Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 170 Nutrient solution 370,000 plus more

"He's not a real dragon, and he doesn't have sinews."

Wei Xun casually said that the dream chaser is just a phantom dragon formed by a fragment of consciousness and spirit. Where does the dragon tendon come from?

"What does a real dragon look like?"

He took advantage of the situation and asked Nezha.

"Without dragon tendons, it's boring."

The New Year picture Nezha curled his lips and said unhappily: "It's a real dragon, almost like thick noodles."

"Then do you like sweet noodles or salty braised noodles?"

The dream chaser asked a question at the right time, which immediately drew Nezha's attention away from the dragon's tendon, and began to discuss which was better, salty or sweet. The two of them stayed outside, and Shan Weixun walked into the Zhijia House alone. backyard.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Xun came out of the backyard without any trouble.

"You stink so much. It's all that unpleasant paper stench!"

Nezha said in disgust at the New Year painting. He covered his nose with one hand and the sugar water in the cup with the other hand, as if he was afraid that the sugar water would be contaminated.

"It stinks like this after death."

Wei Xun smiled and waved his hands innocently: "Grandma Zhi put the ticket in her coffin, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"I won't fall on your shoulders again until the stench on your body disappears!"

The New Year painting Nezha said seriously, and disappeared angrily, as if avoiding the smell.

The dream chaser took a look and was speechless. It was obvious that Wei Xun had deliberately taken Nezha away from the New Year painting because he thought it was in the way.

"found it?"


Wei Xun shook his head: "It's really hard to find the assessment tendency of the leader of the fourth scenic spot."

The dream chaser just argued with Nezha on the New Year painting and kept him here just so as not to disturb Wei Xun. You must know that there are Nezha spirits in the New Year paintings. In this city, whether ghosts or monsters, they are very cautious and do not dare to come out easily. Like the paper-made golden boy in the minibus, if they feel the breath of Nezha spirit, they will probably run away directly.

"It is better to choose the top attractions for assessment."

The crystal dragon flew onto Wei Xun's shoulder again. The dream chaser analyzed: "The first is that the attractions at the front are relatively simple, and the passengers are also in the best condition."

"Second, a tour guide who has obtained a tour leader's certificate will have greater control over the entire brigade."

The dream chaser said: "If the devil merchant is one step ahead of you and gets the team leader's certificate, it will be difficult to kill him. You can only rely on yourself."

"What's the use of killing him?"

Wei Xun shook his head.

"The Black Widow has a habit of deceiving people. With her by his side, the Devil Merchant cannot be trusted."

Dream Chaser said seriously: "Don't forget, you are the opponents in this confrontation mission."

"You still have thoughts about this?"

Wei Xun looked at him in surprise and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the situation is not chaotic enough."


Dream Chaser Xiaolong was so angry that he slapped his guy with his tail. Wasn't it messy enough? This is not messy enough! We all carry Nezha New Year pictures with us, what else is there that is not messy!

When they returned to the front yard, the Devil Merchant was doing a roll call. Wei Xun handed him the travel package. The outer packaging of this set of tickets is very novel and strange. Each set of tickets is packed in a small white paper bag with this red dot on the seal. The white paper bag is bulging, and at first glance it looks like a small steamed bun used for sacrifice.

"Now I will distribute the Zhijia Courtyard attractions package to everyone. Please keep it well and do not damage it."

I don't know when the rain stopped, but the hazy sky became even more stuffy and humid, making people breathless. Rainwater accumulates on the uneven, bumpy ground. There are still scarlet remnants of the red bars on the ground, which look like small pools of blood.

"Otherwise, you will die violently during the rest of the trip."

The devil merchant's voice echoed in the front yard of the Zhi family compound. Only Sister Qian stood tremblingly by the hanging flower door, the farthest place from them, 'monitoring' them with a sad face.


Travelers, as a family unit, received white paper packages from the devil merchants. The paper bag may not seem big, but it contains a lot of things. Zhou Xiyang poured them into his hand and took a few glances. There were many things in the white paper bag, including a bottle of dark red paint and a few white paper flowers. The most eye-catching thing was two cards the size of bus tickets.

They are [Traditional Funeral - Paper-tie Experience Voucher] and [Big and Small Funeral One-stop Itinerary Card]!

[Traditional funeral - Paper tie-up experience coupon: As a traditional old craft, paper tie-up has gradually been replaced by factory assembly line products. In the old days, straw and bamboo skins were used to tie the skeleton, and traditional handmade paper tie-ups decorated with colored paper are becoming more and more popular. few. But now, Thriller Global Hotel has secured the opportunity for everyone. Zhijia Courtyard has prepared sufficient materials, and there is also a traditional paper-making gentleman on-site to guide you, so that you can experience the joy of traditional paper-making! 】

[Note, note: the eye-dotting of the paper figures will begin in the early morning, please tie up your paper figures before early morning]

[One-stop itinerary for large and small funerals: Recently, the pollution in the Eight-Armed Nezha City has become more and more serious, and there are things from the underworld trying to escape from the city. For this reason, the Eight-Armed Nezha City is heavily guarded, and only those with itinerary cards can successfully leave the city! Passengers, please fill in your identity information on the itinerary card in advance so as not to delay the funeral at noon tomorrow. 】

"There will be a funeral at noon tomorrow?"

