Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 169 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (14)

"The New Year pictures were sealed outside the door last night. I came out to look at them at three o'clock in the morning and they have been there ever since."

The tourists guarding the entrance of the courtyard made way for Wei Xun to go to the front like Moses parting the sea.

Zhou Xiyang frowned: "I promised him to clean up the streets and restore the outside to the original, but the New Year paintings didn't show any reaction."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiyang stopped talking and looked at Wei Xun. Nezha Ling appeared just when Qianjiazhi and bloody paper as big as the Peeling Butcher were flying. He did not appear when Qianjiazhi swept Leigu Hu alley.

Obviously, compared to the 'disappearance' of the ghosts in Leigu Hutong, 'pollution' should be the key to making Nezha Ling intolerable.

But even though Zhou Xiyang promised to clean up Leigu Hutong, this New Year picture was still sealed outside the courtyard door. Nezha in the New Year picture glared at Zhou Xiyang with three heads in turn. After he stood there for a long time, Nezha in the New Year picture tried to poke him with a fire-pointed spear. he.

"Hey don't-"

Zhou Xiyang was reporting the situation when he accidentally saw Wei Xun pull out the tour guide's flag and stab it directly into the crack of the door, clicking against Nezha's fire-pointed spear.

Zhou Xiyang was so shocked that he hugged Wei Xun and pulled him back without caring about anything else. The next second, he saw the tip of the fire-point gun spraying out with blazing fire, which almost burned Wei Xun's cloak.

When Zhou Xiyang grabbed him, Wei Xun's whole body tensed up and he almost reflexively shot. Fortunately he held back. Wei Xun glanced at the tour guide's flagpole. The flame-tipped gun left no trace on it. He also felt the hot flame just now. Wei Xun wanted to test whether the flame could burn through the tour guide's cloak.

But Zhou Xiyang's mental fluctuations were severe. He had just mended and repaired his energy and was so frightened that he almost rioted again. Wei Xun raised his hand and patted his head casually.

"This is very-"

This is very dangerous!

Zhou Xiyang was so frightened that his heart almost burst. He was about to tell Bing250 sternly about the danger of his actions just now!

But with a pat on the head by Wei Xun, Zhou Xiyang's restless and chaotic spirit was miraculously calmed down. It was like a breeze blowing by, and those strong emotions were swept away, leaving only calm.

"--very dangerous."

The words were spoken, but they were not as harsh as expected. They were just said casually:

"At least tell us before you do anything."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xiyang even smiled at Wei Xun. This smile came naturally after his mind was relieved and his mind felt relaxed and comfortable.


Zhou Xiyang forced a straight face and pretended not to notice the gazes of the people around him. He unconsciously reflected on whether his tone just now was too harsh.

Last night Wei Xun briefly discussed the matter of mental relief with Dream Chaser, who had not left. An Xuefeng is the brigade captain, and Wei Xun can contact him and theoretically rescue the returnees.

At the same time, An Xuefeng is also responsible for the mental pollution of some other people. Such people are related to An Xuefeng, and Wei Xun can also relieve them.

For example, Zhou Xiyang.

There are many types of mental relief. People like him and An Xuefeng, who enter a spiritual illusion with each other, do not count the depth of the connection. Just looking at this form, it is considered a deep relief. According to the classification of dream chasers, staying in the same space with the brigade members can be regarded as superficial relief. The tour guide's SAN value will gradually recover, and the mental pollution suffered by the passengers will gradually disappear.

Having physical contact with brigade members, such as holding hands, hugging, etc., is a mid-level relief and is usually used in emergencies. For example, if a member is suffering from a lot of mental pollution, a quick hug can make the other person's condition improve.

Entering the spiritual illusion is equivalent to deep relief. It is mainly targeted at the mental illnesses suffered by travelers who have been exposed to mental pollution for a long time. For example, Mao Xiaole's bloodthirsty, Wang Yushu's mourning, and An Xuefeng's nine-level spiritual illusion.

