Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 172 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (16)

"Hiss, today's young people are really amazing."

In the movie theater where the returning brigade was stationed, Wang Pengpai turned off the barrage and looked at Bing 250's slender fingers wrapped in black gloves on the live broadcast screen, holding the Ming Dynasty token, and couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

"Old, old."

Wang Yushu deliberately let out a long sigh: "This is the first time that I feel, 'Oh, this world is really dominated by young people.' We old guys should really be eliminated... That's not right.'

Wang Yushu said with a smile: "Tsk, the only promising young people are Wei Xun and Bing 250. It seems that this world is still a world where we are old and immortal."

"Bing 250's idea of ​​​​leading the journey is not for someone of his level."

Wan Xiangchun commented: "Zhou Xiyang and the others can barely hold back."

"Hey, you are really smart and decisive."

Wang Pengpai said to himself: "This reminds me of so-and-so."

"No tour guide is as sharp as Bing250."

Wang Yushu shook his head: "Dream Chaser can barely be counted as one, but he was abducted by Zhang Xingzang as soon as he came out. Hope the brigade will protect him from wind and rain, so there won't be so much learning."

"The puppet master has grown up slowly. After the death of the Onmyoji, no one expected that she would become the second best."

"The Life-seeking Man... Tsk, when I came into the hotel, the Life-seeking Man had already reached the top."

"Fuck you, I know a little bit about it."

Wang Pengpai continued: "He levels up very quickly. Every time he digs out all the scenic spots and hidden difficulties in the journey. Each journey will increase the difficulty several times, just like Bing250."

Wang Pengpai pursed his lips and said, "It happens every time. Moreover, he basically doesn't care about the passengers. He kills many people on every journey, and many of the passenger groups are wiped out. I heard that he became a butcher very early. "

"The butcher must have killed 10,000 passengers, and the life-seeker definitely doesn't just kill people during the journey."

Wan Xiangchun said coldly.

The frequency of guided tours is stipulated by the hotel, not to mention that excluding special circumstances, a group of tourists can only have twenty-five people at most. Just relying on the group to destroy the brigade can kill 10,000 people. Even if you order people to kill for ten years, you won't be able to kill enough.

"I don't know when the Mingxi people joined the hotel. They should have been earlier than us."

Wang Pengpeng shook his head.

"Hey, you said, Bing250 always raises the difficulty of the scenic spots and cares about tourists."

Wang Yushu looked at the live broadcast. Bing250 tilted his head and wondered what he said to the dreamer. The little crystal dragon opened its wings angrily and slapped the back of Bing 250's head with its wings. He suddenly laughed and said in a low voice, "Doesn't it look like a cub born from a dream chaser and a life-seeker?"

"Don't beep. If you say that, Dream Chaser will give you nightmares for a hundred years."

Wang Pengpeng glanced at him speechlessly.

"Then why do you think the Ximing people have arrested Zhang Xingzang for ten years but never killed him and still kept him?"

Wang Yushu spread his hands with a playful smile and lowered his voice: "I had been thinking something was wrong before, but I thought it was Zhang Xingzang and the life-seeking man who were a bit..."

"Wang Yushu."


Wang Yushu stood up with excitement, his expression was extremely serious, he turned back and looked at the door: "What are the instructions from Team Security!"

An Xuefeng's tall figure stood by the door, holding a stack of information and tapping him from the air.

"Go make a dozen copies of this."

He handed a file bag to Wang Yushu and glanced at him: "Xiao Le went out again?"

"Yes, I went to meet Wei Xun."

Wang Pengpai said happily: "It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Le running out every day."

Yes, before Mao Xiaole sneaked out every day to kill people, of course you all stopped him.

Wang Yushu complained in his heart, but did not dare to say anything small in front of An Xuefeng.

After An Xuefeng left, he took a deep breath and complained:

"Huh, even though the security team didn't do anything, I feel like my whole body is starting to hurt."

"You have phantom limb pain."

Wang Pengpai said happily, took a few glances at the live broadcast room, and said happily: "But the captain will probably rarely be irritable again in the future. With Bing250 around, his condition will get better and better. Hey, it's hard for you to get beaten even if you want to." !”

"Who wants to be beaten? I'm afraid you are not seriously ill."

Wang Yushu complained, waved his hand and held the portfolio: "Okay, I'm going to work."

After Wang Yushu left, only Wang Pengpai and Wan Xiangchun were left in the theater.

"Oh, to be honest, it would be great if Xiaole could go on this journey."

