Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 174 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (17)


In the silent night, only the loud sound of tearing paper echoed throughout the Zhijia compound, and the expressions of all the passengers were a little numb.

They all carry tied paper figures beside them. At this moment, the paper figures seem to be more calm than the tourists - because the paper figures have not yet had their eyes lit, so they are not serious spirits.

They are all made according to the size of an adult, both male and female. Some of them are made of willow wood and some are strong. They are made of pig bones on the inside and pig skin and chicken feathers on the outside. They look lifeless. Like zombies, more spooky.

Originally, Sister Qian in the warehouse suggested using dog bones and chicken feathers, but since Wei Xun said, "I'm quite interested in dogs," the dogs in the Zhi Family Courtyard have survived. I don’t know where Sister Qian got a pig from with a sad face. She wanted to use the pig bones to replace the skeleton and make some special ‘paper figures’.

This kind of technical job can only be taken on by Bai Xiaotian and Taoist Ban Ming, and it can be considered a special task. The reward is to stand at the front tonight and let Mr. Zhizha, invited by Zhijia Courtyard, give the fastest wink to the paper figurines in their hands.

Apparently, accidents are definitely going to happen tonight when it comes to eye lighting. The sooner you do it, the safer it will be. But if you look early, it means standing at the front...

"I regret."

Taoist Ban Ming closed his eyes and whispered, his stomach growling loudly, especially when the Zhi Family Courtyard was filled with the aroma of braised pork and stewed bones, Taoist Ban Ming's stomach growled even louder.

Today they had a very luxurious dinner, it was that pig. The chef in Zhijia Courtyard is very good at cooking, and everyone enjoyed their meal.

The only ones who are unhappy are half-lived Taoists.

Meat is edible, but Taoist priests do not eat meat. They are talking about leeks, garlic, coriander, onions and other foods that have a strong smell and will leave a taste in your mouth for a long time. He said that after eating these, the stench was too strong when chanting sutras, and he was disrespectful to the ancestor.

However, it was absolutely dangerous to do paper eye-candling in the early hours of the morning. Taoist Taoist Ban Ming had to chant sutras, so he was careful in advance and ate some steamed buns at night.

Hunger and sorrow made the half-life Taoist's face even more sad.

But Mr. Zhizha's face looked more sad than Taoist Ban Ming's.

Mr. Zhizha was wearing a black jacquard mandarin jacket from the Republic of China, and his face was as pale as paper. At first glance in the middle of the night, all he could see was his white face. It is said that he has always stayed in the backyard of the Zhi Family Courtyard. He is very mysterious. It is he who presided over the 'eye-opening ceremony' in front of him in the early hours of tonight.

But now Mr. Zhizha is shaking like chaff.


Every sound of tearing paper would make Mr. Zhizha shake violently, and half-life Taoists doubted whether he could still hold the brush firmly.

But it was not just him who was shaking, but also Sister Qian and some servants in the Zhi family courtyard who were watching.

The shaking was very rhythmic, and it looked funny.

But no one at the scene could laugh.

Because in the middle of the courtyard of Zhijia Courtyard, there was a giant paper man as tall as a hill floating. The loud sound of tearing paper came from it. It was torn from bottom to top very carefully. It was torn from ten o'clock in the evening until now, and only half of the upper body, head, and two arms were left.

The torn paper pulp and paper scraps are piled up into a hill, with a blazing flame burning in the middle. It looks like a grand bonfire party! But in fact, Qianjia Paper was torn in front, and Wei Xun was burning it in the back. This scene was indescribably weird.

"Cui, can it really be burned out?"

The devil businessman looked at the pile of shredded paper, and felt bad.

"It's completely burned."

Wei Xun was very calm: "Didn't you give me a soul flame? If you put it together and burn it, it will be finished."


Under the hood, the devil businessman looked troubled. That's right, he finally exchanged some strange things he discovered in the Zhi Family Courtyard and a soul flame for the shadow puppet donkey.

Although it is an ancient soul flame, it was discovered together with the magic mirror that sealed the Undead Lord. In theory, it is the soul flame trained by the Undead Lord.

