Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 166 Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace (11)

Before Wei Xun and the devil merchant started causing trouble, there were discordant notes among the group of experienced tourists visiting Leigu Hutong.

Yun Lianghan ‘disappeared’.

"I messaged you forty-five minutes ago."

Zhou Xiyang and Mei Keer said goodbye to Taoist Half-Life and continued to experience the project to collect clues and props. When it was almost half past ten, Zhou Xiyang suddenly withdrew and walked forward with Mekel until he found Yun Tianhe who was preaching to ghosts alone at a 'Overpass Fortune Telling' stall.

Listening to his kind and compassionate words, such as "Believe in the shepherd and you will have eternal life," Mekel was speechless and shook his beard. But Zhou Xiyang looked next to Yun Tianhe.

There is no Yun Lianghan.

"It's more efficient to work separately, that's what Liang Han said."

Yun Tianhe smiled and shook his phone with a strange look in his eyes: "I thought you would go find him after receiving the news."

"They must be given time to discuss and hesitate."

Zhou Xiyang said casually: "Besides, maybe he will come back to find you. If there is no suspicion of guilt, give him another chance."

Before setting off, he approached Yun Tianhe. After discussion and exchange, Yun Tianhe promised to send a message to Zhou Xiyang immediately when Yun Lianghan left him.

The price is that as long as Yun Tianhe does not move during this journey, Zhou Xiyang and others cannot attack him without reason, and they cannot prevent him from approaching Bing250.

"This night trip to Leigu Hutong was too relaxing, and it really made some people have other ideas."

Zhou Xiyang raised the corners of his mouth and smiled a little coldly.

"It doesn't even get past midnight."

Mei Keer meowed: "With the guardian in place, it will be difficult to attack Director Cui. However, Director Cui is followed by Yu Hehui. Yun Lianghan was almost attacked and killed by Yu Hehui before. I think he should be more cautious."

"Maybe he saw something strange happening on the werewolf side of the West District, so he took advantage of troubled waters and followed them."

Zhou Xiyang glanced at Mekel and opened his hand. In his hand was a little wolf transformed from a hair.

News delivered on October 10th.

Three werewolves gathered together and were intercepted by her at the entrance of Leigu Alley.

Zhou Xiyang immediately closed his eyes and took a moment to sense.

Previously, Zhou Xiyang left a pinch of special sunflower pollen on Yun Lianghan. Later he gave Wei Xun a sunset warm stone.

Sunset warm stones and special sunflowers were both cultivated by Zhou Xiyang. Sunflowers face the sun, and this pollen also has the same characteristics. Zhou Xiyang could tell from the state of the pollen whether Yun Lianghan had sneakily approached Bing250 with just a few moments of sensing.

It's just that the induction is only done once, because Yun Lianghan is likely to find sunflower pollen. After all, his title is biased towards shadows, and he is more sensitive to things that focus on light.

He sensed that Yun Lianghan touched the vicinity of Bing250.

Yun Lianghan and the three werewolves had already lurked behind Bing250.

It was a rare free time now. Tour guides and tourists were separated. Zhou Xiyang and the others were afraid that if they got close to the tour guide, they would attract ghosts to them, so they were not near Bing250.

"They're all together, just in time."

Zhou Xiyang nodded slightly and flexed his muscles: "It's time for me to clean up the restless elements in the brigade."

"Hey, you are deliberately fishing for law enforcement."

Meikeer meowed: "Aren't you afraid of losing Director Cui?"

"He'll be fine."

Zhou Xiyang took out a red peaked cap and put it on his head. The words "Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace Tour Team" and "Brigade Captain: Zhou Xiyang" are embroidered in black letters on this hat.

This red peaked cap is glowing slightly at this moment!

As the brigade captain, Zhou Xiyang can sanction and punish passengers in the brigade when he discovers that they have committed "illegal crimes" or "unfair intentions", and the hotel will also provide assistance!

He did it on purpose this time, deliberately staying so far away from Bing250, and deliberately not letting people stare at Yun Lianghan and the others, just to fish for law enforcement.

"I am getting older, and my strength is not as good as before."

Zhou Xiyang wore his peaked cap backwards and smiled wildly. He turned the orange-red pistol several times between his fingers and clicked the safety.

"Without the assistance of the hotel... it would not be easy to kill four of them."

