn forward, it was to abandon the mundane world and move forward without any nostalgia for the world.


Mia's hand was replaced by a double-clicking ruler, and with a crisp sound, the entire funeral procession began to move forward at a fast speed - after the coffin left the door, it could no longer touch the ground and could not stop. It had to be carried all the way to the cemetery without stopping!


The mournful music started, and after the numerous ceremonial guards, flags, and paper bundles, there were paper people holding traditional musical instruments. The sad music they played was sad and heart-wrenching. Even if I was jogging all the way forward, the tune was not out of place, but it was really uncomfortable.

Zhou Xiyang, who was closest to the drum band and holding a soul-inducing flag, suppressed the sadness rising in his heart. He first glanced at Bing250 out of the corner of his eye, made sure he was safe, and then thought to himself.

This music is extraordinary, as if it is deliberately evoking sadness and causing resonance. Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire are the seven emotions of human beings. If a paper man wants to become a human being, he must have all seven emotions.

Now it seems that Grandpa Zhi still lacks the emotion of 'sadness'. Does it need to rely on resonance?

After all, this sorrow is really sad.

"To die at the age of 100 is to express joy and mourning."

Zhou Xiyang murmured, as if talking to himself.

"It's joy and mourning."

A dull and old voice answered him, it was the old housekeeper who was holding a wedding ceremony in front of the bar.

Since it is a time of joy and mourning, the drum music should not be so sad. Zhou Xiyang finally confirmed his thoughts, feeling angry and laughing at the same time.

This Granny Zhi is very meticulous in her work. In order to make the undercover people mistakenly think that she really wants to be an adult, she probably prepared all the other emotions in advance, except for sadness. When she waits for the funeral, she will hide it from the truth and get the seven emotions naturally. .

But Granny Zhi’s ultimate goal is not to become an adult. She wants to burn as a paper man to help the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty return. Therefore, Zhou Xiyang guessed that the emotion she really lacked might not be 'sadness', but another kind.

But no matter what, the sorrow and joy along the way will definitely affect the emotions of the passengers. This can be regarded as increasing the difficulty in disguise!


As the funeral procession trotted forward, Wei Xun looked thoughtfully at the drum band.

Sad music didn't have much impact on their tour guide, but the third generation of Lao in the ball of demonic insects moved uneasily, which attracted Wei Xun's attention. After a while, Wei Xun felt disgust and resistance from Lao Sandai.

Does the third generation of Hideo hate and resist?

If the third generation of Lai had the blood of Xiao Cui, the Joy Demon Bug and the Responsibility Demon Bug, which would make it instinctively disgusted...then the amount of 'sadness' contained in this sorrowful music would probably be ridiculous.

Wei Xun soon thought of what Zhou Xiyang had considered, but his attention was not on this aspect. Wei Xun's eyes fell on the woman holding the veil on the right side in front of the bar.

When a wealthy family holds a funeral, they will tie two long white cloths in front of the larger pole, which will be pulled by disciples, relatives and friends. At this moment, the two people holding the crown were walking behind Zhou Xiyang, one on the left and one on the right. They were the old housekeeper of the Zhi family and a middle-aged woman who was said to be Zhi's grandfather and granddaughter.

When Wei Xun looked up at the drum band, he noticed this woman because she didn't have any numerical values!

The third generation of Lao was in the Demonic Insect Ball, and Wei Xun could see the responsibility and joy for him from others, except for those who hid his strength. Even the paper man can see these two values.

For example, the paper steward's responsibility value is 0 and his joy value is 20.

The old housekeeper is absolutely loyal to Granny Zhi, and his responsibility value for Wei Xun is naturally 0. A joy value of 20 is considered a polite welcome. Responsibility and joy values ​​can also be seen in other paper figures with souls.

Except for those paper figures that have no eyes and are just pure paper.

This woman should be the former, she used special methods to hide her strength.

Is she the one who bought new clothes for 'grandma'?

Wei Xun secretly thought about the reminder of "Grandma's New Clothes" on the travel ticket he got earlier. Besides the centenarian grandma, there was another person who wrote that paragraph. She calls Granny Zhi grandma, which should be her grandson or granddaughter.

I saw her face covered with white gauze, every move contained a certain rhythm, and her posture was very moving.

