Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 176 Nutrient solution 390,000 plus more updates

"I'll stamp it."

Wei Xun noticed that Zhou Xiyang was looking at him. Looking back, he saw that Zhou Xiyang, who was obviously very worried, looked over at him and smiled reflexively.

"Is something wrong?"


Zhou Xiyang wiped his face silently, even if he wanted to ask about this kind of thing, he wouldn't be able to ask now.

"Last night was just a warning. The Yin Army may take action this morning."

After thinking about it, Zhou Xiyang reminded: "Don't be seduced."

It is common sense for the Yin army to seduce souls and take them to the underworld for interrogation. After all, the human world is still human territory, and the underworld will not have much advantage here.

"It's very cloudy today."

Mekel said: "The Yin energy in this Zhijia courtyard is too strong."

"A yard full of paper figures must have a lot of negative energy."

Bai Xiaotian said: "The funeral is about to take place, and the Yin Qi cannot be restrained and is released."

"This Zhijia Courtyard has a history of several hundred years. Didn't the underworld guys discover it before?"

Mia asked curiously.


Zhou Xiyang only said one word without any explanation. He used to work in the criminal police brigade and had keen intuition. Although this Mia seemed to be the weakest in the West District, she was proficient in various folk cultures and looked like the brains of the three wolves in the West District. Such a person acting as a gang leader is enough to make Zhou Xiyang more vigilant.

Mia was thoughtful, and Wei Xun understood. The Zhijia Courtyard is in front of Leigu Hutong. According to its geographical location, Leigu Hutong can be regarded as the left rib of the Eight-Armed Nezha. The left rib is forward, which is naturally the heart.

The Eight-Armed Nezha City seen during the journey is different from the reality. In reality, Nezha's "heart" is the Hall of Supreme Harmony where the emperor used to sit, but in this journey, the Zhijia Courtyard is next to the "heart", using the positive yang dragon energy to hide the yin energy, and it has been hidden to this day.

And its name is also wonderful. According to the naming method of the Eight-Armed Nezha City, the Zhijia Courtyard should correspond to the nail. Very few people know that it is hidden in the "heart".

"Let's go together... OK, you go."

The devil merchant wanted to go together, but he changed his mind after a pause. Looking at Xiaocui's leaving figure, the devil merchant was thoughtful.

There is no sign of the dream chaser on Xiaocui's shoulders.

Was he transformed like this because Hei Wuchang came to visit him, or was it the punishment from heaven last night...

‘Dream Chaser’s moves are very strange. ’

Black Widow leisurely said: 'The origin of his power to control dreams is to control people's consciousness. ’

Human consciousness has a very wonderful and powerful power. In the past, there were precedents of cancer patients who believed that there was nothing wrong with them and gradually got better. There were also examples of people who felt that they were sick, and their bodies, which were not originally sick, gradually showed signs of illness.

‘You are in the team leader assessment task. The highest SAN value is only 50. You should all have different degrees of alienation. But before Xiao Cui, there was no alienation. ’

‘You mean, this is the work of the Dream Chaser? ’

The devil merchant was frightened and murmured: 'He made Xiao Cui think that he was not alienated and was still normal, so Xiao Cui was not affected by alienation and was still a normal person? ’

If this is the case, it is really terrible! Does the dream chaser want anyone to think that if he is alienated and collapsed, the other person will be alienated and collapsed?

‘This is just a small hint, he doesn’t even need to take action, just rely on the shining scales. ’

Black Widow said longingly: 'Those dragon scales are more beautiful than the most beautiful gems. ’

The devil merchant was silent.

Now, Bing250 has shown an alienated state, indicating that the dream chaser is restricted.

Was it really him who took action to resist divine punishment last night?

Suddenly the body of the devil merchant disappeared, and the next moment he appeared ten meters away. And where the devil merchant stood just now, a pale mourning stick was quietly stuck. The head of this mourning stick is two skeletons, and the body of the stick is a leg bone. The strips of white cloth are like pale ghost hands, and each strip of cloth is wrapped with threads of pearl-colored mist—it was scraped from the devil merchant. !

Passengers who haven't gone far noticed something strange here!

A pale, tall and thin shadow appeared. Unlike the last time they met, Bai Wuchang actually held an iron abacus in his hand. He gave the devil merchant a sinister look. Then he didn't say anything and just disappeared underground.


Taoist Ban Ming glanced at it, shuddered all over, and covered his face.

"Be prepared, the Yin Army is really coming."

"The iron abacus in Bai Wuchang's hand is glowing with golden light. This is the abacus he used to report the situation to Emperor Dongyue and receive instructions from Emperor Dongyue."