Ever since they learned that Bing 250 was the only contact tour guide on the way home, and that it was An Xuefeng's contact tour guide, the four people who wanted to kill Bing 250 and seize the token of 30 degrees north latitude were put on Zhou Xiyang's death list.

Bing250 must not die. Kill them so that there will be no worries!

He did not block the live broadcast. Zhou Xiyang knew that countless people outside were paying attention to this journey.

This killing was also for those people to see, to kill chickens to scare monkeys and to knock mountains to scare tigers!

"Okay, it sounds like you can do it alone, we will also help, okay?"

Mekel complained: "Even if Half-Life is a little weak in strength, the red stiffness is strong enough that it will have no problem entangling someone."


Zhou Xiyang nodded slightly and looked at Yun Tianhe: "You also come with us."

He will not stay behind if there is any instability.

Yuntianhe did not refuse, and the three of them carried red lanterns and walked towards the exit of Leigu Hutong.

"Actually, Yun Lianghan is right. We are indeed more accustomed to acting alone."

Halfway through, Yuntianhe smiled.

Yun Lianghan is used to acting alone, and so is Yun Tianhe. The tourists trained by tour guide alliances like them, whether they hide their identity or not at all, have a different aura from other tourists in their bones.

Especially Yuntianhe, he is so pious that he almost has the words "I came from the Shepherd Alliance" printed on his face. He has no hidden travelers at all, and he is considered an outlier. What's more, he is of mixed Chinese and Western descent, and his title is also biased toward the West, so he will definitely be rejected.

"But Yun Lianghan and I are different."

Yun Tianhe said with admiration: "I really admire Director Bing. I have seen his first journey... He is a genius, he is the real shepherd."

"Give the passengers experience, guide them to unite, and let them all survive without giving them excessive pampering. Strict yet compassionate, crazy yet irrational, this is the shepherd."

"Pig-raising flow... I don't like this word. Many tour guides in the east and west districts talk about raising pigs, but what they do is kill pigs. They are just a different kind of butcher."

Yun Tianhe's tone became more and more enthusiastic: "Dream Chaser's methods are too gentle, Life-seeker's methods are too violent, Puppet Master... tsk."

"Only Director Cui is the real shepherd!"

"How dare you say that."

Mekel asked back: "You are so optimistic about Director Cui, why don't you kill Yun Lianghan? He has no good intentions."

"Don't you think this journey is too peaceful?"

Yun Tianhe asked back: "It's too peaceful. It doesn't look like a group led by Director Cui, but more like a group led by Dream Chaser."

"Yun Lianghan...their blood should bring something different."

There was morbid madness hidden in Yun Tianhe's gentle smile.

“A shepherd should be able to control his flock at all times.”

A shepherd who can be gored to death by his sheep is not really a shepherd.

"You're such a madman."

Mekel's cat ears flew up. At this moment, Zhou Xiyang at the front suddenly accelerated.

Under night, at the entrance of Leigu Alley, on October 10th, I faced off against two huge werewolves.

The one in front has rough skin and thick flesh, bulging muscles, and red hair like steel needles, making him look like an invincible warrior. The one at the back is slightly thinner and very fast, like an assassin in the dark.

They had just fought. On October 10th, she held a scabbard in her left hand and a scarlet oil-paper umbrella in her right hand. The red lantern was pinned to her waist, and the faint firelight reflected her elegant outfit.

"October 10th, did you misunderstand something?"

Mia did not turn into a werewolf. She held three red lanterns in her arms and was protected behind her. She said to October 10th in a good voice:

"We just want to see the devil businessman, not against Director Cui."

"I stopped you only because of the danger ahead."

October 10 said coldly.

"You are the first to attack us on October 10th."

Augustus bared his fangs, and there was a hint of cunning in the Emerald Wolf's eyes: "Even if the hotel decides, I won't favor you!"

"October 10th, I believe you have good intentions."

Mia followed suit and said gently: "If you don't let us pass, at least tell us about the danger ahead."


October 10th said slowly, glanced at the red lantern in Mia's arms, and sneered coldly:

"The danger is that if you try to get over, the red lanterns in your hands may be extinguished."

She opened the scarlet oil-paper umbrella and placed it on her shoulders. The pale bones of the umbrella were actually made of long bones, which looked weird and terrifying.

