Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 179 Nutrient Solution 400,000 Plus Update

The sky was dark, the wind was blowing, and the wind was filled with muddy vapor, as if it was going to rain heavily.

The heavy coffin cover was carried by the bearers. Now the half-lived Taoist no longer threw out paper money. He also took out a special-shaped mobile phone to play Taoist music.

Zhou Xiyang was carrying the soul-inducing flag amid the sound of drums, his eyes were red, and he led everyone in the brigade to turn left three times around the coffin, and then three times right Great mourning.

The scenic spots on the journey do not have many requirements for the funeral ceremony of spirits. Zhou Xiyang chose to use a mixture of funeral rituals from various places, intertwining ancient and modern times, and mixing various places, just to confuse the yin and yin forces. But the situation is worse than initially imagined. Now they are completely focused on the Zhi Family Courtyard. Anyone who comes out of this courtyard will probably be targeted!

Then let’s target it.

Zhou Xiyang held the spiritual flag and led the way at the front. Behind him was Yuntianhe as the 'eldest grandson'. I saw a red thread wrapped between the fingers of Yuntianhe's hand. This red thread was connecting to the coffin carried by the bearers behind and submerged into the coffin cover. Seven descendant nails were hammered into the coffin before, but one of them was not nailed tightly.

This nail has a red thread wrapped around it, and it is held by the eldest grandson, which means 'to stay behind'. Although Grandpa Zhi normally does not have any descendants, and the funeral has to be performed by passengers in various identities, but everything should be done .

This red line is not ordinary. It is always connected to the coffin and can better monitor the movement of the coffin. Zhou Xiyang still doesn't trust Yun Tianhe very much, but only Yun Tianhe, as his eldest grandson, can walk by his side and communicate at any time.

In the same way, the female family members followed the coffin. Originally, Mei Kele and Yun Lianghan were divorced, but now that Mei Kele has become a cat demon, only the 'eldest granddaughter-in-law' Yun Lianghan is left, which makes Zhou Xiyang even more uneasy.

Even if Bai Xiaotian followed at the end, knocking on wooden fish and chanting sutras, Zhou Xiyang still couldn't feel relieved. There will definitely be an attack during the funeral. He has lifted the previous restrictions on Yun Lianghan's shadow. In this way, he doesn't know if Bai Xiaotian can contain Yun Lianghan.

Taoist Ban Ming was more worried than Zhou Xiyang, but he threw paper money in front of him to buy the way, further away from Bai Xiaotian.

Such a large funeral procession naturally separated everyone in the brigade.

"You go to the middle."

Wei Xun asked Yu Hehui to watch in the middle of the funeral procession. He stood with the devil businessman and walked at the front of the funeral procession. The Zhijia Courtyard is in an alley, and you have to go out of the alley and go to the street entrance to change the big bars. The funeral procession that the Zhi family had really prepared was very large, and they were also waiting outside on the street.

"You must first exit the Forbidden City through Donghua Gate. Then either take Shidaokou or Drumming Avenue to exit the city, and then go to Yangshou Town Funeral Palace."

The devil merchant was worried: "Do you think you can leave the city today?"


Wei Xun said: "The real danger is outside the Eight-Armed Nezha City."

After all, there is Nezha Ling in the city, and now that some factions within the travelers are too powerful to prevent the funeral, Nezha Ling also has the opportunity to take action.

"Look at how anxious you are, it's just a small fight now."

The black widow spider lay on the devil businessman's shoulder, lazily watching the old housekeeper of the Zhi family lead the people and plant road flags all the way at the entrance of the alley. This is a small pennant made of five-color paper, used to guide the souls of the dead. But the first half of the road was okay. From the middle of the alley to the street outside, the road flag fell down as soon as it was installed and could not be erected at all.

At first glance, it looked like something sinister was at work.

The old housekeeper calmly threw out a lot of paper money. The paper money rolled up in the air and was burned and engulfed by the green will-o'-the-wisp that came from nowhere. But even if the ghosts took the money to buy the road, the road flag still couldn't be erected——

This is not just a embarrassment to the Zhi family, but a clear reminder that the road ahead is indeed impassable and dangerous.


The coffin of Zhuge Fu was still behind, and the old housekeeper turned around to find Taoist Half Life. He looked forward and knew what to do, and nodded slightly: "Leave it to me."

Then I saw the half-life Taoist turn thatch into a sharp sword, and with a low cry, he suddenly slashed away. An invisible sword energy swept across the alley, scattering piles of paper dust and crooked road flags.

They must take this road today!

If there is no way, then find a way.

After the half-life Taoist slashed through the air, the old housekeeper inserted the road flag again, and he was able to stand firmly.

"They're all brats."

The Devil Merchant breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Those who could be scared away by the half-life Taoist's sword were just imps blocking the road. The real evil army had not yet taken action.

But then he felt awe-struck.

The more you don't take action now, the more serious the situation is, and I'm afraid there will be a thunderous strike from behind!

"you say……"

The devil merchant was about to ask the black widow for advice, but found that she was testing Xiaocui with great interest.

"During such an important time, Chai Meng wasn't with you?"

Black Widow chuckled, and her eight spider eyes glanced at Wei Xun's shoulders: "I haven't seen my old friend for half a day. It's strange that I miss you."

"Chai Meng thinks this place is too dirty."

Wei Xun said calmly: "The fishy smell and blood are too strong, don't dirty its scales."

Indeed, the hutong has changed slightly now.

* *



With every step I took, there was a sticky and dull sound of water under my feet. The sound didn't sound like stepping into a puddle, but like a mire of sticky gelatin. The originally hard ground under your feet seemed to have become softer, like a swamp that could easily sink you. Naturally, the ones who were most affected were the pole bearers, but with October 10, the ‘seasoned pole bearer’ at their head, the coffin bearers were relatively stable.