Zhou Xiyang frowned, thoughtfully.

"I think this paper man is no ordinary paper man."

Ban Ming Taoist clicked his tongue: "This is a paper figurine yard in itself, why do we need to make paper? What's more, there is a funeral at noon... The smell of blood in this yard is so strong, I think it is impossible to make paper figurines. It’s a living person who was stabbed.”

Using the bones and meridians as the skeleton, paste the flesh and blood on it, cover it with skin, and finally tie the eyes into a 'paper figure'.

If a paper man tries to become a real person through a funeral, then there must be a real person who wants to die as a paper man.

"It's okay to tie the paper, but the problem lies in the eye licking in the early morning."

Mekel muttered, vaguely. Zhou Xiyang and the others glanced at Wei Xun subconsciously.

Seeing Wei Xun squatting in front of the pits, his back looking like a light blue mushroom, Zhou Xiyang and the others felt a little bit bad for some reason.

Everyone knows about the assessment of tour guides. The skinned man from the Devil Merchant is not sure yet, but this one from Bing250 is definitely a super scary paper man.

If he takes over this team leader's assessment trend, he will definitely conduct assessments at scenic spots involving paper binding. The time to determine the assessment tendency is 12 o'clock tonight, which is the early morning.

Therefore, from this indirect analysis, at least starting from the ‘paper man’s eyes’ is the real ‘scenic spot involving paper making’. From this, it can be inferred that they will not encounter too many troubles that are difficult to solve when they are making paper people this morning and afternoon.

Thinking of the giant paper man and the team leader assessment, the passengers felt a little sick in their stomachs.

"That's great. Director Cui helped us draw out all the important points!"

Only Yuntianhe was satisfied and admired: "As expected of Director Cui!"

Then he looked at Yun Lianghan again, made the sign of the cross, and murmured with concern: "Lianghan, have you repented? We have already entered the scenic spot, and your shadow-related title has been sealed by Team Zhou, so it is easy to die. "

"Only if you repent and get forgiveness from Director C can you...Bara Bala..."

If I had been attracted by the Shepherd Alliance, would I have been as happy as him?

Amid Yun Tianhe's chatter, Yun Lianghan's expression was numb.

No, this is not happiness, this is stupidity!

Yun Lianghan gritted his teeth and strengthened his faith again. Lord Yin-Yang Butterfly is watching him through the live broadcast, how could he give up so easily!

"Please take your paper figurines to the backyard before dawn and don't be late."

The devil businessman finished reading the precautions, then walked directly to Wei Xun, lowered his head and glanced twice, but couldn't see the reason. In the end, the devil businessman hesitated for a moment and squatted with him.

"What are you looking at?"

"There are less bars here."

Wei Xun said.

What the tour guide discovers and is related to the scenic spots on the trip cannot be told to tourists at will. This is cheating.

But if the tour guides chat among themselves, it’s no problem.

"Wealthy people carry sixty-four coffins during funerals, but here there are only sixty-two coffins."

"It's about letting the passengers act as barge bearers."

The devil businessman guessed: "The identity must be filled in on the funeral itinerary card."

When the three wolves opened the white paper bag, the devil merchant took a casual look. These identities were used during funerals, such as the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, the gang leader, Mr. Yin and Yang, and so on.

In the past, in the courtyard house of Leigu Hutong, everyone lived in different rooms and represented different identities, which is most likely related to this. He frowned when he thought about this devil businessman.

Augustus and the others lived in the back-seat rooms in the outer courtyard and were 'servants'. If there was really someone to replace the pole bearers during the funeral tomorrow, it would most likely be them.

Thinking of this, the devil businessman became serious and observed Gangkeng with Wei Xun——

Didn't see why.

"Speaking of which, aren't you in a hurry?"

The Devil Merchant was stunned for a long time, and couldn't help but ask: "Your team leader assessment will begin in the early hours of tonight, right?"

Qianjia paper corresponds to paper binding, and even the devil merchant can figure this out. Although Xiaocui has a phoenix feather that can burn Qianjia Paper, the devil merchant is still worried about him. If Qianjiazhi really integrates into the team leader assessment, then it... won't be that easy to deal with.

"Who said I have to pass this team leader assessment?"

Wei Xun's words were shocking!

"Do you think the Qianjia paper integrated into the team leader's assessment task is better to use, or the Qianjia paper taken out alone is better?"

He is an idiot to integrate Qianjiazhi, who has already tamed tacit cooperation, into the team leader assessment and into the scenic spots!

