Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 173 Nutrient solution 380,000 plus more

Wei Xun had thought about how the Responsible Demonic Insect should grow up quickly before.

The ancient demonic insects have extraordinary potential, but their growth rate is very slow. Especially the emotional bugs. It is difficult for them to grow by simply devouring the power of the abyss and other demonic insects. Rather, it requires a lot of emotional exposure, or infecting others with emotions, in order to grow.

Wei Xun originally took the second path. He founded the Mutual Aid Association and incorporated the Responsibility Demon Bug as an auxiliary, just for this purpose. But he still has too little time. It will take time for the mutual aid association to truly develop, and the responsibility demon also needs to have more people to influence.

However, the most insufficient thing is time.

During conversations with dream chasers and Wei Xun's own investigation, he found that the top figures on the journey changed every ten years or so. Now An Xuefeng, Mao Xiaole, Wang Pengpai, and even Xi Ming Ren, Dream Chaser and Puppet Master have been together for almost ten years.

Something big might happen this year, how could Wei Xun miss it. Furthermore, he is preparing to participate in the year-end celebration in two identities, so improving his strength is crucial.

Now with the help of Nezha Ling, Wei Xun can take the road ahead to raise demon insects.

Nezha spirit has carried countless people. From ancient times to the present, from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty to modern times, countless people have performed joy, anger, sorrow, life and death in this city. It couldn't be easier for Nezha Ling to extract some sense of responsibility and pour it into the responsibility bug.

He even asked eagerly: "Brother, do you, a little bug, like other emotions?"

"Love, sorrow, despair, sadness, etc., brother has them all here."

"He's a very picky eater."

Wei Xun shook his head, but took out the third generation of the gourd and said with a smile: "If brother has extra joy, you can feed it."

"Oh? You actually have one of such a wonderful little insect."

Nezha wondered, but when he talked about joy, he became embarrassed: "Brother, there are not many emotions like joy. After all, this person remembers negative emotions for a long time, but joy is just happy at the time, and will be forgotten soon. Afterwards. Therefore, there is much sadness and despair, but very little joy.”

"I think you, a little bug, can also take responsibility. How about I feed you as well?"

Wei Xun cupped his hands and saluted: "That's a problem, brother."

"Between brothers, let's talk about the difference between trouble and trouble."

Nezha New Year Picture waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, you can leave the Ming Ling here. I'll get it together for you after I've fed it, I'll make sure it's before midnight."


Wei Xun nodded sharply and heard that Nezha Ling had issued an order to expel guests. After leaving the kit token, he conveniently said goodbye to Nezha Ling and left the room.

‘Joy is indeed short-lived, and sorrow is more permanent. ’

After leaving, Chai Meng Xiaolong whispered to Wei Xun: "But it's not necessarily true that there is less joy in Nezha Ling." ’

'I know. ’

Wei Xun casually said: 'It's just that he likes joy and doesn't like other emotions. ’

Nezha Ling is not a fool. He readily agreed to help the responsible demon insect grow. It's because he also wants to let go of some responsibilities. Nezha spirits are no longer earthbound spirits. There are people all over the country and even the world who identify with Nezha and believe in Nezha. In fact, he can go to various places, but still stay in this city for hundreds of years, with faith and the constraints of countless people's responsibilities.

In fact, it can't be said that Nezha Ling helped increase the number of responsibility bugs. It can also be said that the responsibility bugs helped him eat up some of his excess responsibilities.

Nezha Ling felt that it was worth it in exchange for the reward of the commissioned task. He and Wei Xun have become "brothers", and they may have the idea of ​​using the responsibility bug again in the future to gain more responsibilities.

In addition, Nezha Ling does not want negative emotions such as sadness and despair. But he likes joy, happiness and other emotions, so it is impossible to feed it to the demon insects.

The relationship between them is purely a relationship of interest.

Wei Xun said casually: 'Real brother and fake brother are still different. ’

‘Just think about it clearly. ’

The dream chaser nodded. Bing250 was very sensible at all times. He would not feel complacent about having a brotherly relationship with Nezha Ling, nor would he avoid the other party because he was too dangerous.

"You have such a good attitude."