This person never showed up from beginning to end. He only showed up during the funeral. He must be the back-up man of Zhijiazang?

"It stinks very much here, Ghost, please walk faster."

Wei Xun walked slowly while thinking, and the devil merchant stopped to wait for him. The black widow spider slowly raised its thin black forelimbs and covered its head, complaining.

Smells very much? Could it be that the 'wave making' is coming again?

The Devil Merchant was startled. He glanced at the ground and saw that the thick paper money that originally covered the ground had unexpectedly started to seep out dots of red!

"Xiao Cui, hurry up."

The devil merchant urged: "Let's get to the front...hiss!"

He was suddenly stunned and took a breath of air: "What is that?!"

Wei Xun followed his gaze and looked back, and saw a pile of building ruins suddenly appearing at the entrance of the alley where the Zhijia Courtyard was originally located!

No, no, no, Wei Xun recognized some familiar buildings in the Zhijia Courtyard. They were still intact, but they were completely distorted. They looked weird and terrifying, as if someone had turned the entire Zhijia Courtyard into paper. The ball was blocked at the entrance of the alley.

Wei Xun's sharp eyes even saw countless pulp and paper threads wrapped around the walls on both sides, like a giant paper net!

Unexpectedly, even the Zhi Family Courtyard is a whole paper house! So why does it become like this, and what is it blocking?


Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and a thunderous rumble came from inside the alley. Even the 'Zhijia Courtyard' trembled violently, as if something was violently impacting it from behind!

"Speed ​​up, speed up!"

Zhou Xiyang whispered, Mia's ringing became more and more urgent, and the entire funeral procession was no longer trotting, but running forward with all its strength!

Even if he can't look back, Zhou Xiyang knows that something big will definitely happen behind him, even if it is still far from the quarter of an hour the devil businessman said.

From the beginning to the end, Zhou Xiyang knew that everything in extremely dangerous scenic spots must be rushed ahead. The devil businessman said that there was still a quarter of an hour to make waves, so at least they had to run to Donghua Gate within ten minutes, because there were bound to be people along the way. Countless dangers stand in the way.

Look, now, not even five minutes, the shaking has started!


The corners of Yun Lianghan's eyes twitched, and the blood stains on his face were even more dazzling and twisted. When he was swallowed up by the blood flow, a plush black shadow jumped on his face while the blood was flowing. He grabbed a few handfuls and ran away. Yun Lianghan was so angry that he couldn't help it.

Especially when you hear the hostel prompt!

【You are being targeted by the evil black cat demon! 】

Fucking evil black cat demon, damn it!

Yun Lianghan wanted to kill Mekel, but he couldn't do it now. Precisely because of the temporary title he received!

[Weakness·eldest granddaughter-in-law (temporary title): Your body is very weak, and you are most likely to be targeted by evil spirits. At the same time, your perception is equally sharp, and you can be the first to detect those malicious gazes and the approach of monsters! Please join forces with Mr. Yin Yang and others to defeat the monsters' conspiracy and escort the deceased to the funeral! 】

Damn it, it’s all Zhou Xiyang’s fault for sealing his core title, or why he, Yun Lianghan, was a ‘weak and eldest grandson’s daughter-in-law’ when he split into different camps!

She should be a ‘killer and eldest grandson’s daughter-in-law’!

Before in the alley and now on the street, it was Yun Lianghan's 'keen perception' who was the first to notice something strange, and he is the same now. But at the moment, Yun Lianghan ignored the reminders from the hotel one after another: [The evil black cat demon is watching you] [The unknown powerful existence releases hostility towards you] [The unknown powerful existence releases murderous intent towards you] [The existence staring at you has reached Four! 】

His eyes were fixed on the huge Zhijia Courtyard ‘paper ball’ blocking the alley!


There was another loud noise, as if the whole world was shaking. With an ominous clicking sound, the Zhi Family Courtyard suddenly burst open, and several streams of blood spurted out. The most terrifying thing was the mist-like blood droplets it spurted out. It quickly filled the air and dyed the thrown paper money red.

Yun Lianghan was terrified.

What's blocking the Zhi Family Courtyard is probably that terrifying wave of blood! Once the Zhi Family Courtyard completely collapses, the consequences will be disastrous!