Wang Pengpai said: "Even if the strength is sealed, personal weapons can still be used. At that time, you can directly send it to the Black Dragon Pond of Yuquan Mountain, or coax Nezha Ling and let him fish out the dragon."

One of Mao Xiaole’s exclusive rules-based weapons is ‘Zuo Ci’s Copper Plate’ and ‘Zuo Ci’s Fishing Rod’. The copper plate can be connected to all rivers and lakes in the world, and the fishing rod can fish anything underwater.

Not to mention anything else, just connect the copper plate to the sweet water well on Yuquan Mountain and get a plate of sweet water for Nezha Ling. This commission can be solved easily.

"It's still a bit risky to do the assessment mission at the fourth scenic spot."

By the time we reached the fourth scenic spot, the entire brigade was exhausted, and the conditions of the passengers were definitely not as good as they were at the beginning.

"It's better to start from the beginning?"

Wan Xiangchun asked expressionlessly: "They are not used to it now, but maybe by the fourth scenic spot, they will all learn to protect themselves, and the situation will be better."

"Ah this——"

Wang Pengpai was speechless for a moment when he saw Zhou Xiyang and his friends making paper figures with suspicion and vigilance in the live broadcast.

Wan Xiangchun said coldly: "They are too nervous and not in the best condition."


Wang Pengpai nodded with mixed feelings and couldn't help but defend Zhou Xiyang: "Ahem, they just didn't think it through at the beginning. They demonized Bing 250. He can really-"

Wang Pengpai covered his mouth and decided not to set up a fg for his good brother. He changed his words and said:

"But if the fourth scenic spot is assessed, it is more likely that the chief examiner will be our captain."

In fact, the chief examiner is a matter of the tour guide leader's assessment under normal circumstances, and any hotel customer service can be the supervisor.

But the assessment between Bing 250 and the devil businessman, which is like stacking BUFF, has long exceeded the ordinary level. It is definitely valued by the hotel and will contact senior people.

An Xuefeng has a connection with Bing 250. The probability of being selected as the chief examiner is very low. The main body of the playful life is trapped in the Inca Sun Gate and cannot get out.

If we push it down, just looking at the ranking of the passengers, the second one is Mao Xiaole, who is returning, and the probability is also low. The third one is Wan Anpin, but there are people from Laoshan on this trip, so the possibility is also small.

"Actually, Qi Lecheng is also quite good, but he is a younger generation and suffered a loss of time."

Wang Pengpai said that the original captain of Feihong died ten years ago, and there were some changes in the internal affairs. Qi Lecheng has only been in office for five or six years, and he is not as good as the ten-year veterans of the hostel.

"It is impossible to find it further down, so the possibility of the tour guide being the examiner is higher."

Confrontation mission, double tour guide and double team leader assessment, third-level extremely dangerous, involving the nearly unsolvable Nezha spirit, dragon and emperor, almost only the top three will come.

"The puppet master is the most likely."

Wang Pengpai's expression is indescribable: "Although that Yun Tianhe came from the Shepherds Alliance, he seems to have withdrawn from the alliance two years ago, saying that the concept is not in line with the concept or something like that."

Indeed, although Yun Tianhe has a firm belief, he seems to be very picky about tour guides. The concept he believes in is actually subtly different from the current Shepherds Alliance. So Yun Tianhe can't be considered a member of the Shepherd Alliance.

In this way, Jia Yi Xi Ming people are trapped in the Inca Sun Gate, and Jia San Dream Chaser is already the guardian. The hotel is most likely to invite the puppeteer as the chief examiner.

If Bing Erwuling is doing the assessment task at the first scenic spot.

But the fourth scenic spot...

* *

"Have you ever thought about it."

In the Zhi family compound, the dream chaser said to Wei Xun: "You are doing the assessment task at the fourth scenic spot, and the one you summon may be the person in charge."

The dream chaser also thought of this problem. According to him, the puppeteer is most likely to become the chief examiner. But if Bing Erwuling is doing the assessment task at the fourth scenic spot...

Looking at the token in his hand, the dream chaser didn't say anything.

In a normal fourth scenic spot, it is no problem for the puppeteer to be the chief examiner. But obviously, this fourth scenic spot will definitely involve dragons and emperors, which even the hotel cannot completely crush. Therefore, the hotel is likely to send the person in charge as the chief examiner.