"But if you don't do the team leader assessment task, you won't have the initiative!"

The devil merchant was shocked, and after becoming anxious, he narrowed his eyes.

Xiaocui wouldn't take aim without aim...could it be said that he found another direction for the team leader's assessment?

In the Leigu Hutong courtyard, the team leader's assessment direction found by the devil businessman was incomplete. Now it seems...could it be that the other half is in Xiao Cui's hands?

Is he trying to compete with him for the team leader assessment? !

Thinking of this, the devil businessman felt completely unhappy. But the next moment, he saw Xiaocui take out a shadow puppet donkey!

"The first attraction, Leigu Hutong, has passed. The second attraction, Zhijia Courtyard, is related to paper-making. The third attraction, Yangshou Town Funeral Palace, is probably related to performances."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "You said, I have Qianjia Paper but I don't choose to do the team leader assessment at the paper-making related attractions. Now that you have a complete assessment tendency, you do the team leader assessment at the 'performance' related attractions."

Wei Xun didn't care how shocked the Devil Merchant was. He smiled and said, "Then only the last scenic spot is left... Do you think the examiner will randomly send me to the fourth scenic spot for the team leader assessment tonight?"

"Are you crazy?!"

The devil merchant and the dream chaser were shocked at the same time.

The devil businessman said anxiously: "You don't even know the tendency of the fourth scenic spot leader assessment, so you are completely unprepared!"

Dream Chaser also disagreed: "The fourth scenic spot is a team leader assessment task. The passengers must be exhausted by then, and they won't be able to provide you with much help."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Wei Xun smiled and said to himself: "I believe you all know where the fourth scenic spot is and what it contains."

The devil merchant frowned: "Tianshou Mountain?"

The dream chaser was thoughtful: "There are Ming Tombs in Tianshou Mountain. Funerals, large and small, were actually rituals for people in the palace in ancient times. Small funerals were sent to the funeral palace, and large funerals were sent to the mausoleum. Therefore, Tianshou Mountain has a lot of attractions. It may involve the Ming Tombs.”

The next moment, the crystal dragon suddenly slapped its tail, as if it had thought of something!

"The Ming Dynasty... this is a powerful dynasty."

The Devil Merchant's tone became more solemn: "You should know better than me what will happen if you choose the fourth scenic spot for the team leader assessment task."

That was an ancient emperor, the True Dragon Emperor! He has accumulated countless fortunes, and the legend has been passed down to this day. In a sense, he is even more terrifying than Long Zi who was expelled from Youzhou in the Sea of ​​Bitterness by Nezha Spirit.

There are many branches of the dragon, but the branch that is so depressed that it steals water is obviously not able to overwhelm the spirit of the Eight-Armed Nezha City, nor the emperor.

"Are you going to do a commissioned task?"

Dream Chaser suddenly said.

"That's right, looking for sweet water is not involved in our scenic spot in Yuquan Mountain, so we can't go there."

Wei Xun shook his head. He had originally thought about taking the time to visit Yuquan Mountain while the tourists were visiting the scenic spots in Zhijia Courtyard, just like when he had a private meeting with the Flying Fox King in Xiangxi.

But Yuquan Mountain is too far away from here, and there is no time at all. What's more, there is a funeral tomorrow morning, and we can't do it in time.

Nezha Ling is not someone to talk to. He wants to see the results before leaving the Eight-Armed Nezha City. Even if the sweet water hasn’t been returned yet, Nezha Ling must be shown that ‘you do have a way to get the sweet water back from Yuquan Mountain’.

Otherwise, Nezha Ling, who seems to be able to intimidate Zhijia Courtyard now, is likely to fall out on the spot.

"So, we don't have time to go to Yuquan Mountain to get sweet water and kill Longzi."

Then we can only take the wrong approach.

Wei Xun smiled: "But there are people in Yuquan Mountain."

Zhu Qiyu, the seventh emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was buried in Yuquan Mountain.

During the Ming Dynasty in the past, Emperor Yingzong was captured by Wala and was left without a master in the palace. Zhu Qiyu ascended the throne with the recommendation of the Queen Mother and ministers. But later Emperor Yingzong was put back and restored to the throne, killing Zhu Qiyu, and Yingzong did not recognize him as emperor. The mausoleum that Zhu Qiyu originally built in the Tianshou Mountain area was destroyed, and he was finally buried in Yuquan Mountain as a 'king'. *

"You said that Granny Zhi just wanted to become a human being during the funeral. She used sixty-four bars. Obviously, she was not funeral as an emperor, but just a wealthy family. Then why did she have to use the royal standard for large and small funerals? The final destination was Ming Thirteenth Mausoleum?"

"Nezha Ling just happened to issue a task to find sweet water. The location of this task is Yuquan Mountain——"

Wei Xun was very thoughtful: "Is it really Granny Zhi who really wants to carry out funerals and return to the Ming Tombs?"

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