But the soul flame is not an attack that can burn people's souls. Its greatest effect is that it can change color according to the emotions of people's souls!

It is said that the undead monarch once had a very beloved lover during his lifetime, but his lover's mood was changeable. In order to please his lover better and confirm his mood, the Undead Lord created such a soul flame.

Romantic, yes, but does it have any practical effect? The devil merchant used to use this flame with the aura of the undead monarch to bluff people, but now that he is likely to completely conquer the undead monarch, this flame is of little use.

When he gave the flame to Xiao Cui, he was bragging a lot, but...

Xiaocui won't really believe what I'm saying. Use this flame to burn paper.

The devil merchant was worried, he hesitated to speak several times, and finally closed his mouth. Silently help Wei Xun.

This soul flame is very easy to use!

At the moment, the entire pile of shredded paper is burning with orange-red flames. It looks huge, the flames are soaring, and half of the sky is red. The power of the undead monarch is oppressing all directions, and it is particularly menacing.

But in fact, the flame was orange-red, which only meant that Wei Xun was in a happy mood now. In fact, not even a shred of Qianjia paper can be burned.

However, this soul flame is useless in the hands of the devil merchant, but it is really useful in the hands of Wei Xun. After all, it is a genuine soul flame. Judging from its level alone, it can outshine countless flames in the world, such as the three-color magic fire that Wei Xun obtained in northern Tibet.

If it weren't for the cover of the soul flame, it would be difficult for him to take it out.

The phoenix fire, the three-color magic fire and the soul flame burned together. Under the cover of the flames, there were silverfish diligently biting the large pieces of paper that Qianjia Paper had torn into small pieces. The Qianjia Paper burned faster than Wei Xun expected. Hurry up.

'fire Fire--'

As the blazing flames burned, the token hidden in Wei Xun's brocade bag became slightly hot. It was as if the remaining consciousness of Death Ming was attracted by the monstrous flames. Even the old token has a slight shine.

Ming Nai Huode, Qianjia Paper was burned by the flames, which indeed caused the reaction of the token. It's just that Qianjia Paper is an aggregation of countless incomplete paper figures from various dynasties and generations from ancient times to the present. It cannot represent any dynasty alone, so the reaction of the token is not too big.

But if Granny Zhi were a paper figurine from the Ming Dynasty, the flames she would burn would be extraordinary.

Grandma Zhi's transformation into a human being during a funeral may be just a pretense. Let others mistakenly think that her goal is to transform into a human being, not to burn as a paper man, trigger the token, and serve as an introduction to lead the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty to return to the imperial mausoleum...

In this case, who would stop Granny Zhi from going to the funeral?

Wei Xun thought, but the speed of burning Qianjia Paper was not slow at all.

'Happy - so happy -'

Qianjiazhi tore its own head into pieces and threw it into the blazing flames. Its two huge arms tore each other, and the giant paper pieces fell down and were swallowed by the flames. It is laughing with joy!

Countless laughter mixed together, including men and women, old and young. The twisted joy burned by the fire unconsciously seduced everyone, making people feel refreshed and unable to help but want to throw themselves into the blazing fire. !

"Calm down."

Zhou Xiyang shouted in a low voice, suppressing his mental fluctuations, and looked at Wei Xun worriedly. The influence of Bing250 in the middle of the flame should be the deepest! The devil merchant instantly moved away from the flames, his face looking ugly. Just now his SAN value almost dropped to zero! The devil merchant simply floated away from the earth, and the body under his cloak had been alienated and turned into a ghost state.

The burning paper man will return to the underworld, and the mental disturbance suffered by the people standing on the earth will be more serious.

But Wei Xun remained normal, holding a drop of purified royal jelly in his mouth.

Purified royal jelly is not sweet and is completely different from magic honey. It has strong sourness and strong spiciness and is not delicious. But the effect of this drop of purified royal jelly is comparable to that of a hundred times concentrated and purified magic honey! Now that everyone in the Zhi Family Courtyard has lost their SAN, only Wei Xun's SAN value is still very stable.

The mental consciousness of Dream Chaser and Black Widow have temporarily left, because the examiner will appear at zero o'clock, and they have to avoid it temporarily.

