Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 177 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (19)

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the feathers, and then looked behind him thoughtfully.

This feather has been blinking and flashing abnormally several times, and someone is definitely causing trouble.

‘* * *? ’

Wei Xun blocked the live broadcast, then leaned against the wall, curling up his feathers that couldn't catch fire with his tail. Just like when he was taking a shower that day, Wei Xun stroked his Adam's apple and stirred up the devil - he was now in an alienated state, and it was more convenient to stir up the devil.

But as soon as the tentacle stretched out its tip, the phoenix feather flame suddenly ignited again. Under the flames, the tentacle that had just been stretched out from the darkness suddenly swayed, and its shape was unstable, and then there were several phantoms. And it disappeared.

Wei Xun lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and frowned, showing an obviously unhappy expression.

Wei Xun knew that 'An Xuefeng's desire for exclusivity' and '**** love' would cause a slight sense of confrontation between them, but when they were in the bathroom before, even with their feathered tentacles there, they were evenly matched and no one could do anything. Who completely banished.

But this time it's different.

It's like someone is involved as a shit stirrer, helping the tentacles to suppress the feathers when the feathers are burning, and helping the feathers to suppress the tentacles when the tentacles appear.


Wei Xun couldn't bear it. The phoenix fire that was lit just now was just a drop in the bucket for him, and the flame was extinguished in an instant. The blood in his eyes was even brighter, and his tail was long and feathery, but he couldn't squeeze out any fire at all. The gloomy ghostly energy in his belly not only failed to be dispelled by the Yang Fire, but was instead stirred up by the fright.

To grow a new tip from the broken devil's horn, a large amount of energy needs to be extracted, which makes him feel even more empty. This kind of discomfort can only be suppressed with more happiness. Wei Xun doesn't think about who stopped it now. He is dominated by perceptual thinking. He just wants to be happy.

"I'll count to three."

He gasped slightly, his eyes were filled with water, and his eyes were blood-red, but they were more irritable and impatient.

"If you can't cooperate, I'll go find Zhou Xiyang and the others."

Wei Xun threatened.

No matter how powerful the other examiner is, can An Xuefeng and *** still be unable to deal with him together? Does internal fighting have to make him uncomfortable?

If you can't deal with it, you are a waste!

When he said these words, the atmosphere in the whole room seemed to freeze. Suddenly a ray of sunshine fell, and the cloudy sky outside seemed to be clearing up. This ray of sunshine was warm, as if it could dispel the negative energy. Wei Xun narrowed his eyes happily when it was reflected.

"The sun is out now?"

On the roof of the main house of the Zhijia courtyard, Nezha Ling stared at the sky suspiciously and clicked his tongue.

"The sun shouldn't be out now."

He was unreasonable, and thick clouds of gloom gathered in his raised hands, blocking the sunlight in an instant.

"That's true."

Nezha Ling said with satisfaction. Now is the time to burn the paper cows and horses to change the fate of Grandma Zhi, but we can't let Yang Qi get in the way.

It is only reasonable to wait until noon when the funeral is held, so that the sun will shine to interfere with the cloudy weather.

The sunshine disappeared, the air became cold again, and even Wei Xun's face showed a gloomy look. He took a deep breath and started counting down——


What was the count down to three? Wei Xun, who was extremely irritated, just counted one!

After saying that, he stood up directly, flicked his tail and threw the feather aside, and walked out without hesitation - he didn't go out.

The soft and tough tentacles that grew out of nowhere wrapped around his waist, caressing him soothingly. The phoenix fire feather also flew down on Wei Xun's tail like a spirit, and actively landed on the tip of the tail, burning with flames as if to please.

There seemed to be an invisible force sweeping across, and the opponent shrewdly targeted only the tentacles. The phoenix fire feathers that provided Yang Qi were not moved - but this time the phoenix fire feathers did not 'stand idly by'. The flames burst into flames and burned into nothingness. Under Wei Xun's indifferent attitude, they finally reached their first cooperation.

* *

"Did you hear that? Nezha Ling called Bing250 'younger brother'."

