Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 168 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (13)

"Cui you——"

Seeing Wei Xun turn around and leave, the devil businessman subconsciously stretched out his hand to keep him, but saw a white fluffy little fox jump out of Wei Xun's cloak, stumbled as if he was drunk, and slapped him with his big plush tail. On the ground, he stabilized his body.

Little Fox!

The Devil Merchant subconsciously held his breath. With his hesitation, Wei Xun was already gone.

"Director Cui asked me to assist you."

The half-grown fox purred, and its cry was a bit more delicate and gentle than when it was in human form. Su's devilish merchant's heart almost melted.

But next to him, Zhou Xiyang, who was so confused due to mental pollution that he was lying dead, suddenly became excited and sat up reflexively. The six-tailed cat Mekel also obediently put away its tail and covered its head with its paws.

The softer Yu Hehui's voice... means that he will go crazy quickly.

So scary...the cat felt like an impatient and grumpy scary monster.

Zhou Xiyang and Mekel both shuddered. The half-life Taoist was still dazed beside him. Foolish people are blessed with foolishness, and he didn't feel the strange atmosphere at this moment at all.


The giant red-haired wolf lying on the ground collapsed and let out a whimper as if to vent his anger.

The smoky gray little female wolf Mia has stopped talking. Anjing Sadness and the white-haired werewolf brother are licking each other's wounds. Yun Lianghan sat sluggishly in the corner, a black shadow as if he was stupid.

They had just fought against the Eastern District travelers, and it should have been awkward to be together now.


No one had any strength to move.

What's more, they have no time to think about the attractions at 30 degrees north latitude right now. They were all thinking about the two terrifying monsters at the heavenly level, and the Nezha spirit that appeared at the end!

This is just an extremely dangerous journey, just the first night.

"Cooperate for the time being."

Zhou Xiyang coughed and took the lead: "Everyone has seen that internal fighting... will not end well."


Augustus snorted coldly and said with a fierce expression: "We werewolves are never afraid of any enemy!"

This sentence would have been more convincing if he hadn't been covered in hair like a giant rambutan because of his mental disorder.

Zhou Xiyang ignored him at all. He barely gathered some strength, struggled to crawl to the door, and peeked out through the crack of the door.

A dark red round shadow was still outside the courtyard door, guarding the door like a corpse.

One look at it makes me look very vindictive.

Zhou Xiyang closed his eyes in pain.

Question: What should I do if I am targeted by Nezhaling?

We can't fight anymore. If we continue the fight, the entire brigade may be wiped out. Veteran travelers know their priorities, and the previous struggles were all based on the premise that the journey was relatively easy.

The more dangerous and difficult the journey, the more united the brigade becomes.

The journey isn't dangerous and difficult enough... Bing250 helps make it even more dangerous.

"Don't worry, Team Zhou, we have no hostility towards Director Cui from beginning to end."

Mia said weakly: "Look at our tour guide, the Devil Merchant has a good relationship with Director Cui, and we are the same as him."

Yes, why does this devil businessman have such a good relationship with Bing250!

Mia was puzzled.

She originally thought that the devil businessman and Bing250 were just having fun together, and they were just superficial brothers.



The devil merchant coughed lightly and said as politely as a gentleman: "How should I call you?"

You don’t have to be so friendly to all the foxes in Bing250, right?

"Call it whatever you want."

Yu Hehui's big tail wagged impatiently.

The devil businessman tried: "Then I call you... little fox? (little fox)"


Everyone is so cold, why is there still a smile in your voice?

As for being so happy? !


Augustus struggled and cursed again, and then the fox jumped on him.


The giant red wolf spurted out a mouthful of blood and was dying.

"Your mouth smells so bad, it should be washed with blood."

Yu Hehui said gloomily. The devil merchant took a look and found that Augustus' mental condition improved slightly after spitting out the blood.

Augustus had touched a skinning knife before, and in tonight's chaos he was even more affected by the skinned butcher's pus and blood.

"The little fox is right."

The devil merchant agreed: "Augustus, you should vomit blood more."

As he spoke, he collected the blood that Augustus vomited.


Looking at the werewolf's fierce breathing posture, I wanted to bite off the devil merchant's head.

But now he could only lie down and whine.

Mia was a little helpless.

They deliberately planned to kill Bing250, but in the end, the devil merchant had a fierce fight with Bing250.

The devil businessman... is of no use.

After stepping on Augustus' head, the little fox walked towards Zhou Xiyang filled with evil spirits.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough."

