Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 175 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (18)

Wei Xun immediately put away the life-seeking cloak, and then dispersed the soul flame that was blocking it.

Wei Xun then followed the gazes of others and looked behind him, but he didn't notice anything strange. But Yu Hehui and others could clearly see that as Wei Xun turned around, the two black shadows behind him that could not be blocked even by the devil's flames disappeared.

Except for the assessment attractions, the examiner cannot meet the candidates during the trip. This is a rule.

Just like the devil merchant can't see the black shadow beside him or hear his words.


Wei Xun frowned subtly. He took two steps and didn't pay attention to the eyes of others. Wei Xun was always looking behind him.

He found that his shadow disappeared.

"Did the examiner show up just now?"

Wei Xun looked at the devil merchant thoughtfully and found that the black shadow beside him had also disappeared. Together with the shadow of the devil businessman. Wei Xun only felt that his heart was cold and gloomy, as if a big hole had been opened and something important had been lost.


The Devil Merchant's eyes were still fixed behind Wei Xun, and he could not recover for a long time. After listening to his question, he responded reflexively: "The tendency is selected, the team leader assessment begins, the examiner... the examiner took away our shadows."

He calmed down, took a deep breath, and his face became solemn: "There are only success and failure in the team leader assessment. Of course, everything will be fine if you succeed, but if you fail..."

"Our shadow will be mortgaged to the examiner?"

"It's not the examiner, it's the hotel."

Yu Hehui said, and Wei Xun could hear the heavy worry and sadness in his tone.

"For the assessment of a tour guide, it increases the difficulty of the entire trip, which is also a waste for the hotel."

The devil merchant sighed heavily: "Our shadow is the deposit."

Once it cannot be completed, the deposit will not be refunded, and the tour guide must find a way to redeem the shadow from the hotel.

The shadow of the mortgage also tells the tour guide not to take any chances and to go all out.

Thinking of this, the Devil Merchant was under great pressure, especially since he was alienated from the ghost state and could experience the sense of emptiness caused by the absence of shadow.

But look at Xiao Cui... The Devil Merchant's mind was strangely balanced. He couldn't help but tactfully reminded: "Cui, your examiner... may have some problems."

I'm afraid he is an unstable person whose soul is in the slicing stage.

Otherwise there cannot be two shadows.

Mentally unstable examiners are the most dangerous.

There is a problem.

Wei Xun thought that he clearly heard two voices just now. One was * * *, he was sure of it, but Wei Xun had never heard of the other.

Why does he have two examiners?

But more important than this is——

"Why is there a divine punishment?!"

Zhou Xiyang was so anxious that he strode up to Wei Xun, but the one who was faster than him was October 10th. The red oil-paper umbrella on October 10th opened, and she pulled out a bone umbrella rib and placed it on top of Wei Xun's head. One wave. But before it reached directly above his head, the umbrella rib exploded from it and shattered into countless pieces.

"The punishment from heaven is still there."

She said solemnly and coldly.

Although the lightning disappeared out of thin air, the gaze of heavenly punishment lingering on Wei Xun still existed.

Hearing what he said, everyone's expressions changed. Yu Hehui and others looked solemn and ugly, while Half Life Taoist and the others looked serious. The eyes of the three wolves in the West District were very subtle. Du Duyun Tianhe was surprised and satisfied, saying, "Okay, even the punishment from heaven has come!" As expected of Director Cui! ’

Zhou Xiyang couldn't help but said: "250, you..."

Otherwise, give up the assessment and find a way to escape from the journey!

Zhou Xiyang felt deeply powerless. If the punishment from heaven came again, he would not be able to save Bing 250's life even if he tried his best.

"Xiao Cui, you..."

The Devil Merchant was hesitant to speak. He knew that if there was no outcome between him and Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui would not be able to leave anyway.

The lightning just now was so terrifying that even if it wasn't him, the devil merchant felt the intense fear that his soul was about to be devoured and purified. Xiaocui's feeling would only be deeper than his.