On the way back to the station, Wang Pengpai called up the video of 'Bing 250 vs. Hei Wuchang' and watched it over and over again, feeling a little confused.

"I told you earlier that Bing 250's 'Brother' was shouted from the rooftops. Nezha Ling was there before."

Mao Xiaole said impatiently: "Besides, our captain can't grab the position of examiner? Stop making trouble."

"Of course I can beat it with..., but..."

Wang Pengpeng shook his head: "This is not thinking..."

"If nothing else, Bing250's alienated state is really the same as that of a life-haunting person."

After finishing his work, Wang Yushu came to watch the live broadcast with everyone: "It's just that he's not mature enough. He seems to have more than two wings."

"Yes, Bing250 is still in the growth stage."

Wang Pengpai nodded and sighed: "I have long felt that Xi Mingren has a secret. He has been sealed in the Gate of the Sun for so many years, and he still knows very well about various things that happen in the hotel. He can even influence the upper levels. It is not just relying on The Puppet Avatar and the Butcher Alliance.”

"The captain should know."

Wan Xiangchun said: "If he doesn't say anything, he must have his reasons."

"The examiner of C250 must be the captain."

Mao Xiaole said firmly: "If it weren't for him, the captain would have stopped sleeping and come here...Team, captain?!"

No one noticed when An Xuefeng arrived at the door of the theater. Mao Xiaole and the others stood up quickly, but An Xuefeng just nodded casually, looked at Wan Xiangchun, and spoke concisely:

"follow me."

"Captain, are you okay?"

Wang Pengpai couldn't help but asked with concern. It was true that An Xuefeng's expression was a bit strange, as if he was annoyed, but not entirely. It also seemed a bit happy, a bit lazy and content. The joy of a beast that has just had a feast or won a battle.

But what concerned everyone on the way home the most was that An Xuefeng's body was filled with a faint aura of the abyss.


An Xuefeng nodded, and then left with Wan Xiangchun. The discipline of the returning team was very good. An Xuefeng didn't call them. Wang Pengpai and others could only watch the two of them leave without even questioning.

"It's over, the captain is awake. It seems that the examiner of Bing250 is really a life-threatening person."

Wang Yushu rubbed his chin: "But look at his split posture... Hey, guys, do you think the Slice of Life is really weak, or is he just pretending to show us?"

"Do you even need to ask? He must be faking it. He loves faking it the most."

Mao Xiaole sneered, and then hesitated a little: "* * * He didn't snatch the slices from the life-seeker. The abyssal aura on Team An's body... Hey, tell me, why did he ask Wan Xiangchun to go out?"

"Go to the gate and contact ***."

Wang Yushu guessed: "* * *The situation must not be good. We lost the fight with the Mingren Slice, and the abyssal aura has spread to Team An... Sigh."

"In terms of mental pollution, * * * actually endures more than the captain himself."

Wang Pengpai couldn't help but said: "It would be great if Bing250 could give * * * some relief."

When he said this, Wang Yushu looked at him with hesitant eyes.

"You're thinking shit."

Mao Xiaole scolded directly.

"Whose family member is Bing 250? The man in charge cut the person in charge into pieces and beat him up for him. Do you think he will let Bing 250 comfort our captain?"

The life-loving man's brother is here to serve as a tour guide on the way home?

There are too many elements!

"Xiao Le is right."

Wang Yushu had a toothache: "This matter can't be done openly yet."

It is absolutely not advisable to openly fight against the Butcher Alliance and snatch people back. They want a tour guide, but they don’t want to be hostile to Bing250!

Fortunately, the examiner cannot have direct contact with the candidates, and there are still a few days between now and the fourth scenic spot.

"Although it's not kind, the captain can only steal the house."

Wang Peng sighed: "Looking on the bright side, Bing250 is now addicted to the captain. The life-haunting person is also the tour guide."

There will be no future between tour guides and tour guides. If they want to relieve each other, they have to be tourists.

"Looking at the difficulty of this journey, Bing250 is very likely to lose control. The demonic alienated state is too disadvantaged in this regard."

Could it be that if he really looked alienated, could the life-seeking person prevent him from finding someone to relieve himself?