Zhou Xiyang deliberately coughed a lot and looked weak. He smiled bitterly and was the first to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, I was negligent."

But Yu Hehui's expression did not improve at all, and he gritted his teeth: "I thought you could control it..."

Who can be controlled? What can he control? Do you care about Bing250?

Zhou Xiyang also looked helplessly at Yu Hehui.

If you can't control it, how can I possibly control it?

What's more, you said Bing250 was such a person!

When we chatted before, you said that he was responsible, reliable, talented, and although he liked taking risks, he was very measured - was it all nonsense? !

God knows he really thought Bing250 was a reliable person before! The slightly crazy performance of Drunken Beauty Xiangxi is just to survive in a desperate situation and scare the experienced tourists.

Wait, survival in desperate situations will shock experienced travelers...

Zhou Xiyang inexplicably felt that he was being connoted.

"Who made it impossible for you to give him a sense of security?"

Yu Hehui leaned close to Zhou Xiyang's ear and gritted his teeth in a voice that only they could hear: "He was forced to reveal his identity——"

right! Just now, Wei Xun directly said, "When I brought Drunken Beauty to Xiangxi," he was almost a star! He hid before because when he was not strong enough, the relationship between 'Bingjiu' and the Butcher Alliance would cause those who coveted the journey to the 30th North Latitude to cause trouble for the Butcher Alliance.

Now that Wei Xun is exposed, the benefits of being exposed are even greater.

In fact, except for Taoist Half Life (everyone is squeezing in, so I will join in the fun and squeeze in - hey, I actually squeezed in!), most of the others who will sneak into this journey are conscious. At Bing250, there was the developer of the Tusi King's Tomb. Either he came to assassinate him and steal the token of 30 degrees north latitude, or he came to protect him.

But on the surface, no one said anything, pretending not to know, and no one lifted the fig leaf.

However, after summoning two heaven-level monsters, Wei Xun directly self-destructed, completely exposing the matter to the public. Let everything be done openly and openly, it is a conspiracy and it is also the best time!

Hiding is sometimes because we are still weak and need to develop in a subtle way. But by showing it directly, people don't know how much power you still have hidden in private, just like when Wei Xun joined the brigade and showed Yu Hehui to the public!

The protection of Yu Hehui, Zhou Xiyang and others was not enough to stop the West District werewolves and Yun Lianghan from their murderous intentions.

What about summoning two heaven-level monsters and sweeping across Leigu Alley?

The entire journey was disturbed and Nezha spirit appeared out of thin air?

At this time, he announced that he was 'Bingjiu', the person who opened the tomb of the Tusi King, which was more like a sign of confidence.

It was one thing to make the journey to the Thirty Degrees North.

It's another thing to admit it.

I admit it, so what can I do?

Yu Hehui had long discovered that Wei Xun enjoyed the journey, the dangers and excitement from beginning to end.

Even if the traveler is weak, as long as he goes through the journey obediently, even if he is weak enough to need protection, Wei Xun doesn't care.

But if you rely on your own strength and start causing trouble——

It's very simple, just make you 'weak' and have no time to do anything.

Don't make trouble, let me enjoy the journey and don't make myself uncomfortable.

It can be said that on the first night, Wei Xun set the tone of the entire journey.

Although Yu Hehui knew rationally that even if the brigade was obedient, Wei Xun would most likely cause big trouble. Because Wei Xun just likes to play big and exciting.

But emotionally he felt that Zhou Xiyang was not strong enough and could not suppress the brigade, so Wei Xun personally came out to set the tone!

Those were two heaven-level monsters. Yu and Hui stayed in Wei Xun's cloak from beginning to end, terrified. Wei Xun was like walking on a tightrope, and he would fall into the abyss if he wasn't careful.

But no one could stop him, and no one could go with him.

Even if Zhou Xiyang and the others are special class passengers... it won't work.

Yu Hehui couldn't help but feel sorry for Wei Xun, and he whispered: "Xiyang, the power you showed is still not strong enough."


Zhou Xiyang also smiled bitterly and said nothing more, but his expression was a little moved.

He had previously been doubtful that Bing250 could unite to appease An Xuefeng and provide relief. After all, Bing250's apparent strength is indeed too low.

but now……

"I can't hold him down."

Zhou Xiyang admitted.

His words sounded ridiculous. How could a experienced special-class tourist not be able to suppress a silver-level tour guide?

However, not only Zhou Xiyang said this, but many people in the audience also felt so!