As midnight gradually approached, the devil merchants, tourists, and everyone in the Zhijia compound began to become nervous.

Not only were they nervous, the audience in the live broadcast room and the big guys from the east and west districts who were paying attention to this journey were all sweating.

If it was just a small fight before, once the team leader assessment begins...this journey will completely enter the third level of extreme danger!

* *

"Anyway, Nezha Ling Qianjia Zhi and others have appeared. This journey has already exceeded the third level. No matter how difficult it is, it can't be difficult, right?"

On the way home, in the movie theater, Mao Xiaole, Wang Pengpai and others gathered together to watch Bing 250 set fire to Qianjia Paper.

"Burning Qianjia Paper was the right decision."

Mao Xiaole muttered: "The paper man will definitely repay his kindness."

Qianjiazhi now jumped out of the assessment and was burned directly by Bing250 until his wish was fulfilled. That Bing250 is its absolute benefactor, and it will stay and repay its kindness before it completely goes to the underworld.

A good paper person is a paper person who is truly on his side.

Wang Yushu asked: "The captain is in the bedroom?"

"Yes, he should be asleep, so as not to disturb the * * * performance."

Although he said this, Wang Pengpai had a solemn expression and lowered his voice:

"The entire virtual lobby was closed just now, and the hotel was shaken... I suspect it was ***'s hand."

After all, the person in charge of the current rotation is..., and if * * * wants to be the examiner, he will definitely have a conflict with...

"...Weak and anxious."

Wan Xiangchun said expressionlessly: "The main body is dead, even if the slice is still there, he is still the person in charge. He is also being polluted and weakened."

"Now, even a hand from the Inca Sun Gate can't suppress him. Who still remembers how strong he used to be?"

"Well, that's all in the past."

Wang Pengpeng shook his head: "Isn't that what we thought before? If something happens to Captain An, at least he can still go the same old way... Hey, no wonder... he's been against us lately, I’m just jealous when I co-author it.”

If Bing250 hadn't suddenly appeared, An Xuefeng might have had no choice but to take this path.

"I feel something is wrong."

But Mao Xiaole frowned and muttered: "Just a * * * beating... shouldn't make such a big noise."

"... Throwing a rat weapon, waiting for the end of the year celebration to turn around, it is impossible to use all the strength to attack. He should just bluff and then retreat."

How could it possibly cause the virtual lobby to be temporarily closed?

The Butcher Alliance has never caused such a big commotion before!

It's almost as if two powerful principals are fighting with all their strength!

"I can't figure it out."

Wang Pengpai and the others were also puzzled: "Does anyone want to be the examiner? But this is just the examiner of Bing 250, and he is not the referee of the year-end celebration. Why is the competition so fierce??"

It's just the position of examiner, right?

* *

"Happy - Paper is so happy!"

At 11:59, with the last sigh of satisfaction, Qianjia Paper finally disappeared in the blazing fire! The flames rolled, and the once pale and dirty pulp paper turned into fine and floating golden glow.

The soul flame almost turned bright red, which was affected by the purest joy of Qianjiazhi!

In the flames, Wei Xun took out the third generation of Ladybird. The little ladybug had been over-patched, most of it was gold, which represented responsibility, and only a tiny dot on the back was still red, which represented joy. After being taken out by Wei Xun, it desperately began to absorb the remaining joy after Qianjia Paper was burned, while Wei Xun looked at the floating golden glow.

These golden lights dispersed and gathered together, outlining the outline of a huge Qianjia paper in the dark night sky. It is Qianjia Paper, but it is no longer the same. Without resentment and pollution, its momentum becomes purer, but it is also more powerful.

Qianjia paper condensed with golden light bowed deeply to Wei Xun, then fell like a golden meteor and poured into Wei Xun's right arm, leaving a small golden mark on his wrist.

【You are grateful for Qianjia Paper! Qianjia Paper will help you do it three times for free! 】

'Want - skin -'

While Qianjiazhi got his wish, Mr. Peeling appeared spontaneously. It still had a donkey's head on its head and was covered in scarlet. Its dead donkey eyes stared at the remaining golden glow of Qianjia Paper, and its chaotic and crazy eyes seemed to wake up for a moment.