Instead of looking for Zhou Xiyang and the others...

"After all, our team is also the first passenger."

Why does it feel a little weird to say this.

Wang Pengpai suppressed his words: "I won't suffer any loss anyway."

"This is just a normal connection between tour guides and tourists."

Mao Xiaole complained: "Why do you think we are going to marry the Butcher Alliance?"

"that is."

Wang Yushu intervened from the side: "I am more optimistic about Captain An and Wei Xun - by the way, Xiaole, you can spend more time with Wei Xun these two days. If you can get along well, invite him to live here, or you can go to him It’s okay to be a guest at the brigade station.”

Wang Yushu said righteously: "I'm afraid that Xi Ming's people will retaliate against Team An and attack Wei Xun."

"It's all your fault! Who told you to say Captain An and Teacher Wei are getting married!"

Mao Xiaole exploded on the spot.

"Who made you really believe it?"

Wang Yushu spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "It's all your fault. If I had let it go before, I would definitely be beaten up by the captain."

I don’t know who spread the news. Now almost all the top management of tourist guides know about it. It would be difficult for this scene to end without getting married.

* *

Butcher Alliance.

"Master Yin Yang Butterfly."

Taoist Feng saluted calmly. On the second day after returning from the Abyss Node, he provoked Yi Thirty-Eight. Although I suffered a small loss because I had not yet fully mastered the alienated state, this did not damage Taoist Feng’s reputation, and completely cleared up ‘Taoist Feng is no longer good! ’ rumors.

Yin Yang Die, who originally ignored Taoist Feng, finally took notice of him and summoned him several times.

But when he heard that Yin Yang Die wanted him to capture Wei Xun - Taoist Feng Da Ba on the spot. He suffered a loss from Wei Xun when he was in Zangbei. Now he was supposed to be in a period of rapid growth. What if he suffered a loss again?

Furthermore, how can Wei Xun enjoy mutual assistance? In the past few days, Taoist Feng has been thinking about the little prince every day, hesitating whether to see him again or donate something to the mutual aid association. When the time comes, he can mock the little prince for his naive and unrealistic ideas.

Isn't it just to make yourself uncomfortable by arresting Wei Xun and offending him? So Taoist Bee began to work hard - he released a few magic bees, pretended to supervise Wei Xun, and reported to Yin Yang Butterfly every day, "Wei Xun met with Mao Xiaole today" and "Wei Xun had lunch with Mao Xiaole again today" and the like.

Mao Xiaole exclaimed, 'Wei Xun and An Xuefeng are getting married! ’ This news was reported by him.

"What's the matter, sir?"

In the past, when being summoned by the Yin-Yang Butterfly, Taoist Feng felt ambitious and full of fighting spirit, but now, he was a bit dull.

"I asked you to come...have you paid attention to the recent journey of Bing250?"

Yin Yang Butterfly is also a little absent-minded and rarely speaks hesitantly.

"Looked at it."

Feng Taoist said categorically: "We in the Eastern District can definitely win."

No matter when, this sentence is correct.

"You...forget it."

Yin Yang Butterfly waved her hand in boredom: "You don't know anyway."

"Go down."


If it had happened in the past, Taoist Feng would definitely have speculated in every possible way about what happened to Yin Yang Butterfly and what he wanted to do when he was called here. Then watch the live broadcast of the Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace carefully several times to look for any clues.

But now he is thinking, 'Fortunately, he was not asked to arrest Wei Xun immediately.'

I can happily work as a foreigner again.

Taoist Feng left happily, but Yin Yang Die had a strange expression.

After hesitating for a moment, he approached the psychic.

The corners of the crying medium's eyes were red, and there were still tears on his face. There were piles of toilet paper around him to wipe away tears. But the corners of his mouth were raised, especially when he looked at the live broadcast screen.

When Yin Yang Butterfly came over, he heard the psychic whispering. He stared at the live broadcast screen and used a very happy and dreamy tone.

"My lord, it was like this when I was young."

Yin Yang Butterfly:.

"Damn Yun Lianghan."

As usual, he scolded Yun Lianghan first, and then Yin Yang Butterfly asked Ai Ai: "Do you have any instructions recently?"

