Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 171 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (15)

"What is the origin of Granny Zhi?"

On the other side, the passengers who were taken to the warehouse by Sister Qian to check the paper-making materials were also talking.

"I said before that this journey is a sequel. Grandma Zhi is most likely related to the grandmother from the Republic of China who traveled to Hengdian."

Taoist Ban Ming said: "This is also based on evidence. You should all be warned before joining the group, 'grandma's new clothes'"

For extremely dangerous journeys, the specific attraction itinerary is only displayed after the journey begins, and passengers can only receive very few reminders before the journey begins. For example, this time I only know the code name Jingjiao and the words "grandma's new clothes".

Mekel said: "I remember this was a gambling group between Youdu and Laoshan, so the whole process was broadcast live."

"Yes, it was when we in Laoshan and Youdu competed for ranking."

The half-life Taoist replied. The rankings of brigades are not actually based on the same system as brigades, but the brigades under a powerful brigade are usually equally powerful, so the rankings seem to correspond. But in fact, in the past few years, fourth-placed Youdu and third-placed Laoshan have been competing for the ranking of tour groups.

Thriller Global Hotel has resources to support teams and groups. During the year-end celebration every year, various resources will be distributed according to the total points ranking. The top fifty is one level, the top ten is one level, and the top five is one level. , the top three are on another level.

Therefore, the battle between third and fourth is quite fierce.

"It was the annihilation of the entire army that severely damaged Youdu's vitality."

After all, during the live broadcast, Banming Taoist said more implicitly and objectively: "Actually, after that journey, if everyone can survive, Youdu's points will still be a little worse than Laoshan."

"So they wanted to take a different approach and create branch attractions. But this ended up being a bad recipe."

The leader of the group was the leader of Youdu, and the tour guides accompanying the group were tour guides trained by Youdu. Therefore, no one has any objection to sacrificing the interests of the tour guide to visit scenic spots and increase the points of the entire team.

"Actually, they have already opened this line of attractions, which is the Republic of China Courtyard."

After all, Taoist Ban Ming was the deputy commander of Laoshan. It was inappropriate for him to talk about this kind of thing, so Zhou Xiyang took up the topic.

"In the courtyard of the Republic of China, the Bai family is a century-old family and is extremely wealthy. Old Mrs. Bai has passed away long ago, leaving only Granny Bai. This Granny Bai will be 100 years old in a few years, but she is in poor health. How many people are there in the Bai family? The filial sons and grandsons of Fang are vying for the family property while scrambling to please Grandma Bai. "

Such a story was filmed in the Republic of China Courtyard of Hengdian Film and Television City.

"The Youdu Group received a commission from the third room of the Bai family to get a new dress for grandma that will bring happiness and longevity. The new clothes that can bring happiness and longevity to the old man are, of course, the shroud. At the same time, the third room of the Bai family There is also a strange requirement, which is that the longer the history, the more powerful the ‘new clothes’ are.”

Zhou Xiyang said: "Then the Youdu Group gave a Qin Dynasty-style 'shroud' to the third bedroom of the Bai family."

On the journey to Hengdian Film and Television City, the first attraction is the Ming and Qing Palace Gardens, the second attraction is the Qin Palace, and the third attraction is Hong Kong Street. In terms of age, of course the Qin Dynasty is the oldest.

It's just that new clothes are very troublesome. They have a long history and age, and they also need to be new clothes. How is this possible?

"The people in Youdu were very clever at that time. Anyway, they finally produced a standard Qin Dynasty standard shroud. The third bedroom of the Bai family was very satisfied. I heard that they even received praise from the old lady Bai because of this shroud, saying that the old lady Bai wanted to Want to see them."

This sight directly wiped out the people in Youdu.

"At the end of the journey, the entire Republic of China compound was turned into paper and burned to the ground. The last charred ashes left behind were a picture of Nezha with eight arms, which dispersed as soon as the wind blew."

Zhou Xiyang sighed quietly: "Grandma Zhi in the Zhi family courtyard died on her 100th birthday."

Although the chief housekeeper of the Zhi Family Courtyard was in a state of disrepair, with the presence of Bai Xiaotian, a man who is good at controlling paper, and his natal paper man, he was still able to extract a lot of information, such as Grandma Zhi's age. '.