If mental disorders cannot be completely solved, the first two types of relief will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Wei Xun patted Zhou Xiyang's head, just like patting ashes, and did not treat his mental disorder.

But Zhou Xiyang already felt refreshed, as if he was more than ten years younger and full of vitality!

It’s different with a tour guide.

Zhou Xiyang used the greatest willpower to let go of Wei Xun, restrained his urge to stick to the tour guide, and said with concern:

"are you OK?"

The mental pollution that fell from him is likely to fall on Bing250!

But watching Wei Xun pull out a paper-pricked person and smear it with his hands, the special five-star paper person with a trace of Qianjiazhi's soul swallowed up all the mental pollution.


Wei Xun waved his hand casually and looked at the devil businessman standing aside.

"You saw it too."

The devil businessman said slowly: "Nezha Ling is not the guide of this journey, and at his level...he can not give face to the hotel."

However, he did not come closer and even kept a distance from Yu and Hui. His tone was cooler than before, with a business-like attitude.

This change was obviously caused by the communication between the devil merchant and the black widow last night, but Wei Xun didn't care. This is not an issue that should be concerned about now.

"The character of the spirit is consistent with what countless people have imagined."

Taoist Ban Ming also became serious and found it difficult:

"Whatever Nezha is in the public's mind, that's what he is."

Even the tour guides dared to burn them and fly their flags, and they even didn’t give the hotel any face at all.

There is nothing Nezha Ling dares to do.

"Last night we caused damage to the...'ecological environment of the underworld' in Leigu Hutong."

Mekel also put forward his own opinion: "This eight-armed Nezha City is, in a sense, his body. If you want to be forgiven, maybe just cleaning up is not enough."

But it would be such a loss if we put all those old ghosts and various props and items back!

Even if all these things were picked up by the two tour guides, Wei Xun and Devil Merchant, Mekel felt it was too painful to bring them in even a little bit.


At this moment, October 10th suddenly spoke and said in a cold voice: "In the past, there were so many places that had been renovated and renovated in this city. If we really want to say it, the 'Eight-Armed Nezha City' has long been beyond recognition."

"He already exists based on people's faith, not just a city transformed into a spirit."

Bai Xiaotian said silently: "This is what the deputy director said last night."

"The changes in this city will not have much impact on him."

"The physical changes will definitely not happen, but no one can tolerate the changes in mental pollution!"

Yun Lianghan couldn't help but said angrily: "If he is spiritual, he would be most taboo about mental pollution. I think he-"

Yun Lianghan did not say these three words "abnormal". Although everyone saw the deformed meat ball last night.

But the New Year pictures are still blocking the door. Only a fool can say bad things to his face.

"I've been talking for a long time, and we must come up with a solution quickly."

Augustus became impatient and said angrily: "Should we clean up the streets or put all the ghosts back? Find a way quickly!"

For a while, the passengers were discussing in a lively manner, almost like a quarrel, but Wei Xun looked at them in surprise.

The matter of Nezha Ling blocking the door was fundamentally caused by their tour guide, and it stands to reason that it should be resolved by the tour guide.

Even the three werewolves in the West District had nothing to do with themselves, and they listened carefully even if they didn't know Nezha very well.

Is it because this trip pays attention to punctuality. If there is a delay, the tour guide will be punished, and the passengers will also be punished. All experienced passengers know the priorities?

But the tourists didn't even have a single complaint, or even the slightest negative attitude towards the tour guide. Even Yun Lianghan only complained a few words that Qianjia Paper and the Peeling Butcher had gone too far, with dirt flying everywhere, and did not blame Bing250 and the Devil Merchant.

This made Wei Xun feel uncomfortable.

"Devil businessman, come here."

Wei Xun waved to the devil merchant and squatted in front of the courtyard door. Through the crack in the door, he met his eyes with Nezha, the New Year picture sealed outside.