On the night when the Butcher Alliance was attacked, Yin Yang Butterfly spent most of the time in a daze, suppressed by mental pollution.

The psychic knew a lot. When he was taken away by the puppet master and wanted back by the dream chaser, the puppet master was angry and deliberately said something like, "How could it be such a coincidence that night? I have never heard of the first puppet. Why?" Just happened to show up? ’ aroused the suspicion of the psychic.

Indeed, even if it is a puppet, how can it be possible that the alienated state is exactly the same as that of an adult? Thinking back carefully about that night, the psychic discovered many doubts.

But at that time, there was no special instruction from the adults, and it was inconvenient to contact him without the Abyss Bell, so the psychic kept the matter in his heart for the time being.

But now, looking at the familiar pair of big wings on the live broadcast screen, the psychic understood everything.

There was also the cry from Bing 250. Although it is now said that he called Nezha Ling, the psychic saw that the newly hung sun ornament was slightly shining at that time.

He is really a younger brother!

Then he thought about why the Lord was so angry that day and even shattered the sun pendant.

"An Xuefeng..."


You are already connected with Lord Bing250, how can you marry Wei Xun?

No wonder you are so angry!

Although the psychic does not have a one-on-one connection, and the connection between tour guides and tourists is normal and pure, he can understand adults... An Xuefeng connected with Bing250 at this level, and Bing250 is absolutely addicted.

We will see An Xuefeng getting married again...

What a scumbag!

"How did you handle the matter of capturing Wei Xun?"

The corners of the psychic medium's eyes were still red, but filled with evil energy. An Xuefeng and Bing250 are definitely trying to threaten you by joining forces. Even if the elder is very popular and strategizing, those of them who are subordinates will naturally have to share the worries of the elder!

Capture Wei Xun and take advantage of An Xuefeng. Even if the marriage rumors are false, it is definitely true that Wei Xun is taken seriously in the return journey!

"Sir... I just shattered another sun ornament."

Staring at Yin-Yang Butterfly's face, the medium's tone was flat and threatening: "You know what I mean."

Even the psychics don't know whether there is a person in charge of taking slices. Even though he hoped that the examiner of Bing250 would be an adult, the psychic also understood that this was unlikely.

The Lord has been trapped in the Sun Gate for many years and is in poor condition. If the slices are used to compete with the examiner, the main body will definitely fall asleep. But now he can still get angry and shatter the sun pendant... Sigh.

···Too useless. From the looks of it, the examiner of Bing250 is probably * * *.

No wonder the adults are so angry, the psychic feels like he can't breathe just thinking about it. He looked at Yin-Yang Butterfly with an unkind expression, and his negative emotions were vented on him.

Yin Yang Butterfly also felt unable to breathe.

Why, why did things become like this?

On the night when the Butcher Alliance was attacked, he still thought about getting favored by the Lord's number one puppet, taking charge of an abyss node, reaching the pinnacle of life, and fighting against psychics - even at the beginning of this journey, he thought about it Yun Lianghan went in, but none of the psychics went in.

If Yun Lianghan is lucky enough to kill Bing 250 and win the token of 30 degrees north latitude... Alas!

"He's caught. Someone under my command is keeping an eye on him."

The Yin-Yang Butterfly lay low and said, "As soon as Wei Xun and Mao Xiaole leave, they will take action immediately."


The psychic said calmly: "Okay, go down."

He still has to edit the video collection of Bing250, and when the adults come out, it will be the first one to show to him!

It’s just that the live broadcast of Bing250 always has a black screen, which makes it difficult to edit.

* *

"Xiaotian, come and help!"

The half-life Taoist was very tired. After all, Bai Xiaotian didn't understand the monk's tricks very well, so he just knocked on the wooden fish and made some notes. The yin and yang rituals are mainly presided over by Ban Ming Taoist priests.

At the moment they are in the main room of the backyard, where Granny Zhi rests, in front of the coffin. Taoist Ban Ming put out paper cows and paper horses, golden boys and beautiful girls. Sister Qian gently stood aside and took out a piece of clothing that Grandma Zhi had worn during her lifetime - she put the deceased's clothes on the paper cows or paper horses. Then the half-life Taoist priest can consecrate the paper offerings.