This is a naked threat!

There were all veteran travelers present, and they all understood what the other person meant. Every word is full of profound meaning and is an invisible confrontation.

"Instead of trying to stop us, let's look behind us."

Olena, the white werewolf who had been silent all this time, spoke in a joking tone: "A shadow rat has already gotten careful to bite off Director Cui's head."

"I don't know if rats can eat people, but my red zombie loves wolves the most."

Two lanterns came closer in the darkness, and they turned out to be Taoist Ban Ming and Bai Xiaotian. I only heard a cold snort from the half-life Taoist, and the red head roared fiercely, and the evil energy was overflowing, which actually made the light of the lantern dim. Dots of phosphorus fire flashed in the surrounding darkness, and it was a ghost with malicious intentions watching in the dark.

If the lanterns go out, the ghosts in Leigu Alley may riot!


In the courtyard house in the alley, the old wooden door was opened a crack, and the door panel saw "money is coming". The door couplet of "The World is Peaceful" turned into strange black and white, and the billowing mist overflowed outwards, and two tall and thin people seemed to be outlined in the hazy place. figure.

Infinite Heavenly Lord, this Hongzhi cannot be used!

Taoist Ban Ming's cheeks twitched and he winked at October 10th. Now that most of the candles are burned, the light of the lantern is dim, and it can no longer bear the evil aura of redness. If the lanterns and candles are extinguished. It caused a riot by ghosts and angered the seventh and eighth masters, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Yaoshou, why haven’t Zhou Xiyang and the others arrived yet? Did Yun Lianghan really cooperate with the people from the West District and get around Bing250? Not even stopping October 10th?

Crazy, crazy, is this really fishing? No way, no way, this fishing is too ruthless!

"You all saw it."

But on the surface, the half-life Taoist put on an unpredictable posture and said in a deep voice: "Back off, if you want to go forward again, I will put out your lanterns."

The current situation is three against four. The werewolf side is special level one, second level and third level respectively, as is the half-life Taoist. But his hands were red and stiff and he couldn't use it, and his strength was greatly reduced. And the werewolf also had Yun Lianghan, whose whereabouts were unknown. It was said that he had sneaked into Bing250's side.

The situation is not optimistic!


The situation is still in their favour!

Augustus winked, he must not wait for Zhou Xiyang and the others to arrive! Although he was afraid of the scarlet zombie, he was also sure that the half-life Taoist would not dare to extinguish the lantern. Because not only their lanterns were dimmed just now, but also the lanterns of October 10th were dimmed.

It's a move that's equivalent to dying together. Anyone with any brains knows that a half-life Taoist would never do it!


Without further hesitation, the wolf roars, which is a signal to attack! Augustus' muscles tensed up and he was about to kill him, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a panic in his heart, as if something extremely dangerous had happened.


Mia screamed behind him, and Augustus turned around subconsciously. He was shocked to find that all the lanterns in her arms were extinguished!

Not only in her arms, but also in the hands of Taoist Ban Ming and Bai Xiaotian, the lanterns tied to the waist of October 10 were all extinguished.

"Half life——!!"

Horror and rage made Augustus' hair all redder. This half-life was actually so insane!

In order to stop them, all the lanterns were extinguished!

"not me!"

The half-life Taoist was stunned, and when he heard Augustus roaring, he subconsciously retorted. But my heart was in confusion, my God, why did all these lanterns suddenly go out without any warning?

Hongzhi was also obedient, not rioting at all.

This is terrible!


'he he he he he--'

Ghosts cry and laugh. In the suddenly dark Leigu Alley, without the suppression of lanterns, all the ghosts revive and riot! When Taoist Banming saw the owner of the paper-making shop, it stared at Taoist Banming with hatred and mockery, and led the paper people in the paper-making shop to attack him fiercely without hesitation.

The faces of the people in Ban Ming Dao turned green. The owner of the paper-making shop was a three-star super ghost, and those paper figures were also one- and two-star special. They were extremely dangerous after the riot, not to mention that there were other more powerful old ghosts who were killed alive. Attracted by the breath, they are gradually waking up!

"Go back to the courtyard quickly!"

Taoist Ban Ming's voice changed, and he grabbed Bai Xiaotian and ran back. But he didn't pull it.

"Xiao Tian?!"