"Do you need help?"

A shiny miniature crystal dragon lay on Wei Xun's shoulder. It was the spiritual consciousness of the dream chaser.

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all passengers!

dream Catcher!

The three werewolves were tense and extremely alert. When the little crystal dragon didn't speak just now, they didn't notice each other's presence at all. It glanced over lightly and made Augustus stand on his head, almost turning into a werewolf!

Even though they knew that the guardians could not act at will, or even have mental influence, the reputation of the Class A tour guide alone was enough to make them fearful!

"No, you can just go and chat with your old friends."

Wei Xun said, his casual tone was like saying to a child, "Go and play."

How can you talk to a dreamer like that!

Mekel, Half Life Taoist and others screamed in their hearts.

He is your golden thigh, aren't you afraid of his anger?

Furthermore, this is Dream Chaser’s offer to help, do you really not need it? !

"Old friend...tsk.

Hey, I'm just not angry. Dream Chaser doesn't mind at all because Wei Xun's filter is too dark. Crystal Xiaolong was really good-tempered and flew off Wei Xun's shoulder: "We actually don't know each other very well."

"Black Widow, what do you think?"

"Oh, Dream Chaser, your words really make me sad."

A soft and elegant female voice sounded, and a button-sized black spider with a shiny carapace stood up from the devil merchant's shoulder. Its slender forelimbs rubbed against the body. The joints of its forelimbs were connected by small and exquisite gears, making it look like a handicraft. puppet puppet.

"It's not the gentlemanly thing to do to make a lady sad."

She gently performed judo and dropped the silk from the devil merchant's shoulders:

"Okay, little guy, I'm going to catch up with old friends. You can take care of yourself, right?"

Black Widow!

Zhou Xiyang was filled with fear, but did not raise his eyes to look. Even if this is just a small amount of spiritual awareness of the guardian and there is no possibility of mental pollution, the Black Widow's methods are really covert and sinister. According to legend, her token of the Tower of Babel was taken from her husband, the brigade captain, who poisoned her with whom she had a deep spiritual connection!

She killed the deeply connected traveler but did not die. Perhaps this has something to do with her title of ‘Black Widow’, but it is enough to show how vicious her methods are!

"Dream Chaser, I thought you stayed for the same reason as me."

When the Devil Merchant walked up to Wei Xun, Black Widow and Dream Chaser also started chatting.

"I smelled a breath of no solution from the spirit. You know, they can't solve it."

The unexplainable thing Black Widow is talking about is not the journey to the 30th North Latitude. But on the heavenly level, a higher level monster. It is impossible to label hotels at that level, and high-level tourist guides are accustomed to calling them "unexplainable".

"We're not enemies, so there's no need to fight."

The dream chaser said casually, his eyes resting on Wei Xun.

"I believe Director Cui can do it."

"You really have confidence in him."

Black Widow smiled in surprise: "I rarely hear you speak so highly of someone. It seems that he really makes you feel at ease."

Peace of mind?

Peace of mind!

When he saw Wei Xun squatting in front of the courtyard door, looking at the Nezha New Year paintings, he suddenly took out a cup, filled it with some water and poured it into the crack of the door. The devil merchant next to him was stunned and couldn't stop him.

Crystal Dragon almost screamed!

Even though he understood Wei Xun's intention, Dream Chaser still held his breath and wanted to curse.

There are so many ways, why do you just throw water on it?

So cool!

"Why did you pour water on him?"

The devil businessman could no longer pretend to be cold, and screamed, grabbing Wei Xun's hand, but he was a step too slow, and watched as he poured the entire glass of water over.

"You, why don't you tell me, and besides -"

Besides, paper people are more afraid of fire! Why didn't Xiaocui just take out his feather and poke it instead of splashing it with water?

Set it on fire!

The Devil Merchant thought he was going to attack directly with violence, so he subconsciously took out the skinning knife.