Mekel interjected: "Actually, it's strange that a shroud has to last for a long time. A shroud cannot be worn randomly depending on the age."

"If the grandma of the Republic of China just wanted to imitate human behavior and gain popularity by wearing a shroud in preparation for her final funeral and burial as a human being, it would be best for her to find a modern shroud. The closer to the current era, the better. from ancient times.”

Grandma Zhi herself does not belong to this era. She is different from the spirits who can keep pace with the times. What era is she a paper figurine from, and what materials are she using? These will leave her with an "old-fashioned" look.

In order to cover up this ancient atmosphere and prevent Yin Cha from discovering it, wearing a modern shroud is almost enough, so why would he make such a big show of getting a shroud from the Qin Dynasty?

* *

"Each dynasty and each generation follows the Five Elements and has a mutually restraining relationship."

On the other side, the dream chaser also talked about this matter: ""Historical Records·Fengchan Book" records: 'The Yellow Emperor gained the virtue of earth, the yellow dragon saw the earthworms, the summer gained the virtue of wood, and the blue dragon stopped in the suburbs... Today, the Qin Dynasty has changed to the Zhou Dynasty. At the time of water virtue, Duke Wen of Qin once went hunting and caught a black dragon, which was an auspicious sign of water virtue."

"Qin Shihuang also praised and always said that Qin respected the color black, which corresponds to the virtue of water. If you push it down this way, it is obviously the virtue of fire."

"In terms of the five elements, water should defeat fire, right?"

The devil businessman listened dazedly for a long time, and finally caught a connection that he understood.

Water overcomes fire, water virtue overcomes fire virtue, Qin Dynasty and Ming Dynasty light should be in a mutually restraining relationship in terms of the five elements.

"Then if Grandma Zhi really wanted to help that Ming Dynasty emperor, why did she need the Qin Dynasty's shroud?"

"Because paper belongs to wood."

Wei Xun said: "Water produces wood. Grandma Zhi got the Qin-style shroud, and her strength increased greatly. The Hengdian regiment at that time might have been destroyed because of it."

"When wood makes fire again, Granny Zhi's strength increases greatly, which will help Ming."

"As for whether this is the case, we will know when we open the coffin and see if Grandma Zhi is wearing a Qin-style black shroud.

"You make it sound as if it's as simple as opening the coffin."

The Devil Merchant complained, but he tried hard to think about the relationship between Dream Chaser and Wei Xun, and he felt that it made some sense.

"So the matter of Grandma Zhi's funeral actually secretly involves the return of the Ming Dynasty emperor who was buried in Yuquan Mountain to the imperial mausoleum."

The Devil Merchant frowned: "But such an important matter is not mentioned in the trip introduction, and our tour guide has not received relevant news."

"Silly boy, is this really important?"

Black Widow sighed faintly: "This is not something you should come into contact with on this journey. It involves the emperor of the East, the dragon, the imperial mausoleum, Nezha... it is worthy of a fake unsolved journey."

Although there is no solution, it is actually the highest level five extremely dangerous journey among extremely dangerous journeys. Although it is not at 30 degrees north latitude, the difficulty is very close.


Dream Chasers rarely agree with Black Widow on this point: "Just looking at the prompts on your tour guide tickets, you will know that this has nothing to do with you."

Previously, Wei Xun got a guided tour ticket after the tour group list came out. He also had it when the Devil Merchant came into the mix. The front of this tour guide ticket says [Grandma’s New Clothes].

On the back it says [In the past hundred years, grandma has been in poor health and has stayed in the old house every day and rarely gone out. I bought this dress for my grandma, saying it would make her happy. I received the new clothes. Grandma likes them very much. She wears them every day and is willing to go out. She also said that she will wear hats in winter. But before winter came, grandma passed away]

I just named the factors such as the centenarian grandma, the old house, the shroud, the happiness, the grandma’s liking, and the fact that she died before winter came.

In this prompt, Shouti said that he had "bought it" and did not mention anything about Hengdian Cinemas. What's more, Granny Zhi is already lying in the coffin. Under normal circumstances, no one can find out what kind of shroud she is wearing.

This was not something they should have encountered in the first place.

The devil merchant is quite calm. After all, he had never experienced an extremely dangerous journey before. The dragons and emperors that Dream Chasers talk about are almost the same thing as Mr. Skinner and Nezha Ling in his eyes.