[I’m fucked, I’m fucked, I’m fucked, I’ll just say I’m fucked! 】

[Damn it, I’ve seen the beautiful journey to Xiangxi! So Bingjiu is actually Bing250? I'm confused as to what's going on! 】

[Otherwise, why else do you think these big guys are crowding into this journey! 】

[Isn’t it for the purpose of resisting the mission...]

【they do not know! Really amazing! 】

[It’s killing me. I actually thought that Bing250 was ‘Bingjiu’! Think about it, if Bingjiu really started a journey, he would definitely use the title of "cold-blooded" on the return list. How could he use the title of "passenger"! 】

[And the time when ‘Passenger’ was on the return list was the same as the time when Bing250 was on the list of rising stars in the world’s tourist guides! 】

[Nowadays, everyone knows the use of hindsight, but who would believe that a new tour guide can open a journey to the 30th degree north latitude! 】

[On my first trip, I opened up the 30 Degrees North Latitude scenic spot and became the representative of the East District in the east-west district confrontation mission. Now I have entered an extremely dangerous journey and got two team leader assessment directions. Who can believe it! 】

This is a true legend!

[No, we only know it now. Those big guys must not have just found out. Bing250 is such a badass, isn't he worthy of being tempted by those big guys? What does the subordinate brigade commander and deputy brigade mean? The directly subordinate team members rush directly! 】

[Team An, Team An, Team Ten Thousand Team, Team Black, come on, come on, look at this little beet! 】

[Upstairs, do you think there are no team members infiltrating this journey...Shhh]

[Upstairs, look whose feather Bing250 is holding...shh]

[Don’t worry, don’t worry, everyone, I have some gossip, the guardian of B250 may be the A3 dream chaser! 】

[Phew, I felt relieved when I heard it was Dream Chaser. Only dreamers can control this situation]

[I heard that Dream Chaser has been paying close attention to Bing 250. No serious tour guide is like Bing 250 who does the task of leading the group. This is a unique secret taught by Dream Chaser! 】

"I'm not, I haven't, I haven't been taught."

Dream Chaser denied it for three consecutive times. He was completely awake, staring at the live broadcast screen, not feeling sleepy anymore.

Zhang Xingzang patted Dream Chaser on the shoulder and found that his whole body was tense. He comforted him: "It will be early morning in ten minutes. He won't..."

Zhang Xingzang shut up after being glared at.

After a few seconds, he couldn't help but said: "Don't look at the process and look at the result, isn't it a good thing? You see, none of the passengers died, the internal crisis in the brigade was resolved, and a large number of materials and clues related to the scenic spots were obtained, and also We successfully found the team leader's assessment tendency and confirmed Qianjia Paper's needs..."


Dream Chaser clicked every word, cut to the split screen of Zhou Xiyang's live broadcast, and zoomed in on the screen.

Zhou Xiyang was looking out at the moment, and there was no red ball spirit in the crack of the door. He didn't relax, but tried and pushed the door.

The door only opened a crack half the width of a hand, and could no longer be opened. A pair of eyes looked inward from outside the crack of the door. There was a red dot on his forehead, and his lips were like red dots. Not only this head, but all three of his faces turned around, glaring at Zhou Xiyang one after another like a warning.

This is Zhang Nezha’s New Year picture! At this moment, it is like a seal, firmly stuck outside the courtyard door. Monitor every move of the 'saboteur group'.

"Ahem, actually I think this kid still has some sense of proportion."

Zhang Xingzang said respectfully: "I originally thought he would leave all the mess to you, but you see, he almost solved it all by himself. Although he can make trouble, he can also settle it, and he never gives up. It’s your own fault.”

"The most important thing is that everyone who follows him will benefit. Only in this way can the team lead together."

As the brigade captain, Zhang Xingzang has a sharp vision in this regard: "He even thought of you."

At this moment, Wei Xun's live broadcast can be seen on the split screen. He has returned to his room, poured out a bunch of things from the storage props, and muttered to himself while sorting them out.

"Dream Chaser-senior is coming soon, so we have to prepare welcome gifts. Hey, Dream Chaser-senpai is the best. Without him, the mutual aid association wouldn't be able to be successfully established."

"He is advertising his mutual aid association."

Dream Chaser said expressionlessly.

"Besides, I only have a little consciousness to connect and guide him, but I'm not physically present. I can't get the gifts he prepares for me.

Wei Xun took advantage of the busy time in the live broadcast room to advertise and named them by name. There were Class A tour guides in his mutual aid club!

Dream Chaser is really suitable to be a signboard. He is a rare person who has a good reputation among tour guides and tourists.

"Oh, do you dare to say that you are not happy to hear what he said?"