The hazy blood mist fell, accompanied by a strong fishy stench, leaving a dense mass of tiny stains on the snow-white mourning clothes. Fortunately for the passengers, the funeral papers shrouded in blood mist were more or less damaged, especially the paper-tied children, which turned into paper mud the moment the blood mist fell.

The boy is responsible for throwing paper money in a basket. When the paper hits the boy to death, the number of paper money thrown away suddenly becomes much smaller and cannot cover the road, causing the paper carts and horses in front to fall into the bloody mud!

But the predicament only lasted a moment. The next moment more paper money was thrown out, and a dozen tall and strong paper figures stood up. Blood mist fell on them, but they were blocked by the green light.

It's the paper man made by the passengers!

These paper figures are taller than other paper figures and have infinite strength. They throw out large amounts of paper money high and far. The flying paper money takes the lead in catching the falling blood mist to ensure the safety of other paper figures. . The remaining paper boy figures quickly poured a large amount of paper money onto the ground to cover the blood stain again. Soon this funeral procession will be running fast again!

‘Brother, how contaminated are you? ’

Wei Xun deliberately fell behind, while the Devil Merchant had already run to the safer front. At this moment, Wei Xun looked at the red and black blood, as well as the faintly crawling and squirming black alien monster in the blood.

They looked like puddles of oil, dripping and stringy black slurry, their eyes were dark and empty, their mouths were wide open, and there were suture-like black strings on both sides of the mouth.

Unable to see the male and female clearly, and with no ghostly or yin energy, Wei Xun smelled all kinds of odors. There was the stench of rotting bodies, the stench of decaying pus and blood, and a rich sadness enveloped the monsters, as if it had condensed into drops of water, or like tears. It made Hyo Sandai tremble uneasily.

Wei Xun pays great attention to details. He remembered what the itinerary said on the itinerary: ‘The pollution in the Eight-Armed Nezha City is getting more and more serious’, as well as the instructions for collecting dirty blood.

Nezha Ling's heart essence and blood are contaminated, which is definitely very serious. Moreover, this is the heart of Nezha Ling, and there are so many spiritual pollution monsters hidden there.

‘You can’t solve it. ’

Nezha Ling said impatiently: "Even if you use that strange bug, it's impossible. You'd better catch up quickly and save yourself from death."

'I feel strong negative emotions'

Dream Chaser whispered, the Dream Chaser dragon did not appear on Wei Xun's shoulder, but was hidden in his cloak. At this moment, the dream chaser spoke in a serious tone:

'The pain, despair, sorrow,'s too much for you to deal with, so leave quickly. ’

negative emotion?

Wei Xun ran with the funeral procession, but not very fast. He was still at the back, almost parallel to Bai Xiaotian.

At this moment, Bai Xiaotian no longer knocked on the wooden fish.

"They require the emotion of sadness themselves."

Wei Xun looked at him, and Bai Xiaotian seemed to think that he was questioning about stopping knocking on the wooden fish, so he took the initiative to explain: "What they want is not salvation, but release."

"What a fucking idiot."

Yun Lianghan heard the conversation between the two and complained angrily: "Don't go to the funeral until Qi Qing is saved. Isn't this artificially increasing the difficulty!"

Yun Lianghan wiped his eyes as he spoke. The corners of his eyes were bright red, as if they were stained by the falling blood mist, and his whole body was full of fierce and sad energy.

The mourning has indeed affected the passengers, especially since they were soaked in blood in the alley just now and now they are drenched in blood mist. The spirits of the passengers are not stable to begin with.

"Hey, hurry up and go to the front!"

Yun Lianghan frowned and stared at Bing 250, and said impatiently: "Are you looking for death by being so far behind? Go ahead, hurry up and get to the front!"

A big wave of blood is coming soon. If Bing250 dies here, Yun Lianghan won't have time to peel off the token of 30 degrees north latitude from his body. He can only take advantage of those old scheming men who hide their strength. He doesn't want to see this happen!


Wei Xun responded perfunctorily, thinking about what Bai Xiaotian said. Yun Lianghan thought that the two of them were talking about Grandpa Zhi and the paper people just now, but Wei Xun felt that this sentence was full of profound meaning.