Anyway, he accepted all the tasks. The greater the danger, the greater the benefit. This is what he came on this journey to do.

Furthermore, if nothing else, the extremely dangerous journey would have been fatally difficult for him, and he would most likely die.

Since they are both dangerous and can lead to death, there is no difference. Anyway, since the more dangerous Qianjiazhi, Mr. Peeling, and Nezha Ling were brought out, this originally extremely dangerous third-level journey has been suppressed.

Look at Sister Qian's gangsters being so docile, the devil businessman couldn't even think about it before they were released.

He felt that what Xiaocui said made sense.

Maybe if that emperor is found, Nezha Ling will be suppressed.

"So, are you really going to give me the shadow puppet donkey and then go on the assessment mission at the fourth random attraction?"

"No, not for you. I told you, this is the deal."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "I got this shadow puppet donkey when I changed the lantern. If I didn't get it, you would never get it. If I got it, you would have a chance."

The devil merchant nodded. This is indeed the truth. It is the assistant director's job to lead the lantern. As the leader, exploring the backyard is more dangerous than Xiao Cui.

"Tell me what you want."

"I want the items for the fourth scenic spot assessment tendency."

Wei Xun said: "The examiner is random. It is better to find the tendency directly. Who knows what kind of person the examiner will be. What if he has a grudge against me and deliberately plots against me."

"You should also pay attention. Although you have an incomplete team leader assessment, it stands to reason that if it is random, the bias will be greater, but what if the examiner has a grudge against you?"

"It's better to keep things in your own hands."

Wei Xun smiled: "Of course, if I find it, you can also exchange it for the shadow puppet donkey with something else. I'm still...very interested in you."

Having said that, Wei Xun planned to go to the warehouse to watch the passengers making paper figurines, and parted ways with the devil merchant.

‘Actually, there are other ways to complete this commissioned task. ’

When they were far away, Dream Chaser communicated silently with Wei Xun.

‘What you said is the most difficult and the most complete solution’

Nezha Ling's commission was to 'find' sweet water, not to 'find' sweet water. To find is a verb and to find is a state. Generally speaking, people will naturally understand it as the latter, which is a word game.

Just looking at it, this commissioned task can be divided into several completion stages. From finding information about the whereabouts of 'Tianshui' to actually retrieving Tianshui, the mission can be considered completed.

Normally, when looking for sweet water, you should start with the ‘dragon’. There are many legends related to dragons in the city of Beijing, but the Nezha spirit keeps them in check. In fact, most of these legendary 'dragons' are not real dragons, but just come from the Dragon Palace. For example, the legend of Xianyukou.

It is said that Xianyukou Hutong was originally called Xianshikou. In the late Qing Dynasty, an old man bought a live carp from Xianyukou and took it home. After putting it in the water tank, the carp turned out to be very beautiful and emitted a golden light. The old man was reluctant to kill it, so he kept it for one night. When he went to see it the next day, he found that the carp had disappeared, leaving only a tank of gold.

He is the fish fairy who rescued the Dragon Palace from disaster. Later, the name of Xianshikou was changed to Xianyukou, and a limerick said: "Xianshikou is weak and fresh fish are flourishing. The old man rescues the fish and returns them to the Dragon Palace. How can there be a reunion day for the aquarium? The gold and silver are in hand and the fish are released."

If Wei Xun went shopping at Xianyukou, he might also buy such calamity carp. Only people can save you from the dangerous situation of being slaughtered and sold. Nezha Ling couldn't take action, but Wei Xun and the others could.

After saving the Fish Fairy and communicating with the Dragon Palace through it, there will naturally be a chance to obtain information about the Dragon Son hidden in Yuquan Mountain.

However, the degree of completion is definitely not high, and it is difficult to obtain more rewards from Nezha Ling. And depending on Nezha Ling's personality, he might think you are perfunctory, his favor for you will drop, and he will start to stumbling upon you.

‘I’m talking about what’s most profitable and what’s best for me. ’

Wei Xun smiled and said: 'The extremely dangerous journey is still too simple for the outstanding passengers I brought. ’

'Look, Qian Jiazhi and Mr. Peeling are out, and the three wolves and Yun Lianghan have no time to cause trouble anymore.'

‘When Nezha’s spirit comes out, those ‘masters’ who have hidden strength will no longer be able to assassinate me.’

