Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 167 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (12)

[Absolutely, damn, how come this is completely different from what I thought! 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room completely exploded! The screen in the entire live broadcast room went dark, all the lanterns were extinguished, and the audience felt like they were on a roller coaster. It is still floating in the sky and has not landed.

[Can you still play like this? Can you still play like this? ! 】

[Director Cui: Hey, just for fun! 】

[No, have you seen those two giant monsters? Oh my god, the leader of our brigade said this is a heaven-level monster! real or fake? ! 】

[It’s absolutely true, let alone your group leader, Zhou Xiyang and the others have completely given up! 】

[Laughing, are we tourists going to be doomed? In front of the same heaven-level monster, the former three brigade commanders and deputy commanders are still no match for the little tour guide who has not even passed the team leader assessment. 】

[Anyone who stirs up trouble during the confrontation mission must die immediately]

[Little tour guide? Look at Director Cui and say another small word? Paper man, you big mouth! 】

[…I will no longer think that our team’s tour guide is a bad guy or a bitch. He can actually face a heaven-level monster and pass the team leader assessment! 】

[Damn it, normal team leader assessments don’t ‘face’ heaven-level monsters, okay! If you have to face it head-on, you can survive without a tour guide! 】

The barrage posted by tour guides can be seen at a glance, but many tour guides don’t like to post barrages in the live broadcast room, and prefer to discuss in small alliance groups. At this time, various tour guide groups were also in a panic.

Originally, these tour guides who were free to chat still watched the live broadcast from a bird's eye view. Even though Xuan Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant were rising star tour guides in the East and West Districts, they also accepted confrontation missions. However, it was completely impossible to gain sovereignty during an extremely dangerous journey. They could only It is really shameful to seek protection from passengers and then listen to them.

Now it's like being slapped in the face.

[Why, this journey has never been like this? Why didn't the heaven-level monster kill Bing250 and the devil merchant? ! 】

[Because these are heaven-level monsters in the leader mission, they have accepted the leader's assessment tendency but have not yet confirmed it, so the monsters cannot attack them]

[Learned, learned! I'll do the same thing next time! 】

[Shit, are you going to kill yourself? You see clearly, they are two tour guides. They summoned two monsters at the same time to restrain each other and block each other's positions. Do you understand? 】

[You summon two monsters at the same time by yourself to have a look, and it is also fun for everyone to see how you die. 】

[It’s so funny that you can summon two monsters by yourself. You have to be able to do it. You can find me two team leader assessment tendencies on the first day and try them]

[Furthermore, you said that you passed the team leader assessment in extreme danger? ah? Do you dare to pass the team leader assessment in extreme danger? 】

[If it weren’t for the extremely dangerous team leader assessment, how could a heaven-level monster appear! 】

This is a miracle that cannot be replicated at all. The highest level a normal tour guide can get after passing the team leader assessment is full silver star. Under normal circumstances, the highest level of this level is only a dangerous journey. What's more, tour guides will definitely complete the team leader assessment tasks during low-level journeys.

In this case, the monster that comes out of the leader's assessment cannot be a heaven-level monster that can crush everything.

[The hotel wouldn’t have such an obvious loophole. These two monsters can't attack the tour guide, so wouldn't they be led by the tour guide to sweep away the scenic spots? 】

[Laughing to death, yes, you can’t attack, it will only cause mental pollution]

【How dare you play like this? Who dares to play like this! 】

What tour guides fear most is mental pollution!

In fact, it is impossible for most tour guides to find out the complete team leader assessment tendency in advance, and most of them are randomly assigned by the examiner two days later. Most of them don't know the reason, it's just that the alliance teaches them to do this, thinking it's a rule.

The real reason is that if you get the team leader's assessment tendency in advance, you will face the monster directly and be mentally contaminated!

Monsters will not take action, but mental pollution is the most deadly! If the SAN value returns to zero and the SAN props are not returned, it will be a death.