Qianjiazhi got what he wanted, and he also wanted to get what he wanted!

"Here you go."

The devil merchant did not hesitate to take out the shadow puppet donkey and threw it towards Mr. Skinner! After getting the shadow puppet donkey, the devil businessman realized that the two could not coexist and merge, but were in a relationship that devoured each other. He had to choose a direction!

If you choose a shadow puppet donkey, the evaluation tendency is the traditional donkey shadow puppet. If you choose Mr. Skinner, the evaluation tendency is the traditional skinner. The two cannot coexist!

It stands to reason that the hotel prompt named 'performance' related attractions, that is, the Yangshou Town Funeral Palace attraction project should be biased towards performances. In this way, choosing the shadow puppet donkey should be more in line with the assessment.

But the Devil Merchant took a fancy to what Mr. Peeling introduced:

‘Skin with soul is most suitable for being made into shadow puppets, and can even be performed in front of the emperor! ’

‘Mr. Skinning’s lifelong wish is to perform a shadow puppet show in front of the emperor! ’

Yangshou Town Funeral Palace is a scenic spot that can only be reached at night. It will take another one to two days to visit this scenic spot, and after fusing the tendency object, the devil merchant will be strongly affected by the other party at all times.

The Devil Merchant is self-aware that this is an extremely dangerous journey. Even if he suffers the slightest negative impact from the ghost state alienation, it is very likely that he will not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, before considering whether it is suitable, he must first consider the possibility of success.

The devil merchant looked at Wei Xun and saw the token in his hand.

What's more, he also accepted a commissioned task at the same time!

The Devil Merchant also has his own arrogance. He is the strongest rising star tour guide this year, so how can he be so much worse than Xiao Cui?

Only by having a relationship with the emperor can he participate in the commissioned tasks!

‘Hahahaha—it’s skin, it’s skin! ! ’

The skinned butcher laughed crazily in mid-air, and the hook in his hand caught the shadow puppet donkey exactly! At the same time, the skinning knife in the devil merchant's hand also changed its appearance, with a donkey skin scabbard on the outside. There was a huge, bloodshot donkey's eye in the middle of the scabbard, staring at him with hatred and resentment.

[You have obtained the complete team leader assessment tendency: ‘Mr. Traditional Skinning’! 】

"Determine the assessment tendency!"

The devil merchant did not hesitate. The sharp skinning knife instantly turned into a black light and penetrated into his body. For a moment, the devil merchant's face showed a look of pain, and under his cloak, his ghostly body began to grow a layer of plush skin!

Not enough, not enough skin...

Chaotic and noisy sounds echoed through the devil merchant's mind.

Skin... not enough.

The extremely strong desire twisted his nerves. Everyone and everything around him, as long as they had skin, were extremely tempting to the devil merchant! He gasped hard and tried to cover his painful head. When he raised his hand, he found that his right hand had turned into a sharp skinning knife!

‘If you can’t peel off other people’s skin – then peel off your own skin! ’

Unable to attack others, the crazy Mr. Skinner can only peel off his own skin in the end, and what should you choose? !

The devil merchant did not make a move. He took a step towards Wei Xun in a depressed, difficult and confused manner.

Yu Hehui stood vigilantly between Wei Xun and the devil merchant, fearing that he would go crazy and take action. But Wei Xun didn't look at the devil merchant. After Mr. Skinner devoured the shadow puppet donkey and roughly understood what would happen to the fused tendencies, Wei Xun withdrew his gaze.

Wei Xun held the token. The soul flame surged forward and burned around him, showing an orange-yellow color that represented peace. Orange flames cover up the golden responsibility bug.

At this moment, a faint shadow appeared on the body of the Responsible Demonic Insect. It was exactly like what Daoist Feng had seen back then, a blond boy who looked like a little prince. Time is limited, and the Responsible Demonic Insect has not been able to completely enter its strongest maturity stage, but it has also initially entered adulthood and has its own mental state!

The little prince at the fingertips has firm eyes and a cheerful and optimistic smile on his face. He held Wei Xun's finger tightly with one hand, and held the token in the other hand. The entire reflected token emits a faint golden light.