'When the emperor and the dragon come out... the black widow won't have time to plot against me.'

‘This way, everyone is on the same starting line. ’

Everyone is in danger of life and death, and no one is nobler than anyone else. The current journey is simply like a food chain, one layer upon another, and the highest level ‘emperor’ needs the help of the weakest tour guide, forming a perfect closed loop.

‘You have killed a thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses’

The dreamer couldn't laugh or cry.

It stands to reason that the overall strength of the Eastern District is superior, but with Wei Xun's actions, both sides are now exhausted and have no time to engage in internal fighting.

‘Also, even if I don’t say anything about the East-West District confrontation mission, the Black Widow has come in, and it will be exposed sooner or later.’

The dream chaser became serious: "If you are really exposed, then the Three Werewolves of the West will risk their lives to kill you."

If the West District really fails, the people in the West District will definitely turn their anger on them. Even if they don't die during the journey, the Werewolf Alliance may not keep them all alive.

He might protect the strongest Augustus, kill one or a pair of the werewolf siblings, or perform some meritorious deeds, but there would be no good consequences anyway.

‘They risked their lives to kill me, wouldn’t Zhou Xiyang and the others risk their lives to protect me? ’

Wei Xun smiled and said: 'If you deal with the Black Widow again... when it comes time to risk your life, the East District is still stronger. Black Widow knows this, so putting this matter on the record will not do any good to the West Side. Instead, it will completely unite the people in the East Side and kill the people in the West Side first.'

Therefore, Black Widow will not put the confrontation mission out in the open and tell the Three Werewolves of the West District.

Furthermore, Wei Xun heard the devil merchant talk about the distribution of power in the Western Region. The forces of the Werewolf Alliance and Black Widow belong to two different camps and are not united. That's why the devil businessman can maintain a small degree of freedom by swinging between these two organizations.

Whether Black Widow will trust the Three's hard to say.

‘If you were the Black Widow, faced with this situation, would you tell others the information, or would you do it yourself? ’

The dreamer sighed: ‘Of course I’ll do it myself’

After all, the guardian has one chance to take action. Even if he cannot kill the devil merchant directly, he can still provoke a terrifying monster at a critical moment and guide it to attack and kill the devil merchant. In the same way, we know what Black Widow is thinking.

In fact, it stands to reason that guardians are very high-ranking people. Who would follow a low-level tour guide around the clock? Besides, there are so many dangers!

A good-tempered and responsible guardian, he follows the live broadcast, takes time to provide guidance every day, answers questions when asked, and takes action at critical moments.

Guardians who are perfunctory, or want to experience being a tour guide, will only rescue them once in a life-or-death crisis, and forget about anything else.

However, since the arrival of the guardians, the spiritual consciousness of Black Widow and Dream Chaser has never left the Devil Merchant and Wei Xun, just to be wary of each other, just like the elves behind them!

Even if Wei Xun is asleep, the dream chaser is still awake, fearing that the black widow will instruct the devil merchant to attack and kill late at night - the black widow, poisonous spiders and ghosts are the best at sneak attack and assassination!

"Actually, I think it's better if you don't sleep in pursuit of your dream."

Wei Xun said sincerely: "After all, on the return list, the hotel's comment to you is that dreamers die from sweet dreams."

If you don’t sleep, of course you won’t have sweet dreams.


Crystal Xiaolong yelled at Wei Xun on the spot.

While talking, Wei Xun walked to the warehouse. His arrival attracted the attention of the passengers who were checking the paper binding materials.


Wei Xun said a friendly hello.

As a result, everyone from Zhou Xiyang to Half Life Taoist to Yun Lianghan and the Three Wolves of the West District trembled when they saw him coming. Everyone was ready to fight in an instant, as if on conditioned reflex, stretching their necks and looking behind Wei Xun vigilantly.


Only Yun Tianhe responded positively, saying "Hi" to Wei Xun, full of energy: "Director Cui! Is there any new test?"

"Have you found the tendency of the fourth attraction?"

Zhou Xiyang looked around and saw nothing, but he still did not relax his vigilance. He carefully lowered his voice and said solemnly: "The dragon... is coming?"

They had heard Nezha Ling's mission. They were looking for Tianshui to fight a dragon!

"No, our paper figures haven't been tied yet."