"Can the person in charge be the chief examiner?" Wei Xun was surprised. He was playing with the token in his hand and tried to break it apart before, which made the dream chaser slap his wings. But Wei Xun was really curious, why this token did not attract monsters like Qianjia Paper. He had collected all of them. [You have obtained the token of the fallen Ming Dynasty, and your leader assessment has increased the tendency of "traditional tomb keeper"! (Complete)] [Tomb keeper is a mysterious profession. They have a special political identity and status and guard the tombs from generation to generation*. After selecting this tendency, you will complete a series of leader assessment tasks in the scenic spots related to sacrifice! ] [Please confirm your leader assessment tendency on the second day of the journey, otherwise it will be randomly selected by the chief examiner! ] Seeing this assessment tendency, Wei Xun completely understood. The tomb keeper is in charge of the imperial tomb sacrifice. They are passed down from generation to generation, and may even develop into a tomb-guarding village next to the imperial tomb. Only the tomb keepers know the corresponding sacrificial rules, and can make the seven emperors of Ming Dynasty return to the imperial tomb in glory and according to the rules of their ancestors.

But what makes Wei Xun very interested is that the tendency he got is very complete, but no monsters are attracted, and even SAN is not lost. When he approached the token, although he could hear the sound of countless people shouting "Ming" hoarsely and sadly, this sound did not make him lose SAN.

"This is the group consciousness that remains on the token."

The dream chaser said seriously: "Don't listen, it's best to collect it with special methods, otherwise it will gradually affect you."

A dynasty is carried on the faith of hundreds of millions of people. There are many situations in which a dynasty will perish, but no matter what, the destroyed dynasty will eventually have resentment.

This resentment is attached to the token. If you listen to it for a long time, it may infect people into a madman who wants to restore the Ming Dynasty. But it will not make people lose SAN, and there is not even a sign, which makes it even more difficult to guard against.

Wei Xun listened to the dream chaser's advice, took out a brocade bag and put the token in it. The dream chaser was immediately suffocated when he saw him put the brocade bag close to his body.

Putting it close to his body is naturally to maximize the effect of the "responsibility halo".

"I have to take back the Sky Fox Ball."

Wei Xun said to himself.

Wouldn't it be great if I put the responsibility magic worm in it?

Now Wei Xun's magic worm ball is full of five magic worms, namely the magic mosquito Xiaojin, the mantis No. 1, the human skin maggot, the responsibility magic worm and the third generation of the gourd.

They have the following functions:

[You are a natural concealer, and your insect swarm will be silent when traveling in hiding, and will not attract the attention of any living thing! 】

[You are a natural fighter, and your insect swarm will have weapons as sharp as blades! 】

[You are a natural observer, and your swarm will also be able to distinguish between your real enemies and your potential teammates! 】

[Responsibility, any living thing or non-living thing will have some affection and sense of responsibility towards you after seeing you. The longer you get along, the greater the impact of responsibility will be. Your swarm will also carry the corresponding effect, but it will be weaker! 】

[You and your insect swarm seem to have a subtle connection with a mysterious place! 】

Wei Xun didn't put Xiao Cui in it because Xiao Cui was the 'King'. This magic insect ball had been played with by the devil merchant many times, so Wei Xun didn't worry about letting Xiao Cui in it.

The 'hidden' and 'combatant' features brought by Xiaojin and Mantis One are practical and very easy to use. In fact, now that the demon bees have been raised, Wei Xun can hardly use the combat power of the three mantis brothers. However, the demon bees have a fatal problem, that is, they are strongly dependent on the mother bee.

Simply putting the Demon Bee into the Demon Insect Ball will have very little effect. Unless the mother bee is also put in.

But Wei Xun can only hold five magic insects in the magic insect ball now, which is still too few.

The human skin maggots are huge, and Wei Xun brought them after thinking about them for a long time. It is not directly related to the Tomb of the Tusi King. Wei Xun had tried it before when he was still stationed in the brigade. The maggots that entered the magic insect ball would not attract the special attention of the Dream Chasers.

After all, it is not a Thirty Degrees North item.

But in fact, Maggot Da is directly related to Wu Laoliu, who is currently staying in the tomb of the Tusi King. There are too many dangers in this journey. If it is used well, it may be an unexpected weapon.

However, the maggots are not very useful at present. From the current point of view, the most useful ones are the responsibility demon insect and the third generation of the lady.

The Responsibility Demon Bug and the Lady Lady are must-haves. With them, Wei Xun has a "responsibility aura" on the one hand, and on the other hand, he can detect how high other people's sense of responsibility and joy are towards him, and whether he is affected by it.

For example, when Wei Xun looked at the devil merchant, he could see:

[Sense of responsibility 70-75]

[Happiness 10-90]

When he first got on the bus yesterday, the devil businessman's responsibility level for him was only about 45. Wei Xun found that when his joy plummeted and surged, and his mood fluctuated, he was most affected by the responsibility bug and his responsibility grew the fastest.