"Take it back."

Wei Xun lectured him: "The Third Prince and I have just reached an agreement. Don't let others misunderstand what you are doing with weapons."

talk? Good deal?

The devil merchant felt unkind eyes falling on him through the crack in the door. He hurriedly put away his skinning knife, but he couldn't help but ask questions.

"What were you talking about?!"

"He is the leader of this brigade, so we should take him with us."

Wei Xun pointed at him and murmured for a while with the Nezha New Year picture on the crack of the door. Nezha glanced at the devil merchant suspiciously, looked at it from top to bottom, and finally curled his lips.

It seemed that he was very suspicious and dissatisfied with him.

"No, no, he is indeed the main tour guide."

Wei Xun pushed the devil merchant: "Take out your brooch."

After saying that, Wei Xun also took out his tour guide brooch and stuffed it through the crack in the door.

"Did you...really talk to him?"

Seeing that the Nezha New Year picture that had been doused with water did not look angry, the devil merchant took out the brooch hesitantly, but did not hand it over immediately.

"New attractions? Branch attractions? None of them look alike."

"It's neither of those two."

Wei Xun said lightly: "It's a commissioned task."


This word is a bit unfamiliar, even the devil merchant has never heard of it. He silently asked the hotel and got a general idea.

Entrusted tasks refer to tasks entrusted to tour guides or tourists by creatures other than guides and ‘NPCs’ placed in hotels.

"It turns out it's a commissioned task."

The devil merchant nodded calmly: "What task? Cleaning up garbage?"

"The whole city belongs to him. Isn't it easier for him to clean up the garbage than it is for us?"

Wei Xun was puzzled: "You don't really think that he closed the door just so that we can clean up the garbage and restore Leigu Hutong. Are you such an idiot?"


Nezha New Year Pictures glared at the Devil Merchant with contempt and made a face at him.

"Think about it, when did he come out? Was it when the streets were polluted by Qianjia Paper and Mr. Peeling?"

The devil businessman doesn't care about the New Year pictures: "That's not it."

"Is that Qianjia Paper and Mr. Peeling polluting the streets?"

Wei Xun said meaningfully: "This is the strength we 'shown' and got his attention."

Otherwise, Nezha Ling would be too lazy to pay attention to them.

"You understand, this is not our strength."

The Devil Merchant said solemnly, glancing at the New Year picture Nezha with fear: "In fact, apart from cleaning up the streets, clearing away mental pollution, and releasing those ghosts and monsters back into Leigu Hutong, we are unable to accomplish any other tasks of Nezha Spirit. do you understand?"

This is Nezhaling, a terrifying existence that is not on the same level as the entire journey!

There is no way they can complete any of his entrusted tasks!

"Why, are you afraid of death?"

Wei Xun looked at him in surprise: "The Black Widow is here, will she still let you die?"

"I'm not superman, boy"

Black Widow, who had been chatting with Dream Chaser for a while, chuckled and replied: "I will only give him one piece of advice, that is, don't accept the commission easily."

Not a guide, not an NPC set up in a hotel, but an existence that can issue entrusted tasks to the tour guide. How powerful is it?

That's unimaginable.

"Even I can't guarantee that I can survive such a commissioned mission. Besides, I'm just a guardian. Even if I take action, I can't go too far."

The Devil Merchant frowned, and he realized from Black Widow's words that this commissioned task might not be as simple as he imagined.


Wei Xun exclaimed in surprise, gave the devil merchant a blow with his elbow, and exclaimed excitedly in a low voice that could be heard by everyone:

"Hey, this is a mission that neither Black Widow nor Dream Chaser is sure about, so hurry up and get on with it!"

Devil Businessman:?

Is there any logic in what you say?

"To be honest, if I hadn't recommended you to Nezha Ling, no one would have looked down upon you."

Before the devil merchant could speak again, Wei Xun stood up happily: "I'll take it anyway, you can do whatever you want."