He looked back thoughtfully, and saw those dark and sticky monsters getting closer and closer to them along the blood flow.

Negative emotions are formed, and sadness is needed. What is needed is not transcendence, but release...

"Let's go quickly."

Yu Hehui couldn't help but urge: "At this speed, the funeral procession will soon reach Donghua Gate!"

Experienced travelers have experience, and Yu Hehui can predict that if Donghua Gate is opened, the blood river and the black monster behind will definitely riot. It is extremely dangerous to stand at the end!

Wei Xun stopped and picked up a few baskets. They fell from the hands of the paper children who were dissolved by the blood mist. Most of these baskets were trampled, and only one or two were intact. The paper-making children can take out endless paper money from this paper basket. This basket should be considered a special prop.

'Woo, woo, woo-woo--'

The black and red pus and blood stuck to the basket. When Wei Xun picked it up, there was a mouth on the paper basket, and it cried sadly.

‘It hurts, it hurts so much——’

The crying was mixed with distorted and piercing howls. Wei Xun’s eyes went dark, and he flashed back countless scenes. The moment he heard the crying, his SAN value dropped by 20 points. The sharp claws that suddenly burst out tore the paper basket, and the howling stopped abruptly. The paper basket turned into a pile of pulp, and finally turned into a drop of black liquid.

With this drop of black liquid in his hand, Wei Xun’s SAN value dropped by 5.5 points very quickly, and he threw it out. At this moment, the monsters were attracted by the crying and crawled very fast. The closest one was less than five meters away from Wei Xun. It jumped up and swallowed the drop of black liquid directly, making a sad and painful roar.

This painful roar was like a fuse, and piles of monsters even struggled to crawl out of the blood flow and staggered towards Wei Xun. The paper money under his feet was almost all soaked in pus and blood, and they ran very fast on the blood. This time Wei Xun finally turned around and ran away.

‘They crave sadness, but I don’t think they are happy even if they get it’

Wei Xun was still discussing this issue with Yu Hehui while running away.

‘Do you know about starving ghosts?’

Yu Hehui gave an example: ‘Starving ghosts crave food, but their throats are very thin, and they can’t swallow the food they finally find, and they can only spit it out in the end. And it’s not food that saves starving ghosts’

Getting what you crave doesn’t necessarily make you happy, it’s just driven by desire.

‘When I heard the howling just now, a flashback appeared in front of my eyes’

Wei Xun sorted out his thoughts: ‘It was a little girl who was abused and killed by the nanny’

She was too young, she didn’t have much concept of death, and she didn’t have any resentment, only endless fear and sadness. It hurts so much, she’s so scared. She has so many wounds on her body, how sad her parents will be when they come back.

It wasn’t from the paper basket, but the drop of black and red pus and blood on the paper basket.

‘Negative emotions all have their sources’

Yu Hehui sighed softly: ‘They don’t come out of thin air’

People who are unsuccessful, people who can’t see hope, people who sink into the abyss due to too much pressure, and people who can’t redeem themselves. This city is too big. Not everyone has lived happily over the years. Where there is light, there is always darkness.

However, this city has a large population and is very popular. Those negative emotions should always dissipate. They still stay here, even alienated into spiritual pollution, and even integrated into the "blood" of Nezha Ling. There must be a reason.

Yu Hehui fell into deep thought, and Wei Xun asked the dream chaser again.

'Dream chaser, how many emotions do you need to ripen an emotional demon worm? '

'A lot'

The dream chaser said that he had experience in this regard: 'When I first raised the hope demon worm, I fed it with the Hope Brigade and the Hope Alliance, and collected a lot of hope during the journey. '

'Later, the Hope Brigade and the Alliance were gone, and I formed a new one... Anyway, I have raised it for a long time, and it has just entered adulthood, not maturity. '

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully: 'Nezha Ling must have a lot of responsibilities'

It stands to reason that using pure emotions to ripen is not very desirable. The best nutrients are actually the emotions generated by the owner of the emotional demon worm. Such as responsibility to Wei Xun and hope for the dream chaser.

The dream chaser tried to use the hope demon worm to pull up a new hope alliance in the later period, but failed, not only because of the traitors who got in, but also because many people's hope was not for him.

People have their own hopes.

The demon worm grows slowly when the emotions absorbed are mixed.