From then on Wei Xun started the operation.

Up to now, the Devil Merchant's joy has changed drastically three times. When he found out that Qianjia Paper might be his assessment tendency, Wei Xun said, "We won't assess him at the first scenic spot," which made him wonder if Wei Xun was going to compete with him for the second place. During the scenic spot assessment, and late last night.

Except for the time when Wei Xun fell asleep late at night, the other two times he made the Devil Merchant's joy first fall to the bottom and then rebound.

So now, the Devil Merchant has an extremely high 75 on his responsibility.

You must know that Yu Hehui's sense of responsibility for him is 80-90, and the devil businessman's sense of responsibility is already very high at this time! He has reached the point where he is subconsciously responsible for Wei Xun!

In contrast, there is one person in this brigade who has a strange sense of responsibility, and that is Yun Tianhe. His sense of responsibility is [0-100], and the fluctuations are extremely scary.

Because the head reaches 100, the Responsibility Demonic Insect has no effect on him. But at the same time, this lowest 0 also bothered Wei Xun.

Yun Tianhe's faith is too firm. His sense of responsibility is not directed at Wei Xun, but toward the "tour guide he longs for." Now that Wei Xun perfectly fits Yun Tianhe's vision of a shepherd, his sense of responsibility can always remain at 100. , even if Wei Xun asked him to die, he would be willing to do so.

However, once Wei Xun no longer meets the requirements - look at that 0, you will know what will happen.

Even Yun Lianghan’s sense of responsibility is higher than 0!

[Sense of responsibility 30-35]

Reluctantly, it’s ‘Bing250 can only be killed by me and not by others! ’ This creates a sense of responsibility.

Apart from them, Mekel and Taoist Ban Ming both have a sense of responsibility for him of around 65, and it is Wei Xun who will take action when he is in danger. Zhou Xiyang's sense of responsibility is around 90, and he will die for Wei Xun.

But Bai Xiaotian and Wei Xun couldn't see the sense of responsibility on October 10th. It was probably because the means used to seal their strength were too strong, making it impossible for the outside world to perceive them, and the third generation couldn't see it either. Wei Xun, the sense of responsibility of Dream Chaser and Black Widow, can't see it either, maybe because they are not here in person.

But the sense of responsibility on the West Side's Three Wolves side is interesting.

The werewolf Augustus had a lower sense of responsibility than Yun Lianghan, hovering around 20. But Wei Xun, the werewolf siblings Mia and Olena, could not see their sense of responsibility.

This situation is the same as when Wei Xun looked at Bai Xiaotian on October 10th.

"This is interesting."

Wei Xun sighed.

There are also two people who have sealed the power hidden in the werewolf side, so the question arises, does Augustus know about this?

Thinking further... Are the werewolves really the only force infiltrating the Western District?

"Interesting? Not interesting!"

Crystal Xiaolong said angrily: "It is not fun for the person in charge to be an examiner!"

‘It would be great if * * * were your examiner’

The dream chaser immediately communicated with Wei Xun silently and said in a solemn tone: 'But the person in charge of the rotating hotel now is..., and he is more likely to come. ···We have some grudges against An Xuefeng and me, and he may deliberately make things difficult for you. ’

‘I’m curious, I wonder if you can talk about this. ’

Wei Xun had actually been curious for a long time.

‘Are all the people in charge of the hotel sliced ​​up by you guys? ’

* * * It was An Xuefeng who was sliced, so were the other principals also sliced?

'Some are, some are not. In addition to the host, the hotel also has a parliament... things at the top are very troublesome.'

The dream chaser said solemnly, without going into details, but simply said: 'You know that the Butcher Alliance is a cross-district organization, and there are actually both East and West districts. But the Butchers' Alliance in the West End is not quite the same as the Butchers' Alliance in the East End, and it's not run by life-hungry people. ’

‘The union of the East and West District Butchers Alliance relies entirely on the ‘World Butchers Parliament’, of which Yin Yang Butterfly is one of the top ten members. The World Butchers' Parliament is in contact with the parliament inside the Thriller Global Hotel. ’

The dreamer said meaningfully: 'Of course, there are organizations like the Butchers' Council among world travelers, and Wan Xiangchun, who is on your way back, is one of them. ’

Wei Xun didn't mind what Dream Chaser said, "Your return journey." He was thinking. Wei Xun has always been wondering, where did the Thriller Global Hotel come from and where does it go? How long did it last? Whether anyone could actually escape from the hotel and why it was never recorded.