[Come on, the only person who can receive the team leader assessment task is a peak silver-level tour guide. How can it be possible to accumulate a large amount of SAN items! 】

[Damn, I laughed so hard, this Bing250 and the Devil Merchant are not even at the peak of the Silver level. 】

[ # Silver-level tour guide # , have you started rolling? Are all silver-level tour guides like this? 】

[It’s so outrageous! 】

[After such a long period of mental pollution, even the special passengers can no longer do it. Why haven’t they gone crazy yet? I can't stand it anymore, I want to report the cheater! 】

"Hey, my SAN value is almost exhausted."

Seeing that the entire Leigu Alley had been wiped out by Qianjia Paper, the Devil Merchant stopped working. With the cover of his cloak, he knocked down another bottle of soul stabilizer.

Among various alienated states, the alienation of demons and ghosts are two extremes. Demons are powerful and invincible in terms of physical strength, but they are most susceptible to mental pollution and lose SAN the most. But ghosts are the most resistant to resistance. They are special in themselves, souls that can survive for thousands of years and reach the pinnacle of spiritual development.

The demon merchant is a complete ghost state alienated, and the alienated form is the rare ghost archduke. Losing the SAN itself is slow. In addition, it is shared by the ghost monarch in the magic mirror, and it can also quietly spread mental pollution to the souls of those who do business with him.

To sum it up, when the Devil Merchant hits a full set of punches, the SAN drop speed is more than ten times slower than that of an ordinary tour guide. Coupled with various SAN recovery props, his SAN value is as strong as a tortoise.

But even so, the devil merchant couldn't stand it! Too terrible, the mental pollution brought by Qianjiazhi and Mr. Peeling was too terrifying.

If it was a normal silver-level tour guide, he would probably be completely alienated and lose his mind in a few seconds!

"You can't do it in just five minutes?"

Wei Xun looked at him in surprise.

What do you mean you can't do it in just five minutes? A real man can't say no!

"... I've been holding on for long enough."

The devil merchant said a little aggrievedly: "Only I can do this with you. Others may lose their SAN value in less than half a minute!"

And Xiao Cui is a demon-like alienation, so she should react more!

But why can't the devil merchant see any trace of alienation on her? !

"Haven't you collected enough?"

The reason why the devil merchant finally agreed this time was because Xiao Cui proposed that if the dream chaser and the black widow were forced to come, they would have no countermeasures at all!

Although it seems strange to talk about countermeasures before they come, the devil merchant, who is suspicious and likes to plan ahead, agrees.

The guardian connects them, more like a consciousness falling beside them, can point out problems and impart experience. But the hostel also has many ways to restrict the guardian, it is impossible to let the guardian always follow the tour guide to teach.

In the view of the hostel, the guardian should be a "master" for reflection and review, rather than a plug-in when in real danger. In order to prevent the tour guide from becoming dependent, when the mental pollution is too strong, the guardian's consciousness will be disconnected.

Wei Xun came up with a crooked trick. What mental pollution is stronger than Qianjia Paper and Mr. Skinning?

The sweep of Leigu Hutong was actually just a side job. They took these two monsters away mainly to collect the pulp dropped by Qianjia Paper and the pus and blood of the skinning butcher. These are good materials that can bring strong mental pollution.

The devil merchant also collected a lot, but touching these items itself is a strong mental pollution. He had a strong willpower, and finally successfully collected a small bottle of pus and blood.

Xiao Cui should have collected less, after all, Qianjiazhi was stronger than Mr. Skinning.

"It's not as good as I expected, but it's barely enough."

Wei Xun touched his storage ring. At this moment, the 50-square-meter space was divided into three parts. The first part, which was the largest, was filled with Qianjiazhi's pulp, the second part was less, and was the pus and blood of the skinning butcher, and the third part was the least, which was some pulp stained red with pus and blood.

Overall, the entire 50-square-meter space was less than half filled, which was actually not in line with Wei Xun's expectations.