This level of danger is definitely not something they can handle. Even if the guardian can take action, he can only do it once... The lightning suddenly disappeared just now. Could it be the hand of Dream Chaser?

Is Dream Chaser so powerful? !

"Okay, everyone has worked hard tonight to do some eye blinking. Let's go back and rest."

Compared to the serious tone of others, Wei Xun's voice was calm as usual.

"Hehui, come with me."

He had too many questions to figure out.

"elder brother."

Before leaving the courtyard, Wei Xun looked back at the eaves. Nezha Ling's figure had disappeared, but Wei Xun knew that he could hear it.

"I have something to talk to you about."

After that, he took Yu Hehui back to the room. Wei Xun then blocked the live broadcast.

"Yu Hehui, did you see it then?"

"Yes, it's two shadows."

Yu Hehuining nodded, thoughtfully: "It turns out..., this is what he was thinking..."

The previous conversation with the dream chaser gave Yu Hehui a better understanding of the current owner of the hotel. ··· He was once a powerful tour guide in the East District. He was ambitious, but he was attacked by someone when he became the principal. In the end, he died and could only exist as the principal.

But this incomplete condition, coupled with mental pollution, made his strength weaker and weaker, and now he is almost weak.

Did he originally want to split his identity into two persons?

Indeed, it would be feasible if he could send one of the slices to a hotel and let him become a tourist or tour guide to stabilize his mental condition. Even if the person in charge's strength will drop significantly, in the long run, it is still a good possibility.

Thinking of this, Yu Hehui was suddenly stunned and lowered his voice: "Did I just... block you from heaven's punishment?"

He was closest to Wei Xun, so he naturally noticed that Wei Xun suddenly moved forward.

Wei Xun realized that Yu Hehui might be different from what he thought. He was a little curious about what Yu Hehui thought.


"I see!"

Yu Hehui understood everything!

It's not easy for the person in charge to cut it into slices again. This... I'm afraid he wants to take advantage of the power of heaven's punishment. He pushed Wei Xun forward, swallowing the Heavenly Punishment, perhaps using reasons such as 'provoking the hotel' or 'attacking the person in charge', and at the same time, he could also make Wei Xun owe him a favor.

What a clever calculation!

Yu Hehui told Wei Xun his speculation, but Wei Xun's tone was a little subtle.

"So, do you think the two black figures behind me are the same person responsible for slicing?"

"Isn't it possible that the two principals came at the same time?"


Yu Hehui said firmly: "One tour guide will only correspond to one examiner."

"Really impossible?"

"Impossible, our situation will be like this. The Dream Chaser will come later, you can ask him."

While waiting for the dream chaser, Wei Xun asked Yu Hehui to talk about...

"Bing two fifty."

After a while, the crystal dragon appeared again. He sat in front of Wei Xun, his tone was rare and solemn, and his eyes kept staring at him.

"What you called "brother" just now... was Nezha Ling?"

The dream chaser came a step late. He could have come back immediately after the examiner left. Dream Chaser also saw the split black shadow behind Bing250. He originally thought the same thing..., but Zhang Xingzang's words made Dream Chaser pause.

That was the scene where Bing250 called "Brother" to an empty rooftop.

"Good guy, the examiner here can't be a life-seeking person, right?"


Dream Chaser subconsciously retorted, he knew that Bing 250 recognized Nezha Ling as his brother, but then, Dream Chaser was stunned.

He knew that Nezha Ling was the brother of Bing250, but this scene was blocked at the time. Others don't know.

What's more, when Bing 250 called brother, Nezha Ling's figure had disappeared, and it looked like he was calling somewhere in the void.

In particular, the person in charge also helped Bing 250 bear the punishment from heaven. With such strength and such motivation...

Those tourists and tour guides who had known that Bing250 had a life-seeking cloak, and that they were alienated and related by blood to the life-seeking people, might indeed think so.