The Devil Merchant almost couldn't breathe. What Xiao Cui said was just like saying "I did it, you can do whatever you want" when drinking.

This casual doesn’t really mean ‘casual’!

"Dream Chaser, this is a task entrusted by the city spirit."

Zhou Xiyang asked worriedly. He actually opened his mouth just now to persuade Bing 250, but after thinking about it, he felt that this person would definitely not listen to his advice.

Furthermore, if there is a relief effect, his will may not be firm. Zhou Xiyang hinted at Crystal Xiaolong with his eyes.

Advise him, persuade him quickly!

Or is it that the dream chaser is actually sure? Did he just communicate with Bing250?

"Just like Director Cui said, I'm not sure either."

No communication, no communication.

The dream chaser said quietly: "But I don't know if he is sure."

"You mean-"

Zhou Xiyang held his breath, he realized it! The Dream Chaser is outside and can definitely contact the Returner and An Xuefeng. Does he mean that An Xuefeng and the others can also provide off-field support?

After all, Bing250 has a spiritual connection with An Xuefeng. They might have a special way of communicating!

"I mean, it's impossible for me to open up the thirty-degree north latitude attraction when I lead a team for the first time. It's also impossible for me to pass the team leader assessment on an extremely dangerous journey, and it's even less possible for me to treat a heaven-level monster as a silver-level monster. Sliding like a dog."

Crystal Dragon said gently.

So who knows whether Bing250 is sure of such a thing.

Zhou Xiyang wiped his face in pain.

At the entrance of the courtyard, for some unknown reason, the devil merchant pondered for a long time, and finally accepted the commissioned task.

“The harder it is, the greater the benefit.”

Anyway, Bing250 has accepted the commissioned mission, will he still die?

Besides, having already walked two heaven-level monsters, the Devil Merchant feels that even accepting another commission is nothing.

He has been numbed by Wei Xun.

They are all new star tour guides. Could it be that Bing 250 can do it but he can’t?

The devil businessman pushed the door open, and sure enough, the New Year paintings behind the courtyard door fell down and no longer prevented the door from opening and closing. The New Year painting Nezha flew over the devil merchant and landed on Wei Xun.

After looking at the New Year pictures, Wei Xun poured out another glass of water and poured it on the pictures.

At some point, one of Nezha's hands in the New Year picture was holding a cup. At this moment, the empty cup was filled with light amber water, exuding a sweet fragrance.

Nezha in the New Year picture is satisfied with the smell, holding water and drinking.

[You have accepted the commission from Nezha Spirit in Eight-Armed Nezha City]

【——Looking for sweet water】

* *

At half past eight, everyone in the brigade stood in front of the Zhi family compound. Zhou Xiyang went to knock on the door, but no matter who it was, all the passengers were a little absent-minded.

Their thoughts were not on the funeral in Zhijia Courtyard at all, but on the commissioned task accepted by Director Cui and the Devil Merchant!

"Director Cui took back both the wail stick and the soul hook."

Taoist Ban Ming whispered to Bai Xiaotian: "It's terrible, the seventh and eighth masters in this city listen to Nezha Ling!"

Last night, Wei Xun used the wail stick and the soul hook to block the door. Zhou Xiyang stayed up all night and almost stayed in the front yard, watching helplessly as two hands, one white and one black, stretched out from the ground beside the door to grab the wail stick and the soul hook.

As a result, a universe circle was thrown through the crack of the door, beating Black and White Wuchang down again.

At present, the mourning stick and the soul-catching rope are going around in circles. After Wei Xun accepted the commissioned task and brought the New Year pictures, he took them back. Obviously, this was Nezha Ling's consent.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiyang's face became a little sad.

The good news is that with the Nezha New Year paintings there, they should be able to walk sideways in the entire Eight-Armed Nezha City. Even Black and White Wuchang can only pretend to be grandsons on their territory.