But it's time to stop while you're ahead. It's almost midnight, and the guardian should connect them.

"Let them fight?"

"Fight, otherwise it's not easy for us to end it."

The devil merchant's voice suddenly lowered, and he whispered with fear: "As you expected, 'it' has also come out."

In the deep night, a short red figure blocked the road in front of them.

It looked like a blood-red meat ball, a circle larger than the head. Eight arms grew on the meatball like a deformity, and were covered with thick gray-black paste.

The appearance of Qianjiazhi and the skinning butcher, and the unusual movement in the Zhijia compound, finally attracted the spirit in the eight-armed Nezha city.

"I feel that he has also been contaminated in some way... eh?"

Wei Xun was still delaying time to observe the 'Nezha spirit', but the next moment his expression changed slightly, and he became vigorous and resolute.

"Be careful, go back to the courtyard directly."

The moment the voice fell, Wei Xun lit the phoenix feather and threw it directly behind him! Qianjiazhi then pounced backwards, but was blocked by Mr. Skinning who was right behind him. Qianjiazhi's pounce hit the skinning butcher's blood hook, and the two immediately entangled and fought together, and blood plasma and paper scraps flew across and fell like rain.

Wei Xun's figure swept across the battlefield like the wind, taking over the fallen phoenix feathers, and the devil merchant followed closely behind him. He didn't dare to collect them for his own death. A great sense of crisis came, this is the horror of death!

The devil merchant completely covered his face with a hood and a cloak to completely hide his body, and he and Wei Xun ran back to the courtyard in a hurry. Just as they closed the gate, they seemed to hear an angry and majestic child's voice in a trance.

‘Get out of my city! ’


In an instant, the sky shook, the thick clouds tore apart, and there was a terrifying blood-red color running through the north and south in the sky, just like the legendary Hun Tian Ling. But no one dared to look up at this moment, because the whole courtyard was in danger of collapse! Wei Xun made a quick decision to block the weapons of the Black and White Impermanence behind the door, which at least stabilized the courtyard.

After the roar, Qianjiazhi and Mr. Peeler disappeared.

"Is Nezha so powerful?"

Even Wei Xun was surprised and became serious: "It seems that this extremely dangerous journey should not be underestimated-"

"Bullshit, Nezha should not have come out on this journey!"

Zhou Xiyang was a little upset. He had always been gentle and soft-spoken to Wei Xun, but now he was like a raging bull.

"He is the spirit in this city! Originally, at most, we only had items like Nezha's New Year paintings. A trace of Nezha's breath on them could already open the ghost gate or suppress Granny Zhi!"

In the end, they even got Nezha's real body out!

And he was angry!

This is really out of the ordinary!

Wei Xun sighed: "There are endless surprises and excitement. This is the journey."

"It's great that you are all alive. I think I had to have fun when I was in the beautiful Xiangxi."

Making a journey to 30 degrees north latitude is still fun? !

"Oh my gosh, my head hurts so much."

The half-life Taoist murmured feebly: "Look, I'm going to die."

"Devil Merchant, please remove their mental pollution first."

Wei Xun said: "I have something urgent to deal with."

Just now, Wei Xun originally wanted to observe Nezha again, but he suddenly changed his mind precisely because he received an application for the "Ideological and Moral Course" from a person.

Wei Xun sensed it for a moment and discovered that the applicant turned out to be Taoist Feng. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that Taoist Feng was actually dying!

Taoist Feng must not die! Wei Xun's success tonight was all due to his purified magic honey. Before setting off, Wei Xun concentrated ten pounds of purified magic honey into one pound and made it into sugar balls. The effect was great. Unfortunately, it was consumed too quickly. Wei Xun only finished a third of it that night.

Xiaocui only produced twenty kilograms of purified magic honey in total!

Wei Wei Xun’s purified magic honey reserve is dangerous!

Thinking of this, Wei Xun quickened his pace back to the room.

Nothing can happen to Taoist Feng!

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