It has always been a mystery whether the Mingxi people have become the principal.

Although his body is trapped in the Inca Sun Gate, there is no guarantee that the one who comes is the incarnation of his principal.

Otherwise, why would Bing250 be called brother!

It turns out that he and Xi Mingren are brothers!


Wei Xun said: "My name is Nezha Ling."

"That's good."

The dream chaser frowned, and then said:

"That is to say, the mainstream outside now believes that your examiner is..., but there are also a small number of insiders who believe that your examiner is the mysterious person in charge of the fate."

"Maybe some people will think that it was the Dream Chaser who blocked the punishment from heaven for you."

Yu Hehui added: "After all, it stands to reason that the examiner cannot help the candidates."

"Theoretically speaking, he didn't help, he just took advantage of a loophole."

Blocked by the soul flame and the thunder from the sky at that time, Wei Xun's small step forward was only noticed by Yu and Huineng, who were closest to him. Of course, this is talking about within the journey, not outside the journey where various live broadcasts can be played back. But we can also do some tricks in this regard.

"Indeed, if Black Widow thinks that I have already taken action, then there will be a lot less fear."

After all, the guardian can only take action once. Resisting divine punishment is indeed what dreamers do.

Dream Chaser muttered: "When the time comes, I will take action again, and I will be able to catch you off guard, but Xiaocui, you will be in danger."

The intention of Dream Chaser and Yu Hehui is to let Dream Chaser hide and pretend that he has already used the opportunity to take action, thereby luring Black Widow to take action.

"Black Widow is a very calm person and is best at planning. Like a spider weaving a web, she ultimately obtains the greatest benefit."

Dream Chaser explained: "If I had been here, she might not have done anything until the last attraction."

The last scenic spot is too dangerous. If the Dream Chaser pretends to be silent at this moment, it will be a good opportunity to attract the Black Widow to take action in advance.

But of course Bing250 was in danger. Because before actually taking action, Black Widow will definitely test it many times to confirm that Dream Chaser is restricted by the rules and cannot take action again.

Wei Xun said: "It doesn't matter, I don't care."

"Don't worry, she probably won't test you too often."

Dream Chaser Xiaolong said softly and comfortingly: "Don't call me brother Nezha Ling in public from now on."

In this way, the outside executives believed that the examiner was the person in charge of the life-threatening person, and that he would even take action for Bing 250, so they would naturally tell the Black Widow the news.

In this way, the fourth scenic spot of Wei Xun's assessment will be his examiner's home field, and Black Widow will definitely not wait until the fourth scenic spot before taking action.

And she won't test too frequently to avoid attracting the attention of those who want to kill her. She will only prepare everything and then strike with thunder.

"To be honest, no one thinks it's * * *?"

After the discussion, Wei Xun pretended to be curious and asked questions.


Dream Chaser Xiaolong shook his head: "He didn't split... Or did you sense something?"

That's right, the "brother" that Bing250 shouted into the void was Nezha Ling. The person in charge is not his brother. If you will take action for him... Tutian Punishment is powerful, but it is indeed possible that * * * takes action to protect him!

Thinking of this, Dream Chaser broke into a cold sweat and his tone became solemn.

"I didn't expect * * *'s mental condition to be so bad."

There are actually signs of splitting! It seems that what was said above about someone trying to weaken An Xuefeng is indeed true.

Indeed, if it is really serious to that extent, it is impossible to completely cure it with just one soothing treatment. If the principals are divided again...

Dream chasers dare not imagine the consequences. If it comes true, An Xuefeng will definitely be crazy.

Fortunately, there is Bing250.

"It doesn't have to be him."

Wei Xun then said, "I didn't even see his shadow. I just felt my heart beating fast at that time, wondering if it was him."

My heart beats fast...

On this topic, Dream Chaser and Yu Hehui both fell silent. It was really difficult to talk to each other. What Wei Xun wanted was this effect, so that they could turn their attention away from the person in charge and start discussing heavenly punishment.