The bad news is that if Bing250 fails to complete the entrusted task... no one can save him unless An Xuefeng comes.



Zhou Xiyang let out a long sigh, and at the same time, the door of Zhi's courtyard also opened a crack. A pair of black and white eyes carefully looked out from the crack in the door, looked left and right, and finally asked in a cautious voice:

"Are you here to pay homage to the people delivering the libation ceremony?"


Zhou Xiyang sighed quietly in his heart and responded casually.

The door was completely opened, and a beautiful woman walked out of the door. She was wearing mourning clothes and a white paper flower on her temples. The eyebrows are wrinkled, but the corners of the mouth are curved, as if happy and sad, as if the upper half of the face is crying, but the lower half of the face is smiling, and the face is as pale as paper.

"I am the daughter of the chief housekeeper of the Zhi family. I am responsible for the funeral. You can call me Sister Qian."

The woman looked around, suddenly frowned, and asked unhappily:

"You came to pay your respects, why don't you bring a memorial ceremony?"

"It's just that there are no steamed buns for the festival, but why are there not even banners or paper bundles?

Seeing that these people came with nothing, the expression on the woman's face became increasingly dissatisfied: "Are you really from the compound over there in Leigu Alley? Why don't you understand any of the rules?"

Zhou Xiyang was too lazy to talk. In fact, most of these memorial ceremonies were bought during the night tour of Leigu Alley last night, and everyone could more or less take them out. It's just that if you give a lot, the people in the Zhijia Courtyard will be less stumbling, and if you give a little, you will have to suffer a lot.

But now they are not afraid of this at all.

Not only Zhou Xiyang, but also Taoist Ban Ming all looked numb.

Seeing the sad and numb expressions on their faces, Sister Qian suddenly showed a subtle smile. It was a very flat smile, like an arc drawn on paper. But her face was wrinkled with sorrow, like a ball of crumpled paper, and the smile on her face looked more like crying.

"Forget it, the Zhi Family Courtyard needs men the most right now."

She said softly, mixed with a few weird noises, like laughter or meaningless bytes caused by excitement.

"You brought yourselves, even if you didn't bring a memorial ceremony -"

I habitually listen to everything Sister Qian says without missing any information. Zhou Xiyang took a step forward and said, "We didn't bring a memorial ceremony."

He took out a tattered paper ball and threw it in front of Sister Qian, and said coldly:

"We brought your father."

This paper ball was the housekeeper of Zhijia Courtyard who was instantly killed by Qianjiazhi on the night of chaos in Leigu Hutong and kicked by Wei Xun to Zhou Xiyang.

He is Sister Qian’s father!

Sister Qian's eyes suddenly widened, as if she had seen a ghost!

* *

"There are sixty-two pole bearers resting in the front yard. They are responsible for carrying the coffin for the funeral tomorrow. There are many people here and it is messy. Don't taint the eyes of the adults."

Sister Qian worked conscientiously, lowered her head, and took small steps to lead the brigade past the screen wall in front of the door and towards the backyard. This time Wei Xun raised the flag and walked at the front of the team. He would go to the Zhijia Courtyard staff to hand over the tickets later.

Sister Qian, who was closest to Wei Xun, had a sad face but a flattering smile on her face, which was as weird as possible.

Wei Xun was also laughing, but with great interest.

When they entered the door just now, as soon as they turned around the screen wall, they saw more than 60 pairs of large red-painted bars standing on the ground in the front yard, and they were as red as blood stains.

In the past, the pole bearers were very popular. In order for them to use their full strength when carrying the coffin, the host family would entertain them with delicious food and drink, and give them a large reward. It is said that when Li Hongzhang was buried, the gangsters earned three thousand silver dollars just by carrying the coffin out of Beijing.