The half-life Taoist was crying, but he accepted his fate and quickly picked up the materials to be used with Bai Xiaotian: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

‘No, how long has it been since then? Do they really believe that you can complete the commissioned task? ’

The dream chasers all found it incredible and laughed and said, "Now their thoughts are completely following yours."

Just one day into the journey, Wei Xun made all the experienced passengers stupid. Who has seen this scene!

‘I feel embarrassed when you praise me so much’

Wei Xun smiled and waved to the passengers: "Don't worry, there won't be any dragons."

"Hey, there is no dragon. What is more terrifying than a dragon?"

Over there, Yun Lianghan smashed the jar, sneered, and learned to answer quickly.

"I'm just here to watch everyone making paper figurines."

Wei Xun said sincerely: "It's really okay."

The passengers were looking at him secretly, but you took the initiative to come to him? fine? Who believes it?

"Now that you say that, I'm relieved."

Zhou Xiyang said against his will: "In that case, let's go ahead and make paper figurines."

"Captain Zhou, just say what you say. Why are you bringing out the gun?"

Taoist Ban Ming couldn't help it any longer and hid behind Hong Zhan and whispered, "Don't you feel relieved?"

Zhou Xiyang's face froze.

* *

"Xiao Cui must have discovered the tendency of the fourth scenic spot leader's assessment."

On the other side, the devil merchant also said firmly: "He won't just go and watch someone making paper figures for no reason. Maybe the tendencies are in the warehouse..."

"No, it should be said that half of it is in the warehouse, and the other half is either in those pits, or in the place where he went to collect the tickets before."

The Devil Merchant sighed with mixed feelings: "I didn't expect him to find the inclination object of the fourth scenic spot so quickly... Sure enough, this is not difficult for him at all."

"The probability of not finding it is relatively high."

Black Widow lazily said: "When the tendency object is found, it will be accompanied by the monster's mental fluctuations, well, just like your Mr. Skinning. But until now, I haven't noticed it at all."

"Dream Chaser must have blocked him."

The Devil Merchant said firmly: "I know Xiao Cui. Don't listen to what he said about 'randomness' and 'you find it in exchange'. He is a very vixen. He must have found the object of his own. It is indeed Xiao Cui, he is so smart." "

"Okay, okay, just as you say."

At the same time, Black Widow yawned elegantly: "I haven't rested since last night."

She sighed quietly: "You know how important sleep is to a woman."

If it weren't for the Devil Merchant's safety, how could the Black Widow have stayed by his side? You must know that although the devil is not good at sneak attacks and only knows how to fight, Dream Chaser and Sky Fox are both very good at sneak attacks and assassinations! One of them is good at killing people in dreams, and the other is good at illusions. You won't know how you were plotted until you die.

"Thank you."

The Devil Merchant thanked him softly. He knew that if he and Xiao Cui did not decide the outcome of the confrontation mission, the Black Widow would not leave for a day - that was just right.

The devil businessman's eyes wandered, and his thoughts changed subtly.

When I think that Dream Chaser and Black Widow will stay with them for ten days and ten nights, I have to say, it's pretty cool to think about it.

Convinced that Xiaocui had found the token of the fourth scenic spot, the Devil Merchant found it in a perfunctory manner. He basically wandered around the Zhijia compound, talking while shopping.

"The legend of this eight-armed Nezha City originated from the Ming Dynasty."

Legend has it that during the Ming Dynasty, during Zhu Di's dynasty, Liu Bowen and Yao Guangxiao designed the Eight-Armed Nezha City.

"Xiao Cui's analysis is reasonable. Nezha Ling is indeed related to the Ming Dynasty. However, he chose to complete the team leader assessment at the fourth scenic spot. I admire his courage, but to be honest, this is a bit risky."

The devil businessman rambled on, but Black Widow didn't bother to listen. With only a trace of spiritual sustenance left, the spider puppet fell into a light sleep. Sensing that Black Widow's attention was not here, the Devil Merchant's heart moved slightly and stopped nagging.

"Exchange something for...what interests Xiao Cui?"

The devil merchant pondered, he must get the shadow puppet donkey. As Xiaocui said, the examiner is not necessarily friendly to them. Destiny is still in your own hands.