Seeing that Sister Qian took out a man's jacket and put it on the paper horse, Taoist Ban Ming understood what she meant. Sure enough, as expected, Granny Zhi will be buried as a man.

Although the paper man has no gender, Granny Zhi has been targeted by the underworld, and it is not an easy task to change from female to male. Taoist Ban Ming simply asked Sister Qian to open the coffin and let Hong Zong in - zombies don't distinguish between yin and yang, and can best conceal their qi. Of course, Taoist Ban Ming also wanted to obtain first-hand information and put some pressure on Granny Zhi.

Of course Sister Qian disagreed at first. It took Taoist Ban Ming a lot of effort to convince her and she made some concessions, including repelling two incoming villains, who were so busy that she hit her on the back of the head.

As a result, after finally making the decision, he looked back, and Taoist Ban Ming discovered that the person knocking on the wooden fish was actually the Paper Man of Boss Ba, and Bai Xiaotian was lazy and holding a notebook next to him, writing and drawing!

This made Taoist Taoist Ban Ming angry.

"Here comes the deputy regiment."

Bai Xiaotian closed his notebook and walked to Banming Taoist: "Do you want to remove the shield?"

"Evacuate whatever you want. This is our Laoshan secret that we don't spread. We can't spread it outside."

Taoist Ban Ming said unhappy.

In fact, he didn't want the image of himself haggling over every penny to spread out, which would have a bad impact.

Half-life Taoist still pays great attention to his own image.

"You go and consecrate the paper sacrifices. There will be a consecration meeting. I remember you got a sandalwood bracelet with Buddhist symbols before? Just use that one."


Bai Xiaotian responded. He stepped forward quickly and twisted the feet of the paper-tied golden boy and girl back, making them 'kneel' in front of the coffin. Then he moved the paper cow and paper horse so that their heads and faces faced the southwest - southwest The corner is the hexagram Kun, corresponding to the door of death.

Seeing how obedient and neat he was, Taoist Ban Ming finally felt comfortable, and then his expression became serious.

"You consecrate it here, and I'll go get the deceased's pillow."

When Mr. Yin and Yang sings sutras, the pillow of the deceased with paper cows/horses, golden boys and beautiful girls, and mountains of gold and silver is burned. This is called Ciling. In ancient times, wealthy families would bid farewell to their spirits on the day they appeared, which is now the case.

The key to Ban Ming Taoist's transformation of Granny Zhi from female to male lies in this pillow.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord."

Taoist Ban Ming followed Sister Qian all the way forward. Before he reached Grandma Zhi's bedroom, he felt the earth shaking and a chill running down his back. This was a sign that the soul had left the body! Half-life Taoist secretly thought something was wrong, and was about to cast a curse, but the next moment he had a heavy weight on his shoulders, as if he was suppressed by invisible mountains, and his upper body was completely unable to move!

But Taoist Ban Ming had already prepared for it. He silently recited 'Sanmao Zhenjun', and the broken token that had been hidden in his hand glowed with a faint golden light, which directly stabilized his soul and relieved the heavy burden on his shoulders.


Hearing a soft click, Taoist Bansheng took a step back. When he looked again, he realized that what was placed on his shoulders just now was a pair of golden shackles made of unknown material!

The half-life Taoist felt bitter in his heart, but his face remained calm and showed some dignity.

"General Jin, God Yingzhen is doing something for you. Please make it easier for me."

General Shackles (Golden Shackles and Silver Locks) are exactly one of the six generals of the City God, commonly known as Shao Ye Suo Ye! Black and white are ranked seventh and eighth, and the second general of Shackles is above them!

"I have seen...Shen Ying Zhenjun."

The golden shackle transformed into a human figure wearing a red embroidered official robe. He had protruding eyes and fangs and a fierce face. He held the shackle in one hand and a thin booklet in the other.

Taoist Ban Ming's sharp eyes twitched when he saw the word "life and death" on this booklet.