Bai Xiaotian stared closely at the entrance of Leigu Hutong, with a hint of astonishment in his eyes. On October 10th, he also looked over there, and the scarlet oil-paper umbrella in his hand actually trembled slightly.

"Seize the opportunity!"

Augustus roared at this moment, and the red hair on his body turned silvery white like the moonlight in the wolf howl. It's the werewolf howling at the moon, attracting the moonlight. Even if the night sky is obscured by thick clouds, the moonlight still appears on the wolf's fur! Under the moonlight, the several ghosts around him actually calmed down, as if they were enjoying the moonlight.

"Follow me!"

Augustus took the opportunity to rush out, but Mia and Orion were a little slower. Fortunately, they were slow, because in the next second, an orange-red bullet shimmered in the setting sun, wrapped in scorching heat, and hit Augustus' head like a falling sun!

There were still traces of red light in the darkness, and the ghosts that came into contact let out shrill and painful wails. When the smoke cleared, half of the werewolf's head was sunken and covered with scorch marks, but he was not dead. The collapsed head quickly recovered, making a rattling sound.

Zhou Xiyang said sternly: "Augustus, go back, or I will kill you."

"Zhou Tuan!"

Half-life Taoist aimed at this gap, dragged Bai Xiaotian and ran over as if he were meeting his relatives. When he saw that Zhou Xiyang and the others did not have lanterns in their hands, he cried out without tears:

"It's really not me who turned off the light!"

"You block it."

Zhou Xiyang couldn't help but grabbed Taoist Bansheng and pulled him back.

"Block, block what?"

The half-life Taoist spun half a circle like a top, then stumbled and was held up by Hong Zhan before he could stand still. He subconsciously glanced behind him, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"Dang rang - dang rang -"

It was the harsh sound of chains dragging on the ground.


It is the penetrating sound of the mourning stick shaking.

They saw two tall and thin figures, one black and one white, whose faces were unclear, shrouded in the fog-like thick Yin Qi, walking slowly towards them.

The riot in Leigu Hutong shocked Black and White!

This Leigu Hutong is probably connected to the underworld, and this courtyard is a residence of Black and White in the human world, precisely to suppress this place!

The black and white impermanence is coming fiercely, probably not only to suppress the ghosts, but also to capture the criminals who caused the riots in Leigu Alley! If the ghost doesn't listen to reason, he will lock your soul and interrogate it for a few days and nights, and he will naturally know the truth.

But these passengers are not normal people. Who knows what consequences the soul locking will cause!

"It's a mess, it's a complete mess..."

Taoist Ban Ming had no idea how the situation had reached this point. Seeing the black and white impermanence getting closer and closer, he took out a token from the yellow cloth bag with trembling hands, bit the tip of his tongue cruelly, and sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist. Ming Taoist's face was also a little pale and gray.

But the broken token in his hand shone with light, it was the character 'Mao' in seal script!

The golden light shone, and even the half-life Taoist's face became a little more condescending and majestic:

"This is the God's response to the True Lord's order, and it is as if the True Lord is coming in person. The God is responding to the True Lord's orders, and he has retreated from the situation!"

Shenying Zhenjun, whose full name is "Xia Mao Di Xian Zhi Zhen San Guan Baosheng Miao Hui Shen Bless Shenying Zhenjun", is the founder of the Maoshan Sect and the third of the three Mao Zhenjuns. He has the ability to control hundreds of ghosts and suppress Yin. The duty of the palace gate is exactly right at this moment!

Although the black and white impermanence in front of him is not the real person, it should be just a ray of consciousness, but this kind of evil is impossible to kill and can only be suppressed with duties. As soon as San Maojun's token came out, Black and White Wuchang's steps suddenly stopped. However, they did not retreat, but just hesitated.

After all, this is only half a token, and Lord Sanmao is an earthly immortal, not as good as Lord Damao, who comes in and out of Taiwei, is in charge of Taiji, Dongyue in general, and Si Mingsilu.

It can make Black and White Impermanence hesitate, but it can't make them retreat. It just delays time!

I originally planned least wait until the funeral to use this token.

The half-life Taoist vomited out another mouthful of blood, feeling a little dazed.

This is only the first night!

When he offered his token to stop the black and white impermanence, Zhou Xiyang strode forward with an extremely solemn expression. Chaos, the entire Leigu Alley was in complete chaos. From the moment the lanterns were extinguished, everything was completely out of control.