Zhang Xingzang teased and bumped Dream Chaser with his shoulder.

"Even An Xuefeng has never heard of him talking like this. You see, he doesn't use An Xuefeng to advertise, he uses you."

"Hmph, if he uses An Xuefeng to advertise, I'm afraid no tour guide will dare to join the mutual aid association again."

Dream Chaser snorted coldly, but his tone softened.

I have to say that the little tour guide I was admiring was completely indifferent to me, thinking about everything, and showing intimacy at every turn. Even though I knew that Bing250 had a purpose, Dream Chaser was indeed quite useful.


Suddenly the dreamer frowned, thoughtfully.

"Don't disturb me, I'm going to connect to him."

After saying that, Dream Chaser closed his eyes.

* *

‘Are you extracting the soul and will of ancient demonic insects? ’

The dream chaser's voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind.

‘Dream Chaser, you are here. ’

Wei Xun didn't take it seriously: "Just help me check."

On the surface, he was still sorting out tonight's harvest, but in fact Wei Xun was divided into two things, his main focus being on Taoist Feng.

The situation of Taoist Feng is really bad, but there is no danger of death for the time being. Wei Xun was not in a hurry, and waited until midnight before he began to extract the soul and will of the responsible devil insect according to the method given by the devil merchant.

First, he did not completely believe in the devil merchant.

Secondly, the Responsibility Demonic Insect is, after all, born out of the Emotional Demonic Insect. It is said that the Emotional Demonic Insects are seven-in-one, and they all have feelings for each other. Wei Xun was afraid that he would be discovered when extracting his soul, and people would speculate that his "Ideological and Moral Lessons" were derived from emotional demon insects, so he would be targeted.

The dream chaser came in the early morning, so there was no rush.

‘You should have another title, ‘Time Management Master’’

Dream Chaser chuckled, and a dark orange shadow appeared behind Wei Xun.

"What gift did you prepare for me?"

"The method of extracting the soul's will is no problem. I will reveal my consciousness and help you shield the waves of demonic insects."

In the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, it seems that the Dream Chaser expended all his strength to reveal his figure specifically to show his importance to Bing250 and to receive gifts. But Wei Xun heard the private message from Dream Chaser.

Just what he wanted.

‘Thank you very much! ’

"I don't know if Senior Zhui Meng likes this."

Wei Xun smiled sheepishly and took out a longevity pillow in the shape of an ingot. The longevity pillow is placed under the head when a person dies and is buried. This longevity pillow is particularly special with a section of a locust tree embroidered on the back of the pillow.

The locust tree is a ghost tree and has a strong yin energy. Longevity pillows embroidered with locust wood are actually not good for people. If the soul is too yin-y, it will easily fall into the ghost realm.

However, the paper man does not distinguish between yin and yang, is afraid of water and fire, and does not have the yin energy of the dead. If Granny Zhi went to a funeral with this longevity pillow on her head, the Yin Qi would be able to disguise herself as the Yin Qi of the dead person.

It's a pity that all these props and items were picked up by Wei Xun and the devil merchant, so they can't help the passengers too much. Kicking an unidentified tattered paper ball used to be okay, but most of the items in their hands can no longer be given to them.

It happened to be given to Dream Chaser by Wei Xun.

"I heard that seniors like to collect pillows. This longevity pillow has a very good meaning."

The private interests and hobbies were brought to the public, and Dream Chaser was a little embarrassed, and it was still being broadcast live! The only person who knew about this little hobby of his was the clay figurine Zhang. This was definitely what Zhang Xingzang told Bing250!

"Oh? What does the birthday pillow mean?"

The clay figurine Zhang made a note in his mind, sensing that Wei Xun had reached a critical point in extracting his soul and will, so the dream chaser happened to speak and help him cover it up.

"Look at the locust tree on this longevity pillow. Isn't it the same as Nan Ke Yimeng?"

Nanke Yi Meng is about Chunyu Fen Lusheng, a native of Guangling. He dreamed that he married a princess in Dahuaian Kingdom, became the consort, and lived a prosperous life. After waking up, I realized that this was just a dream. There was no Big Sophora Anguo, only a locust tree next to it and an ant nest on the locust tree.

Wei Xun forced the locust tree to be linked to Nan Ke Yimeng, but there was some connection. Anyway, this pillow is related to dreams, and it can be considered to be consistent with the dreamer.

I wonder if there are yellow ants in the world that can make people fall into sweet dreams.