The reason why Ye Ye and Suo Ye are ranked above Black and White is precisely because they can hold the back pages of the Book of Life and Death!

"Today, there is a paper man trying to get on the Book of Life and Death and disrupt the order of the underworld... Your Excellency orders us to find out clearly."

General Jin said, his words were polite, but his actions were rude. He stood in front of Taoist Ban Ming and said, "My brother is in front of you to capture the paper man. Please ask God Ying Zhenjun to stop."

Apparently, Hongzhi entered the coffin to cover up the aura of the paper man, preventing General Jinyin from detecting it. They want to seize Granny Zhi's pillow first, capture the ray of energy, and then arrest the paper man!

It seems that this trip cannot be a good one!

"excuse me."

Taoist Ban Ming did not hesitate to throw out a handful of soybeans. In an instant, the soybeans grew and became soldiers entangled with General Jin. Taoist Ban Ming immediately threw out another stack of magic-binding talismans. Taking advantage of General Jin being temporarily entangled, he gave a low shout, and the thatch in his hand suddenly turned into a sharp sword as sharp as iron, and he struck towards Granny Zhi's bedroom——

Yin Cha cannot be killed. All he has to do is to grab the pillow and burn it, so that the spirit can write the true name of 'Grandpa Zhi' in the Book of Life and Death!

Fortunately, Bai Xiaotian wasn't allowed to come in.

The half-life Taoist's face turned pale, as if he had lost half his life, and he was still enjoying the misery.

Xiaotian is so weak, if he comes in, his soul will be taken away immediately!

In front of the coffin, Boss Ba's paper man was knocking on the wooden fish. Using the shield, Bai Xiaotian held the notebook thoughtfully, and saw the alienated state of Bing 250 drawn on the parchment, as well as the two shadows behind him last night.

But in this outline-like black shadow, Bai Xiaotian actually drew a rough figure!

The same black shadow is not divided into two halves, the shadows drawn by his brush are more like two different individuals!

But the next moment, Bai Xiaotian closed the parchment and looked back.

That was the direction that Half Life Taoist left.

He obviously couldn't feel anything strange here, but Bai Xiaotian frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The next moment, he pressed his ears and whispered something in a low voice.

* *

"what are you doing?!"

The front yard, where the gangsters rest, is a mess everywhere at the moment! The red bar was twisted and twisted, covered with dew-like bloodstains. The earth cracked and rolled up. The red werewolf Augustus stood on the messy land and roared angrily:

"October 10th, are you crazy?!"

It was clearly agreed that everyone should use their own methods to subdue Ganggui, but on October 10th, without any warning, they suddenly attacked him!

When he saw that October 10th completely ignored him and threw the scarlet oil-paper umbrella again, Augustus jumped up in anger and pushed the oil-paper umbrella back with his wolf's head.


When the oil-paper umbrella hit his head, it made a crisp sound like metal hitting each other, slamming Augustus into the ground.

What a powerful force!


When Augustus got up, he felt his head was buzzing and the earth was shaking. It was actually more dizzy than when Zhou Xiyang's bullet blasted his head!

He growled, looking at October 10th with a little more fear in his eyes.

"You hide your strength."

Such power is definitely not just a special three-star!

Augustus thought a lot for a moment. Was he going to kill him first on October 10th? It shouldn't be. Now that the personnel have been assigned, who will take the blame for killing him? But Augustus clearly felt murderous intent from October 10th!

The werewolf relied on intuition. Without hesitation, Augustus' body was enveloped in blood, and in an instant he seemed to have doubled in size! The blood-slaying mad wolf, the berserker among werewolves, the lunatic! He can explode into several times his current strength. The more blood, the more killings, and the more powerful he is!

"kill me?!"

The blood wolf roared and hunted towards October 10th. The human language turned into a wolf roar: "Roar!"

But October 10th ignored him at all. She took back her red oil-paper umbrella, opened it and put it on her shoulders, just in time to block the steel fork that silently came from behind.

A huge bull's head appeared behind October 10th. It held a steel fork in one hand and a charm in the other. In the blink of an eye, it fought with October 10th for more than ten rounds. On the other side, Augustus failed to attack October 10th. He turned sharply in mid-air to avoid the stabbing steel spear and the stampeding horse hooves.