Dreamcatcher sighed.

"No, I'm not okay."

Wei Xun said quietly, he walked to the warehouse and watched Zhou Xiyang and the others making paper figures again. He also told the story that Nezha Ling was so angry that he destroyed the paper man.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Xiyang and the others were very worried. Zhou Xiyang even wanted to put aside the paper man thing and go and protect Wei Xun... Although the dream chaser was there, to be honest, Zhou Xiyang was worried. Because as a guardian, Dream Chaser actually has many restrictions.

When it comes to a life-and-death fight, he, Zhou Xiyang, risking his life can have a greater effect than the dream chaser.

Wei Xun did not let him protect him personally, but just chatted with Zhou Xiyang and gave some hints.

"I chose the fourth scenic spot for assessment. Chai Meng said that the person in charge might be the examiner."

Wei Xun sighed: "Nezha Ling... is too strong and moody. He really hates the paper man. I'm afraid that he will stop me when I leave the city for the funeral tomorrow."

Zhou Xiyang frowned. Indeed, Nezha Ling said, ‘I’m not happy! I don't like paper people! ' The whole city was shaken, and the paper was broken into pieces, and everyone could see it.

"It's not your fault."

Zhou Xiyang couldn't help but comfort Bing 250.

"Even if you don't accept the entrusted mission, I'm afraid he will still give us a stumbling block."

The funeral of a paper man is unforgivable in nature.

Wei Xun did not choose the easiest first scenic spot for the team leader assessment, but chose the fourth scenic spot precisely to solve this problem. Zhou Xiyang understood this. But he is also more worried about Wei Xun, he will definitely encounter more dangers...

After separating from Wei Xun, Zhou Xiyang was thinking deeply on the way back to the warehouse.

If the person in charge is really the examiner and invigilator...


‘Do you think Zhou Xiyang has a special way to contact * * *? '

Wei Xun took out the phoenix feather, twirled it between his fingers, and used the tip of the feather to sweep his Adam's apple, and said quietly: "It's the second day... Starting from tomorrow, we will sleep in the wilderness."

Indeed, in the early hours of this night, the paper people are getting ready for the funeral. The funeral will be officially held at noon tomorrow, and then we will have to eat and sleep all the way.

"Oh, there's no bathroom."

Wei Xun sighed sadly.

"I know you're mysophobic, please bear with me."

Dreamcatcher comforted.

But Yu Hehui, who turned into a fox cub and was carried around by Wei Xun, couldn't help but bite Wei Xun's hand.

Don’t just make rude remarks just because the dreamer doesn’t understand!

The bathroom Wei Xun mentioned, could that be a serious bathroom for taking a bath?

‘Tell me, is that... strong? ’

Wei Xun cautiously asked the dreamer in his heart: 'If, I mean if, * * * beat him up. * * * Can you be the examiner? ’

Whatever the reason, of course the more people on the trip the better. Instead of letting someone come in who has a big hatred against An Xuefeng and Dream Chaser and will almost definitely target him, of course it would be better to let * * * come in!


Dream Chaser also knew the pros and cons and thought about it along with Wei Xun's thoughts.

‘Before, he rarely took action because An Xuefeng was in such poor condition. but now……'

Now that Wei Xun has rescued them, they should be able to take action.

Dream Chaser thought uncertainly.

After all, An Xuefeng had used two 30th North Latitude tokens in the Butcher Alliance before, and he was able to recover even from a mental breakdown. Based on this comparison of combat power, he can definitely beat him...

‘How is the strength of¥¥¥? ’

Wei Xun suddenly asked: "How do I talk about our relationship with you?"

At present, he knows three principals, * * *,... and ¥¥¥. ···It has been determined that there is a big feud, so what about the ¥¥¥?

'You know a lot. ’

Dream Chaser Xiaolong said in surprise: ‘¥¥¥… He is very low-key and rarely appears. I don't know his strength either. From the time I entered the hotel to now, he has only made one move and there is almost no other information. ’

‘He is a mysterious person, but his relationship with * * * should be pretty good. ’

The dream chaser said: 'Before... a long time ago, when An Xuefeng was in the worst condition and * * * fell into a deep sleep, he thought about taking action and snatching his token of 30 degrees north latitude. But was blocked by¥¥¥’

That time, old friends like them all went to help and stayed by An Xuefeng's side. ···Not only did he come by himself, but he also gathered some other forces, which can be said to be menacing.