Wei Xun thought about it more deeply when he mentioned this story casually. Since entering the Thriller Global Hotel, he discovered that many legends in the world are actually reflected in reality, not just legends.

Just like the giant worm in the Cthulhu mythology, it is also the fatal danger that Bee Daoist encounters at this moment.

* *



Hiding in the secret underground passage, Taoist Feng dared not let go of his breath until this moment. Surrounded by piles of decaying bones, the bones were covered with slime as pale as thick paper. No, it was not just a pile of bones. The entire inner wall of the channel is covered with this pale and thick mucus.

Weng, I will give you——

A buzzing sound rang in Taoist Feng's ears. He groaned and gritted his teeth to suppress the changes in his body.

The third stage of alienation of the Abyss Queen is to transform and break out of the cocoon. Only after transformation can one become the true Abyss Queen. At this moment, Taoist Bee's appearance has changed. His alienated state is no longer that of a big fluffy bee, but that of a human being. The black shell spread from the lower part of the mouth to behind the ears, covering the lower half of his face.

The bee Taoist's eyes turned pure golden yellow, and three pairs of wet, wrinkled bee wings were tucked behind his back. The lower pair was chewed off, leaving only the bone-spur-like wing roots.

Not only that, one of Taoist Feng's legs was broken and one of his arms was missing. If he hadn't abandoned his soldiers to protect his commander, used the last swarm of demon bees to attract the attention of the giant worm, and escaped temporarily, he might have been buried in the mouth of the giant worm!

All the demon bees were sacrificed, no harm done. As long as he can get out alive and successfully transform into the Queen Bee of the Abyss, he can have as many demon bees as he wants.

Taoist Feng gasped in pain, but the next second he held his breath in fear.

The wind came from deep in the passage. This was the fishy wind brought by the giant worms crawling underground. As the fishy wind passed by, the pale and sticky mucus on the passage became thicker, and even Daoist Feng's body was stained with a touch of white.

Taoist Bee struggled to tear off the white mucus, took a breath, pulled out his feet, and walked deeper into the underground passage. Like a bee caught in a spider's web, struggling hard.

Previously, the Butcher Alliance worked for Dream Chaser, and Taoist Bee got a chance to go to the Abyss Node for one day. But now one day has passed, and Taoist Feng was supposed to come out of the abyss node of Silverfish. Yet he was trapped here.

Because where Daoist Feng is currently, it has exceeded the territory of the Silverfish Abyss node!

Previously, in order to find the abyss worm queen bee, Taoist Bee reached the edge of the territory of the abyss node. Due to the welfare rules of the mutual aid association, [good luck] allowed Taoist Bee to successfully find the underground cocoon of the abyss worm queen bee. Moreover, the abyss worm queen bee was not there, but there was a newly laid king egg that was about to break out of its shell.

[Ancient Demonic Insect's Favor] allowed Taoist Bee to successfully establish a connection with this king's egg, and it was not just a connection in an alienated state, they became a strange symbiosis! At this moment, Taoist Bee's alienated state is the Abyss Queen Bee, and what hatched from this egg is an Abyss Worm.

Even Feng Taoist didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him! This means that he may master two alienated states in the future. And now Taoist Bee can also adapt to the abyss queen bee state the fastest. After all, he has long been accustomed to transforming into a bee.

But the bees never let down their guard. The queen bee of the abyss worm laid down her eggs that were about to hatch and left the nest. Something was obviously wrong! He wanted to leave, but the eggs had to hatch in the nest, which wasted time.

When Taoist Feng wanted to leave, he couldn't. A giant worm hundreds of feet long blocked the entrance of the cave, and the remains of the abyss worm queen can be seen in its mouth as wide as a conger eel.

The Abyss Worm Queen Bee was swallowed by it, and it obviously didn't want to let go of the delicious people and eggs. The Bee Taoists were forced into the underground passages and fled frantically for their lives. Fortunately, the young abyss worms inherited their memories and knew the underground passages extending in all directions in the lair, so they were able to escape life-and-death crises several times.

But at the same time, Daoist Feng was also forced out of the silverfish's territory. Silverfish can't return him to reality unless he goes back!

However, the way back was blocked by the giant worm! It is cunning and treacherous. After several failed raids, the macrophage worm no longer blindly looks for Bee Taoists in underground passages. Instead, it entrenches itself in the nest and penetrates the entire underground passage with mucus.

This mucus contains a large amount of spiritual pollution, which can assimilate the spirit of living creatures and turn them into puppets of worms. Along the way, Taoist Bee relied on purifying magic honey to save his life, but the purification of magic honey was limited, and if he delayed any longer, he would die.