Why are most of the top experts in the hotel now entering the hotel in the past ten years? What about those people before? Are they all dead?

But now the Dream Chaser told him that inside the Thriller Global Hotel, in addition to the power of the principal, there is also the existence of a 'parliament'. So is it possible that those powerful people in the past actually became members of the parliament?

So where are they fighting?

Wei Xun was thinking about his parents. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was meaningless. His level was still too low now.

‘Don’t worry, Chasing Dreams, I will definitely carry forward our mutual aid association’

Wei Xun pointed out: "When the time comes, it will develop into a mutual aid council, which will be no worse than the World Butchers Council." You are the strongest member of our parliament, and you will definitely be able to connect with the higher-ups.'

'What are you talking about...'

Dream Chaser Xiaolong was a little confused, but he clearly heard comfort from Wei Xun's tone. comfort? What did Bing250 do to comfort him?

Thinking about it more carefully, the dream chaser suddenly felt dumbfounded. Bing 250 felt that he, the Dream Chaser, had neither become the head of Slice, nor was he a member of the Butchers Alliance, nor had he become a member of Parliament. In the past ten years, I have been busy all because of Zhang Xingzang. I also fell ill and even had problems with my journey to the 30th North Latitude...

Is it really too pitiful?

It was indeed quite sad to think like this, but Dream Chaser had a good attitude and didn't care about this. At this moment, he couldn't laugh or cry, and said angrily: "Okay, just focus on yourself."

But I have to say that Bing250’s concern was very useful to Dream Chaser. Think about what he said about the prospects of the mutual aid association...hiss.

Maybe in another ten years, the Mutual Aid Association of Bing250 will develop into a large organization like the Butchers Alliance?

The dreamer thought uncertainly, and suddenly felt a little hopeful.


The crystal dragon coughed and suddenly flew from Wei Xun's shoulder to his hand, lying in his hand very domineeringly.

"Why are you so good at causing trouble? I'm really at a loss as your guardian."

He complained, and then ordered: "Clean the scales for me. If you can't clean them well, I won't take you."

It looked like he was looking for trouble, but in fact Wei Xun felt a soft, spherical object about the size of a quail egg roll down from the crystal dragon's belly into his palm, but was completely blocked by the crystal dragon.

'This is--'

Dream Chaser was about to introduce it, but Wei Xun said in surprise: 'Dream Chaser, have you laid an egg? ! ’

Dream Chaser almost fainted from anger.

‘Next fart! Show me the next one! ’

He said angrily, and then he snorted angrily and explained: 'This is the mentality of a silverfish. I thought you must have a tendency to travel in the minibus, so I smuggled it over for you.'

‘Now even if you find the tendency object of the fourth scenic spot, it is best not to use the token to select this assessment tendency. Consciousness infection... is more difficult than monsters. If one person is not handled well, the entire brigade will be affected. ’

It will be beneficial to obtain the tendency object in advance and use it to select the assessment. Because it can better reflect the strength of the tour guide than being randomly assigned by the examiner.

The advantage is that the assessment guide can incorporate tendencies. For example, if Wei Xun chooses the assessment tendency of the paper tie, he can integrate into the paper tie golden boy and have more control over the paper human monsters, the dangers in the paper tie, and even gain the favor of the paper man.

Of course, the benefits of a hotel are never given to you for free, and are always accompanied by dangers. For example, after integrating into the paper-made golden boy and girl, a person will gradually turn into a paper man and be affected by the powerful influence of the paper man.

The farther back the scenic spot is, the more dangerous it is, and the same is true. If you choose to take the assessment at this scenic spot, the integration will be over after the assessment. But if the Devil Merchant chooses a shadow puppet, after he incorporates the tendency object, he will continue to be affected by the Skinned Butcher or the Shadow Puppet Man until the end of the assessment.

The dream chaser is worried about this. Wei Xun's inclination object is at the fourth scenic spot. If he fuses the token, his consciousness will be affected by it for almost the entire journey.

In the end, he might become a madman with a mind full of recovery.

‘If the examiner chooses a topic, although it cannot incorporate the tendencies, it will not affect you in this way. ’

The dream chaser said: "You give the shadow puppet donkey to the devil merchant and let him choose the assessment tendency. But if the examiner is..., even if you give up the paper-making tendency, as long as you don't choose it, he will definitely "randomly" give you to the paper-making. '

It seems that... and An Xuefeng, the dream chaser, really have a big grudge.

