Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 182 Nutrient solution 410,000 plus more

There was a shadow in the sky, not thick clouds, but the wings of the devil.

Zhou Xiyang raised his head in astonishment, Yu Hehui covered his face, and Yun Tianhe clenched the cross in excitement, muttering words of praise and reverence.

How good does it feel to fly?

At this moment, Wei Xun was extremely excited, but his spirit was also extremely calm. He was not so excited and selfless as Icarus that he chased the sun. Instead, he turned around in the air, suddenly folded his wings, and fell down.


Zhou Xiyang exclaimed, he thought Bing 250 was falling out of control because the SAN value was too low. No longer caring about the monsters, he rushed forward to pick up Bing 250, but he did not expect that Wei Xun was falling so fast that he was almost close. When he was on the ground, he spread his devil wings and soared into the sky!

This time he caught Qianjia Paper and took it to heaven together.

"Keep blowing."

Wei Xun ordered in the biting wind. At the same time, he took out Nezha Ling's blood, poured it into his palm, and burned it with flames. In an instant, sorrow and joy reappeared, blood overflowed, and the monsters coming from all directions found their targets again. The monsters brought by Wei Xun and the monsters brought by Zhou Xiyang, the left and right sides crazily closed in the middle!


With almost no chance, he managed to break out of the encirclement and avoid the monsters that collided and gathered together. Zhou Xiyang gasped for air. Just at that moment, the blood-stained paper pricked the people and horses, and the paper man's drum band was trampled into mud by the fast-running monsters. If they run a step slower, I'm afraid the consequences will be the same!

There are too many, there are too many monsters in front of me - as if the monsters in the entire Eight-Armed Nezha City are all gathered here at this moment! The broad drumming avenue was almost completely blocked. Zhou Xiyang stared at the strange mountains and seas in front of him, his pupils shrinking suddenly.

"What on earth does he want to do?!"

"What on earth does he want to do!"

After the torrent of blood on the other side of the river slowed down, the funeral procession also entered the Drumming Avenue. The heavy coffin and the bearers had to wait for the bone seams to close before moving forward. However, Taoist Bansheng completely ignored his image and let Hongzheng carry him on his back. He jumped over the bone gap and ran forward to chase Bing 250, but he happened to see endless monsters gathering together!

"No, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord."

Where is Bing250? ! Why didn't he see it? !

Ban Ming Taoist's hands were shaking violently, and he could hardly calculate. Under the black shadow above his head, he looked up in shock, only to see a pair of extremely familiar, dark and silver demon wings!

"Oh my god, you are so desperate!"

The half-life Taoist was so shocked that he suddenly leaned back and realized something was wrong when he said the words.

No, even if the person who is interested in life is the examiner of Bing250, there is no way he can show up now. We haven’t reached the fourth attraction yet!

What flew that day was——

"Your SAN value is dangerous!"

The dream-chasing dragon in the sky clutched the bone spurs on Wei Xun's alienated shoulders and roared into his ears.

"You must get out of here immediately!"

All the monsters are concentrated here, and the mental pollution is so strong that even the dream chaser feels suffocated. Looking down from the air, these monsters look like densely packed ants. They are completely irrational, crazy and terrifying. They are attracted to sorrow and blood. In order to get closer to Wei Xun in the air, they even climb up on the bodies of their companions!

It's like a 'living' black tower made of monster bodies stacked up and rising rapidly!

But instead of staying away, Wei Xun sometimes flew low and swooped down like a lure, making the monsters even crazier.

"You want to lure them together?"

The dream chaser saw that originally the monsters had piled up six or seven 'black towers', almost forming a circle, but they were of different heights. But Wei Xun was like the 'architect' who controlled the overall situation, luring the monsters with low flights again and again, and in the end it became a balanced situation.

A large number of monsters struggled to climb up, leaving the edges of both sides of the Drumming Avenue that had been completely occupied by monsters freed up!

Is he trying to attract the monsters by himself and let the funeral procession pass safely?

"Not enough, still not enough."

Wei Xun murmured, he was extremely crazy at the moment. He was flying between the 'black towers' formed by monsters. The nearest monster could almost stick to the tips of his wings, but Wei Xun was extremely calm. But he took the spider silk climbing rope, tied it up, and glued it together so that the monsters could no longer be separated.

The range of the bombs was limited, and there were too many monsters. If they were allowed to scatter completely on the ground, the bombs would not be able to affect all the monsters, so Wei Xun flew up and lured the monsters into stacking up!

If the monsters were all stacked up to form a 'tower', it would be too high and the range of the bomb would not be enough, so Wei Xun controlled the piles of monsters and made them pile up into 'seven' towers. This was too difficult. The spider silk climbing rope worth thousands of dollars broke and it was difficult to trap the monsters.

But Nezha Ling came to help!

"I feel that today is an opportunity for change."

Nezha Ling murmured, at his level, his intuition about matters related to him was extremely sharp. What does Wei Xun want to do? ! But it was too late to say more now. Under the influence of Nezha Spirit's aura, these monsters began to melt and stick together, like pools of turbid and sticky oil.

An unparalleled and powerful aura permeates the air, and the seven "black towers" and seven giant pollution monsters are gradually taking shape! Seeing this scene, Nezha Ling felt bitter in his heart. He worked hard to separate the monsters throughout Nezha City and did not dare to let them gather together. This was exactly what he was worried about.