Taoist Feng was forced into a desperate situation! To make matters worse, the alienated transformation of the Abyss Queen will produce a large amount of purified royal jelly. This is as good as a hundred times concentrated and purified magic honey, but it also attracts even crazier macrophage worms! Taoist Feng could only suppress the urge to transform. At this moment, he was forced into a desperate situation.

At this moment, the desperate Feng Taoist thought of the mysterious mutual aid association!

His motivation for applying for the Ideological and Moral Course was very simple. Taoist people believed that the Mutual Aid Association was backed by Dream Chasers, and it was considered another ‘Hope Alliance’! The ‘brainwashing’ of ideological and moral classes should be related to dreamers.

If he could contact the dreamer, he might survive!

However, the application for ideological and moral courses was not approved immediately. Taoist Feng was almost in despair. Another urge to transform came over him. Taoist Feng could no longer walk. He curled up and leaned on the wall of the cave covered in mucus to survive. The fishy wind was getting heavier and heavier, and giant worms were wandering nearby. , it will come to you soon.

Desperate but with a hint of hope, Taoist Feng once again took out his phone tremblingly.


Taoist Feng was stunned, his mind went blank for a moment, and he was completely unable to think.

Only a little golden light was seen dancing, like gold, like the morning sun, reflecting in the small space where Feng Taoist's body and knees were curled up.

‘Hello, mid-level councilor ‘Fair’, I am the teacher of the ideological and moral class’

This little golden light finally turned into a tiny little man. He has hair and eyes as bright as gold, and his body is dressed in a tulle dress like the sun. With his cloak flying behind his back, he smiled gently at Taoist Feng, as dazzling as a prince.


The newly hatched little abyss worm, as thin as an earthworm, shrank back and retracted into Taoist Feng's arms.

Taoist Feng was completely shocked.

Ancient demonic insect!

This little golden man is the incarnation of an ancient demonic insect! And he looks a bit like the legendary female insect!

Yu Hehui Neidan and the Responsibility Demonic Insect are both auxiliaries of the mutual aid association and can have a deeper connection with each other. Tianhu can see through people's favorite things and is good at illusions. The projected illusion refers to Xiao Cui's appearance and the ancient aura of the Responsibility Demon Insect.

It is the ancient demonic insect and insect mother that Feng Taoist longs for most!

Of course, the illusion is not real after all, so Wei Xun had better fill in another 'imitation' or 'deception' prop when he comes back.

But Taoist Feng is easy to fool, and Wei Xun has everything he wants. Naturally, it was almost perfect.

"No, this is an illusion, but..."

Taoist Feng murmured, yes, the little prince in front of him is an illusion. But the aura of ancient demonic insects and the aura of mother worms that permeated his body were so real!

'You seem to be in trouble'

The little prince stood on tiptoes, held Taoist Feng's face with his little hands, raised his head and looked at him, his golden eyes full of concern.

'But it doesn't matter, I will help you'


Taoist Feng's energy flashed. He had been struggling on his own and hadn't heard the word "help" in a long time. Being under mental pollution for a long time made his nerves and emotions more fragile.

"Isn't this an ideological and moral lesson?"

Suppressing the sourness that emerged, Taoist Feng pretended to be indifferent and said: "Is there another price for helping?"

Yes, his purpose from the beginning was to get the upper echelons of the mutual aid association to help, and for this he did not hesitate to do so at any cost!

‘No, this is an ideological and moral class’

To his surprise, the little prince shook his head, his golden eyes seeming to reflect the sun.

‘The ideological and moral class is to make everyone realize that only by uniting in the mutual aid association and believing in the mutual aid association can we have a bright future.’


'No, not hope'

The little prince smiled and said, "I hope I am just a judge in the mutual aid association."

‘Let everyone believe in the mutual aid association and like the mutual aid association. This is the meaning of ideological and moral courses. ’

‘So I’m helping you with this ideological and moral lesson’

So stupid, so stupid.

How can one help people like and trust a mutual aid group once? I just feel like this organization is being taken advantage of.

Taoist Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn't say anything. After all, he is in urgent need of help, and the one who gets it is himself.

‘Cheer up’

The little prince cheered him up.

‘We are going to rush out now, we have to close our eyes. ’

rush? How to rush?

Why close your eyes?

"It's coming!"

Taoist Feng's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't suppress the panic and despair. I saw a giant worm head covered in mucus, ugly and disgusting, silently appearing above his head at some point, opening its terrifying alien-like mouth at him, trying to devour him.