The Devil Merchant knew clearly that Xiao Cui didn't care about the Sky Fox Ball he had been watching for so long. Sure enough, now, Xiao Cui also started to want to know him.

But they are enemies after all. How could he, the devil businessman, let Xiaocui know his trump card. But when this confrontation mission is over, they can get to know each other better.

The devil merchant couldn't help but smile happily, but his eyes were focused on all the abnormal places in the Zhi family compound.

What does Xiaocui like and what can't she resist?

That's dangerous excitement.

The Devil Merchant understands what he means. In fact, he also feels that the current journey is extremely harmonious. Everyone has something to be afraid of, which is great. So from a perspective that is beneficial to them, the more chaotic the better.

It just so happens that the Devil Merchant is very good at finding anomalies. Generally speaking, these anomalies are related to side plots or new attractions.

The Devil Merchant is sure that Xiaocui will be interested in these.

* *

"I think we can use some willow branches to tie up the human skeleton with paper."

At the warehouse, the passengers, under suspicion, finally began to be wary of the paper man. They were divided into about three small groups.

The three werewolves were tinkering on the side, making paper figures according to Mia's instructions. Yuntianhe sat next to Wei Xun. After a while, he made a small grasshopper out of straw and gave it to him shyly and expectantly. Then I started to make paper figures with great satisfaction. Yun Lianghan stayed in the corner gloomily, pricking himself, but secretly pricked his ears and listened to Bai Xiaotian's explanation.

When it comes to paper-making figures, the ones who are best at it are probably Bai Xiaotian and Taoist Ban Ming. At this moment, Zhou Xiyang and others gathered in a circle with various materials and listened intently to Bai Xiaotian.

"Willow is a tree that scares ghosts. It is said in "Essential Art of Qi Min" that 'if you stick a willow branch in the door on the first day of the first lunar month, all ghosts will not dare to enter.' Therefore, I think that about half of the paper figures can use willow as the skeleton."

Bai Xiaotian said: "Grandma Zhi has to go out for her funeral. First of all, she has to get out of the Eight-Armed Nezha City. The Nezha spirit is on our side, so the chance of obstruction is low, but the ghosts will definitely take action."

"Paper figures should belong to the underworld. Grandma Zhi's funeral is a taboo in the underworld. There will definitely be an underworld army to arrest her. This is a rule. Even if the Nezha spirit can suppress the black and white impermanence in the Eight-Armed Nezha City, he should also They won’t take action, so Yinjun Yincha wants us to deal with it.”

"Paper figures with willow branches as their bones will be more effective against the Yin Army. On the contrary, it is best not to use the 'paper figures' with human bones as their bones and flesh and muscle split into skin."

"Not human flesh and bones."

Sister Qian, who had been listening, said weakly: "There are a few dogs and some chickens raised in the courtyard. We can use dog bones and chicken blood and skin instead."

In fact, of course it would be best to use living people, but the current situation is stronger than people, and Sister Qian dare not say anything.


At this moment, Wei Xun suddenly interrupted.

"Where's the dog?"

He walked to Bai Xiaotian, picked up a wicker and played with it with great interest.

"I'm quite interested."

* *

"Come quickly."

When Wei Xun led a yellow dog to the side yard, he saw the devil businessman standing next to the chicken coop.

"Look there."

"You asked me here just to watch these crows?"

Wei Xun glanced around and saw a flock of crows landing in the chicken coop. He couldn't count how many there were, but it was completely dark. Seeing someone coming, the crows all looked over. Their eyes were scarlet and full of fierce light, which was very scary.

"This is not a crow."

The Devil Merchant wrote lightly: "This is a clue to the branch attraction."

Why did the crow appear in the henhouse?

Either it's a new attraction, a branch attraction, or a special mission, the Devil Merchant doesn't know.

He specifically talked about it.

Sure enough, Wei Xun was quite interested.

"But if you want to exchange this for a shadow puppet donkey, that's not enough."

Wei Xun said: "At least show me the badge."

"Haha, let's talk about it later."

The devil merchant laughed, and then asked with a shy face: "Are you using the Sky Fox Ball now?"

"Tsk, I know you care about this."

Wei Xun chuckled and threw the Sky Fox Ball to him. The devil businessman smiled and feared that he would regret it, so he took the ball and left. As he walked, he said in a high-sounding voice that he would continue to help him find more interesting doubts.