The responsibility emotion accumulated by Nezha Ling for hundreds of years is definitely not aimed at Wei Xun. If it is used to feed the responsibility demon worm, at least 70% will be wasted.

However, the fact is that it only took one afternoon for Nezha Ling to force the responsibility demon worm to grow to the growth stage, which is almost the same progress as the dream chaser's hope demon worm.

What are so many responsibilities for?

There is not much joy, but trying to sell him some negative emotions?

These monsters accumulated and alienated by negative emotions...

Wei Xun sighed in his heart, and he figured out where the pollution of Nezha Ling came from.

* *



The muffled thunder became heavier and more urgent, like a giant hitting fiercely. The Zhi Family Courtyard blocking the entrance of the alley had more and more cracks, and more black blood was washed out, as if thousands of horses were running together, the sound was like thunder, and it was unstoppable. But in such a dangerous situation, the funeral procession stopped temporarily!

Zhou Xiyang walked to the front, his brows furrowed. In front of them was the closed Donghua Gate. The paper man could only go through the Ghost Gate if he wanted to be buried.

But they were a little conflicted at the moment when they stood in front of the door.

"Go through the tenth gate, that's good."

The old housekeeper of the Zhi family argued: "Really, if you walk ten roads, you can save more 'people'!"

There are two avenues leading to the outside of the city outside Donghua Gate, one is Shidaokou and the other is Drumming Avenue. You can only choose one.

The esophagus and the spine are obviously two completely different paths.

What the old housekeeper of the Zhi family said makes sense. People cannot digest and absorb paper. Taking the esophageal route is better for people overall! Although the passengers are more dangerous, they are strong and can protect themselves. This is the optimal solution.

But all travelers did not hesitate at all and chose the Drumming Avenue!

Because the Leigu Hutong attractions have not yet been settled, there must be corresponding task tests. This is the hotel asking them to choose the Drumming Avenue, there is no other choice.

The passengers were unified among themselves, and the paper people could only angrily agree. As the captain, Zhou Xiyang took the lead in pushing the Donghua Gate open a crack——

Then he closed it immediately.

"Get ready to fight."

Zhou Xiyang took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "Behind this door - there are monsters."

Looking around, densely packed black alien monsters were like thick oil, covering the entire 'world', and even the sky and the earth were pitch black.

In this case, you must not bring the mourners in, they must go in first to clean up the monsters!

The situation is urgent, and there are only five minutes left before the arrival of the ‘big wave’.

* *

At this moment, Wei Xun was still lagging behind, playing with a ruby-like ball in his hand.

The Nezha spirit was born from people's beliefs. He is the omnipotent Nezha and the young hero Xiao Nezha.

He has the responsibility to protect this city and the people in this city.

But he is not the real Nezha.

The enemies he fought and the monsters he fought were invisible to normal people and could not be sensed by people. But he is powerless to deal with the dangers and difficulties people actually encounter in reality.

Did he really protect the people of this city?

Those negative emotions, those resentments, sorrows and pains were not caused by him. In fact, no one would think, "Nezha save me" when they are in danger. Even if someone thought so, he would not be able to save others.

Can those negative emotions end because of him?

also can not.

He doesn't have that much joy that can eliminate the pain, and he's not happy enough. He's actually very lonely.

So what's his use?

He doesn't want these responsibilities anymore, but he still can't leave them behind. The negative grievances and emotions he collected could not be dispelled, so he could only blend them into his own 'blood', hoping to gradually relieve them with the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the people in the city.

Over the years, his pollution became more and more serious. There are no signs of improvement.

Can enough joy resolve these negative emotions?

"That's easy."

Wei Xun sighed.

The problem with Nezha Ling is, firstly, an excessive sense of responsibility, and secondly, there are too many negative emotions accumulated and collected, which cannot be digested by the blood.

This is not simple!

The devil of responsibility treats the root cause, this treats the symptoms...

Wei Xun tossed a jewel-like red ball in his hand.

This was the emotional bomb he used to make with the help of Yu Hehui using the magic bug.

I used a whole Ximo bug!

"Brother, if I can completely cure your disease——"

Wei Xun smiled and walked towards the Donghua Gate where strong negative emotions were coming from: "This brother - I want to be the one too."

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