He has to protect Bing250!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

The six bullets shot into the sky and earth in all directions with the afterglow of the setting sun, reflecting a bright surrounding, as if it was not night, but just dusk as the sun set in the west. The rioting ghosts howled in the place shrouded by the setting sun, unwilling to escape underground.

It's not yet late at night, the sun is still setting, and no ghosts can come out!


A bullet landed right in front of Augustus, a warning. The situation has changed, now is not the time for civil war!


Augustus stood in front of Orion and Mia, a ruthless light flashed in the wolf's eyes, but when he saw the black and white 'Eastern Death' came out, he understood that the opportunity had been lost, he was unwilling and angry, smashed the ground with his claws, and shouted loudly Roaring: "Zhou Xiyang, half-life Taoist must be severely punished!"

If he hadn't extinguished the lantern frantically, how could it have caused such chaos!

It really wasn’t me!

Taoist Ban Ming almost vomited blood, but Zhou Xiyang didn't care what Augustus said, he rushed to the front, eager to protect Bing 250.

At this moment, a broken shadow rushed toward him.

"Get away!"

Zhou Xiyang punched Yun Lianghan out of the shadows without mercy.

"Where's Director Cui?!"

He picked up Yun Lianghan's collar. There was no announcement from the hotel. The pioneer of the 30th North Latitude was not dead, so Yun Lianghan should not have succeeded. Zhou Xiyang was relieved for the time being.


This Yun Lianghan was covered in blood, messy and trembling! His eyes were full of extreme panic, and shadows emerged uncontrollably from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. This was a sign that his mind was completely out of control. But in such a chaotic and terrible situation, he still spoke uncontrollably:


C250 is dangerous!

Zhou Xiyang's heart was shocked, and he didn't care about killing Yun Lianghan. Zhou Xiyang opened his mouth and stuffed a sunset stone in, sealing his shadow, then threw Yun Lianghan back and rushed out in a hurry.

"Wait a moment!"

But this time, it was October 10th that stopped him!

"October, get out of the way!"

Zhou Xiyang was so anxious that he almost took action against October 10: "Bing 250 is in danger!"

"It's not that he is in danger..."

October 10th murmured, and Zhou Xiyang could not hear it clearly amidst the noise of howling ghosts and wolves.

But he didn’t have to listen clearly.

Because at the next moment, an indescribable, huge shadow shrouded down.

Like extinguishing a cigarette butt, it extinguished the sunset light reflected by Zhou Xiyang's six bullets in an understatement.

In an instant, Leigu Alley was filled with deathly silence. All the howling ghosts seemed to have disappeared, and there was no more sound.

"Also - not - fire - ah -"

A terrifying, huge black shadow shrouded him, and the other party's voice was harsh and distorted, like scraping pieces of paper, with a hint of regret.

"Is there still fire-"

In the darkness, only a pair of huge, black and white, slightly curved paper eyes could be seen. An eye is as big as a car window. In front of it, all passengers are as small as ants. They were frightened and shocked. They raised their heads, their minds went blank, and they were completely confused.

It glanced at all the passengers, its eyes passing over the darkened lanterns.

The fire of the lantern is also what it consumes and extinguishes.

"Is there still fire-"

It rumbled and asked again, but the passengers could not understand the words of the giant paper man. They could only hear a numbing, almost crazy noise, and countless bizarre and twisted patterns and colors appeared in front of their eyes, which was mental pollution. !


The half-life Taoist vomited blood again, and the token in his hand completely dimmed. But Black and White Wuchang did not continue to move forward. They also stood there as if stunned.

"day by day……"

This is a heaven-level monster!

Rolling his eyes, the half-life Taoist trembled and fainted on the ground. The only one with the least mental pollution at the scene was probably Hongzhi. It carried the half-life Taoist in one hand and Bai Xiaotian in the other, and rushed back to the courtyard without running away.


At the entrance of the courtyard, he collided with a huge red wolf. The red wolf was shivering all over, its fur was messy, its eyes were dull, and it was foaming at the mouth. He reluctantly carried Mia and Orion on his back, and the moment he entered the courtyard He collapsed, trembling and gasping for air.

Having just had a brief relief from the Devil Merchant before, Augustus could hold on for a little longer, but now he couldn't hold on at all.