Yu Hehui doesn't think there can be two examiners, maybe it's because of the changing times. But even the Class A and Class 3 Dream Chasers never thought about the possibility of two examiners, so they asked Wei Xun to confirm that there must be some kind of rules.

Therefore, they believed that even if the person in charge was sliced, there would never be two examiners.

If Wei Xun hadn't clearly heard two voices, Wei Xun might have believed it.

But now it seems that there must be a hidden secret.

In any case, double examiners are very likely to violate hotel rules, so the fewer people who know about it, the better. Even if you are a dreamer. So Wei Xun only mentioned it to Yu Hehui before, and then he didn't mention it. Yu Hehui also realized that Wei Xun did not ask about the topic of 'double principals', and they understood each other well and cooperated to lead the topic away.

"God's punishment has not disappeared, it will only get stronger."

Speaking of this, Dream Chaser's voice became cold.

"If I had known that the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty had become evil dragons..."

"He is not considered an evil dragon."

Nezha Ling's voice rang out. What comes back this time is not the New Year picture Nezha, but the real Nezha spirit. It looks like a ball of flesh with eight deformed and twisted arms.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully about the matter of heavenly punishment."

Nezha Ling apologized to Wei Xun neatly and without shirk. After apologizing, he began to go deeper.

"I have watched him over the years, but he has not completely become an evil spirit. What's more, he was buried as a king, so he can only be regarded as a dragon, not an evil dragon at all."

If you don't reach the level of 'Evil Dragon', you will never be punished by heaven.

"Actually, in the final analysis, your little bug is too weird."

Nezha Ling said depressedly: "In such a short period of time, you actually let the consciousness of death in the token feel a small sense of responsibility for you... Do you know what this means?"

If Wei Xun was infiltrated by Ming consciousness and became an anti-Ming madman, that day's punishment would not occur.

The aura of desolation brought about by the demise of a dynasty is destined to perish if touched.

If a normal person, or even a spirit, is contaminated by the aura of annihilation and destruction, he will definitely die from it. What Nezha Ling thinks is that Bing250 has an extraordinary origin. As long as he can return to that mysterious hotel, there should be many opportunities. It is possible to lift the consciousness and return to normal.

Later, I learned that the Wei Xun bug had special functions and a better way, so of course Nezha Ling chose to try it.

Tried it and went wrong!

"You have the recognition of the Ming Dynasty, and you were also canonized as a mausoleum guard by the emperor, but you are a modern person..."

"I am a hotel person, not a modern person."

Wei Xun interrupted Nezha Ling and his tone became colder: "Nezha Ling, this punishment from heaven is not because of me."

He's so smart, his reactions are quick, and his attitude is as tough as it should be, and he doesn't even call him brother.

After being interrupted, Nezha was about to get angry and felt that he was in the wrong. Hearing that Wei Xun didn't even call him brother, he felt a little aggrieved and suffocated, but he also admired Wei Xun's character... Anyway, he was in a very complicated mood. , finally sighed.

"Indeed, this heavenly punishment is not coming because of you."

Entering the hotel, Wei Xun was actually no longer a human being in the world. He could not claim to be king or hegemony. Heavenly Punishment did not bother to care about him at all.

The key is the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty who returned to the imperial mausoleum with the help of Wei Xun.

"In today's era, it is not allowed for a dragon to transform into a dragon."

Nezha said: "Every era has its own rules."

Not being allowed to become spirits after the founding of the People's Republic of China is not an empty talk. Even if there are remnants, most of them are lingering in some special places that ordinary people cannot get into.

Dragons, mythical creatures with special status and significance, are even less likely to appear again.

"This is part of the punishment from heaven, blocked by my universe."

Nezha Ling had thought about this before. If the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty could really return to the imperial mausoleum, they would definitely transform from a dragon into a dragon. But he was dead long ago, and the transformation of the dead dragon into a dragon would not affect reality. In addition, he would not come out after entering the Minngling Tomb, so the punishment from heaven would be smaller.