Eleven fifty-nine minutes, fifty seconds.

There are still ten seconds left until midnight. The New Year painting Nezha also appeared. He stood expressionlessly on the roof of the Zhijia courtyard, looking up at the sky.

What's in the sky?

"Determine the assessment tendency."

Wei Xun integrated into the Death Ming Token! The token and the responsibility demon turned into golden light together and merged into Wei Xun's body.

‘Ming—Ming! ! ’

The residual resentment of countless Ming Dynasty people instantly poured into Wei Xun's spirit, but stopped before going crazy and assimilating him.

'No way...he is the last guardian of the tomb...'

'The Imperial Tomb...don't hurt him...'


'To...protect him...'

'Only we can...'

The infection of the responsibility bug was successful!

Wei Xun's forehead was covered with cold sweat. It was still too difficult to carry the spirit and emotions of a perished dynasty. Even if the other party does not mentally pollute him, just existing in his spirit is a huge burden to Wei Xun! The drop of royal jelly that Qianjia Paper had not used up before it burned quickly disappeared. Yu Hehui, who was standing by, had quick eyes and quick hands and fed Wei Xun another drop.

But now Wei Xun's entire focus is on stabilizing his mind, and everyone else's attention is on Wei Xun.

Mr. Traditional Paper Tie tremblingly raised his pen.

It’s so funny that no one cares that it’s already midnight and it’s time to start blinking.

What else can Mr. Zhizha say? He is just a little Mr. Zhizha. He didn't dare delay at all and quickly gave the paper a nod. There is no need to draw the upper and lower eyelids carefully. If your eyes are dark and white, just add two black dots and that will be a success!

When the first bean-eyed paper-piercing person appeared, suddenly there was a strong wind, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, the earth was shaking, and there seemed to be countless terrifying existences under the earth that were about to resurrect - it was the Yin Army of Yin!

The funeral of paper figures will not be tolerated in the underworld! The people who will be used for funerals will all be destroyed. This is a warning to Granny Zhi!

These are the rules of the underworld, and even Nezha Ling cannot interfere.

Originally, tonight was the time for the passengers to fight against the Yin army and protect Zhizharen.

But the little dark wind had just started to blow, and it was completely dissipated by the thunder and lightning in the night sky!

Thunder suddenly rang out in the originally dark night sky. There was no sign of rain, but there was lightning and thunder, just like an apocalyptic scene!


Amidst the lightning and thunder, a deep and majestic voice sounded. This sound penetrated the thunder, and when it sounded, boundless pressure descended from the dark sky. Mekel was so shocked that he turned into a cat ball, and the three wolves in the west also turned into wolf states, looking to the sky in fear. That was the power that made them fear and panic from the bottom of their hearts.

It's a dragon.

Taoist Ban Ming was heartbroken, but with Master Sanmao's token, he could still stand firm in the thunder, blocking Hong Zhan and Bai Xiaotian.

And this is no ordinary dragon, it is a dragon made of condensed imperial energy, representing a former emperor!

Unable to suppress the crazy noise in his head, the devil merchant suddenly woke up, and the sharp skinning knife in his right hand disappeared in an instant. The whole person returned to normal.

How can you show off your weapons in front of the emperor? This is disrespectful!

All those crazy and chaotic emotions were suppressed by themselves, leaving only reverence and awe, as if he wanted to show his best self in front of the emperor.

Sure enough, his bet was right!

The Devil Merchant breathed a sigh of relief. The token of Xiao Cui’s fourth scenic spot can suppress Mr. Skinning a little!

Seeing Wei Xun standing amid the lightning and thunder, and seeing a faint light coming from nowhere and covering his body, the devil merchant's heart was filled with complex emotions and even more awe.

Not just influenced by Mr. Skinned, but awe of a former emperor and the strong.

Only the emperor can ennoble the chief of the tomb-keepers!

‘Canonized, Wei Xun, the Wei clan, is the leader of the contemporary mausoleum guardians’

It was his real name that was called during the canonization?