"This, this is..."

His speech was slurred, he was epileptic, and his eyes were full of fear.

The courtyard was close to the entrance of Leigu Hutong, and through the crack in the door, he could still see the terrifying, huge paper man.

What a monster this is!

"Heaven, a heaven-level monster——"

Zhou Xiyang bit the tip of his tongue, his heart beating like a drum, his eyes were filled with mottled colors like a kaleidoscope, and his ears were buzzing like thunder. The afterglow of the setting sun shrouded his body, allowing him to barely resist the mental pollution.

Heaven-level monsters are terrifying monsters that exceed the special level and are comparable to peak travelers!

When Yu Hehui was at his peak, he was a five-star star in the sky!

Why does it appear here? Why... He wants to save Bing250, Bing250 is still alive!

He had to get him back!

Trembling, Zhou Xiyang took a step, his heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of his chest, and he couldn't breathe. A terrifying sense of crisis and a crazy gaze fell from above.

Zhou Xiyang raised his head tremblingly uncontrollably.

He met the eyes of the giant paper man.

"Do you have a light--"

It stared at the afterglow of the setting sun around Zhou Xiyang, its eyes full of salivation.

But Zhou Xiyang couldn't understand the paper man's words, and only felt a terrifying mental shock that made him almost crazy.

"Hey, is it Zhou Tuan?"

Dimly, Zhou Xiyang seemed to hear Bing250's voice.

"Why is Captain Zhou blocking the road? This is too dangerous, tsk."

Bing 250's voice was full of energy and didn't feel weak at all. Just some surprise and human concern.

"Come Qianjiazhi, I have a fire."

Bing250...Is everything okay?

Zhou Xiyang only heard these last words. When the huge mental pressure was removed from his body, he finally couldn't hold on any longer. His body swayed and he half-knelt on the ground.

Wei Xun nodded to October 10th and saw her leaving with Zhou Xiyang, Mei Keer and Yun Lianghan. Then he looked at Yuntianhe.

Yuntianhe was also bleeding from all his orifices and trembling all over, but he was actually full of admiration and a joyful smile. He shook his hands and took a photo of Wei Xun desperately, and then ran towards the courtyard without looking back.

"The passengers have all gone, it's finally safe."

Wei Xun breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment a giant pale paper face stood in front of him, with head-sized black eyes staring at him, scarlet lips grinning to the base of his ears, a terrifying smile.

"Fire - paper - wants -"

But before the giant paper man could finish his words, a huge hook mark was suddenly printed on its entire huge body made of paper, in the direction of Wei Xun.

"It's not - skin -"

A violent and rough voice echoed in the dark sky, behind the giant paper man.

"I want - skin -"

"Zi la!"

There was a heart-wrenching sizzling sound, and the paper man's body opened open, but quickly closed it again. Only a streak of scarlet blood spread rapidly from the mark. The giant paper man no longer looked at Wei Xun. It turned its head back, stared at the blood mark on itself, and touched it.

It's wet.

"Wet—the paper—"

Qianjiazhi was furious and his voice was as shrill as a wail.

"Light it up - light it up -!"

"They're so noisy that my SAN is about to lose all of it again!"

The devil merchant's complaints came from behind.

"Have all the passengers gone back?"

"They all went back."

Wei Xun said: "Not even one."

When the furious Qian Jiazhi tried to turn around and fight with Mr. Peeling, Wei Xun lit Feng Yu on fire in time. Qianjiazhi, who was immediately attracted by this flame, turned around and rushed towards Wei Xun. Wei Xun immediately extinguished his feathers and walked forward. After the flames disappeared, Qianjiazhi seemed to have lost his goal, but with a hint of instinct, he followed Wei Xun and started walking forward.

"Aren't you afraid?"

The devil merchant came around and looked at the terrifying giant paper man with fear.

After getting Mr. Skinner's tendency, the Devil Merchant can also see these terrifying monsters. When I thought about the giant paper man standing outside the window on the minibus that day, and his guide flag poking the paper man in the eye, the devil businessman went crazy.

"I'm quite afraid that the passenger will die unexpectedly. That would be such a loss."

Wei Xun told the truth and reflected on himself: "I didn't expect Qianjia Paper to suck all the fire out of the lantern."