Bai Xiaotian's tone also became serious: "Emperor Dongyue is the incarnation of Mount Tai. He is the sacred messenger between heaven and earth. He is also the patron saint of emperors who have been ordered by heaven to govern the world*"

Mount Tai is the place where the sun rises, and Emperor Dongyue is in charge of life and death. In life, he can control the replacement of old and new dynasties, and ascend to immortality; in death, he can control Yama, the ten halls of the underworld, and dominate the eighteen levels of hell*

"Nezha Ling can't possibly help. He might even beat us up and embarrass us."

Under the instructions of Emperor Dongyue, the Yin army secretly burned the paper figures, captured the funeral paper figures and returned to the underworld, thus gaining immortal destiny.

What's more, if Nezha Ling still wants to help the Seventh Emperor of the Ming Dynasty return to the imperial mausoleum, there is no way he can stop the Yin army and confront Emperor Dongyue. If the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty wanted to return to the imperial body, they would definitely not avoid Emperor Dongyue.

It's really a dilemma.

* *

"...So I can't take action."


The iron chain and the sharp claws collided, causing dazzling sparks to burst out. The sharp nails caught the iron chain, and the two were locked in a stalemate.

Nezha Ling stood on the eaves, irritated and shouted loudly: "You must defeat him, at least repel him!"

Hei Wuchang is here to stop the seal! If Wei Xun can't fight him off, Nezha Ling can't stamp the itinerary card!

Wei Xun suddenly clenched his fists, and the iron chains wrapped around him several times left deep marks on his fingers and claws, but they were also tightened by him. There seemed to be a light golden mist between the contacts being peeled off by the chains.

"Be careful! He is destroying your energy!"

Yu Hehui reminded him sternly. He was rushing around the formation, and from time to time he would stealth and make surprise attacks, disrupting Hei Wuchang's formation. But the situation is much more difficult. Even if Black and White Wuchang had no power against Qian Jiazhi and Mr. Peeling that day, they have now received the destiny, and even gained the mourning stick and the soul hook. Their strength is incomparable to that of the day!


Another handful of iron chains spilled out, wrapping around Wei Xun's demonic horns like a spiritual snake coming out of its hole. Wei Xun, however, did not dodge or evade, and rushed forward. His corners were entangled with chains, but he himself was approaching Hei Wuchang!

Hei Wuchang turned into black mist and was about to disappear, but invisible water vapor surged up, as if a dark and ominous crow had caught his sleeve, pulling him hard and stopping him for a moment.

The ancient kingdom’s witness to destruction badge!


The giant demon wings opened and closed instantly, trapping Hei Wuchang in front of him.

"Caught... you."

Wei Xun's crimson eyes were playful and smiling. He ignored Hei Wuchang's body that was gradually dissipating and his body had become cold. He opened his bloody mouth and bit Hei Wuchang's neck!

"so hard."

Tianming Bodyguard, when Wei Xun bit down, Hei Wuchang's whole body glowed with a faint golden light. This golden light was as strong as a steel diamond. Wei Xun felt his teeth sore for the first time when he bit it. The golden light shot out along the chain like a counterattack, and actually cut off Wei Xun's devil horns!

"Do you think I'm a dragon?"

But Wei Xun did not hesitate and took advantage of the golden light to fight back. When he was not on Hei Wuchang, he took another bite. When the horn was broken, he also bit Hei Wuchang's neck!

"It's not just a dragon with horns."

The dragon lost its fighting power after breaking its horn, and was deprived of its identity as a dragon and became a dragon.

But does the demon's broken horn have any impact?

The Yin difference has no substance, and what Wei Xun bit off was his Yin energy and ghost energy. The black energy surged up, and the wound was quickly repaired. Hei Wuchang glanced at him, and his eyes fell on his broken horn. There was doubt and fear in his thick black eyes. The next moment, his figure disappeared, and the battle was finally over.


The closed demon wings spread out and then closed again. Only then did Yu Hehui and the others see Wei Xun's figure. I saw him standing there like a demon, with indifferent red eyes, and his body was covered with thick black ghost aura, like fishy black pus and blood. Wei Xun leaned down and picked up the severed horns.

The moment his fingers touched the horn, Wei Xun felt a sharp pain from all over his body. But in a blink of an eye the pain disappeared again, like an illusion.

But this is no illusion.

Wei Xun let out a long breath and knocked down a sugar ball of purified magic honey, returning the SAN value to 50.

Wei Xun wanted to take a chance on Hei Wuchang or his chain just now, but the sudden severe pain made Wei Xun move, allowing Hei Wuchang to leave smoothly.

Why does it hurt?

Wei Xun, who had regained some of his sanity, thought of what An Xuefeng said at that time.

‘Abyssal titles are very strong in the early stage, but they are like time bombs. The stronger the compatibility with the abyss, the deeper the alienation, and the faster the explosion.’

‘If you don’t release it, at the rate of your progress, you should lose control for the first time in half a month.’

"Is this a sign of losing control?"