Wei Xun silently wrote it down and didn't interrupt the dream chaser.

'So you have to burn the Qianjia paper to transcend it'

The dream chaser said coldly: 'Without the monster, the assessment of this attraction will be automatically invalidated. In this way, he can only randomly give you to the fourth attraction! '

But the Qianjia paper is too big, even with the Phoenix Fire, it is very difficult to burn it all. It may not be burned from now until the early morning.

But the silverfish is commonly known as the scissor worm, and it is a natural nemesis of paper! The silverfish that the dream chaser gave him is a mutant, and it doesn't look like a worm at all, but more like a white fluffy ball.

Wei Xun returned to his room and blocked the live broadcast. The dream chaser stole the silverfish for him, and he would not expose it. Wei Xun tried it with paper. The plush ball was so happy to see the paper that it was like crazy, and it rolled hard. But after rolling for a long time, it couldn't even get a scrap of paper off.

It is not a normal silverfish. The dream chaser brought it to a spiritual state, which can't handle ordinary paper at all.

But when Wei Xun took out the special five-star paper man with a trace of Qianjia paper soul, the situation changed. The spiritual silverfish can just deal with the spiritual Qianjia paper!

At this moment, the room is very quiet.

The phoenix feather is placed on the left, and the silverfish ball is placed on the right.

Wei Xun sat in the middle, holding the special five-star paper man in his hand.

The dream-chasing little dragon yawned while holding the longevity pillow, and the New Year painting Nezha sat with his back turned and drank sugar water angrily, but in fact, one of his heads was looking at Wei Xun.

When Wei Xun picked up the phoenix feather, the paper man couldn't hold back and rushed to him enthusiastically like a husky!

Then Wei Xun picked up the silverfish hair ball and rolled it over it.


Wei Xun heard a loud slurping sound, and the silverfish hair ball licked it vigorously.

The special five-star paper man was instantly split into two halves.

In fact, the soul of Qianjia Paper was licked off by it, and the soul affected the body, so the five-star paper man was also broken.

Paper man:? !

It looked at Wei Xun in disbelief, exuding rage, confusion, grievance, anger, hostility and other complex emotions.

But at this time, Wei Xun picked up the phoenix feather and touched it.

Paper man:!

The paper man that was broken into two pieces suddenly felt comfortable and enjoyed the flame SPA. But the next second, Wei Xun extinguished the flame and rolled the silverfish over it again.

The paper man was split into four halves.

Paper man:? !

But just as it was about to rage and bite back, Wei Xun lit it up again.

"The more you break it, the smaller the pieces, and the faster it burns." Wei Xun said slowly, repeating the process of burning and tearing. Gradually, Qianjia Paper seemed to understand. It understood! Seeing that Qianjia Paper's soul understood, Wei Xun stopped burning it. It was too strenuous to communicate with the giant Qianjia Paper, so he simply explained it to its soul first, and then summoned Qianjia Paper and put it back, and Qianjia Paper would naturally understand. It was too big, and it was unrealistic to tear it with a silverfish. It would be better for it to tear itself first. "Hey, this paper man stinks, I don't like it." After Wei Xun took the paper man back, the New Year painting Nezha said stiffly. "But it's useful." Wei Xun said lightly: "The fate of the paper man is to burn in the flames and return to the underworld. But Qianjia Paper is a collection of countless unburned paper man fragments from generation to generation. It cannot return to the underworld, so it has resentment." So burning will make Qianjia Paper happy and happy. "If Qianjia Paper is happy, then it will be smooth tonight to put eyes on the paper figures."


The New Year Painting Nezha snorted heavily and said loudly: "But I am not happy! I don't like paper figures!"

When he shouted, the whole Eight-Armed Nezha City was shaken. The newly tied paper figures in the warehouse were crushed and died on the spot without any signs, which scared the passengers and the devil merchants and they were ready to fight on the spot.

But after this shock, there was no follow-up.


Wei Xun was not scared by the New Year Painting Nezha at all, and just replied calmly.

"Then do you like to drink sweet water?"


The New Year Painting Nezha looked at Wei Xun's chest as if hinting, where the brocade bag containing the token was hidden. He said loudly: "I like sweet water the most."

"If you make me happy, the commission will be completed!"

This was a very obvious hint, but Wei Xun smiled and said leisurely: "The Ming Dynasty has been gone for hundreds of years. Let me be the tomb keeper for the Ming Dynasty? Do you think it's possible?"

The eyes of Nezha in the New Year painting changed completely, but Wei Xun continued:

"In fact, I am very curious, why do you want to help him?"