Fortunately, Qianjiazhi and Peeling Butcher also suppressed all the ghosts in Leigu Hutong, even the black and white impermanence.

"I didn't expect that this Leigu Alley is the intersection between the underworld and the world, allowing both Qianjiazhi and Mr. Peeling to appear."

It stands to reason that special travelers like Zhou Xiyang and others would not be able to see Qianjiazhi and the others because they are not strong enough.

The only ones that can be intimidated are travelers with sealed powers like Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Shucheng, but Wei Xun and Guilu are spiritually connected, and Wei Xun can recover from being mentally contaminated by the two of them.

The other travelers who came in with their sealing power had their own ideas. It would be better if they were shocked to avoid acting like monsters later.

This is a good plan, killing many birds with one stone. The only thing Wei Xun didn't expect was the specialness of Leigu Hutong.

"I will be careful next time."

Wei Xun made the knot.

'careful? ’

Yu Hehui said quietly that he had now turned into a fox cub, curling up in Wei Xun's cloak, venting his anger and grievance on Wei Xun's cloak, biting and whining accusations.

‘You said you were just summoned to have a look! ’

‘It’s rare to call him out once, so you can make the best use of everything. ’

"I'm not saying this is scary."

The devil businessman was speechless.

"Anyway, we haven't confirmed the direction of the team leader's assessment, not to mention, they also have demands from us."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Then why should I be afraid?"

"You're so - ugh!"

The devil businessman was completely convinced, not only by Wei Xun's courage, but also by his extraordinary thinking.

"It's incredible that you can think of such a method."

The Devil Merchant glanced at Qianjia Paper and Mr. Peeling who were "queuing up" and praised again: "How did you come up with the idea?"

Wei Xun seemed to be telling the truth: "Mr. Skinner is coveting your skin. If you walk in front, of course it will follow."

At this moment, Wei Xun was walking in front holding a phoenix feather, and the devil merchant stood side by side with him. Qian Jiazhi was attracted and followed closely behind Wei Xun. Mr. Peeling was blocked by Qianjia Paper and walked last.

This optimal queuing order was finally stabilized after they circled the outside several times.

"Come on, I just went to the back and the skinner butcher didn't look at me."

The devil businessman retorted jokingly.

"That may be because Qianjiazhi is a giant paper man. Just looking at the back, it looks like a giant human skin."

Wei Xun shrugged his shoulders, not telling the truth anyway.

The truth is, he is still holding a shadow puppet donkey in his hand.

Incomplete assessments tend to be completed, such as the golden boy and the beautiful girl trying to be together, or Mr. Skinner looking for his lost skin.

Wei Xun's confidence lies in the fact that he knew that after burning Qianjia Paper, what he got instead was "Qianjia Paper's appreciation". Therefore, Wei Xun boldly speculated that Qianjiazhi's most urgent request might be to let him burn it with Phoenix Fire, instead of eating Wei Xun or killing Wei Xun.

Of course, if Qianjiazhi is integrated into the team leader assessment, then the needs may change and it will no longer be so simple.

But now, as long as Wei Xun's SAN value does not return to zero and Qianjiazhi's eyes do not become red, it will be 'easy to get along with'.

Qianjiazhi is a monster that has been tested by a complete leader, and the Skinned Butcher is a monster that has been tested by an incomplete leader. Comparing the strength of the two, Qianjiazhi is better than the Skinned Butcher.

Therefore, Mr. Peeling cannot cross Qianjia Paper and will be blocked by it. No matter how brutal and terrifying Mr. Peeling is, he can't get past thousands of people.

Instead, Qianjia Paper became Wei Xun's protective wall.

"I want 90%."

Wei Xun stretched out his hand to the devil merchant. The devil merchant had just slipped around behind him and must have picked up something.

"I risk being skinned by Mr. Skinner. I'm seven and you're three."

At this moment, the devil merchant did not say anything that he would not be skinned.

The two bargained for a while, and finally reached a score of six to four, Wei Xun six, and the Devil Merchant four.

"These are all old ghosts!"

The devil merchant readily took out a crystal bottle and poured more than half of one of the gray 'liquids' into Wei Xun.

"All the ghosts in Leigu Alley were frightened by them."

Then he took out a storage bracelet and threw it directly to Wei Xun.

"All their goods fell on the floor!"