The powerful force bursting out from their side attracted the bull-headed horse face! The fierce battle in the front yard was huge, mainly because Augustus roared loud enough to attract everyone's attention. Even Bai Xiaotian in the backyard felt the same.

He curled his lips, and while he was having a fierce battle with Augustus and Minotaur on October 10th, he quickly took out another book and lightly touched it with his finger.

The cover on the originally blank book seemed to have been removed, with the word '人' vaguely revealed. In an instant, Bai Xiaotian's aura surged. He took out a writing brush without hesitation, opened the book, wrote something and then closed it. It took no more than two seconds, and then Bai Xiaotian's situation returned to normal.

He hesitantly picked up the wooden fish and looked back as if he was worried about a half-dead Taoist. At this moment, two rays of light, gold and silver, swept across quickly and hit Bai Xiaotian's body. Bai Xiaotian failed to escape and froze on the spot.

"Xiaotian, come and help - no, why did you get out of your body?!"

The half-life Taoist described him as being in a panic and out of breath, holding a pillow while running and burning, not even caring that the flames burned his Taoist robe. When he saw Bai Xiaotian's body falling to the ground and his soul standing there in a daze, he screamed like a squealing chicken.

After a period of chaos, the pillows were finally burned, Bai Xiaotian's soul returned to its original position, and the half-life Taoist finally took a breath.

"How come you can be knocked out of your body even when you're outside?"

He asked in confusion, muttering in his heart. The situation just now was extremely dangerous. The half-life Taoist token only had half a piece, so he could not compete with the gold and silver generals at the same time, so he could only fight around. After he stole the pillow using the Five Ghosts Fortune Spell, the Golden Shackles and Silver Locks dealt him a cruel blow, beating half of his life to the point where his three souls and seven souls were lost, and he almost became a dead Taoist.

Fortunately, at the most dangerous moment, for some reason, the gold and silver general suddenly stopped, looked at the pages of life and death in their hands in astonishment, then abandoned the Taoist who was half alive and rushed outside, giving him a chance to breathe.

"I'm sorry, deputy, I'm too weak."

Bai Xiaotian confessed, and then looked at Taoist Ban Ming with admiring and curious eyes: "Is that the legendary Master Ye Suo just now?"

"Of course! If you want to burn Grandma Zhi's pillow and let the spirit leave her name on the page of life and death, can the underworld send a messenger to capture it in advance?"

During the conversation, Bai Xiaotian canceled the block. Taoist Ban Ming glanced at him appreciatively, hummed softly, slowly straightened out his crooked hair crown, and dusted off his Taoist robe: "If I hadn't taken action, I'm afraid it would have been difficult for Granny Zhi to hold the funeral this time. ...Of course, now I have to call him Grandpa Zhi.”

"The deputy team is so awesome!"

While Ban Ming Taoist was telling stories, Bai Xiaotian was praising him, making Ban Ming Taoist blush.

"Ahem, okay, keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

Taoist Ban Ming finally restrained himself: "You continue to stay here and recite sutras, and I will go outside to see how the mourning shed is doing."

He was still thinking about General Jinyin's sudden rush out, and planned to take a look outside. It's almost eight o'clock in the morning.

Before the funeral, the coffin must be carried to the coffin, and then Mr. Yin and Yang will hold a 'consecration ceremony'. Finally, after the filial sons and grandsons kneel down to worship, the coffin will be sealed and nailed. From then on, the coffin cannot be opened again.

After giving instructions to Bai Xiaotian, Taoist Ban Ming went to the front yard to see the bearer carrying the coffin for a while, and then he was startled by the mess on the ground.

I saw Augustus panting like a bullfight, furious, holding a red paper umbrella and standing opposite him on October 10, but he was quite calm. Taoist Ban Ming lowered his head and guessed it when he saw that the soft land was covered with cow and horse hoof prints.

"Why are you here with Minotaur and Horse Noodles?"

He lowered his voice and asked Zhou Xiyang, who was holding a pottery basin.