He can block it with the Qiankun Circle, which means he has completely repaid his debt.

"The problem is canonization!"

Only the emperor can canonize the tomb-keepers, and it is impossible to canonize them across generations.

To be able to enthrone the tomb keeper, the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty had the intention of transforming into a dragon from a dragon. This part of the heavenly punishment has been blocked by Qiankun. The key is the latter!

If Wei Xun is infiltrated by Ming consciousness, then Minglong canonizes Ming people, which is in line with the rules.

But the problem is that Wei Xun is from the hotel. According to the rules of the same era, Wei Xun is not a Ming man, so there is only a possibility... It is possible for the Seventh Emperor of the Ming Dynasty to transform into a hotel man. There is a close canonization relationship between them, which means that the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty come into contact with the hotel. By then, the resurrection of the evil dragon and the return of the undead may really be possible!

This is the real reason why Heaven punished Wei Xun!

"What is your background? You are the son of luck in the hotel, the son of the hotel?"

Even Nezha Ling also complained that being recognized by Heaven in this way shows that Wei Xun has a very high status in the Thriller Global Hotel. It believes that Wei Xun can really help the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty to revive!

This was something Nezha Ling really didn't expect. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't be punished by heaven at all.

Even if he is not a Ming person, he cannot have such great power, and it is possible to turn the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty into a hotel person.

"So, it was your lack of consideration that caused me to be punished by heaven?"

Wei Xun said calmly.

"I'm just an ordinary tour guide. As you can see, I'm very weak."

"God's punishment can kill me."


Nezha Ling is also worried.

"He helped me once. He can't do anything to me again. You know the rules of the hotel."

In other words, it is impossible for those who helped crush Heavenly Punishment to take action again.

Nezha Ling didn't know the rules of the hotel, but he knew that only someone could bear the punishment from heaven. It's okay for Nezha Ling to help bear the punishment of the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty turning into a dragon, because he did participate in it. But if others help Wei Xun bear his part of the punishment, the next punishment will be even more terrifying.

"It's best not to let him take action if you can."

Nezha Ling said depressedly: "Originally, the interval between heavenly punishment should be twenty-four hours, but now, the next heavenly punishment should be twelve hours later."

The frequency will become faster and the power will increase. It is better to bear the punishment from heaven. No one can help in this regard.

"If this problem cannot be solved, we may leave the trip early."

Yu Hehui said coldly: "Even if you receive some punishment, it is better than being hacked to death by heaven's punishment."

"You promised me!"

Nezha Ling said angrily, the meat ball bounced in front of Wei Xun, and his deformed arms grabbed his cloak: "You can't leave!"

Yu Hehui was just a threat, but Nezha Ling took it seriously. Wei Xun has such a background in the hotel, so of course he has a way to escape, even if it costs him something.

But in fact, how could Wei Xun escape? It's just a way to deceive Nezha Ling so that he can negotiate better terms.

After the negotiation, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

It is impossible for outsiders to help ward off the punishment of heaven, and Nezha Ling also made this point clear.

What Wei Xun asked for was that during the few days of the journey and the next few months, Nezha Ling should give him special training with all his strength, teach him various skills without reservation, and not hide it.

"I can't leave the Eight-Armed Nezha City now. Unless you come again, I won't be able to teach you in the next few months after the journey."

Nezha Lingdao, then struggled: "There are only eight days left in this journey, what can you learn? Are you really not going to lend me my core magic weapon?"

If Wei Xun is willing, Nezha Ling can grit his teeth and bleed profusely, temporarily lending Hun Tian Ling to him. This can also withstand part of the punishment from heaven, at least it will not be directly hacked to death.

"What you lent me is not my thing."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "Unless you are willing to give it to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Nezha Ling was so angry that he simply disappeared. He is not the real Nezha. These magic weapons are all transformed by himself. Giving them to Wei Xun would be like splitting his soul.