Augustus sniffed, his face serious, and he smelled the strong smell of blood.

The smell of blood was not just coming from somewhere, but from the ground under their feet, from the walls on both sides, even from the sky, and from all directions - as if they were walking in an extremely wide blood vessel!

The Zhijia Courtyard is built in the "heart" of the Eight-Armed Nezha City. Now that the heart is about to come out, this alley is naturally the "blood vessel"! The air is full of steaming blood, damp and fishy smell, the air is filled with misty red, and the humidity is increasing rapidly. Mia felt something bad, and the sound of ringing the ruler became a little louder. All the pole bearers sped up to her beat, and the entire funeral procession suddenly moved a few percent faster!



Yun Lianghan stood behind and looked back. The tour guide was in front, but he was at the end. It seemed that there was no chance to attack the scenic spot this time. Even though Mekel has become a monster now and no one is supervising him, Yun Lianghan has no intention of taking action now.

Bai Xiaotian who chanted the sutra last? Rookie. If he didn't stand with Taoist Ban Ming, Yun Lianghan wouldn't take him seriously at all.

But now, the only one who can speak is Bai Xiaotian.

"Hey, did you hear the thunder?"

Yun Lianghan lowered his voice. He was originally looking at the sky, but soon Yun Lianghan discovered that the thunderous sound did not come from the sky.

But it came from behind them.

The blood energy became thicker and thicker, and Yun Lianghan's figure became weak. He relied on the transformation to reduce the influence of the blood energy, but the expression on his face became more solemn.

Not only was there a muffled thunder, but the earth was trembling slightly. As the eldest grandson-in-law, he did not go to the fields, but rode in a white wooden cart. But Yun Lianghan had eyes to see. The ground was covered with black and red viscous liquid at some point. Every step Bai Xiaotian took was difficult, and the liquid had already flooded his calves.

Suddenly, Yun Lianghan's pupils shrank. He saw a dark red line like a tide appearing at the end of the alley!

"Passengers, please look behind you."

The voice of the devil merchant followed the tour guide and reached the ears of every tourist. At this moment, Mia's ringing sound was as fast as raindrops, and the entire funeral procession was completely running!

"The Eight-Armed Nezha City is designed after the human body, and in recent years it has been equipped with the latest artificial wave-making system! Big waves are coming, so please don't crowd and step on them, and enjoy the experience!"

Experience your grandma!

Even the travelers from the West District were yelling in their hearts, choking on the thick blood mist, holding their breath, and rushing forward. Although he was only a few steps away from the entrance of the alley, the thunderous sound of the waves coming from behind was urgent, but it was obvious that he could not catch up, but Zhou Xiyang's face was still solemn.

Suddenly he stood still and shouted sharply: "Shrink your formation, grab the people and objects around you, and don't let go!"

No matter what the travelers in the brigade thought, they chose to believe in the captain at this moment. The moment they grabbed hold of the things around them, torrents of blood suddenly fell from the sky like a waterfall from the sky!

Blood surged from the sky, under your feet, and from the walls on both sides at the same time! The muffled thunder in the back was just a way to mislead tourists, and the entrance to the alley just around the corner was even more tempting. The blood was extremely impactful and sticky. If Zhou Xiyang hadn't shrunk the formation, I'm afraid this funeral procession would have been destroyed. It will take more time to break up and gather again!

"In order to give passengers the best experience, small waves are made every ten minutes and big waves are made every half an hour!"

"Good news for my fellow passengers! There is still a quarter of an hour until the big wave is made!"


"Continue to go."

When the blood wave became slightly smaller, Zhou Xiyang immediately issued an order to continue moving forward. I'm afraid they will all be affected by the 'wave making' before leaving the Forbidden City! And what they just suffered was just a small wave. It is simply unimaginable what a big wave would be like.

The hidden meaning of the devil merchant's words was to allow them to walk out of the Forbidden City through Donghua Gate within a quarter of an hour!

"How cruel."

Even though the devil businessman was so enthusiastic that he couldn't help but take a step back after reading the tour guide. He seemed to feel the deep resentment of the tourists towards him and was also shocked by the difficulty of this scenic spot.

He felt that any of these dangerous spots would be enough to serve as an attraction. But this is a complex place with too many dangers.

"No wonder it's hard for the Yin Cha Yin soldiers to take action in Eight Arms Nezha City."

The dangers in the Eight-Armed Nezha City also hindered the Yin Army and the Yin Chaos. Like now, this place has completely become a bloody place, and no ghost army can be easily stained with blood.


Wei Xun responded perfunctorily. He was staring at the blood on the ground, thoughtfully.

The two of them had been waiting at the street corner for a long time, and they were not swallowed up by the blood wave and were covered in blood. But at this moment, strands of pus and blood began to ooze out on the ground on the street outside.

It reminded Wei Xun of the bloody road he had walked while carrying An Xuefeng on his back. He couldn't help but take a few more glances, and the next moment——

Wei Xun took out a few vials, squatted down and began to collect black and red pus and blood.

Can you still do this? ?

yes! You can still do this!

The devil merchant immediately stopped caring about the empathic tourists. Seeing Xiao Cui collect a few drops without any problems, he felt moved. He also took out a container and started collecting pus and blood on the ground like Xiao Cui. This is pus and blood on an extremely dangerous journey, and it is the ‘heart blood’ of the Eight-Armed Nezha City. This value...

The devil merchant spotted a small blood pit, no bigger than a palm. He was very cautious and didn't plan to collect much. There were about ten drops in such a small pit——


As soon as the devil merchant stretched out the bottle, the blood in the blood pit suddenly turned into a slap, and slapped his two big mouths hard!


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