Wei Xun murmured with great interest: "Half a month...ha, it's not even half a month yet."

In the alienated state, all kinds of emotions became more intense and extreme. Wei Xun chuckled and snorted, with a hint of pleasure and arrogance in his tone: "My progress is faster than you think."


Yu Hehui rushed to Wei Xun's side without paying attention to his words. All his eyes were on Wei Xun's broken horn, and he asked anxiously: "Does it hurt? How do you feel?"


Wei Xun said briskly: "It's convenient."


Yu Hehui was stunned, and then saw Wei Xun put on a hood - without the obstruction of the devil's horn, wearing a hood was convenient.

"You, hey!"

Knowing this, Yu Hehui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he was relieved a little. Wei Xun was in good condition.

No, not good!

He was shocked: "Why is your Yin Qi so heavy?!"

"Heavy Yin Qi? Oh."

Wei Xun threw the itinerary card to Nezha Ling and said nonchalantly, "I took a bite of Hei Wuchang."

"A chipped tooth?"

The relieved Nezha Ling sat cross-legged on the eaves and said leisurely while stamping.

Hei Wuchang has golden light protecting his body, how could Bing250 be able to bite him——

"Bite it off, Hei Wuchang's neck is not delicious."


Nezha Ling tore up the itinerary card, then glued it together as if nothing had happened, and nodded: "As expected of my brother, he is ruthless and similar to me."

The teeth are also quite strong.

After thinking about Bing250's words for a moment, he could deduce the situation of the battle just now.

"You have scales on your body, and you are contaminated with the dragon energy of the dead. You have two horns on your head. It is normal for the golden light to think you are a dragon."

But Yu Hehui's focus is different from Nezha Ling's.

"Did you eat it?!"


Wei Xun added: "It's not delicious."

The ghost energy was completely different from the devil energy, and Wei Xun couldn't digest it. At this moment, it was like there was a heavy cold iron weight in his abdomen. Although the devil's body is tough and strong, it is still a little uncomfortable.

"He originally dispersed your yang energy, but you swallowed his ghost energy!"

Yu Hehui immediately turned into a fox cub, sniffing at Wei Xun's body and scratching the ground anxiously: "You are lacking Yang Qi now!"

Black and white impermanence always act together. White impermanence controls the yin, absorbing the yin soul of men and scattering the yin soul of women. Black impermanence governs Yang, absorbs women's Yang soul, and scatters men's Yang soul*

Wei Xun's whole body is now filled with so much yin that he no longer looks like a demon, but more like a ghost!

"If he comes a few more times, your soul will leave your body."

Yu Hehui warned.

"It's okay, I just need to get some Yang Qi."

Wei Xun didn't care very much. He took the stamped itinerary card from Nezha Ling and handed it to Yu Hehui.

"Give it to Zhou Xiyang and the others for me."

After saying that, Wei Xun turned around and walked towards the guest room reserved for them in the backyard. Looking at his back, Yu Hehui hesitated to speak. He wanted to stare at Wei Xun and tell him that he should control his yang energy. He also felt that Wei Xun was a grown-up and he should give him private space and not to offend others. bother.

"The examiner...although you can't meet each other, he is always paying attention to you."

Yu Hehui sighed for a while, but in the end he could only remind him tactfully.

But does Wei Xun care about this?

Of course I don’t care!

Doing this right under your nose is even more exciting!

Who will be the other examiner?

On the way back to the room, Wei Xun was thinking about this problem.

According to the speculations of Dream Chaser and Yu Hehui, it should be... If the rules limit that there can only be one examiner, if two people come this time, either the opponent is too weak and will be completely crushed by ***, or even coming together will not be noticed by the rules. For example..., he is currently on duty at the hotel, so it is indeed possible.

Either he is extremely powerful, and together with ***, he can temporarily deceive the rules of the hotel, or even fight against the rules.

Who is the one?

Wei Xun vaguely seemed to have grasped some clues, but this was the bad thing about the alienated state. It was difficult for him to concentrate completely like normal, and his thoughts would always drift to things that made him happy.

Such as yang energy, such as feathers.

"Now you will be on fire."

Wei Xun took out the phoenix feather and was satisfied to see that the edge of the feather automatically ignited with fire. An Xuefeng gave him the feather in the first place because he could comfort him and relieve him when he was about to lose control.

Wei Xun didn't feel like he was about to lose control, but Feather's knowledge still made him feel happy. He slowly washed the feathers and then dried them as if savoring a feast. The joy of delayed gratification made Wei Xun's expectations higher and higher.

But when he finally put the feather to his mouth and wanted to take a sip...

The feather's flame suddenly went out!

It died out very unnaturally, and the edges of the feathers were bright and dark, as if a flame wanted to burn again, but failed every time——

It was as if someone had deliberately strangled him time and time again.

Wei Xun was unhappy.

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