"Xiao Cui, Nezha Ling is right."

After Nezha Ling disappeared, Yu Hehui worriedly said: "The time is too short. Even if you want to get a new title through Nezha Ling's training, it will take time to upgrade the title."

The biggest advantage for tour guides and tourists is their title. They do not need to practice hard for decades like ordinary people, or have any special titles. As long as the conditions are met, they can obtain the corresponding title.

For example, Wei Xun asked Nezha Ling to burn him with Samadhi True Fire. He had a cloak and various flame protections, and he could buy recovery potions from the hotel. With Nezha Ling's cooperation, the flames would not really burn him to death. But after burning it for two or three days, Wei Xun can obtain powerful titles such as 'Flame Protection' or 'Samadhi True Fire Seed'!

But the problem is that it takes time for a title to grow, but heavenly punishment is an imminent danger!

But the dreamer was thoughtful.

"Only one's own strength is truly powerful."

Wei Xun smiled and handed something to Dream Chaser.

"Chai Meng, leave this with you for a while."

This is a red copper-colored metal plate. The round copper plate has a radioactive triangle on the outer circle, like an abstract sun.

[Name: * * * name tag]

[Quality: unknown]

[Function: Record your name. No matter how crazy the situation is, you will not forget your name and keep a bit of rationality. ]

It was the name tag that * * * paid to Wei Xun in advance when the contract was signed!

"This is very dangerous."

Crystal Little Dragon knew what it was at a glance. He did not take it immediately, but said solemnly: "You know, even if you have the means to restore SAN, but without the name tag as a backup, your SAN value may return to zero in a blink of an eye."

Losing reason, getting lost, turning into a monster, and being affected by violent and crazy emotions are all extremely serious problems.

Dream chaser saw that Wei Xun wanted to use Nezha Ling's special training to train his combat effectiveness in the alien state!

But there is no need to take off the name tag, it's really too hard.

"The name tag is good, but since I got it, I haven't had that feeling for a long time."

Wei Xun sighed.

That kind of... the excitement and pleasure I experienced when I just entered the hotel and was in the life and death crisis of the beautiful Xiangxi.

"The way for tour guides to become stronger is actually clearly marked by the hostel."

Maintain a low death countdown, and your strength will become stronger.

When the death countdown reaches zero, your strength will skyrocket.

When the SAN value reaches zero, you will completely turn into a monster, but before it reaches zero, the lower the SAN value, the more alienated, and the stronger the strength.

Obviously, the hostel recruits dying people as tour guides not to give them lives, but to let them survive.

The hostel is not a savior.

What it wants is for the tour guides to fight between life and death, and to maintain a bit of rationality in the extreme madness, only in this way can the tour guides become stronger and stronger!

The strongest thing about the tourists is various titles, which can be said to be various talents, which coincides with the hotel's selection of tourists.

The strongest thing about the tour guide is the alienation state.

"Pay more attention."

The dream chaser finally took the name tag. He is also a tour guide. What Bing Erwu Ling wanted to understand, of course he already understood it. It's just that this road is too difficult to walk... too dangerous.

But this is the path that the hotel has drawn for the tour guide. If you want to become the strongest tour guide, you can only go this way, unless someone can surpass the hotel one day and make rules.

Wei Xun walked out, and at this moment——

"People have to choose their own path, so that they can become stronger."

Nezha Ling's voice suddenly sounded. Obviously, he seemed to have left just now, but who knows where he was peeking.

"It's really my brother, and his personality is exactly the same as mine."

He snorted: "Remember, the funeral of paper people will not be tolerated by the underworld. The underworld army and the underworld messenger will definitely appear next, and I can't control this matter."

He can't get involved in the funeral of Grandma Zhi. What if the Heavenly Dao realizes that Grandma Zhi's funeral is related to the Seven Emperors of Ming, and a heavenly punishment is struck down, Grandma Zhi can't bear it at all.