"Don't tell me, the devil merchant is really useful."

After the devil merchant left, Wei Xun couldn't help but laugh.

He scratched the big yellow dog's chin with a willow branch, and suddenly released the demon bee swarm without any warning.


The magic bees were so fast that they stung all the strange-looking crows to death without even waiting for them to explode their nests. Occasionally, a few crows survived, and were immediately patched up by other magic bees.

"You have a good title as a demonic insect."

Seeing Wei Xun's method of commanding the Demon Bee Swarm, the Dream Chaser commented:

"If you want to upgrade your title as quickly as possible, you'd better choose a demon insect as your natal demon insect. After all, your alienated state is not a demon insect."

Usually, tour guides with the title of Demonic Insect will be more biased towards Demonic Insects in their alienated state, which is also a talent. Just like Taoist Bee and Ma Du. But Wei Xun's alienated state is pure evil.

If you don't want to control the demonic insects for a long time and conquer them to advance steadily, but take a shortcut, integrating with the natal demonic insects is the best choice.

Wei Xun now has mother insects, ancient demon insects, and insect swarms. If he chooses his natal demon insect, there should be no problem in upgrading his title.

"I know, that's too many choices."

Wei Xun commanded the demon bees nonchalantly. What the dreamer said made sense, but Wei Xun had too many choices. The female insect Xiaocui, the responsibility demon insect and the human skin maggot related to the Tusi King's Tomb are all very useful. If you fuse a certain demon insect as the natal demon insect, it will be fine with the same kind of demon insect. Other demon insects of different species may be destroyed. suppress.

So Wei Xun hasn't made up his mind yet.

"To be honest, the team leader's assessment of monsters does not count. This is the rule set by some bastard."

Wei Xun couldn't help but complain: "Otherwise, my title would have been upgraded long ago."

The title upgrade he was talking about was naturally the series of missions of [Dominator]. Previously, Wei Xun had obtained the blue title of Insensible Person, and the completion rate of the series of tasks had reached 35%. The next title should be the purple title 'Cold-blooded'.

But the rules are so restrictive.

First of all, the resentment of the hotel’s internal staff does not count towards the degree of completion. Otherwise, when Wei Xun went to the Butcher Alliance, his completion level might be directly increased.

Secondly, mental pollution does not count as completion, such as the mental pollution caused by various items at 30 degrees north latitude, which are all useless.

Finally, the resentment related to the hotel assessment does not count. For example, Qianjia Paper, Mr. Skinner, Shadow Puppets, etc. who were released due to the team leader assessment task are not counted.

To sum up, Wei Xun saw the golden boy and the beautiful girl pricking people with paper (both B-level resentment), the Nezha spirit (S-level resentment), and the big and small evil ghosts and old ghosts in Leigu Alley. time, task completion has improved. When those ghosts were frightened by Qianjiazhi and the others, and the completion level no longer increased, Wei Xun felt like he was at a loss.

The degree of completion itself grows slowly. A-level resentment increased by 1%. Nezha Ling should not have much resentment. Even if he was assigned to S-level, it only increased by 2.5%. Class B is even rarer.

In total, his current mission completion rate has only reached 40%.

"The emperor and the dragon should not be monsters brought about by the team leader's assessment tendency."

Wei Xun couldn't help but mutter, otherwise, these two people wouldn't be able to increase his mission completion level any more.

While he was talking, he saw several of the largest magic bees working together to grab something and fly towards him. The messy crow-blood feathers on it were all cleaned up by the magic bees. Wei Xun took it and took a look, and found that it was only half of the sign, broken in the middle, with a vague word "李" on it.

A cold feeling came from the sign, and it felt like a piece of ice in your hand.

"Ming, Ming, Ming -

It was as if someone was whispering in the sign.

"There should be a significant other in your belly."

Wei Xun smiled and patted the dog's head with a willow stick. The big yellow dog was frightened when he saw the crows dying instantly. The next second, it was lying on the ground, whining and kowtowing to Wei Xun, begging for mercy, and wagging its tail wildly.

"Don't worry, you are different from Crow."

Wei Xun patted the dog's head: "After all, you are not just a dog, let me think about it..."

After comforting him, Wei Xun pondered for a while, and then started beating the big yellow dog with a willow branch. This big yellow dog refused to dodge, lying on the ground and letting him beat him! Wei Xun whipped it without mercy. The big yellow dog's body was covered in bloodstains and its skin was torn. The entire dog's skin was actually pulled off.