He is going to die!

But the next moment, the golden little prince flew out and stood between Taoist Bee and the giant worm. He was so small in comparison, until the bright and twisted blazing sunlight bloomed all around him!


Just hearing a miserable and ear-piercing scream, the giant worm that had been living deep underground saw the crazy sun. This sunlight directly roasted the mucus in the underground passage until it withered!

* *

‘Fuck! What did you do? ! ’

"This magic honey tastes really good."

The dream chaser swayed and landed in front of Wei Xun. On the surface, they were tasting magic honey, but in fact, the actions of the dream chaser were to cover up the fluctuation just now!

Just now, the dream chaser found that in addition to shielding the breath of ancient demonic insects, he also had to shield a ray of mental fluctuations from the crazy sun!

"Yeah, it's not easy to get this honey."

Wei Xun smiled.

‘Can you still hold on in pursuing your dream? I’m teaching people ideological and moral lessons’

Moral lesson? What ideological and moral courses would use Crazy Sun? !

Isn't this ideological and moral class in Bing250 cultivating a reserve army for life-hungry people?

No, it shouldn't be. Life-loving people don't need fools who can only sing praises to the sun.

‘If you do this, the rules within the mutual aid association will be shaken! ’

The dream chaser gritted his teeth. In theory, Wei Xun, as the president of the mutual aid association, has the right to mobilize and use the core items and auxiliary items in the mutual aid association. It is possible to project a bit of power.

‘No, I am sensible, there is still so much crazy sunshine in the Abyss Bell’

Wei Xun smiled and said: "The magic honey you tasted was his contribution."

As he said that, Wei Xun roughly told the dream chaser why Taoist Feng applied for the ideological and moral course and the communication between him and Taoist Feng.

The dreamer was silent after hearing this.

He no longer said anything about the crazy sun, but spent a few minutes to shield Wei Xun.

Sure enough, the dream chaser is really soft-hearted.

Wei Xun thought.

As long as it is heard that he is trying to 'save people', Dream Chaser will silently provide support.

In the abyss node, the little prince shining with the crazy light of the sun frightened away the giant worm. Half an hour later, he finally led Taoist Bee back to the territory of the silverfish abyss node.

‘You can open your eyes’

The little prince's voice made Taoist Feng slowly open his eyes. He was still in shock and couldn't believe that he had actually escaped. The thrilling journey, the desperate situation of life and death, ended with this result.

‘Sending you out will cost the mutual aid association a lot of resources.’

After the silence, Taoist Feng slowly spoke. He is not stupid. How strong is the light that can scare away the giant worms? What's more, the aura of the ancient demonic worms on the little prince's body cannot be faked at all.

He is just a second-class forty-nine tour guide. After doing so much for him, what is the other party trying to do?

does it worth?

‘As long as I can help you’

The little prince smiled and said, his golden eyes full of expectation, looking at Taoist Feng: 'Today I had a half-hour ideological and moral class, one class every ten minutes, which counts as three periods~'

‘Did it make you like the Mutual Aid Club more? ’

Then, without waiting for Taoist Feng's reply, he turned into a flickering point of light and gradually disappeared.

"Tsk, naive."

Only Taoist Feng is left in the abyss node. He stared at the place where the light spot disappeared for a long time, then looked away with a cold expression.

Like it or not, does it make sense? The bustle in the world is all for benefit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is all for benefit. This is the truth.

If the Mutual Aid Association can help him today, he will stay here. When the mutual aid association can no longer help him, or even encounters a crisis, will he still stay because of his ridiculous 'like'?

Or is it that the core objects of the mutual aid association are rules-based items, and every time they help them, they are in debt. It seems to be 'free', but in fact they must be paid accordingly?

Yes, that must be the case.

Taoist Feng sneered. He left the abyss node and returned to his station, where he completed his third transformation.

From then on, his alienated state became the Queen Bee of the Abyss, no longer an ordinary demon bee. At the moment of his transformation, a swarm of natal demon bees was born, buzzing and flying around him. Taoist Feng raised his hand, and a bottle of precious, purified royal jelly that was born with his transformation appeared in Taoist Feng's hand.

The liquid in the crystal bottle is like flowing gold, extremely dazzling.

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

Feng Daoren, a mid-level councilman codenamed "Fairness", opened the mutual aid association's APP.

Do you want to help me for free?

Want to plot this against me?

I won't let you get what you want!

Amid sneers, Taoist Bee filled half a bottle of purified royal jelly and presented it to the mutual aid association. And specially signed to donate for free, without any contribution.