He can only let the underworld think that this is a paper man who wants to be buried as a human being, and let the underworld deal with this matter, which is also a way to avoid the important and the light.

"I was thinking of beating you up tomorrow... ahem, training you, don't let the underworld army kill you."

"Nezha Ling is reminding me."

After Nezha Ling's voice completely disappeared, Yu Hehui smiled to ease the somewhat solemn atmosphere.

"But the underworld army is indeed a problem. No wonder the funeral will be held at noon tomorrow. This is to minimize the impact of the underworld. Director Cui--"

Yu Hehui was suddenly stunned and stared at the tall and thin figure standing at the door.

It was late at night outside, and the lights were on in the house. The dim light reflected on his snow-white and slightly curly hair, as if every strand of hair was emitting a bright light. The devil's horns curved out a ghostly arc, growing out of the white snow, and the black horns were wrapped with complex and mysterious patterns like silver threads. The hood of the cloak fell because of them.

He looked sideways, half of his face was in shadow and half of his face was bright, and the ancient cyan-gold mask blocked the upper half of his face, making him look more elegant and mysterious. But the scarlet, indifferent, blood-soaked eyes tore apart all the elegant disguises!

"You, are you okay..."

Yu Hehui was stunned for a long time and asked dumbly.

"I'm fine."

Wei Xun's voice was more low-pitched and magnetic than usual, and he laughed softly:

"I feel... great."

It turned out that the name tag not only prevented his SAN value from returning to zero, but also suppressed his alienated nature. After the team leader's assessment, Wei Xun's SAN value was locked at 50. At this value, he should have been alienated long ago. It was because of the name tag that Wei Xun could still maintain an absolutely rational human form.

In fact, it would be safer to give the name tag to Yu Hehui, but Yu Hehui is now one with him and is on the same journey, so giving it to him would have no effect.

Dream Chaser can smuggle the silverfish over, so Wei Xun thinks he must be very good at smuggling.

Give him the name tag and smuggle it outside, so that it will not have any impact on Wei Xun.


Wei Xun murmured, and he walked straight to the courtyard. In the wide courtyard, he quietly spread his demon wings.


When the demon wings spread, it seemed to hit something in a trance. Wei Xun turned around and looked, but saw nothing. The demon wings flapped, and a strong wind swept up the remaining paper scraps and dust in the courtyard. Wei Xun breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and smiled.

What a pity, he can't fly yet.

Someone was startled by him in the dark and hurried over. The light was reflected on Wei Xun's pale neck. The magic pattern spread upward from under the collar, climbing on the pale skin, and finally stopped at Wei Xun's Adam's apple, as if a flower bud had grown there.

The visitor was first startled by Bing250's alienated appearance, and then after Wei Xun folded his wings, he approached and it turned out to be the devil merchant. After taking a few steps closer, he suddenly stopped breathing and stared behind Wei Xun.

"Behind you——"

Wei Xun turned around casually and faced a pair of completely black eyes without any white of the eyes. He was wearing a dark official robe and a high official hat. He was holding a seduction rope, staring at Wei Xun coldly and evilly, and stood close behind Wei Xun——

But there were a few big holes in his body, and his official robe was scratched and torn.

Who would have thought that Wei Xun suddenly spread his wings after walking to the courtyard!

This awkward posture was a bit ridiculous, but the identity of the other party made the devil businessman unable to laugh at all.

"Underhand work——"

The thick black ghost energy surged and filled those big holes. The other party was extremely majestic against the ghostly aura.

"Creature avoidance——"

Hei Wuchang's figure gradually dispersed, but the warning voice still echoed in the ears of Wei Xun and the devil merchant.

"Otherwise - take him to the underworld and hold him accountable -"

"Sure enough, the evil spirits have also found you."

The devil merchant said solemnly: "The white one found me."

The warning from the underworld started tonight when the paper man nodded. Although the power of Heaven's Punishment was such that the Yin Chai Yin Army did not come out at that time, it stands to reason that Heaven's Punishment would not punish them even if it really struck down.