The devil merchant is in high spirits, with his eyes scanning all directions like an eagle, as if he has entered a free supermarket and is going for a ‘big purchase’

"Don't worry, there are more ahead."

While speaking, Wei Xun kept controlling his speed and led the giant paper man forward. Its body is so huge that it directly occupies the entire alley. No ghost will be spared when it sweeps through.

Wei Xunteng didn't take action, and the devil merchants were like hard-working bees picking up things everywhere. The devils, little devils, old devils, and the items they sold were all spared.

Suddenly, with sharp eyes, Wei Xun saw a black chain and a white mourning stick on the ground. When the devil merchant wasn't paying attention, he quietly collected it himself.

This is a black and white mourning stick and a soul hook!

When Wei Xun was putting away these two items, in a large mansion not far from Leigu Hutong, a paper man floated up and poked his head around, as if he wanted to see what was going on here.


Wei Xun immediately noticed it keenly. He lit the phoenix feather and threw it out. There was a crashing sound, and the Qianjia paper behind him rushed out like a dog. Seeing that there was a paper man in front of Feng Yu flying towards, Qianjiazhi thought it was trying to steal the fire, so he immediately became furious and swallowed it in one gulp.

Got killed instantly.

The experienced travelers who were holding open the door of the courtyard and peeking out shuddered and felt cold breath on their necks.

I feel like I am the monkey who killed the chicken to scare the monkey.

Have you ever seen the monster at midnight?

That day, the experienced travelers suddenly remembered that when they first went on a supernatural journey, they faced the fear of the ghost.

"Are all team leader assessments so scary?"

Zhou Xiyang woke up, but his energy was sluggish. He looked at Wei Xun in front of the giant paper man with a drooped face and worry. I want to take him back quickly, it's too dangerous there. He also felt that if he rushed out, he would be the one who would be in danger, and his whole body would be in bad shape.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, how can there be such a team leader assessment!"

The half-life Taoist gasped miserably, his eyes dull: "This, this is the original monster that has not been integrated into the attraction!"

"It's terrible. This, this, they've raided the entire Leigu Alley, meow."

All six of Mekel's tails were frightened out, and they were pitifully surrounding him, like a big cat ball.

"I should have known. Damn it, our Leigu Hutong scenic spot mission is totally useless."

As soon as he said this, all the experienced passengers were at a loss.

Yes, why do they spend so much time buying things and playing games?

“It’s not just Leigu Hutong.”

Mia, the little female wolf, was also mentally disturbed, and every few words she said would be accompanied by a wolf's whimper.

"The Eastern God of Death... will definitely prevent Granny Zhi from carrying out her funeral during the rest of the journey."

"But Director Cui took the Eastern Death God's weapon, which will definitely affect the journey to the rear. That's why the paper figures in the Zhi Family Courtyard floated up to see, and the result..."

As a result, he was instantly killed by the giant paper man.

The passengers looked over silently and saw the giant paper man returning to Wei Xun's side. Without Wei Xun's hand, Feng Yu also extinguished. Qianjia paper cannot be burned no matter what.

It spit out the phoenix feather to Wei Xun like a dog retrieving a ball.


It buzzed and roared, and the next moment it was like rain, with a large number of items falling in front of Wei Xun.


Wei Xun was surprised that Qianjiazhi was so smart that he could actually see that they were picking up things dropped on the street. Qianjiazhi simply wiped out the entire Leigu Alley. Pick up everything to please him. Not only that, among the pile of things, Wei Xun also saw a miserable paper figure that had been torn into pieces.

It was the one who was instantly killed by Qianjiazhi.

"Oh, this paper is torn."

Wei Xun pretended to be ignorant and kicked the paper ball as if it were rubbish without even touching it, directly to the entrance of the courtyard.

If this involves the second attraction and he touches it as a tour guide, he may have to repair it and send it back, and he cannot disclose it to tourists. After all, it’s about ‘maintaining scenic spots’.

But after passengers pick it up, they will not be restricted. Because the hotel judged that this was obtained under extremely dangerous circumstances (facing Qianjia Paper and Mr. Peeling), which was very reasonable.

Zhou Xiyang shook his hands and picked up the tattered paper with Wei Xun's shoe prints on it.

[You discovered the great housekeeper of Zhijia Courtyard! 】

For a moment, Zhou Xiyang was silent.

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