Unexpectedly, I won’t let you get what you want!

Taoist Feng felt a twisted sense of pleasure in his heart, and his whole body seemed to be elated. He couldn't wait to see the 'little prince' again, and Vicious told him that he had repaid all the life-saving graces and didn't owe anything to the mutual aid!

He can hate it if he wants to, and revil him if he wants to. No one can force him to like the mutual aid club!



Taoist Feng frowned. He only had the last ten minutes of ideological and moral class left this month. It's so meaningless to just call the 'little prince' to mock him viciously.

He should use this lesson until the critical moment.

Taoist Feng closed the APP and opened it again. For some reason, when he thought that he could only see the little prince once this month, he felt unspeakably irritated.

He thought forty minutes was too long before, but now he felt it was too short!

* *

‘Director Cui, are you asleep? ’

At two o'clock in the morning, in the penthouse bedroom, Wei Xun's ears heard the dream chaser's voice again.

The devil businessman didn't go back to his room to sleep tonight. Wei Xun guessed that he was looking for a private space to negotiate with the black widow. Just convenient for him and Dream Chaser.

‘No, Chai Meng, you haven’t left yet? ’

Having just bought half a bottle of purified royal jelly, Wei Xun couldn't bear to sleep! He had always wanted to wait until Dream Chaser left and block the live broadcast so he could have a taste of it himself.

But the dream chaser just won’t leave, just won’t leave.

'I've been thinking about what you just told me'

The dream chaser said solemnly that he had really thought about it a lot just now.

Think of what Wei Xun said, 'Let everyone believe in the mutual aid association and like the mutual aid association. This is the meaning of ideological and moral courses. ’

‘So I helped him with this ideological and moral lesson’.

'I think you do have a point. ’

The dream chaser said solemnly: 'Emotional infection is most effective when the other party does not resist'

Compared with pure emotional contagion, integrating contagion into ‘help’ allows members to gradually associate ‘ideological and moral lessons’ with ‘free help’, and they will be least likely to feel any resistance.

‘But, you don’t plan to accept only this few people in the mutual aid association, do you? ’

Dream Chaser asked: ‘If everyone helps for free before the infection is over in the early stage, aren’t you afraid that they will run away? ’

‘When I say free, is it really free? ’

Wei Xun asked meaningfully: "When you hear free help and associate it with ideological and moral classes, what do you think of?" ’

‘They will think of something. ’

Even if these people receive free help, they will end up being suspicious and contribute items to the mutual aid association to offset the help.

Wei Xun chose this kind of suspicious and cautious lone wolf!

But Wei Xun did not tell the dreamer about his core responsibility.

No matter what label is attached to it or what name it is called, in fact, ideological and moral courses will always be feared by others.

So the real infection is not entirely in the ‘ideological and moral classes’.

More importantly, after the ideological and moral class, they donated items for free!

Donating items free of charge, in a sense, is responsible to the mutual aid association and to the president Wei Xun.

They believe that the feeling of inner relief is ‘paying off the debt’.

But this feeling of happiness and relaxation is actually the influence of the responsibility bug after taking responsibility.

The positive reinforcement and free donation of items are all in response to the infection of the responsibility bug. This mutual resonance will gradually make them addicted to the joy of free donation, and then they will be subtly and deeply influenced by the responsibility bug.

Taoist Feng was Wei Xun's first experimental target, and it seems to be quite successful now.

"sleep early."

Wei Xun yawned and drove away Dream Chaser, who was lost in thought again.

"We have to get up early tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, Wei Xun fell asleep. No one slept in the courtyard tonight except him. Everyone had their own worries. Only Wei Xun could only dream of sweet purified royal jelly.

Wei Xun woke up at half past five the next morning. He obviously set out for the Zhi Family Courtyard at eight o'clock, but Wei Xun got up early.

It was drizzling outside again. After a brief breakfast, Wei Xun saw that no one was in the backyard, so he went directly to the front yard.

Sure enough, almost everyone gathered in front of the wooden door of the courtyard.

"Director Cui, you are here."

Yu Hehui was also standing there. He was the first to notice Wei Xun's arrival and said hello.

"looking at what?"

"The Nezha New Year pictures are still blocking the door."

Zhou Xiyang replied seriously, after a night's rest, his mental state improved a lot. At this moment, Zhou Xiyang frowned and smiled helplessly.

"Don't let us out."

This was the first time he had seen this kind of thing blocked by a neutral city spirit that he was not supposed to have any contact with in so many years of travel!

This Nezha really holds a grudge!

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