Wei Xun's heart moved slightly. He was obviously a tour guide now, and according to the hotel rules, he was Bing250, but he didn't expect——

However, this canonization was a voice that only he could hear. It was more like some kind of rule from another level. Wei Xun suddenly became interested in the emperor and stared at the sky.

The dense clouds in the sky were torn apart and then gathered together, and the dark golden light reflected on the clouds, making them look like a huge, dark golden dragon head in a trance. It stretches out of the sky and stares at the earth. But the horns on its head seemed to have been broken off, and were stained with ominous black.

‘Be in charge of the sacrifices and protect the Ming Emperor’s mausoleum! ’

As soon as he finished speaking, a fiery red official robe appeared and was wrapped around Wei Xun's cloak. It is the emperor's canonization, like a hot burning flame, but the rich red color only remains fiery red at first, then it gradually dims, and finally turns into a dark red like dried blood, covered with black cracks like thorns and spider webs.

At a certain moment, Wei Xun even thought that the official robe would crack, but the token in his mind bloomed with a faint golden light, reflecting on the official robe, finally stabilizing it.

The Seventh Emperor of the Ming Dynasty refused to enter the imperial mausoleum and was demoted to king by Yingzong. Without the cooperation of the consciousness of death in the token, his canonization by the Ming Dynasty Mausoleum would not be recognized.

"Hey, why has it become so dark? It's really ugly."

New Year Painting Nezha snorted coldly, his face expressionless. The dragon shadow in the sky nodded slightly at him and stared at Wei Xun with majestic eyes.

Wei Xun was also looking at it, and even Yu Hehui lowered his head and did not look at the sky dragon shadow. Wei Xun looked at it calmly.

One second, five seconds, or even longer, until the dragon shadow disappeared, Wei Xun seemed to hear a deep sigh.

‘This world is no longer the Ming Dynasty’

The voice was no longer majestic, nor did it contain too much crazy resentment, but only loneliness.

Nezha Ling is no longer the Nezha Ling of the Ming Dynasty, and the tomb-keepers...are no longer loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

'I just want to... settle the old grudge'

This is the guarantee given by the emperor. Apart from returning to the imperial mausoleum, he will not do anything else, which makes no sense.

When an era ends, it will never come back.

"Is this the ancient emperor?"

A strange and cold male voice sounded beside Wei Xun. He spoke English, with a pure London accent, with a bit of arrogant nobility, which reminded people of medieval castles and manors, and those powerful noble dukes.

Wei Xun looked over and saw a black shadow appearing beside the devil merchant at some point. His face and clothing cannot be seen clearly, but just from his standing posture, one can feel elegant and noble.

[The assessment tendencies have all been selected, the team leader assessment has officially begun, and the candidates have met the examiner! 】

The examiner is here?

Then his examiner is——


Wei Xun's heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat, his heart felt slightly hot, and his Adam's apple itched. This familiar yet unfamiliar feeling is——



Suddenly Yu Hehui screamed danger, and a barrel-thick bloody lightning struck Wei Xun from the air without any warning! The Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty have almost turned into evil dragons and evil spirits because of their resentment. Being canonized by the evil dragon and helping the evil dragon will be punished by heaven!


The New Year painting Nezha instantly threw the circle of heaven and earth, but it only scattered most of the lightning, and there was still a beam of lightning that struck Wei Xun fiercely. In an instant, Wei Xun took out a scarlet cloak. The defensive power of the man's cloak was so good that Wei Xun always kept one. But just when Wei Xun had just taken out the cloak completely, he suddenly swayed and moved forward a small section.

The lightning that originally struck his head now struck behind Wei Xun. The next moment, the lightning disappeared out of thin air!

[Attack the person in charge——]

【Provocative Hotel——】

[Erase as a warning]

In the chaotic and noisy background, only Wei Xun could hear the voice clearly. As if realizing something strange, Wei Xun opened his eyes wide in surprise, and even the soul flame burning around him turned into a Purple represents curiosity.

Although others couldn't hear it, they also saw the lightning that struck Wei Xun disappear out of thin air! Everyone's eyes fell on Wei Xun, and a few with keen eyes noticed in shock -

Behind Wei Xun, two tall black shadows stretched out!

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