But inside the dog skin, there is a human being!

Or ghost is more appropriate.

The ghost's face was filled with tears, and when he looked at Wei Xun, there was no trace of resentment in his eyes, but gratitude. He kowtowed a few times, then merged into the underground and went to the underworld to be reincarnated.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Wei Xun sighed: "As the saying goes, if you don't wear willow during Qingming Festival, you will turn into a yellow dog after death."

Wei Xun learned from Yu Hehui that Bai Xiaotian was Bai Xiaosheng. Therefore, Wei Xun will ponder every word Bai Xiaosheng says in his heart.

When Bai Xiaosheng talked about willow trees and ghost trees, it was obviously not without purpose. He then used the words "human bones and human flesh", which led Sister Qian to mention the dogs kept in the Zhi family compound.

This made Wei Xun instantly think of this saying.

This sentence means that all ghosts are afraid of willows. If future generations do not bring willow branches during the Qingming Festival, the deceased will be tortured by the little ghosts in the underworld. They will no longer be human, but will wear dog skin and become yellow dogs.

The "yellow dog" is exactly related to what Wei Xun has been thinking about, what is the fourth attraction's tendency.

"Have you thought of it a long time ago?"

Dream Chaser asked, he was really surprised. To be honest, even his mind couldn't think as fast as Wei Xun.


Wei Xun shook his head: "At first I was thinking about the bar."

A royal funeral requires one hundred and twenty-eight poles, a king's funeral requires eighty poles, and the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty buried Yuquan Mountain with the king's standards. This is a disgrace. Wei Xun wondered whether the tendency object would be related to Kong.

But then he discovered that he had gone astray.

Finding Tianshui and the Seven Ming Emperors of Yuquan Mountain, and even who was behind Granny Zhi's funeral, were all in the dark that they would not have been involved in originally.

This is the game behind it.

Normally speaking, various scenic spots, tendencies, etc. are all things on the surface. Such as paper making and shadow puppet performances.

So if we don’t think about Yuquan Mountain or the Seven Emperors of the Ming Dynasty, but just look at the fourth scenic spot, Tianshou Mountain, what will be the tendencies related to the Ming Tombs?

What do ‘them’ who have passed away care most about?

"Legend has it that Nurhaci, the founder of the Qing Dynasty, had four saviors."

Wei Xun explained: "The concubine of Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Ming and Liao Dynasties, has a big green horse, a big yellow dog, and a crow."

It is said that Li Chengliang originally had murderous intentions towards Nurhachi, and it was because his concubine tipped off Nurhaci that he had the chance to escape in advance. The big green horse led Nurhachi over the cliff, and the crows used their bodies to block Nurhachi from being discovered by the pursuers. When the chasing soldiers set fire to the mountain, the big yellow dog dipped its fur into water and smeared it on the unconscious Nurhachi to prevent him from being burned to death.

Without any one of them, Nurhaci would probably die.

Of course, this is not a historical fact recorded in official history, but more legendary and mythical. But no one knows whether the unofficial history is true or false.

"So, the Devil Merchant is indeed quite useful."

There were yellow dogs and crows, and Wei Xun was almost able to confirm his guess. The half of the sign hidden by the crow has an incomplete character "李", which refers directly to Li Chengliang, representing this period of unofficial history of Taizu of the Qing Dynasty.

Wei Xun leaned down, picked up the other half of the sign from the dog skin, and put them together. In the middle of the round sign, the word "李" disappears. On the left and right sides of the crack are the characters "sun" and "moon" respectively.

The sun and the moon together are bright.

Wei Xun felt the recurring voice coming from the token, which was the resentment of Death Ming.

If the yellow dog and the crow had died long ago, would Nurhaci have died in the pursuit?

Without Nurhaci, the founder of the Qing Dynasty, would it be possible that the Ming Dynasty would not have perished? Wouldn’t there be the Ten Days Massacre in Yangzhou and the Three Massacres in Jiading?

After the tokens were combined, no monster appeared, and Wei Xun's SAN value did not decrease. But he listened carefully, and there seemed to be countless voices in the token, men and women, old and young, crying and shouting hoarsely.


The Ming Dynasty is dead.

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