Zhou Xiyang is holding a yin and yang basin in his hand. As the eldest son, he had to break the basin before the funeral. The point of this bowl breaking is that the more broken it is, the better. If it is not broken once, this is the most taboo thing.

In order to prevent someone from secretly changing the pottery basin into one that cannot be broken, Zhou Xiyang now carries the pot with him wherever he goes.

"Not sure."

Zhou Xiyang said, he noticed Taoist Ban Ming's pale face: "Master Ye, did Master Suo go to your place?"

"Of course, I am the most important Mr. Yin Yang."

Taoist Ban Ming raised his chin, and then doubted: "I thought at least one of the bull-headed and horse-faced people would come to you."

As a very important filial son in the funeral procession, Zhou Xiyang would definitely be troubled. Moreover, he is a special four-star, the strongest, even if everyone is looking for him, it is possible.

"Augustus hid his strength."

Mekel said softly, now he has changed his clothes, with a white flower on his temples, lowered eyebrows, just like the 'eldest daughter-in-law', and even his voice has become a female voice. Mekel held a clay pot in his arms. This was the food pot of the deceased, something the deceased took underground to eat.

It would be equally bad if someone tampered with the food can. Veteran travelers are extremely cautious in this regard. Although carrying it with you carries the risk of being affected and broken, it is at least safer than leaving it alone.

"When they explode, they have at least the power of a special four-star."

In Yuntianhe Road, he put on a white suit, which is what he wears as his eldest grandson.

"The tour guides are here."

Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant stood beside the two of them. The Devil Merchant had a strange expression on his face, a little annoyed but also slightly happy. He was annoyed that Augustus and Augustus were hiding their strength, and even he hid it from him. He was happy that Augustus and Augustus had special four-star strength, and it was clear that the highest combat power of the West District could compete with the East District.

"Destroying public facilities at tourist attractions... will result in a fine."

Looking at Xiao Cui, the devil merchant coughed and started first.

"She did it first!"

Augustus said angrily. The blood on his body had not faded and he looked particularly fierce.

"Who saw her take action first?"

Taoist Ban Ming stood behind Zhou Xiyang and whispered in a voice that everyone could hear.

"You are the only ones in the front yard. Who knows if you people from the West District are joining forces to bully October?"

"The results haven't been beaten yet, tsk tsk tsk."



At this moment, Wei Xun said: "Pay the fine how you want."

The Devil Merchant looked at him in surprise. He thought Xiaocui would speak for October 10th... After all, although Augustus claimed that October was the one who made the first move, to be honest, looking at this attitude, the Devil Merchant didn't think so. believe.

What should Hao Duanduan do? He didn't even beat Augustus to death, so it was totally pointless.

Then the Devil Merchant felt Xiao Cui turn his head and glance at him lightly, and his heart suddenly shivered.

Yes, there is a funeral soon, and the two of them must stand together and be absolutely fair. This will calm the passengers during the rest of their journey.

Even before the funeral, there are so many ghosts and Yin soldiers attacking... It's still a warning now, but when the funeral actually happens, it will be too late to organize the team.

"Just do as Director Cui says."

The devil businessman became serious: "Everyone pays half of the fine."


In Augustus' dissatisfied and angry roar, Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant collected fines from them respectively. When the points were handed in on October 10, Wei Xun and her hands touched for a moment.

October 10th was obviously stunned for a moment, wrinkled the tip of his nose, and made a subtle 'sniffing' motion.

When the farce was over and everyone returned to their respective positions, Augustus gave October 10 a fierce middle finger, and then continued to beat up other gangsters, October 10 excused himself to go to the latrine. After repelling a Yin army that emerged from the roof of the hut, she couldn't wait to press her ears and send a message to Bai Xiaotian.

‘Fei Bai, Fei Bai! I smell it! ’

On October 10th, he said in a cheerful voice: "Director Cui smells of captain and ***!" Very strong! They should have just been relieved! ’

'very good'

Bai Xiaotian's calm voice came: 'Do you smell the scent of Crazy Sun? ’

‘It’s not necessarily the Crazy Sun. Have you ever smelled other smells related to life-haunting people? ’

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