But no one expected that ¥¥¥ would take action. He just said, "You're blocking my way," and just pulled...his hand away. Without the leader,...the people gathered would naturally be defeated.

'Although An Xuefeng said that he acted because he owed him a favor. ’

Dream Chaser said uncertainly: 'But the relationship between them should be fine. ’

* *

Hotel virtual lobby, butcher alliance.

The main hall, which was in tatters due to the war, has been completely restored to its original state. Although the Abyss Bell is gone, a seven-story fountain has been placed in the middle of the main hall. The water flowing in this fountain is full of rich power of the abyss, which can still be absorbed by the butcher guides. Under the guidance of the psychic and the Yin-Yang Butterfly, the entire Butcher Alliance was free from turmoil and returned to its former peace.

At this moment, the medium is in the inner hall, reporting the situation to a pendant with an abstract sun.

Without the Abyss Bell, it would actually be a bit troublesome. In the past, the Mingxi people could take charge of the overall situation through puppets, and the psychics could also enter the Abyss Bell to contact the Mingxi people, but this is no longer possible. This sun pendant will be turned on every three days, and only then can the psychic report the situation.

"An Xuefeng contacted the tour guide...Bing 250...the east-west zone confrontation extremely dangerous journey..."

He roughly told everything that had happened recently.

Your Excellency is in very good condition today.

The medium sighed.

In the past, it would take no more than five minutes before the sun pendant would turn off. But this time he talked for a full ten minutes, and the sun pendant was still on!

It seems that the changes in the return journey have indeed attracted the attention of adults.

Thinking of this, the psychic felt ashamed. He only found out about the clay figurine Zhang being taken away after returning to the Butcher Alliance. I originally thought that if An Xuefeng took action, his vitality would be severely damaged and he would fall into a deep sleep. Who would have thought that An Xuefeng would act like a normal person!

It's all that Bing250's fault!

If he hadn't contacted An Xuefeng, how could he have regained his strength now?

But the psychic did not report this to Taiyang Ornament in detail. After all, Bing 250 is now the representative of the east-west district confrontation mission and cannot attack him. In particular, the year-end celebration is very likely to be an opportunity for the return of the life-seeking person. The psychic pays special attention to it and must win it from the beginning of choosing the side!

Therefore, no matter how hard he held his breath, he would not be able to attack Bing250. Yun Lianghan even scolded Yin Yang Die several times.

You can't touch him. Isn't it just a waste of discomfort to mention him to an adult?

The medium couldn't swallow this breath!

"The most important thing for Guitu now is a new star passenger named Wei Xun."

The medium said: "Although he has not officially joined Guitu, Guitu Mao Xiaole is with him almost every day."

It is precisely because of this that he can find out some information related to Wei Xun.

"We have obtained intelligence that there may be some unclear relationship between Wei Xun and An Xuefeng."

It is said that Guitu seems to have confirmed that they are preparing to hold a wedding or something (Wang Yushu teases Mao Xiaole)

"That day, our people heard Mao Xiaole lost his soul, holding Wei Xun's hand, and said, "Is the wedding true?" "

Of course, the medium didn't believe this. The year-end celebration is coming soon. Who has the time to organize a wedding?

But it's a little unclear, this may be true.

Ha, An Xuefeng's strongest passenger actually fell in love with a new little passenger?

The medium completely treated this as a joke of An Xuefeng and told it to the Ximing people. He is very loyal, and his biggest wish is to hope that the Ximing people can be happy.

If they can't handle Bing 250, can they handle Wei Xun? He hasn't joined the return journey yet, so let's take advantage of it now!

"I have sent people to arrest--"

Before the psychic could say the words "arrest Wei Xun", his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Sir, sir?!"

The sun pendant suddenly exploded from the middle without any warning and shattered completely!

* *

Zhijia Courtyard, 11:30 pm.

All the travelers brought their own paper figures and gathered in the courtyard.

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