"The sweet water of Yuquan Mountain is just a cover. What you really want is to let the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty return to the imperial tomb? According to legend, it was Liu Bowen and Yao Guangxiao who designed the Eight-Armed Nezha City. The emperor at that time was Zhu Di. How could he be considered as one of the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Humph, you don't understand."

Nezha in the New Year painting said impatiently, and walked to Wei Xun with a clatter, sat down cross-legged, and his eyes were full of impatience.

"I, Nezha, never owe favors to anyone!"

"I understand."

Wei Xun nodded thoughtfully.

The greatest achievement of Zhu Qiyu, the seventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was his victory in the Battle of Beijing, which repelled the invasion of the Oirat Mongols.

Defending Beijing, objectively speaking, meant saving the Eight-Armed Nezha.

The spirit of the Eight-armed Nezha City was born in the Ming Dynasty, and fell into a dormant state with the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Now, with the revival and prosperity of the country, it is gradually awakening as the capital.

Objectively speaking, the current Nezha spirit is awakened by the unimaginable prosperity of modern China and the people's faith, and has little to do with the Ming Dynasty.


"He can't go back. He is so resentful that he is almost an evil spirit. What if he makes trouble here?" Nezha snorted, "Just send him away."

"You are afraid that he will become an evil spirit."

Wei Xun pointed out the meaning of Nezha's awkward words.

Although it is no longer a spirit of the Ming Dynasty, Nezha dares to love and hate, and never wants to owe others a favor. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, established his capital in Nanjing and was buried in Nanjing Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum after his death. The whereabouts of the second emperor Zhu Yunwen are unknown. Some people say that he became a monk, so there is no mausoleum*

All other emperors of the Ming Dynasty, except the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty, were buried in the Tianshou Mountain Mausoleum! After death, they are buried in the imperial mausoleum. No matter how much resentment they had during their lifetime, it will gradually disappear. After all, the ancestors are all here.

They are all fine, so Nezha Ling has nothing to worry about.

But the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty are different! Zhu Qiyu was the emperor for eight years, but was betrayed by his subordinates in the end. After his brother Yingzong was restored to the throne, he destroyed his mausoleum in Tianshou Mountain and buried him in Jingtai Mausoleum in the north of Yuquan Mountain with the ceremony of a prince, which was even more humiliating.

Jingtai Mausoleum is remote and has poor qi and veins. It should not be a place to build a mausoleum. Later, Jingtai Mausoleum was severely damaged, and even the mausoleum was flattened and the mausoleum monument was knocked down. *

How could Zhu Qiyu not complain and hate!

According to Nezha Ling, the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty might all fall into evil spirits. Nezha Ling was not afraid of him making trouble, but clearly did not want this person who had done him a favor to end up like this.

"Tomb keeper... I'm not asking you to be one forever."

Nezha Ling glared at him and snorted, "I know you're weak, so you don't have to worry about the dispute between them. When the time comes, just do the sacrifice well."

This is Nezha Ling's promise. He was also afraid that Wei Xun would not be a tomb keeper. If Wei Xun didn't perform the burning of paper figures in front of him and pretended to be assessed at this scenic spot, Nezha Ling wouldn't be anxious.

All the benefits are earned by oneself.

Even if Wei Xun was sure that he would be assessed at the fourth scenic spot, he didn't say it, hey, just to negotiate with Nezha Ling!

"The Third Prince is generous."

"But if I become a tomb keeper, I will be immersed in the consciousness of the Ming Dynasty."

Wei Xun bowed to Nezha Ling, praised him, and then said: "You know, this is already a modern society. I am not a Ming Dynasty person, and I don't want to be a Ming Dynasty person."

Nezha Ling is a modern Nezha Ling, so of course he understands the changes of the times better.

Nezha Ling frowned: "But without the influence of Ming consciousness, you can't become the chief of the Ming Mausoleum Keepers without the recognition of the Ming Dynasty!"

The chief of the mausoleum keepers.

Wei Xun's heart moved. It seems that the difference between integrating or not integrating the tendencies lies here. If he doesn't integrate, even if the examiner lets him take the test at the fourth scenic spot and become a mausoleum keeper, he will not be the chief of the mausoleum keepers.

It seems that only the chief of the mausoleum keepers can help the return of the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty.

"If you are not the chief of the mausoleum keepers, you will no longer be of any use to me."

Nezha Ling said coldly, his eyes gradually turned pure black, and there was a flame-like black and red pattern on his forehead, which was full of murderous aura.