Nezha Ling was covered in black hair, and was filled with a stench similar to that of monsters. He could no longer take action, and even said that if Wei Xun could not deal with the gathered monsters today, he would be completely contaminated. But he really doesn't want to continue to die like this slowly, so he might as well give it a try and get a glimmer of hope!

Can Wei Xun be his lifeline? !


Wei Xun was laughing. He suddenly folded his demon wings and stopped flying, but fell rapidly! The strong wind made his hair messy and flying, and the golden necklace slipped out of Wei Xun's collar due to gravity. The necklace pendant shone with an ominous light. The false king's necklace would bring absolute misfortune to the wearer.

During his trance vision, Wei Xun seemed to see the giant palms of monsters intercepting and grabbing him, and the erosion of endless mental pollution finally drove him completely crazy. The completely alienated terrifying demon roared with bloodlust. Dream Chaser hurriedly threw the name tag to him but was a step too late.

The demons and pollution monsters completely merged, the Nezha spirit fell, and the entire eight-armed Nezha city fell into the abyss. Gutong Street was filled with broken paper and the corpses of travelers scattered everywhere.

This is the future of group destruction!


In a thousandth of a second, the crown appeared in Wei Xun's hands and was held in his hair.

【False King (Crown): When you wear the crown, you will be the real king! All the above negative effects will be reversed into positive ones! 】

All misfortunes turn into luck! The hands stretched out by the seven giant monsters that had just been glued together were meant to grab him, but they bumped into each other. At the critical moment, Wei Xun fell from between his fingers. His falling speed was so fast that the monsters subconsciously wanted to bend down to fish it out, but they collided even harder and got entangled together.

"Director Cui!!"

Anxious and worried shouts rang out. Zhou Xiyang was desperate and wanted to rush forward, but his eyes turned completely black. The scene in front of him made his eyesight split! The seven giant monsters glued together lowered their heads and bent towards the middle, colliding and entangled together, like a giant black ball.

But Bing250 was trapped in the middle of the black ball!

October 10th, who was carrying the coffin, threw down the red bar without hesitation and rushed forward. Her pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead. The human ears turned into wolf ears, and the terrifying aura lingered on her body, so excited that Augustus turned into a wolf on the spot! But before she was completely unblocked, a hand patted her shoulder.

"Deputy group, deputy group?!"

Bai Xiaotian ran past her, as if he was looking for the half-life Taoist, but his voice rang in his ears on October 10th.



There was a crazy conflict between instinct and reason. On October 10th, his cheeks twitched, but he obeyed the order, suppressed the beast transformation, and returned to normal. All this happened at an alarming speed. Before the coffin could tilt, she was holding it against her again.

On October 10th, he was staring at the 'giant cocoon' formed by the pollution monsters. Bai Xiaotian was also looking in that direction. He ran behind Taoist Ban Ming, but Taoist Ban Ming had no time to care about him at this moment.

Everyone is looking at that giant cocoon!


There was extreme calmness deep in Bai Xiaotian's eyes, and he listened carefully. Everything around him seemed to be silent, except for the faint sound of "ding" in the giant cocoon.

Like a dice falling to the ground.

The gambler's dice was thrown to the ground by Wei Xun. Above his head, behind him, and in all directions, every inch was filled with the black color that polluted the monster. It was a gamble of life and death. The bettors were not only Wei Xun, but also Nezha Ling and Bai Xiaotian. , October 10th, Dream Chasers, and countless viewers who are not on the journey!

Every gambler longs for this kind of excitement, longs for the glory that attracts everyone's attention, and dreams of making a big gamble on his own!

The right time, right place and right people!

The rapidly rotating gambler's dice tried to tip to one point several times, but finally landed on six!

[Your Gambler’s Dice upgrade——]


The moment the hotel prompt sounded, Wei Xun turned around suddenly and threw out the already activated bomb.

He was smashing into the heads of the monsters behind him!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Crazy, terrifying laughter erupted from the bomb, and a crimson mental wave exploded, sweeping everything. It was obvious that the mental wave was formless, but the thick black pollution it affected was like ice melting away snow. Disappearing as fast as melting!

Wei Xun couldn't help laughing. He laughed until he bent over and his wings trembled wildly. Six times the power of the joy bomb was completely unimaginable to ordinary people. Excessive joy surged in. It was also a kind of mental pollution, and Wei Xun was recently The center of the explosion!

"Hahaha, hehehe——"

A slightly smaller laugh came from Wei Xun's shoulder, and a little ladybug tried its best to absorb the joy, it was Lady Three! The golden responsibility bug also appeared on Wei Xun's shoulders, and both of them protected Wei Xun, finally blocking the influence of joy.

But others are not so lucky!

Zhou Xiyang and Yu Hehui, who were closest to the giant pollution black ball, were lucky enough to see the pollution collapse and dissipation up close. Thousands of red rays of light are like sunlight, like sharp swords, piercing through the obstruction of darkness and pollution, bursting out, like sunlight breaking through clouds, shining on the earth!

The most dazzling light beam came from the center, where the dark pollution was completely melted. Without their heads, the seven huge monsters formed by the pollution melted and collapsed under the red light, falling in all directions, like blooming black lotuses. Crazy and twisted laughter, joy, happiness intertwined with crying, despair, sadness, like an absolutely crazy symphony!

The conductor of this symphony stands in the middle of the blooming "black lotus", with the devil's wings folded behind him. He is neither sad nor happy, nor angry nor angry. Cold and indifferent like a demon, yet calm like a Buddha.

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