The structure of this Zhijia courtyard is weird. All the houses in the front yard were bulldozed, but strange, long, narrow ravines were dug out in the ground. Judging by the thickness and length, each trench can just fit a large pole. Some trenches There are still scarlet blood marks on it.

How could anyone live in a place like this! Sister Qian mentioned that there were more than sixty gong masters resting in the front yard. I'm afraid they were not gong masters, but ghost gong masters. These more than sixty pairs of large red-painted poles with strong yin energy are the ‘pole bearers’ who will carry the coffin tomorrow!

I don’t know if the Zhi family has paid the gangsters, but they are obviously menacing in the courtyard and want to ask for paper money and incense from outsiders!

If there was a real regular travel team, even if Zhou Xiyang led the team, he would probably burn all the incense and paper money to them. After all, when it comes to funerals, the coffin bearers are the most important. The coffin must be carried smoothly and steadily out of the Eight-Armed Nezha City and carried to the funeral palace.

You may encounter various dangers and accidents along the way, and even be caught by ghosts. In order to prevent the polemen from throwing down the coffin and running away, it is crucial to give them enough money.

But——Zhou Xiyang’s eyes twitched.

"It seems we have to choose a good gang leader."

Wei Xun smiled and chatted with Zhou Xiyang, playing with Bai Wuchang's mourning stick lightly and deftly in his hands.

Then Zhou Xiyang watched helplessly as all the red-barred people lay down obediently in their own pits.

"it's a pity."

Wei Xun sighed.

There is definitely a tendency for assessment in the Zhi Family Courtyard. He had previously thought about whether he would be a coffin bearer or something like that. After all, coffin carrying is different from the 'paper-tying' performance, and it will definitely be done consistently. ·Throughout the entire journey.

But now it seems that even the mourning stick is so afraid, the possibility of the item being a stick is very low.

"The Zhijia Courtyard has a history of more than four hundred years. It is said that this place was once——"

The devil businessman in the middle and rear couldn't see the grand scene of the gate in front. He walked in the back of the queue as the leader, explaining the history of Zhijia Courtyard to the tourists. When Bing250 went to collect the tickets later, he took the lead first. The tourists first visited the courtyard.

At this moment, the Devil Merchant was doing his duty, counting the people like a tour guide while introducing them, and at the end confirmed that everyone was there.

What a coincidence, when the last person walked into the Zhi family courtyard, the door that was originally wide open suddenly closed automatically without any wind!

This sudden noise can definitely scare people, the door suddenly closes and cannot be opened, and the people trapped in the building are like prisoners, trying their best to escape from the haunted house - this is an old drama.

"Don't worry, it's just the wind-"

The devil merchant smiled sinisterly and lowered his voice very atmospherically, but at this moment——

"Bang-bang! Bang-bang!"

The sound of the wooden door colliding kept sounding, as if someone was opening and closing the door vigorously. This posture was much more terrifying than a sudden closing of the door. Even the bold and fierce werewolf Augustus turned his head sharply and stared at the door with the most ferocious eyes.

Then he immediately turned around, his neck making a snapping sound as he moved so quickly.

The devil merchant glanced back silently and saw a child in a red bellyband, kicking the door of Zhi's courtyard like a naughty child, as if he thought the door that would automatically close was funny. After kicking the door until it was so tattered that it would no longer close automatically, he lost interest, turned around and ran forward, making a face at the devil merchant as he ran.

Nezha Ling...sigh.

The devil merchant took a deep breath and cheered up. Nezha Ling always held a cup in his hand and took a sip from time to time. The devil merchant also saw that Xiao Cui had splashed water on his paintings in previous years.

He then thought of the commissioned task - to find sweet water... Could it be that Nezha Ling just wanted to drink sugar water?


The devil merchant shook his head.

"Delegating tasks is not that simple."

The black widow spider sighed quietly on the Devil Merchant's shoulder. Out of boredom, she twisted out a piece of silk and wrapped it around its forelimbs, weaving beautiful patterns.