Love wants him to live, hate wants him to die, Nezha Ling is the result of the impressions in the hearts of countless people, and he is the most extremely domineering.

He has never been a good person to deal with.

This is a blatant threat. Either integrate into the token or die. There is no room for bargaining.

Ming Qidi had done him a favor. Compared with Ming Qidi, Wei Xun was nothing to Nezha Ling.

"You know, I'm not afraid of death."

Wei Xun just smiled: "Death threats mean nothing to me."

"There are countless things in this world that are more painful than death."

Nezha Ling said gloomily, but the next moment he saw Wei Xun's surprise: "Really?!"

Then he was entangled again: "You look like a child after all, it's not good for us to talk about this."

Wei Xun hesitated and lowered his voice: "How about this, you pull me out, and I will let you torture me, how about it?"

Can Nezha Ling fight against the Horror Global Hotel?

"It's useless for me to want you!"

Nezha Ling was angry and punched through the floor: "What's the use of wanting you!"

He also realized that he might not be able to threaten Wei Xun. If he went through so much trouble to get him out of the hotel just to torture him... Is Nezha Ling a fool!

But if he doesn't leave the hotel, Wei Xun will definitely leave after ten days.

This made Nezha Ling suddenly entangled.

"Actually, I am somewhat interested in being the keeper of the Ming Mausoleum. You know, I like to pursue excitement." Seeing Nezha Ling lost in thought, Wei Xun said slowly: "The fusion token is actually just one of the ways. As long as they can recognize me, I can become the keeper of the Ming Mausoleum, right?" "You are talking nonsense." Nezha Ling said angrily: "Unless you are a Ming Dynasty person and are determined to restore the Ming Dynasty, how can they recognize you!" Wei Xun asked: "Do you still want to restore the Ming Dynasty now?" "Bullshit! Restoring what Ming!" Nezha Ling was angry: "I am so annoyed, what do you want to say? Will you say it directly?!" "I mean, maybe I have a way."

Wei Xun got the answer he wanted, and he laughed. He took out the magic insect ball he got back from the devil merchant and took out a small golden ladybug.

"Please look at this little bug, Third Prince."

Wei Xun chuckled and lowered his voice, whispering like a devil: "You said that as long as we get the recognition of Mingzhi...then let them be responsible for me, isn't it good?"

As long as they start to take responsibility, they will naturally admit it.

"You... your insect is so amazing." Nezha Ling looked at it curiously, but then shook his head: "But it is too young to affect the consciousness of the extinction of an entire dynasty." "So, the Third Prince also thinks this is feasible, but the golden circle is too small, right?" Wei Xun casually gave the responsible demon insect a name and smiled slowly: "The Third Prince is a man of great significance. I have grown up listening to your legend since I was a child. I am lucky to meet and get along with you. Even if I accept the Third Prince's commission, how can I collect rewards?" Wei Xun said sincerely: "You are my idol, I really want to be friends with you. It is normal for friends to help each other." "Please help me, Third Prince, help it grow up. In this way, I can also help you open the Ming Mausoleum for sacrifice and send the seven emperors of the Ming Dynasty back to the mausoleum." Nezha's eyes turned. Commissioned tasks, of course, are rewarded. Although the reward depends entirely on his mood, if Wei Xun can complete the highest level, he must also give Wei Xun corresponding benefits. But if Wei Xun took the initiative to say that he didn't want any reward... just helping each other...

This little bug...

Nezha Ling suddenly laughed and said cheerfully: "I think you are very smart, I like smart people the most."

Smart people have a bright future.

If Wei Xun hadn't come, sending the Seventh Emperor of Ming back to the imperial mausoleum would have been very difficult and would have taken a long time to plan. But with Wei Xun's arrival, it seemed that the matter was actually easy to solve.

The Seventh Emperor of Ming wanted to return to the imperial mausoleum, and Nezha Ling had actually been tired of staying in this city for a long time.

Who wouldn't want to go out and take a look?

Nezha Ling saw an opportunity in Wei Xun. Maybe Wei Xun could let him go out for a walk in the future.

"But I don't lack friends."

Nezha Ling smiled cunningly and said slowly: I lack a blood brother, you see-"


Wei Xun called him directly and openly.


Nezha responded happily: "Good brother, your little bug is called Jinquan, and you have some fate with my Qiankun Circle. We are destined to be brothers!" Wei Xun and Nezha Ling smiled at each other, and everything was said without words. "It's just helping the little bug grow, what's the difficulty?" Nezha Ling took over the magic bug and said proudly: "Look, brother will help you!"

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