After all, the funeral of a paper man is something that would never be tolerated in the underworld.

They were quite polite to the tour guides and just threatened and warned them. After all, the tour guide is a formal employee of the hotel.

But for the passengers who really poked out the paper figurines, the Yin Army and the Yin Army were not polite.

Tonight, all the passengers were warned three to five times, and Zhou Xiyang even had a meal with cow-headed horse noodles. This made Zhou Xiyang stop thinking about the examiner of B250 and being punished by heaven, and focus on the present.

When it gets dark, travelers gather in the courtyard. They all brought their own paper figures. This paper man is an attraction mission item and cannot be returned to the storage props.

The Yin Army's secret agents were a warning to them, and they destroyed and destroyed the paper man without hesitation. Now no one dares to let the paper man alone.

I don’t know if it’s because of the beanie eyes that Mr. Zhizha ordered for the paper figures. These paper figures are very well-behaved and don’t want to cause trouble.

"Starting at five o'clock, I will burn paper and chant sutras. I need someone to protect me."

Taoist Ban Ming said seriously. At this moment, they all took out their itinerary cards and asked Zhou Xiyang to read them one by one.

After filling out their identities on the itinerary card, they could blend into the funeral procession and leave the Eight-Armed Nezha City.

Zhou Xiyang and Mekel lived in the main house of the Leigu Hutong courtyard at that time, and they were considered the 'heads of the family'. But with Granny Zhi at the top, they move down a generation and can be regarded as the eldest son and daughter-in-law of Granny Zhi.

In the same way, Yun Tianhe and Yun Lianghan in the east wing are the eldest grandson and eldest grandson's daughter-in-law, and Taoist Ban Ming and Bai Xiaotian in the west wing are the second grandson and second grandson's daughter-in-law.

However, the second grandson's second grandson's daughter-in-law has a low status in the funeral and is of little use. Taoist Ban Ming presented the paper-made golden boy, paper cow and paper horse he bought in Leigu Hutong, and obtained the identity of Mr. Yin and Yang for himself and Bai Xiaotian.

Bai Xiaotian has spent half his life as a Taoist priest, so he temporarily resigned himself to becoming a monk.

Their identities were almost determined, except for the four people who lived in the front yard at the time.

Three Werewolves, and October 10th.

As 'servants' and 'foreigners', they came up with two pole bearers, one pole head, and a free position who had to pretend to be a paper man.

Obviously, the bar head is the most powerful and the free position is the most dangerous. According to the werewolf Augustus, of course it was their three wolves in the West who took charge of the role, and the most dangerous free position was left to October 10th.

But on October 10th, the special three-star team was powerful and supported by the tourists from the Eastern District.

After discussion, it was decided that Mia, the weakest of the three wolves, would serve as the pole leader, Augustus and October 10th, the strongest, would serve as pole bearers, and Mia's younger brother would serve as the free position.

Mia's reason is also very good - she is the weakest. As the leader, she will not threaten October 10th and other passengers. Of course, this position is also safe. The bearers will carry the coffin together with the ghost bearers, which will trouble Augustus and October 10th (Augustus can also keep an eye on October 10th).

Now that Mia has a safe position, her brother can be considered the most dangerous free position. No one had much opinion on Mia's allocation.

"Director Cui, Devil Merchant, this is our itinerary card."

After collecting all the itinerary cards, Zhou Xiyang handed them over to the tour guide and asked the tour guide to stamp them before issuing them. He looked at the alienated Wei Xun and couldn't help but feel worried.

It was obviously fine before, but why did it become like this after one night?

Think again about the cracked shadow behind Wei Xun last night... Zhou Xiyang used a special method to associate it with * * *. The possibility of him coming is very high. If it is really him...

Zhou Xiyang was worried about his extremely poor mental state, and he was also worried about Bing 250.

He has become like this...couldn't it be because he was relieved and appeased last night?

What a sin.

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