"Ghost, this is the East District. You may not understand a lot of folk customs."

"Then Bing250 may not share it with you."

Black Widow said briskly: "Maybe he wants to kill you by entrusting a task."

After all, they know the same amount of information about travel attractions. But the commissioned task is only that simple, and it can be interpreted in a variety of ways.

There will naturally be a natural information gap between the East and the West.

"Even if I find out the news outside and tell you..."

The black widow made a wreath with spider silk, admired it and then rolled it into a ball.

"Orientals always prefer Eastern people. Even during the journey, you know."

You are just an outsider after all.

"Even if you want to marry into the East District, I'm afraid you won't be able to do so."

Black Widow laughed: "Xiao Cui and his puppets are both sweet to me."

Black widow spiders eat male spiders after mating.

It feels sweet because both Xiaocui and Puppet are pure males. Black Widow can feel it even with the tour guide's cloak covering her.

Even though he had learned the news last night, after tossing and turning all night, the devil merchant was still silent. Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Well, does it matter to me whether it's a boy or a girl?"

The devil businessman sarcastically said: "You don't really think that I am good to Xiaocui because he is a woman."

"Of course not, I just chose the easier way to get benefits...Obviously, he doesn't mind, I treat him like a lady, don't I?"

"The cooperation between us is quite tacit, and now, tacit understanding is more useful than hostility. Black Widow, I respect you very much, and will do my best to bring the victory of the confrontation mission back to the West District. So, I hope you will not just provoke, but It can bring me real help, just as promised last night.”

When Black Widow finally smiled and covered her mouth with her forelegs, the exchange came to an end. The devil businessman breathed a sigh of relief. On the surface, he didn't care, but the depression in his heart was difficult to relieve. He couldn't let it go no matter what. he really a man?

* *

"Looking for sweet water... Xiaocui, this mission is not easy."

On the other side, Wei Xun had already gone to collect attraction tickets and props. Crystal Xiaolong lay on his shoulder and thought for a while, frowning, and subconsciously used his claws to hook Wei Xun's cloak.

"I'm afraid this mission involves dragons!"

According to legend, the Dragon King and Dragon Mother who used to cause trouble in Youzhou, the Bitter Sea, were suppressed by Nezha in the eyes of the sea. Only Long Zi managed to escape. Later, Longzi grew up and became Duke Long. Hearing that the Eight-Armed Nezha City was about to be built, he determined to take revenge and cause trouble and take back all the water in the city.

So Mr. Long took Long Po and the dragon son and daughter he gave birth to and went into the city in disguise. Long Zi drank up all the sweet water in the city, and Long Nu drank up all the bitter water in the city, and then transformed into two fish scale water baskets to return to the Black Dragon Pond in Yuquan Mountain.

This matter was taken into account by Liu Bowen, and Gao Liang took the initiative to ask Ying to bring the water back. He took the clear white silver spear transformed from Nezha's fire-pointed spear, caught up with the disguised Dragon Duke and Dragon Lady, and shot through the fish scale water basket transformed by the Dragon Lady. But Longzi escaped and took the sweet water to the eye of the sea in Yuquan Mountain.

From then until now, there is no sweet water in Beijing, only bitter water.

Nezha Ling is looking for sweet water, so Wei Xun has to find the Black Dragon Pond in Yuquan Mountain, and even have to fight the 'Longzi' to get the sweet water back!

The dreamer was worried, but he didn't say anything. Wei Xun received this commission by splashing New Year pictures with magic honey and sweet water. Obviously he knew this allusion.

If he dares to proceed, he must have a plan in mind.

"If I hadn't been able to leave the city, I wouldn't have allowed that little dragon to be so rampant."

An unruly child's voice sounded nearby. When the dreamer turned around, he saw the New Year picture Nezha lying next to him, staring at him from the corner to the end, thoughtfully:

"You're such a strange dragon."

"Hey, do you have dragon tendons?"

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